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Build your stock with J2ME

Skill Level: Introductory

Jack Wind

08 Oct 2002

In this tutorial, we will build a typical Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME)
application, called UniStocks, based on CLDC (Connected Limited Device
Configuration) and MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) APIs.

Section 1. Introduction

J2ME tutorial overview

In this tutorial, we will build a typical Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME)
application, called UniStocks, based on CLDC (Connected Limited Device
Configuration) and MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) APIs. As we build the
application, we'll cover the following topics:

• MIDlet basics
• MIDP high-level user interface design
• MIDP low-level user interface design
• Record management system (RMS)
• J2ME networking and multithreading
• Server-side design
• Application optimization and deployment
• Overcoming J2ME limitations

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About UniStocks
UniStocks is a stock application that enables the user to access and manage
information of any stock -- anywhere, anytime.

Like any stock application on your PC or on the Web, UniStocks lets the user:

• Add stocks (store stock symbols on a phone)

• Delete stock(s) (remove stock symbols)
• View live information of selected stocks, such as current high price, low
price, volume, etc.
• View charts of historical data (one month, three months, six months, one
year), price, volume, and so forth.
UniStocks is based on a client-server architecture. The server will provide all
required stock information, such as live data and historical data.

Figures 1 through 3 show the main menu; the downloading status, and the stock
historical chart, respectively.

Figure 1: UniStocks main menu

Figure 2: UniStocks download status

Figure 3: UniStocks historical chart

Section 2. Getting started

Choose your development tools

Few IDE tools are available for J2ME. You should already be familiar with the J2ME
Wireless Toolkit (WTK). WTK lets you compile, package, deploy, and execute J2ME
applications. WTK is not a real IDE, because it lacks important features like editing
and debugging. However, it is easy to use, which is appealing to many developers.

Other tools, such as IBM VisualAge Micro Edition and Borland JBuilder Mobile Set
2.0, are extensions of mature IDEs. They provide wizards and other tools to help you
create J2ME applications.

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You should choose the right tools according to your needs. (See Resources for IDE
links.) For this project, we'll use the text editor Emacs with WTK 1.04.

Code the MIDlet

The J2ME platform consists of a set of layers, on top of which lies MIDP. We
develop J2ME applications on top of MIDP; thus, the applications are called MIDlets.
Every J2ME application must extend the MIDlet class so the application
management software can control it.

Here is a blueprint of our MIDlet:

public class UniStock extends MIDlet implements CommandListener

Display display;
private List menu;
private Command commandSelect;
private Command commandExit;
public UniStock() { // The constructor.
// Data initialization.
// Read saved data from RMS.
// Create UI components and the first screen (menu).
public void startApp() { // Enter the active state.
// Display the first screen.
public void pauseApp() {
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
// Clean up data streams, network, etc.
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
// Other customized methods.

When the application management software invokes the startApp(),

pauseApp(), or destroyApp() method, the MIDlet's state changes. For example,
when pauseApp() is invoked, the MIDlet changes from an active to a paused state.

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Because those methods signal state changes, they need to be lightweight in order to
return quickly. As you can see in the above code listing, we put most of the
initialization process in <init> and the constructor, rather than in startApp().

Warning: During application execution, startApp() and/or pauseApp() might be

called several times as the state changes. You should be careful never to place any
initialization code inside those two methods.

Section 3. High-level user interface design

General design overview

GUI APIs are defined in MIDP rather than CLDC. UniStocks will use both high-level
user interface APIs (such as Alert, Form, and exclusive components like
Command), as well as low-level ones (such as Canvas).

Screen is the super class of all high-level interface APIs. Figure 4 shows a screen
map of UniStocks. Note that "Historical charts," with the gray background, uses the
low-level API to draw charts to the screen. The screen map does not show the
intermediate-level screens, such as alerts and error reporting screens.

Figure 4: UniStocks screen map

Avoid splash screens

What about a cool splash screen? I strongly recommend you don't display a splash
screen. Small devices have limited processor power. Displaying a splash screen will
significantly delay your application launch process. In addition, it will increase your
final distribution file size. (The limit of jar file size for some phones is as low as 30K!)

If you really want to display a splash screen, display it only when the user first
launches the MIDlet. Users will become frustrated if they must wait for your splash
screen to display every time.

In this application, we use a simple "About" alert to show the application's nature and
license information.

Screen navigation: The tree model

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While developing my company's first few J2ME applications, my development team

and I found that it was difficult to navigate among screens. MIDP only provides the
Display class for one-screen display management. After some brainstorming, we
created the tree model shown in Figure 5, which is easily understood and adopted in
J2ME development.

Figure 5: This image shows that a screen map is a typical tree.

As Figure 5 illustrates, our UniStocks screen map is actually a bidirectional tree.

Each screen in the map is a node, and the main menu is the root node.

In a tree structure like this, we can use the navigation techniques Depth-First-Search
and Breadth-First-Search. Further, the implementation will be easy.

