State Efficiency Index 2019
State Efficiency Index 2019
State Efficiency Index 2019
BEE Team
Mr Abhay Bakre, Director General
Mr Milind Deore, Director
Mr Abhishek Sharma, Joint Director
Mr Gautam Anand, Project Engineer
Dr Satish Kumar, President and Executive Director
Ms Sangeeta Mathew, Programme Lead
Mr Sandeep Kachhawa, Senior Research Associate
Mr R. Varun Rajah, Research Associate
Mr Pramod Singh, Consultant
This report is based on data collected by Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) from State
Designated Agencies (SDA), and from data available in state and central government reports, as on 15
November 2019; and has subsequently been reviewed by SDAs and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
Every attempt has been made to ensure the correctness of data. However, BEE does not guarantee the
accuracy of the data or accept responsibility for the consequences of the use of such data.
December 2019
States have a vital role in India’s energy efficiency policy implementation and
in meeting state-specific goals on sustainable development in the most energy-
efficient way.
The State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 has been developed by the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).
BEE expresses its sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Power, Government of India for
their support in publishing the State Energy Efficiency Index 2019.
We are grateful to the State Designated Agencies (SDAs) for their efforts towards
data collection and review of data collected by BEE from additional sources.
BEE expresses its sincere gratitude to Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy
(AEEE) for their pertinent inputs, data analysis and support in coordinating with State
Designated Agencies to make the State Energy Efficiency Index a reality.
We express our gratitude to Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) for sharing
data on the state level implementation of EESL programmes.
We would like to thank Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for sharing information
on Energy Conservation Awards presented during CII’s Energy Efficiency
We are grateful to Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), GBCI India and GRIHA for
providing data on green buildings in states.
BEE expresses its sincere gratitude to the MacArthur Foundation for their generous
grant to AEEE, which made State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 possible.
We would like to thank IRCLASS Systems and Solutions for data on ISO 50001
We would like to thank GreenTree Global for their support with data review and
Last but not least, BEE is grateful to our own in-house teams handling various
energy efficiency programmes.
ii State Energy Efficiency Index 2019
2019 saw the launch of the India industries, municipalities and transport,
Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) and the as well as in power generation,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s (BEE’s) transmission and distribution.
draft strategy plan for accelerating
energy efficiency in India – UNNATEE STATE ENERGY
(Unlocking NATional Energy Efficiency EFFICIENCY INDEX
potential). ICAP aims to reduce 2019
cooling demand across sectors by
20% to 25% by 2037-38 and cooling The State Energy Efficiency Index
energy requirements by 25% to 40% has been developed by Bureau of
within the same period. UNNATEE Energy Efficiency (BEE) in association
provides a roadmap for meeting with Alliance for an Energy Efficient
India’s goals on climate change Economy (AEEE) to
through energy efficiency. Both plans Help drive EE policies and
are a call to action to accelerate the program implementation at the
implementation of energy efficiency state and local level
initiatives to reduce energy demand Highlight best practices and
and energy intensity in all sectors, encourage healthy competition
while still powering growth in India. among states
Energy Efficiency (EE) is the cleanest,
Track progress in managing
fastest and cheapest way to achieve
the states’ and India’s energy
India’s sustainable development goals
- 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy),
12 (Responsible Consumption and Set a baseline for EE efforts and
Production) and 13 (Climate Action). provide a foundation to set state-
specific EE targets
States have a vital role in Institutionalize data capture and
India’s energy efficiency policy monitoring of EE activities by
implementation and in meeting states, especially by SDAs
state-specific goals on sustainable
development in the most energy- The first such Index, the State Energy
efficient way. A department/agency Efficiency Preparedness Index, was
has been designated as the State launched on August 1st, 2018. The State
Designated Agency (SDA) within Energy Efficiency Index 2019 draws on
each state. All the SDAs have the previous index and has enhanced
been empowered by the Energy the indicator framework to include
Conservation Act 2001 (EC Act) to ECBC 2017, adoption of e-mobility,
co-ordinate, regulate and enforce energy efficiency in MSME clusters,
the provisions of the EC Act in energy savings and institutional
states. SDAs also play a vital role in reforms such as independent SDAs
promoting energy efficiency among and collaboration between SDAs
energy consumers in all sectors of and state departments. This year’s
the state – agriculture, buildings, Index has 97 indicators covering all
demand sectors - buildings, industry,
municipalities, transport, agriculture
- and DISCOMs. Thirty-six (36) states
and union territories have been
assessed in State EE Index 2019. In
line with last year, the composition
of the Index has been developed
considering sector-wise energy
consumption, energy saving potential
and states’ influence in implementing
energy efficiency. It examines states’
policies and regulations, financing
mechanisms, institutional capacity,
adoption of energy efficiency and the
resultant energy savings achieved.
State EE Index 2019 shows that majority of the initiatives taken by states are related to Policies and Regulations. Most
of the first-generation energy efficiency policies prepared by BEE under programmes on Standards & Labelling (S&L),
ECBC, PAT, etc. are understood by states. However, states should now focus on ensuring complete compliance to realize
actual savings. Based on the analysis of responses submitted by states this year, a three-point agenda is suggested for
consideration by state agencies:
1. Proactive role by states in policy formulation and implementation: It is observed that states have confined their
role towards customization of national policies and legislative approval. Now states must take an active authority
to exercise powers under the EC Act and start formulating supporting policies and implementation rules to shift the
focus from “policies in place” to “policies successfully implemented”.
2. Strengthening the mechanism for data capture, management and public availability of data: Availability of
updated and correct data has been the Achilles heel for states. The SDA is the competent authority within the
state for all matters related to energy efficiency. For this year’s Index, SDAs proactively contacted various state
departments to gather data. However, SDAs should significantly enhance their engagement with state departments,
DISCOMs and private sector organisations beyond one-time data collection. Doing so will enable effective
implementation of EE programmes, enable SDAs to measure and monitor progress, and most importantly provide
a feedback mechanism for modifications in EE programs and policies and setting of realistic targets. Building a
robust system for demand side energy consumption data collection and analysis at local and state level will also
contribute significantly towards a national Energy Data Management System
3. Enhancing the credibility of EE schemes: Ensuring the integrity of programs that have direct or indirect linkage
with common consumers is an important pillar of energy efficiency market transformation. To deal with this
challenge, states must demonstrate an approach which includes enforcement and compliance checks. Rules
related to mandatory energy audits, mandatory sale and purchase of BEE star labelled appliances will not be
effective unless an inspection process is established and strengthened. States must also make independent
monitoring and verification of savings integral to all EE policies and programs.
