Portolio Leiva Sanz, Celia

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By Celia Mª Leiva Sanz


TASK 1 ………………………………………………………………….3
TASK 2 ………………………………………………………………….4
TASK 3 ………………………………………………………………….5
TASK 4 ………………………………………………………………….6
TASK 5 ………………………………………………………………….7
TASK 6 ………………………………………………………………….8
TASK 7 ………………………………………………………………….9
TASK 8 ………………………………………………………………….10
TASK 9 ………………………………………………………………….11
TASK 10 ………………………………………………………………….12
TASK 11 ………………………………………………………………….13
TASK 12 ………………………………………………………………….14
TASK 13 ………………………………………………………………….15
TASK 14 ………………………………………………………………….16
TASK 15 ………………………………………………………………….17
TASK 16 ………………………………………………………………….18
TASK 17 ………………………………………………………………….19
TASK 18 ………………………………………………………………….20
TASK 19 ………………………………………………………………….21
TASK 20 ………………………………………………………………….22
TASK 21 ………………………………………………………………….23
TASK 22 ………………………………………………………………….24
TASK 23 ………………………………………………………………….25
TASK 24 ………………………………………………………………….26
TASK 25 ………………………………………………………………….27
TASK 26 ………………………………………………………………….28
TASK 27 ………………………………………………………………….29
TASK 28 ………………………………………………………………….30


I came to college leaving behind the best stage of my life so far, where I really discovered
who I am, I didn't really come with very high expectations, since comparing, I couldn't
be better than the high school where I was. When I got to college I expected to integrate
well, have a group of friends and have a good time while studying what I am passionate
I lost almost all contact with many of my friends, I lost part of my family, I had a hard
time attending class, I started with anxiety and let's say that I did not face things with a
clear mind. Little by little I was able to improve, when I was able to leave I saw my family
again, which helped me a lot to see things in a good way, I was able to meet many friends
and improve the relationship, and some of these people became essential in my day to
day; and then came the second year, where I felt more me, I found a group of great girls,
and although it is difficult for me to meet new people, with them it was very easy for me.
Regarding my expectations when I entered the university and my experience so far, I
think I would not change anything, since I have been able to find people with whom I feel
very comfortable and every day I feel more motivated by what I study and by the idea of
becoming a teacher someday.


In my opinion, I think that the family is what weighs more especially considering that
you grow up in the environment that your family decides, that is, children grow up in an
environment where you are acquiring different values, for example in micaso if it is true
that it is the opposite because my parents have been very neutral in many respects leaving
me to develop my own opinions, acquiring the values that I think are correct.
Even so I know that it is more likely that your parents instill certain values and it is
difficult that after all your childhood growing up under those values, you change your
mind, obviously there are people who do it, but it is usually the opposite as far as I know.
Education also has a very important weight, because it depends on how you are educated,
both at home and at school you will acquire some values or others.
In my experience, what is most fair for children is to educate them in a neutral way,
always with love and respect, but letting them develop their own opinions so that when
they grow up they feel more fulfilled having been able to create themselves the person
they are, something that I personally consider very satisfying.



With this movie you can learn many things, including having faith and confidence in
yourself and that you will be able to achieve what you want, keep in mind that in this
case, the king faces being judged by many people for his stuttering, and although
sometimes thought he was not going to get it, he ended up achieving it and in turn
inspiring many people who were watching him to take the first step to achieve their goals
and dreams, to feel fulfilled with his life. It should also be noted how important it is to
have help from the people you care about in difficult times, those people on whom the
king relied and who encouraged him to achieve his goal were essential for the king to
believe in himself, as in many other situations, sometimes you need a little push, just
knowing that someone believes in you and trusts that you will achieve what you want. In
the case of the king it was more complicated because many people did not believe in him
and he had to focus only on the opinions of the people who supported him, those positive
words instead of all the bad things, which many times is also very complicated, to leave
behind the negative comments that many people can make about you.