Tree model implementation

A typical node implementation is as follows:

class Node {
Node parent;
Vector children;
boolean isRoot;

Similarly, we implemented the screen as a tree node:

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
* SubForm: A template of all subforms, 'node' in a tree.
* @version $2.1 2002-JAN-15$
* @author JackWind Li Guojie (http://www.JackWind.net)
public class SubForm extends Form implements CommandListener
Command backCommand; // Back to the parent screen.
UniStock midlet; // The MIDlet.
Displayable parent; // The parent screen.
* Constructor - pass in the midlet object.
public SubForm(String title, UniStock midlet, Displayable parent) {
this.midlet = midlet;
this.parent = parent;
backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);

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* commandListener: Override this one in subclass!
* Call this method in subclass: super.commandAction(c, s)
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
if(c == backCommand) {
if(parent != null)

We don't keep a children list in the node because we usually create new child
screens on the fly. (Of course, you can keep a children list if you don't want to create
child screens every time.) When the user presses the Back command, the system
simply displays its parent screen. The child might make some changes on the parent
screen, and then display its parent screen after the Back button is pressed.

Using this tree model, we can easily create user-friendly J2ME applications. As an
alternative, you can look into another navigation model, called a stack-based
framework, described by John Muchow in Core J2ME Technology and MIDP . (See

A sample screen
The following code list is a simplified version of our "View Stock Details" form
implementation. The class FormView extends the tree node implementation
SubForm. FormView adds its own customized commands, methods, and so on. It
also overrides the commandAction() method for its customized command
event-handling routine:

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
* Form: Display view stock form.
* @version 1.0 2002-JUL-07
* @author JackWind Li Guojie (http://www.JackWind.net)

public class FormView extends SubForm

ChoiceGroup choiceStocks;
Command commandLive;
Command commandOneMonth;
Command commandThreeMonth;
Command commandSixMonth;

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Command commandOneYear;
int mode; // 1 - Live info.
// 2 - One month.
// 3 - Three months.
// 4 - Six months.
// 5 - One year.
Stock s; // Selected stock.

StockLive sl;
StockHistory sh;
public FormView(String title, UniStock midlet, Displayable parent) {
super(title, midlet, parent);
commandLive = new Command("Live Info", Command.SCREEN, 1);
commandOneMonth = new Command("One m. chart", Command.SCREEN, 1);
commandThreeMonth = new Command("Three m. Chart", Command.SCREEN,
commandSixMonth = new Command("Six m. Chart", Command.SCREEN, 1);
commandOneYear = new Command("One yr. Chart", Command.SCREEN, 1);
choiceStocks = new ChoiceGroup("Select a stock: ",
for(int i=0; i<midlet.stocks.size(); i++) {
UniStock.debug("Loading #" + i);
Stock s = (Stock)midlet.stocks.elementAt(i);
Exchange e = (Exchange)midlet.exchanges.elementAt((int)s.ex);
choiceStocks.append( s.code + " [" + e.code + "]", null);
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable ds) {
super.commandAction(c, ds);
if(c == commandLive || c == commandOneMonth || c==
|| c == commandSixMonth || c == commandOneYear)
if(c == commandLive)
mode = 1;
else if(c == commandOneMonth)
mode = 2;
else if(c == commandThreeMonth)
mode = 3;
else if(c == commandSixMonth)
mode = 4;
else if(c == commandOneYear)
mode = 5;
if(choiceStocks == null || choiceStocks.getSelectedIndex() == -1)
midlet.reportError("Nothing selected to view!");
s = null;
s =

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Download dl = new Download(this, midlet);
NextForm nextForm = new NextForm(c.getLabel(), midlet, this, dl);
Thread t = new Thread(dl);

Concepts behind MVC and user interface delegation

The classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern was introduced in the
SmallTalk programming environment. The model maintains the data state in the
application domain. The view represents the model in graphical or nongraphical
form. The controller receives the external input and interprets it in order to update
the model or view. However, sometimes separating the view from the controller is
difficult. Instead, developers combine them, calling it a representation. This modified
version of MVC is often called user interface delegation.

Why use MVC or user interface delegation? With MVC and UI delegation, you can
adapt your application painlessly. In a J2ME environment, MVC lets you do modular
component testing. You can fully test the business logic code before mixing it with
the GUI part.

Using MVC/UI delegation

The following two code listings both try to add a new Stock object; however, they
use different approaches. The first one uses good MVC design. It clearly separates
the presentation from the model. Alternatively, the second one stuffs everything
inside the method.

If we want to add another attribute to the Stock class -- for example, company
name -- the Stock constructor needs one more parameter. We also need to check
whether the user tries to add certain restricted stocks. For the MVC code, we simply
modify the addStock() method in UniStock. For the second listing, we must
modify every code snippet that contains the code for creating and/or adding stocks,
which can be tedious:

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// Called by certain events (controller), such as user input, etc.

public void process() {
if(stockOK) {
// Add stock here ....
if(nextForm != null) {
if( midlet.addStock(textCode.getString(),
(byte)choiceExchanges.getSelectedIndex(), temp) )
nextForm.setStatus(true, "Stock added.");
nextForm.setStatus(false, "Stock found, but could not be

// Called by certain events (controller), like user input, etc.

public void process() {
if(stockOK) {
boolean added = false;
// Add stock here ...
if(nextForm != null) {
// Create a new stock.
Stock s = new Stock(textCode.getString(),
// Check for duplication.
if(midlet.stocks.indexOf(s) != -1) {
debug("Stock already in records!");
added = true;
if(added) {
nextForm.setStatus(true, "Stock added.");
nextForm.setStatus(false, "Stock found, but could not be

What's wrong with Alert?

