Nakajima 1997
Nakajima 1997
Nakajima 1997
Historical Insight
The fragrance of flowers in a corner of a room drifts even to far distances. When one droplet of ink is dripped into a cup of
water, the ink soon spreads, even without stirring, and quickly becomes invisible. These facts show that even if there is no
macroscopic flow in a gas or a liquid, molecular movement (i.e., diffusion) can take place, and different entities can mix with
each other.
Is atomic diffusion possible in a solid metal where atoms arrange themselves regularly? The answer is yes. Although atomic
diffusion in solids is far slower than that in gases and liquids, diffusion does take place. The diffusion in solids is clearly
related to various processes such as recrystallization, precipitation, and oxidation. Such study of the diffusion in solids was
initiated just 100 years ago when Sir Roberts-Austen1 discovered the diffusion phenomenon of gold in solid lead in 1896.
For a long time afterward, people believed that atomic diffusion occurred by a direct exchange mechanism or a ring
mechanism in metallic crystals (Figure 1).
When the International Conference on Diffusion in Metals and Alloys was held in 1988 in Balatonfured, Hungary, S.
Rothman of Argonne National Laboratory (and also the editor of Journal of Applied Physics) told me of an episode during
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The Discovery and Acceptance of the Kirkendall Effect
the discovery of the new effect by Kirkendall. Kirkendall’s idea had been criticized by many researchers, but he kept trying
until his interpretation had almost been accepted. When a search committee was set up to determine Kirkendall’s possible
promotion to associate professorship, one of the referees, R.F. Mehl of the Carnegie Institute of Technology (an authority on
diffusion), rejected Kirkendall’s promotion. Shortly thereafter, Kirkendall gave up his academic career and took a job as
secretary of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (AIME). Although the story related by Rothman
was certainly interesting to me, my boss at that time (H.B. Huntington, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) told a different
version of the story, and I wondered which version was right.
Fifty years have passed since Dr. Kirkendall finished his academic career. Fortunately, several friends informed me that he
was still in good health, and I succeeded in calling him when I was staying in Canada in 1993. I was so excited to talk with
him; he politely replied to my various inquiries and kindly suggested I visit him at his home "since such a telephone
conversation is not sufficient." At that time, I could not visit him because I had to leave Canada to return to Japan within a
few days. Two months later, I finally visited his home and interviewed him. Based on that meeting, this article reports how
Kirkendall discovered the Kirkendall Effect in a short research career in which he produced only three papers. 2,4
Ernest Kirkendall was born in Michigan in 1914. He graduated from Wayne College (later Wayne University) in 1934, was
awarded a master’s degree in 1935 and a doctor of science in 1938 from the Metallurgy Department at the University of
Michigan. He was an instructor at Wayne University from 1937 to 1941 and an assistant professor from 1941 to 1946, during
which time he wrote the famous paper "Zinc Diffusion in Alpha Brass" with Smigelskas.4 From 1947 to 1965, he served as
secretary of AIME; he then became a manager at the United Engineering Trustees. He concluded his career as a vice
president of the American Iron and Steel Institute from 1966 and 1979.
To illustrate the importance of his discovery, the Kirkendall Effect Symposium on Interdiffusion and Phenomena that
Depend on Net Vacancy Flows was held during the TMS Fall Meeting in October 1991. I heard that this was successful
meeting, attended by authors such as professors Turnbull, Balluffi, Huntington, Cahn, and Heumann, who had contributed to
lattice defects and diffusion research in the period following the discovery of the Kirkendall Effect.
The side face of the -brass plate-shaped specimen (100 mm in length and about 3
mm in thickness) was first mirror-polished; it was then electroplated with 250 mm
thickness of copper (Figure 2). The specimens were annealed in vacuum at 723 K for
about 10 ks to make hydrogen desorb from the specimens. Diffusion anneals were
carried out in a muffle electric furnace at a specific temperature and for a specific
duration. After water quenching, a part of the specimen was cut off, while the
remainder was used for successive diffusion anneals. The metallographic observation
of the polished surface A was performed with an optical microscope. X-ray
diffraction was taken from the polished surface B after each sectioning step of 25-75
µm thickness to measure the lattice parameters, which were then converted to
determine the zinc concentration in -brass (Figure 2).
After diffusion anneals, an -brass phase layer grows on both sides of the bonding
interface of copper and -brass (Figure 3). The -brass layer inside the interface
Figure 2. A schematic of the specimen consists of large columnar grains so that the / phase boundary is clear. On the
used for the study of the first paper.2
other hand, since the copper-rich -brass phase outside the interface has the same
crystal structure as the copper phase, the boundary is not distinct.
Kirkendall told me, "The quantitative analysis of the work was possible owing to two points—the -brass phase in between
the original (bonding) interface and the final / interface always grows uniformly in thickness, and the / interface can be
observed clearly with the optical microscope. If the / interface and the columnar grains formed on the inside of the original
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The Discovery and Acceptance of the Kirkendall Effect
copper -brass interface had not been distinct, the Kirkendall Effect would not have been discovered. Thus, I was lucky to
choose the system of copper and brass originally." He measured the concentration profiles of copper diffusion in -brass
phase surrounded by both the original and the / interfaces.