I am going to start talking about errors, something that we all make and that in many
cases, especially if you are a child, you do not do it intentionally, since you are learning;
and as you are learning, we must take errors as something to look at when changing
things, and as teachers we must teach that making mistakes is not bad, it is simply a part
of being human. It is very important that there is good communication between parents
and teachers to help children, both to understand that we all make mistakes, and to be able
to learn from it and thus avoid them; especially at the beginning, a child's mistakes should
not be punished harshly, because that way the child will grow up without self-confidence
and with fear of making mistakes, which is necessary for development.
Continuing with privacy, is something that many children do not have, since many parents
and teachers think that children are not able to fend for themselves because they are small,
that is a thought that should be eradicated; this issue is directly linked to the issue of
communication, parents and teachers, with the child in this case; we must begin to ask
the child what he feels comfortable with and what not, what things he needs and what not,
so that over time, he himself is able to set the limits where he feels comfortable and
communicate in a correct way. Respect is something that is closely linked to privacy,
because if we teach the child, both at home and at school that he has the right to set limits
and to express himself when he feels comfortable, respecting those decisions we teach
him that he can trust us and ask for help without being judged.
Finally we talk about values, which teachers should mention to the children to remind
them that they do many things well and so they feel motivated, something very important.
We should also mention the values to their parents, so that they can see them and reinforce
them at home.



In this film, Professor Keating teaches us that to be a good teacher, we must not only
focus on knowledge, but on knowing how to transmit it, motivating his students to learn
and to be better every day, not to conform. Keating teaches them that we live in a world
that is constantly changing and that we must adapt, always being ourselves.
With respect to Todd Anderson, who is a very dynamic character; he begins as a quiet
and shy boy, very reserved and ends up becoming a boy who defends his ideals and
thoughts in the best way he knows how, who expresses his ideas freely and most
importantly, who generates his own opinions about what surrounds him, thus becoming
a very independent young man, especially when it comes to thinking and transmitting. He
becomes this young man thanks to the support and influence he has had from Professor
Keating, he manages to evolve and not let anyone step on him, neither to him nor to his
ideals, thus getting to follow the path he prefers in society.


We can start by talking about the prejudices that Marco has when he arrives to this new
team, he is used to hard training sessions, only focused on the physical, long and where
nobody contradicts him, since he is the coach; he is very little tolerant with mistakes and
it is difficult for him to give second chances. Obviously we have to take into account that
Marco has grown up in a house where his mother refers to people with disabilities as
stupid or stupid, so he has grown up in a place not very open to the diversity of people,
and when he comes to this new team, apart from causing a very abrupt change in the way
he works, he feels somehow shocked because he does not know how to connect with the
Little by little he realizes that in this case he not only has to change his way of training
only physical, to train other things, such as teamwork, belief in oneself, confidence in the
rest of the team, he is becoming more aware that he has to encourage his players much
more than he encouraged the players of a professional team.
In short, he has to start seeing the world from a more open point of view and understand
that each person understands things in a different way and has needs that other people
may not have.


Dewey's only dream at the beginning of the movie is to become a rock star, and he's going
to do everything he can to make it happen.
Dewey, seeing himself in a situation in which he is stuck, he pretends to be his best friend
to get a job as a substitute teacher, which he uses to form a rock band composed of
students in this class; he assigns each child a role in the band so that no one feels
displaced, which from an educational point of view is a very good thing, since teachers
must ensure that within the classroom no child feels less or feel displaced, both by the
teacher and by their classmates.
Also something that must be emphasized is that to teach the same is set as an example,
which helps children to visualize what they are learning and thus makes it much easier
for them, having a visual reference.
Something so important that Dewey does is to listen to the opinions of all the children,
and make them all decide together; something that in a class we must take into account
to make all the children feel listened to and not be ashamed or afraid to express their
opinions, whatever they may be.


In my family there are many essential things, but among them are:
The security that we bring to each other and the feeling of being in your home when we
meet together, which I totally agree with as I find it super important when it comes to
growing up for example, growing up in a safe way feeling protected.
he acceptance, also I totally agree, I know that my family will love and support me no
matter what conditions are around me, which is related to the above, to feel safe no matter
what you are.
Good communication; I’m having a bit of conflict because I have a hard time
communicating and expressing my feelings, but I know that my family find it easy to
communicate with me, since I am a person person and I can easily put myself in his skin.
Unconditional love, logically I am completely cradled with this, I do not feel a love and
a purer affection that I feel with my family and I find it very important both teach this and
demonstrate it.
Taking care of small moments, as I said before, although sometimes for example`for my
part there is no good communication, I know that in my family intimate moments are
highly valued, as it can be to tell something that hurts us, to be simply together without
saying anything; In my family it is very important those times because then all of us felt
very well behind them.


