English For Information Technology 3
English For Information Technology 3
English For Information Technology 3
This edition of English for Information Technology 3 has been completely updated. It
provides students with the up-to-date knowledge, necessary skills as well as useful tips
about how write a curriculum vitae and cover letter, how to develop email writing and
technical writing as well as how to sharpen presentation skills and interviewing skills.
This book best serves third-year and last-year students in acquiring essential knowledge
and skills and preparing them for internship and jobs application after graduation.
In the process of compiling the book, there will be inevitable shortcomings. We look
forward to receiving comments and feedbacks from colleagues.
Table of Contents
References....................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 1: Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)
After completing this chapter, students will get to know the basic components and the
importance of a CV and learn how to utilize the components to write a complete CV.
Moreover, this chapter provides them with useful tips for having an impressive CV.
Lesson 1: Introduction and structure of a CV
Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss these questions.
Have you prepared a CV for a job interview?
Do you think when a CV should be used ?
Pair work Work in pairs and fill in the blanks with words in the box below:
1. The personal details that people generally reveal on their CVs fall into two categories:
Lesson‘s content:
1. What is a personal profile statement?
A personal profile statement is a vital part of your CV and it is a short statement outlining
your personal characteristics. It tells the reader what kind of a person you are, the
attributes and qualities that you possess and the experience you have.
Lesson 4: How to write your Education and Trainingon a CV
Lesson‘s content:
The summary of your educational background and training is one of the most important
parts of your CV. It informs the reader, in brief, the education and training you have
received to date, starting from the most recent.
Once you have done that you simply add a single line stating:
1983 – 1995 Various jobs Engineering and Retail (sectors)
Discussion Work in pair and discuss this question:
What to do if you have no work experience?
If you‘ve got absolutely no work experience then we recommend you to do some
voluntary work before you apply for paid-jobs. This will save you a lot of time and effort
in the long-run.
It is your achievements that matter the most as opposed to responsibilities, and here is
why: anybody can be assigned responsibilities – even the good delivery boy from around
the corner – but how many individuals can actually say that they have
accomplished significant achievements in their lives or careers?
Not many. So you should!
Lesson‘s Content:
A very important section of your CV should be your skills section. The skills section of
your CV should briefly state your abilities, key attributes and key achievements.
It is also sometimes referred to as the ―Skills and Achievements‖ section.
Little ford et al. In their book Career Skills (2004, pg.14/15) state under ―other interests‖:
―You should include hobbies and other interests, especially if they involve social and
community activities. These activities are important – cover membership of societies,
sports clubs/teams, etc. All these activities and the extent of your involvement give the
recruiter clues about the real you and your interests.‖
Lying: Having seen a TV program once (when you were twelve!) doesn‘t count as a
hobby. You will be asked and scrutinized about your hobbies and interests at the
interview stage. Save yourself the embarrassment and do not lie about your hobbies.
Weird interests: witchcraft and frog dissections should not be hobbies for anyone let
alone mentioning it on your CV! Yes, believe it or not, people have actually used these
hobbies‘ on their CVs…
Ask yourself: how do these interests add value to my application? Try to highlight your
ability to interact, help and/or communicate with others.
It has become a common practice amongst jobseekers to include two references on their
CVs. In fact, some Career Experts have gone so far to declare that references on a CV
are a must!
With all due respect to the other Career Experts, I am afraid that we have to disagree with
them on this particular matter. References on a CV are not a necessity.
Yes, it is true that having references on your CV can have some advantages. But (and this
is a very big but) the disadvantages are far greater than its advantages.
References at this early stage of the application process are irrelevant
It takes up valuable space which can be used for other more useful things
It could raise more questions if you cannot include your current/previous Employer
References can be provided upon request, hence; ‗Available upon request.‘
It can take up a lot of time to find references, ask their personal details and ask for their
permission to use their details on your CV, etc.
Following on from this, we strongly advice against putting references on CVs when:
The applicant needs more space to include all their information, omitting the references
can free up valuable space to put in the information
You‘ve been fired, dismissed, or made redundant by your most recent employer
You do not have two very good references (who are eloquent, well-spoken and
If you do not fall under any of the above mentioned categories, there is nothing wrong
with including your references on your CV and is, in fact, a probably good idea to do so.
Write a complete CV to apply for a job (It can be software engineer, Software Tester,
Team Leader…) to a software company.
Practice: Write down your References on your CV
Chapter 2: How to write a Cover letter
In this chapter, students will be provided with basic concept, structure, rules and tips of
writing an outstanding cover letter and its importance in job application.
Lesson 1: What is a Cover Letter?
Lesson‘s content:
1. What is a cover letter?
A cover letter (also known as a covering letter) is a short introduction letter
accompanying your CV. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce you as a viable
candidate for the job position on offer.
Cover letters do not have a specific format but the following shows a cover letter of a
standard format:
the subject?
How does this change my
What sort of questions
will They ask me? What are
the answers?
What aspects will they be
interested in?
4. What are the main points I 1, 2, 3; first, second, third;
want to make? point a, point b, point c
5. What do I want the We must invite them:
audience to do after listening
to my presentation? To accept my findings
To join the club
To give me a job
- What time of day is it? What day is it? Will the audience be more or less receptive when
How long?
- In relation to what the audience knows or time constraints, what can I eliminate if
- Am I dressed appropriately? Shoes polished? Are my hands and fingernails clean?
A good technique is to try to get your audience involved in your talk either by
asking direct or rhetorical questions. Ask for a show of hands for example, in response to
a question or, present information in such a way that the audience can identify with it.
You can give an anecdote, unusual or surprising facts, or an illustration from real life
could be employed here.
b. Greet audience.
Sometimes, especially when invited to speak, the host introduces the guest, gives
the same information as above and then gives the floor to the guest speaker.
I am very pleased and proud to introduce …who is…. He/she is known for…
Now I'll turn the floor over to today's speaker. (To take the floor, to have the floor,
to give the floor to someone.)
Cultural aspects may be important here; scientists want to demonstrate their work
and findings while managers and humanities people want to share ideas and reflections
with their audience. It may be the result of a desire to persuade and convince. It may be
comparison of two or more products, plans or proposals.
Have you set any limits on the scope of your talk? What won't you speak about?
It may be very useful to eliminate certain areas before you start so as to avoid confusion
or deviation from your main task. It also protects you from criticism later for not covering
certain aspects or issues.
Have you estimated the time it will take? It is useful to give the listeners some idea
of how long you will speak so as to maintain their attention better.
I will not speak about...
I have limited my speech to
My talk will last about 15 minutes
I will speak for 15 minutes.
You may want to give acknowledgements here too. If you have been sponsored,
supported or encouraged by a particular firm, organization, professor, etc. you may want
to recognize their contribution. Your research and paper may have been the work of a
collaborative effort and you should acknowledge this too giving the names of all the
At some point you should ask a question or somehow try to determine the attitude
and knowledge of the audience. How do they feel about the subject? You will then have
to modify the contents, as you never know exactly what to expect.
Have you ever heard of...?
You may already know…
I feel sure that some of you…
Every day you encounter...
To get the audience's attention and perhaps to find out where they are you could
introduce the subject by saying:
Have you ever heard of/seen X?
You've probably seen countless times...
You may have wondered...
Once you have established your specific objectives you may go on to formulate your
f. Announce your outline.
You want to keep the outline simple so 2 or 3 main points are usually enough.
Concerning grammar the headings of the outline should be of the same grammatical form.
If you are giving a technical presentation a glossary might be useful and avoid
unnecessary interruptions. Always explain abbreviations and say acronyms giving
their full name when you first mention them and be especially careful with the
2. The middle or the body
a. Content.
What information should you give in your speech? All your information should
support your purpose. In most cases you will have to limit the content, as time is usually
b. Quantity
How much information should you give? Enough to clearly develop your ideas.
Don‘t forget to illustrate through examples.
Listing information
Lists are often a necessary evil. Vary your language whenever possible and avoid
reading directly.
There are three things we have to consider: one, two, and three
A, B, C.
Now let us look at the first aspect which is...
First of all…
In the first place…
Outlining options.
If there are alternative ways of looking at a topic or proposal, outline them to show
you are familiar with the different ways of dealing with a situation.
There seem to be two possible ways of dealing with this...
We've looked at this from the point of view of the manufacturer but what about if
we were to...
A number of options present themselves at this point....
If what you are dealing with demands a comparison of strengths and weaknesses indicate
clearly the different aspects and underline the points you feel are important or secondary.
What exactly are the benefits?
On the plus side we can add...
