Fish or Mammal Questions

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Fish or Mammals? Evidence organizer

(Adapted from the University of Utah, Fish or Mammals? Activity)

Guiding question: What does evidence from anatomy, fossils, embryos, and DNA reveal about
the closest living relative of cetaceans?

Instructions: Use this Evidence Organizer with the Fish or Mammals? Case Study document.

Part I: Evidence from Anatomy: Use the table on page 2 of the Case Study to answer the
1. How many anatomical characteristics do Cetaceans share with Mammals?

2. How many anatomical characteristics do Cetaceans share with Fish?

3. Circle the tree diagram that best shows the relationship between fish, cetaceans, and mammals.

4. Explain your answer in complete sentences.

cetaceans are more related to mammals than sh because they

share similar traits.

Part II: Evidence from Fossils: Use the information on pages 3–5 to answer the questions.
4. Summarize how the fossil cetacean ancestors changed over time. Give at least one example of
a specific trait and how it changed.

they adapted from a more sh related

species to a more mammal species.
5. Does the fossil evidence support or refute the claim that cetaceans evolved through change over
time from an ancestral mammal that lived on land? Explain your answer using evidence from the

they were more water involved.

6. Look at the ankle bones at the top of page 6. Which group of modern-day land mammals has
ankle bones that are most similar to those of the fossil whales?

Part III: Evidence from Embryos: Look at the information on the bottom of page 6.
7. What does nostril position say about the ancestry of dolphins and other cetaceans?

they could be related.

8. What does hindlimb shape say about the ancestry of dolphins and other cetaceans?

d they’re similar so they might be

related again

Part IV: DNA Evidence:

9. (Use the data table on page 7.) Which animal makes casein protein that is MOST similar to the
whale protein?

10. What does this suggest about this animal’s relationship to whales?

they could be related.

11. Use the data table on page 8 to fill in the even-toed ungulates on tree.
I Find the animal with the fewest traits (in this case, the fewest transposons) in common
with the others. Write the name in the box labeled ‘outgroup.’
b. Find the animal with the next-fewest traits in common with the others. Add a new branch
to your tree (follow the dashed line). Write the name of the animal at the top of the new line.
c. Follow the pattern, adding branches for the other animals.
d. Mark the tree to show where each transposon first appeared (A has been marked for

hippo whale
pig l l
l l l
l l
t l l
l I
11. Which living animal is most closely related to (shares a most common ancestor with)
Cetaceans such as whales?

12. From the early 1700s to the modern day, how did various lines of evidence refine scientists’
understanding about the ancestry of Cetaceans?
a. Anatomy

the way a species’ body is portrayed.

b. Fossils
old remains of an

c. Embryological development

something with
embryos i’m guessing.

d. DNA (including amino acid sequences)

what we are made


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