Journey Through The Arcturian Corridor Part 1 - Google It and Download

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Journey through the Arcturian Corridor Part 1 – google it and download.

Congratulations! You have downloaded and integrated the higher frequency light into
your earth vessel and merged your personal chakras with the planetary chakras of
Gaia. Because of this, we the Arcturians have come to you to remind you of the pact that
you made with us before you took your present earth vessel. You were in your higher
dimensional SELF and preparing for the third dimensional reality of your present earth
life when you called to us, the Arcturian Collective Consciousness. You knew that this
reality would be very important, as you were volunteering to be a member of the “ground
crew” of the Planetary Ascension Team.

Feel our communications as they flow in through your crown, to be displayed on the
mind-screen of your third eye. Exude our energy down through your toes and out through
your hands and heart. Feel us emanating up from the core Gaia's Earth and down from the
edge of her atmosphere. BE ONE with our Arcturian Collective Consciousness, in your
every emotion, thought, action and emanation. See our face when you look into the
mirror. Feel our step as you walk through your life and our touch as you experience your
world. We are always with you.

Our Corridor serves not only as a gateway through which humans pass during death and
re-birth but also as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to
physicality. When you wish to sojourn beyond your solar system and experience other
systems, you will do so through our Corridor. Our Corridor contains within it the
harmonic resonance to activate the genetic restructuring that activates the memory
of your ability to travel and communicate inter- dimensionally. Since September
2002, there has been an ongoing refinement within each of you that facilitates your
ability to realize and accept that NOW is the time to commence your journey HOME
to the fifth dimension and beyond. Take a moment to compare your life now with
your life in 2002. The high frequency energies to your planet have greatly increased
since then. Hence, most of you have experienced some form of transformation.
When the higher frequency light enters your form, your personal vibration
increases. This increased vibration creates a faster spin to your chakras and your
cell bodies, all the way down to your DNA.
This increased spin throws off the lower frequencies of darkness, fear,
discomfort and disease to enable you to accept more light into your consciousness,
body and reality. Your journey through our Corridor will assist you in your process
of releasing the illusion of the polarities. It is vital that you release your attachment
to polarities, for it is these polarities that create a reality based on the illusion of
separation and limitation. At first, when you enter the fourth dimension, your
hidden inner darkness will be brought into the light of your awareness. As you enter
the fifth dimension, you will find the balance of light and dark. Then, in the sixth
dimension, you will merge the light and dark by re-writing your third/fourth
dimensional hologram. In the seventh dimension you will meet your Oversoul and
members of your great soul family. By traveling through our Corridor, you will
renew your awareness of your multidimensional nature all the way up to the
seventh dimension.
Take a long moment to breathe in the inflow of higher frequency light that is
abundant in the Corridor.

Feel your essence in both the YOU in the Corridor, As well as the YOU in your earth

Inhale the Flow of multidimensional energy and unconditional love within the
Corridor’s blue/violet mist...

Exhale this Flow to share it with your grounded self... Imagine that your grounded
self is inhaling this Flow...

From the perspective of the Corridor,
Breathe-IN the Flow of multidimensional energy...

Now, simultaneously:
FEEL yourself breathing-OUT the Flow within the Corridor... And breathing-IN the
Flow sent from the Corridor...

Now, from the perspective of your grounded self, Breathe-OUT this Flow into your
daily life...

In preparation for your entry into the Corridor, repeat as often as you can:
I am ready to activate my Lightbody!
Take a moment to examine your form. Allow your imagination to be limitless as you
release the dense boundaries of your human form and expand your body into its
true magnitude. Your Lightbody is your Merkaba, your Chariot to the Gods. Within
this form, you can easily morph into any shape you desire.

What form do you wish to inhabit, and where do you wish to travel? All reality is
yours for the choosing!
In every moment of my life,
I AM the creator of compassion and unconditional love.


Take three long, slow, deep breaths.
With each exhalation, imagine that your consciousness gets larger and larger until it
fills the room.
Take three more long, slow, deep breaths.
With each exhalation, imagine that your body gets larger and larger until it fills the

Take three more long, slow, deep breaths.