Even for moderately sized applications, you need to use Alert to notify the user of
any action. However, occasionally you may encounter some problems; for example,
the user might be confused by the improper use of Alert:

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// After the 'Delete' command is pressed ...

Alert alert = new Alert("Information",
"Are you sure you want to delete all the data? ", null, null);
System.out.println("Data deleted");

Some books use code similar to the above code to show their readers how to use
Alert. However, that code is wrong. When you press the Delete command, the
above code will run. During the execution, you might find that "Data deleted" is
printed immediately after the Alert displays (as shown here in Figure 6). If you
press the Delete command unintentionally, you cannot cancel or roll back deletion
because the data has already been deleted before you noticed it.

Figure 6: Deletion alert

Alert is misused in the above code. According to the MIDP Java API
documentation, "The intended use of Alert is to inform the user about errors and
other exceptional conditions." Therefore, we need a dialog here. In the next section,
I will present a flexible, reusable Dialog class.

Solution: The Dialog class

Please note that Dialog is not a standard class in CLDC or MIDP. The developers
at JackWind Group created the Dialog class shown in the following listing:

* FileName: Dialog.java
* Version: 1.0
* Create on: 2001-JUN-01
* All rights reserved by JackWind Group. (www.JackWind.net)
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
* Dialog: A class simulating dialog for UI.
* @version 1.0 2001-JUN-01
* @author JackWind Group (http://www.JackWind.net)
class DialogListener {
public void onOK() {}
public void onYES() {}
public void onNO() {}
public void onCANCEL() {}
public void onCONFIRM() {}

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public class Dialog extends Form implements CommandListener{

Display display;
DialogListener dll;
Displayable parent;
public static final int OK = 1;
public static final int YES = 2;
public static final int NO = 4;
public static final int CANCEL = 8;
public static final int CONFIRM = 16;
Command cmOK;
Command cmYES;
Command cmNO;
Command cmCANCEL;
Command cmCONFIRM;
StringItem text;
* The constructor.
*@param title Form title, must not be null
* @param text Form text, must not be null
* @param mode Control commands. int > 0
* @param MIDlet Our midlet, must not be null
* @param DialogListener dll, can be null
* @param parent The parent form, must not be null
public Dialog(String title, String text, int mode, MIDlet midlet,
DialogListener dll, Displayable parent) {
this.dll = dll;
this.text = new StringItem(null, text);
this.display = Display.getDisplay(midlet);
this.parent = parent;
if( (mode & OK) != 0) {
cmOK = new Command("OK", Command.SCREEN, 1);
if( (mode & YES) != 0) {
cmYES = new Command("Yes", Command.SCREEN, 1);
if( (mode & NO) != 0) {
cmNO = new Command("No", Command.SCREEN, 1);
if( (mode & CANCEL) != 0) {
cmCANCEL = new Command("Cancel", Command.SCREEN, 1);
if( (mode & CONFIRM) != 0) {
cmCONFIRM = new Command("Confirm", Command.SCREEN, 1);

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public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
if(dll != null) {
if(c == cmOK)
else if(c == cmYES)
else if(c == cmNO)
else if(c == cmCANCEL)
else if(c == cmCONFIRM)

Using Dialog
Using our Dialog class, we can rewrite the code from the "What's Wrong with
Alert?" section:

Dialog dl = new Dialog ( "Confirmation,"

"Are you sure you want to delete all data?",
Dialog.CONFIRM | Dialog.CANCEL,

new DialogListener() { // Anonymous inner class.

public void onCONFIRM() {
System.out.println("Data deleted");
// If cancelled, do nothing.


Now, when you press the Delete command, you will see the screen shown here in
Figure 7. You can confirm the deletion or simply cancel this action. Similarly, you
can use this Dialog to let the user answer simple questions with YES, NO, OK, and
so on.

To create a new Dialog, we need a DialogListener to act in response to user

input. In our implementation, DialogListener is a class, not an interface. In this

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way, you simply override any method necessary without implementing all the
methods. In the above code, we use an anonymous inner class as
DialogListener, and override the onCONFIRM() method.

Figure 7: Confirmation dialog

Section 4. Low-level user interface design

What's next
In this section, we will build a Canvas to display stock price and volume charts.

After the user selects a stock symbol and historical period, the application will
retrieve historical data from the server. (I will discuss networking later.) Getting the
necessary data, the application will draw the actual charts onto the canvas (see

The user can view price and volume for every historical trading day by pressing the
right arrow to find the next day or the left arrow for the previous day. (See
information about event processing in subsequent sections.) By pressing the up and
down arrow, the user can zoom in and zoom out (see Figure 9).