The first meeting with a parent, in this case a three year old, would have a double
The first would be to show them security, affection and professionalism; solving all their
doubts and letting them know that the child is going to be valued and respected like all
the others in his class.
The second objective to achieve would be to obtain relevant information from the child,
in relation to medical data: it is very important that they let us know if they have any
allergies or special care, if they have been in school before: where and in what aspects
they noticed changes; feeding habits, if they eat solid or mashed food, if they eat solid or
mashed food, if they have any allergies, if they have any allergies or special care: if he
eats solid or mashed food, if he needs help, if he uses a bottle, etc; sleep habits: if he
sleeps alone or accompanied, if he needs help to sleep, if he has a sleep schedule, if he
uses a pacifier; hygiene: if he controls his sphincters, if he collaborates in his toilet; play
habits: how he spends his free time, if he is taken out to play where there are other
children, how he relates to them. ..
It would also be important to know how he is carrying out this adaptation period, what he
says about school, if he comes back happy, what he likes and dislikes the most and the
One thing that would be very important would be to establish channels of communication
between us and the parents, that we are at their disposal, in order to transmit tranquility
and security, which they will transmit to their child, so he/she will be more comfortable
at school.


As teachers and those responsible for the child within the center, we must be able to take
care of him/her and see that the child has everything he/she needs; we must always be
alert to this type of situation since the child may show almost imperceptible signs that
he/she is being mistreated. At the same time we must be able to act if we suspect that the
child is suffering an abusive situation at home, it is important that if we suspect this, we
offer the child more security within the center, so that at least, until the child can be
removed from the abusive environment, he/she feels safe and well cared for in the center.
It is also important to be quick to act, since we do not know the type of abuse suffered by
the child or its severity, the main thing in such cases is to remove the child from this
environment so harmful to him.
First of all I would inform the management team of the center, I would ask someone from
this team to corroborate my suspicions; once this is done, I would contact the social
services of the area and inform them of the case; they will probably ask me for a socio-
educational report in which it is necessary to detail if the child attends school regularly,
hygiene conditions, food and care observed; the child's relationship with peers and adults,
the evidence would also have to be explained. Once this report has been sent, the social
services assess the child's situation and intervene in it.
If we consider that the situation is extremely dangerous, we should call the police
guardians in the area.
There is a protocol for this type of situation which specifies the steps that the school has
to follow in case a child shows signs of abuse. This protocol has been created by the State
and applies to all schools equally.


The theme of the story of this movie is to help others without trying to receive anything
in return, overcoming fears and prejudices to help others and how personal situations can
sometimes cloud our thoughts.
All this is carried out from the main idea that Eugene raises about the work for class, there
Trevor comes up with the idea of the chain of good deeds, and although he could not help
some people, in the end he ended up sincerely helping others.
I don't agree that the end justifies the means, and if we take this movie as an example,
you can't always give everything to help others, sometimes you need more understanding,
for example Trevor's mother would need to be more understanding when helping Jerry;
or more time, or simply think about things in a different way. At one point in the movie,
Trevor decides to give up because his idea is not going as planned, and he feels that it is
a stupid idea and that he is not going to achieve anything with it; but nevertheless he
realizes in time, when he helps Adam that he can help others, little by little.