With each exhalation, imagine that you can see the spaces in between the particles
of matter of your expanded body.

Now, see the vapors of fear as they approach you.

Calmly observe them as they move past you and through the spaces between your
expanded form.

Do not attach to the fear. Simply allow it to flow through you.



When fear is no longer your enemy, you can more easily accept the love that
constantly emanates from the place “in-between” fear and love. In this manner you
can begin to remember that ALL separation is an illusion.
Be aware of the FLOW, so that you can surrender to it in every moment of your life.
When you feel the need to be very active and creative, you are in outflow. When you
feel the need to be still and reflective, you are in inflow. Do not judge where you are,
simply respect it, and respect yourself for being wherever you are, whenever you
are there.

Try going about your day with a constant recognition of your inner light. When you
are full of light, remain in outflow. When you are low on light, take a second to set
out the intention of, “I NOW accept the inflow of my greater light.” With the speed of
thought, more light will inflow into your system to guide you in your daily outflow.

About Arcturus Arcturus is a red supergiant star 36.7 light years from Earth in the
constellation of Bootes. It is the fourth brightest star in the sky, outshone only by
Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. In your language, the name Arcturus is
translated as “Guardian of the Bear” due to our nearness to the sky Bears, Ursa
Major and Ursa Minor. Arcturus was once the name used for our entire constellation
of Bootes.

Ms. Milanovich shares our important message that the most fundamental
ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is unconditional love. Negativity, fear
and guilt must be overcome and exchanged for love and light. We Arcturians work in
close connection with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation. We travel
the universe in our starships, which are some of the most advanced in the universe,
to protect and guide humanity via our telepathic transmissions to those who are
able to perceive us.

Our system of Bootes symbolizes the elder, the sage, the wise old man who is
interested in principles and underlying causes, theories, ideologies, and how the
past affects the future. Hence, Bootes constellation is associated with the Hermit in
the Tarot Deck.

Assisting Gaia We the Arcturians, as well as you, the members of the Planetary
Ascension Team, are committed to utilizing the force of Unconditional Love to assist
Gaia in fulfilling her Divine Plan to become a fifth dimensional planet of peace and love.
The beloved members of the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda and Antares, as well
as the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light, the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended
Masters, and the awakened members of Earth, have all joined together to assist Gaia in
the fulfillment of Her transformation.

Remember that the key to your personal ascension is inner peace and unconditional love,
specifically love of your physical body. Your earth vessel allows you to create your
reality with your thoughts and to feel the wondrous emotions of joy and love. We are
happy to remind you at this time that the emotions of love and joy have the ability to
calibrate your consciousness to your highest possible frequency. The experience of
unhappiness is not a response to the outside and/or inside influences, but instead, is an
indication that your consciousness has fallen into a lower resonance.

Learn to Live for Thousands of Years The Arcturians through Anara WhiteBear

We offer you a spark. Each time you generate big energy within you, this spark
ignites you in different ways. Sometimes it comes through a book you read or a
sound you hear and feel. Sometimes this spark, this ignition, comes from being by

This is a time of being ignited by the higher energies moving through your physical
body. We are not speaking of your energetic body; we are speaking of your physical
body — the physicality that you are now.

Yes, you are multidimensional, but you have this body that covers you now because
you came here to enjoy. You came here to fully experience touch, taste, smell, and
hearing. You came here to experience these things, and we want you to understand
how to experience it fully — with joy — and with the remembrance of why you
came here to be physical.

You Came Here to Feel

You came here not just to learn the experience of pain but also to experience an
ecstatic state of physicality. You came here because your skin feels. You can smell,
hear, and taste. What you have forgotten is how beautiful this is. Those in higher
realms have other ecstatic states, but physicality is a privilege to fully experience.
When you understand that being physical is a gift and not a wound, you will learn to
live for thousands of years in your physical body.