Figure 8: Stock chart canvas

Figure 9: Zoom in and out

Low-level drawing
When creating a Canvas, we need to extend the Canvas class and override at least
its paint(Graphics g) method. By overriding the paint() method, we can draw
the stock chart:

protected void paint(Graphics g) {

// Clear background.
g.setColor(255, 255, 255);
g.fillRect(0, 0, screenH, screenV);
// Draw Strings - Price, volume, etc.
g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
g.drawString("H: $"+UniStock.getString(sr.priceHigh) +
", L: $" + UniStock.getString(sr.priceLow),

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1, 1, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
g.drawString("Volume: " + sr.volumn,
1, fontH + 2, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
// Draw the chart.
for(int i=left+1; i<=right; i++) {
// For each visible day (except the first day).
StockRecord current = (StockRecord)sh.vec.elementAt(i);
// Draw price chart.
// Multiplication first, then division to increase accuracy.
g.setColor(255, 51, 0); // Set color
startX + (i-1-left)*step,
startY + Y - (last.priceHigh-priceLowest)*Y/priceBase,
startX + (i-left)*step,
startY + Y - (current.priceHigh - priceLowest)*Y/priceBase
// Draw volume chart.
last = current;

} // End for loop.


The above code is our paint() method. Inside the method, we get a reference to
the Graphics object; thus, we can use it to do the actual drawing. These main
drawing methods are available in Graphics:

• drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int

startAngle, int arcAngle)
• drawChar(char character, int x, int y, int anchor)
• drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor)
• drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
• drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
• drawString(String str, int x, int y, int anchor)
• fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int
startAngle, int arcAngle)
• fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
• fillRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int
arcWidth, int arcHeight)
In UniStock, we use drawString() to draw price and volume for the selected day.

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Then we draw the price and volume chart by concatenating small segments created
by drawLine() for each period.

Drawing and filling basics

Small devices have a limited screen or display area. Therefore, you should plan
carefully before you start coding. Otherwise, a slight drawing inaccuracy will ruin
your user interface. One common problem here is that people are often unclear
about how filling and drawing methods work.

The origin of the graphics coordinate system is at the upper left corner, with
coordinates increasing down and to the right, as Figures 10 and 11 illustrate. The
arguments required by drawing and filling methods define a coordinate path (shown
in the gray spots in the figures) instead of pixel positions. This can sometimes be

Figure 10: Drawing a rectangle -- drawRect (2, 2, 4, 3)

Figure 11: Filling a rectangle -- fillRect(2, 2, 4, 3)

Figure 10 is the screen view after invoking the method drawRect(2, 2, 4, 3)

(which draws a rectangle starting with (2,2), width = 4, height = 3). Notice in Figure
10 that drawRect() draws an extra row of pixels on the rectangle's right and
bottom sides.

Figure 11's filled rectangle is the result of fillRect(2, 2, 4, 3). Unlike

drawRect(), fillRect() fills the specified path's interior.

Here is the code for drawing a border rectangle for a canvas:

g.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth()-1, getHeight()-1);

Here is the code for filling a canvas' full screen:

g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

Low-level event processing

Both Screen and Canvas are direct subclasses of Displayable. We can create
commands and add them to Screen or Canvas, and then set a CommonListener
for them. This is how high-level event processing works.

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But Canvas can also handle low-level events. For low-level events -- such as game
action, key events, and pointer events -- we don't need to create and register
listeners, because Canvas has direct methods to handle them:

• showNotify()
• hideNotify()
• keyPressed()
• keyRepeated()
• keyReleased()
• pointerPressed()
• pointerDragged()
• pointerReleased()
• paint()
The following is our event-handling routine in StockCanvas:

protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) {

switch(getGameAction(keyCode)) {
case RIGHT:
cursor ++;
case LEFT:
cursor --;
case UP:
case DOWN:
}// End of switch.

Once the user presses a key, the keyPressed() method will be called with the
pressed key code as the only parameter.

Why do we need getGameAction() to process the keyCode? This way, we can

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ensure our application's portability. getGameAction() will translate a key code into
a game action. Those game actions should be available on all J2ME-supported
devices. However, a hand phone might have different code settings with a two-way
pager. So we need to translate those settings with getGameAction().

Tip: Use game actions, such as UP, RIGHT, and LEFT, to ensure application

Double buffering
Occasionally, you find that canvases flicker during repainting. This flickering is due
to the fact that the Canvas class must clear the previous screen (background)
before it invokes the paint() method. Erasing Canvas's background results in
flickering, which we can eliminate using a well-known technique called double

Double buffering prepares the next Canvas content to display in an offScreen()

buffer, and then copies the complete display content to the screen. This way, we
avoid erasing and flickering.

The following is our rewritten code for paint():

Image offScreen; // For double buffering.

protected void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics ig = null;
if(isDoubleBuffered()) { // If the implementation supports it..
ig = g;
if(offScreen == null)
offScreen = Image.createImage(screenH, screenV);
ig = offScreen.getGraphics();
ig.setColor(255, 255, 255); // Clear with white background.
ig.fillRect(0, 0, screenH, screenV);
... // Drawing, filling with ig.
g.drawImage(offScreen, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);

If the implementation supports double buffering, we don't need to repeat it. Thus, we
must check it before double buffering in the paint() method.

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Section 5. Record management system

Store data with RMS

MIDP provides us with the Record Management System (RMS), a records-based
persistent storage system. With RMS, you can persistently store data and retrieve it
later. In UniStocks, we use RMS to store stock symbols.

