Technical Specification No T0468-Tc-04: I. Front
Technical Specification No T0468-Tc-04: I. Front
Technical Specification No T0468-Tc-04: I. Front
M.Sc.Eng. Teresa Bilińska 327/90/UW Eng. Małgorzata Noculak 77/88/UW
M.Sc.Eng. Janusz Majka 84/90/Lw M.Sc.Eng. Tadeusz Kłos 17/94/Lw
February 2018
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
I. FRONT PAGE ............................................................................................................................ 1
II. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 5
1. Object of the investment .................................................................................................... 6
2. Documentation basis .......................................................................................................... 6
3. Existing state of site development ..................................................................................... 6
4. Designed site development ................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Objects location ............................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Form and arrangement of objects............................................................................... 6
4.3 Communication system ............................................................................................... 7
4.4 Networks and utilities .................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Other building related elements ................................................................................. 8
4.6 Terrain ........................................................................................................................... 8
4.7 Greenery ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Fire hydrants ................................................................................................................. 8
5. Surface summary ................................................................................................................ 8
6. Register of monuments and legal protection.................................................................... 9
7. Data describing the mining impact on the plot ................................................................. 9
8. Risks to the environment and the health of users ............................................................ 9
9. A way to provide the conditions necessary for the use of persons with disabilities ...... 9
10. Information about the area of the object's impact ........................................................ 9
III. MULTI-DISCIPLINE PROJECT: DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 11
1. Architecture....................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Object of the investment ........................................................................................... 12
1.2 Purpose and utility program of the building ............................................................. 12
1.3 Characteristic general parameters of the complex of objects ................................. 12
1.4 Characteristic parameters of particular objects of the complex ............................. 13
1.5 Summary of the objects’ area .................................................................................... 16
1.6 Architectural form and function of the building....................................................... 18
1.7 The method of foundation......................................................................................... 18
1.8 Construction elements ............................................................................................... 19
1.9 Exterior and interior finishing .................................................................................... 20
1.10 Building enclosures................................................................................................. 20
1.11 Installations ............................................................................................................. 21
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
The distances between the control container, silos and related buildings are not
restricted because of technological connection between them.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
tanks, control container, shipping shed, receiving bucket, cleaner Feerum 100,
Dryer DGO 19 and existing office building to renovation.
Silos and accompanying devices are steel self-supporting structures. They will be
based on typical technological solutions from of FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów.
The general layout of the complex's facilities at the site is designed to meet the
design goals of the technology.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
4.6 Terrain
The project does not provide significant changes to the terrain except for the
necessary leveling of the ground as part of the road surface, technological and
building surfaces. The level of ± 0.00 for each object is determined in accordance
with the drawing part of the project.
4.7 Greenery
Approximately 1% of the land area under the management is designed as
biologically active - greenery. No additional high greenery or other trees or
shrubs are planned.
5. Surface summary
Plot coverage
= (plinth area / plot area) x 100%
Plot ratio
= total built up area / plot area
Well compacted surface and
3 129 m2 (3%)
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
distances and the height of the building covered by this project. In addition, the
building does not exclude or partially exclude in terms of location of buildings on
undeveloped neighboring. At the same time, requirements are met to ensure the
time of sun exposure of accommodation in neighboring buildings, and no restrictions
are imposed on the location of new buildings on undeveloped plots. The building
also does not cause any restrictions on the development of neighboring plots. The
area of impact of the facility is therefore entirely located on the plots where it was
M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Kulczycki
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
1. Architecture
1.1 Object of the investment
The object of the investment is the warehouse and drying complex located in
Dodoma - coordinates 6°10'08.0"S, 35°42'26.8"E (Tanzania).
