Paper23109 113
Paper23109 113
Paper23109 113
Research Article
CFD Simulation and Analysis for Free Surface Computations around Fixed
‘DTMB 5415’ Model
Suyog S. KadamȦ*, Shivprakash B. BarveȦ, Harshada A. Gurav Ḃ, Vilas S KanthaleȦ
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MAEER’s MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India
Department of Mechanical, Abhinav Education Society’s College of Engineering, Pune, India
Accepted 12 March 2014, Available online 01 April 2014, Special Issue-3, (April 2014)
One important issue in the CFD application is the prediction of the power demand of a new ship. For this purpose the
interaction between the hull, rudder and the propeller must be correctly accounted for. This project presents results of
the computations performed in the ETSIN for different ships with the RANSE free surface commercial solver CFX. Some
of the computational results are validated against experimental data in terms of various global and local quantities. The
CFX code is based on a finite volume Discretization. The turbulence model used in the calculations was the SST (Shear
Stress Transport) model, and the volume of fluid method is used to model the free-surface flow. The incompressible
turbulent free surface flow around the complex hull form of the DTMB 5415 model at two different speeds has been
numerically simulated using the RANSE code CFX. The Volume of Fluid method (VOF) has been used with CFX for
capturing the free surface flow around the ship model at the two speeds. The simulation conditions are the ones for which
experimental and numerical results exist. The standard k– e turbulence model has been used in CFX code. The grid
generator ICEM CFD has been used for building the hybrid grid for the RANSE code solver. The results compare well
with the available experimental and numerical data.
Keywords: RANSE, Nodes &boundary conditions, Drag Force & drag Coefficient
Suyog S. Kadam et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-3, (April 2014)
ANSYS The software used for CFD analysis. complicated to create; they give much better results
especially at the ship wake. Comparisons between
Ratio of longest edge length to shortest experimental and computed values show a relatively good
Aspect Ratio edge length. ( Measure of quality of agreement between them using structured meshes. The
mesh) structured mesh is based on a O-grid block distribution.
BEM Boundary Element Method. The O-grid creation capability is simply the modification
Computation Fluid Dynamics. of a single block or blocks to a 5 sub block topology (7
Calculation method or software which sub-blocks in 3D) as shown in figure for a simple 2D case.
enables hydrodynamic optimization of The mesh quality can also be determined in ICEM. It
hull form. should be positive. The quality is given in determinant
Depth of water to which a ship sinks form as follows
according to its load. Vertical distance Here, the number of cells are shown on Y axis while
Draft mesh quality is shown on X axis.
between ship’s waterline and lowest
point of its keel. A Determinant value of 1 would indicate a perfectly
It is the resistance of the fluid to the regular mesh element, 0 would indicate an element
Drag degenerate in one or more edges, and negative values
moving body In longitudinal direction.
would indicate inverted elements. [1]
DTMB David Taylor Model Basin.
FEM Finite Element Method.
[2] Structure of CFD Code
FDM Finite Difference Method
Forward front of ship Tao Xing and Fred Stern, IIHR— Hydro science &
Froude number describes the vessel’s Engineering, C. Maxwell Stanley Hydraulics Laboratory,
relative speed, which depends on vessel The University of Iowa.
2.1 Pre Processing
Suyog S. Kadam et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-3, (April 2014)
3.4 Post-Processing
Suyog S. Kadam et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-3, (April 2014)
Graphical results
Analytical results
Drag force
Drag coefficient
Suyog S. Kadam et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-3, (April 2014)
Future Scope
Fig. 12 Vector plot of air a 25 wall shear
Martín Priego Wood1, Leo M. González1, Jorge Izquierdo1, Adrián
Sarasquete2 and Luis Pérez Rojas (2007), RANSE with free surface
4.3 Validation
computations around fixed DTMB 5415 model and other
Baliño’s fishing vessels. 9th International Conference on Numerical
Table 5 Comparison between Experimental and Ship Hydrodynamics Michigan, USA.
Computational Results Tao Xing and Fred Stern, IIHR— Hydro science & Engineering, C.
Maxwell Stanley Hydraulics Laboratory, The University of Iowa.
André Bakker. Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Computational Metin Ozen, Ph.D., CFD Research Corporation Ashok Das, Ph.D.,
Drag force 45.21 N 46.6928 N Applied Materials Kim Parnell, Ph.D., Parnell Engineering and
Drag Consulting. CFD Fundamentals and Applications.
4.23 4.368 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Wenbin Song, Andy Keane, Hakki Eres, Graeme Pound, and Simon Cox.
Two Dimensional Airfoil Optimization Using CFD in a Grid
% Error = (Computational value – Experimental value) / Computing Environment.
Experimental Value Leo Lazauskas, Cyberiad, First Draft: 16 Dec. 2009, Resistance and
Squat of Surface Combatant DTMB Model 5415: Experiments and
The total resistance coefficient on the adapted mesh has Dimitri J. Mavriplis, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
the value 4.368, which is 3.262% higher than the VA 23681, USA (September 15-18, 2002), Unstructured Mesh
experimental value. Related Issues In Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) – Based
The total resistance force on the adapted mesh has the Analysis And Design. (11th International Meshing Roundtable, Ithaca
New York, USA)
value 46.6928, which is 3.28% higher than the Multiphase Flow Modeling. CFX solver tutorial
experimental value. C. Böhm, R&D Centre Univ. Appl. Sciences Kiel, Yacht Research Unit,
Germany K. Graf, Univ. Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany Validation
Conclusions Of Ranse Simulations Of A Fully Appended Acc V5 Design Using
Towing Tank Data.
Gianpiero Lavini1, Lorenzo Pedone1, Davide Harpo Genuzio
A numerical study with the Ansys-CFX computational Application of fully viscous CFD codes in the design of non propellers
tool has been performed. A classical benchmark test case for passenger vessels
like the Combatant DTMB 5415 modelhas been B. Godderidge1 A.B. Phillips, S. Lewis, S.R. Turnock, D.A. Hudson, and
M. Tan. Fluid-Structure Interactions Research Group, Froude
investigated, which has been used for verification. Our Building, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton,
computation was especially interested in the velocity field SO17 1BJ, UK. The simulation of free surface flows with
calculation at the ship hull. Other local calculations like Computational Fluid Dynamics
contours,vector plots, mesh quality checks, drag force & Madhusuden Agrawal, ANSYS. Multiphase flow modeling in ANSYS
coefficient values havebeen also obtained. Diffrent Khairul Hassan, Maurice F. White. CFD Applications in Ship Design
calculations have been done with unstructured & Optimization
structured meshes obtaining qualitative & quantitative Jean Jacques Maisonneuvz, Frédéric Dauce, Bertrand Alessandrini.
better results with the last ones. This point’sout that Towards Ship Optimal Design Involving CFD.
although structured meshes aremuch morecomplecated to