Do you hear what we said? You will learn to live for thousands of years in your
physical body once you accept this is a gift. This is beauty and joy, the sensual being
experiencing on all levels. The multidimensional being says yes to the third
dimension. It also says yes to the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth,
eleventh, and twelfth dimensions — and beyond. It does not say, “I only experience
eighth dimensional reality.” It says, “I experience all, and I am grateful for all.”

In the third dimension — that you so want to leave — you forget this is the
dimension of your physical yumminess. You doubt how beautiful it is and at times
say, “Let me leave.” No more. There will be no more saying, “Let me leave.” Say, “Let
me stay and experience more. Let me taste more, feel more, and sense more. Let me
experience in physicality all the benefits of being physical.”

You Are Always Healthy

Your body is always healthy. We say this again: Your body is always healthy. It is
your beliefs about the body that cause it to not be healthy.

The body is always whole, as you are in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and higher
dimensions. You are always whole. It is only beliefs that cause you to not be
so. Your responsibility is to remember that this body is a gift and not something to
let go of. Living thousands of years in a physical body that is healthy, when you have
learned how to benefit from all things physical, is magic.

This is magic. Each touch, smell, taste, and everything you hear: These are senses.
This is sense-uality. As you go higher in the dimensions, there are ecstatic states that
are just as beautiful, but they are different. Honor your physical body. It is just as
perfect now in the physical as it is in the spiritual. It is just as perfect in the physical
as it is in the higher realms. Your body is a lightbody. Hear again what we say: Your
body is a lightbody. The tenth, seventh, fifth, fourth, or third dimensions, they are all

Honor Your Body

Honor your body and experience its beauty. That which you were looking for, you
already have. You wish to have the highest experiences; you can do that now. You
wish to perform miracles; you can do that now. You wish to have peace on this
planet; you can have that now. But you must not say, “I wish to go to heaven.” You
must say, “This is heaven. I am an angel now, on Earth. I do not need to leave to
become an angel; I am one now. I do not need to leave this physical body to become
something else; I am all of it, now. I have a physical body to experience the
dimensional curiosity of what it is like to feel and to touch.”

When you experience everything at once, which is what happens in the higher
dimensions, it is a different experience. It is beautiful and gorgeous, but it is
different. In the third dimension, you can separate your experiences, if you choose.
You can say, “Now I am going to drink a glass of water, and I will feel it within my
body. My cells expand from the water, and I feel it. I sense that this water came from
the earth and the clouds. The water is a part of Earth’s process, and I am one with
this experience.”

You might eat a salad and say, “Someone planted a seed, and this plant grew. I am
tasting this gift, and my body experiences it.” You might hear music and understand
that someone created the music with their physical hands. They wrote the notes and
perhaps wrote about the experience of why they created it.

All these things are of great beauty. This is what you experience in the third
dimension that is different in higher realms. In higher realms, there is an experience,
but you do not taste, smell, or hear in the same way. When things are separated, you
think you want them only as one, but the truth in this experience — and the reason
you would choose to live thousands of years in a physical body — is because you
want to experience all these things.

You can live, if you choose, for thousands of years in your physical body, once you
say, “I am physical and I am happy to be physical. I am happy to be twelfth
dimensional.” Understand that you can experience all these things and that the
exquisite experience of being physical is an honor, not something to leave; it is
something to be excited about.

This month, next month, and the month after be aware that you may have an
experience that is not good for you in some way. See it as a new experience,
something different, and then move on. There is more to experience, and it is not as
important as it may seem. Allow yourself to understand that if you live in your
physical body for thousands of years, what happens in the next months means very

We are the Arcturians. We want you to join your cosmic family in understanding
how beautiful it is that you live in the physical. This is part of why we are here, to
witness you in your physicality.

Honor yourself and honor others for choosing to be here. Honor yourself for
agreeing to be physical at a time when it is not a positive thing to be physical. It is a
time when many people say, “I wish to go to heaven. I wish to be taken in a ship. I
wish to be out of this body.” You chose to experience this time when it only seemed
as if you could live thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, or maybe a hundred

Living for thousands of years is the truth, if you honor your physical body as a
lightbody. We honor you. We ask that you honor yourselves.