Number of floors 1
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
height: 2,72 m
width: 2,50 m
length: 6,0 m
number of floors: 1
control container
Building area : 15,04 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 13,18 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 37 m3
height: 6,44 m
height (incl. sanitary ventilator): 7,46 m
width: 13,77 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 15,81 m
length: 14,41 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 15,43 m
washroom building
number of floors: 1
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
number of floors: 1
canteen building
Building area : 172,26 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 151,37 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 801,42 m3
height: 6,66 m
width: 9,00 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 11,04 m
length: 12,00 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 14,04 m
number of floors: 1
equipment store building
Building area : 108,00 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 97,00 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 608,50 m3
height: 5,60 m
height (incl. sanitary ventilator): 6,64 m
width: 9,00 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 11,04 m
length: 12,00 m
qualification building
length (incl. roof overhang): 14,04 m
number of floors: 1
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
number of floors: 1
chemical store building
Building area : 108,00 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 92,41 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 608,50 m3
height: 4,80 m
width: 6,24 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 8,24 m
length: 6,24 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 8,24 m
number of floors: 1
existing office building to renovation
Building area : 38,94 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 30,73 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 164,75 m3
height: 2,59 m
length: 6,06 m
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
Volume: 5000 l
Washroom building
Canteen building
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Qualification building
03 WC 1,11 - - 1,11
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The building has been designed with basic requirements for such facilities, safety
in use, construction safety, fire safety, proper hygiene and health conditions,
noise and vibration protection and environmental protection.
Designed buildings also provide suitable operating conditions for their intended
purpose, providing water supply, electricity and access to sanitary sewerage. At
the same time the appropriate energy performance of the office building and
the rationalization of energy use are foreseen.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
a) Foundations
Placement of buildings will be realized as direct using benches and
foundation feet made of C16/20 reinforced concrete and steel B500SP with
a thickness of 30 cm.
b) Foundation walls
Foundation walls are designed of concrete blocks with a thickness 24 cm
and covered on both sides by waterproofing layer.
c) Structural walls
External structural walls are designed of concrete blocks with a thickness 24
cm and covered on both sides by cement-lime plaster with a thickness 2 cm.
d) Columns
Columns are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete.
e) Partition walls
not applicable
f) Floors
Floor slab is designed of C16/20 concrete. Under floor slab is layer of sand
bed with a thickness 25 cm. Between floor slab and sand bed is horizontal
waterproofing layer.
g) Beams
Beams in office budilding are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete.
h) Lintel beams
Lintel beams are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete.
i) Tie beams
Tie beams are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete
j) Stairs
not applicable
k) Roof structure
Roof structure are designed of C14 timber. The shape of roof is designed as
“dutch gable roof”.
l) Chimney
not applicable
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
m) Moisture insulations
Elements which are exposed on moisture have to be covered by
waterproofing coangs with the aid of bituminous rubber mass.
n) Thermal insulation
not applicable
p) Roof coverings
Roof coverings are designed of trapezoidal sheet T35
a) External finishing
- Windows - Aluminium windows. Dimensions of windows acc. Fig.
architectural. Color of window frames – proposed by NFRA.
- Exterior anti-burglar doors made of metal or wood protected by bars.
Door dimensions acc. Fig. architectural. The color of doors and theirs
frames – proposed by NFRA.
- Structural elements covered with anti-corrosion coatings in proposed
by NFRA colors.
- Exterior walls finished with external wall paint proposed by NFRA.
- Roof - roof cover with galvanized sheet in color proposed by NFRA.
b) Interior finishing
- Interior walls finished with internal paint proposed by NFRA.
- Floors covered by ceramic floor tiles in colors matching to the
• external cement-lime plaster (th. 2cm)
1 External wall • concrete blocks (th. 24cm) 2,78
• internal cement-lime plaster (th. 2cm)
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
1.11 Installations
Installations according to detailed studies in parts SANITARY INSTALLATIONS and
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS of this documentation.
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Roof non-defined
Windows non-defined
With the exception of exhaust fumes resulting from the use of diesel fuel
burners in the dryer, the facility does not emit gaseous, particulate or liquid
Solid waste resulting from the operation of the facility stored in containers
placed on the premises of the site designated in the Site Development Plan. The
amount, type and frequency of waste disposal will be determined on the basis of
the individual investor agreement with the municipal waste disposal service
The complex of objects with designed equipment and the intended use does not
emit noises, vibrations or radiation that require remedies.
The objects due to their height do not cause shading of the environment, which
would affect the surrounding land stand. The object also does not affect the
surface of the earth, soil, surface or underground water. The project largely
preserves the biologically active area on the parcel area outside the building
surface and hardened terraces, walkways and commute to the building.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
and 4 others buildings, with a total development area of 11 868 m2. One of
the existing building, with the area of 67,24 m2 is designed for demolition.
b) Impact on existing objects
The investment in accordance with the enclosed documentation will not
impair the technical condition of existing facilities.