Erik Erikson said that the emotional and social development of human being occurs
following several differentiated stages, which go from the trust or mistrust on our living
environment when we are babies, to the last stage in which our vital goal is the idea of
having felt something valuable for the future generations.
We can observe something similar in the responses of the characters in this film. These
classes begin simply as a way for the students to learn the political system, and end with
the formation of a movement, where all the members have a voice and feel safe; and in
turn have the pleasure of participating in something bigger, which helps each one to define
their own identity, and their ideals and in this way learn to defend their way of thinking.
On the movie, the movement of the “wave” helps the student to obtain the emotional and
social relief we tend to look for at these ages and easily go through several Erikson's
stages. This movement of the “wave” comes like a glove, especially for those kids which
desperately need so due to their personal circumstances. This is the case of Tim, one of
the main characters on the movie.
At the end of this movie we observe how Tim reveals himself in a state of frustration and
feeling lost against his teacher because according to him, if he is not part of ths 2wavw2,
he would be nothing; what Tim has to learn is to create his own opinions and to believe
in himself to influence with them and be able to create his own movement, or simply to
be honest with himself and accept himself as he is.



At the beginning of the film we can see how this institution has very demanding and
hard mottos, through which it intends to form completely disciplined and obedient
people, who are able to always follow the rules.
According to the director, as he says in his speech, "the end depends on the beginning",
we must start from a young age to fight for what we want and to do things correctly if
we want to be successful people.
Mr. Hundert teaches these virtues to his students because they are all positive, and at the
same time he puts them in conflicting situations so that they create their ideas from an
ethical point of view. Through facing these conflicts, many students are able to create a
clearer picture of the society of the moment in their heads, so that they can elaborate
their own ideas, thoughts and opinions about anything.
Mr. Hundert's way of teaching is a method in which the students learn in an autonomous
way after having faced or posed complicated situations that can happen to them in
everyday life, so that they are able to create opinions and defend them in a clearer way
since they are themselves the creators of those thoughts.


1. Acceptance, for me it is very important to feel accepted and that no one tries to
change me, I think it is essential when you are going to take a big step like this in
your life because in this way, you will love yourself more and you will be able to
accept others better.
2. Communication is a fundamental pillar in all human relationships, good
communication is necessary, both to talk about good things and things that hurt
us, if there is a good communication, we will all feel more comfortable and safer.
3. Privacy is something necessary for all human beings, for example to process
emotions or situations that have happened to us; it is very important not to force
a person to communicate or to show things of his life for which he is not prepared,
we all need our little space.
4. Empathy, seeing from a point of view other than your own can help us a lot when
it comes to understanding others and their emotions. Something as simple as
having a little empathy can improve a family relationship in many ways.
5. Security. linking with all the others, security is something very important to grow
and to form a family, where all the members of the family are protected, thus, the
family will be seen as a refuge, a home to be yourself.


The evolution of the educational system, for many years has been involving more and
more aspects of children's lives, including parents; I consider the participation of parents
as something essential in the development of a child because besides providing security
in school, and something known, if parents are involved in schoolwork, it is a big step for
children to feel supported and want to experience more.
Nowadays schools ask for a lot of parental involvement, and although in many cases
families do not provide it either due to lack of resources or other situations, little by little
more families are getting involved.
María Montessori and the education as a game: she defended the role of play in the
learning process as a far more useful tool than conventional lessons. She encouraged the
entire parents and teachers’ community of using this method as an educating tool and she
proved its effectiveness with flying colors.
Jean Piaget, con su aportacion de los escalones mentales donde el estudiante debe tener
desarrolladas diferentes estructuras mentae¡les para aprender determinados conceptos; y
su aportacion con el constructivismo.
José de Calasant and the first steps forwar public education: he advocated for the idea
of a free school, open to all children. José de Calasant is also considered the forerunner
of modern pedagogy.
Howard Gardner and the multiple intelligence theory: until then, educational models
measured their results using standardized tests. Howard challenged this way of evaluating
intelligence and focused his studies on a new model, with a much more personalized form
of education.
Sócrates promoted a new form of knowledge and learning, in which the individual
himself discovered his own truths from the dialectic.