Anara WhiteBear opens portals to multidimensional starbeings through channeled

sound. Anara was born a sound shaman, intuitive healer, channel, and empath. She
has taught channeled classes and provided counseling for starseeds since 1999.
Anara and her husband Chris Katsaropoulos bring the highest frequencies for new
levels of spiritual knowing through their galactic mastery teachings, books, classes,
videos, and sacred sound. Find out more at

Electromagnetic Assimilation
Juliano and the Arcturians through David K. Miller

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The topic for today’s lesson is
electromagnetic assimilation, and I will be teaching you how to assimilate this
energy in order to neutralize it. Even though you receive a lot of electromagnetic
energy from your environment, you can process it in your own electromagnetic
energy field.
You are actually an electromagnetic being — a multidimensional, loving,
electromagnetic being of light. “Electromagnetic” refers to the energy fields of your
mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies. All four bodies have
electromagnetic fields, and each has a certain electromagnetic charge.

Electromagnetic energy is one of the primary sources of life. There is even

electromagnetic energy in your heart. Emotions also have an electromagnetic
charge, and so do ideas, prejudices, and belief systems. You store this energy in your
muscular system from this and other lifetimes. These experiences also carry a

I have talked about the protection of your energy fields in the past, and I have also
described in detail about how you can protect your energy field through the use of
Arcturian technologies, such as the cosmic egg, and the development of what the
Taoists call a pung energy field. (A pung energy field refers to a resiliency in your
energy field that can push back and help you reject unwanted energies.)

Not all unwanted energies can easily be pushed away. You probably have already
noticed that you are affected by what is occurring on this planet — including
polarizations, climate change, and even by cosmic energies. In addition, your energy
field is also affected by the widespread use of electromagnetic radio waves from
computers, cell phone towers, smartphones, and other electromagnetic radioactive
waves generated from a variety of sources. These sources include medical
treatments and military projects.

The military uses electromagnetic waves in the High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP) project, which is the use of high frequency auroral
radial propagation waves for shifting energies in the ionosphere. This is done for
multiple purposes. This type of project directs high frequency electromagnetic
waves into an area, and the people who live there might not even know that they are
being exposed. This is a good example of how people receive electromagnetic
energy without their knowledge.

The Prevalence of Unwanted Electromagnetic Energy

Receiving unwanted electromagnetic energy is a new experience on Earth. In other
incarnations, you did not have to deal with high levels of electromagnetic energy.
While there are many positive benefits from technological advances in the past fifty
years, receiving higher doses of electromagnetic energy is definitely a challenge for
maintaining your health, especially when a great deal of the electromagnetic energy
comes into your four bodies.

You receive electromagnetic energy below the level of your conscious mind, and you
would need heightened or expanded consciousness in order to be aware of receiving
it. Many people who are empathic and highly sensitive report that they feel this
energy being sent to them.
Recently in the state of Arizona (and probably other states), the electric company
placed new electronic meters on homes in order measure home electricity usage.
The old analog electric meters had to be personally read, which meant a meter man
came to your house and read the meter to record your usage. These new meters
transmit an electromagnetic radio reading to a source perhaps five to fifteen miles
away so that your electricity usage can be electronically reported. This might be a
good time-saving device, and perhaps it is more accurate, but the fact is that this
meter is a radio transmitter potentially interacting with your personal energy field.

Radio transmissions are sent through antennas. Antennas that are vertically
polarized radiate in an omnidirectional pattern. “Omnidirectional” means that the
radio wave is transmitted and radiated 360 degrees in all directions. Transmitters
can also use antennas that are directional as well, which means that the
electromagnetic radiation signal predominately radiates in one direction.

The electric meter transmitter on your house most likely uses an omnidirectional
antenna. This means that some of those low-powered radio waves being
transmitted toward the electric company’s receiver can also come into your house. If
that meter is close to your bedroom, you might receive those electromagnetic waves
at different times of the day or at night when you are sleeping.