RecordStore, which consists of a record collection, is the only class in the

javax.microedition.rms package. A record is a byte array (byte []) of data.
RMS doesn't support data types for records, so you have to manipulate them

Here are some RMS facts:

• The naming space for RecordStore is controlled at MIDlet-suite

• MIDlets within the same MIDlet suite can share RecordStores
• MIDlets from different MIDlet suites cannot share RecordStores
• When a MIDlet suite is removed, all RecordStores associated with it are
removed too.
Warning: RMS does not provide any locking operations. RMS ensures that all
individual RecordStore operations are atomic, synchronous, and serialized.
However, if a MIDlet uses multiple threads to access a RecordStore, the MIDlet
must coordinate this access, otherwise unintended consequences may result.

Understanding RecordStore
Records inside a RecordStore are uniquely identified by their recordID, which is
an integer value. The first record that RecordStore creates will have a recordID
equal to 1. Each subsequent record added to RecordStore will have a recordID
one greater than the last added record.

Developers commonly mistake a RecordStore to be a Vector whose index starts

from 1 instead of 0. That is wrong, which you may not realize unless you've worked
on RMS extensively.

For example, Figure 12 shows the internal state transition of our RecordStore.

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State 2 does not contain any record with a recordID equal to 2 or 3. However, its
'Next ID' does not change. As you can see clearly from the state representations
below, RecordStore is not a Vector. In the following sections, you will learn how
to correctly add and retrieve records.

Figure 12: The RecordStore's internal state transition

Controlling RecordStores
Open and create a RecordStore:

The code listing below tries to open a RecordStore. If the RecordStore identified
by its name does not exist, RMS will try to create it. The RecordStore name
should not exceed 32 characters. You should also try to avoid using duplicated
names while creating RecordStores. The openRecordStore() method throws
several exceptions, so we need to manage exception handling:

* Open a record store.
private RecordStore openRecStore(String name) {
try {
// Open the record store, create it if it does not exist.
return RecordStore.openRecordStore(name, true);
}catch(Exception e) {
reportError("Fail to open RS: " + name);
return null;

Close a RecordStore:

If you don't need to use a RecordStore anymore, you can simply close it to release
the resources it holds:

// Clean up.
try {
}catch(Exception e) {
// reportError("Clean-up error:" + e.toString());

Erase a RecordStore:

Warning: When you delete a RecordStore, you erase its associated records!

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public void eraseRecordStore() {

try {
debug("Deleting record store ...");
}catch(Exception e) {
debug("Could not delete stores: " + e.toString());

Create records
As I mentioned earlier, a record is a byte array. However, we usually store data of
types String, int, and so on in records. Here we can use DataInputStream
and ByteArrayInputStream to pack data into records:

private ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInput;

private DataInputStream dataInput;
byte[] recData = new byte[200]; // buffer
byteArrayInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(recData);
dataInput = new DataInputStream(byteArrayInput);
* Write a new stock record.
private int writeStock(Stock s) {
byte[] record = byteArrayOutput.toByteArray();
// Add to record store.
return rsStockList.addRecord(record, 0, record.length);
}catch(Exception e) {
reportError("Failed to add stock to RMS: " + e.toString());
return -1;

In the code listing above, method rsStockList.addRecord(record, 0,

record.length) has been invoked to create a new record in RecordStore. The

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recordID is returned. We can use the following code to check whether or not a
new record has been created successfully:

* Add a new stock.
boolean addStock(String code, byte ex, String temp) {
Stock s = new Stock(code, ex);
int id = writeStock(s);
if(id > 0) {
s.rs_id = id;
return true;
return false;

Retrieve data from RMS

In previous sections, I have shown that RecordStore behaves differently than a
Vector. You should never assume that a record with a certain recordID, such as
0, always exists. You should use RecordEnumeration to retrieve records. The
RecordEnumeration class represents a bidirectional record store Record
enumerator. RecordEnumeration logically maintains a sequence of recordIDs
of a RecordStore's records. After obtaining recordIDs from
RecordEnumeration, we can use this method to retrieve the byte array content:

public int getRecord(int recordId, byte[] buffer, int offset)

throws RecordStoreNotOpenException,

In the previous section, we used DataInputStream and

ByteArrayInputStream to pack data into records. Similarly, we can use
DataOutputStream and ByteArrayOutputStream to retrieve data from
records. However, we reverse the order:

private ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutput;

private DataOutputStream dataOutput;
byteArrayOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
dataOutput = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutput);
* Load stock from RMS.
* Should be called exactly once in the application cycle.

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private void readStock() {
stocks = new Vector();
try {
int total = rsStockList.getNumRecords();
if(total == 0) // No record..
RecordEnumeration re = rsStockList.enumerateRecords(null, null,
for(int i=0; i<total; i++) {
int id = re.nextRecordId();
debug("Reading " + (i+1) + " of total " + total + " id = " +
rsStockList.getRecord( id, recData, 0);
Stock s = new Stock (
dataInput.readUTF(), // full name - String
dataInput.readByte() // num - byte
); );
s.rs_id = id; // Keep a copy of recordID.
stocks.addElement (s);
}catch(Exception e) {

Tip: Always keep a copy of recordIDs after loading data from the records. Those
recordIDs will be useful if you need to modify or delete records later.

