Technical Specification No T0468-Tc-04: I. Front

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma



TOPIC Warehouse and drying complex

ADDRESS Kizota Industrial Area

LOCATION Tanzania: Dodoma - coordinates 6°10'08.0"S, 35°42'26.8"E


INVESTOR P.O. Box 5384
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


CHIEF DESIGNER M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Kulczycki 16/00/DUW

ARCHITECTURE M.Sc.Eng.Arch. Jerzy Adamiczka 68/93/UW M.Sc.Eng.Arch. Krzysztof Mroziuk 01/02/DOIA

STRUCTURE M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Kulczycki 16/00/DUW M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Wójcik 9/DOŚ/08

M.Sc.Eng. Teresa Bilińska 327/90/UW Eng. Małgorzata Noculak 77/88/UW

M.Sc.Eng. Janusz Majka 84/90/Lw M.Sc.Eng. Tadeusz Kłos 17/94/Lw

February 2018

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

I. FRONT PAGE ............................................................................................................................ 1
II. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 5
1. Object of the investment .................................................................................................... 6
2. Documentation basis .......................................................................................................... 6
3. Existing state of site development ..................................................................................... 6
4. Designed site development ................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Objects location ............................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Form and arrangement of objects............................................................................... 6
4.3 Communication system ............................................................................................... 7
4.4 Networks and utilities .................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Other building related elements ................................................................................. 8
4.6 Terrain ........................................................................................................................... 8
4.7 Greenery ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Fire hydrants ................................................................................................................. 8
5. Surface summary ................................................................................................................ 8
6. Register of monuments and legal protection.................................................................... 9
7. Data describing the mining impact on the plot ................................................................. 9
8. Risks to the environment and the health of users ............................................................ 9
9. A way to provide the conditions necessary for the use of persons with disabilities ...... 9
10. Information about the area of the object's impact ........................................................ 9
III. MULTI-DISCIPLINE PROJECT: DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 11
1. Architecture....................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Object of the investment ........................................................................................... 12
1.2 Purpose and utility program of the building ............................................................. 12
1.3 Characteristic general parameters of the complex of objects ................................. 12
1.4 Characteristic parameters of particular objects of the complex ............................. 13
1.5 Summary of the objects’ area .................................................................................... 16
1.6 Architectural form and function of the building....................................................... 18
1.7 The method of foundation......................................................................................... 18
1.8 Construction elements ............................................................................................... 19
1.9 Exterior and interior finishing .................................................................................... 20
1.10 Building enclosures................................................................................................. 20
1.11 Installations ............................................................................................................. 21

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

1.12 Energetic performance of the building ................................................................. 21

1.13 Environmental impact ............................................................................................ 22
1.14 Technical assessment and impact of the investment on existing facilities ......... 22
1.15 Accessibility for the persons with disabilities ....................................................... 23
1.16 Conditions of work and use of the building .......................................................... 23
1.17 Technology .............................................................................................................. 23
1.18 Fire protection conditions ...................................................................................... 25
1.19 Safety of use ........................................................................................................... 25
1.20 Terms of performance of construction and assembly works............................... 26
1.21 Insignificant deviation from approved building design or other building permit
conditions .............................................................................................................................. 26
1.22 Information on safety and health .......................................................................... 26
2. Construction ...................................................................................................................... 30
2.1 Object of the investment ........................................................................................... 30
2.2 Geotechnical category of the facility......................................................................... 30
2.3 Types of foundations .................................................................................................. 30
2.4 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 30
2.5 Fire protection ............................................................................................................ 30
2.6 Loads ........................................................................................................................... 30
2.7 Geotechnical conditions of a territory ...................................................................... 31
2.8 Particular elements structure description ................................................................ 33
2.9 Executive and assembly works recommendations ................................................... 37
3. Sanitary .............................................................................................................................. 38
3.1 Water mains-supply system - Infrastructure ............................................................ 38
3.2 External installation of sewage - Infrastructure........................................................ 38
3.3 Installation of rain water drainage-Infrastructure .................................................... 41
3.4 External fire protection .............................................................................................. 42
3.5 Installation of diesel tanks ......................................................................................... 42
3.6 Internal installations in the buildings ........................................................................ 43
3.7 Service guidelines ....................................................................................................... 43
3.8 Health & safety guidelines and generals ................................................................... 44
4. Electrical installations ....................................................................................................... 45
4.1 Documentation subject.............................................................................................. 45
4.2 Documentation basis ................................................................................................. 45
4.3 Technical description ................................................................................................. 45

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

4.4 Main fire switch .......................................................................................................... 50

4.5 Protection from electric shocks ................................................................................. 50
4.6 Lightning protection ................................................................................................... 51
4.7 Equipotential bondings .............................................................................................. 52
4.8 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 52
IV. APPENDIX............................................................................................................................... 53
1. Doors and windows joinery. ............................................................................................. 54

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

1. Object of the investment

The object of the investment is the warehouse and drying complex located in
Dodoma - coordinates 6°10'08.0"S, 35°42'26.8"E (Tanzania).
The investment includes: ten storage silos, loading and unloading equipment,
washroom building, canteen building, equipment store building, qualification
building, chemical store building, power house, diesel tanks, control container,
shipping shed, receiving bucket, cleaner Feerum 100 and Dryer DGO 19.
In addition, the investment is foreseen existing office building to renovation.
2. Documentation basis
- the investor's request
- site-height map for design purposes
- local vision
- technology design developed by FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów
- current technical-construction standards and regulations
3. Existing state of site development
Currently the plot is a built-up area. The following existing buildings are located
within the development area: existing office building (to renovation), 2 shade,
godown A building, godown B building, godown C building, 3 store building, hall
building, CC hall building, kitchen, MH buildings, 2 guard house, admin block, car
shade, 2 WB office, 2 WB, tank and 4 others buildings, with a total development area
of 11 868 m2. One of the existing buildings, with the area of 67,24 m2 is designed for
demolition. Existing entry to the parcel is located on the north-west side of the plot.
An additional, newly designed entry is located on the north side of the plot. Both
entrys – existing and new one, are located in the northern corner of the plot. On the
south side of the plot is an inner railway line with independent access and
connection from the eastern side of the plot to the outer railway network. Except of
the hardened area, the plot is covered with grass and earth. On the plot, there is
locally high-growing greenery.
4. Designed site development
4.1 Objects location
The warehouse and drying complex (including buildings, structures and included
equipment) will be located in a complementary way to existing facilities and
ensuring that the technology project is met. The designed complex and its
individual elements preserve the required distance from the neighbouring
buildings and boundaries of the plot.

The distances between the control container, silos and related buildings are not
restricted because of technological connection between them.

4.2 Form and arrangement of objects

On the subject area in Dodoma, a 60,0 x 102,9 m warehouse and drying
warehouse is being planned, it is to be a grain warehouse with loading and
unloading facilities, washroom building, canteen building, equipment store
building, qualification building, chemical store building, power house, diesel

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

tanks, control container, shipping shed, receiving bucket, cleaner Feerum 100,
Dryer DGO 19 and existing office building to renovation.

The investment includes the construction of the following facilities and


- foundations and silos FSP 17.1 - 6 units

- foundations and silos FSS 3.8 - 1 units
- foundations and silos FSW 4.8 - 2 units
- foundations and silos FSW 9.6 - 1 units
- receiving bucket 12,3 x 20,3 x 8,07 m - 1 units
- shipping shed h=7,38 m
- Dryer DGO 19
- cleaner Feerum 100
- control container
- weighing bridge
- washroom building
- canteen building
- equipment store building
- qualification building
- chemical store building
- existing office building to renovation
- power house
- diesel tanks

Silos and accompanying devices are steel self-supporting structures. They will be
based on typical technological solutions from of FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów.

Buildings: washroom building, canteen building, equipment store building,

qualification building, chemical store building, existing office building to
renovation, power house were designed in traditional brick-and-mortar

Control container was designed as a typical object in container construction.

The general layout of the complex's facilities at the site is designed to meet the
design goals of the technology.

4.3 Communication system

Entrance to the plot is provided from the western side of the plot, from the plot
of road. Handling of transport vehicles will take place via an internal road in the
form of a loop with several perpend roads, allowing direct access to individual
buildings. Depending on the traffic, there were designed two kinds of routs:
routs with high traffic are designed of C30/37 concrete, routs with low traffic are
designed of three layers: first layer made of gravel or break stone with a
thickness 10 cm, second layer made of sharp aggregate with a thickness 3 cm
and third layer made of sorted gravel with a thickness 2 cm. Within the
boundary of the plot there are 18 parking spaces dedicated for cars.

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

4.4 Networks and utilities

It is planned to connect the building to the power and water supply network
within the existing connections. The drainage of rainwater is designed with the
distribution to the biologically active plot of the project via the V-shaped
concrete drain system. Household wastewater will be discharged through the
designed drains A diesel fueled system is being designed with a capacity of

4.5 Other building related elements

Entry is planned in accordance with 4.3. Solid waste collection site was designed
by internal communication, in the northern part of the plot, near the newly
designed entry into the plot - according to the drawing part of the project.

4.6 Terrain
The project does not provide significant changes to the terrain except for the
necessary leveling of the ground as part of the road surface, technological and
building surfaces. The level of ± 0.00 for each object is determined in accordance
with the drawing part of the project.

4.7 Greenery
Approximately 1% of the land area under the management is designed as
biologically active - greenery. No additional high greenery or other trees or
shrubs are planned.

4.8 Fire hydrants

Water for fire protection is provided from two designed hydrants located at
internal communication lines, marked in the graphical part of the site
development project (Figure No. T0468-AR-04-00-0100).

