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Week 1 Final

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Week 1

February 22-26, 2021

February 22,
Name: Roxanne Dacres
School: Unity Primary Primary School
Date: February 22, 2021
Time: 9:35 – 10:15
Duration: 40 Minutes
Grade: 3
Subject: Language Arts
Topic: Past Tense
Term: 2
Unit: 1
Strand: Grammar and Conventions

Attainment Target:

 Write sentences which are grammatically accurate and correctly punctuated, using
SJE and JC appropriately.
 Use and adopt a range of sentence structures according to context, distinguishing
between SJE and JC.

Specific Objectives:

1. State what is past tense.

2. Explain how to change a regular verb to the past tense
3. Convert regular verbs to the past tense.
4. Create sentences using the simple past tense from pictures shown

Skills: use the simple past tense, form the past tense, speak freely

Resources: Laptop, google slide

Key Vocabulary: Past tense, Consonant, Vowel


Students will be told that the days lesson will be about the past tense. The students will then be
asked what does the past mean. Expected answer: Something that happened in the past.
Something that happened before now. The students will then be asked if they know how to
change a word into the past tense. Expected answer : Yes, by adding ed. The students will then
be told that they will be watching a video about changing words to the past tense. Video:

The students will then be asked to identify some verbs that they heard in the video. The students
will then be asked now these words were changed to the past tense: Expected answer: By adding
ed. The students will then be shown 7 other verbs on the screen and individual students will be
asked to change them into the past tense.
Words: Push, Walk, Push, Jump, Pick, Call, Float, Melt

Explain: (15minutes)
Together the students and teacher will discuss if the answers given by the selected student are
correct. Any misconceptions will be cleared up.

Elaborate: (15 mins)

The students will then be shown different pictures and asked to make sentences with them using
the past tense.

The students will be given 5 words to change to the past tense and make sentences.
Words: Float, Comb, Watch, Wash, talk


The past tense is changing a verb into an action that was done in the past. To change regular
verbs to the past tense ed is added to the end of the word.


Change the following verbs to the past tense and make sentences with each verb.

1. Float
2. Comb
3. Watch
4. Wash
4. Talk

The lesson went well. The students were very responsive; they were able to answer the questions
that were asked. The students participated in the lesson, it could be seen that they knew the past
tense from before. When asked a question all the students shouted out the answers in a chorus.
All the objectives were obtained because they were able to make sentences using the past tense
or verbs and change words into the past tense. While the students were chorusing the answer I
should have told them to raise their hands if they wanted to answer a question.

Recommendation: Tell the students to raise their hand if they want to answer the question and
wait for me to call on them
February 23,
Name: Roxanne Dacres
School: Unity Primary Primary School
Date: March 2, 2021
Time: 8:30 – 9:30
Duration: 1 Hour
Grade: 3
Subject: Language Arts
Topic: Dictionary Skills
Term: 2
Unit: 1
Strand: Word Recognition and Fluency

Attainment Target:

 Read fluently and with appreciation.

 Develop phonic awareness and use knowledge of letter-sound correspondences in
order to decode unfamiliar words
 Automatically recognize words (including basic sight words lists) through repeated
exposure and mnemonic devises.
 Establish a concept of print and use a range of word recognition clues, re-reading and
reading ahead, to identify new words.

Specific Objectives:

1.Tell what a dictionary is used for

2. Explain how the words in a dictionary are arranged.

3. Arrange words in alphabetical order

4. Find at least 2 given words listed in the dictionary

Skills: arrange words in alphabetical order

Resources: Laptop, google slide, youtube video, dictionary

Key Vocabulary: Vowel, bossy, controlled


Students will be told that today we will be discussing the dictionary. The students will be asked
to watch a video and be ready to answer questions. Video : youtube.com/watch?v=r_NyZq-qDh4

After the video, the students will be asked the following questions: 1. What is a dictionary used
for? Expected answer: To find the meaning ow words. 2. How are the words in a dictionary
arranged? Expected answer: Alphabetical order

The students will be given 4 words to arrange in alphabetical order.
Words: Carrot
The students will then be given another set of words to arrange in alphabetical order. These
words will have the same beginning letters but the second letter is different.
Words: Hard
After arranging the word in alphabetical order, the students will be asked to give their answers.
They will be asked why they arranged the words the way they did. Based on the students
answers any misconceptions will be cleared up. The students will be given another 2 words to
arrange in alphabetical order. Brother
The students will be asked why they arranged the words in the order the way they did.

The students will be asked to use their dictionaries to find 3 words and read the meaning of each.
Words: Abate

The students will be asked to complete the worksheet posted in google classroom.