It is true that many parents feel intimidated in some way with schools, mainly it may be
for fear of making mistakes raising their child or for facing a problem or a situation that
their child has at school; another reason may be to face the teachers, whom they do not
know very well and have to establish a relationship with them through their children.
Another reason may be for having a difficult situation with the child at home and not
knowing how he/she behaves at school, so they feel reluctant to find out, sensing that
he/she behaves the same as at home.
With respect to teachers, there are many who have very traditional methods and I think
that is the most common reason for not wanting parents to participate in the classroom,
another reason may be that by having parents in the classroom the children behave in a
different way than they behave daily during classes, becoming more capricious or more
spoiled; and that in a way can for example, delay classes or make the teacher feel insecure
to correct those behaviors in front of parents when they normally see him behaving in that


The character I have chosen is Jack Will, Auggie's friend; he has a very noticeable
evolution throughout the movie, starting with trying to hide his friendship with Auggie
from all the other kids because of the opinions they might have, for fear of not having
many friends.
Little by little he realizes that the kids he has replaced Auggie with are not good friends
and decides to make up for his mistakes by supporting Auggie at school and somehow
making his friendship public to show that there is nothing wrong with being friends with
someone different from you.
It is also important to mention that seeing how Summer approaches Auggie without
prejudice, and that makes him realize that a person's appearance does not define him and
that he does not have to hide his desire to be Auggie's friend.
At this point Jack realizes that he enjoys being Auggie's friend much more than being
friends with the popular kids in class and starts to care less about what they think of him;
and in turn, helps Auggie to care less about what others think of him too.


Let's start by saying that these children live in a difficult situation where they are placed
in a school that is not very supportive. The fact that almost no one has ever really cared
about them makes them more prone to negative behavior and trying to impress the rest of
the kids.
At first they try to make Clemet leave the school by teasing him and making fun of him,
but he doesn't give up and comes up with the idea of the choir.
First of all, the fact that all the children in the class can participate equally in the choir
makes them more interested in it because in all the other activities they do at school, they
are not treated as equals.
We can also highlight the fact that Clemet tells them when they do things right, something
that does not happen very often to the students, he worries about them and is also able to
set limits of behavior, so in general the children behave better as we watch the movie.
Finally, we can focus on the way in which many children see Clement as a father, who
shows them what to do and what not to do and in turn the good things they have, as many
of the children are orphans, this is very important for the development of children
throughout this feature film.



In this movie we can learn many lessons, among them the ones I liked the most were:
follow who you admire, follow the steps of the person you want to be, take their example
and adapt it to your way of living and seeing things; where you feel comfortable.
Never let anyone stand in your way, if you have clear your goals, you have to do
everything in your power to achieve them; you do not have to be influenced by the
opinions of others or by the mistakes you have made, because probably, as a human being
you will make more, the important thing is to learn from those mistakes to take note for
the future and to make you stronger, and you know what you want and you believe in
yourself; which brings me to another teaching that is if you want you can, if it is true that
many times you have to make some sacrifices to copnseguir what you want, but if you
put all your effort and all your effort to achieve your dreams is very likely that you acaes
getting it.
You do not always have the necessary conditions to have a life with many resources, but
that does not mean that you can not achieve your dreams, as I said before, the most
important thing is the effort and perseverance, with those two things you can get where
you want and get your wishes. It is very important to work hard to get what you want, as
it is the basis of both a good person and good values.


I believe that the laissez-faire family model is the most common today and that many
parents are so busy, either because of the family, the house or social activities that they
either leave the child in charge of someone else or they entertain the child with technology
or they simply give the child whatever the child asks for so that he/she does not protest
and does not interrupt the things the parents have to do.
Nowadays many spoiled children arrive at school, very spoiled and very egocentric, and
when they arrive at school, where they have to learn to live and share with other children,
this is a big change and they try by all means, to do what they want; something that
teachers should not peritri that we must treat all students in the same way oarq eu all feel
valued and heard at all times.
The growth of technology also makes this family model more common, since children
spend a lot of time watching cartoons on television or playing video games from a very
young age, and that makes parents think that the child entertains himself and needs less
attention than he really needs.


