The Enthronement of The Sacred Heart
The Enthronement of The Sacred Heart
The Enthronement of The Sacred Heart
A teaching by
Fr. Columbian Crotty, SS.CC.
Fr. Mateo’s Mission
Mateo's goal was to develop leaders, lay Sacred Heart of Jesus in the home and to
apostles whose words were backed up by teach each of these families to live a life of
prayer and the witness of their Christian life. union with Christ. He understood that the
These leaders assisted him in bringing scope of this apostolate would not be
about the renewal of society by the Christian confined to Chile but would embrace the
renewal of families through commitment to whole world. Fr. Mateo experienced a bodily
the Sacred Heart. cure at Paray and this gave him the certainty
that the message he received was from Jesus
Fr Mateo was very much convinced of the Himself.
importance of a good education for the
future lay leaders in the church. "It is up to After Paray-le-Monial, Fr. Mateo was
us," he said, "to take over the privileged to make a pilgrimage to the Holy
Intellectual formation of students by Land and this visit intensified his personal
teaching the principles of law founded on faith and his desire to take the inspiration for
the laws of God and the obligations of a his preaching from the Gospels. From
Christian conscience" ( ref Marcel, Bocquet, now on, his apostolate would be a crusade
SS. CC. The Firebrand, translation by destined to associate all Christian families in
Francis Larkin, SS. CC., Corday Press, D.C. the avowed goal of establishing the rule of
1966 p. 44) in 1906, he established a law Christ over the entire world. ( ref: Firebrand,
school in Valparaiso, but it was destroyed by pg. 55)
an earthquake six months later. Even this
serious setback did not dampen Fr. Mateo's On his return to Chile, Fr. Mateo continued
zeal for the spread of God's kingdom. his apostolate with renewed zeal. He
enlisted the members of the exterior
Fr. Mateo's health was never robust and association of the Sacred Hearts to promote
after the earthquake, it suffered further the work. This was the first Secretariat or
deterioration so that his doctors ordered a cell to promote the enthronement. The
year of rest. His superiors allowed him to members of the Secretariat promoted the
visit Europe at this time to study the apostolate, explained it and prepared the
organization of higher Catholic education homes for the ceremony.
and the various social apostolates founded
for youth. From that time on, the spread of the
However, Fr. Mateo wished to make use of enthronement could only be called
this occasion to explain his apostolate to his phenomenal, and Fr. Mateo became its
Superior General in Belgium. He also hoped worldwide apostle. From 1907 to 1914 he
to obtain the Holy Father’s approval and preached in Chile, Peru, Uruguay and
blessing for his apostolate and to make a Argentina. From 1914 to 1935 his apostolate
pilgrimage to Paray-le-Monial to pray at the was mainly in the countries of Europe. From
shrine where the Sacred Heart appeared to 1935 to 1940 he was in the Far East and
St. Margaret Mary. preached in China, Japan, Manchuria,
All these prayers were answered. His Hong Kong, the Philippines and Vietnam.
Superior General approved of his work, Pope From 1940 to 1944 he preached in the United
St. Pius X granted him an audience and said, States after which he moved north to
"To save the family is to save society. The Canada, where he continued his preaching
work you are undertaking is a work of until he fell ill and entered a hospital in
social salvation. Consecrate your life to it." Montreal. In 1956, he returned to Chile
(ref. Firebrand, pg. 52 ) At Paray-le-Monial where he died on May 4, 1960.
he received special blessings. He saw clearly One of the extraordinary qualities of Fr
the whole plan of his apostolate. Its goal was Mateo was his single-minded commitment
to promote the social reign of the Sacred to the apostolate to which he was certain the
Heart. The means to be used were to win Lord had called him. He experienced
families one by one by enthroning the
great blessings and gifts from the Heart of and most adorable of His rights is that of
Christ, but he also experienced seemingly being loved; and at the same time, as a great
insurmountable obstacles and longing for our love..." (re: Jesus King of
disappointments. But neither obstacles, nor Love, pg. 109)
opposition, nor constant travel could dim
the ardor of his zeal until he had "In order that Christ's Kingdom may come"
accomplished all that he could do to spread throughout the whole of human society, Fr.
the reign of the Sacred Heart around the Mateo saw the necessity to re-fashion the
world. society of his day from its very basis, which
was the family. For society to be transformed
and saved, it was necessary for families to be
2. What was his "enterprise" which was so transformed and experience the risen Lord
important for that time? present among them (ref. Enthronement of
the Sacred Heart, Fr. Larkin, pg. 4)
For Fr. Mateo the theological virtues of
faith, hope and love were basic to Christian The way to bring about the transformation
family life. For him faith was the foundation of the family was the enthronement of the
of all spiritual and apostolic life. Sacred Heart in the home. The
Only the person who drew near to Jesus to be enthronement is the official and social
taught and enlightened would learn to know recognition of the kingship of the Heart of
Him. Prayer was the indispensable means of Jesus in a Christian family. A family filled
drawing near to Jesus, so that our hearts with a spirit of faith, love and confidence
could become like His. Hope he described publicly acknowledges that Jesus is Lord
as loving confidence in God. Jesus showed and God of the household. This
His love for sinners, the outcasts and the acknowledgement or public recognition is
rejected in so many ways in His earthly life shown by giving a statue or picture of the
that no one could fear Him because of Sacred Heart the place of honor in the home.
unworthiness. There are many, wrote Fr. The members of the family then renew their
Mateo, who think it is very difficult to be commitment to Christ by an act of
saved. He, on the contrary, believed that it is consecration. The family in turn is sanctified
difficult to be lost, to do so, we must break by this act of public recognition and
loose from the Savior's arms and the strengthened in its resolve to be an
Citadel of Redemption which is His Heart instrument of transformation for society.