vi State Energy Efficiency Index 2019
Executive Summaryiii
List of Abbreviationsviii
1 Introduction1
2 Approach5
3 State Energy Efficiency Index11
3.1 Buildings 12
3.2 Industry 17
3.3 Municipalities 20
3.4 Transport 23
3.5 Agriculture & DISCOMs 27
3.6 Cross Sector 30
4 Concluding Remarks33
ACEEE American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
AEEE Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy
APSECM Andhra Pradesh State Energy Conservation Mission
ASCI Administrative Staff College of India
AT&C Aggregate Technical and Commercial
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BYPL BSES Yamuna Private Limted
CCMS Centralised Control and Monitoring System
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
DC Designated Consumers
DISCOM Distribution Companies (Electricity)
DPMS Development Permission Management System
DSM Demand Side Management
EC Energy Conservation
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Codes
EE Energy Efficiency
EESL Energy Efficiency Services Limited
EMC Energy Management Centre
ESCO Energy Services Company
EV Electric Vehicle
FAME Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles
FAR Floor Area Ratio
GHMC Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
ICAP India Cooling Action Plan
IESS India Energy Security Scenarios
IGBC Indian Green Building Council
IGEA Investment Grade Energy Audits
KSEB Kerala State Electricity Board
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
MEDA Maharashtra Energy Development Agency
empowered to specify energy This year again, Bureau of Energy is a useful stock-taking tool to track
consumption norms and requirements Efficiency (BEE) in association with progress in states’ energy efficiency
such as the provision of mandatory Alliance for an Energy Efficient programmes, promote healthy
energy audits for facilities and Economy (AEEE) has developed the competition among states and share
mandatory purchase of BEE star State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 for best practices among states. When
labelled products in government 36 Indian states and union territories. performed on an annual basis, the
procurement. Since the data collection for this year’s State Energy Efficiency Index will
index started before the bifurcation of track progress in managing the states’
The achievement of India’s goals for the state of Jammu & Kashmir into two energy footprint and provide guidance
Energy Efficiency hinges as much union territories of Jammu & Kashmir in formulating data-driven, evidence-
on the success of energy efficiency and Ladakh, unified state of Jammu based policies and programmes for
programmes in states, as in nation- and Kashmir has been considered. energy efficiency in line with state-
wide programmes. However, an The State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 specific goals on development and
outcome-based framework to comprises 97 qualitative, quantitative, sustainability.
evaluate states’ progress on EE and outcome-based indicators to
achievements was not developed until
2018 when the State Energy Efficiency
monitor the real progress made in the STATE ENERGY
Preparedness Index 2018 was
implementation of policies, programs PROFILE
and projects. The indicators are
developed for the first time. In 2018, demand sector specific covering Before moving on to the next chapters
29 states and the National Capital 5 major energy demand sectors – which describe the approach in
Territory of Delhi were assessed on 63 Buildings, Industry, Municipalities, developing the State EE Index 2019
indicators. Transport, Agriculture and Distribution and the key findings of this year’s
Companies (DISCOMs). In addition to Index, a brief view on states’ diverse
The primary objectives of the State
the five sectors, the indicators for this economy and energy profile helps
Energy Efficiency Index are to
year also cover initiatives that have a set the context. India has thirty-seven
Help drive EE policies and states and union territories, which vary
cross-sector impact. The 97 indicators
program implementation at the widely not only in area and population
pertain to categories, namely
state and local level but also in climate zone and economic
Policies and Regulations, Financing
Highlight best practices and Mechanism, Institutional Capacity, activity (agriculture, industry, services,
encourage healthy competition Adoption of EE measures, and Energy etc.), not to mention the level of
among states savings achieved. development. These variations impact
Track progress in managing the energy profile of the states and
the states’ and India’s energy The increase in the number of union territories. Figure 1 depicts the
footprint indicators this year is rendered to GSDP of states for each sector. Figures
include newer focus areas such as 2 and 3 depict energy intensity (toe/
Set a baseline for EE efforts to
ECBC 2017 and e-Mobility, as well as INR crore) and annual per capita
date and provide a foundation to
to lay greater emphasis on energy domestic electricity consumption
set state-specific EE targets
efficiency in MSME, energy savings (kWh/person/year) for each state,
Institutionalize data capture and in all sectors and institutional reforms respectively.
monitoring of EE activities by such as independent State Designated
states, especially by SDAs Agencies (SDA). The State EE Index
Source: RBI
Andaman & Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh
Andaman & Nicobar
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam Andhra Pradesh
Bihar Arunachal Pradesh
Chandigargh Assam
Figure 1. State GSDP 2014-2015
Chattisgarh Bihar
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Chandigarh
Daman & Diu
Himachal Pradesh Haryana
Jammu & Kashmir Himachal Pradesh
Source: Derived from MoSPI Energy Statistics 2016, CEA General Review 2016, RBI
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Note: GSDP for 2014-2015 was not available for Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep
Note: GSDP for 2014-2015 was not available for Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep
Nagaland Mizoram
Odisha Nagaland
Puducherry Odisha
Punjab Puducherry
Tamil Nadu
toe/INR crore
Banking and
Andaman & Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) consumption and energy savings
in association with Alliance for an potential. Through Step 2, the aim was
Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) to ensure that the indexing exercise
developed the framework for the State considers the differences in energy
Energy Efficiency Index. The index is consumption between states. Steps 3
developed on lines similar to the one and 4 are focused towards increasing
developed by American Council for participation of the state bodies in this
an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), exercise and increasing the credibility
which has published 13 editions of the through a proper validation of the
US State Energy Efficiency Scorecard information received, respectively. The
and 4 editions of International Energy approach followed for the key steps is
Efficiency Scorecard. described in detail below.
1. Selection of sectors,
The key steps followed in the process
performance indicators, and
allocation of maximum scores:
1. Selection of sectors, performance This was based on the sectoral
indicators, and allocation of share in energy consumption,
maximum scores energy savings potential in a
2. Categorization of states sector and on the state’s role
3. Data collection and verification in the promotion of energy
4. Analysis of data received and efficiency. Figures 4 and 5 show
scoring of states the sector-wise annual energy
consumption and electricity
Step 1 was to ensure that the consumption in India in 2014-15,
indicators and weightages reflect respectively. Figure 6 shows
the state’s role in promoting energy the sector-wise energy savings
efficiency and the relative importance potential. Table 1 summarizes the
of demand sectors with respect to state’s role in energy efficiency in
each sector’s share in total energy each of the sectors.
Figure 4. Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) in Demand Sectors
Total Primary Energy Supply 2014-15 (MTOE)
Total Primary Energy Supply 2014-15 (MTOE)
Agriculture 148
11 Building
Total Primary Energy
71 Supply 2014-15 (MTOE)
Transport Others
11 148
71 Building
Municipal 11 119
Transport 148
119 408
Municipal 11 Transport Industry
Municipal 11
Source: Derived from MoSPI Energy Statistics 2016, CEA General Review 2016
Note: The Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) includes primary energy usedIndustry
for electricity generation from all sources including Coal, Oil, Gas, Nuclear,
Hydro, Solar, Wind, other renewables; and non-electricity generation utilisation (for energy) of Coal (in Industry), Oil products (in Building, Industry, Transport,
and Agriculture), and Gas (in Industry, and Transport).
Total Electricity Consumption 2014-15 (TWH)
Figure 5. Total Electricity Consumption in Demand Sectors
Total Electricity Consumption 2014-15 (TWH)
Others 2014-15 (TWH)
Total Electricity Consumption
22 296
Transport 16 22 Building
Municipal 28 169
169 296
Agriculture Building
Transport 16 296
Transport Building
Municipal 28 16
Municipal 28 418
Level 1 (Least Effort) Level 2 (Determined Effort)
Level 1 (Least
Building Effort)
Industry TransportLevel 2Agriculture
(Determined Effort)
Level 1 (LeastIndustry
Building Effort) Transport LevelAgriculture
2 (Determined Effort)
EC Act, Section 15: Amend the energy conservation building codes to suit the regional and local climatic conditions. Notify energy
conservation building codes with respect to the use of energy in the buildings. Direct the designated consumers to comply with
code and/or energy audit requirements and furnish requisite data at requisite time.