This is not the only weakness of the plan...
We cannot ignore the problems that such an action would create...
We do not need to concern ourselves with…
Of lesser interest are…
The end of a talk should never come as a surprise to an audience; it needs special
a. Content
The end or the conclusion of your talk should include four parts: a brief reminder
of what you tried to show in your speech and how you tried to do so, a short conclusion,
thanks to the audience for listening, and an invitation to ask questions, make comments or
open a discussion.
At the end you should briefly summarize your speech in a few lines to make sure
the audience has retained the main points. Alternatives are: to state the point of the
speech; give the essential message to retain; list the main points and what you want the
audience to remember; review informally or indirectly by using a quote, a comparison or
Then you should give some kind of conclusion. That is to say you should give a
message that logically comes out of the ideas developed in your speech. This could be a
commentary, the lessons learned, some recommendations, or the next steps. You could
also make a call to action; the audience should have to do something.
Finally, ask for questions and comments or invite a discussion. If you choose the
former, you put yourself in a superior position compared to the audience and should be
considered as an expert. You will need to be very prepared intellectually and
psychologically to transfer control to the audience and be able to answer any questions.
However, in the case of the latter, you put yourself more or less on equal terms with the
audience and do not have to be the expert with all the answers! The audience may have
some clear ideas or some practical knowledge about the subject themselves!
Naturally you need to signpost the end of your talk. This may take the form of a
recapitulation of the main points.
I'd like to summarize/sum up
At this stage I would like to run through/over the main points...
So, as we have seen today....
As I have tried to explain this morning BT finds itself in....
Or there may be recommendations or proposals that you wish to make;
As a result we suggest that…
In the light of what we have seen today I suggest that...
My first proposal is...
Above all when you conclude do not do it abruptly or as if surprised to get to the
end of your talk.
In conclusion I would like to say that...
My final comments concern...
I would like to finish by reminding everyone that...
You may at this point wish to distribute a vocabulary list or more detailed
information that you wish to make available.
I've prepared a slim folder of the proposals...
In the sheets that are now being distributed you will find a breakdown of the...
And finally you may well have to deal with questions.
I'd be happy to answer any questions....
If there are any questions please feel free to ask.
Thank you very much for your attention and if there are any suggestions or
* In answering:
- Delay the answer (ask for time and/or repeat the question)
- Just a minute please. What is a...?
- How can I put it?
- I'm glad you asked that question.
- That's a good question/point/remark.
- Can I answer that question later?
- Admit that you are not responsible.
- I saw that in the work of…
- I agree but give an alternative point of view
- I agree with you but there is another way of looking at it.
To give a successful presentation and at the same time a good image of yourself or
your firm, careful preparation and organization are required. You need to take into
consideration who you are speaking to, when, where, and why, as all of these details will
have an impact on your structure and content. A well-structured speech with a step-by-
step approach is one that is easy to follow. Besides structure, it is also necessary to be
relatively repetitive. A good 'rule' is announce what you are going to say, say it and
finally, say what you've said.
Be careful with the figures. Pronunciation (proper names, cognates, and numbers)
and presentation are important, practice beforehand! This is equally important for the key
words of your presentation. It is particularly annoying for the audience to hear the same
word mispronounced repeatedly.
It is often a good idea to give out a paper copy, called a handout, an outline, a glossary of
key words, sources, any other visuals you plan to use, so people can take them away, not
waste time in taking notes on key concepts.
5. Vocabulary of graphs/chart
verbal form
(E.g. statistics)
onts: Ariel, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Futura, Optima, Verdana, New Century,
Schoolbook and Courier. Some companies impose a particular style.
- maybe 20 or more depending on the size of the room you will be speaking
in. A good idea is to use different sizes for different types of text: i.e. 20 for main
headings, 16 for subheadings, 14 for other text.
bold face, italics, underlining, reverse(white on black) or
shading to highlight.
(unless you are just showing text).
9. How many?
One every two minutes is sufficient. To show too many slides is worse than none at all.
General and miscellaneous tips.
It is important to prepare your audience for what they are going to see. This keeps
the audience on their toes and gives you the opportunity to position your visual correctly.
Let's look at the current distribution of the market, as you can see...
I'm going to show you now the most recent figures available...
My next slide concerns the method by which...
Remember to draw the attention of the audience to the points that you wish to
highlight but avoid redundancy by describing everything that is in the visual!
As you can see....
The first line of figures is the most revealing...
Notice/observe how the increase has had an effect on the...
What is important here is the way that...
You can also try to rephrase your point to give it emphasis, giving the audience
time to absorb the information.
In other words the number of employees has a direct effect on the...
Or to look at it in another way every time you...
That is to say no matter what technique is used, the results remain
Lesson 4: Creating interest and establishing a relationship
with the audience
Do not assume the audience will be interested in what you have to say. Even if
they are, minds wander and get distracted. From the very beginning you need to create
interest and continue doing so throughout your speech. You need to put everything on
your side to promote knowledge acquisition. In informing an audience you have to adjust
to what people think, to constraints, maintain a dialogue (and not a monologue) and use
attractive supporting materials.
How can you do this?
Arouse listeners' interest from the beginning. In the introduction show how your
subject or what you are going to say affects or may affect their lives. In other
words, make it personal.
Other techniques are:
o Give an unusual fact or statistic.
o Use words like you, we, us, ours.
o Illustrate with a real life story or anecdote.
o Ask the audience to do something. "Raise your hands if you know."
o Ask the audience direct or rhetorical questions. (See below)
Other tips:
o Be brief and clear in giving the subject and purpose.
o The speaker‘s attitude is important - knowledge, personality, openness. Be
lively and enthusiastic.
o Use a variety of media sources.
1. Rhetorical questions
We experimented with the concept over a period of three years.
We did see a noticeable difference.
What I'd like to show today is the difference between the two products.
Good it may be, easy it isn't.
2. Why is it useful?
It is a natural part of communication:
To clarify meaning; it is very visual
To vent nervousness
To maintain interest
To emphasize and regulate
Below are just a few examples of both positive and negative body language:
1. What is pronunciation?
There are two important aspects of pronunciation of individual words, word stress
and the individual sounds themselves called "phonemes". A suggestion: make sure you
know how to correctly pronounce at least the key technical words or words that you
repeat over and over again in your speech.
Linking - (as in French) between a consonant and the following vowel and
grouping words into thought groups - needs to be practiced. In the area of pronunciation,
the basic problems of French speakers are:
Word and sentence stress - not all syllables in a word or in a sentence are stressed
In unstressed syllables the vowel often becomes shorter (schwa: e.g. man in
Long English sounds are much longer than corresponding French sounds and the
short sounds of English are shorter than French short sounds.
The voice is used to indicate meaning, and intonation is higher or more glided in
2. Voice
The voice, or more precisely the qualities of the voice, should be used to its/their fullest.
Qualities include loudness, speed (fast or slow), variety, pitch (high or low), silent
moments or pauses. The voice is important:
These groups represent many readers. It helps to write for a single, typical member of a
group. A list of characteristics (experience, training, education, etc.) of that reader can also
help determine how to present the information.
3. Determine the Level of Detail
The objective and the intended audience also dictate the level of detail required.
This defines the scope of the document, what supporting information to include, what
research is required, and what subject matter experts must contribute.
Determining what to leave out is as important as deciding what to include. Lay
readers should not be overwhelmed by detailed research findings; rather, these should be
clearly cited and summarized. Include charts and graphs if they support the objectives.
Although you may have acquired a great deal of useful data in preparation to write the
document, discard data that does not directly apply to the audience and purpose of the
What information logically supports the key points in the document? Does it
enhance the presentation, not detract from it?
Is it necessary for the audience‘s understanding of the topic?
Rule: Only include data that supports the information you want to present.
Make sure your letters and emails express your or your company‘s position
without criticizing or offending the recipient. The correspondence should stay within the
bounds of the topic, the area of requested feedback, and the Company‘s policies.
Instead of ―After reading this material, the board will determine appropriate
Use ―After reading this material, the board can determine appropriate actions…‖
In addition, minimize the use of gerunds (verbs ending in ―ing‖). These tend to be
b. Simple Sentences
In addition to clearly stating who does what, active voice helps you write simple,
declarative sentences. You can improve many complicated sentences by splitting
them into two simpler sentences, each expressing a clear idea. Read your document
and see whether you can clarify the information by breaking up convoluted sentences.