Fifty seasonal silo workers are expected to stay during the seasonal period. The
work will be done in the open air. Operation of buildings by people is temporary
in the outer coverings. Exceptions are office buildings, intended for permanent
residence of people - the nature of office work. As part of the office buildings,
cloak rooms were provided..
The communication service of the complex will be circular, with the use of heavy
goods vehicles. They will supply and receive grain. Movement will take place
only in daytime.
1.17 Technology
In the planned complex will be storage, internal transport, unloading and loading
of grain.
The facility uses technology including drying and grain cleaning. This allows you
to pick up damp and contaminated grains to bring it to the desired state. The
predicted grain drying technology includes technical solutions to save energy by
20% (compared to other solutions available on the market). Horizontal and
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
vertical conveyor systems and tanks allow you to change your existing grain
handling technology by eliminating human work in dusty conditions and
automating the grain transfer process and enabling operations in all weather
The starting element of the technology is a receiving bucket along with a belt
drag conveyor through which unloading of the dumpers takes place. This is a
device for the horizontal transport of cereals thanks to the chain blades of the
device. The machine provides a completely maintenance-free ability to receive
grain from transport vehicles. Over the receiving bucket, it is planned to install a
shed 12,3 x 20,3 x 8,07 m in a rear-loading structure for trucks. The shed will be
illuminated with galvanized trapezoidal sheet metal. On both sides of the shed
will be rails for vehicles.
During the filling process of the storage unit, the funnel silos will be the storage
buffer before the drying and cleaning process.
Cleaner is a device that allows grain segregation in terms of size and species. Its
primary task is to separate the pollutants from grain. The principle of operation
is based on the system of mobile sieves and the gravitational drop of grain
through various sizes holes in the sieves.
Grain dryer is a device for removing moisture from grain to a safe level for long
storage. The principle of operation is based on passing the grain through a
stream of hot air until the natural evaporation of undesired moisture.
In the dryer, it is planned to install cyclonic fans. The device will be located
above the ground. The cyclonic fan is designed to receive air, dust, and any
volatile impurities produced during drying and blown up by the driers. Grain
drying will be done using diesel fuel. The exhaust gases will be mixed inside the
process air dryer and will be drained outwards (vertical outlet direction). Grain
transport systems will be closed systems not allowing air outlet without fans.
Grain silos serve for long-term storage of grain. They are equipped with a grain
ventilation system and temperature monitoring.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
The connecting elements in the devices are the technological connections in the
form of drainage pipes, tubular bends, fittings, distributors, gate valves,
telescopic braces and others. They enable the devices to be tightly coupled to
each other, guaranteeing a free flow of grain and protection against
atmospheric influences.
It is planned to install::
The loading of grains from silos to cars will be gravitational through the charging
All bridges, stairs and any places threatened with fall from the height to be
secured with balustrades. Secure any places threatened by moving parts of
machines by covers.
Openings and recesses should be closed with appropriate covers, and if this is
not possible - properly fenced and marked.
When starting and operating the equipment follow the instructions provided by
the manufacturer.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
1.21 Insignificant deviation from approved building design or other building permit
Insignificant deviation from the approved construction design or other building
permit conditions does not require a decision to change the building permit and
is admissible if not applicable:
Ensuring the conditions necessary to use this facility by persons with disabilities,
All changes require the consent of the designer and the relevant design
information (drawing and description) for withdrawal in each construction
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c) Site development elements that could endanger safety and human health
There are no items on the parcel that could endanger safety and health.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
M.Sc.Eng.Arch. Jerzy Adamiczka
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
2. Construction
2.1 Object of the investment
The object of the investment is building project of the warehouse and drying
complex including necessary facilities placed in Dodoma – coordinates
6°10'08.0"S, 35°42'26.8"E (Tanzania). Project contains foundation of silo and
connected facilities (for ex. cleaner Feerum 100 foundation, dryer DGO 19
foundation, supporting towers foundation, weighing bridge foundation),
prefabricated receiving bucket shelter, control container, buildings: washroom
building, canteen building, equipment store building, qualification building,
chemical store building and existing office building to renovation.
Silos and accompanying devices are steel self-supporting structures. They will be
based on typical technological solutions of FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów.