EC Act, Section 17: Power of inspection of buildings to check compliance with requirements of the EC Act
EC Act, Section 18: Regulation of norms for energy consumption standards in any building. Regulation of the energy consumption
standards for equipment and appliances.
EC Act, Section 26: Impose penalties for non-compliance of either central or state government energy conservation regulations
EC Act, Section 27, 28, 29: Power to adjudicate the penalties imposed for non-compliance
EC Act, Section 57: Power of State Government to make rules, by notification, for carrying out the provisions of this Act and not
inconsistent with the rules, if any, made by the Central Government.
EC Act Sec 15: Direct the designated consumers to comply with energy audit requirements and furnish requisite data at the
requisite time.
EC Act, Section 17: Power of inspection of industries to check compliance with requirements of the EC Act
EC Act, Section 18: Regulation of norms for process and energy consumption standards in any industry. Regulation of the energy
EC Act, Section 26: Impose penalties for non-compliance of either central or state government energy conservation regulations
EC Act, Section 27, 28, 29: Power to adjudicate the penalties imposed for non-compliance
EC Act, Section 57: Power of State Government to make rules, by notification, for carrying out the provisions of EC Act and not
inconsistent with the rules, if any, made by the Central Government.
EC Act, Section 18: Regulation of the energy consumption standards for street lighting and drinking and/or wastewater pumping.
EC Act, Section 26: Impose penalties for non-compliance of either central or state government energy conservation regulations
EC Act, Section 27, 28, 29: Power to adjudicate the penalties imposed for non-compliance
EC Act, Section 57: Power of State Government to make rules, by notification, for carrying out the provisions of EC Act and not
inconsistent with the rules, if any, made by the Central Government.
EC Act, Section 18: Regulation of the energy consumption standards for agricultural pumping.
EC Act, Section 26: Impose penalties for non-compliance of either central or state government energy conservation regulations
EC Act, Section 27, 28, 29: Power to adjudicate the penalties imposed for non-compliance
EC Act, Section 57: Power of State Government to make rules, by notification, for carrying out the provisions of EC Act and not
inconsistent with the rules, if any, made by the Central Government.
Electricity Act, Section 23, 42, 61 and 181: Empowers State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERC) to make Demand Side
Management (DSM) Regulations which shall be applicable for all DISCOMs in the state.
EC Act, Section 17: Power of inspection of concerned entities to check compliance with requirements of the EC Act
EC Act, Section 26: Impose penalties for non-compliance of either central or state government energy conservation regulations
EC Act, Section 27, 28, 29: Power to adjudicate the penalties imposed for non-compliance
EC Act, Section 57: Power of State Government to make rules, by notification, for carrying out the provisions of EC Act and not
inconsistent with the rules, if any, made by the Central Government.
EC Act, Section 15: Create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation.
EC Act Section 16: Constitute State Energy Conservation Fund for meeting the expenses incurred for implementing EE projects
The above information became The State Energy Efficiency Index energy savings achieved. All the
the basis for finalization of demand 2019 comprises 97 qualitative, indicators have been structured to
sectors, selection of indicators quantitative and outcome-based eliminate or reduce subjectivity due to
(higher the consumption means a indicators to monitor the real progress State-specific conditions.
greater number of indicators) and made in the implementation of
for assigning weightages for scoring. policies, programs and projects. The In each sector, indicators have
The sectors finally considered are outcome-based indicators have been been selected based on their
Buildings, Industries, Municipalities, selected to signify adoption of energy impact in driving energy efficiency
Transport, and Agriculture & DISCOMs. efficiency measures (technology, implementation in states. The
In addition to these sectors, the processes, etc.), energy savings outcome-based indicators have been
indicators also cover initiatives that and/or reduction in energy intensity. selected to signify energy savings
have a cross-sector impact. Since the Indicators have further been mapped and/or reduction in energy intensity.
indicators for agriculture are related in five dimensions – policy and Some indicators, especially those
to DSM strategies, agriculture and regulation, financing mechanisms, measuring energy intensity are crucial
DISCOMs have been merged into a institutional capacity, adoption of in setting a baseline for measuring
single category. energy efficiency measures and progress in energy efficiency over
Cross Sector
involve data for which higher values
receive maximum points and lower
values fewer points. The number of
indicators and points by sector are
Figure 8. Score Allocation summarised in Figure 8. The detailed
scoring criteria for each indicator are
Others provided in the specific sections for
each sector. Compared to the State
Energy Efficiency Preparedness
5% Index 2018, the points allocated for
15% outcome-based indicators have been
Agriculture 30% increased and the scoring criteria and
the evaluation process have been
made more stringent.
Transport 2. Grouping of states based on
energy consumption: For State
EE Index 2018, the grouping
10% 25%
Industry of states was based on the
state aggregated Total Primary
Energy Supply (TPES) required
to meet states’ actual energy
demand (electricity, coal, oil,
27 27 26
49 39
HR 23 20
63 36
23 18 14
GROUP 3 6 5 PY
UK AS 3 3
49 33 29 9 5 4 ML DN 1 1
Source: NITI Aayog’s India Energy Dashboard1; CEA General Review 2016, MoSPI Energy Statistics 2016
Note: The Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) includes primary energy used for electricity generation from all sources including Coal, Oil, Gas, Nuclear,
Hydro, Solar, Wind, other renewables; and non-electricity generation utilisation (for energy) of Coal, Oil, and Gas (CNG and PNG). The state-wise data on
TPES for Coal, Oil, and Gas is derived from the data available on India Energy Dashboard, which in turn is compiled from the limited disaggregated data
gathered from multiple sources including Coal Directory of India, Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics and Data Bank, Department of Commerce’s
export-import database, etc. Only one-fifth of the total CNG and PNG consumption is accounted for due to non-availability of state-wise data for the
remaining gas consumption. Uniform calorific value has been assumed for all oil products due to non-availability of oil product wise segregated data at
state level.
1 India Energy Dashboards developed by Prayas (Energy Group) for NITI Aayog
Figure 9 shows the grouping of Apart from the data furnished Commissions and State Nodal
states based on TPES. Thus, states by SDAs, BEE in association Agencies, private sector business
such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu with AEEE also collected data associations such as CII and
are compared with each other, while from various central government certification bodies such as
at the other end of the spectrum, sources such as Central Electricity IGBC, GBCI India and GRIHA.
many of the North-eastern states and Authority (CEA) General Review, The data provided by SDAs and
UTs are compared with each other. Bureau of Energy Efficiency collected by AEEE was compiled
3. Data collection and verification: and Energy Efficiency Services and shared with the respective
The respective State Designated Limited (EESL), and Ministry of SDAs for their review. The State
Agencies (SDAs) were nominated Road Transport and Highways Energy Efficiency Index only uses
by BEE to act as a central (MoRTH). BEE and AEEE also data vetted by SDAs and BEE,
coordinating body in the state collected publicly available or data from central government
and collect data from the information from the websites databases and reports.
concerned state departments. of State Electricity Regulatory
* For State EE Index 2019, unified Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh have been considered.
Figure 10. TPES Group-wise State Scores
90 Municipalities
80 Agriculture & DISCOMs
Cross Sector
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Jammu & Kashmir
Daman & Diu
Arunachal Pradesh
Andaman & Nicobar
Note: All data is as of 15 November 2019, subsequently reviewed by SDAs and BEE, and updated thereafter. No data was received from Andaman &
Nicobar, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir and Lakshadweep.