For example:
Instead of ―Generate realistic and timely cost estimates to minimize disruption of
construction activities, because funding availability may be a limiting factor.‖
Use ―Develop realistic cost estimates and construction timelines at the start of
each activity. Funds for overruns may not be available.‖
c. Gender Neutrality
No personal pronoun in English refers to both sexes. The he/she alternative is
awkward. When discussing general categories of people, try to rewrite the sentence in
the plural to avoid the issue of gender.
For example:
Instead of ―A programmer would see the flaw in this logic. He would correct it
Use ―Programmers would see the flaw in this logic. They would correct it
Use gender-neutral nouns and pronouns, such as chair instead of chairman, and
their, they, or them rather than he, she, her, or him.
e. Lists
Lists can save readers time by allowing them to see specific items, questions, or
directions at a glance. They also allow key ideas to stand out from the surrounding text.
Bulleted lists present a series of like items. Numeric lists denote sequential items or
items ranked in importance. Numbers also help readers refer to particular items, and are
thus useful when you wish to present strategies or choices that readers may want to
Items in all lists should have parallel structure. Don‘t mix items that are actions
and start with a verb with items that are results and start with a noun. If one list item is a
complete sentence, all should be. Conversely, all items should be phrases if one is a
phrase. Sentences should have periods at the end; phrases should not. If the list has
multiple levels, each level should contain items that are alike in function. When indenting
in a list, each level should have at least two items.
A list catches one‘s eye because of the layout, but too many lists can overwhelm
readers, causing them to not know where to focus their attention. Use lists judiciously to
emphasize and clarify.
f. Sidebars
Sidebars are useful for drawing attention. They are usually brief—
used to from one sentence to a paragraph in length—set off with a box or
shading. You can use sidebars in a variety of situations. They may
to a contain a summary of key information that you want everyone to read,
specific point or a supporting fact that you want to emphasize. Sidebars are often used
in the text. to help readers scan for points of interest that they might otherwise
miss. Sidebars should be used sparingly, and they must relate to the text on the page on
which they appear.
Number figures and tables in sequence. If your pagination is sequential through the
text, such as pages 1 to 204, number figures and tables sequentially. For example, if there
are 83 figures, label them Figure 1 through Figure 83. If there are 18 tables, label them
Table 1 through Table 18.
If the text is numbered by section (pages 1-1 to 1-34, pages 2-1 to 2-75, etc.),
number figures and tables with the section number first, followed by the number of the
figure. Thus, 10 figures in Section 4 of a document should be numbered Figure 4.1
through Figure 4.10. Five tables in the same section would be numbered Table 4.1
through Table 4.5.
Tables should have meaningful row and column labels. If you use an abbreviation,
explain its meaning in a footnote. For example, the general reader may not know what
―Per‖ or ―Amt‖ are in a column head unless these are properly defined in a footnote, a
key, or in the text of the report that describes the table.
h. Cross-references
When referring to chapters or sections that appear elsewhere in the document, use
a cross-reference to guide the reader to the location. Cross-references help the
reader know when more information about a topic is available. Use cross-references
throughout the text to refer to information that also relates to the current discussion. A
common format is (See <chapter>, <section>).
j. Redundancy
Avoid using the same words twice in a sentence.
For example:
Instead of ―Other significant features of the program include expense reporting,
detailed payroll capture, time management modules, and benefit features.‖
Use ―Other significant features of the program include:
expense reporting
detailed payroll capture
time management modules
benefit itemization
tax itemization‖
Instead of ―Regulatory agencies have begun to regulate all corporate tax
requirements and payments.‖
Use ―Regulatory agencies are monitoring all corporate tax requirements and
k. Final Edit
To ensure a professional submission, leave time for a final review of your
document. In addition to the standard spelling and grammar checks, your final check
should include a review of key terms and acronyms to make sure they are spelled out and
defined when they first appear. Check that appropriate information appears on the cover,
including authors, date, and volume number if appropriate. Make sure that the page
numbers and section numbers for cross-references and entries in the table of contents and
index are accurate, since these can change over the course of putting together the
Finally, include a signoff sheet for reviewer comments and the date these
comments are due. See the sample signoff sheet that appears with the checklist at the end
of this chapter.
3. A-Z Reference
The following is an alphabetical listing of common words or phrases and punctuation that
writers often misuse.
A or An
Use an in place of a when it precedes a vowel sound, not just a vowel. This confuses
people most often with acronyms and other abbreviations. Often, writers think it‘s wrong
to use ―an‖ in front of an abbreviation (like MRI) because ―an‖ only goes before vowels.
However, the sound determines which article to use. It‘s ―an MRI,‖ assuming you
pronounce it ―em are eye.‖
Affect versus Effect
Affect is usually a verb; effect is usually a noun. For example, ―The committee‘s decision
affects pending legislation. The effect of the decision is to delay these bills.‖ The adjective
for effect is effective, as in ―the committee‘s work is effective.‖ Effect as a verb
means ―to bring about‖ or ―to accomplish,‖ as in ―to effect a change.‖
Affect as a noun means the general emotional tone of a person. Affective as an adjective
means ―relating to or arousing an emotional reaction.‖ These terms are generally used in
psychological documents.
Alternate, Alternative
Alternate (as an adjective or verb) means to go back and forth between two things, as in
alternate Mondays (that is, every other Monday), or ―we alternate between meeting here
and in Sacramento.‖ Alternative means a different way of doing things. ―One alternative
is a dam, another is a series of levees.‖
Among versus Between
Follow this simple rule: Use between for two things, among for more than two.
And/or is sometimes necessary in legal documents, but just clutters other writing. One
word or the other is usually sufficient.
Assure, Ensure, Insure
Ensure means ―to make certain.‖ For example, ―the legislation ensures public access to
the coast.‖ This is generally the word you want in reports or business communications.
Insure is a specific word meaning to set aside resources in case of a loss: ―We insure our
car against accidents.‖ Assure means to provide verbal reassurance to someone. Never use
assure in the sense of ―Assure that the wording is correct‖; the correct word in this phrase
is ensure or make sure. You can only assure somebody that it‘s correct. To avoid
confusion, ―make sure‖ or ―be sure‖ are often good alternative phrases. To avoid
confusion, ―make sure‖ or ―be sure‖ are often good alternative phrases.
A colon marks a pause for explanation, expansion, enumeration, or elaboration.
Use a colon to introduce a list: item one, item two, and item three. Use it to provide
corroborating evidence for a statement that precedes the colon or to provide an example.
A dash is an informal way of marking a parenthetical statement—or a diversion
from the main thought—in the midst of a sentence. Avoid using dashes in formal writing;
use parentheses or restructure the sentence.
The word different is often redundant, as in several different options or many
different participants. Several options and many participants have the same meaning.
Every requires a singular verb and singular pronouns. Do not write ―Every one of
the papers have been graded‖; use ―Every one of the papers has been graded‖ or (better)
―Every paper has been graded.‖
The style rules for numbers can vary, but the most important thing is to remain
consistent throughout the document. Here are a few suggestions regarding using numbers
in text. Refer to The Chicago Manual of Style for situations not mentioned here.
Generally, spell out numbers less than 10; write numbers 10 or greater as figures.
This applies to both cardinal and ordinal (spell out first or fifth, but use 14th or 122nd))
Some exceptions to the general rule include:
Express time in figures: ―11:30 a.m.; 4:00 p.m.‖
Do not begin a sentence with a figure: either spell out the number (however
large), or rewrite the sentence so it does not begin with a number.
Very large numbers are expressed in figures followed by the word million,
billion, etc. For example: not 1,000,000,000, but 1 billion. This rule applies
to general text only. Scientific information or tables may require full
numeric expression.
Use figures for all percentages and decimals within a sentence. For
example: ―A score of 3 percent was reached an average of 3.5 times.‖
Use figures for physical quantities and measurements. For example: 6
meters; 3 cubic feet; 9 gallons.
Numbers applicable to the same category are treated alike within the
sentence. For example: ―Of the 25 books recommended, four of the
engineers could only find 7.‖ ―In the past four years, 22 reports were written
on the topic.‖ In the first example, books are one category, so both numbers
are written as figures.
Parentheses mark information that is not part of the main thought of a sentence or
paragraph, but provides relevant supplementary information. If the parenthetical remark
appears within a sentence, do not use a period within the parentheses, even if it is a
complete sentence. If the parenthetical remark stands alone and is a complete sentence,
place the period within the parentheses.
Avoid using per to mean according to. Use per to express mathematical
relationships, such as feet per second.