2.4 Materials
As the structural material for reinforced concrete constructions of silos,
accompanying devices and technological pits foundations, the following
materials have been assumed:
The structural elements of receiving bucket shed with a thickness more than
3 mm, all hot-formed profiles and welded profiles are designed of S355 steel.
Cold-formed profiles are designed from HX380LAD steel.
All steel elements should be protected against corrosion by zinc coating.
Masonry constructions have been designed of concrete blocks fabricated in-situ.
Structural wood elements have been designed of homogenous wood class C14.
2.5 Fire protection
All designed construction elements fulfill the required fire resistance by using
appropriate main reinforcement covering. Detailed description according to
architectural part.
2.6 Loads
Basic loads and exploitation conditions have been assumed according to
materials delivered by technology supplier, FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów.
Other loads have been defined in accordance with standards:
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
On the level of foundation there are existing grounds with consecutive chemi-
physical parameters:
Layer I – silty CLAY and clayey SILT of intermediate plasticity (MI, SMI)
Plasticity Index (PI) IP = 5 - 16%
Volume density ρ =1,80 T/m3 - 1,90 T/m3
Internal friction angle Фu =22,0
Natural humidity wn ≈ 20,0%
Liquid limit (LL) wL= 40 - 46%
Plasticity limit (PL) wP= 30 - 35%
Cohesion Cu = 30 kN/m2- 40 kN/m2
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
Shipping shed
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and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure is made of
trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The building is based
on footings with dimensions 1400 x 1400 x 300 mm and continuous footings
with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie beams 300x300 mm.
There will be made ramp next to the building.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
as wooden and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure
is made of trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The
building is based on footings with dimensions 1400 x 1400 x 300 mm and
continuous footings with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie
beams 300x300 mm. There will be made ramp next to the building.
h) Power house
Transformator and the electricity generator are placed in the building
designed of steel and reinforced concrete with height 2,59 m and
dimensions 2,44x6,06 m. The walls are designed of concrete or concrete
blocks. The load bearing structure of the roof is assumed as a steel structure
supported by the walls. Roof covering is made of trapezoidal sheet cover
with insulation supported by steel structure. The building is based on
foundation slab with dimensions 12,5x2,6 m and thickness 0,25 m. Under
the foundation slab there should be placed a layer of cement-stabilized
M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Kulczycki
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
3. Sanitary
3.1 Water mains-supply system - Infrastructure
In the area of the investment there is the designed supplying of the designed
buildings into water from existing water mains-supply system placed around
70m to the north-west from the investment. On a connection there is predicted
assembling of isolating lock, equipped in telescope lengthening and terminated
on the ground. On the investments area there is being projected assembling of
water-meter node in hermetic water-meter well. Around water-meter node,
there have to be assembled compound water-meter with a nominal flow 40
m3/h, two cut-off valves with nominal diameter 65mm, water filter with
sediment trap with nominal diameter 65mm and pollution protection returning
valve with nominal diameter 65mm. The water-meter well should be assembled
in iron steps and closing plate. Water drawed from the well will be used only for
social use and the fire protection goals.
Water for social needs will be provided to 2 No above-ground tanks located near
the building group with capacity 5m3, and another gravitational from tanks to
particular buildings located nearby. Water received from the existing water
mains-supply system and delivered to tanks, and from tanks to particular
buildings will be transported using external pipeline networks made of PEHD
Potable water will be delivered independently in bottles.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
Total: - - 16,6
Canteen building :
No. Fitting Amount Discharge Total
unit discharge
Total: - - 5,8
Total: - - 1,3
Qualification building:
No. Fitting Amount Discharge Total
unit discharge
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
Total: - - 2,8
Total DU = 26,5
Frequency factor k = 0,5 Qs=k*TDU0,5 = 0,5 * (26,5)0,5=2,57 l/s
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
off valves). The pumps are to be equipped with NRVs (non returned valves) and
cut off valves). Pumps should be located in chambers with depth h=0,7m and
diameter min. Ø 600 in technological pits. Due to low amount of rain water,
from technological pits it will be drained direct to hardened area, where it will
be evaporated or drained to the biologically active area . Ultimately, in
conditions of using of the facilities, maintenance after building handover, it is
necessary to determine minimum necessary frequency of proceeding cleaning
activities to keep correct work conditions for the pumps.