Delete and modify records

You can easily delete a record if you know its recordID:

eraseStock( ((Stock)stocks.elementAt(i)).rs_id )) ;
* Erase a record.
* @param i recordID
private boolean eraseStock(int i) {
try {
}catch(Exception e) {
return false;
return true;

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Modifying a record is similar to creating a new record. Instead of creating a new

record, we overwrite an existing record. Referring to the code listing in the "Create
Records" section, we change rsStockList.addRecord(record, 0,
record.length); into rsStockList.setRecord(recordID, record, 0,

Section 6. J2ME networking

Make the connection

CLDC provides a generic connection framework that we can use to send and
retrieve data from the Web. In addition, MIDP provides the HttpConnection
interface, while the MIDP specification requires that implementations support at least
the HTTP 1.1 protocol. Thus, we can use the HttpConnection to query a Web
server and retrieve stock information for UniStocks.

Using HttpConnection
HTTP is a request-response protocol in which the request parameters must be set
before the request is sent. In UniStocks, we use the following code to retrieve a
stock's live and historical data:

// private void getInfo() throws Exception:

HttpConnection http = null;
InputStream is = null;
boolean ret = false;
// Form URL
if(formAdd != null) {
URL = baseURL + "?E=" + formAdd.choiceExchanges.getSelectedIndex() +
"&S=" + formAdd.textCode.getString() + "&T=0";
}else if(formView != null && formView.s != null) {
// Create view baseURL....
UniStock.debug("Connecting to: " + URL);

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http = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(URL);
dl.setProgress(1, 10);
// Query the server and try to retrieve the response
is = http.openInputStream();
dl.setProgress(2, 10);
String str; // Temp buffer.
int length = (int) http.getLength();
dl.setProgress(3, 10);
if(length != -1) { // Length available.
byte data[] = new byte[length];
str = new String(data);
}else{ // Length not available.
ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int ch;
while((ch = is.read()) != -1)
str = new String(bs.toByteArray());


UniStock.debug("Got Data:>" + str + "<");
// String downloaded.....
// Process string here.
dl.setProgress(10, 10);
// Alert the user.
// AlertType.INFO.playSound(midlet.display);
} catch (IOException e) {
midlet.debug("Downloading error: " + e.toString());
if(formAdd != null) {
formAdd.stockOK = false;
}else if(formView != null) {
} finally {
if(formAdd != null)
if(formView != null)
; // Do something.
/// Clean up.
if(is != null)
if(http != null)
if(dl != null)

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The connection exists in one of three states:

1. Setup: In this state, the connection has not been made to the server.
http = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(URL) only creates
an HttpConnection, which is not yet connected.

2. Connected: After all necessary headers have been set, invoking

http.openInputStream() will result in a server connection. Request
parameters are sent and the response is expected. Once the application
downloads, the connection may move to the next state.

3. Closed: The connection has been closed and the methods will throw an
IOException if called. In our case, we close all the data streams and
connections before exiting our customized download method.

Using threads with HttpConnection

Nearly all J2ME introductory books demonstrate some primitive HttpConnection
examples. Without providing visual feedback during a network connection, you leave
the user waiting, staring at a frozen screen (and today's slow wireless networks
make the situation worse). Consumer electronic users normally have much higher
expectations than desktop users.

Therefore, in UniStocks, we use multithreading to tackle this problem. After pressing

a key or command for download, the user will see a screen, as illustrated by , and
survey the progress through the gauge. If he changes his mind, he can simply press
Cancel and return to the previous screen. After data downloads, the user will see the
chart screen, shown in Figure 14 (repeated here from Figure 8). This way,
everything runs or stops gracefully. I will show a detailed implementation in the next

Figure 13: Downloading screen

Figure 14: Stock chart canvas

Tip: Use a gauge rather than an animated picture to display progress.

Implementation multithreading with connection

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We have two major goals: Show the user connection progress, and give the user
control. When the user presses the Download command, the system will create and
start a new thread for download. At the same time, the download screen is created
and displayed to the user:

if(c == commandOneMonth) {
mode = 1;
Download dl = new Download(this, midlet);
// Download screen.
NextForm nextForm = new NextForm(c.getLabel(), midlet, this, dl);
Thread t = new Thread(dl);

If the user presses Cancel while downloading, downloading should stop


if(c == commandCancel && (! finished) ) {

if(download != null)

For our implementation, we'll use an interruption technique. In our getInfo()

method, we frequently check whether the downloading thread has been interrupted.
If a thread has been interrupted, InterruptedException is thrown and the
run() method catches this interruption and the thread exits.

You can use another technique: Close the connection when Cancel is pressed.
Once the connection is closed, Connection methods will throw an IOException if
called. However, any streams created from connection are still valid even if the
connection has been closed.