# Indicator Points Scoring Criteria
Funds allocated for
What is the quantum of funds allocated and utilised for ECBC compliant
ECBC 2017 compliant
13 1 construction / retrofits?
construction / retrofits;
If funds allocated & utilised score = 1, funds allocated score = 0.5, else score = 0
Fund utilised
Does the state provide financial incentives for procuring EE appliances, such as
Financial incentives for EE
14 1 soft loan, tax rebates, electricity rebates, subsidy?
If ‘Yes’ score = 1, else score = 0
Funds allocated &
What is the quantum of funds allocated and utilised for EE appliance programmes?
15 utilised for EE appliances 1
If funds allocated & utilised score = 1, funds allocated score = 0.5, else score = 0
Institutional Capacity
Entity assigned for
Is there a dedicated entity for enforcing and certifying ECBC compliance?
16 enforcing and certifying 1
If ‘Yes’ score = 1, else score = 0
ECBC 2017 compliance
Entity assigned for
Is there a dedicated entity for ensuring and reviewing mandated energy audits and
checking compliance of
17 0.5 reporting?
mandatory energy audits
If ‘Yes’ score = 0.5, else score = 0
and reporting
Is there a budget allocated by the state for the functioning of this dedicated entity
Budget allocated for
to support Energy Efficiency in buildings, such as ECBC compliance, mandatory
18 entity to support EE in 1
energy audits, or other regulations for EE in buildings?
If allocated score = 1, else score = 0
Adoption of EE Measures
Of all the new buildings completed in 2017-2018 or later, how many are ECBC
Adoption/Penetration of compliant?
19 2
ECBC in new construction If >0% penetration of ECBC-compliant buildings compared to all new buildings,
score = 2, if only a list of ECBC-compliant buildings score = 1, else score = 0
How many certified green buildings are there in the state?
20 Certified green buildings 3 Green buildings per million connected consumers: If >= 20, score = 3, if 10-19
score = 2, if 1-9 score = 1, else score = 0
Has the State taken efforts to benchmark energy intensity in commercial buildings?
Benchmarking of energy
If recent (2016 or later) baselining attempt score = 1,
21 intensity in commercial 1
If earlier baselining attempt score = 0.5,
else score = 0
Energy Savings
What is the reduction in energy consumption in commercial and public buildings,
specifically due to the implementation of EE measures?
Energy Savings in
SDA data with evidence: up to 2 buildings = 0.5, >2 buildings = 1;
22 Commercial & Public 3
CII awards: up to 2 buildings = 0.5; >2 buildings = 1
If SDA has systematic process to measure energy savings from EC/EE against set
targets for building sector in state, add 1
What is the energy intensity for commercial and public buildings in the state? Year
Energy Intensity for over year, this indicator will show whether energy consumption is in line to EE
23 Commercial & Public 1 growth projections or BAU non-EE growth projections?
Buildings If systematic M&V to determine this score = 1,
If available for at least one city score = 0.5, else = 0
Policy & Regulation
Financing Mechanism
Institutional Capacity
Adoption of EE Measures
Energy Savings
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Andaman & Nicobar
Arunachal Pradesh
Daman & Diu
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Institutional Capacity Kerala has conducted a baselining
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have study. Setting benchmarks for various
started making some progress in Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala, building typologies (hotels, hospitals,
the adoption of ECO Niwas Samhita Punjab, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh data centres, etc.) will encourage
2018 - Energy Conservation Building have assigned an entity such as consumers to improve their energy
Code for Residential Buildings, with Third-Party Assessors (TPAs) or others performance, while also providing
some of them receiving support from for enforcing and certifying ECBC guidance to SDAs on developing
Indo-Swiss and Indo-German bilateral 2017 compliance. States that have and tailoring programmes for energy
programs. made energy audits mandatory for efficiency in buildings. States that
commercial building consumers already mandate energy audits for
Financing Mechanisms have an entity assigned for checking certain categories of buildings should
compliance of mandatory energy use data from the audit reports to
Haryana, Kerala and Punjab are the audits and reporting, except in the develop benchmarks. Penetration
few states that offer a subsidy for case of Rajasthan. Only Haryana and of green buildings is picking up in a
energy audits. Haryana government Kerala have allocated state budget for majority of the states. Delhi, Haryana,
offers a subsidy of 50 % on the total the entity to support EE in buildings. Karnataka, Maharashtra, Meghalaya
cost of the energy audit for private and Telangana have a comparatively
consumers and for government Adoption of EE Measures higher penetration of green buildings
institution buildings. Further, whoever per connected electricity consumer.
undertakes to implement at least 50% In the adoption of ECBC, the
of the recommendations of the energy Telangana government is the Energy Savings
audit report would be facilitated front runner as permissions for all
with a 100% subsidy. The Kerala new commercial buildings will be Data on energy savings in the building
government’s scheme on energy given through online Development sector is not systematically collected,
audit is only applicable for State and Permission Management System even in states where mandatory
Central Public Sector Undertakings, (DPMS) where ECBC is a mandatory energy audit requirements are in
and State Government and Central document certified by a TPA. None place. Haryana, Kerala and Karnataka
Government Institutions in the HT/ of the states has made any efforts are the three states that were able
EHT consumer category (industries/ on benchmarking energy intensity to provide data on energy savings
buildings). Punjab government has of commercial buildings, though achieved for a few buildings at least.
initiated walk-through energy audits
through PEDA empanelled energy
auditors / energy auditing firms and Building Spotlight
provides a walk-through energy audit Energy Audit Incentive Linked to Implementation: Haryana government
fee of INR 10,000 per consumer. has released guidelines and incentives for energy audits for both government
and private buildings. Under the scheme, owners of private buildings shall
Three (3) states provide financial be provided with financial assistance @50% of the energy audit cost with the
incentives for ECBC-compliant maximum limit of INR 50,000. Government buildings above 100 kW connected
construction and retrofits and green load who undertake to implement at least 50% recommendations of the energy
audit report, will be reimbursed 100% of the energy audit cost.
buildings. Kerala Finance Corporation
provides soft loans for ECBC- Online ECBC Compliance System: Telangana has developed a strong
compliant construction and retrofits. institutional framework to enable and enforce ECBC compliance. State and
Punjab Municipal Green Buildings city officials collaborated with Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to develop Telangana’s ECBC and
Incentives Policy-2016 provides for a
launched the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) city-wide
15% rebate in property tax for ECBC- ECBC online compliance system to streamline and modernize code compliance.
compliant buildings. Uttar Pradesh Highlights of Telangana’s ECBC framework are captured in this fact sheet:
provides a financial incentive of 5%
extra FAR for the buildings having Guidelines on the entire online approval system are available at the following link:
4-star GRIHA, LEED-Gold or Gold
rating from IGBC. Though Telangana Innovative Incentives for Premium Green Buildings: Department of Local
does not provide financial incentives, Government (Town Planning Wing), Government of Punjab notified ‘The Punjab
the state prioritises permissions for Municipal Green Buildings Incentives Policy- 2016’ which specifies an additional
ECBC-compliant buildings. 5% Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for green buildings certified under (4 / 5 star) GRIHA or
(Gold / Platinum) LEED or (Gold / Platinum) IGBC rating systems. The notification
also specifies 15% rebate in property tax for Punjab ECBC compliant buildings.