The semicolon provides a pause between two complete sentences when the second
sentence follows directly from the first. For example: ―The prevalent wind is from the
north; the high banks on the south are designed to allow for this.‖ Both the phrase before
the semicolon and the one following it must be complete sentences; the sentences must
directly relate to each other. In this way, the semicolon eliminates the use of conjunctive
phrases, such as thus, in addition to, and therefore.
Unique means ―one of a kind.‖ There are no degrees of uniqueness: something is
either unique or it isn‘t. If you want a word that implies degrees, use special or unusual.
4. Summary
Good writing is a combination of orderly ideas presented simply and the appropriate use
of words, phrases, and conventions. These include the use of lists, references, figures and
tables, and abbreviations. Overall, text should be in active voice, present tense, and use
short, declarative sentences. Check your writing to eliminate unnecessary words,
substitute simple words for overly complex ones, and ensure that you have used words
and phrases correctly. An editing checklist appears on the following page.
Checklist 3—Editing
of punctuation.
Figures and tables numbered correctly and appear in the correct location. Supporting documentation located to
Figures, tables, and appendices referred to accurately.
Bulleted and numbered lists have parallel construction and consistent punctuation.
Heading levels follow sequentially. If you create one subhead, you must have at least two. For example, don‘t
create heading 1.1.1 without a heading 1.1.2. If information for only one subhead exists, it should all appear
under the main heading, 1.1.
Pagination is correct (for example, if sections are numbered 1-x, 2-x, etc., each section starts on page x-1).
Attached sign-off sheet with comments and date that revisions are due.
Presented from:
Project Title:
Review Contents:
Due Date:
Lesson 4: Correspondence & Memoranda
Corporations and governmental organizations have standards for correspondence, email,
and some types of memoranda. In addition, there are often timing and content
requirements for quality records for companies that have a quality management system.
This lesson covers the appropriate format and content for:
Meeting agendas and minutes
A checklist appears at the end of the chapter, along with samples and templates.
1. Correspondence
In your role as a technical writer, you may need to respond in writing to other
companies, agencies, colleagues, management, or the public. In many cases, the
correspondence becomes part of the public record, so it is critical that written
communication be clear and accurate.
2. Email
Increasingly, email is becoming an important means of communication. Email
should adhere to the same standards that apply to correspondence. Whether within or
outside the company, email is part of the corporate or public record. It is often used in
court to substantiate events.
The ease and rapid-fire nature of email can lead to inappropriate content. This
section focuses on basic email etiquette, expectations as to content, and some tips on how
to maximize the benefits of email.
a.State the Subject Clearly
Use the email subject line to succinctly define what the email is about. For example:
Instead of Formatting issues
Use Suggestion about Word templates
Instead of Yesterday‘s meeting
Use ABC Features and Functions Meeting 10-11-02
Don‘t misuse email‘s reply feature (Re: xxx) to state the subject. If you‘ve moved on to a
new topic, enter a new subject line.
Clearly identify your audience and any action you expect from them. Send copies to those
who need to be informed but from whom no action is expected.
Agendas and minutes are before and after pictures of the same event. The
agenda documents who was invited and the meeting‘s intent, and the minutes document
who attended and what happened
a.Meeting Agendas
Distribute meeting agendas before the meeting. This lets the participants know
the purpose of the meeting, how long it may take, and whether they need to prepare
materials and/or information. Depending on the subject matter, an agenda can help even
an informal meeting be more productive.
The agenda should include the following:
Date, place, start time and, if possible, expected end time
List of participants
Issues to be discussed
Items to be presented
Include materials for review along with the agenda, or distribute them well
ahead of the meeting so people have time to review the material before they need to
This saves time and reduces the possibility of needing a follow-up meeting on the
same subject. The following is a sample agenda for an internal meeting of multiple
authors preparing a planning study:
Agenda: Authors Meeting to prepare for XXX Reference Manual
Name 2 Name
If you cannot attend, please notify <Name> by the end of day on June 15.
1. Introductions: 5 minutes
2. Review contribution assignments, file location, style guide, timelines: 15
3. Review data and source materials, identify gaps: 20 minutes
4. Determine strategy to obtain missing data: 15 minutes
5. Schedule next meeting: 5 minutes
b.Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes document what occurred at the meeting. They are not an
opportunity to present a position or to add new materials and comments.
The format should follow the agenda closely, including:
Date, time, and place of meeting
Names of those in attendance
Purpose of the meeting
Each issue addressed and highlights of the discussion
A notation of any materials handed out at the time
Outcome or decisions made (if an agreement was made to meet again, note
place and time of next meeting)
For most meetings, simply documenting the topics discussed and decisions
reached should be sufficient. The following is a sample of the meeting minutes that
corresponds to the above sample agenda:
Present: Name 1
Name 2 Name 3…
All authors met to determine the roles, responsibilities, and timeline for their contribution
to the XXX Planning Study. <Name> is managing this project. <Name> introduced the
contributors, and provided the URL for the Division style guide, as well as hard copy of
the Document Review Checklist.
1. All authors will complete the Checklist and attach it with their draft submissions.
2. All authors agreed to meet the attached schedule of deliverables.
3. The project editor, <Name>, will contact authors weekly to remind them of due dates.
5. We do not anticipate the need to meet again as a group until after delivery of the draft
<Name> will schedule the next meeting after consulting with all authors by email after
the draft report is complete.
4. Memoranda
There are many types of memos. The two described here are technical memos and
documenting memos. Both types are frequently used to track technical projects, especially
if an organization has quality assurance procedures in place.
a.Technical Memos
Technical memos are quality records used as part of engineering or planning and
design p r o c e d u r e s . Staff review and comment on the content and recommendations
made in a technical memo before the project teams or consultants can continue with their
These memos are used to evaluate issues and discuss problems, objectives, plan
selection, and design. Memos should be clear, to the point, and formal.
Technical memos should include the following:
Title: (Indicates the subject and type of technical memo.)
Prepared by: (Names the staff person or engineering or consulting firm.)
Date: (Displays current date and/or date of the review. For example, Submitted
May 10, 2004, Reviewed June 3, 2004.)
Summary: (Names the project, describes its purpose, and briefly states any
conclusions or recommendations made in the memo.)
Background: (Includes a short discussion of the project background and why this
issue has come about.)
Evaluation: (Discusses the issue in-depth, and evaluates the problem or situation
and its possible solutions. It also includes any questions for the participants to
Recommendations: (Provides detailed conclusions and recommended solutions to
the issue or problem.)
Clarity is extremely important in technical memos, so outline your thoughts before
presenting them. Use simple, straightforward language.
For example:
Instead of ―The purpose of this technical memorandum is to present the final
architectural design criteria at each water treatment plant. This refers basically to
the proposed ozone structures, liquid oxygen storage facilities, wash water
clarifications buildings, and new chemical facilities. This memorandum has been
finalized after receiving and incorporating review comments.‖
Problem: The statement fails to identify clearly which plants it is discussing. It
uses vague, wasted phrases and passive voice.
Use ―This final technical memorandum incorporates previous review comments
from the Oz Water District relative to the architectural design criteria for new
water treatment plants within the District. These criteria include:
Proposed ozone structures
Liquid oxygen storage facilities
Washwater clarifications buildings
New chemical facilities‖
An example of a technical memo and a template are included at the end of
this chapter.
b.Documenting Memos
Documenting memos put a variety of information in writing as a formal
record. Quality records for most corporate or governmental projects include a
documenting memo on problems and objectives, and a memo on project selection. Other
memos simply note delivery of a document or completion of a milestone. Each type of
memo contains different information.
5. Summary
Remember you represent your organization whenever you write as its employee. The
information you present must be factual, unbiased, and supported by accurate up-to-date
data. Whether dictated by statute, or required by a company policy, it is important to use
the correct format and flow of information as you write. This chapter only contains a few
examples. Become familiar with the requirements of each document type for your
organization. Use the checklists to help you organize the information into a clear, concise,
well-written document.
Sample letters and memos appear after the checklists, along with templates for technical
and documenting memos. The templates do not have headings or page numbers.
Checklist 4—Correspondence & Memoranda
Follows standard format (see sample, which follows this checklist)
Starts with introductory paragraph the clearly states the purpose of the letter
Provides logical, supporting paragraphs for the body of the letter
Summarizes key points in the final paragraph
Discusses only items within the jurisdiction of the organization
Refrains from personal opinions
Maintains professional tone throughout
Identifies topic of this email (not a previous one) in the Subject line
Keeps content short and to the point (one screen of information if possible)
Uses proper punctuation and grammar
Discusses only items within the jurisdiction of the organization
Refrains from personal opinions
Maintains professional tone throughout
Technical Memorandum
Final Technical Memorandum 3.14
Architectural Design Criteria
Prepared by: Lion, Tin Woodsman
Date: January 23, 2004
The purpose of this memo is to present the final architectural design for improvements to
the ozone structure and for the proposed public viewing corridor in the ozone generation
building of the Oz Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
Design consideration was given to the visual impact of the improvements on surrounding
neighborhoods. Exterior finishes will blend with the existing architecture to produce
visually pleasing process structures.