5. Surface summary

Plot area 109 395 m2 (100%)

Built up area (existing) 11 868 m2 (11%)

Total built up area (designed) 4 901 m2 (5%)

Total ground floor area 4 873 m2 (4,5%)

Plot coverage
= (plinth area / plot area) x 100%
Plot ratio
= total built up area / plot area
Well compacted surface and
3 129 m2 (3%)

Reinforced concrete internal roads 2 889 m2 (3%)

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

Surface protection 2 198 m2 (2%)

Landscaping 1 200 m2 (1%)

6. Register of monuments and legal protection

The plot and area is not listed in the register of monuments. The property is not
located within the preservation zone nor within its vicinity or other cultural assets.
There are no archaeological sites on the plot.
In the case of discovery of an object suspected of being a monument, it is obligatory
to suspend works that may damage or destroy the monument, than secure the
object and place of the monument discovery using available means and immediately
notify the competent provincial monument conservator and, if that is not possible,
competent mayor.
7. Data describing the mining impact on the plot
The plot is not within mining boundaries.
8. Risks to the environment and the health of users
There are no threats to the environment and the health of users in the designed
facility. In terms of air protection, noise protection, water and sewage management
and waste management, the proposed facility will not have a negative impact on the
The facility will not generate waste or emit pollution that affects neighboring plots.
Any inconvenience generated by the object will not be felt by users of adjacent
parcels in excess of the limit values specified by the applicable standards. The
proposed investment does not introduce into the air, water, soil or earth an excess
vibration within the meaning of the regulations and is not a source of oversized
artificial semiconductor within the meaning of the provisions. The planned
investment does not affect the quality of the air and maintain levels below the levels
allowed. The planned investment will not change water relations on neighboring
non-investor plots.
9. A way to provide the conditions necessary for the use of persons with disabilities
The office building provides operation and access to the facility by persons with
disabilities - among others: the ramp with the balustrades at the entrance to the
building was designed; the size of the rooms, including toilets and social rooms, was
adjusted to meet the needs of people with reduced mobility. The remaining objects
are not expected to be operated by people with disabilities.

10. Information about the area of the object's impact

The design of the building fulfills the legal requirements, including the natural
illumination of the buildings of neighboring plots - as a result of the necessary

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

distances and the height of the building covered by this project. In addition, the
building does not exclude or partially exclude in terms of location of buildings on
undeveloped neighboring. At the same time, requirements are met to ensure the
time of sun exposure of accommodation in neighboring buildings, and no restrictions
are imposed on the location of new buildings on undeveloped plots. The building
also does not cause any restrictions on the development of neighboring plots. The
area of impact of the facility is therefore entirely located on the plots where it was

M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Kulczycki

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

1. Architecture
1.1 Object of the investment
The object of the investment is the warehouse and drying complex located in
Dodoma - coordinates 6°10'08.0"S, 35°42'26.8"E (Tanzania).

The investment includes the construction of the following facilities and


- foundations and silos FSP 17.1 - 6 units

- foundations and silos FSS 3.8 - 1 units
- foundations and silos FSW 4.8 - 2 units
- foundations and silos FSW 9.6 - 1 units
- receiving bucket 12,3 x 20,3 x 8,07 m - 1 units
- shipping shed h= 7,38 m
- Dryer DGO 19
- cleaner Feerum 100
- control container
- weighing bridge
- washroom building
- canteen building
- equipment store building
- qualification building
- chemical store building
- existing office building to renovation
- power house
- diesel tanks
- hardened communication lines
- technological hardened area around facilities

1.2 Purpose and utility program of the building

The object covered by this project is a warehouse and drying complex. The utility
program includes: ten storage silos, loading and unloading equipment,
washroom building, canteen building, equipment store building, qualification
building, chemical store building, power house, diesel tanks, control container,
shipping shed, receiving bucket, cleaner Feerum 100, Dryer DGO 19 and existing
office building to renovation.

1.3 Characteristic general parameters of the complex of objects

Building height 32,27 m

Number of floors 1

Building area (existing) 11 868 m2

Building area (designed) 4 901 m2

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

1.4 Characteristic parameters of particular objects of the complex

Object Parameter: value

silo FSP 17.1 (6units) capacity: 4721,09 m3 /unit

silo FSS 3.8 (1units) capacity: 42,33 m3 / unit

silo FSW 4.8 (2units) capacity: 72,21 m3 / unit

silo FSW 9.6 (1units) capacity: 962,75 m3 / unit

receiving bucket dimensions: 12,3 x 20,3 x 8,07 m

shipping shed dimensions: 15,51 x 25,31 x 7,38 m

Dryer DGO 19 dimensions: 4,80 x 7,10 (10,1) x 21,0 m

cleaner Feerum 100 initial efficiency 100 t/h

height: 2,72 m

width: 2,50 m

length: 6,0 m

number of floors: 1
control container
Building area : 15,04 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 13,18 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 37 m3
height: 6,44 m
height (incl. sanitary ventilator): 7,46 m
width: 13,77 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 15,81 m
length: 14,41 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 15,43 m
washroom building
number of floors: 1

Building area : 198,43 m2

The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

partially enclosed and have no closing

elements: 145 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 833,50 m3
height: 5,63 m
height (incl. sanitary ventilator): 6,64 m
width: 9,00 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 11,04 m
length: 19,14 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 21,24 m

number of floors: 1
canteen building
Building area : 172,26 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 151,37 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 801,42 m3
height: 6,66 m

width: 9,00 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 11,04 m
length: 12,00 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 14,04 m

number of floors: 1
equipment store building
Building area : 108,00 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 97,00 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 608,50 m3
height: 5,60 m
height (incl. sanitary ventilator): 6,64 m
width: 9,00 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 11,04 m
length: 12,00 m
qualification building
length (incl. roof overhang): 14,04 m

number of floors: 1

Building area : 108,00 m2

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

The net area of the building excluding

areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 93,00 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 494,02 m3
height: 6,60 m
height (incl. sanitary ventilator): 7,69 m
width: 9,00 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 11,04 m
length: 12,00 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 14,04 m

number of floors: 1
chemical store building
Building area : 108,00 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 92,41 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 608,50 m3
height: 4,80 m

width: 6,24 m
width (incl. roof overhang): 8,24 m
length: 6,24 m
length (incl. roof overhang): 8,24 m

number of floors: 1
existing office building to renovation
Building area : 38,94 m2
The net area of the building excluding
areas that are not enclosed or are only
partially enclosed and have no closing
elements: 30,73 m2
Gross cubic meter of building and parts of
building closed and covered from all
sides: 164,75 m3
height: 2,59 m

power house width: 2,44 m

length: 6,06 m

diesel tanks height: 2,04 m

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

base diameter: 2,38 m

top diameter: 2,95 m

Building area : 6,38 m2

Volume: 5000 l

1.5 Summary of the objects’ area

Washroom building


01 6,47 m2 - - 6,47 m2
Locker room
02 16,92 m2 - - 16,92 m2
Shower room
03 17,62 m2 - - 17,62 m2
04 WC (female) 24,26 m2 - - 24,26 m2

05 Hallway (female) 7,02 m2 - - 7,02 m2

06 Entryway (male) 6,48 m2 - - 6,48 m2

07 Hallway (male) 7,02 m2 - - 7,02 m2

08 WC (male) 24,26 m2 - - 24,26 m2

Shower room
09 17,62 m2 - - 17,62 m2
Locker room
10 16,92 m2 - - 16,92 m2

Rooms net area 144,57 m2 (144,57 m2 usable area) 144,57 m2

Canteen building


Dinner room and
01 127,49 m2 - - 127,49 m2
02 Office room 10,39 m2 - - 10,39 m2

03 WC (male) 7,08 m2 - - 7,08 m2

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The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

04 WC (female) 6,41 m2 - - 6,41 m2

Rooms net area 151,37 m2 (151,37 m2 usable area) 151,37 m2

Equipment store building


01 Equipment store 96,87 m2 - - 96,87 m2

Rooms net area 96,87 m2 (96,87 m2 usable area) 96,87 m2

Qualification building


01 Qualification office 34,07 - - 34,07

02 WC (washroom) 2,05 - - 2,05

03 WC 1,11 - - 1,11

04 Qualification room 55,99 - - 55,99

Rooms net area 93,21 m2 (93,21 m2 usable area) 93,21 m2

Chemical store building


Entryway &
01 24,70 m2 - - 24,70 m2
02 Chemical store 43,01 m2 - - 43,01 m2

03 Storeroom 24,70 m2 - - 24,70 m2

Rooms net area 92,41 m2 (92,41 m2 usable area) 92,41 m2

Existing office building to renovation – befor renovation

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01 Office 15,37 m2 - - 15,37 m2

02 Office 15,37 m2 - - 15,37 m2

Rooms net area 30,73 m2 (30,73 m2 usable area) 30,73 m2

Existing office building to renovation – after renovation


01 Office 15,37 - - 15,37

02 Office 15,37 - - 15,37

Rooms net area 30,73 m2 (30,73 m2 usable area) 30,73 m2

1.6 Architectural form and function of the building

The design complex consists of silos of steel construction and associated
facilities and buildings: washroom building, canteen building, equipment store
building, qualification building, chemical store building, power house, diesel
tanks, control container, shipping shed, receiving bucket, cleaner Feerum 100,
Dryer DGO 19 and existing office building to renovation.

The form of the object is subordinate to its function and technological

requirements - solutions typical for such objects were adopted. By its form the
complex adapts to the nature of the surrounding areas, which are dominated by
agricultural land and production and storage facilities, and the investment itself
is closely linked to agricultural production.

The building has been designed with basic requirements for such facilities, safety
in use, construction safety, fire safety, proper hygiene and health conditions,
noise and vibration protection and environmental protection.

Designed buildings also provide suitable operating conditions for their intended
purpose, providing water supply, electricity and access to sanitary sewerage. At
the same time the appropriate energy performance of the office building and
the rationalization of energy use are foreseen.