# Indicator Points Scoring Criteria
Is there a dedicated entity to support PAT or other industry EE
Entity to support PAT or other programmes in the State?
8 1
industry EE programs in state
If ‘Yes’ score = 1, else score = 0
Adjudication authority for PAT in Has the state appointed an adjudication authority for PAT in the SERC?
9 1
SERC If ‘Yes’ score = 1, else score = 0
Is there a budget allocated for a dedicated entity to support Energy
Budget allocated for entity to Efficiency in industries?
10 1
support EE in industry
If allocated score = 1, else score = 0
Adoption of EE Measures
Provide the number of non-PAT industrial units that have adopted /
implemented at least one EE measure
If >= 1 industrial unit verified by SDA score = 0.5
Industrial units (non-PAT & MSME) Additional points:
11 2
that have adopted EE measures If 1-2 units verified via CII EC awards, add 0.5;
If >2 units verified via CII EC Awards, add 1;
If SDA has a systematic process to measure energy savings from EC/EE
against set targets, add 0.5
What % of DC’s in the state have met the SEC target set by PAT
% DC that met PAT Cycle II SEC Cycle I?
12 1.5
Target If >= 80% score = 1.5; 70-79% score = 1; 60-69% score = 0.5, else score
Adoption ISO 50001 (Energy How many industries in the State have adopted ISO 50001 standards?
Management System Standard) Please mention the number of units.
13 0.5
standards in industrial units in the
State If >= 1 industrial unit score = 0.5, else score = 0
Energy Savings
What are the energy savings (kWh/ktoe) in industrial energy use,
specifically due to energy efficiency / energy conservation measures?
If energy savings achieved in >= 1 industrial unit verified by SDA, score
= 0.5
Industrial energy savings in Additional points:
14 kWh/ktoe specifically due to 2
implementation of EE/EC measures If energy savings achieved in 1-2 units verified via CII EC awards, add
If energy savings achieved in >2 units verified via CII EC Awards, add 1;
If SDA has a systematic process to measure energy savings from EC/EE
against set targets, add 0.5
MSME Cluster Initiatives for one or more MSME clusters identified by SDA
Indicate which of the following programmes are in place: regular
Policy & Regulation:
energy audits, EE technology identification, pilot project, technical
15 Specific EE programs or schemes 2 workshops, financial support
for the chosen MSME cluster
If 3-5 initiatives score = 2, if 1-2 initiatives score = 1, else score = 0
Adoption of EE Measures: Number of units in the chosen MSME cluster that have participated in
16 Units that have participated in EE 1 any of the EE programmes listed in Indicator 15
programs If >=1 MSME unit, score = 1, else score = 0
Energy Savings:
Energy savings in this MSME cluster (kWh/ktoe) specifically due to
17 Energy savings in kWh /Ktoe 1 implementation of EE/EC measures
specifically due to implementation
If energy savings >0 kWh/ktoe, score = 1, else score = 0
of EE/EC measures
Policy & Regulation
Financing Mechanism
Institutional Capacity
Adoption of EE Measures
Energy Savings
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Jammu & Kashmir
Daman & Diu
Arunachal Pradesh
Andaman & Nicobar
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
DISCUSSION states have done energy audits and for minimum efficiency standards for
studies in previous years to determine common industrial equipment such as
The top performers are Kerala, energy saving potential in industry, motors, compressors, boilers, etc.
Haryana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. this has not translated into setting
All these states have scored across targets for energy saving. Five (5) Financing Mechanisms
all indicator categories – policy and states, namely Gujarat, Haryana,
regulation, financing mechanisms, Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu Ten (10) states, namely Chhattisgarh,
institutional capacity, adoption of have mandated energy audits for Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh,
EE measures and energy savings. certain categories of industry over Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
However, as with all other states, the and above the PAT audits mandated Odisha, Punjab and Tamil Nadu,
score in outcome-based indicators, i.e. by BEE. In these states too, the have financing schemes for EE
adoption of EE measures and energy monitoring and follow up on energy implementation in industry. These
savings, is largely due to energy audit findings and measures taken include subsidies for energy audit and
conservation efforts driven by the are not evident. These states could low-interest loans. Only Karnataka
private sector. use information from these audits and Kerala confirmed the allocation
to set energy saving targets and of funds towards support for EE in
Policy and Regulation benchmarks for industry. Eight (8)
states, namely Chhattisgarh, Haryana,
Only 2 states, Karnataka and Tamil Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Institutional Capacity
Nadu, have set state-specific targets Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya and
for energy savings independent State Designated Agencies (SDAs)
Punjab, have a policy or regulation for
of the targets sent by BEE for PAT support BEE in implementing and
minimum standards for EE equipment
designated consumers. Though some monitoring PAT in their respective
in industry. States could set mandates
state, and most states have an from complete or comprehensive, the In conclusion, SDAs should put
adjudicating authority appointed scoring criteria have been defined a structured process in place to
in the State Electricity Regulatory based on the available data. No state set industry benchmarks (SEC) for
Commission (SERC). Though SDAs has scored full points for Adoption energy-intensive sectors, as well as
support non-PAT industries and MSME of EE Measures due to the lack of an overall state energy saving target
with audits, workshops and demo/pilot a structured process within the SDA for industry. This would enable states
projects, these appear to be one-off to accurately and comprehensively to periodically measure and monitor
programmes rather than a focussed capture this data at the state level. their progress towards meeting their
effort to reduce energy intensity in energy savings target. States who
these sectors. A dedicated cell for In conclusion, SDAs could put already have mandatory energy audit
industrial EE, like the ECBC cell for a structured process in place mechanisms for certain category of
buildings, could provide the necessary to mandate minimum energy industries are well placed to develop
focus for EE in industry. Further, performance standards (MEPS) benchmarks, set targets and monitor
given the diversity and complexity for industrial equipment and progress. Developing SDA capacity
in the industrial sector, experts processes, set targets for adoption and providing adequate funds to
from the industry department, trade of EE measures and energy savings, measure and monitor energy savings
associations and research institutions and monitor the progress of EE is crucial and essential to meet energy
could collaborate with this cell. This is implementation in industries. savings targets.
crucial for the MSME sector, which lags
in energy efficiency despite several Energy Savings 3.3 MUNICIPALITIES
national programmes for MSME
For energy savings too, the
clusters. State EE Index 2019 has 16 indicators
available data is far from complete
to measure the performance of EE
or comprehensive, since there is
Adoption of EE Measures no structured process for capturing
municipal services, including street
lighting, water pumping, and sewage
Data on outcome-based indicators annual energy savings or energy
treatment. New indicators introduced
such as the number of industrial units intensity across all industrial sectors.
this year include regular energy audits
that have adopted EE measures is For Index 2019, the primary source
for street lighting and water pumping,
not captured in a comprehensive, of data is from the CII awards for
central monitoring systems for street
structured way. Some SDAs provided energy conservation, based on
lighting, and energy efficiency in
data on industries that have applied which, 35 industrial units across 13
sewage treatment and pumping.
