CISC Brochure

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Chainalysis Investigation

Specialist Certification
Training and Certification Information

● An in-depth training focussed on advanced wallet

behavior, obfuscation techniques and case studies
● Learn advanced Reactor and blockchain
investigative methodologies
● Achieve a greater understanding of the risk
associated with entities on the blockchain
Chainalysis Investigation Specialist
Training Packages
The Chainalysis Investigation Specialist Certification (CISC) builds on CRC & Reactor experience
to develop an expert-level skill set in blockchain investigations based in Chainalysis Reactor. CISC
focuses on advanced workflows, recognizing obfuscation patterns, and incorporating all source
information to evaluate entity risk & move beyond commonly perceived limitations of blockchain

The course engages learners using a mix of practical exercises, group discussion and case studies
developed by Chainalysis experts. The training is provided through small virtual or in-person
classroom settings over two full days.

Learning Objectives Prerequisites:

■ CRC Certification
1. Enable investigators to use advanced ■ 3 months of Reactor experience
Chainalysis Reactor features & workflows
2. Conduct enhanced transaction analysis by Certification Requirements
using all source information provided by other
available tools ■ Active participation in discussion during
3. Learn how to identify when specific wallet exercises.
types are in use ■ 75% required to pass exam - 2.5 hours,
4. Move past perceived limitations of blockchain 100 multiple choice questions
analysis using advanced workflows ■ Open notes
5. Investigate transactions that use obfuscation
techniques such as CoinJoin mixing and chain Certification cost
■ $1,199 virtual / $1,499 in-person

■ Transaction and address feature analysis ■ Decentralized Exchanges
■ Advanced wallet behavior & Obfuscation ■ CoinJoin
○ Dusting CISC Exam:
○ Simple non-custodial wallets
○ Chain hopping ■ Preparation
■ Custodial ■ Administration
■ Non-custodial

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