The District uses the Oz WTP for public tours. A viewing corridor for the general public
will be provided in the ozone generation building.
For the District‘s consideration:
Designate an area for tour vehicle loading and unloading to lower the impact on work
activities at the facility.
Advise us of special provisions for display cases and exhibits for the viewing corridor.
Have occupancy classifications for the viewing corridor reviewed by local building
department authorities during the construction document completion phase.
An initial meeting was held with District staff to review the architectural design criteria for
the Oz plant. District staff then visited existing ozone generation facilities to assist in
developing preferences for the design of the new facility. The ozonation improvements
technical memorandum review meeting minutes dated July 24, 2000 reflect staff
Page 2 Final Technical Memorandum 3.14
Architectural Design Criteria
This current work builds upon previous architectural studies completed for the Water Quality Regulation
Compliance Project. They formulated exterior treatments for new ozone and chemical facilities and
contributed to the development of floor plans for this ozone generation building.
Facilities designated as public access will be designed for accessibility as required by law. Other
facilities, such as the ozone contractor structures, will not be designed for public access. The basis for
not designing these areas for access is:
Interior Finishing
The District visited the Wicked Witch of the West WTP in West Oz and the Good Witch of the East WTP
in East OZ. District staff liked the concrete floors and painted walls and suspended acoustical ceilings
of the East WTP ozone facility. For Oz, we will paint the walls and ceilings, where appropriate.
Access Doors
District staff preferred the large steel doors with unequal leaves and removable transom panels. This has
the advantage of allowing the use of the smaller leaf for normal ingress and egress while the larger leaf is
available for moving large components into and out of the building.
Landscape design is not part of this scope of work. Additional landscaping will be designed and
constructed by the District as a separate project. To accommodate future design, exterior walk areas
should allow for later planting, empty PVC pipe sleeves should be provided under concrete for future
irrigation piping and control valve wiring, and one or more electrical conduits may need to be provided
for future irrigation controller use (120 volt power).
Page 3 Final Technical Memorandum 3.14
Architectural Design Criteria
We considered the visual impacts of Stage 2 improvements to the surrounding neighborhoods and
have designed the facilities. Exterior finishes will blend with existing architecture and produce visually
pleasing process structures. We will prepare photo-realistic graphics to show the views from the
neighbors’ perspective. Drawings of the proposed ozone facilities are attached to this memorandum.
Oz WTP will be primarily used by the District for tours. A viewing corridor for the general public will
be provided at the ozone generation building. The District should designate a public tour route for Oz,
indicating where tour vehicle loading and unloading will occur for coordination with the new facility
Other facilities, such as the ozone contractor structures, will not be designed for public access. We
recommend review of this basis for compatibility with District policies and the District’s
interpretations of its obligations under the current law.
The District should advise us if special provisions for displays and exhibits are desired for the viewing
Occupancy classifications and viewing corridor exiting should be reviewed with the
local building department authorities during the construction document completion phase.
<a, b, c, etc.>
Effective Date:
Technical Memorandum
(Name of Technical Memorandum)
Lesson 5: Reports & Studies
This chapter provides information about the structure of, the elements in, and the
flow of events involved in writing complex documents. It presents a guide for developing
an effective outline for communicating information. The chapter starts with general rules
for report content, with good and bad examples taken from sample reports. The chapter
concludes with a checklist that covers basic organizational principles.
This chapter covers:
Guidelines for reports
Rules for presenting content of various types
Rules for coherent flow of information
1. Report Guidelines
Reports vary in technical level, subject addressed, and purpose. The following
guidelines apply to report writing in general. Following these guidelines ensures that your
reports will be meaningful and effective.
b.Summary Paragraphs
Open each chapter with a summary paragraph. The summary paragraph provides
an overview of the chapter in much the same way the executive summary provides an
overview of the report as a whole. For example, look at the first paragraph of this chapter.
It explains the purpose of the chapter, what it contains, and where to find a quick
overview of the information.
The function of the summary paragraph is to let readers know whether to read this
chapter or not, and if they want to read it, where to find the information that interests
them. For example, management might only want to read the executive summary and the
summary paragraph of each chapter of a detailed report. From this reading, they should be
able to gather all the essential points of the document and find key supporting data,
without delving into the details of every topic.
A good summary uses present tense, active voice, and clearly states what is in
the section it summarizes.
An example follows.
Instead of ―In this section, the advantages of the alternative selected for
monitoring water quality in Oz are summarized. Discussion will include an
overview of the problem as we see it, all the suggested alternatives studied, the
research about each alternative, and how the conclusions and recommendations of
District staff were reached.‖
Problem: Vague and uninformative.
Rev 2.00, September 1, 2004
Introduction to Technical Writing
Use ―This section details the recommendations of the District staff for effective
monitoring of water quality in Oz. We present the problem statement first,
followed by our recommendation. The remainder of the section presents all
alternatives studied, and the methodology and supporting research used to form the
conclusions that led to these recommendations.‖
Solution: Informs the reader exactly what is included and the order of the
As with the executive summary, write the summary paragraph of the chapter
after the chapter is complete. Draw only on the contents of the chapter to create
the summary.
Conclusions are designed to tie together the main ideas of the document in light of
the document‘s objectives. Writers must draw their conclusions from the data and
analyses presented in the report. Conclusions build from the data presented; they do
not present new data or draw on other sources.
As part of the process of creating the document, you define its specific purpose.
The conclusions must be consistent with that purpose. They serve as the focal point of the
document, the goal toward which the report was created. For example, if the objective of
the report is to provide alternatives for water treatment plant processes to enhance water
quality, the conclusion must be a presentation of specific alternatives. It should not
discuss the aesthetic value of the design, the surrounding open space, or the plans of other
groups or organizations.
The following is an example of the conclusion from a Planning Study.
The stated purpose of the report is to provide a concise overview of the project and
alternatives to reduce flood damage potential. Even without reading the report, this
conclusion summarizes the findings and presents a clear alternative. It discusses only
those issues relevant to the problem, and presents a clear and concise conclusion, based
on the data and analyses presented in the report.
The existing flood-carrying capacity of Oz Creek is considerably less than the 1
percent design flow. The culverts at the road crossing and the Southern Pacific Railroad
represent a significant bottleneck in the existing channel system.
Because of the inadequate culverts and channels, Oz Creek has the potential to
flood over 1,600 existing structures to depths of up to 2 feet. The estimated flood damages
from a 1 percent flood are approximately $21 million. The proposed flood control project
would provide protection from the 1 percent flood, improve local drainage, and enable
the facility to be more effectively maintained. The project will cost about $10.9 million
and would be financed over eight years from existing revenue sources.
The only improvement to the above example might be some slight editing:The
existing flood-carrying capacity of Oz Creek is considerably less than the 1 percent
design flow. The culverts at the road crossing and the Southern Pacific Railroad
represent significant bottlenecks in the existing channel system. Because of inadequate
culverts and channels, Oz Creek has the potential to flood approximately 1,600 existing
structures to depths of up to 2 feet. The estimated flood damages from a 1 percent flood
are approximately $21 million. The proposed flood control project would provide the
following benefits:
Protect against the 1 percent flood
Improve local drainage
Enable efficient facility maintenance
The project cost is approximately $10.9 million, and can be financed
over eight years from existing revenue sources.
Note that the conclusion above is not a recommendation. However,
the information is presented in such a way that the benefits of the
proposed action are clear, and the recommendation that follows in
the report needs no further substantiation.
Writers often confuse conclusions and recommendations. Conclusions are the
synthesis of the data presented in the report. Recommendations are suggested actions
or policies based on the conclusions. Recommendations move a step beyond the
conclusion to recommend a specific choice or decision.
Recommendations should only appear if they are part of the scope of the
document and within the expertise of the author. Going beyond the scope, or making
unsolicited recommendations or recommendations that exceed the author‘s purview, are
activities that often have adverse consequences for the organization. This can be true
whether inappropriate recommendations appear in an email, letter, or formal report.
Before including recommendations in your writing, be sure that they are
warranted, solicited, and supported by data. For example, a feasibility study may include
conclusions drawn from the report as to whether various courses of action are feasible and
recommendations on which alternative to pursue. These recommendations should focus
on issues that have to do with quantifiable objectives from the scope of study, not on
ancillary issues such as perceived public opinion.
