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Smart Cities: Submitted in The Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For

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submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for

for the degree of





Roll no:R141207

Roll no:R141210

under the profound guidance of


(Ass.Professor in CIVIL ENGINEERING)


RK.VALLEY – A.P – 516330




This is to certify that the thesie entitiled SMART CITIES (submitted by )

B.NANDINI(R141207) and M.SRAVANI(R141210) is hereby approved for
submission at civil engineering department, Rajiv Gandhi Universities Of Knowledge

Head of the Department, Project Guide,


I certify that

The work made in this report has been done by us under the guidance of my
superviser.I have confirmed to the norms and guidlines given in th eethical code of
conduct of the institute .Whenever we have used materials(data,theoritcal
analysis,figures and text) from other sources,we have given due credit to them by
citing them in the text of the report and giving their details in the
reference.Further,we have taken permission from the copy right owners of the
sources,whenever necessary.

Project by,

It is a great pleasure and privilege to express our profound sense of gratitude and
deep regards to VISWANATH , M.Tech.,Ass.professor,Department of Civil
Engineering,Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies,RK Valley for her
valuable guidance,motivation and support and giving us the oppurtunity to work
under him.

We would also like to thank our Civil Engineering faculty who supported us in our

I think Mr.RAMESH DAUNDKAR KAILAS, Head of the Civil Engineering

Department,RGUKT,RK Valley for permitting to do project and encouraged us in
every effort.

Finally,we express our thanks to our parents and friends for their timely suggestions
and encouragement.
Most of the world's population today lives in cities. By 2030, the population of the cities around the
world is expected to grow from 3.3 billion to 5 billion people.

Due to resource constraints, there will be a problem in the future to

provide all the servicesto the residents. To continue to serve and improve the standard of living of
the growing population, it is necessary to develop smart cities. The Smart City aims to make
optimal and sustainable use of all resources, while maintaining an appropriate balance between
social,environmental and economic costs. In the Smart City, maximum use is made of IOT to
improve the functioning, management, and supervision of the variety of systems and services, with
an emphasis on saving energy, water, land and other natural resources.

The main categories that define smart cities include the quality of the
environment, energy,water and wastewater, transportation and traffic, information and
communication systems,quality of life, government, economics, human resources, housing and land
use, home landsecurity, and emergency preparedness. The degree of preparedness of the city for the
collapse of the municipal systems, whether as a result of state security or natural disasters,should
also be taken into account.

LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................................

Chapter 1:Abstract.......................................................................................................

Chapter 2:Introduction..............................................................................................

Chapter 3:Objectives.......................................................................

Chapter 4:Features....................................................................................................

Chapter 5:Process...............................................................................................................

Chapter 6:Case Study...............................................................................................................

Chapter 7:Conclusion...............................................................................................................

Chapter 8:References...............................................................................................................
A 'smart city' is an urban region that is highly advanced in terms of overall infrastructure,

sustainable real estate, communications and market viability. It‟s a city where information

technology is the principal infrastructure and the basis for providing essential services to

residents. It is an urban development vision to integrate information and communication

technology (ICT) and Internet of things (IoT) technology in a secure fashion to manage a

city's assets.

A smart city is promoted to use urban informatics and technology to improve the

efficiency of services. ICT allows city officials to interact directly with the community and

the city infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the city, how the city is evolving,

and how to enable a better quality of life. Through the use of sensors integrated with real-

time monitoring systems, data are collected from citizens and devices – then processed and

analysed. The information and knowledge gathered are keys to tackling inefficiency.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is used to enhance quality, performance

and interactivity of urban services, to reduce cost and resource consumption and to improve

contact between citizens and government.


● To treat cities as spaces to achieve overall devolopment agenda

● A smart city is a resilient and sustainable city that embraces economic devolopment and
liveability and social inclusion, and is:

-More competetive

-Lifts citizens out of poverty

-A great placeto live,work and play

- Environmentally friendly

● Promote the development of smart city pilot projects in cooperation among cities,centers
and companies,with a view to improving citizens quality life.

● Stimulate innovations in governments urban solutions,replicating world wide this smart city

● Evaluate the impact of smart city projects on wealth creation, job generation,environment
quality and citizens quality of life.

● Improve mobility of people and freight in an urban context with very high level information
and traffic management services, using ITS.

● Development of public/private partnerships and the experimentation of innovative ITS



Smart parking- There will be systems that will alert drivers when there is a free parking
spot.Citizens will no longer waste their time looking for a place to park and the city will be
Intelligent transport system- You probably won‟t have to wait to take advantage of this
feature.Many public transport systems are already interconnected. This allows for different public
transports to be coordinated and to provide information in real time.

Traffic management- Monitoring road systems will inform drivers about which route is best at any
given time. Also, it will automatically manage the traffic lights in order to reduce congestion to the
minimum taking into account the traffic volume at certain times of the day.

Waste management- Not all places generate the same kind or the same amount of waste.With
smart containers and a good fleet management system, the routes can be tailored to any situation.