My development team and I have found that the first interruption technique performs

The Download class

In the last section, I briefly discussed the techniques for graceful multithreading. The
code list below provides a detailed implementation. Here is the code for the

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Download class:

public class Download implements Runnable

private UniStock midlet;
private String baseURL; // Retrieve URL from JAD file.
private String URL;
private boolean interrupted;
// For a Class object, only one of the following
// objects is not null.
private FormAdd formAdd;
private FormView formView;
// We only allow one download listener so far.
DownloadListener dl;
boolean hasListener;
public Download(UniStock midlet) {
this.midlet = midlet;
baseURL = midlet.getAppProperty(midlet.URL_KEY);
* Thread starts from here!
public void run() {
try {
}catch(Exception e) {
midlet.debug("Exception caught: " + e.toString());
public void setInterrupted() {
interrupted = true;
public boolean interrupted() {
return interrupted;
* Do the real work here.
private void getInfo() throws Exception {
HttpConnection http = null;
InputStream is = null;
boolean ret = false;
if(formAdd != null) {
URL = baseURL + "?E=" +
formAdd.choiceExchanges.getSelectedIndex() +
"&S=" + formAdd.textCode.getString() + "&T=0";
}else if(formView != null && formView.s != null) {
// Create view baseURL....
UniStock.debug("Connecting to: " + URL);

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http = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(URL);
dl.setProgress(1, 10);
throw new InterruptedException();
is = http.openInputStream();
dl.setProgress(2, 10);
UniStock.debug("Connecting to: " + URL);
String str; // Temp buffer.
int length = (int) http.getLength();
dl.setProgress(3, 10);
throw new InterruptedException();
if(length != -1) { // Length valid.
byte data[] = new byte[length];
str = new String(data);
}else{ // Length not available.
ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int ch;
while((ch = is.read()) != -1)
str = new String(bs.toByteArray());
throw new InterruptedException();
UniStock.debug("Got Data:>" + str + "<");
// String downloaded.....
// Process data here.
dl.setProgress(10, 10);
// Alert the user.
// AlertType.INFO.playSound(midlet.display);
} catch (IOException e) {
midlet.debug("Downloading error: " + e.toString());
if(formAdd != null) {
formAdd.stockOK = false;
}else if(formView != null) {
} finally {
if(formAdd != null)
if(formView != null)
; // Do something.

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/// Clean up.

if(is != null)
if(http != null)
if(dl != null)
} // End function getInfo();

Section 7. Server-side design

Consider the server side

The UniStocks application is based on a client-server architecture. (The MIDlet is the
client side.) In previous sections, we have designed the client part. This section
focuses on the server side. Before we create a server-side program, we must
carefully plan what we should put on the server side, and what we should leave on
the client side.

Some advantages of server-side computing are:

• Great processor power

• High-speed connection
• Flexible computing choices (languages, platforms, etc.)

Take advantage of the server side

Now that we know some advantages of server-side programs, how can we utilize
them to create our own server-side programs? The goal is to improve the whole
application's performance, on the server side and the client side. To help us
overcome the limitations of J2ME and small devices, server-side programs can:

• Move the heavy computing part to the server side

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• Do floating point computation on the server side

• Preprocess information on the server side to improve performance
• Overcome other J2ME limitations, such as creating pictures
• Reduce upgrade cost: One upgrade on the server side versus an upgrade
of every software suite on the client side

Collecting information
The server side provides us with stock information. The best way to get that stock
data is from a fast database; we can then send the data to the client. However, we
usually don't have such a convenient database to access. Our solution here is to
parse the Yahoo! Finance Web pages, which provide stock information from major
exchanges, and then forward the formatted data to the client side. You can easily
add your regional exchanges in the same way.

You may directly process the Web pages on the client side. However, once the Web
pages change their format, you have to update all installed MIDlets. If you later have
a faster way to access the stock data, you could simply update the server side only.

Tip: You are not limited to use Java language in server-side programming. Since the
client side does not care about the server-side implementation, you can use your
favorite script languages, such as Perl, ColdFusion, and so forth.

Processing and delivery

If you supply a valid stock symbol, the Yahoo! Finance server will return the
following live data:

Symbol Current Price, Date, Time, Change Open High Low Volume
"IBM", 76.50, "8/15/2002", "4:00pm", +1.58, 75.40,76.71,74.60, 9269600

If the MIDlet requests a certain stock's live information, it must supply the stock's
symbol to query the server. The server then queries the Yahoo! Finance server to
get information. The server should return the following information to the MIDlet:

• Status: Success or failure (1 for success, 0 for failure)

• Any data if applicable
Why do you need a status byte? When you surf the Web, you may experience the
following problems:

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• HTTP gateway timeout

• Web server too busy
• HTTP internal error
• Script running timeout
Even if the Web server is O.K. and your scripts are correct, the user might still
encounter the above problems due to multiple gateways between the client and the
Web server. Using a status byte, we can check whether or not the data received by
the client is valid. If the data is not valid, we simply discard it. By doing this, we also
reduce parsing errors. Here is the sample output (live data):

[Status * last price * price change * open price * high * low * volume]
1 * 73200 *1020 *73750 *73990 *73070*4586500*

Similarly, the server could retrieve the historical data from Yahoo! Finance and send
it to the client. Here is the sample output (historical data):

[status * year-month-day price high price low volume * ]

1 * 2-9-6 73990 73070 4586500* ...

Section 8. Overcome J2ME limitations

Floating point computation

J2ME does not support floating point computation. In UniStocks, we need floating
point support for stock prices and so forth. To solve this problem, we use the
following technique: When making floating point computations, we multiply the
floating point numbers by 1000, trim them to integers, and then we calculate. After
the computation, we might get a result like 12200, which stands for stock price 12.2.
To display it correctly, we process a string using the getString() method in the
UniStock class:

* getString: Form a String from a big integer.
* We assume the integer has been multiplied by 1000.