When he moved from the University of Michigan to Wayne University, Wayne had
only just been promoted to university status, and there was very limited equipment
in the laboratory. At the time, a friend who had been an alumnus of the University of
Michigan and was now on the staff of Ford Motor Company was working on the
manufacture of x-ray tubes. He gave Kirkendall the blueprints, manuals, and various
small parts of an x-ray tube, and Kirkendall made an x-ray tube by himself. As the
CoK -ray was the most effective for brass samples, an x-ray tube with a cobalt
target was produced. Furthermore, he obtained a high-voltage power supply for
Röntgen photography from a local dentist, and set up the x-ray diffraction
Figure 5 shows metallographic observations after successive diffusion anneal at 1,053 K up to 2,523.6 ks. As seen in the
figure, a layer with -brass phase was formed on both sides of the original interface. In particular, the -brass phase on the
-brass side consisted of large columnar grains, and the / interface was very clear because of the different crystal structures
in -brass (fcc) and -brass (bcc). On the other hand, in the copper-rich -brass phase, neither a distinct difference in the
grain size nor a clear -brass/copper interface boundary was observed because the crystal structure was the same. Figure 6
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The Discovery and Acceptance of the Kirkendall Effect
depicts the zinc concentration profiles after the different anneals at 1,053 K.
According to Fick’s first law, diffusion mass flux (dm) across the
section A in the direction of a concentration gradient (dc/dx) for the
time interval (dt) can be expressed as
dm = -DA (dc/dx) dt
D = m /(average dc/dx) t
Applying the above equation to the result shown in Figure 6, the Figure 5. Metallographic observation at the successive
average of the diffusivity at 26% Zinc concentration at 1,053 K was diffusion anneal at 1,053 K until 2,523.6 ks: (a) one
hour, (b) six hours, (c) 24 hours, (d) 96 hours, (e) 701
hours, and (f) 701 hours.
D 3.8 X 10-13 m2s-1
This paper concluded that, at most, one-fifth of the movement of the original interface was due to volume shrinkage
accompanied by the phase change from - to -brass, while the remaining four-fifth was attributed to the zinc diffusion being
faster than that of copper. This explanation was in contrast to that in the first paper 2 and in the dissertation.
The paper1 was published in 1942. In the same year, Huntington and Seitz 8
evaluated the activation energy for self-diffusion in copper using electron theory
and suggested that self-diffusion occurs by a vacancy mechanism. However,
most researchers in the field did not fully recognize the significance of the paper.
World War II began, and neither paper received enough attention. I asked
Kirkendall whether he had known the existence of the Huntington-Seitz paper.
He had not; even after he wrote the third paper, he did not notice it.
There were two main features of the third paper. First, 70-30 brass (70% copper and 30% zinc) was adopted in order to avoid
the large volume change from -brass to -brass. Second, insoluble thin wires of molybdenum were inserted in the bonding
interface between the copper and the brass for clear observation of the movement of the original interface.
A brass bar 180 mm long and about 19 mm wide was surface-ground and polished with
abrasive paper. Molybdenum wires 127 mm in diameter were stretched lengthwise along
each of the two plane surfaces. The specimen was then electroplated with copper to a depth
of 250 mm or more during a period of four days. The bar consisted of an -brass core,
molybdenum wires, and a heavy layer of electroplated copper. Figure 7 is a sketch of the
cross section of the bar. Diffusion was carried out at 1,058 K for various lengths of time.
The distance between the two sets of molybdenum wire were measured, which identified
parallel diffusion planes or interfaces. X-ray diffraction was also carried out to obtain
diffusion penetration profiles. Figure 7. A sketch of a cross
section of a bar-shaped specimen
Kirkendall found a shrinkage of the brass core. Figure 8 shows the shift of each from the third paper.4
interfacehalf the total decrease in interface-to-interface distance. On the basis of the sample
analysis described in the second paper, the interdiffusion coefficient was evaluated from these diffusion penetration profiles
D 4 X 10-13 m2 s-1
This was in good agreement with the previous value 3.8 X 10 -13 m2s-1. In this way, he confirmed good reproducibility.
Furthermore, he also confirmed from the metallographic observation that zinc diffused into the copper faster than the copper
diffused into the brass.
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Thus, the significant result was the demonstration that when diffusion takes
place in -brass, the zinc diffuses much more rapidly than copper. Such
diffusion was accompanied by the shrinkage of the high-zinc -brass from
which zinc diffused out. It was stressed that studies of diffusion and related
phenomena consider an unequal interchange of solute and solvent atoms
during diffusion and that a mass shift of metal including the interface might
result. Finally, he concluded that "diffusion formulas based on an equal
interchange of solute and solvent atoms and a substantially stationery
interface will be in error."