Instead of ―To ensure the efficient operation of the proposed flood control
measure and to continuously evaluate the need for removal of sediment, debris,
and vegetation, a maintenance program is necessary.‖
Problem: This recommendation is written in the passive voice, and doesn’t clearly
identify the project or specify the maintenance program.
Use ―Based on the history of flooding in Oz, East Oz, and West Oz, and the
detailed findings of this study, the District of Oz believes the Oz Creek study area
requires a maintenance program to eliminate hazardous conditions that contribute
to potential flooding. We recommend the following program (list details of
Solution: This recommendation clarifies the basic problem, identifies the specific
area of study, and sets the stage for the details of the maintenance plan.
Appendices contain materials that supplement or clarify the data presented in
the report. Although not a mandatory part of a report, an appendix can be useful for
explanations that are too long or complex to include as a footnote or endnote, but are
helpful for the reader seeking further assistance or a clarification of points made in the
report. A well-written report usually contains all the information required to present the
objective, how it was investigated, the conclusions, and if appropriate, recommendations.
Any detailed, lengthy supporting information belongs in an appendix. This keeps the
details from impeding the orderly presentation of ideas.
Appendices typically include background information or the complex history of a
project, passages from documents and laws that reinforce or illustrate the text, detailed
charts and tables, letters and other supporting documents, calculations, raw data, and case
histories. An appendix, however, is not a parking place for miscellaneous bits of
information you were not able to work into the text. Each entry in the appendix should
support the information in the text.
Generally, each appendix contains only one type of information. The contents
of each appendix should be identifiable without having the reader refer to the body of the
report. When a report contains multiple appendices, arrange them in the order to
which they are referred in the text. Each appendix starts on a new page and is identified
with a title describing its contents. An introductory paragraph describing the context of
the appendix is often helpful.
Headings in a document are like road signs on a highway. Select brief, descriptive
headings to help readers navigate easily through the document. Typically, headings
appear flush left, are a different font from text, and are larger and in bold face.
Appropriate headings help readers quickly scan through the document to find what they
need. However, headings are not arbitrary markers. They follow basic rules, including:
Headings follow standard rules for capitalization of titles.
At least one sentence of text should appear beneath the heading that describes what
the heading covers. For example, don‘t have a blank heading labeled Conclusions, then
immediately a subheading labeled Conclusion 1. Summarize what the conclusions contain
with at least one sentence of text, then present the individual conclusions under
Subheads must always be in groups of two or more. If you have no text for a
particular heading, or fewer than two subheadings, combine the information to eliminate
the need for headings for the topic. For example, in this chapter, 5.1 is a heading, and
5.1.1 through 5.1.8 are subheadings.
Do not indent headings for reports. Leaving them left justified makes them easy to
h.Reference Information
References to data are important in technical documents. However, writers should
only refer to information they have presented previously. Do not refer to a table that
appears in a following chapter. Present information in a logical sequence, so that the
supporting data appears with the discussion. You can then refer back to it, if
necessary, to reinforce a conclusion. Charts or graphics that explain text should appear
with the text on the same page or a facing page, if possible. Detailed tables and complex
technical information usually belong in an appendix. In this case, refer to the appendix
when you first define the information it supports and, as necessary, as you explore the
2. Summary
A clear and logical presentation of information is key to transferring knowledge to
the reader. Outlining the points in a logical sequence should be the first step in preparing
a report. The following pages provide a checklist.
Report Body
Written in present tense, active voice.
Each chapter begins with a summary paragraph that provides an overview of the
Content follows logical order: objective, methodology, data, analysis, conclusions,
and recommendations.
Supporting material is placed in appendices, not in the body of the report.
Data is referenced only after it has been presented.
Proper punctuation and grammar used throughout.
Brief, descriptive headings help readers navigate easily through the document.
Professional tone maintained throughout.
Built from the data presented.
Does not present new data or draw on other sources.
Presents opinions drawn from the analysis of the data so that the reader can
easily determine the best course of action.
Does not specifically recommend an action
Only appear if appropriate for this report.
Suggest a policy or course of action based on the
conclusions. Clearly summarize the conclusion on which it is
Appendix A. Glossary
This glossary serves as an example of terminology commonly used in water district
reports. It does not represent terms used in this document. It appears as a two-page
example of the format and level of information a glossary should provide.
Architectural Barriers Act
Articulated concrete mattress
Acre-foot (af)
A quantity of water that would cover one acre to a depth of one foot, equal to about
325,000 gallons of water.
Ad valorem tax
A tax based on property value.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Average daily traffic
The geologic process by which streambeds and flood plains are raised in elevation by the
deposition of material eroded and transported from other areas. The opposite of
Pertaining to material or processes associated with transportation and/or subaerial
deposition by concentrated running water.
Existing or background (e.g., ambient conditions). Commonly used to describe existing
air, soil, water, or habitat conditions in a given area. Any unconfined portion of the
atmosphere (i.e., outside).
Armoring (hydrology)
The application of various materials to protect stream banks from erosion.
The process of liquidating a debt by installment payments or payment in a sinking fund;
to prorate over a defined period at a specified interest rate.
A fish that migrates from salt water to spawn in freshwater, as salmon of the genera
Salmo and Oncorhynchus.
A body of rock that absorbs water slowly, but does not transmit it fast enough to supply a
well or spring.
A body of rock or formation that is sufficiently permeable to conduct groundwater and to
yield economically significant quantities of water to wells and springs.
A saturated but poorly permeable stratum that retards but does not prevent the flow of
water to or from an adjacent aquifer.
Articulated concrete blocks (ACB)
Small, interlocking, precast concrete blocks tied together in a mat with high strength
polyester cables. Used for erosion protection on creek banks and inverts. Available with
holes for vegetative growth and percolation through the blocks.
Attractive nuisance
Something that invites people into a dangerous situation.
A-weighted sound level (dBA)
A sound level to which the A-weighted scale has been applied. The A-weighted scale
approximates the frequency response of the human ear by weighting the frequency range
of 1,000 to 5,000 hertz more heavily than other frequencies. (Unweighted sound levels are
expressed in the unit dB.) It is possible to measure A-weighted sound levels using an
instrument with an ―A‖ filter.
Bank erosion
Removal of sediment and soil particles from a bank, primarily by running water. Climate,
ice, debris, chemical reactions, and changes in land and stream use may also contribute to
bank erosion.
Bank full discharge
A bank full discharge or channel-forming discharge is a single discharge equivalent in its
effect to the range of discharges that govern the shape and size of the channel.
Bank stabilization structure
Feature installed or constructed to reduce bank erosion.
A deposit of sediment (boulders, gravel, sand, and mud on the bed of a stream), typically
formed and modified at high flow and exposed at low water.
Document Title
Audience & Purpose
Clearly defines the individuals who should read this document.
Tells what the document will help the audience do.
Uses words readers can understand.
Follows standard format.
Starts with introductory paragraph that clearly states the purpose of the letter.
Provides logical, supporting paragraphs for the body of the letter.
Summarizes key points in the final paragraph.
Discusses only items within the jurisdiction of the organization.
Refrains from personal opinions.
Maintains professional tone throughout.
Identifies topic of this email (not a previous one) in the Subject line.
Keeps content short and to the point (one screen of information, if possible).
Uses proper punctuation and grammar.
Discusses only items within the jurisdiction of the organization.
Refrains from personal opinions.
Maintains professional tone throughout.
Follows standard format.
Summarizes key points in initial paragraph.
Keeps content short and to the point.
Maintains professional tone throughout.
Report Body
Written in present tense, active voice.
Each chapter begins with a summary paragraph that provides an overview of the chapter.
Content follows logical order: objective, methodology, data, analysis, conclusions, and
Supporting material is placed in appendices, not in the body of the report. Data is
referenced only after it has been presented.
Proper punctuation and grammar used throughout.
Brief, descriptive headings help readers navigate easily through the document.
Professional tone maintained throughout.
Built from the data presented.
Does not present new data or draw on other sources.
Presents opinions drawn from the analysis of the data so that the reader can easily
determine the best course of action.
Does not specifically recommend an action.
Only appears if appropriate for this report.
Recommends a policy or course of action based on the conclusions. Clearly summarizes
the conclusion on which it is based.
Are within the jurisdiction and expertise of the author.