A dictionary is a reference book that list words in alphabetical order. A dictionary

gives the meaning and other details of the listed words. Each listed word that is in a
dictionary is called an “entry word”.
In the dictionary the entry word is sometimes separated with a dot (.) or hyphen (-) to
separate the syllables to help with the pronunciation of the word. After the entry word
the part of speech of the word is given. The meaning of the word is then given and
some words may have more than on meanings.
Example: hang (verb) 1. to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from
above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
2. to attach or suspend so as to allow free movement:to hang a pendulum.
3. to place in position or fasten so as to allow easy or ready movement.
The lesson went well. The students participated in the lesson and were answering questions. The
students understood how to arrange the words in alphabetical order but when time came to look
for the words in the dictionary they did not fully understand how to use the dictionary. More time
should have been spent explaining how to use the dictionary.
February 24, 2021
Name: Roxanne Dacres
School: Unity Primary Primary School
Date: February 24, 2021
Time: 11:05 – 12:05
Duration: 1 Hour
Grade: 3
Subject: Language Arts
Topic: Letter Writing
Term: 2
Unit: 1
Strand: Writing

Attainment Target:

 Develop approaches to the writing process to enable them to organize their ideas into
a coherent structure including layout, sections and paragraphs
 Write to narrate, to persuade and for a range of transactional purposes, using SJE and
JC appropriately and incorporating multi-media approaches to their writing
 Use language and text form appropriately and with imagination to create vibrant and
engaging texts
 Write well-constructed paragraphs which have linking sentences within and between

Specific Objectives:
1.Identify the parts of a letter

2. Name each part of a letter

3. Explain what each part of the letter entails

3. Correctly put the parts of a letter in place on a live worksheet

Skills: identify parts of a friendly letter, generate ideas

Resources: Laptop, google slide, image of a letter

Key Vocabulary: letter, friendly, greeting, closing, body


Students will be shown an image of a letter and asked what it is. Expected answer: A letter

The students will then be asked if they have ever received a letter. If yes, they will be asked how
they felt when they received the letter.

They will then be asked if they replied to the letter

Each student will be asked if they know the different parts of a letter. A ginger bread man will be
shown on the screen showing the different parts of a letter. The teacher will explain to the
students what is contained in each part of the letter. The students will then be shown another
letter and asked to identify the parts.

The students will be asked to name the different parts of the letter and say what is contained in
each part of the letter. Any misconceptions will be cleared up
Elaborate: (15 mins)
The students will be asked who they can write a friendly letter to. Expected answer: Friend,
cousin, uncle, parents etc. The students will then be asked greetings they can use in the letter.
Expected answer: Dear Uncle, Dear Mom, Dear Friend. Each student will be asked to give their
individual answers.

Students will be asked to complete the live worksheet posted in the google classroom.



A letter is a written message sent from one person to another. There are five (5) parts

of a letter. They are: the address, the date, the greeting, the body and the closing.

The senders address and the date are at the top of the letter ,at the right and is

sometimes called the heading.

The greeting comes below the heading and is on the left side of the letter. The

greeting is where you greet your friend. For example Dear Mary, or Hi Mary.

The Body is the largest part of the letter. It tells what the letter is about. It comes just

below the greeting.

The closing is the last part of the letter. It has a short comment followed by your

name. For example Your friend, Jane or Love, Jane.


The lesson was satisfactory. The students were participating in the lesson and the lesson was
very interactive. Throughout the lesson some information was not given to the students. They
should have been told that another name for greeting is salutation. The students should have been
given more examples to cement the information.
February 25,

Name: Roxanne Dacres

School: Unity Primary Primary School
Date: February 25, 2021
Time: 11:05 – 11:45
Duration: 1 Hour
Grade: 3
Subject: Language Arts
Topic: Retell the main idea in a story
Term: 2
Unit: 1
Strand: Listening and Speaking

Attainment Target:

 Communicate with confidence and competence for different purposes and audiences,
using SJE and JC appropriately and creatively
 Listen to, recall, understand and respond to speakers’ messages whether implicit or
 Recognize, value and make distinctions between home language and SJE to improve /
acquire language and literacy competencies
 Explain and comment on speakers use of language, including use of SJE and JC, and
their use of vocabulary, grammar and other features.

Specific Objectives:

1.Explain the term main idea

2. Retell the events in a story

3. Identify the main idea in a story

Skills: listen attentively, recall and retell details accurately

Resources: Laptop, google slide, work sheets, Reggae readers 3

Key Vocabulary: important, events

The students will be told that we will be discussing the main idea of a story. The students will be
asked what comes to mind when the hear “main idea”. Expected answer: The most important
thing in a story, the main thing in a story or what the story is about.


The students and the teacher will read the story “ Lenny and Lizzy and the accident”. The
students will be told to listen to the story carefully and remember the events that occurred.
Individual students will be asked to retell what happened in the story. After telling all the events
that occurred in the story, the students will be asked what is the main idea of the story. Expected
answer: Put away your toys, do not be lazy, follow the rules.

The students will be asked why they identified the answers that they gave as the main idea. The
teacher and students will listen to each other’s answer and the teacher will clear up any

Elaborate: (15 mins)

The students will be told a story and asked to identify the main idea. The students will then be
show a worksheet on the screen with 3 paragraphs and asked to identify the main idea. Different
students will be asked to read and identify the main idea. The students will be questions as to
why they chose the answer that they did.
Students will be asked to complete the worksheet uploaded in google classroom

The main idea of a story is the most important idea and tells what the story is about. There can be
one or more main ideas in a story. It is what the passage is mainly about.

This lesson was not taught due to internet issues.

Friday February
26, 2021
This day was celebrated as Jamaica day and the school had a Jamaica
day celebration via zoom. No classes were held

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