for and won state energy conservation states reduced their specific energy
The allocated score for outcome-
awards. Likewise, the Confederation consumption (SEC). Comparing states
based indicators has been increased
of Indian Industry (CII) conducts an based on energy savings as a % of the
compared to State Energy Efficiency
annual Energy Efficiency Summit total industrial energy consumption
Preparedness Index 2018. Further, the
at which CII awards enterprises in a state is not feasible since data
scoring criteria have been made more
(buildings, industry, DISCOMs) for on states’ total energy savings in
stringent. The overall score for most
achievements in energy conservation. industry specifically due to energy
states is lower in this Index compared
For Index 2019, the primary source conservation or energy efficiency
to the Preparedness Index 2018,
of data is from the CII awards for measures are not available. Further,
primarily due to the increase in the
energy conservation, based on since the industrial sector is diverse
allocated score and stringent scoring
which, 35 industrial units across 13 and different in each state comparing
criteria for outcome-based indicators.
states reduced their energy intensity energy intensity (toe/INR of state
through adoption of EE measures. GSDP) has not been considered for Table 4 provides an overview of the
Tamil Nadu has several industries that the Index. Based on the available indicators for State EE Index 2019.
have adopted EE measures as per the data for energy savings, for Index Figure 13 indicates the score for each
CII awards. For PAT Cycle II, based 2019 states have been scored based state across the indicator categories
on provisional data for DCs who on the number of industrial units that - Policy and Regulation, Financing
have submitted reports, 100% DCs in have reduced their SEC. No state has Mechanisms, Institutional Capacity,
Bihar, Delhi, Puducherry, Tripura and scored full points for Energy Savings Energy Savings, grouping states
Uttarakhand have met the SEC target. due to the lack of a structured process based on total primary energy supply
In Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha within the SDA to accurately and (TPES) in each state.
and West Bengal more than 80% DCs comprehensively capture this data at
have met the SEC target. Since data the state level.
on the adoption of EE measures is far
Figure 13. TPES Group-wise Municipality Sector Scores
Policy & Regulation
9 Financing Mechanism
Institutional Capacity
Adoption of EE Measures
Energy Savings
Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Daman & Diu
Arunachal Pradesh
Andaman & Nicobar
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
DISCUSSION Nagaland. Twenty-six (26) states have and energy efficiency are mandatory
programmes for EE water pumping, criteria in designing and developing
The top performing states are mainly through EESL’s Municipal infrastructure for water supply and
Telangana, Karnataka, Punjab and Energy Efficiency Programme (MEEP). wastewater treatment.
Haryana, all of these having scored Only 6 states, Chhattisgarh, Haryana,
Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Telangana No state seems to have a process for
in most indicator categories. Overall,
and Uttar Pradesh, have a programme periodic energy audits for municipal
states’ performance in implementing
for energy efficiency in sewage services. Delhi, Karnataka, Kerala,
energy efficiency in municipalities is
treatment and pumping. Madhya Pradesh and Telangana have
recently conducted or are conducting
NITI Aayog’s Composite Water audits for street lighting, and Andhra
Policy and Regulation
Management Index 2019 highlights Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana,
Only 4 states, Assam, Haryana, Tamil wastewater management as a Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and
Nadu and Telangana, have set an critical issue that needs to be Telangana have recently conducted
energy saving target for municipal addressed urgently. Several or are conducting audits for water
services, all specifically for EE Street smart city missions have plans for pumping.
lighting, except in the case of Tamil developing infrastructure for 24x7
Nadu which has set an overall target. water supply and for wastewater Financing Mechanisms
All states have ongoing programmes treatment. It is crucial that SDAs, state
urban development departments Only 6 states have funds specifically
for energy-efficient street lighting
and municipalities collaborate to allocated for energy efficiency in
except Arunachal Pradesh, Dadra and
ensure that both water efficiency municipal services, primarily for street
Nagar Haveli, Manipur, Mizoram and
Table 5. Transport Indicators
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Jammu & Kashmir
Daman & Diu
Arunachal Pradesh
Andaman & Nicobar
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
DISCUSSION Vehicles in public transportation and incentives for the purchase of electric
private fleets, states like Andhra vehicles, manufacturing, and for
The top performing states in the Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, installation of charging infrastructure.
transport sector are Tamil Nadu, Uttar Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and It is encouraging to note that states
Pradesh, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand have adopted using like Odisha, Gujarat and Punjab
Maharashtra and Karnataka. These electric vehicles for government are also providing incentives to
states have performed well on various business and departmental uses at electric vehicles despite not having
state initiatives for electric mobility nascent levels. One of the state PSUs a state-specific EV policy in place.
and energy efficiency measures in in Jharkhand have procured electric The incentives in these three states
State Road Transport Corporations vehicles for its departmental use even are in the form of reduction of one-
and government business. though the state doesn’t have an EV time registration tax, exemption of
policy. No states reported having registration tax for e-rickshaws and
Policy and Regulation State Transport Policy that advocates e-carts, and rebate incentives for
fuel efficiency in transport sector. the purchase of two-wheelers and
Based on the reported data, Likewise, apart from Kerala, Odisha e-rickshaws.
10 states and UT’s have either and Tamil Nadu where guidelines
enacted an EV policy or have related to procurement of fuel-efficient Institutional Capacity
published a draft policy. Among vehicles for government and public
the 10 states, 6 (Andhra Pradesh, vehicles are in place, no other state Twenty (20) States and UT’s have
Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, has such a policy. notified establishment of Nodal
Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh) have Agencies for the promotion of
notified EV Policy, and 4 (Bihar, Financing Mechanisms charging infrastructure for electric
Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana) vehicles. This is in response to the
have published a draft EV policy. States which have notified/planned notification issued by Ministry of Power
In addition to adoption of Electric EV policies have announced
wherein all states are required to set
up nodal agencies for facilitating the Transport Spotlight
installation of charging infrastructure. Inland Water Transport: The inland water transport at present caters to about
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) 4 percent of the total freight tonnage movement to and from the state. Cargo
has been nominated as the Central movement by inland waterways is not only cost-effective but is fuel-efficient and
Nodal Agency. In addition, states thus environment friendly mode of transport. It is estimated that the cost to transport
like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu have one tonne of freight over 1 km through Railways, Highways and Waterways is Rs
constituted a state level committee 1.41, Rs 2.28 and Rs 1.19, respectively. Recognizing the potential of inland water
development in Assam, Government of Assam in November 2019 has taken up
comprising of representatives
the Assam Inland Water Transport Project (AIWTP) to improve the quality of inland
from various state departments water transport services and integrate high-quality passenger and vehicle ferry
for implementation of their state services in the Brahmaputra and Barak rivers. The project will develop an efficient
EV policy. Seventeen (17) states river transport system which will be safe and comfortable for the large volume of
have reported that they conduct passengers and cargo carried by vessels by Inland Water Transport and also by
programmes for SRTC personnel to private boat owners and operators. The World Bank has approved USD 110 million
increase awareness on fuel efficiency for AIWTP.
and savings. Solar-powered ferry: As the first of its kind initiative in India, State Water Transport
Department, Kerala launched a solar-powered passenger vessel named “ADITYA”
Adoption of EE Measures on 12/01/2017. The solar vessel has a carrying capacity of 75 passengers, and it
has been serving Vaikom-Thavanakadavu route successfully for the last two years
Adoption of electric vehicles in public avoiding a wide range of air and water pollution. According to the manufacturers,
ADITYA has helped save INR 40 lakh in diesel savings (58,000 litres) in a span of
transportation by the states is at an
two years. The success of the ADITYA paves the way for scale up of solar-powered
incipient stage. States like Gujarat,
ferries that ply on diesel.
Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil
Nadu, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh, Non-motorised transport policy: The Corporation of Chennai has adopted a
forward looking non-motorised (NMT) policy to encourage walking and cycling by
have incorporated Electric buses in
creating a network of footpaths, cycle tracks, greenways and other NMT facilities.
their SRTU fleet as a pilot initiative.
The policy pledges to allocate at least 60 per cent of its existing transport budget to
On penetration of electric passenger NMT infrastructure. Increase in the share of NMT will intuitively lead to fuel savings
vehicles (number of electric and through reduction in use of vehicles and increase in fuel efficiency of vehicles due
hybrid vehicles sold between 2014-15 to reduced vehicular congestion. As part of the policy, the goal is to achieve the
and 2018-19 as a percentage of total following by mandating various policy measures:
vehicles registered during the same • Increase the mode share for pedestrians and cyclists to at least 40 per cent.
period), Kerala tops the states at 2.3% • Reduce the number of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities to 0 per annum.
compared to the national average • Ensure that at least 80 per cent of streets have footpaths.
of 0.3%. Chandigarh and Dadra & • Ensure that at least 80% of streets with a right-of-way (ROW) of over 30 m have
Nagar Haveli are two other UT’s with unobstructed, segregated, continuous cycle track of 2m width.
EV penetration of more than 1%. The • Increase public transport mode share to at least 60 per cent of motorised trips.
pioneer states of EV policy in India
• Stabilise private motor vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) so that there is 0 per
like Karnataka and Maharashtra have cent annual growth in VKT.
significantly lower penetration of
Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles: Several Indian states have announced an EV
electric vehicles.
policy that covers a target for EV penetration, financial incentives, and promotion
of EV investments in the state. To support the achievement of targets with the
Energy Savings necessary electricity supply infrastructure, DISCOMs will have to be well prepared
as the expected rise in EVs will add complexity to the system. Low penetration of
The most fuel-efficient SRTCs are EVs may not cause any problem as is the case today. However, the future increase
in Gujarat, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, in EVs penetration could snowball to a complex grid planning and management
Telangana and Uttar Pradesh, with issue and hinder the EV growth story. Hence, states and DISCOMs will have to
Tamil Nadu and Gujarat leading at estimate in advance the impacts of integrating charging infrastructure so that
0.14 km/MJ. No state was able to they can prepare for safe and reliable network operation or implement smart EV
charging management strategies. BYPL has conducted such a study to analyse
provide data on the energy intensity
the impact of EVs in the operation and management of the distribution grid. Other
(passenger-km/litre) of SRTU’s in the
DISCOMs and states can take a leaf from BYPL’s study while planning for EV
state. charging infrastructure and its techno-economic impact on the grid.
# Indicator Points Scoring Criteria
Financing Mechanisms
Financial incentives for DSM Does the state provide financial incentives for DSM? If ‘Yes’ score = 0.5,
13 0.5
measures else score = 0
What is the quantum of funds allocated for DSM programmes?
14 Funds allocated for DSM 0.5
If allocated score = 0.5, else score = 0
Institutional Capacity
Do DISCOMs in the state have a dedicated DSM cell to support and drive
15 Dedicated DSM cell 1 DSM programmes?
If ‘Yes’ score = 2, else score = 0
Is there a budget allocated for the functioning of dedicated DSM cells by
16 Budget allocated for DSM cell 0.5 DICSOMs?
If allocated score = 0.5, else score = 0
Adoption of EE Measures
What is the participation level of DISCOM consumers in the state’s various
Consumer participation in DSM DSM programmes?
17 0.5
If >0 score = 0.5, else score = 0
Energy Savings
What is the level of T&D losses in the state’s DISCOMs?
T&D losses
18 2 If T&D Losses <=15% score = 2, else-if <=20% score = 1, else-if <= 25% score
(technical losses)
= 0.5, else score = 0
What is the total energy savings from all DSM programmes in the state?
19 Energy savings from DSM 1
If >X score = 1, if >Y score = 0.5, else score = 0
Policy & Regulation
Financing Mechanism
Institutional Capacity
Adoption of EE Measures
Energy Savings
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Himachal Pradesh
Alarmingly, 7 states have T&D loss
greater than 30% in 2017-18. Only 1 DISCOM Spotlight
state, namely Punjab, has reported Integrated Energy and Water Savings: Gujarat Green Revolution Company (GGRC)
savings from behind-the-meter DSM was formed in 2005 as the Implementing Agency appointed by the Government
program. of Gujarat and recognized by the Government of India for implementing the Micro
Irrigation Scheme (MIS). It is aimed to bring 2nd Green Revolution in the state by
3.6 CROSS SECTOR saving of water, electricity and enhancing agriculture productivity resulting in the
farmers’ prosperity at large. Till 2018-19, the company has covered 11,00,556 farmers
and 17,81,279 hectares under the MIS for both agriculture and horticulture crops.
The State Energy Efficiency
Index comprises of 9 cross sector Time of Day (TOD) tariff for Domestic category: TOD is believed to be one of the
indicators including the State Energy effective tools for peak load management. 24 states and UTs have TOD for at least
Conservation Fund (SECF) and one segment of commercial and/or industrial customers. However, for Residential
customers, just 5 states have TOD tariffs in place. Out of these 5 states, 2 states
awareness programmes on energy
have made it mandatory for some segments of the residential customer category,
efficiency as part of BEE’s agenda
whereas it is optional in the remaining 3 states. Kerala has TOD compulsory for 3
to strengthen SDAs. New indicators phase domestic customers having monthly consumption >500 kWh. West Bengal
introduced this year include activities has made TOD mandatory for domestic customers having connected load >50 kVA.
related to creating awareness,
Demand Response Programs: Demand Response is a voluntary reduction of
promotion of R&D in energy electricity demand by a consumer in response to DISCOM’s signal to manage
efficiency, and Strengthening SDA peak load. For this, consumers are given financial benefits for reducing demand.
Communication with other respective BYPL has successfully tested a demand response project as per DERC order no
state departments in the state. Another RA/BYPL/16-17/221 during peak summer months of 2017. 500 largest consumers of
indicator included this year is related BSES Yamuna Private Ltd (BYPL) in east and central Delhi having a load of over 500
to states’ action towards making SDAs KW each were enrolled in this project and were requested to voluntarily reduce
their electricity load as and when required for a financial incentive of INR 1/kWh.
as standalone independent bodies
In the project, 19 industrial and commercial consumers voluntarily reduced their
without additional responsibilities of
consumption for 1- hour duration. 8 events were carried out during the months of
renewable/power/electrical inspection. April – June 2017 which resulted in cumulative savings of around 17 MW.
Energy Efficiency and Has the SDA conducted at least one awareness programme for schools and at
4 Energy Conservation 0.5 least one for the general public?
Awareness Campaigns If SDA has done 4 or more campaigns in a year score = 0.5, else score = 0
Do the SDA or other state organisations have organized State level energy
State Energy Conservation conservation awards to recognise outstanding performers in building, industry
5 0.5 and other sectors?
If ‘Yes’ score = 0.5, else score = 0
Does the SDA periodically report the status of its ongoing / planned
Reporting / Communication energy efficiency activities and projects to the respective Energy / Power
6 with respective State Energy 1 departments?