In my opinion, homeschooling is something that has had to be introduced very suddenly

in our lives and that has many flaws.
It is true that it can be applied quite well to universities and others, because unless the
career requires practice, homeschooling is perfectly viable. But if we talk about classes
for example of infants I think it should not be applied, since the first years of learning are
very visual and it is very important that children learn by their own experiences rather
than by a screen, it is also very important for children, to help them develop their motor
functions, such as balance or coordination, behaviors that in the pre primary stage are not
yet fully acquired. Obviously the social aspect is very important, in all aspects, meeting
new people, sharing opinions or just observing other people; and although it is true that
relating with other people is easier thanks to social networks, I think that spaces like face-
to-face classes should be taken care of and respected.
Logically this way of teaching has good points. As for example not having to move the
children every day to school if the circumstances are difficult, you can access from
anywhere and is a very easy way to have contact at any time with all students. It also
favors the fact that students and teachers can communicate at any time if necessary.
Regarding the stay of homeschooling in the current education, I think that until in a few
months or a year or so this type of education will not be removed and I think that even if
we return to the classroom, teachers and schools and universities in general will propose
more courses, activities and workshops online, to make it accessible to many more people
and thus, to reach many more people.


Having a special needs student is something that many teachers see as a challenge, but I
believe it is a super enriching experience for teachers and an opportunity to teach in
different ways. So I have chosen these simple things that I would do every day if I had a
special needs child in my classroom:
Put him close when explaining an activity or game, so that he can focus his attention
as much as possible on the explanation and thus be more likely to understand all or most
of the activity.
Use visual aids, it is very important for the child to be interested in activities or objects
of the class, also to help us to explain exercises and games, it is always good to have
some drawings that explain it, so the child can understand it much better.
Confirm that the child understands the explanations by asking for feedback, in this
way, we help the child to express in words his thoughts about what we are doing in
class, his doubts and so he learns to confirm when he has understood and to ask for help
when he needs it.
By pairing him with a classmate who can help him, with this strategy, we can make
the children in the class learn to help those who need it, in this case a child with special
needs and also teach the child in question that he should not depend on the teacher when
he cannot do something, that he can rely on his friends to help him adapt or to
understand the activities well.
Anticipating with pictures or pictograms what is going to be done during the day, a
good outline of the day can help children with special needs to get organized and to see
the amount of things that are going to be done during the day.
Some of these measures can also help children who do not have special needs to be
more focused in class and to understand things better, so I have also chosen them, as
they can be common supports for the whole class.



a. How important is Education in the background of Will Hunting?

In Good Will Hunting, we learn that education means a whole lot more than just
book-learning and we really understand that what makes a full and competent
person. A successful person is much more than his knowledge of science or math,
is to know to talk about himself, to know when to ask for help, to know his

We all have our difficulties at the end of the day and that allows us to be unique
and to be able to see things and manage them in our own way. With the help of
teachers, we can understand that our way is unique, not bad, just different and we
learn to grow personally, especially in the first years of school, to be able to
improve our life and better cope with our difficulties and even overcome them.

b. What is the MOST IMPORTANT LESSON you can learn from the movie?

The most important lesson that this movie teaches, in my opinion, is personal
growth, leaving aside the academic aspects, personal growth is essential for a good
development and to learn to love and accept oneself; it is the basis to be able to
develop in many other aspects, such as the academic or love aspect for example.
The current educational system practically only values school knowledge, which
I think should be changed, we must teach not only knowledge, but also to develop
for example the emotions and feelings, to have empathy, to know when to ask for
help, to know that asking for help is not bad and that making mistakes is not bad


Mary's treatment with her father seems very good to me, since he has raised her very well
and respects her very much; with respect to when he finds out that his daughter is super-
doted at the beginning I don't think his reaction is the most appropriate, since the fact of
forcing her to study very complicated things and at the same time discover things about
her mother, already deceased, was very stressful for her. Regarding the final decision to
let Mary grow up at her own pace, I think it is a very good decision for her and her
Regarding the relationship that Mary has with Roberta, I find it very special, where she
is treated as a child of her age, you could even say that there is in part, maternal love.
Roberta always tries to help Frank by taking care of Mary, which makes it a very close
relationship, and in turn, she sees the decisions that Frank makes throughout the film
about Mary from an outside point of view and gives her opinion on what would be best
for the girl, always trying to put Mary as a priority.
Mary's relationship with Bonnie, her elementary school teacher, can be seen from several
points of view; from the point of view of just being a teacher, there is a good relationship,
where Bonnie looks for what she thinks is best for Mary in the school environment and
on the other hand, when Bonnie and Frank start to have a relationship, Mary's reaction is
not the best, that causes her father to have to decide.


a. Make a list of the conflicting views or situations in the film, and then, choose
3 ones to discuss how these conflicting views affect both the community in
general and an individual’s life.