1.7 The method of foundation

Placement of both silos, as well as devices and associated buildings will be
realized as direct using continuous footings, footings and foundation slabs.

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1.8 Construction elements

Buildings: washroom building, canteen building, equipment store building,
qualification building, chemical store building, power house, existing office
building to renovation.

a) Foundations
Placement of buildings will be realized as direct using benches and
foundation feet made of C16/20 reinforced concrete and steel B500SP with
a thickness of 30 cm.

b) Foundation walls
Foundation walls are designed of concrete blocks with a thickness 24 cm
and covered on both sides by waterproofing layer.

c) Structural walls
External structural walls are designed of concrete blocks with a thickness 24
cm and covered on both sides by cement-lime plaster with a thickness 2 cm.

Internal structural walls are designed of concrete blocks with a thickness 24

cm and covered on both sides by cement-lime plaster with a thickness 2 cm.
Additional in sanitary rooms walls are covered by ceramic tiles.

d) Columns
Columns are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete.

e) Partition walls
not applicable

f) Floors
Floor slab is designed of C16/20 concrete. Under floor slab is layer of sand
bed with a thickness 25 cm. Between floor slab and sand bed is horizontal
waterproofing layer.

g) Beams
Beams in office budilding are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete.

h) Lintel beams
Lintel beams are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete.

i) Tie beams
Tie beams are designed of C16/20 reinforced concrete

j) Stairs
not applicable

k) Roof structure
Roof structure are designed of C14 timber. The shape of roof is designed as
“dutch gable roof”.

l) Chimney
not applicable

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m) Moisture insulations
Elements which are exposed on moisture have to be covered by
waterproofing coangs with the aid of bituminous rubber mass.

n) Thermal insulation
not applicable

o) Sound insulation of floors

not applicable

p) Roof coverings
Roof coverings are designed of trapezoidal sheet T35

Structural and material solutions of other objects according to the structural


1.9 Exterior and interior finishing

Buildings: washroom building, canteen building, equipment store building,
qualification building, chemical store building, power house, existing office
building to renovation.

a) External finishing
- Windows - Aluminium windows. Dimensions of windows acc. Fig.
architectural. Color of window frames – proposed by NFRA.
- Exterior anti-burglar doors made of metal or wood protected by bars.
Door dimensions acc. Fig. architectural. The color of doors and theirs
frames – proposed by NFRA.
- Structural elements covered with anti-corrosion coatings in proposed
by NFRA colors.
- Exterior walls finished with external wall paint proposed by NFRA.
- Roof - roof cover with galvanized sheet in color proposed by NFRA.
b) Interior finishing
- Interior walls finished with internal paint proposed by NFRA.
- Floors covered by ceramic floor tiles in colors matching to the

Structural and material solutions of other objects according to the structural


1.10 Building enclosures

Below is the designed heat transfer coefficient for an office building. Due to the
nature and purpose of the remaining objects, they are not included in the
calculation and the following statement.

• external cement-lime plaster (th. 2cm)
1 External wall • concrete blocks (th. 24cm) 2,78
• internal cement-lime plaster (th. 2cm)

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• ceramic floor tiles (th. 3 cm)

• concrete screed (th. 5 cm)
3 Floor slab • concrete floor slab (th. 15 cm) 0,89
• horizontal DPC (th. 0,5 cm)
• sand bed under floor slab (th. 25 cm)
• Suspended calling including aluminium
4 Roof non-defined
• Roof construction
• Trapezoidal sheet T35 (th. 0,05 – 0,1 cm)

1.11 Installations
Installations according to detailed studies in parts SANITARY INSTALLATIONS and
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS of this documentation.

a) Water supply and sewerage

- Access to water provided from the water supply network,
- Discharging wastewater through the design of drains.
b) Drainage of rainwater
- Rain water will be developed on the site,
- The distribution of water through the slope system and through the
V-shaped concrete drain system.
c) Central heating installation
- none
d) Electrical installations and lightning protection
- lighting systems: general, technological, emergency and emergency
lighting (automatic emergency lighting system),
- power and light installation with adequate number of switchgears to
power individual circuits,
- fire safety, evacuation and security surveillance facilities,
- telephone installation,
- installation of CCTV and intrusion and burglary and access control
- fire alarm installation,
- IT installation (wired).
e) Ventilation
- Ventilation is provided through a gravitational ventilation system,
including window ventilators and air conditioning in rooms intended
for permanent residence of people.
1.12 Energetic performance of the building
Below is the designed heat transfer coefficient for an office building. Due to the
nature and purpose of the remaining objects, they are not included in the
calculation and the following statement.

Thermal properties of the external partitions


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External wall 2,78

Floor slab 0,89

Roof non-defined

Thermal properties of doors and windows


Exterior doors non-defined

Windows non-defined

1.13 Environmental impact

Water demand - according to the design description of the sanitary installation.

Quantity of sewage discharged – according to the design description of the

sanitary installation.

With the exception of exhaust fumes resulting from the use of diesel fuel
burners in the dryer, the facility does not emit gaseous, particulate or liquid

Solid waste resulting from the operation of the facility stored in containers
placed on the premises of the site designated in the Site Development Plan. The
amount, type and frequency of waste disposal will be determined on the basis of
the individual investor agreement with the municipal waste disposal service

The complex of objects with designed equipment and the intended use does not
emit noises, vibrations or radiation that require remedies.

The objects due to their height do not cause shading of the environment, which
would affect the surrounding land stand. The object also does not affect the
surface of the earth, soil, surface or underground water. The project largely
preserves the biologically active area on the parcel area outside the building
surface and hardened terraces, walkways and commute to the building.

1.14 Technical assessment and impact of the investment on existing facilities

a) Existing objects
Currently the plot is a built-up area. The following existing buildings are
located within the development area: existing office building (to
renovation), 2 shade, godown A building, godown B building, godown C
building, 3 store building, hall building, CC hall building, kitchen, MH
buildings, 2 guard house, admin block, car shade, 2 WB office, 2 WB, tank

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and 4 others buildings, with a total development area of 11 868 m2. One of
the existing building, with the area of 67,24 m2 is designed for demolition.
b) Impact on existing objects
The investment in accordance with the enclosed documentation will not
impair the technical condition of existing facilities.


- All work performed in a manner that is not troublesome to the

- Any demolition work shall be carried out in a non-disruptive manner
for the construction of other existing buildings with the exclusion of
dynamic power tools.
- All work performed in accordance with safety regulations and
building art.
- Construction work should be carried out under constant supervision
of a person who has appropriate building rights in accordance with
the principles of construction and health and safety regulations.
- It is advisable that all work be done under the supervision of the
people with the appropriate authority.
1.15 Accessibility for the persons with disabilities
The office building provides operation and access to the facility by persons with
disabilities - among others: the ramp with the balustrades at the entrance to the
building was designed; the size of the rooms, including toilets and social rooms,
was adjusted to meet the needs of people with reduced mobility. The remaining
objects are not expected to be operated by people with disabilities.

1.16 Conditions of work and use of the building

Work on the object area will be seasonal in the single shift system when filling
and unloading silos. In the off-season, temporary staff servicing is provided
during repairs and periodic maintenance of the equipment and checking the
grain stock..

Fifty seasonal silo workers are expected to stay during the seasonal period. The
work will be done in the open air. Operation of buildings by people is temporary
in the outer coverings. Exceptions are office buildings, intended for permanent
residence of people - the nature of office work. As part of the office buildings,
cloak rooms were provided..

The communication service of the complex will be circular, with the use of heavy
goods vehicles. They will supply and receive grain. Movement will take place
only in daytime.

1.17 Technology
In the planned complex will be storage, internal transport, unloading and loading
of grain.

The facility uses technology including drying and grain cleaning. This allows you
to pick up damp and contaminated grains to bring it to the desired state. The
predicted grain drying technology includes technical solutions to save energy by
20% (compared to other solutions available on the market). Horizontal and

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vertical conveyor systems and tanks allow you to change your existing grain
handling technology by eliminating human work in dusty conditions and
automating the grain transfer process and enabling operations in all weather

The technological line consists of the following elements:

- receiving bucket along with a belt drag conveyor,

- bucket elevator,
- funnel silos,
- cleaner,
- dryer,
- silos,
- and cereal transport equipment between these elements

The starting element of the technology is a receiving bucket along with a belt
drag conveyor through which unloading of the dumpers takes place. This is a
device for the horizontal transport of cereals thanks to the chain blades of the
device. The machine provides a completely maintenance-free ability to receive
grain from transport vehicles. Over the receiving bucket, it is planned to install a
shed 12,3 x 20,3 x 8,07 m in a rear-loading structure for trucks. The shed will be
illuminated with galvanized trapezoidal sheet metal. On both sides of the shed
will be rails for vehicles.

Another device in the technological process is a bucket elevator for vertical

transport of cereals. This allows gravitational charge of equipment such as:
cleaners, dryers, silos, etc. The conveyor is a metal bucket mounted to a rubber
conveyor belt, so called Gurtu.

During the filling process of the storage unit, the funnel silos will be the storage
buffer before the drying and cleaning process.

Cleaner is a device that allows grain segregation in terms of size and species. Its
primary task is to separate the pollutants from grain. The principle of operation
is based on the system of mobile sieves and the gravitational drop of grain
through various sizes holes in the sieves.

Grain dryer is a device for removing moisture from grain to a safe level for long
storage. The principle of operation is based on passing the grain through a
stream of hot air until the natural evaporation of undesired moisture.

In the dryer, it is planned to install cyclonic fans. The device will be located
above the ground. The cyclonic fan is designed to receive air, dust, and any
volatile impurities produced during drying and blown up by the driers. Grain
drying will be done using diesel fuel. The exhaust gases will be mixed inside the
process air dryer and will be drained outwards (vertical outlet direction). Grain
transport systems will be closed systems not allowing air outlet without fans.

Grain silos serve for long-term storage of grain. They are equipped with a grain
ventilation system and temperature monitoring.

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The connecting elements in the devices are the technological connections in the
form of drainage pipes, tubular bends, fittings, distributors, gate valves,
telescopic braces and others. They enable the devices to be tightly coupled to
each other, guaranteeing a free flow of grain and protection against
atmospheric influences.

It is planned to install::

- 6 silo FSP 17.1 with a capacity of 4721,09 m3 each,

- 1 silo FSS 3.8 with a capacity of 42,33 m3,
- 2 silo FSW 4.8 with a capacity of 72,21 m3 each,
- 1 silo FSW 9.6 with a capacity of 962,75 m3.

The loading of grains from silos to cars will be gravitational through the charging

Commissioning and operation of equipment according to the technical

documentation of the equipment manufacturer. The first filling of the new silos
should be carried out uniformly throughout the assembly to achieve even
consolidation of the soil and subsidence of the foundation slab.

1.18 Fire protection conditions

Fire protection conditions are subject to separate documentation.

1.19 Safety of use

Workplace locations where workers are at risk should be marked with visible
colors and / or safety signs in accordance with International Standards. Safety
signs should be placed in line with the line of sight - in the area or in the
immediate vicinity of a particular hazard, and in the case of a general hazard - at
entry into the hazard area.

All bridges, stairs and any places threatened with fall from the height to be
secured with balustrades. Secure any places threatened by moving parts of
machines by covers.

Openings and recesses should be closed with appropriate covers, and if this is
not possible - properly fenced and marked.

Hazardous Locations and Explosion Hazardous Areas are to be labeled in

accordance with applicable regulations and standards.

Hazardous places on crossings that are subject to stumbling, falling or other

impact should be painted with safety colors in accordance with regulations and

Employees working on electrical and mechanical equipment should be trained in

the field of construction and operation in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Team workers should be trained in explosion hazards.

When starting and operating the equipment follow the instructions provided by
the manufacturer.

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1.20 Terms of performance of construction and assembly works

All construction and assembly works, as well as the receipt of works, must be
carried out under the supervision of an authorized construction manager, in
accordance with the rules of the building art, that is, in accordance with all legal
and technical standards applicable in the construction industry, with due
diligence and in accordance with the best professional knowledge and also with
the requirements of safety and hygiene.

1.21 Insignificant deviation from approved building design or other building permit
Insignificant deviation from the approved construction design or other building
permit conditions does not require a decision to change the building permit and
is admissible if not applicable:

The field of the plot or land development plan,

Characteristic parameters of the buildings: cubature, building area, height,

length, width and number of storeys,

Changes in the intended use of buildings or its parts,

Ensuring the conditions necessary to use this facility by persons with disabilities,

Changes in the field obtaining opinions, agreements, permits and other

documents required by specific regulations,

Changes in construction products particularly important for structural safety and

fire safety

All changes require the consent of the designer and the relevant design
information (drawing and description) for withdrawal in each construction

1.22 Information on safety and health

a) Field of works for the entire construction project and sequence of
realization of particular objects
- Enclosure of the project terrain on the plot
- Removement of non-load bearing lands,
- Making excavations under the foundations of the planned objects
- Underlayment of cement stabilized sand
- Formwork and reinforcement of foundations
- Assembling in addition formwork elements: steel brands, ladders, etc.
- Carry out concrete foundations works
- Backfilling and excavation around excavated foundations
- Making concrete surfaces around silos and appliances
- Assembly of silo construction and other technological equipment
- Installation of prefabricated shipping shed with trapezoidal sheeting
- Building a brick buildings and social facilities
- Ground leveling to design elevations
- Construction of road surfaces together with assembly of built-in
weighing bridge

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- Connection of technological installations and lightning protection of

design elements and protection of explosion hazard zones
- Land development around the facilities along with the removal of
additional fencing
b) List of existing buildings
The following existing buildings are located within the development area:
existing office building (to renovation), 2 shade, godown A building, godown
B building, godown C building, 3 store building, hall building, CC hall building,
kitchen, MH buildings, 2 guard house, admin block, car shade, 2 WB office, 2
WB, tank and 4 others buildings. One of the existing buildings is designed for

c) Site development elements that could endanger safety and human health
There are no items on the parcel that could endanger safety and health.

d) Predicted risks occurring during the execution of construction works

Due to the specific nature of the intention, the following threats are

- fence: the presence of unauthorized persons may cause immediate

danger to the health and life of people in the works area and
immediate threat to the workers performing the construction work
- communication lines: improper organization of vehicle traffic on site
may cause direct health hazards and the life of pedestrians moving in
the vicinity of vehicle traffic
- electrical installations: the failure or inadequate maintenance of
electrical equipment installed on site may cause accidents
- information: lack of information may result in inappropriate response
in emergency situations and behavior that is not in accordance with
established procedures on site
- transport and storage of materials: Improper procedures for storing
and transporting building materials may result in blocking of escape
routes, fire hazards and hazards to workers' health and lives.
- work on the heights: the possibility of falling during work at heights
above 5.0 m; Hazards associated with the assembly of heavy
prefabricated elements whose mass exceeds 1.0 t
- earthworks: trenches with a safe wall inclination (natural) depths
greater than 3.0 m; Earthmoving work related to the relocation or
compaction of the ground; Construction work carried out in
underground wells and in tunnels (in interiors of technical
- fire hazard: operations without fire protection will result in a fire
hazard and a direct risk to the health and well-being of workers.
These hazards can occur practically all over the site during the
execution of the works, and in particular during welding work; Works
related to the execution of fuel technology installations; Transport
and storage of technical gas cylinders; Delivery and handling of solid
fuels; Use of paints, solvents and other flammable substances;
Storage of materials and construction waste

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- construction machinery and equipment: the use of construction

machinery, lifts, scaffolds, scaffolds, electrical machinery and
equipment and power tools during construction works may cause
hazards due to improper maintenance, operation and maintenance
by unauthorized persons.
- working conditions: Works at temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius
About other works that could endanger the construction manager will

e) Indications of anticipated hazards

- fence: the whole area covered by the construction should be
separated from the plot and secured with appropriate marking or
- communication lines: the roads and places should be designated for
transport and delivery of building materials and equipment; It is
necessary to designate and appropriately mark the directions of
movement of workers
- electrical installations: electricity should be supplied for the
construction period; Systematic monitoring of equipment and
systems against electric shock should be systematically monitored
- information: staff instruction and appropriate signs and instructions
must be followed
- transport and storage of materials: the appropriate procedures and
places for storing and transporting building materials should be
- work at heights: Use certified scaffolds with handrails and security
against moving the floor and railing; Use personal protective
equipment such as braces
- earthworks: adequate protection, demarcation and marking of
excavations should be provided, as well as direction of displacement
of workers
- risk of fire: the fire-fighting equipment must be protected and
employee instructions must be followed and the relevant signs and
instructions must be followed.
- construction machinery and equipment: Use certified equipment
with certified extension cords, as well as conduct staff instruction and
follow appropriate instructions.
- working conditions: protective clothing and protective equipment
should be used and workers' safety glazing to be performed in the
scope of work performed; Secure social and health facilities for
f) A method of conducting teaching employees
All construction works may only be carried out by qualified employees,
depending on the position, the type of work to be performed by the
employee. Every employee should be trained in occupational safety and
health rules according to the position and specificity of their work. Prior to
commencement of the works, employees should be informed about the
factors that could pose a threat on the site and how to prevent hazards. In
particular, the requirements of the occupational safety and health

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regulations for the conduct of construction works, the obligation to use

personal protective equipment and the rules for dealing with emergencies
are to be respected. All safety and health information will be provided by
the site manager in the "Safety and Health Plan". All employees should be
familiar with the Safety and Health Plan.

g) Technical and organizational measures to prevent dangers resulting from

the performance of construction works
- The construction manager will determine how the construction works
will be carried out and will identify technical and organizational
measures to prevent dangers: maintain occupational safety and
health conditions, supervise the construction manager, use
appropriate work clothing, use appropriate equipment and tools and
provide emergency telephone numbers with first aid kit.
- Construction work will be carried out under the supervision of
qualified personnel with appropriate authority.
- Prior to commencement of work, workers should be provided with
working and protective clothing in accordance with applicable
regulations (including helmets, protective gloves), including the
hazards of mechanical injury, electric shock, burns, poisoning,
radiation, vibration, Height or other harmful factors and work-related
- Use protective and protective devices. All equipment should be up-
to-date and have current certification.
- Do daily work instruction, discussing the way you conduct your
works, occurring and possible dangers and the means of security.
- Employees should have permanent access to emergency telephones
including numbers, addresses for the nearest medical care facility,
fire brigade, police, first-aid kit and fire-fighting equipment and
devices (on site there should be hand-held fire extinguishers)
- Make and mark the routes for evacuation, communication and access
to the fire engine car and ambulances. These routes must always be
accessible and driveable.
- The construction manager is required to prepare or ensure that the
construction, safety and health plans are prepared before
construction starts, taking into account the specificity of the work
and the conditions for carrying out the works

M.Sc.Eng.Arch. Jerzy Adamiczka

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2. Construction
2.1 Object of the investment
The object of the investment is building project of the warehouse and drying
complex including necessary facilities placed in Dodoma – coordinates
6°10'08.0"S, 35°42'26.8"E (Tanzania). Project contains foundation of silo and
connected facilities (for ex. cleaner Feerum 100 foundation, dryer DGO 19
foundation, supporting towers foundation, weighing bridge foundation),
prefabricated receiving bucket shelter, control container, buildings: washroom
building, canteen building, equipment store building, qualification building,
chemical store building and existing office building to renovation.
Silos and accompanying devices are steel self-supporting structures. They will be
based on typical technological solutions of FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów.

2.2 Geotechnical category of the facility

Combined land-water conditions are assumed.
2.3 Types of foundations
Foundation of silos and accompanying devices have been designed as shallow
foundations such as continuous footings, footings and slabs depending on
particular facility

2.4 Materials
As the structural material for reinforced concrete constructions of silos,
accompanying devices and technological pits foundations, the following
materials have been assumed:

• Buildings concrete elements – concrete C16/20

• Silo complex concrete elements – concrete C20/25
• Reinforcing steel – AIIIN B500SP.

The structural elements of receiving bucket shed with a thickness more than
3 mm, all hot-formed profiles and welded profiles are designed of S355 steel.
Cold-formed profiles are designed from HX380LAD steel.
All steel elements should be protected against corrosion by zinc coating.
Masonry constructions have been designed of concrete blocks fabricated in-situ.
Structural wood elements have been designed of homogenous wood class C14.
2.5 Fire protection
All designed construction elements fulfill the required fire resistance by using
appropriate main reinforcement covering. Detailed description according to
architectural part.
2.6 Loads
Basic loads and exploitation conditions have been assumed according to
materials delivered by technology supplier, FEERUM S.A. from Chojnów.
Other loads have been defined in accordance with standards:

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- BS EN 1990: (Eurocode 0) Basis of structural design

- BS EN 1991: (Eurocode 1) Actions on structures
- BS EN 1992: (Eurocode 2) Design of concrete structures
- BS EN 1993: (Eurocode 3) Design of steel structures
- BS EN 1994: (Eurocode 4) Design of composite steel and concrete structures
- BS EN 1995: (Eurocode 5) Design of timber structures
- BS EN 1996: (Eurocode 6) Design of masonry structures
- BS EN 1997: (Eurocode 7) Geotechnical design
- BS EN 1998: (Eurocode 8) Design of structures for earthquake resistance
2.7 Geotechnical conditions of a territory
Based on "National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) Final report on soil
investigations for the proposed 20,000 MT silos in Dodoma" made by Bureau for
industrial cooperation (BICO) College of Engineering and Technology University
of Dar Es Salaam, it is determined, that under foundation level of facilities, which
are an object of this documentation, combined land-water conditions may be
found. The shallow foundations are possible to design in such conditions.
The geotechnical researches included making seven holes 10,0 - 15,0 m – deep.
The seven boreholes indicate that the ground is generally characterized by a
loose to medium dense top soil of reddish silty SAND to about 1,5 m to 2 m
depth. From 2m to about 4 m depth, the ground gets dense to very dense.
Beneath 4,0 m depth the ground becomes very dense, from cemented SAND to
weathered SANDSTONE ROCK. As such, the ground shows good strength for the
depth from around 2,5 m onwards.
No underground water was detected around working territory. Presented
researches have been made in June. Underground water level can be higher
during rainy season.
The grain size distribution of the tested soil samples shows dominancy of CLAYS
and SILTS for the shallow soils to a depth of around 4 m, followed by silty SANDS
to about 6 m depth, where a highly weathered ROCK was struck.
Regarding to occurrence of earthquakes in this region it is advisable to
considerate dynamic loads during structural design. The recommended level of
construction foundation is between 2,0 and 2,5 m under ground level.
Foundation of silos should be designed as ring-shaped in order to ensure
stability and overturning prevention. In order to reduce the effects of the silty to
clayey soils on the structure, it is recommended that a 30 cm thick compacted
layer of medium to coarse SAND should be placed between the foundation
structure and the native soil. A rigid reinforced concrete foundation/base is

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On the level of foundation there are existing grounds with consecutive chemi-
physical parameters:

Layer I – silty CLAY and clayey SILT of intermediate plasticity (MI, SMI)
Plasticity Index (PI) IP = 5 - 16%
Volume density ρ =1,80 T/m3 - 1,90 T/m3
Internal friction angle Фu =22,0
Natural humidity wn ≈ 20,0%
Liquid limit (LL) wL= 40 - 46%
Plasticity limit (PL) wP= 30 - 35%
Cohesion Cu = 30 kN/m2- 40 kN/m2

Layer II – silty SAND of low plasticity (SCL)

Relative density ID ≈ 0,50 - 0,80
Plasticity Index (PI) IP = 5- 10%
Volume density ρ =1,95 T/m3 - 2,15 T/m3
o o
Internal friction angle Фu =35,0 -45,0
Natural humidity wn ≈ 10% - 30%
Liquid limit (LL) wL= 31 - 34%
Plasticity limit (PL) wP=22 - 25%
Cohesion Cu = 30kN/m2 - 45 kN/m2

Layer III – silty SAND, SAND, weathered sandstone rock

Relative density ID > 0,80
Volume density ρ =2,15 T/m3 - 2,20 T/m3
Internal friction angle Фu >45,0

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2.8 Particular elements structure description

a) Silo station 20,000MT elements

Silo FSP 17,1/17 foundation

The foundation of flat-bottom silo FSP 17,1 is designed as reinforced

concrete ring 1600 mm wide, based on cement – stabilized sand layer with
resistance 5 MPa and thickness 3,5 m, on ring - shaped foundation footing
with thickness 1,0 m and width 2,0 m. The level of foundation is equal
3,65 m under ground level. In reinforced concrete ring there are designed
openings to connect ventilators of ventilation duct.
Silos technological duct is made as rectangular inflexible reinforced
concrete chest with thickness of walls 250 mm.
Silos floor is made as reinforced concrete slab with thickness 150 mm,
reinforced with diffused reinforcement Arcelor Mittal HE. Air ducts have
been embed in slab.

Silo FSW 9,6/10/50 foundation

Hopper-bottom silo FSW 9,6 foundation is designed as reinforced concrete

slab with thickness 1,0 m with trims for silo footings with thickness 1,0 m.
Under the foundation slab, the layer of cement-stabilized sand should be
perform up to 2,9 m under the ground level..

Silo FSW 4,8/3/50 foundation

Hopper-bottom silo FSW 4,8 foundation is designed as reinforced concrete

slab with thickness 0,6 m. There have been designed thicker areas under
the foots of silo with thickness 0,6 m. Under the foundation slab, the layer
of cement-stabilized sand should be perform up to 1,1 m under the
ground level.
Shipping silo FSS 3,8/4/40 foundation

It is designed as four RC columns with dimensions 600x600 mm, set on

reinforced concrete foundation slab with thickness equal 500 mm. The
settlement at the level of 1,9 m under the ground. The slab should be
made on layer of cement – stabilized sand with the thickness at least 300
Receiving bucket

Receiving bucket is designed as reinforced concrete box with walls

thickness 200 mm and 250 mm. The bucket should be based on the
cement-stabilized sand layer with thickness 300 mm. The geometry and
localization of the facility according to graphical appendix.

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Receiving bucket shed

Prefabricated reinforced concrete building with dimensions 12,3x20,3 m

and maximum height +8,07 m.
The facility covering is designed as a T60 trapezoidal sheet supported by
cold-formed steel purlins in multi-span beam system. The girders made of
steel trusses with 10,6 m wide are supported by reinforced concrete
prefabricated columns. Spaces between purlins are equal 5 m. Columns
with dimensions 300x600 mm are designed fixed in the foundation slab.
The transversal stability is assured by rigid columns of the structure. The
longitudinal stability is assured by bracings located in the roof and wall
Technological pits
Technological pits should be made as rectangular rigid reinforced concrete
box with depth as on graphic appendix and walls thickness 250 mm.
Technical ladders should be provided in walls, and drainage holes in
bottom slab.
Dimensions, sections and setting as on graphic appendix.
Dryer DGO 19 foundation

It is designed as four reinforced concrete columns with dimensions

600x600 mm, joined with reinforced concrete foundation slab with
thickness 500 mm. The depth of slab foundation is -1,7 m. The anchors
sets will be placed in columns, and the dryer columns will be placed on
them. The foundation slab have to be placed on cement – stabilized sand
layer with thickness 0,6 m. Oil furnace together with hot air chamber
should be based on additional reinforced concrete slab with thickness 400
mm, at depth -0.4 m. Under the slab should be placed cement – stabilized
sand with thickness 0,3 m.
FEERUM CLEANER 100t/h foundation

The foundation is designed as four reinforced concrete columns with

dimensions 600x600 mm for every cleaner with steel anchors sets placed
in its heads. Columns will be joined with foundation reinforced concrete
slab with thickness 400 mm, based at depth 1,8 m under ground level.
Spacing of columns: 6,5x3,6 m. The foundation slab should be made
on cement – stabilized sand with thickness 30 cm to depth - 2,2 m.
Control container foundation slab

It is designed as reinforced concrete slab with plan dimensions:

2600x6400 mm. Under foundation slab, cement – stabilized sand later
with thickness 300 mm should be placed. On the foundation slab there will

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be placed prefabricated standard office container, with dimensions

6000x2500 mm.

Single foundation of supporting tower

Single foundation is designed as step reinforced concrete foundation

footing with external dimensions 2,0x2,0 m. Internal dimensions 1,5x1,5
m. Level of foundation equals 0,9 m under ground level. Under the footing
there should be placed cement – stabilized sand layer with thickness 300
mm. In foundation footing there should be placed 4 anchoring sets.

Shipping shed

Prefabricated reinforced concrete building with dimensions 18,5x7,0 m

and maximum height +5,89 m. Steel – reinforced concrete construction of
the shed with dimensions 17,4x8,4 m and height equals 7,38 m is attached
to this structure. The main structure of the building is designed as the steel
trusses girders supported by the prefabricated RC columns. Spacing
between girders is equal from 4 m to 6 m. The roof cover is made of
trapezoidal sheet T60 supported by cold-formed steel purlins in the
system of multi–span beam. The external walls are designed of concrete
up to level +1,5 m and trapezoidal sheet T60 on the steel substructure
above this level.
The main structure of the shed is made of prefabricated RC columns with
dimensions 500x500 mm and they are the supportive structure for steel
trusses girders. Spacing between girders is equal from 4 m to 6 m. The roof
cover is made of trapezoidal sheet T60 supported by steel cold-formed
purlins in the system of multi-span beam. Both facilities are based on
common foundation slab with thickness 400 mm. Under the foundation
slab there should be placed a cement-stabilized sand layer with thickness
300 mm.
b) Office building to renovation 31 sq.m
Office building is design as masonry construction. All the walls are existing
made of concrete blocks with thickness 24 cm and strengthened by tie
beams. The floor in the building should be renovated. The existing load
bearing structure of the roof cover is wooden, supported by the walls. The
covering of the structure needs to be renovated and should be made of
trapezoidal sheet T35. Walls’ enclosure, and entry elements to the building.
should be also renovated. The building is based on continuous footings with
dimensions 600 x 300 mm. There will be made ramp next to the building.

c) Washroom building 145 sq.m

Washroom building is design as masonry construction. The walls have been
designed of concrete blocks with thickness 20 cm and 24 cm made in-situ.
They should be extra strengthened by tie beams and reinforced concrete
columns. The load bearing structure of the roof cover is designed as wooden

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and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure is made of
trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The building is based
on footings with dimensions 1400 x 1400 x 300 mm and continuous footings
with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie beams 300x300 mm.
There will be made ramp next to the building.

d) Equipment store building 97 sq. m

Equipment store building is design as masonry construction. The walls have
been designed of concrete blocks with thickness 24 cm made in-situ. They
should be extra strengthened by tie beams and reinforced concrete
columns. The load bearing structure of the roof cover is designed as wooden
and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure is made of
trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The building is based
on footings with dimensions 1800 x 1800 x 300 mm and continuous footings
with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie beams 300x300 mm.
There will be made ramp next to the building.

e) Chemical store building 93 sq. m

Chemical store building is design as masonry construction. The walls have
been designed of concrete blocks with thickness 20 cm and 24 cm made in-
situ. They should be extra strengthened by tie beams and reinforced
concrete columns. The load bearing structure of the roof cover is designed
as wooden and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure
is made of trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The
building is based on footings with dimensions 1600 x 1600 x 300 mm and
continuous footings with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie
beams 300x300 mm. There will be made ramp next to the building.

f) Canteen building 151 sq.m

Canteen building is design as masonry construction. The walls have been
designed of concrete blocks with thickness 20 cm and 24 cm made in-situ.
They should be extra strengthened by tie beams and reinforced concrete
columns. The load bearing structure of the roof cover is designed as wooden
and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure is made of
trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The building is based
on footings with dimensions 1600 x 1600 x 300 mm and continuous footings
with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie beams 300x300 mm.
There will be made ramp next to the building.

g) Qualification building 93 sq.m

Qualification building is designed as masonry construction. The walls have
been designed of concrete blocks with thickness 20 cm and 24 cm made in-
situ. They should be extra strengthened by tie beams and reinforced
concrete columns. The load bearing structure of the roof cover is designed

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as wooden and should be support by the walls. The covering of the structure
is made of trapezoidal sheet T35 supported by wooden structure. The
building is based on footings with dimensions 1400 x 1400 x 300 mm and
continuous footings with dimensions 600 x 300 mm, which are joined by tie
beams 300x300 mm. There will be made ramp next to the building.

h) Power house
Transformator and the electricity generator are placed in the building
designed of steel and reinforced concrete with height 2,59 m and
dimensions 2,44x6,06 m. The walls are designed of concrete or concrete
blocks. The load bearing structure of the roof is assumed as a steel structure
supported by the walls. Roof covering is made of trapezoidal sheet cover
with insulation supported by steel structure. The building is based on
foundation slab with dimensions 12,5x2,6 m and thickness 0,25 m. Under
the foundation slab there should be placed a layer of cement-stabilized

i) Diesel tank foundation

The diesel tank is based on reinforced concrete slab with thickness 25 cm
which is joined to reinforced concrete walls with a thickness 25 cm. The slab
should be made on cement-stabilized sand layer with thickness 30 cm.
j) Weighing bridge
Reinforced concrete construction with dimensions 3,5 x 26,05 m. Reinforced
concrete slab with thickness 0,25 m placed on cement-stabilized sand layer
with thickness 0,30 m. In foundation slab there will be flooded plates for
weighing bridge sensors. On both edges of weighing bridge there will be
made reinforced concrete wall with slope 8% and height from the top of the
slab 0,32 m.

2.9 Executive and assembly works recommendations

All executive and assembly works shall be fully tested and commissioned in
accordance with CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) and
BSRIA (Building Services Research and Information Association) guidelines.

M.Sc.Eng. Tomasz Kulczycki

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3. Sanitary
3.1 Water mains-supply system - Infrastructure
In the area of the investment there is the designed supplying of the designed
buildings into water from existing water mains-supply system placed around
70m to the north-west from the investment. On a connection there is predicted
assembling of isolating lock, equipped in telescope lengthening and terminated
on the ground. On the investments area there is being projected assembling of
water-meter node in hermetic water-meter well. Around water-meter node,
there have to be assembled compound water-meter with a nominal flow 40
m3/h, two cut-off valves with nominal diameter 65mm, water filter with
sediment trap with nominal diameter 65mm and pollution protection returning
valve with nominal diameter 65mm. The water-meter well should be assembled
in iron steps and closing plate. Water drawed from the well will be used only for
social use and the fire protection goals.
Water for social needs will be provided to 2 No above-ground tanks located near
the building group with capacity 5m3, and another gravitational from tanks to
particular buildings located nearby. Water received from the existing water
mains-supply system and delivered to tanks, and from tanks to particular
buildings will be transported using external pipeline networks made of PEHD
Potable water will be delivered independently in bottles.

Cold Water demands 20 °C to 35 °C for the social buildings.

Average 24-hour water consumption for social needs is counted with
assumption of 50 workers during shift: and based on BS EN 12056_2 and
Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide.
Workers amount - 50 persons
One worker daily water demand - 45 litres/d
Average 24-hour water request will amount:
Qavg=50*45 = 2,25 m3/d
Hot water 50°C to 60 °C will not be provided as has been agreed with the Client.

3.2 External installation of sewage - Infrastructure

There is being designed the gravitational flow of the chemically unpolluted
sanitary wastes to the sewage treatment plant – the watertight concrete
sedimentation tanks, with the total capacity 10m3, where the sedimentation of
constant parts to be proceed, afterwards biological treatment by bacteries
dosing, and then liquid parts are gravitationally provided to the infiltration
chamber, draining liquid parts after treatment to the soil.

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Social wastes demands:

Washroom building :
No. Fitting Amount Discharge Total
unit discharge

1 Wash hand basin 10 0,3 3,0


2 Shower 8 0,4 3,2

3 WC Cistern 8 1,2 9,6

4 Urinal 2 0,4 0,8

Total: - - 16,6

Canteen building :
No. Fitting Amount Discharge Total
unit discharge

1 WHB 5 0,3 1,5

2 Sink 1 1,3 1,3

3 WC Cistern 2 1,2 2,4

4 Urinal 1 0,4 0,4

5 Dishwasher 1 0,2 0,2

Total: - - 5,8

Chemical store building:

No. Fitting Amount Discharge Total
unit discharge

1 Sink 1 1,3 1,3

Total: - - 1,3

Qualification building:
No. Fitting Amount Discharge Total
unit discharge

1 WHB 1 0,3 0,3

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2 Sink 1 1,3 1,3

3 WC Cistern 1 1,2 1,2

Total: - - 2,8

Total DU = 26,5
Frequency factor k = 0,5 Qs=k*TDU0,5 = 0,5 * (26,5)0,5=2,57 l/s

Estimation of 50 workers are agreed on the design stage:

Average daily social wastes amount:
Qad = 50*45 l/d = 2,25 m3/d
Required capacity of the watertight concrete sedimentation tanks, in which
wastes will be kept 2 days before infiltration:
V = 2,25 x 1,2 x 2= 5,4 m3
Due to agglomeration of social buildings in two investment places , there were
designed 2 No tank locations and two 2 No infiltration chambers, separate for
every group of buildings.
Sanitary wastes will be gravitationally discharged by pipes made of non-
plastificated socket polyvinyl chloride UPCV (SDR 34, SN8), with solid core, led
with 1,5%(1:65) slope/flow towards tanks. The watertight revision chambers in
the place of pipes direction changes should be assembled and made of concrete
rings DN1000. Chambers should be equipped in steps.
Septic Tanks will be ventilated via the proposed sewage system and the vent
stacks on the roofs to eliminate any smell and bacterial problems in the future.
The permanently assembled sucking pipes 110mm diameter (enabling collection
of wastes, in case of problems with infiltration in the soil). Sucking pipes have to
be ended to connect them a sucker hose.
While making the excavations for unscrambling and assembling of the pipes
made of plastics it is necessary to fulfill arrangements of current BS standards.
The assembling works have to be proceeded in carefully boarded pits, according
to current standards and the Geology Report. The assembling works are to be
proceeded by the managers possessing valid the and health and safety
certificates. For all assembling works, there should be used only undamaged
during transport and storage material, tagged with building mark „B” (or any
local type) confirming ability of using particular product in building industry. The
assembling should happen in temperature range from 5°C to 30°C. The pipes to
be connected by the socket with a rubber gasket. Pits have to be done as tight-
spacious (0,9-1,2 m). Pipes arrangement has to be done on gravel-sand bed to
guarantee equability of pipes settlement.