/ Power Departments If formal meeting with presentation & MoM score = 1, if written report sent
score = 0.5, else score = 0
Bonus Point -
6 Appointment of Inspecting Officer
Cross Sector
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Arunachal Pradesh
Daman & Diu
Andaman & Nicobar
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
NOTE: The maximum score for Cross-sector indicators is 5 points. However, the graph also includes a bonus point given to states where the SDA has appointed
an Inspecting Officer (indicated by brown colour)
DISCUSSION states are initiatives taken with respect the SECF demonstrating the state’s
to strengthening of communication commitment towards the promotion
The maximum score of 5 was with the state energy department, a of EE activities. One requirement of
achieved by Kerala and Odisha. The greater focus on creating awareness, the SECF is to earmark a major part
other top performing states are Andhra and focus on R&D activity related to of the budget as a revolving fund to
Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh energy efficiency. finance implementation of energy
and Telangana. While Karnataka efficiency projects by providing debt/
and Punjab have a relatively higher It is encouraging to note that 31 equity financing. However apart from
score in other sectors, they have states and UTs have established a very few states, no state has made
not managed to score high in this State Energy Conservation Fund progress on this front, and the SECF
category. Overall, states belonging (SECF) as per Section 16(1) of the is mainly utilized for non-financing
to Group 3 and Group 4 have scored EC Act, 2001 and have received purposes such as for awareness
low in this category compared to initial seed funds from BEE. Out of activity, energy audits, demonstration
Group 1 and Group 2 states. The main these 31 states, 26 states have also project and capacity building.
differentiators in the top performing allocated matching contribution to
Seven (7) states have reported the states have scored high in this for energy efficiency, the power of
taking initiatives for the promotion year’s EE index as well alluding the inspection to check compliance with
of innovation and R&D in energy correlation between a state’s EE the mandatory schemes (e.g. S&L,
efficiency. For instance, the Haryana performance and independence of ECBC, PAT) is vested at the state level.
government has signed an MoU with the SDA. It is worth recognizing here Without compliance mechanisms,
NIT Kurukshetra for R&D and capacity that Odisha has initiated the process the integrity of schemes cannot be
building in the state. This is one to make its SDA as an independent enhanced. States need to appoint
indicator where states need to perform body. It is recommended that each inspection officers (or agency) to carry
better. Because of rapid technological state have a dedicated agency with out this role and to ensure that all
changes, it is inconceivable for state adequate authority and budgetary schemes on EE is implemented across
agencies to possess the complete allocations, and expertise for steering all energy demand sectors in the
in-house capacity to be able to and upscaling energy efficiency state. 9 states so far have appointed
comprehend the technological implementation in the state. inspection officers and remaining
advancements and enable their states need to follow suit. Also, all
adoption. Hence, forging collaboration While BEE at the central level states have to make sure that the
with research and academic institutes, is involved in the formulation of inspection officers are dedicatedly
industries, and think tanks requires a mandatory standards and norms available for this role.
greater focus by the states.
and correct data has been the and civil societies to promote EE India’s energy footprint and sharing
Achilles heel for states. The SDA implementation business. best practices across states. While
is the competent authority within policies, regulations and programmes
the state for all matters related to 3. Enhancing the credibility of EE are important to drive EE in states,
energy efficiency. For this year’s schemes: Ensuring the integrity energy savings and reduced energy
Index, SDAs proactively contacted of programs that have direct or intensity measure the success of
various state departments to indirect linkage with common these policies and programmes. To
gather data. However, SDAs customers is an important pillar that extent, the State EE Index aims
should significantly enhance of energy efficiency market to incorporate more outcome-based
their engagement with state transformation. To deal with indicators and increase the weightage
departments, DISCOMs and this challenge, states must of outcome-based indicators in
private sector organisations demonstrate an approach which subsequent editions, which will also
beyond one-time data includes enforcement and help assess a state’s progress in
collection and beyond the compliance checks. Rules related achieving energy savings targets in
sole purpose of annual Index to mandatory energy audits, each sector. While the State EE Index
calculation. Doing so will enable mandatory sale and purchase help states share best practices, SDAs
effective implementation of EE of BEE star labelled appliances can use the State EE Index to measure
programmes, enable SDAs to will not be effective unless the their own state’s progress from one
measure and monitor progress, inspection process is established year to the next and collaborate with
and most importantly provide and strengthened. For example, other state departments and private
a feedback mechanism for customers will have greater sector organisations to tailor EE
modifications in EE programs reliability on the star labelled programmes accordingly.
and policies and setting of products if the authenticity of the
realistic targets. Building a robust star label is guaranteed. This will
system for demand side energy also build the confidence of the
consumption data collection genuine manufacturers in the
and analysis at local and state schemes.
level will contribute significantly
States must also make independent
towards a national Energy Data
monitoring and verification of
Management System. With the
savings integral to all EE policies
proper data management at the
and programs. Energy audit leads
state level, Government of India
to an estimate of the savings
(GoI) will have a more robust
potential contingent to use of energy
basis for estimating the energy
savings measures and onsite usage
savings achieved by the scheme.
conditions. Post-implementation
The initiatives such as IESS
audit (or M&V) determines the actual
2047, Dashboards and portals
savings. Hence, a digression from the
of national programs, and even
conventional wisdom of “Potential
State Energy Calculators 2050
equals Savings” is required for a true
are right steps but meaningless
measure of actual energy savings
unless states provide updated
achieved. In order to integrate M&V
data. The data, if available for
with program design, a simple step
public consumption, can be
could be to start allocating budget
used by DISCOMs and ERCs
towards M&V at the program inception
in the aggregate revenue
stage itself. The budget could range
requirement exercise to estimate
anywhere between 2% to 5% of
the demand growth for supply
the program cost depending on the
side planning. This can also be
complexity and the scale.
useful to allocate more budget
for EE and DSM activities and The main objectives of the State
even modify electricity tariff. The Energy Efficiency Index are to drive
energy savings potential and the implementation of EE policies
data from energy audit reports and programmes, set targets, track
can be used by industry bodies progress in managing the state’s and
1. MoSPI Energy Statistics 2016
2. CEA General Review 2016 (FY 2014-2015)
3. CEA General Review 2017 (FY 2015-2016)
4. CEA General Review 2018 (FY 2016-2017)
5. NITI Aayog India Energy Portal
6. NITI Aayog India Energy Security Scenarios
7. Reserve Bank of India Handbook of Statistics on Indian States
8. State Energy Efficiency Preparedness Index 2018
9. UIDAI State-wise Aadhaar:
10. Bureau of Energy Efficiency: BEE star-rated buildings in states
11. CII Awards for Energy Management 2019
13. GBCI, India
15. EESL UJALA LED Tube light
17. Indian Green Building Council
18. Bureau of Energy Efficiency: PAT Cycle II (provisional data)
19. CII Awards for Energy Management 2019
22. FAME
23. Motor Vehicle Registration
24. PCRA annual report 2017-18
25. Spotlight sources:
Assam Inland Water Transport:
Kerala Solar-powered Ferry:
Tamil Nadu Non-motorised transport policy:
Agriculture and DISCOM
27. CEA General Review 2019 (FY 2017-2018)
28. Power for All:
29. Spotlight Sources:
Integrated Energy and Water Savings:
ToD for Domestic Consumers:
Demand Response Programmes
Cross Sector
30. Spotlight Sources:
Kerala SECF:
Energy Efficiency campaign for school children:
State Energy Calculators: