Educ 203 CHAPTER 6 Lesson 2
Educ 203 CHAPTER 6 Lesson 2
Educ 203 CHAPTER 6 Lesson 2
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Instruction: Explain the meaning of each of the following quotations in your own words.
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers includes personal growth and
professional development as the 7th domain with the enactment of RA 10912, the CPD Law of
2016, CPD for all the professions regulated by PRC is now mandatory. Mandating CPD is the only
way all professionals, including teachers, are made to go through CPD. CPD for professional
teachers is not an option. It is a necessity continuing professional development for professional
teachers sharpens the professional teachers’ competitive edge in a highly competitive global
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The Historical and Legal Bases of Continuing Professional Development in the Philippines
Even before the enactment of the CPD Act of 2016, CPD was already alluded in the 1987
Philippine Constitution. No less than the fundamental of the land, Section 5, paragraph 4 states:
“The state shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.”
In addition to his or her powers under existing laws, the Secretary of Education shall have
authority, accountability and responsibility among other things, for… (6) Enhancing the
employment status, professional competence, welfare and working conditions of all personal of
the Department;…Section 7, E states, to wit, “…Consistent with national educational policies,
plans and standards, the school heads shall have authority, accountability and responsibility for…
encouraging staff development.”
3. RA 7836 the Teachers Professionalization Act also provided for mandatory continuing
professional education (CPE), now referred to us continuing professional development
(CPD), to wit:
To encourage continuing professional growth and development, and to provide additional
basis for Merit promotion in addition to their performance rating, teachers may take an oral and
written examination at least once in five years as basis for merit promotion. In taking this
examination, no fee shall be required (Sec. 19. Periodic Merit Examination of Teachers).
Unfortunately due to lack of funding the merit examination has not unfortunately, due to
lack of funding, the merit examination has not been implemented up to writing time.
Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, the Merit Examination has not been implemented
up to writing time.
The same RA 7836 states:
Unjustified or willful failure to attend seminars, workshops, conferences and the like or the
continuing education program prescribed by the Board and the Commission (Sec. 23, h. Revocation
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of the Certificate of Registration, Suspension from the Practice of the Teaching Profession and
Cancellation of Temporary or Special Permit).
4. The Board for Professional Teachers (BPT) also passed Resolution No. 435, s. 177 to adopt
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph €,
Article 11 of RA 7836, otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization
Act of 1994. This code of ethics states:
Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program of
the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve his
efficiency, enhance the prestige of his profession and strengthen his competence, virtues and
productivity in order to be nationally and internationally competitive. (Section 3, Article IV)
WHEREAS, the professionals who undertake the CPE programs are enabled not only to
upgrade or improve their technical knowledge and skills, but also to keep them abreast with modern
trends and technology in their respective professions, thereby assuring the rendition of highly
qualitative professional services that will be globally competitive under the General Agreement on
Trade in Services (GATS), and the same time securing the safety and protection of the public;
WHEREAS, the confidence and patronage of the public in a professional depend upon his
competence in the quality of service rendered resulting from his acquisition of updated technical
knowledge and skill.
6. RA 10912 Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 - with the enactment of this
law, CPD for all the 43 professionals regulated by PRC, including the teaching profession,
has become mandatory.
The Salient Provisions of RA 10912 the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016
A lot of questions have been raised about RA 10912 otherwise known as the Continuing
Professional Development Act of 2016. Many teachers resist CPD. It is claimed to be extra
expense, extra effort and extra time when in fact it is every professional’s obligation. CPD is the
only way professionals can sharpen their competitive edge in an international world that has
become global village. The need for CPD is heightened by ASEAN integration and internalization
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which are now real. To be in a professional must meet international standards. The way to go is
The purposes of CPD for professionals are stated in RA 10912, Article 1 Declaration of
It is hereby declare the policy of the State to promote and upgrade the practice of professions
in the country. Towards this end, the State shall institute measures that will continuously improve
the competence of the professionals in accordance with the international standards of practice,
thereby, ensuring their contribution in uplifting the general welfare economic growth and
development of the nation.
The State policy on promoting and upgrading the practice of professions in the country
and the institution of measures to “continuously improve the competence of the professionals in
accordance with international standards” and gives Filipino professionals a competitive edge in
the ASEAN region and in the world.
As shown in the figure below CPD credit units can be earned in four ways:
1. Professional track - this includes training provided by CPD providers accredited by PRC.
You can earn credit units as a participant to a training approved with the CPD council. You
earn more credits units if you serve as a resource speaker, trainer or demonstration
teacher. You also earn credit units as a panelist or reactor, facilitator or moderator. You
earn much more if you are assigned by the CPD Council to monitor the conduct of an
approved CPD program.
2. Academic track - This refers to the completion of a Master’s degree, completion of
candidacy to the doctorate program, completion of the doctorate program, completion of
a post-doctoral diploma and being a recipient of a professorial chair grant and/or
fellowship grant. Take note that ONLY COMPLETION of the master’s degree is given full
credit units of 45. Earning MA units is not given any credit unit but completion of
candidacy for the Doctorate Degree already entitles one to 45 credit units. The master’s
and doctorate degrees must have been around 5 years before renewal of professional
3. Self-directed track - this includes trainings offered by non-accredited CPD providers. It
refers to “learning activities such as online training, local or international seminars or
non-degree courses, institution or company sponsored training programs and the like
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which did not undergo CPD accreditation but may be applied for and awarded CPD units
by the respective CPD councils.
4. Productive scholarship - this means that the professional teacher has developed
training or program module, curriculum guide or any other resource material. Or the
professional teacher has written article in a professional magazine or technical or
research paper and even better if the technical papers is published in a refereed/peer-
reviewed professional journal. Best if the professional teacher writes a book or a
monograph or comes up with an invention or creative work latter entitles him or her to
45 credit units.
Even professional and/or lifetime achievement awards from the division level to regional,
national and international level make the professional teacher earn credit units.
Let us learn from the CPD practices of high performing countries like Singapore and
CPD in Singapore
Singapore is the first country in the world to adopt the PLC framework nationwide. It has
institutionalized PLC in its schools. Professional development is very much alive. In 2010 the
Ministry of Education mandated all schools to be a “learning organization”. This “learning
organization” concept of schools supports the building of a strong mentorship culture where a
collaborative and community-oriented form of professional development thrives. Every teacher
is entitled to 100 hours per year of optional training which everyone makes of. Schools are
encouraged to provide at least one hour of curricular time per week for teachers to actively
engage in school-based Professional Development (PD) initiatives. These PLCs are led by school
leaders who provide teachers with structures and resources to engage in a variety of inquiry-
based PD practices.
For PD Singapore has (1) Teacher-Research Network, (2) Lesson study and other forms
of “Learning Circles”.
In the Teacher-Researcher Networks, faculty researchers for NIE, senior specialists from
MOE, and teacher researcher including those with higher formal training in research (who are
called “research activists”) serve as mentors to teachers to conduct action research. The overall
goal of these learning communities is to provide teachers with resources to engage in action
research, which is usually a form of classroom-based investigation where teachers discuss and
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reflect upon pedagogical problems and find their own solutions to improve teaching and learning.
The teacher-researcher network follow these steps:
a. Identification and definition of a problem.
b. Planning for improvement.
c. Implementation of teaching/learning activities.
d. Observation of results (Data Collection)
e. Reflection on the outcomes.
At the completion of the research, participants write a group reflective journal to
summarize the procedures, findings, conclusions, and implications of the study. These action
research journals are shared with other groups of teachers interested in similar classroom
problems. Opportunity, like a forum, symposium and publications are given to teachers to share
their research findings.
Another effective strategy for PD in Singapore is the lesson study adapted from Japan. The
overall goal of lesson study is to foster collaborative inquiry and data driven pedagogical
reflection among teachers.
CPD in Finland
Teachers in Finland meet one afternoon each week. Jointly plan and develop curriculum. They are
encouraged to work together to share materials.
CPD in Japan
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and narrative. And/or checklist observations that focus on areas of interest to instructing teacher.
Afterwards, the group of teachers and sometimes outside educators discuss the lessons, strengths
and weaknesses, ask questions and make suggestions to improve the lesson. In some cases, the
revised lesson is given by another teacher only a few days later, and observed and discussed again.
Teachers themselves decide the theme and frequency of research lessons. Large study groups
often break up into sub groups of four to six teachers. The subgroups plan their own lessons but work
toward the same goal, and teachers from all subgroups share and comment on lessons and try to
attend the lesson and follow-up discussion. For a typical lesson study, the 10 to 15 hours of group
meetings are spread over three to four weeks.
While schools let out between 2:40 and 3:45 PM, teachers’ work days don’t end until 5:00
PM, which provides additional time for collegial work and planning. Most lesson study meetings
occurred during the arts after school lets out. The research lessons allow teachers to refine individual
lessons, consult with other teachers and get colleagues observations about their classroom practice,
reflect on their own practice, learn new content and approaches, and build a culture that emphasizes
continuous improvement and collaboration.
Some teachers also give public research lessons, which expedites the spread of best practices
across schools, allows principals, district personnel and policymakers to see how teachers are
grappling with new subject matter and goals, and gives recognition to excellent teachers.
Quality CPD demands adequate time. What is 10 to 20 hours removed from contact time
with learners’ quality time spent for CPD ultimately redounds to improve teaching for the benefit
of learners.
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Instruction: Explain the following.
2. How different is the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the Philippines from
the other foreign countries given above?
3. Why do you think CPD is important for the professionals? Elaborate your answer.
4. How would you commit to Continuing Professional Development once you become
licensed professionals?
5. Discuss the R.A. 7836 briefly. How’s this law relates to Continuing Professional
Development (CPD)?
3. Which is a proof that a professional teacher demonstrates a genuine desire for CPD?
a. Goes through CPD even if it is not required by law.
b. Do CPD for promotion
c. Go for CPD as mandated
d. Do CPD because everybody does it
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