(ref: Jesus King of Love, pg. 135)
Fr. Mateo sought to make the home a truly
For Fr. Mateo, love was truly the greatest "domestic church". "The moments we
gift; through love God dwells in us and we in devote to God in our parish church," he said,
Him. "God is love and whoever lives in love are few yet most of our religion is limited to
lives in God and God lives in him" ( 1 John those rare moments, and when we return
4:5). The love of God is "the source of the home we do not find the Lord there for us.
incarnation and of Christ's salvific work. “We live, struggle, suffer and most likely die
The Incarnation is, as it were, a in our own homes, it is there that we ought
'humanization' of the love of God. The love to live in close fellowship with Jesus." (ref:
of God has taken on the form of human love Jesus King of Love, pg. 14,15)
in the person of Jesus. For Jesus, this love of
God is the "Heart of Jesus, the center of all Through the Enthronement, families come
His actions and His attitudes which he to recognize the Lord who is already present
expresses in the Gospel." ( reference; Patrick there and through this recognition he
Bradley, SS. CC. Our SS. CC. Vocation and becomes a part of the family and guides
Mission, Rome, 1992, pg. 32 ). it in its daily life and direction. The
Speaking of God's love and our response, Fr. Enthronement ceremony itself is a one-time
Mateo wrote: "there is no doubt that the first event, but the commitment it signifies is for
a lifetime. want to privatize religion. They say religion
Incorporated into the church through the should have nothing to say about public life,
living waters of baptism, sanctified by the politics, economics, etc. Fr. Mateo's
sacrament of matrimony and nourished by Apostolate of the enthronement is strongly
the frequent reception of the Eucharist, the opposed to this view - "we always oppose
members of the enthronement family, those who try to banish Jesus from the life of
individually and collectively, make a public the family, society and the nations."
commitment to strive for the sanctification "Christ’s dominion," he said, "must extend
of the family and the transformation of to parliaments and legislation" ( ref: Jesus
society. King of Love, pgs. 47-50). Enthronement
families today need to be the leaven of our
3. Is the Enthronement relevant to the needs society so that all of society might be
of the church and the world today? transformed.
The sanctification of the family is an Role of the laity – I believe Fr. Mateo was
indispensable means of promoting the reign ahead of his time in stressing the role of the
of God on earth. I believe that the laity in the Church: "the Catholic laity are no
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the longer to be considered as benevolent
home can powerfully contribute to the spectators, or beneficiaries of sacerdotal
sanctification of the family. Therefore, the actions, they often occupy the dangerous
enthronement is certainly relevant today. outposts on the battlefield." ( ref: Jesus King
However, we need to keep in mind some of of Love, pgs. 221, 227)
the essentials that Fr. Mateo stressed. Here I
have time only to mention a few: The Enthronement stresses the importance
of the family in society and the Church and
Adequate preparation – "If the encourages the laity to become more
Enthronement is to produce marvelous actively involved in the apostolate of the
fruits," said the founder, "the ceremony Christian community.
must, as a rule, be well prepared for." ( ref:
Jesus King of Love, pg. 35 - 38) Apostolate of the family – the words of the
Lord's Prayer where we pray: "Thy kingdom
He urged his fellow workers to come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in
prepare carefully for each Enthronement, heaven" is truly the prayer of the
and not to judge success by the number of E4nthronement apostolate which is a
houses enthroned. He suggested that it relevant apostolate in today's world.
might be necessary to return to some homes However, the earth on which we work today
"ten times or more." and on which we pray that God's will be
done is a very different earth from the one
Gospel based spirituality – Fr. Mateo often Fr. Mateo lived on. We are all aware that
deplored that Catholics frequently do not there have been and continue to be profound
really know Jesus. The Lord can still say to changes in our world, in our church and in
many of us today the words he addressed to the family itself.
Philip: "Have I been so long a time with you
and you do not know Me?" ( John 14:9) The apostolate of the family has always
Apostles of the Enthronement need to read demanded deep faith, profound courage and
and meditate on the Gospels and encourage self-denial. However, in Fr. Mateo's time, it
families to make this a regular part of their seems to me, it was a relatively simple
spiritual lives. ( ref: Jesus King of Love, pg. ministry, compared to what is demanded
43) today.
The social reign of the Sacred Heart – there Contemporary apostles committed to
are many people in the society today who Christian renewal of families through the
Heart of Jesus must be aware of the They must be aware of the gift that the
strengths and weaknesses of our society, as sacrament of Matrimony is to the family and
well as the safeguards of Christian marriage that their spirituality must be deeply rooted
and the family and the problems that in the Eucharist. I say this not to overwhelm
threaten to tear them apart. They need to you or discourage you, but rather to
study and discuss what the Holy Father and challenge you to develop your many gifts
the bishops of the United States have written and blessings even farther. "Many make
about the family ( ref: Pope John Paul II- The their whole devotion consist in reciting vocal
Role of the Christian Family in the Modern prayers."( ref: Jesus King of Love, pgs. 26,
World, St. Paul Books & Media, 1981 and 27) Fr. Mateo commented. That was not
The Christian Family as Domestic Church, sufficient in Fr. Mateo's day and it is not
1992) sufficient today. Our times call not only for a
faith-filled, deeply committed laity, but a
They must be steeped in the conviction that laity thoroughly educated in the faith
the sacrament of Baptism calls and seeking to read the signs of the times. If we
empowers us to follow Christ in His mission are committed to this, then we will continue
as priest, prophet and king ( reference: The to make the Enthronement of the Sacred
Role of the Christian Family in the Modern Heart in the home relevant today and
World, nos. 60-64). tomorrow.
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