RC Ii-1 Science and Sensory

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Learning Experiences

Student’s name Date___________

Age(s) 4-5
Number of children: 5-6 Location in the Classroom: Outside

Title of Experience: Exploring Clouds

RCII-1 Science/Sensory)

Intended Goals:

Students will be able to identify what clouds are and use their imagination to identify cloud shapes.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to identify what clouds are and use their imagination to identify cloud shapes.


 (10 minutes)

 Take students outside and have them sit down and look up to the sky.

 Ask them to look at the clouds and see if they can identify any shapes.
 Tell students that today they will be learning about clouds!

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling

 (10 minutes)

 Play the video Teach Children About Clouds.

 Explain to students that clouds are water particles that form in the sky. When they become too heavy, it starts
to rain!
 Then, read students the story It Looked Like Spilt Milk.
 Throughout the story, ask students what the different pictures look like to them.

Guided Practice

 (5 minutes)

 Explain to the students that today they will be making a picture of clouds in the sky.

 Using the instructions in the Independent Working Time section, demonstrate how to make your own "clouds."

Independent working time

 (15 minutes)
 Students should now complete this activity independently. Walk through the classroom to make sure students
are on task.

 Give each student a piece of blue construction paper and a hand full of cotton balls. Have students put glue on
the top of the paper and drag the cotton balls over it. It will make a figure.
 Have students identify what the cotton ball cloud looks like to them. Then, students should glue or write the
following poem on the bottom of their page: "I looked up to the sky and thought I saw a ______, but it was
just a cloud staring back at me."


 Enrichment: Give students extra literature to look through about clouds.

 Support: For struggling students, play the video How Clouds Form by Rain Drop Cartoon.


 (5 minutes)

 Ask students to point to a cloud. Have them tell you what the cloud looks like. Ask them what clouds are made

Review and closing

 (10 minutes)

 Have each student come to the front of the room and show off their cloud. Have them recite the poem and
state what their cloud looks like.

The resource collection (RC) is part of the CDA portfolio. For this class you will be completing RC II which includes nine
learning experiences (activities). These activities should be written in your own words. I have provided a format for you
to use. (See attached).Before completing this assignment you should read in the yellow or green text about the
Resource collection. If you are seeking a CDA for Preschool (green book) nine activities must be appropriate
for preschool children (ages: 3, 4 /or 5 year) Please note you must have all nine areas

If you are seeking a CDA for infant/toddler (yellow book) three of the activities must be appropriate for a young infant,
three activities must be appropriate for mobile infant and three activities must be appropriate for a toddler. A total of
nine activities. Please note you must have all nine areas

RC II-1 Science and Sensory

RC II-2 Language and Literacy
RC II-3 Creative Arts
RC II-4 Fine motor (indoor activity)
RC II-5 Gross motor (outdoor activity)
RC II-6 Self Concept
RC II-7 Emotional Skills/Regulation
RC II-8 Social Skills
RC II-9 Mathematics

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