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public static final String getString(int i, boolean trimZero, boolean
isPositive) {
if(isPositive && i < 0) {
return " N/A";
if(i==0) return "0";
boolean neg = (i > 0 ? false : true);
String str= Integer.toString(i);
if(neg) {
i = -i; // Make it positive first.
str = str.substring(1);
if(i < 10) { // Like 9.
str = "0.00" + str;
}else if(i < 100) { // Like 98.
str = "0.0" + str;
}else if(i < 1000) { // Like 450.
str = "0." + str;
}else{ // Like 10900.
str = Integer.toString(i);
str = str.substring(0, str.length()-3) + "." +
str = "-" + str;
if(trimZero) { // Trim extra zeros
int dotP = str.indexOf('.');
int pos = -1;
if(dotP < 0) // if no '.' is found.
return str;
for(pos = str.length()-1; pos >= dotP; pos --)
if(str.charAt(pos) != '0')
if(pos == dotP)
// If nothing is left behind '.', remove '.' too.
pos -= 1;
return str.substring(0, pos+1);
return str;

Hardcoding technique
My development team and I developed a shooting game recently. During
development, my colleagues complained that J2ME has no sin, cos, or tg methods.
Without knowing those sin and cos values, shooting would be uncontrollable. Finally,
we identified that we only had 15 different angles, so we hardcoded their sin and cos
values into the program. You could use this hardcoding technique to solve similar

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The MIDlet suite application descriptor file

The application management software needs the JAD file to obtain information
needed to manage resources during MIDlet execution.

If you use the WTK, you can see your JAD file's attributes by pressing the Settings
button. The first tab displays the required attributes, some of which you need to

• MIDlet-Name: The name of MIDlet suite

• MIDlet-Vendor: The default value is Sun Microsystems; change it to your
company name
• MIDlet-Version: The default value is 1.0; change it to the application's
In UniStocks, we create a user-defined attribute: INFO_PROVIDER_URL (key). This
attribute specifies the stock information provider's URL (value):
http://www.jackwind.net/resources/pj2me/StockInfoProvider.php. In our program, we
use the following code to retrieve this value:

static final String URL_KEY = "INFO_PROVIDER_URL";

public Download(UniStock midlet) {
this.midlet = midlet;
baseURL = midlet.getAppProperty(midlet.URL_KEY);

If you installed the StockInfoProvider servlet on your Web server, you may want
to set this URL pointing to the servlet's exact address.

Section 9. Wrap up

What we covered
In this tutorial, we have covered almost every aspect of J2ME by developing a
typical application -- UniStocks.

You received great hands-on experience in MIDLet basics, high-level user interface

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design, low-level user interface design, persistent storage mechanisms, J2ME

networking, and server-side design, among other areas. In addition, I presented
various frameworks and techniques that you can use to develop your own J2ME
applications with ease and confidence.

Source/binary code configuration

1. Download pj2me.zip from http://www.jackwind.net/resources/pj2me.

2. Unzip pj2me.zip to a directory. Read carefully the license in

license.txt. The UniStocks folder contains the MIDlet client source
code and resources; the jackwind folder contains server-side code (the

3. Run UniStocks. Copy the UniStocks folder to WTK's apps directory,

and UniStocks should appear in your project list of WTK ('Open Project
...'). Open UniStocks and run it. The default stock provider is
http://www.jackwind.net/resources/pj2me/StockInfoProvider.php, so you
should configure the proxy setting before connecting to our server.

4. Set up your own stock provider (optional). First configure your proxy host
and proxy port in file StockInfoProvider.java (inside the jackwind
folder). Compile source file and install the servlet. For details, please refer
to README.txt under jackwind/WEB-INF. Set the UniStocks JAD file's
user-defined attribute INFO_PROVIDER_URL to your servlet URL; for

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• Create your J2ME application with IBM VisualAge Micro Edition.
• Check out Borland JBuilder Mobile Set 2.0 as an IDE alternative.
• Sun One Studio 4.0 EA Mobile Edition is a free, feature-rich IDE.
• Visit Sun's wireless developer homepage.
• View JSR 30: J2ME Connected, Limited Device Configuration.
• View JSR 37: Mobile Information Device Profile for the J2ME Platform.
• To know more about multithreading with Java, read Java Thread Programming,
David M. Geary (Sams, 1999).
• To know more about patterns, read Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
Object-Oriented Software, Richard Helm, et al. (Addison-Wesley, 1994).
• A must-read for every user interface designer: The Design of Everyday Things,
Donald Norm (MIT Press, 1998).
• For more information on the stack-based framework, read John Muchow's Core
J2ME Technology and MIDP (Prentice Hall/Sun Microsystems Press, 2001).
• For more information, visit Wireless zone on IBM developerWorks.
• Visit the author's Web site http://www.jackwind.net for more J2ME resources
and services.
Get products and technologies
• Download the UniStocks binary and source from http://www.jackwind.net.
• Download the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition, Wireless Toolkit.

About the author

Jack Wind
Jackwind Li Guojie has been writing software professionally for many
years. As leader of the Jackwind Group, he provides software
consulting and training servies in the Asia-Pacific area. Currently, he is
also pursuing research on soft computing at Nanyang Technological
Unversity, Singapore. You can contact Jackwind at
[email protected].

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