The Four Marks of The Church

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The Four Marks of the Church

“In the Nicene Creed, we profess, "We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
Church": these are the four marks of the Church. They are inseparable and
intrinsically linked to each other” (Fr. Saunders).

This article shows us that the Church that we all know as a “building of worship” have a deeper
meaning in terms of its features and mission. It tells us that the Church has its four marks as its
characteristic, and for us to understand what these four marks means. Church is one, holy,
catholic and apostolic.

Church is “one” mainly because of three reasons that are stated in the article. First, the source of
the Church is the Holy Trinity that perfectly unite in three persons; the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Next, the founder of the Church which was Jesus Christ, who takes away the sins of
all humankind on earth by His blood. Lastly, the Church is one because of the Holy Spirit that
dwells in every soul of the people of God, that have unity through their faith. As for the
“oneness” of the Church, every nation of different culture and languages are united as “one” by
the church. On how the people of God unites in celebrations of mass, they all have the same
teachings, readings, structures, prayers and sacraments but in their own languages. It is also
stated that in oneness, there is diversity. Different culture, traditions, practices, gifts, gender, age,
and vocations/professions are united by faith in the Church. This tells us that no matter who you
are or where you’re from, in the Church, we are united as one.

Church is “holy”, as it is the body of Jesus Christ which is the founder and the head of the
Church. It stated that as a member of the Church, we are called in holiness and we must live in
holiness as the people of God. As a member of the Church, we may have sinned, but we can
repent and go back to the path of holiness.
Church is “catholic”, means “universal” as described by St. Ignatius of Antioch in the letters to
the Smyrnaeans. The Church is universal as it is for everyone, for every people of God every part
of the world.

Church is “apostolic”, because of its traditions and teachings, the authority that continued from
the first Pope and bishop of the Catholic Church St. Peter. And that every preacher of the word
of God are chosen by the Holy Spirit and they are ordained in the presence of the Lord our God
who calls them to disseminate the word of God to every nation of this land.

In conclusion of this article, it just tells us that Church is not only what we call it as the building
of worship but it is made and designed by the Lord our God for its people who have faith it Him,
regardless of its culture, language and nations. Every individual who believe and have faith in
God are united as one, through the Church and its way in celebrating the sacred scriptures and
the teachings of the one and only God. The four marks of the church are visible and are linked to
each other as they represent the Church and its mission for the people of God to be united in their
faith and be guided by the Holy Spirit for the glory of our Lord.

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