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3.3 Installation of rain water drainage-Infrastructure

Due to absence of rain water drainage, there is being designed the local solution
depending on development of rain water fall in the range of Investors plot.
There are provided the proper diagonal and longitudinal falls of hardened areas
and roads, and collecting of rain water to opened concrete culverts with
dimensions 500x700. The Culverts run as shown on the site development plan.
The culverts will be built-up into closed concrete culverts running under the
Rain fall amount:
For designed hardened areas assumed flow ratio ψ=0,9.

Maximum yearly precipitation: 1800mm,

Maximum monthly precipitation: 450mm,
Average monthly amount of raindays: 12 days,
Maximum instant rainfall: 200l/s
Required capacity of culverts the rain water from hardened areas of designed
investment territory was selected for reliable 60-minute rain.
After every heavy rain fall is to be collected, drained and irrigated on the
biologic-active territory of investment and the nearby areas.
Rain water from the existing roofs and the roofs of the designed buildings to be
provided in the stacks and irrigated directly to biologic-active territory or to the
designed concrete culverts .
Rain water from the technological pits drain have been designed using
submerging pumps with a horizontal float 2,5 l/s, pressure head 30 kPa, power
supply 0,8kW, 230V - pomp with vertical swimmer (in set with returning and cut

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off valves). The pumps are to be equipped with NRVs (non returned valves) and
cut off valves). Pumps should be located in chambers with depth h=0,7m and
diameter min. Ø 600 in technological pits. Due to low amount of rain water,
from technological pits it will be drained direct to hardened area, where it will
be evaporated or drained to the biologically active area . Ultimately, in
conditions of using of the facilities, maintenance after building handover, it is
necessary to determine minimum necessary frequency of proceeding cleaning
activities to keep correct work conditions for the pumps.

3.4 External fire protection

For assuring requested water stream to external fire fighting for building objects
of agriculture, there is an assured fire protecting water in amount of 10dm3/s
from the existing water mains-supply system. For fire protection of designed
objects, there is predicted designing of two ground hydrants DN80 with
efficiency 10dm3/s and needed pressure 0,2MPa. In front of every hydrant the
cut off bar with telescope pin and terminated on the ground to be assembled.
Earth water installation for fire protection, from which a hydrant will be
supported, is designed of pipes and installation shapes made of plastics HDPE to
potable water. After works done, there are required researches of hydrants
efficiency and pressure. Around hydrants there have to be made territory
hardening protecting designed hydrants from collapsing and ground falling.

3.5 Installation of diesel tanks

The diesel tank will be stored to serve burner for the drying shop. There is the
designed tank with a total capacity:
- for burner 5m3
The tank should be founded in concrete, watertight bath with an active capacity
min. 3,1m3. The bath to be equipped with the gully and the possible leaks are to
be provided via oil separator located in the rain water drainage. Tank should be
roofed to protect it from direct influence of solar radiation. The installation
supporting facilities to be made as stainless steel pipes type 304, provided
underground on depth about 1,1m with slope towards tank. Above the pipeline
on depth about 50cm warning – signal tape to be located. It is necessary to
make required commissioning to prove the tightness of the pipework before the
ground covering of the pipes.
The revision chamber equipped with the isolating valves and the drain tap is to
be proposed for the diesel burner pipework.

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3.6 Internal installations in the buildings

a) Waste installation
Water for social needs will be received from the depth well by the booster
set equipped with balancing 2,0m3. It will be used only for hygiene. Drinking
water will be delivered independently in bottles.
The Internal water installation leads to all sanitary facilities according to
project, make of pipes PE-X/AL/PE, connections make using clamping screw
or clamped slipping systems. Each sanitary facility to be provided with
isolating valves.
The commissioning to be provided for 1,5 x working pressure of the
installation and water quality testis to be required. All batteries, valves etc.
to be installed for pressure 10bar (0,1 MPa).
b) Waste water installation
Internal sewage installation is to be provided with pipes PVC-U (HT).
Pipework to sanitary accessories should be installed with minimum 2
%(1:65) fall. It is forbidden to make pipework connections in a building
structure. All stacks should be derived above the roof and terminated with a
vent stack 110/160. Vertical pipework close to sanitary ware items is to be
provided in the walls or bulkheads / see the detailed stage drawings / to be
accessible and insulated. Waste water pipework should be attached to the
walls structure by supports according to producer recommendations.
Pipework should be attached using metal grips with elastic divider.
All pipes passing through the structural elements lead in sleeves. The space
between pipeline and sleeve to be filled with polyurethane foam. The
installation passing through fire separation barriers should be protected
with materials with fire protecting class as the barrier.

c) Cooling System – refrigeration by freon

In some of the rooms (a conference room, the office rooms, a canteen, the
managers rooms, and the rest rooms) air-conditioners SPLIT type are
proposed to fit the required comfort conditions. Indoor units are to be wall
mounted. Outdoor units are proposed to be hanged on the external walls of
the building or located on the ground on the substructure with height min
0,5m above the ground. Between indoor and outdoor units cooling freon
installation to be provided, as copper pipes. Cooling installation pipework to
be insulated by synthetic nitrile rubber. Condensate from indoor units to be
discharged to the waste water installation via traps.
3.7 Service guidelines

a) Booster of water and fire protection building:

• In case of too low pressure in pipework make an power-supplying
installation for booster set for being goals and fire protection– 1 pc.

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b) Buildings:
• Make a power-supply for the air-conditioning units SPLIT

3.8 Health & safety guidelines and generals

• All used materials and facilities must be admitted to trading and universal
or individual using in building on the area included in investment,
• Pipelines and facilities assembling must be led by firm possessing proper
authorization and according to current health and safety regulations,
• The maintenance staff must be educated regarding current health and
safety regulations.
• All designed facilities have to be maintained according to Technical Cards of
assembled facilities, and current health and safety regulations,
• On the detailed stage analysis of local conditions shall be provided and
agreed with a local Consultant.


M.Sc.Eng. Teresa Bilińska

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4. Electrical installations
4.1 Documentation subject
The subject of this documentation is designing the way of performing an interior
receiving installation for powering the drying and storage complex located in
Dodoma, in Tanzania.
4.2 Documentation basis
The basis for this documentation are:

• Employer provisions
• Projections of the designed objects and base map for design purposes
• Latest relevant BSI standards and code of practice

4.3 Technical description

a) Existing condition
Documentation subject is currently in planning phase. At the site there are
some existing objects, which are powered from distribution grid. However,
the currently delivered power is not sufficient to cover the requirements of
the designed project. Therefore a new transformer station and a standby
generator for power supply should be built at the site of the project. For
power supply of transformer station on 33kV side it was assumed, that the
length of designed connection is 100 m. Because of the lack of the
information concerning 33 kV grid, there should be a distinct, detailed
technical documentation created, which should be agreed on every phase of
the project with local energetic company.
b) Designed solutions
Transformer station
At the site, on the spot which is showed on the drawing T0468-AR-04-00-
0100: SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN there should be built a transformer station
equipped with an oil-immersed transformer with the power of 1000 kVA.
The station will be powered with the voltage of 33 kV from the grid of the
local electric supply company. Transformer station with power connection
33 kV will be designed and build according to separate documentation
developed by Power Company TANESCO. Cable line which connecting
transformer with the main low voltage switch panel 0,4kV will be also build
Low voltage switch panel 0,4 kV and power generator.
Apart from the transformer station there should be an additional diesel
power standby generator with the power of 800 kVA installed, in order to
ensure a high dependability of the powering. Power generator will be
installed in sea container with individual part for the main low voltage switch
panel 0,4kV installation and separated for power generator and fuel tanks.
For individual part of container with the main low voltage switch panel,
separate door for attendants will be installed. The standby generator should

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be connected through an automatic powering type switch (ATS) with the

low voltage switch panel 0,4 kV.
From the designed transformer station there should be provided a cable line
type 3xYXKS 0,6/1KV 4x240 mm2 for powering the drying and storage object
and two separate cable lines type YXKS 0,6/1KV 4x120 mm2 for powering the
accompanying building.

Main power supply for the storage and drying object (silos) – control cabinet.
Designed object will have the power supply from the transformer station
from the low voltage switch panel.
Therefore there should be a cable line provided from outgoing bay no. 1 of
the low voltage switch panel for powering the designed storage and drying
Designed object consists of storage silos, buffer silos, receiving bucket,
cleaner, dryer and a system of plants for loading and unloading of the silos.
The total power of the installed plants equals 556,9 kW.
Because of the power of the plants which are powered from the control
cabinet is 556,9 kW, and after taking into account modulus of
contemporaneity at the level of 0,8 the maximum power is 445,5kW, the
cabinet should be made three-way and the load case should be even.
For powering the object, there should be a cable line type 3xYXKS 0,6/1KV
4x240 mm2 provided from the low voltage switch panel, from field no. 1 for
supplying particular circuits of the control cabinets with this line.
The supply cable line 3xYXKS 0,6/1KV 4x240 mm2 should be laid directly in
the ground.
Cable route according to the drawing T0468-AR-04-00-0100: SITE
Power supply for the accompanying buildings
Accompanying buildings will be powered from the designed transformer
station. Amount of power installed in accompanying buildings equals 132,1
kW. After taking into account modulus of contemporaneity at the level of
0,8 the maximum power is 105 kW.
For powering the accompanying buildings there should be three separate
cable lines provided from outgoing bays no. 2, 3 of the main low voltage
switch panel for the powering of the designed buildings. Cable type YXKS
0,6/1KV 4x120mm2 should be used.
At the buildings there should be distribution boards installed, marked
accordingly from ED1 to ED4. Location of the switchgears according to the

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drawing T0468-AR-04-00-0100: SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Equipment of the

switchgears according to the drawing T0468-EL-04-00-0100: SITE
The accompanying buildings must be powered from designed switch panels
using cables YXKS 0,6/1KV 5x25mm2 pursuant to power scheme.
In addition to ensure continuity of powering in places pointed on drawing E1
(Site development plan) there will be installed power generator 40kV for
powering office building intent to make it possible to work by administrative
staff and in order to keep power of object monitoring system. Besides, also
outside lamps will be powered. Startup and switching power from electricity
to generator will be manually, performing by qualified staff.

c) Receiving installations of the social and office buildings

In the social and office buildings, on the spots marked on the drawings of
visual diagrams of receiving installations in the buildings, there should be a
switchgear installed and supplied with a proper cable from the proper
switchgear ED (according to the drawing: T0468-EL-04-00-0100: SITE
switchgear, there will be protections of the receiving installation of the
building rooms installed.
Receiving installations
The circuit of plug-in sockets should be made with the wires YXKS 0,6/1kV
3G 2,5mm2 and protected with overcurrent circuit breakers, according to
the drawings of single line diagrams of the building switchgears.
The circuits of the lighting should be made with the wires YXKS 0,6/1kV 3G
2,5mm2 and protected according to the drawings of single line diagrams of
the building switchgears.
The circuits of lightening and plug-in sockets, single-phase and three-phase
will be made as concealed installations or laid in PVC cover pipes under the
ceiling and in the walls.
The circuits powering three-phase receivers must be performed by cables
YXKS 0,6/1kV 5G 2,5mm2 and 5G 4mm2 and protected with overcurrent
switch according to scheme E2b - E2f.
The circuits powering air conditioners must be performer by cables YXKS
0,6/1kV 3G 2,5mm2 and 3G 4mm2 and protected with overcurrent switch
according to scheme E2b - E2f.