The first thing is the stereotypes, which are very clearly seen in many moments of
the film, where Billy's father judges him at the beginning for liking ballet; where
the girls look at Billy strangely when he starts taking classes, or how his brother
insults him just for having different tastes than his own.

The family's personal situation, where there is practically no money and Billy's
father and brother must fight for workers' rights, risking getting hurt or fired from
their jobs. As the film progresses, the father gives up the fight for workers' rights
to help Billy fulfill his dream of becoming a ballet dancer.

The situation of Michael, Billy's best friend, is complicated because he is not the
typical boy who likes "manly" things, but is quieter, and he realizes that he is in
love with Billy, something that in this era was persecuted and punished.

b. Just a bit of your imagination, a kind of challenge for writing a short 100-
word essay on the poem below considering the film. What do you think about
its content?

In this poem, we can clearly see the very different ways in which boys and girls
were raised a few years ago. It tells us that boys have to be raised to be strong
when they grow up, to defend their home and not to show the feelings that make
them vulnerable; it was believed that by raising them in this way, all children
would grow up in the same way.

With respect to raising a girl, the objective, according to this poem is to protect
her from everything bad, to make her grow up in an environment as if she were
made of cotton, with nothing bad surrounding her so that she will be as pure as
possible when she grows up and be good to everyone and thus look for a home to
take care of and a man to love.


Dear families
My name is Celia and I will accompany you in the learning process of your children this
A new school year begins and with it a new adventure where the main protagonists are
our children. The infant team would like to invite you to spend a day with us so that you
can get to know and share our project and in this way make it a common project.
In this day you will be able to observe and participate in some activities and workshops
that we will be doing during the afternoons, and also in this way you will be able to see
how the children develop in the classroom and develop with their classmates.
The classrooms will be open during the first two weeks of October, we can accommodate
a maximum of four parents per day, it would be during the afternoon. Let me know the
dates that best suit you so that we can organize all of us.
We hope you enjoy the proposal, best regards.
The infant team.


Obviously it has been very difficult for many families, especially those with young
children in this situation, it is very difficult to keep children from 1 to 3 years old
For me personally I think that an activity that can be fun and at the same time long is to
make crafts, since it is something very varied and fun, which the children can then use to
play, for example, make a mobile to hang somewhere at home, make a glass
cominucacodr, consisting of two yogurts and a thread through which, when mounted, the
children can communicate, each taking a container of yogurt, from room to room.
Some physical activity should be added, because otherwise the children do not spend as
much energy as they should, such as playing music and dancing, or playing hide-and-
seek; I can also think of simon says, for example.
When the evening is approaching it would be very good to slow down the children's pace
a little, maybe reading stories for a while, or talking to them about anything.
Logically this can vary and depending on the afternoon a child can be more or less active,
but it is important to vary the activities so that the child does not end up seeing the games
as something very repetitive and therefore end up getting bored of it as the days go by.


The main reason why I think that students need more defenders is because we are judged
anything we do in a super critical way, many adults make students, especially university
students and young people in general, look like hooligans who do not care about anything
and just want to have fun.
Another reason is because students are the future of the world, since, as it is obvious, the
years go by and we grow up and become people trained to be able to dedicate ourselves
to what we are passionate about in most cases. I believe that students should not be treated
as savages who just want to laze around all day, but as future professionals who will be
in charge of paying the pensions of many people who criticize us and see us as if we were
uncontrolled animals.
In recent years, many students, both in schools and in society in general, have begun to
denounce many social injustices, such as racism, sexism or misogyny. It is important that
people can be able to open their minds and listen to young people talk, we are the ones
who have the new vision of what the world will be in a few years, and although now we
are treated as if we did not know anything, they should at least listen to us, since the
people who criticize the "revolutionary" point of view of some young people and students,
are being hypocritical by wanting to impose their opinion over all the others, a traditional
opinion that has to evolve as people and society in general do.


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