Use ―We do not recommend the proposed alternative of cutting a spillway to Duck Marsh
from Oz Creek‘s northerly levee. Munchkin Marsh is a bay habitat, and infrequent fresh
water inundations from Oz Creek would have a potential negative impact on this habitat.
At a minimum, this alternative would require an Environmental Impact Report to
Language clearly states who is responsible for what. Correctly represents all data
Avoids language that could possibly mislead readers. Provides correct emphasis based on
the data.
Treats the views of others fairly and professionally. Clearly cites all sources used to write
the report.
Each alternative is presented in a clear and unbiased manner.
All recommendations and conclusions are supported by factual information presented in
the report.
All judgments, recommendations, or comments are within the scope of the project or the
Organization‘s charter.
Acknowledged and received permission to use copyrighted information used in the report.
All the material is pertinent to this project.
Checked the document for comments that might be misconstrued or cause conflict for the
organization or between organizations.
Checked for present tense, active voice.
Checked for unnecessary words.
Used gender-neutral wording.
Acronyms and abbreviations defined when first mentioned. Checked for subject/verb
Used abbreviations and other terminology consistently.
Checked misspelled words (do not rely solely on a spell checker). Checked for correct
use of punctuation.
Figures and tables numbered correctly and appear in the correct location. Supporting
documentation located to appendices.
Figures, tables, and appendices referred to accurately.
Bulleted and numbered lists have parallel construction and consistent punctuation.
Heading levels follow sequentially. If you create one subhead, you must have at least
For example, don‘t create heading 1.1.1 without a heading 1.1.2. If information for
only one
subhead exists, it should all appear under the main heading, 1.1.
Pagination is correct (for example, if sections are numbered 1-x, 2-x, etc., each section
starts on page x-1).
Glossary identifies all key terms.
Updated and validated TOC and index entries.
Title page lists the title, authors, volume number, date.
Attached sign-off sheet with comments and date revisions are due.
Reviewer Name
Work in pair and write a proposal or a Meeting Minutes about an IT Project.
Chapter 5: Interviewing Skills
After completing this chapter:
Students will know a variety of interview types as well as their importance. Also, they will
learn what to do before, during and after the interview and how to impress the
Lesson 1: Introduction to interviewing
1. Purpose of the Interview
The interview is an opportunity for a recruiter to determine which candidate is the best fit
for graduate or professional programs, jobs and internships.
3. Types of interviews
a. Screening Interviews
Screening interviews determine whether you measure up to the profile of the
hypothetically ideal candidate. Your answers should be direct, concise, and positive. Three
common types of screening interviews:
b. Hiring Interviews:
Interviews are usually conducted by the immediate supervisor or by a person with authority
to hire. This is your opportunity to demonstrate good listening skills, ask intelligent
questions, and illustrate through discussion of your accomplishments that you can address
their needs.
c.Behavioral-based Interviews
An interviewing technique based on the idea that past behavior and performance
predicts future behavior and performance
Focuses on experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities that are job
More interviewers are turning to behavioral based interviews as the preferred
method of screening and evaluating applicants
This method of interviewing provides a fair, equitable, and effective system to guard against
costly and unproductive ―mis-hires
d. Informational Interviews
Initiated by the student and can help to narrow career interests
Meet with people working in their chosen careers to ask questions about particular
occupations or companies
Be exposed to a variety of perspectives by meeting with professionals
This is not the time to ask for a job
Once you have relevant information, you will need to prepare to demonstrate that you
will be a valuable addition to the organization or graduate program. It is important to
differentiate between the strengths and skills you possess. Also, select the accomplishments
you want to emphasize based on your research of the organization.
Strengths are personal traits and can be described as your unique qualities
Examples include: diligent, dependable, flexible and punctual
Skills are knowledge-based and are typically acquired from education and
Examples include analytical skills, language skills, and interpersonal skills
When elaborating on these, always provide examples of how you demonstrate
Active Listening: Body language can show that you are interested and truly listening.
Posture: Sit up straight during your interview.
Eye Contact: Maintain friendly and attentive eye contact without a glassy stare. Do not let
your eyes wander. When there is more than one interviewer, establish eye contact with
Facial Expression: Make sure your facial expressions match what you are saying. Relax
and smile often.
Gestures: Be careful not to tap nervously or jiggle.
The 3 ―C‖s: Appear calm, cool, and confident! Don‘t act or appear desperate.
Negative Talk: Never talk negatively about your past employers, professors, classmates,
or yourself. Stay positive even when describing your shortcomings.
Talking too Much: Don‘t ramble, or you may talk yourself out of the position? You are
there to get information as much as you are to give it.
Tone of Voice: Inflection and volume are important. Speak in a clear, well-modulated,
audible voice. Rapid speech and loud volume show your nervousness.
Non-words: Eliminate non-words such as ―you know,‖ ―um,‖ ―like,‖ and ―OK.‖ Good
grammar and well-articulated speech are crucial!
Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview for the position of [job title] yesterday [or today, if
appropriate]. I enjoyed speaking with you, meeting other members of the staff, and the opportunity to learn more
about this position. I am very interested in this position and the opportunity to join your team.
This job feels like a very good match between my skills and experience and the requirements of this job. As we
discussed, you need someone with strong [whatever] skills, and I have extensive experience with [whatever
technology or tool that is important to the job and that you have experience using]. In addition, in my current [or
former] job as [names or type of employer in your past] has provided the opportunity to polish my skills
in[whatever] and [whatever] needed for your [job title] position.
Again, thank you for considering me for this wonderful opportunity. Please let me know if you have any questions
or concerns or need more information. I look forward to hearing from you next week [or whenever they said they
would be in touch] and hope to join your staff soon.
Best regards,
[your name]
[Your tagline, like "eCommerce Customer Support Specialist"]
[Your job search email address]
2. Negotiating Salary
Do not discuss the issue of salary until the employer does
When the employer asks what salary you are looking for, reply with a question
such as: ―What is the typical salary for this position?‖
If pressed, name a pay range (for example $25,000–$35,000)
Have average salaries prepared based on your internet research, www.salary.com,
and NACE Salary Surveys in the Toppel Library
Don‘t take an offer on the spot
Before accepting or declining an offer, look at the entire compensation package,
including health insurance, sick/vacation/holiday leave, 401K benefits, etc.
b. Don‘t
Freeze or become tense
Be late for the interview
Make elaborate promises
Criticize yourself, anyone, or anything
Present an extreme appearance (with jewelry, hair, or clothing)
Interrupt the interviewer
Run on too long when answering questions
Ask about pay, vacation time, or benefits
Interviewers seek enthusiastic people. Show enthusiasm by speaking positively about
previous experiences, internships, or supervisors.
Smile often and express your desire to be a part of the organization or graduate program.
Pair work: Work in pairs, one of students is the recruiter and the other is job seeker.
Let‘s have a job interview.
Chapter 6: Effective E-mail Communication
This chapter is intended to help students learn to communicate more effectively using
e-mail by giving them knowledge about appropriate use of e-mail and providing them
with useful rules and tips to coherently convey message.
Lesson 1: How to write an effective Email
1. Background
Although e-mail is a valuable communication tool, its widespread use in
academic and business settings has introduced some new challenges for writers.
Because it is a relatively new form of communication, basic social conventions for
writing and responding to e-mail are still being worked out. Miscommunication can
easily occur when people have different expectations about the e-mails that they send
and receive. In addition, email is used for many different purposes, including
contacting friends, communicating with professors and supervisors, requesting
information, and applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Depending on your
purposes, the messages you send will differ in their formality, intended audience, and
desired outcome. Finally, the use of e-mail for advertising purposes has clogged
communication channels, preventing some e-mails from reaching their intended
audience. Writers are challenged to make their e-mail stand apart from ―spam‖ and to
grab and hold the attention of their audience.
So—how do you know when sending an e-mail is the most effective way of
getting your message across? When is a brief message o.k., and when it is more
appropriate to send a longer, more professional-sounding e-mail? How should a writer
decide what style of writing is appropriate for each task? How can you prevent your e-
mail from ending up in the junk pile? Keep reading for answers to these questions!
[Sample e-mails]
Use what you‘ve just learned to explain why Student 2′s e-mail to Professor Jones is
more effective than the e-mail written by Student 1. How does the tone of the
messages differ? What makes Student 2′s e-mail look and sound more appropriate?
What are the elements that contribute its clarity? If you were Professor Jones and you
received both e-mails, how would you respond to each one?