Mehl still doubted the Kirkendall paper. Meanwhile, L.C.C. daSilva from Brazil joined his laboratory as a graduate student.
In order to verify that the Kirkendall Effect was wrong, Mehl let the student carry out systematic experiments for
interdiffusion, not only in Cu/ -brass, but also in Cu/Sn -solid solution, Cu/Al -solid solution, and in Cu/Ni, Cu/Au, and
Ag/Au diffusion couples. To the contrary of Mehl’s expectation, daSilva found that the marker movement was confirmed
and undoubtedly associated with the manner in which atoms move during diffusion (i.e., the Kirkendall Effect was
reproducible). Mehl continued to believe, however, that diffusion took place by a direct exchange mechanism so that D A=
D B.
A diffusion seminar was held October 21-27, 1950, during the 32nd ASM National Metal Congress at Chicago, where
top-ranking diffusion researchers such as L.S. Darken, C. Wells, J. Bardeen, C. Herring, H.B. Huntington, F. Seitz, R.F.
Mehl, D. Turnbull, and J.E. Burke joined together. The details of the seminar were reported in the literature. 9 In this
conference most of the attendees approved the validity of the Darken equation, which supported D A DBin interdiffusion, the
vacancy mechanism proposed by Huntington and Seitz, and the Kirkendall Effect. During the conference, Seitz thoroughly
persuaded Mehl, who, as before, had opposed the vacancy mechanism and the Kirkendall Effect. After a few days, he
admitted the validity of the Kirkendall Effect. Mehl himself officially announced in the closing remarks that the Kirkendall
Effect was acceptable and that, moreover, his student had much data to confirm the reproducibility of the effect for several
alloying systems.10
This question was my motivation to investigate the episode relating to Kirkendall. I was invited
to his home and had already spent as long as six hours enjoyably talking with him. If I were to
ask such a severe question directly, I was afraid that I would be impolite. But if I did not, I might
regret it later without having solved the problem. Accidentally (and fortunately), he offered me
his favorite Danish schnapps, Cherry Heering. My feelings became more comfortable, and I Ernest Kirkendall
realized this was a good opportunity to ask such severe questions. The doctor replied, "My
promotion to associate professor had already been approved. The rumor was never reliable! The salary of the secretary of the
AIME headquarters in New York City was attractive; it was more than twice the university’s just after World War II. I had
three children and had to pay high tuitions for their schools and living expenses if living away from home. For this economic
reason, I preferred the job change."
I asked him if he would have continued his research career if more people had accepted the Kirkendall Effect earlier, but he
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The Discovery and Acceptance of the Kirkendall Effect
replied that he did not attribute much significance to the discovery, at least at that time. Although C.S. Smith tried to
persuade him to stay at the university, he preferred the administrative job from an economic point of view, and even if he had
accepted the promotion and stayed at the university, he would not have had any positive prospects for his research because of
insufficient research facilities.
After Kirkendall retired from his research life, he did not see Mehl for a long time. However, he visited Mehl just before he
died. Mehl heartily apologized to Kirkendall for his strong opposition concerning his review of the third paper. He added, "I
wish I had an effect which had my name like your Kirkendall Effect," and he asked Kirkendall to shake hands and be
I appreciate Dr. and Mrs. Kirkendall for their invitation, fruitful conversation, and useful comments on the manuscript. I
express my condolences to the loss of Mrs. Kirkendall on January 5, 1997. I also thank S. Rothman of Argonne National
Laboratory and J. Manning of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, M. Koiwa of Kyoto University, J.
Philibert of the University of Paris, and A.D. LeClaire of the Open University for useful information, and R.W. Cahn of the
University of Cambridge for valuable comments on the manuscript.
1. W.C. Roberts-Austen, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A187 (1896), pp. 383-415.
2. E. Kirkendall, L. Thomassen, and C. Upthegrove, "Rates of Diffusion of Copper and Zinc in Alpha Brass," Trans. AIME,
133 (1939), pp. 186-203.
3. E.O. Kirkendall, "Diffusion of Zinc in Alpha Brass," Trans. AIME, 147 (1942), pp. 104-110.
4. A.D. Smigelskas and E.O. Kirkendall, "Zinc Diffusion in Alpha Brass," Trans. AIME, 171 (1947), pp. 130-142.
5. C.H. Desch, Repts. Brit. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., 82 (1912), pp. 348-372.
6. R.F. Mehl, Trans. AIME, 122 (1936), pp. 11-56.
7. A.I. Krynitsky, Metals and Alloys, 8 (1937), pp. 138-144; 173-179; 261.
8. H.B. Huntington and F. Seitz, Phys. Rev., 61 (1942), pp. 315-325.
9. Atom Movements (Metals Park, Ohio: ASM, 1951).
10. L.C.C. daSilva and R.F. Mehl, Trans. AIME, 191 (1951), pp. 155-173.
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