Selection of the fitting equipment

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In the rooms of the building there should be plug-in sockets with

ground/zero contact and in moist rooms and in WC hermetic sockets with
ground/zero contact, with at least the IP 44 leak class.
Selection of lightening lamps
For the lightening of the rooms in the building LED luminaries should be
used, according to the drawings of visual diagrams of receiving installations
in the buildings.
Emergency lighting
In order to secure the safety of people which are staying in the social and
office buildings, the LED luminaries, shown in the drawings of Visual
diagrams of receiving installations in the buildings should be equipped with
emergency lighting units (lighting time of 2 hours). Luminaries should be
connected „brightly”, i.e. during normal use all light sources should be on
and at the moment of voltage loss, the luminaries should go into
emergency state and are powered from module. The luminaries should be
properly marked according to the norms.

d) Technical store buildings

In the storage buildings, on the spots marked at the drawing of Visual
diagrams of receiving installations in the buildings there should be an
electric switchgear installed and supplied with a proper cable from the
proper switchgear ED (according to the diagram). In the building switchgear,
there will be the receiving installation protections of the building rooms
Receiving installations
Circuits for the maintains sets (ZR) should be made with wires YXKS 0,6/1kV
5G 4mm2 and protected with overcurrent time-delay fuses according to
drawings of single line diagrams of the building switchgears.
Circuits of the lighting of the store buildings should be made with the wires
YXKS 0,6/1kV 3G 2,5mm2 and secured according to the diagrams drawings
of single line diagrams of the building switchgears.
Circuits of the lighting and the maintains sets, both one and three-phase will
be made as surface mounted installation laid in PCV cover pipes or metal
cable trays.
Selection of installation equipment.
In the rooms of the store buildings, there should be used an installation
equipment with at least the IP 44 leak class.

Selection of lighting lamps.

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For the store buildings lighting it is designed to use lampas type Latte IP 54
2x36W with light sources LED RML/039/2015/1.

e) Grain store buildings

In the grain storage buildings, on the spots marked at the drawing of Visual
diagrams of receiving installations in the buildings there should be an
electric switchgear installed and supplied with a proper cable, from the
proper switchgear ED (according to the diagram). In the building switchgear,
there will be protections of the receiving installation of the rooms of the
building installed.
Receiving installations
Circuits for the maintains sets (ZR) should be made with wires YXKS 0,6/1kV
5G 4mm2 and protected with overcurrent time-delay fuses according to
drawings of single line diagrams of the building switchgears.
Circuits of the lighting of the store buildings should be made with the wires
YXKS 0,6/1kV 3G 2,5mm2 and secured according to the diagrams drawings
of single line diagrams of the building switchgears.
Circuits of the lighting and of the maintains sets, both one and three-phase
will be made as surface mounted installation, laid in PCV cover pipes or
metal cable trays.
Selection of installation equipment.
In the rooms of the store buildings, there should be used an installation
equipment with at least the IP 44 leak class
Selection of lighting lamps.
For lighting the store buildings it is designed to use lampas type Latte IP 54
2x36W with light sources LED RML/039/2015/1.
f) Pumping plant technical building
In order to enable the reading of the weighing facility in the laboratory
building, on the route weighing facility – laboratory, there should be made a
pipe passage with the aid of a pipe type RHDPE with diameter 110 mm, in
which the signal wires from the tensometric transducers will be placed and
then connection to the reading instrument in the laboratory building will be
The route of the passage – according to the drawing T0468-AR-04-00-0100:
g) Site lighting
In order to do the lighting of the site there should be installed LED lamps
50W on the buildings, supplied with the voltage 230V. Lamps must be
powered by buildings switches and inset of them must be based on twilight
relays and motion sensors.

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h) Pumping plant
Designing pumping plant should be supplied with the cable provided from
the buildings switches. Localization of cable line according to site plan.

i) Entry gate
Electric motor of entry gate should be supplied with the cable provided from
the buildings switches. Localization of cable line according to site plan.
4.4 Main fire switch
As fire switch of the object should be used, in the low voltage switch panel of
the transformer station, a switch equipped with the growing striker pin element,
with the rated voltage 230V. In the buildings there should be installed typical fire
safety buttons (properly marked, according to the norms), for turning off the
power supply of the building when danger of fire occurs. Location of the
switches according to the drawing T0468-AR-04-00-0100: SITE DEVELOPMENT
4.5 Protection from electric shocks
As an additional protection from electric shocks there should be used fast
cutting off the circuit, in which the damage has occurred. For realization this
protection there must be used overcurrent protections in receiver switchboards
on individual objects selected individual for every circuit and receiver.
a) Basic supplementary protection from electric shocks
As basic supplementary protection from electric shocks there should be
used residual-current devices RCD, with differential current 30mA.
On the spots, whenever it is possible, the receiving devices should be
supplied with the safety voltage.
b) Overvoltage protection of the object
In order to protect the facilities of the designed object from the results of
lightning or other overvoltage from power grid, it is designed to install
additional lightning arresters type B+C in any low voltage switches and
control cabinets. For the protection purpose, DEHNGuard TN-S produced by
DEHN(according to standards) equipment may be used as an example.
c) Foundation earthings
Foundation earthings of the silos and facilities for the loading and unloading
technology of the object should be made with application of copper flat bar
CU 30x4.
The flat bar should be laid in the foundation ring, on the half of its height.
The flat bar should be fixed to the steel reinforcement of the foundation.
The length of the flat bar laid in the foundation should be minimal 30 m.
The end of the flat bar, with the length of 1,5 m should be taken out of the
foundation, around the designed monitoring connection and then
connected to the steel supporting construction of the silos through a control
clamp or through drilling an opening Φ 10 mm in the flat bar and in the

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supporting construction of the silos and connecting it with a steel galvanized

screw M 10.
Foundation earthings of buildings should be also done.
d) Protection earthing
For individual receivers ED and building receivers, earthing protection
system with resistance Ru≤7 Ω must be performed.
For main low voltage switch, earthing protection with resistance Ru≤2,5 Ω
must be performed.

4.6 Lightning protection

Because of the object characteristics (big height of the object and galvanized
steel as construction material) there is a need to make an lightning protection
installation for the object.
For this purpose there should be made an earthing for the object, with the aid of
copper flat bar Cu or aluminum AL, laid in the ground at the depth of 0,6 m
(according to the lightning protection drawings for each object). To the main
earthing there should be connected, through welding, terminations, which
should be finished with control clamps and provided on the walls of the silos or
foundations of the buildings and other structures at the level of 1,2 m from the
ground. Control claims should be connected to the foundation earthings of the
connected objects and the metal constructions of the objects (silos, bucket
elevators, supporting constructions etc.).
All welding places should be protected from the corrosion. Value of resistance
R≤7 Ω.
Because of the construction material of the object (galvanized iron 1,5 mm
thick), there is no need to use horizontal air terminals.
Foundation earthings and protective earthings should be connected to the
lightening protection installation.
For accompanying building, earth protection system must be also performed.
For this purpose there must be performed earthing for every building with the
aid of copper flat bar Cu or aluminum AL, laid in the ground at the depth of 0,6 m.
For main earthing must be joined (by welding) departures ended with control
connectors and bring out on building walls at around 1,5m above base level.
Steel building constructions and foundation grounding must be plugged in
control connectors.
Value of resistance R≤7 Ω.
Due to construction material used on the roofs of buildings (galvanize steel th.
min 1,5mm) there isn’t necessary using horizontal air terminals because metal
sheet have will have the same function.

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4.7 Equipotential bondings

Because of the designed construction material of the object – galvanized steel, it
is necessary to make local equipotential bondings.
As equipotential bondings, the earthing of the lightening protection installation
should be used. There is also necessary to make local equipotential bondings
between particular leading elements of the object (for example casing of a belt
drag conveyor – silos), with the aid of stranded wires H0V-K 25mm2, screwed
with the claims with metric thread to the particular elements of the object.
4.8 Conclusions
After finishing the works measuring of anti-shock protection according to the
norms should be done and other planning provisions as well as the provisions of
the energy supply company should be fulfilled.
Only entire design is planning documentation for carrying out the above
mentioned project. Any changes in the realization may be executed only after
prior arrangements and acceptation of the designer.

M.Sc.Eng. Janusz Majka

page | 52
The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma


page | 53
The warehouse and drying complex project in Dodoma

1. Doors and windows joinery.

page | 54

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