Smart city maintenance- Citizens will now be able to rely on systems to notify the City Council of
any damages in the urban elements through their smartphones. This way things will be repaired

Tele-care- Some medical consultations will no longer be necessary. There are

monitorizationsystems for patients which keep their doctor up to date when something such as a rise
inblood pressure or sugar occurs.

Digital-signage- Urban ads will be tailored to each citizen and advertising will provide services.
Whereas now we see many concert posters around the city, in the future the customer will have the
chance to actually buy the ticket via the billboard.

What is smart city???

➔ Levereage Technology to serve the people

Smart cities are built around users

➢ They start with an information network.

➢ Design to optimize resources.

➢ And thereby promote sound,sustainable development.

To achieve success in smart city need to balance citizens aspirations with

administrative priorities:

➔ Improve air quality/Environment

➔ Disaster and emergency management

➔ Public safety and security

➔ Public transportation

➔ Wi-fi and internet connectivity

➔ Better health and welbing

➔ Better sewage and drainage system

➔ Adequate and quality water supply

➔ Space making parks

Here are few things which make city smart....

Smart poles:

➢ Telecomm antennas

➢ LED lights-for an efficient city

➢ Wi-Fi hotspots- for digitalized city

➢ Surveillance cameras-for secure city

➢ Advertisement board

➢ Public address system-for connectedcity

➢ Environment sensors-for a healthy city

➢ Emergency call boxes- for a safe city

Solid waste management:

➢ IOT based underground bins

➢ Automated and on demand bin servicing

➢ Real time weight recording

➢ Cctv based cleanliness monitoring

➢ Secure collection

➢ Better environment

➢ Cost saving

➢ Easy to install

➢ Better out look

➢ Citizen friendly waste disposal technique

Integrated bus transport system:

➢ Real time tracking of buses

➢ Panic button and video recording system
➢ ETA info dissemination at busstops


➢ Improve “Women safety”

➢ Reduction in waiting time at busstops
Traffic management -variable message display:

➢ Traffic and environment updates

➢ Administrative messages
➢ Communication to public during disaster and
normal situation
Solar power generation:

➢ Bus shelter with solar roof top

➢ Floating solar plant

➢ Floating solar or FPV(floating photovoltaic) refers to an array of solar pannels on a structure

that floats on a body of water, typically an artificial basin or a lake.
➢ This technology has had a rapid grow on the renewable energy markets.

Transformating actions -place making parks:

➢ Placemaking is a multi-faced approach to the planning, design and management of public

➢ Placemaking capatalaizes on local community's assets,inspiration, and potential, with the
-intentionof creating public spaces that promote people's health,happiness,and well being.

Smart parking:
➢ One stop assistance for citizens for their parking
➢ Enables obtain real time awareness about occupan
-cy of parking lot
➢ Provides real time location based view to citizens
about proximity and availability of parking lots

Bike sharing system:

➢ A bicycle- sharing system, public bicycle system,

or bike -share scheme is a service in which bicycles
are made available for shared used to individuals
on a short termbasis for a price or free.


• Join
• Unlock
• Ride
• Lock
• Return

• Mobile apps for internal efficiency:

Street light maintanance app:

Mobile based solution for street light maintanance and complaint resolution.

VBDC field survey and reporting app:

For the health worker for field inspection andreporting.

EMI collection:
Fecilitates the on the spot payment collection and issurance payment receipt of the EMI for the
houses allotted to economically weaker section.

Complaint redressal system

Enables to view and manage complaints from the field.

Smart grid:

➢ It is an intelligent and degitalised energy network devoloping electrocity in an optimal way

from source to consumption.
➢ An ectricity supply network that uses digital communications technology to detect and react
to local changes in usage.
➢ A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operational and energy
measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy
efficient resources.
➢ Smart grid refers to improved electricity supply chain that runs from a such as
computers,microwave ovens,wireless telephones.


• This increases efficiency and energy savings

• Enhance reliability
• Reduce peak demand
• Lower total energy consumption
• Smarter consumers

Smart drainage system:

➢ Underground drainage monitoring system using IoTsystem. And that sensor sends
information via the transmitter which is located in that area.


➢ Avoid emergencies efficiently

➢ Increase forecast accuracy
➢ Reduces leaks &bursts
➢ Lower energy costs
➢ Reduces emergency repairs
➢ Manage pressure
➢ Predict pipe failures

Making cities smart by smart ideas:

Vertical gardening:

➢ A green wall is a wall partially or completely covered with greenery that includes a
growing medium, such as soil or a substrate. Most green walls also feature an integrated
water delivery system. A green wall is also known as a living wall or vertical garden

Case study:
We have taken three cities into consideration as these cities fulfill the need
of smart cities.We have taken “Bengalore”, “surat”,”Delhi” it has certain features such as:

➔ Smart parking
➔ Intelligent transport system
➔ Traffic management
➔ smart grids
➔ waste management
➔ Smart maintanance

Underground bins in Surat

City app in Surat

Smart grids introducing in Delhi

Smart poles in Vishakapattanam

Bike sharing system in Bengalore

Vertical gardening in Bengalore


 The challenge facing the world to day is to minimize the negative effects and build the
 Infrastructure needs to be improved.
 Oppertunities should be created with in rural areas to prevent migration to cities.

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