I am using this example to explain that your energy field is receiving

electromagnetic energy waves from many sources. I want to be clear that the
frequency and the wattage from these electric meters is in the milliwatt range,
which means that they are extremely low power. Modern scientists believe that the
wattage from such a device is so low that exposure to this field would not be

On one level, that is a powerful argument because most people can tolerate low
levels of exposure to electromagnetic radio waves without being affected. However,
how such exposure affects you dependents on your sensitivity. If you are extremely
sensitive, exposures on a milliwattage basis might affect your aura, and it is possible
that you could feel it. In some cases, exposure might cause physical problems or
health problems. (There are shielding devices even for these electronic meters. You
do not need a complicated shield to block one-tenth of a watt.)

Also, a one-time exposure to a milliwatt can have a limited effect, but continuous
exposure on a daily basis is another matter. Your cell phone might have as little as
one-tenth of a watt of transmitting power. While I could tell you that one-tenth of a
watt is not going to hurt anything, if you are using the cell phone for three or four
hours a day, it could be harmful. I know that many of you carry your cell phones
with you and have them in continuous contact with your body. You are being
exposed to the omnidirectional radio waves that are sent from the phone to a tower.

There is not yet definitive research of harmful exposure levels to electromagnetic

radiation energy. Some research indicates that cell phone use is not a problem.
Other studies have found that continued cell phone use is harmful and may cause
brain tumors. One of the principles of electromagnetic radiation is that the closer
you are to the source, the more intense electromagnetic radiation you are receiving.

If you are holding the phone to your ear, then your brain is receiving a lot of this
electromagnetic radiation. If the phone were five or ten feet away, there is a
decrease in intensity and harmful effects to your brain. The further away you are,
the better, and there are probably special shielding devices that you could use.

I am not suggesting that you throw away your cell phone, and I am not suggesting
that we no longer use these new electronic meters. Because no matter how hard you
try, in a modern society you cannot escape the electromagnetic field of computers
and other sources continually transmitting around you. The only possibility of
blocking exposure is to live as a recluse away from society without any such device

How to Safely Assimilate and Discharge Electromagnetic Energy

The term “assimilation” can also be defined as integration, but I have used the word
“assimilation” for a specific reason. While on Earth, you will have to assimilate many
experiences into your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Since society
will continue to develop electromagnetic technology, and it is impossible to avoid it,
I will teach you how to safely assimilate this energy into your system by
strengthening your aura.

The most beneficial shape for the aura is the egg shape. Meridian lines run both
vertically and horizontally on the surface of your aura, also known as the cosmic
egg. These meridian lines go into the cosmic egg. The aura can also be filled with
pung energy. This is a special etheric and internal energy that has great resilience in
helping one protect the energy field.

The aura can expand a certain maximum distance away from the physical body. The
further it expands from the body, the more potential protection there is. For
example, if the aura is only able to expand one inch away from the body, then there
is not much protective space. The intrusion could potentially reach the physical
body. But if the aura extends eight or nine inches away from the body, then there
could be enough resiliency (or pung) in the aura to enable you to resist intrusions.
With an expanded aura, you have some extra room so that the energy will not touch
you physically.

 Star of David Energy Protection Technique

In order to safely assimilate this energy into your system, visualize your aura as a
cosmic egg. See the Star of David, which consists of intersecting triangles with six
points, in a horizontal position on top of your crown chakra in the cosmic egg. This
star has a special meaning related to divine power and protection in the Kabbalah
and Hebrew mysticism. This symbol is also a galactic symbol and signifies the
intersection of the third and fifth dimensions.
Now activate the two large intersecting triangles that represent the intersection of
the third and the fifth dimensions in you. This gives you the most powerful energy
protection and activation. You are immediately energizing and shielding your aura
and your energy field. You now have a shielding power that is far beyond what you
would normally be able to use. In fact, your ability to block harmful energy coming
toward you is increased at least 10 to 30 times. In some cases it can even be
increased 100 times.

When the Star of David is in the horizontal position and connected to your crown
chakra, it will radiate a protective electromagnetic shield through all the meridians
and throughout your aura. It also sends a healing electromagnetic, vibrational
current throughout your whole outer aura. The electromagnetic current is not like a
normal energy current. It is an interactive current with the third and fifth
dimensions. This is a quantum energy current, and even though it might be a very
low wattage, it has intense powers.

Think about this for a moment: What better way to neutralize any type of
electromagnetic force coming toward you than using a counter-quantum healing
current in your energy field? The healing current that is created by the Star of David
around your aura is the right frequency, vibration, and resonance to block most of
the harmful electromagnetic energy field that comes to you.

 The energy created by the Star of David will help you assimilate the forces
coming to you. Let me explain this. Sometimes it cannot totally block them, because
total blockage may require a different energy, and in some cases, it may require a
stronger energy than you would be able to hold. Earlier I used the example of the
electric meter on your house transmitting energy waves while you sleep. After a
while, your force field may break down.

When you are sleeping, your force field becomes more vulnerable, but the Star of
David over your crown chakra and above your cosmic egg creates this beautiful,
protective current that assimilates, resonates, and integrates any exterior current —
any exterior force — so that it becomes harmless inside your system.

The discharge of these energies is another important aspect of this aura protection
work. With assimilation, you can hold on to a certain amount of energy that is
aberrant or not especially healthy to your system, and then later you can discharge
it. Now we will practice the Star of David technique, and then I will explain how to
discharge the energy.

First, we will clear all energy. [Chants]: “Oooohhhh. Oooohhhh. Oooohhhh.” Take
three deep breaths. Command your aura to go into the shape of the cosmic egg.
Expand your aura so that it is now eight inches from your body. [Tones]: “Ta ta ta ta
ta ta ta.”
See twelve vertical lines coming down the aura from top to bottom. Then visualize
twelve horizontal lines going around your aura and body. Now visualize the Star of
David coming down horizontally and resting on top of your crown chakra. As that
Star of David comes into contact with your crown chakra, you will feel that there is
an immediate, electromagnetic charge through your whole aura.

This is a balanced and healing charge. You should also find that it is a very pleasant
charge. It assimilates all the energies into a new harmony and balance. Let us go into
meditation now as you experience the Star of David charging your aura. We will go
into silence. [Pauses.]

To the best of your ability, see this charge going through the twelve vertical lines,
the twelve horizontal lines, and the meridians. As these vertical and horizontal lines
are charged, the charged field expands around the whole aura. Next, you can make
sure all the quadrants of the aura are now carrying this charge. And with this
completed, you are now totally protected. [Chants]: “Oooohhhh. Oooohhhh.”

We have now completed the general charging of all four bodies — the mental,
emotional, physical, and spiritual. With this exercise, your energy field will be able
to assimilate external electromagnetic energies in your outer aura and the four
bodies. Now, it is necessary to release all unwanted energy, because you carry a lot
of it. Some of this energy has been stored in your aura without your knowledge.

To discharge this energy, visualize the Star of David rising five feet above your head.
As it rises, it emits this beautiful, white light. This is a healing, purification light that
acts as an etheric shower above your aura. Now, this white light washes and
cleanses your energy field of any unwanted energy. It is like taking an energetic

Remember, you can hold on to this negative electromagnetic energy or the

unwanted energy, but now you are making a conscious effort to release it. Visualize
again the cleansing white light from the Star of David five feet above your crown
chakra, washing over yourself. Now this energy is just disappearing. We can see it is
going into the ground so that Earth can absorb it. Let us go into silence again as you
visualize this process. [Pauses.]

The exercise that I just led is a general one in which all four bodies are integrated.
For more in-depth work, we recommend that you do this exercise for each of the
four bodies. I will do a separate exercise for the emotional body as an example of
how to do this with the individual energy bodies.

The emotional energy body, like the other three bodies, has an etheric
representation of itself within your aura. When I look at you with my eyes, I just see
you as one body. If it were possible for me to examine your energetic bodies, I would
see there are four bodies interwoven.
 Star of David Technique for Healing the Energetic Body

Now I want you to separate the emotional body in your mind. Visualize the
emotional body in the shape of you. Now complete the cosmic egg exercise around
the emotional body. The emotional body carries a high electromagnetic charge.
Everyone has both positive and negative emotions, and no matter how hard you try,
you will always have a lot of emotional reactions. You cannot be on this planet now
without having some strong emotional reactions.

Place the Star of David on the crown chakra of the aura of the emotional body.
Visualize twelve vertical lines and twelve horizontal lines on your cosmic egg. Now
send an electrical charge through these lines in order to protect your emotional

Raise the Star of David to a position five feet above your emotional body’s cosmic
egg, and then experience this great stream of cleansing light washing down over
your aura, helping you to discharge all the charged, polarized, and unwanted energy
that you have been carrying in your emotional body. Feel that cleansing now.
[Chants]: “Oooohhhh. Oooohhhh.”

Your emotional body is now balanced, and unwanted, negative energy is washed
away. Let the emotional body re-merge back with the other three bodies.

Heal the Electromagnetic Charge of Traumas
You are on a soul journey, and this lifetime on Earth is just a small part of your soul
journey. However, you have the task — either now or later when you are in the
other realms — to assimilate this experience. This can be a challenge because you
might be having a lot of unwanted experiences. I am sure that you knew that you
had the possibility of experiencing certain traumas
in this lifetime, and you knew that you were going to witness traumas on this planet.

There is a method of assimilating these personal and planetary experiences. I want

to speak briefly about the concept of the self from the perspective of soul
psychology. There exists in psychology the concept of the unwanted (or disowned)
part of the self. These are experiences that you have had in this lifetime or in other
lifetimes that you did not assimilate or integrate as part of you.

You have pushed those experiences away from your consciousness because you do
not want them to be part of you; they are your unwanted parts. The conscious mind
thinks that if these parts are pushed away, then they are not part of you. The same
process has occurred many times in your soul’s history; there are traumas you
experienced in past lives that you have disowned.

Through assimilation, you can integrate all these experiences, even the painful ones.
There is a method that will help you to assimilate the traumas by integrating or
releasing their charge. If you do not assimilate the energy, the charge stays with you,
and you carry it from lifetime to lifetime.

One of the great opportunities on Earth at this time is that many of you have a
starseed consciousness. You now have the mental abilities and the expanded
consciousness to assimilate — and eventually heal — all the unwanted parts of the
self. One of the great advantages of being on Earth is that you have a great
opportunity for soul assimilation and soul integration, and you can do this in a
conscious way. This ability is of major value in the third dimension.

You might also carry charges from traumatic experiences on other planets. Often the
strongest charge is carried on the emotional body. Of course, the physical, mental,
and spiritual bodies can also carry the charge.

When you are ready, you will be able to recall repressed traumatic memories from
either this or other past lifetimes. If you give permission to your mind to allow the
retrieval of these memories, then they will come up in your consciousness. This is an
opportunity for you to assimilate them because you want to integrate the disowned
parts of yourself. This is part of your ascension work.

Ultimately, this same healing technique can be used on the planet. There are many
traumatic events occurring now on planet Earth that must be integrated into global
consciousness. Integrating these events requires a much larger energy field and
greater global participation.

Blessings to you all, lightworkers around the world. Good day.

David K. Miller’s original spiritual study was the Kaballah and Jewish mysticism.
David has published many books and over one hundred articles in both American
and Australian magazines. He currently does phone readings and conducts
workshops focusing on ascension techniques, healings, and psychospiritual issues.
He also works full time as a medical social worker. To learn more about David, you
can visit his website,, or contact him directly at PO Box 4074,
Prescott, AZ 86302, 928-776-1717,or [email protected].

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