E-mail from Student 1:
hey, i need help on my paper can i come by your office tomorrow thx
E-mail from Student 2:
Hi Dr. Jones,
I am in your ENGL 101 class on Thursdays, and I have a question about the
paper that is due next Tuesday. I’m not sure that I understand what is meant by
the following sentence in the prompt:
―Write a 10 page paper arguing for or against requiring ENGL 101 for all
UNC freshmen and provide adequate support for your point of view.‖
I am not sure what you would consider ―adequate‖ support. Would using 3
sources be o.k.?
Can I come by your office tomorrow at 2:00 pm to talk to you about my
question? Please let me know if that fits your schedule. If not, I could also come
by on Friday after 1:00.
Thank you!
Tom Smith
Here are two versions of an e-mail from a supervisor, Jane Doe, to a group of her
employees. Which version do you think is most effective? Why?
Version 1 of Jane Doe‘s E-mail:
Subject: tomorrow
As you know, tomorrow afternoon we’ll be meeting to discuss the status of all of
our current projects. Donuts will be provided. Be sure to arrive on time and
bring along the materials you have been working on this week—bring enough
copies for everyone. Some of these material might include your calendars,
reports, and any important emails you have sent. Also, I wanted to remind you
that your parking permit requests are due later this week; you should turn those
in to Ms. Jones, and if she is not at her desk when you stop by, you can e-mail
them to her.
Version 2 of Jane Doe‘s E-mail:
Subject: materials for Wed. staff meeting
Hi, everyone—
For tomorrow’s 3 p.m. staff meeting in the conference room, please bring 15
copies of the following materials:
Your project calendar
A one-page report describing your progress so far
A list of goals for the next month
Copies of any progress report messages you have sent to clients
this past month
See you tomorrow—
Lesson 2: Email Phrase Bank
1. Basics
Reason for I am writing in connection with ... I Just a short note about ... I‘m writing
writing am writing with regard to ... about ...
In reply to your email, here are ... Here‘s the ... you wanted. I got your
Your name was given to me by ... name from ... Please note that ...
We would like to point out that ...
Giving I‘m writing to let you know that ... Just a note to say ... We can confirm
information We are able to confirm that ... that ... Good news!
I am delighted to tell you that ... Unfortunately, ...
We regret to inform you that ...
Asking for Could you give me some Can you tell me a little more about
information information about ... ...
I would like to know ... I‘d like to know ... Please send me ...
I‘m interested in receiving/finding
out ...
Requests I‘d be grateful if you could ... I Please could you ... Could you ...?
wonder if you could ... Can I have ...?
Do you think I could have ... ? I‘d appreciate your help on this.
Thank you in advance for your
help in this matter.
Promising action I will ... I‘ll ...
I‘ll investigate the matter. I‘ll look into it.
I will contact you again shortly. I‘ll get back to you soon.
Offering help Would you like me to ...? Do you want me to ...? Shall I ...?
If you wish, I would be happy to ... Let me know if you‘d like me to ...
Let me know whether you would
like me to ...
Final comments Thank you for your help. Thanks again for ...
Do not hesitate to contact us again Let me know if you need anything
if you require any further else.
information. Just give me a call if you have any
Please feel free to contact me if questions. My number is ...
you have any questions. My direct
line is
Close ... looking forward to ... (+ ing) Looking forward to ... (+ ing) Best
Give my regards to ... wishes to ..
Best wishes Regards Speak to/see you soon. Bye (for
now)/All the best
2. Negotiating a project
Asking for information What are your usual charges (fees/rates) for ...? Can you give me
some more information about ...?
Requests Do you think you could ...? Would you be able to ...?
Emphasizing a main My main concern at this stage is ... The main thing for me is ...
Asking for a suggestion How do you think we should deal with this? What do you think
is the best way forward?
Negotiating: being firm I understand what you‘re saying about ... (but ... ) I can see what
you‘re saying, but ...
Negotiating: being We would be prepared to ... (if ...) I am willing to ... (if ...)
Negotiating: agreeing Okay, I‘m happy with that for now. That‘s fine.
3. Checking understanding
Changing This is to let you know that I will Re our meeting next week,
arrangements not be able to attend the next I‘m afraid I can‘t make
meeting next Thursday. Thursday. How about ...
I wonder if we could move it to instead?
...? I apologize for any Sorry for the inconvenience.
inconvenience caused.
Close I look forward to meeting you in See you in Brussels.
Brussels. Give me a call if anything
Let me know if you need to changes.
change the arrangements.
Refusing Thank you for your kind invitation. Thanks a lot for your kind
Unfortunately, I have another appointment on invitation. Unfortunately, I have
that day. Please accept my apologies. something else in my schedule
I hope we will have the opportunity to meet on that day.
on another occasion in the near future. I am I hope we can meet up soon.
sure that the meeting will be a great success. Good luck with the meeting!
5. Writing Styles
Latin / Anglo- Assistance / due to / enquire / Help / because of / ask / tell / facts /
Saxon origin inform / information / obtain / get / job / have / give / fix / ask for /
occupation / possess / provide / needs / check (prove)
repair / request / requirements /
6. Direct / Indirect
Open I am writing ...in connection with my order FS690 which arrived this
to complain about the quality of a product I bought from your website. to
complain about the poor service we received from your company. to
draw your attention to the negative attitude of some people in your
customer services section
Complaint Our order dated 16 September clearly stated that we wanted 1,000 items,
however you ...
The goods were faulty / damaged / in poor condition.
There seems to be an error in the invoice /a misunderstanding.
The equipment I ordered has still not been delivered, despite my phone
call you last week to say that it is needed urgently.
The product I received was well below the standard expected. To make
matters worse, when I called your company staff ...
Request for Please replace the faulty goods as soon as possible.
action We must insist on an immediate replacement / full refund.
Unless I receive the goods by the end of this week, I will have no choice
but to cancel my order.
Close I hope that you will deal with this matter promptly as it is causing me
considerable inconvenience.
b. Apologizing (supplier)
Apologizing I was very concerned to learn about ... Please accept my sincere apologies. I
would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have suffered.
Denying We appreciate that this has caused you considerable inconvenience, but we
responsibility cannot accept any responsibility in this matter.
Promising Can you leave it with me? I‘ll look into the matter and get back to you
action tomorrow. I have looked into the matter and ...
I have spoken to the staff involved, and ...
We will send replacement items / give you a refund immediately. I can
assure you that this will not happen again.
We‘re having a temporary problem with ... . We‘re doing everything we can
to sort it out.
Compensation To compensate for the inconvenience, we would like to offer you ...
Close Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Please accept my
assurance that it will not happen again.
Once again, I hope you will accept my apologies for the inconvenience
caused. I very much hope you will continue to use our services in the future.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on my
direct line...
8. Personal
a.Being Friendly
You heard something, but you are not sure It seems that ... Apparently, ...
Something is true, but surprising Actually, ... In fact, ...
Something is obvious or already known Obviously, ... Of course ...
Good/ bad fortune Unfortunately, ... Luckily, ...
Saying what you really think To be honest, ... Frankly, ...
Going back to a topic Well, ... So, ... Anyway, ...
Changing the topic Anyway, ... So, ... By the way, ...
Summarizing with the most important point Anyway, ... Basically, ...
Formal/Neutral Informal
Open I‘d like your advice about a I‘ve got a bit of a problem.
problem I have
Asking for advice I was wondering if you had any Do you have any ideas about ...?
ideas about ...? What should I do?
What would you advise me to do?
Close Please write back when you have Please email me when you get the
the time and let me know what you chance.
c.Giving advice
Formal/Neutral Informal
Open I was sorry to hear about your current I‘m sorry you‘re having such a hard
difficulties. time at the moment.
Giving advice I think it might be a good idea to ... I think you should ... What about ...
Have you thought of ... (+ing)? (+ing)?
e. Special situations
Good luck Good luck with ...I would like to take this opportunity to wish you
every success in the future.
Congratulations Many congratulations on your promotion / new job. I was delighted
to hear the news about ...
Well done!
f.Job Application
Closing comments Please have a look at the report and let me have your comments.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
b.Linking words
Sequence Firstly / secondly / finally
Talking generally In general / usually / on the whole
Contrast However / nevertheless / on the other hand
Adding another point In addition / moreover / on another point
Examples For example / for instance / e.g.
Alternatives Either ... or ... / alternatively / instead of ...
Real (surprising) situation In fact, / actually, / as a matter of fact
Something is obvious Clearly / obviously / of course
Most important point Especially / above all / in particular
Rephrasing In other words / that is to say / i.e.
Result/consequence As a result / therefore / for this reason
New topic In relation to / regarding / with reference to
c.Careful, balanced style
Write an Email to invite your teacher to join in a meeting that will be organized by your