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
b) Buildings:
• Make a power-supply for the air-conditioning units SPLIT
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
4. Electrical installations
4.1 Documentation subject
The subject of this documentation is designing the way of performing an interior
receiving installation for powering the drying and storage complex located in
Dodoma, in Tanzania.
4.2 Documentation basis
The basis for this documentation are:
• Employer provisions
• Projections of the designed objects and base map for design purposes
• Latest relevant BSI standards and code of practice
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Main power supply for the storage and drying object (silos) – control cabinet.
Designed object will have the power supply from the transformer station
from the low voltage switch panel.
Therefore there should be a cable line provided from outgoing bay no. 1 of
the low voltage switch panel for powering the designed storage and drying
Designed object consists of storage silos, buffer silos, receiving bucket,
cleaner, dryer and a system of plants for loading and unloading of the silos.
The total power of the installed plants equals 556,9 kW.
Because of the power of the plants which are powered from the control
cabinet is 556,9 kW, and after taking into account modulus of
contemporaneity at the level of 0,8 the maximum power is 445,5kW, the
cabinet should be made three-way and the load case should be even.
For powering the object, there should be a cable line type 3xYXKS 0,6/1KV
4x240 mm2 provided from the low voltage switch panel, from field no. 1 for
supplying particular circuits of the control cabinets with this line.
The supply cable line 3xYXKS 0,6/1KV 4x240 mm2 should be laid directly in
the ground.
Cable route according to the drawing T0468-AR-04-00-0100: SITE
Power supply for the accompanying buildings
Accompanying buildings will be powered from the designed transformer
station. Amount of power installed in accompanying buildings equals 132,1
kW. After taking into account modulus of contemporaneity at the level of
0,8 the maximum power is 105 kW.
For powering the accompanying buildings there should be three separate
cable lines provided from outgoing bays no. 2, 3 of the main low voltage
switch panel for the powering of the designed buildings. Cable type YXKS
0,6/1KV 4x120mm2 should be used.
At the buildings there should be distribution boards installed, marked
accordingly from ED1 to ED4. Location of the switchgears according to the
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
For the store buildings lighting it is designed to use lampas type Latte IP 54
2x36W with light sources LED RML/039/2015/1.
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h) Pumping plant
Designing pumping plant should be supplied with the cable provided from
the buildings switches. Localization of cable line according to site plan.
i) Entry gate
Electric motor of entry gate should be supplied with the cable provided from
the buildings switches. Localization of cable line according to site plan.
4.4 Main fire switch
As fire switch of the object should be used, in the low voltage switch panel of
the transformer station, a switch equipped with the growing striker pin element,
with the rated voltage 230V. In the buildings there should be installed typical fire
safety buttons (properly marked, according to the norms), for turning off the
power supply of the building when danger of fire occurs. Location of the
switches according to the drawing T0468-AR-04-00-0100: SITE DEVELOPMENT
4.5 Protection from electric shocks
As an additional protection from electric shocks there should be used fast
cutting off the circuit, in which the damage has occurred. For realization this
protection there must be used overcurrent protections in receiver switchboards
on individual objects selected individual for every circuit and receiver.
a) Basic supplementary protection from electric shocks
As basic supplementary protection from electric shocks there should be
used residual-current devices RCD, with differential current 30mA.
On the spots, whenever it is possible, the receiving devices should be
supplied with the safety voltage.
b) Overvoltage protection of the object
In order to protect the facilities of the designed object from the results of
lightning or other overvoltage from power grid, it is designed to install
additional lightning arresters type B+C in any low voltage switches and
control cabinets. For the protection purpose, DEHNGuard TN-S produced by
DEHN(according to standards) equipment may be used as an example.
c) Foundation earthings
Foundation earthings of the silos and facilities for the loading and unloading
technology of the object should be made with application of copper flat bar
CU 30x4.
The flat bar should be laid in the foundation ring, on the half of its height.
The flat bar should be fixed to the steel reinforcement of the foundation.
The length of the flat bar laid in the foundation should be minimal 30 m.
The end of the flat bar, with the length of 1,5 m should be taken out of the
foundation, around the designed monitoring connection and then
connected to the steel supporting construction of the silos through a control
clamp or through drilling an opening Φ 10 mm in the flat bar and in the
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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma
M.Sc.Eng. Janusz Majka
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