Unit 4 Food and Measurements

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Ros Wright and Bethany Cagnol

with Maria Spada Symonds

Series editor David Bonamy
dureuog p$eq rollpa sarres
spuour,(g epedg Brr?I/d qlllv\
1ou8e3 dueqtag pue lq8u6 sou
Introducing yourself to Introducing yourself to ihe Present simple of be Nursing personnel
the team p. 4 nursing staff Present simple

Reading a nursing Discussing a schedule Telling the time Hospital facilities

schedule o. 6 Prepositions of Iimei at 7 a,m.,
in the morning, etc.

Meeting patients and Meeting patients and their visitors lmperatives Family members'. mother, father,
their visitors o. 8 Asking visitors politely to do/not .^n dtttdhtdr 6t^

to do things

Escorting a patient for Esconing a patient for tests Ordinal numbers. dates Medical equipment:
tests o. 1 0 Checking that a patient feels X-ray machine, CT scanner, etc.
comfortable Blanket, trolley, walking stick,

Checking patient details Spelling a patient's name tvh- questions Patient record: surname, gender,
p.12 Checking patient details for a marital status, etc

I p"li.lt r"-l!
Describing symptoms Describing symptoms 8e + adjective Symptoms: cough, dizzy,
p.14 Asking about symptoms Fee/ + adjective earache, etc.
Have + (adjective +) noun

Assessing common Describing common childhood Adverbs of frequency Common childhood diseases:
childhood diseases p. 16 drseases rubella, mumps, meas/es

Taking a blood sample Carrying out a blood test lf you ..., let me know. Items for taking a blood sample:
p. 18 Distracting and reassuring a antiseptic wipe, cotton ball, etc
patient during a blood test

Monitoring body Taking a patient's temperature Making polite requests Thermometers: d/gital
temperature p. 20 Treating a patient with th e rmomete t d i s p osab I e
hypothermia thermometer, eic.

The patient ward p. 22 Explaining where the rooms and Prepositions of place: down, on, Pans of a patient ward: c/ean
areas in a patient ward are next to, eic. supply room, conference room,
There is/There are nurses' lounge, e|c.

Nursing duties p. 24 Explaining the ward facilities Present continuous Verbs:fill in, lookfor, consult,
Describing a busy day Present continuous for future feed, eIc.

The qualities of a Responding to a cali ljght (buzze0 Be + adjective Expressions for calming a patient
responsible nurse p. 26 Negative adjectives

Hospital food and Ordering food from a hospital AlAn, some with countable and Food and beverages: cheese
beverages p. 28 menu uncountable nouns omelette, apple juice, etc.
Like, would like

Measurements and Asking and answering questions Numbers Weights and measures: /ltres,
quantities p. 30 about a patient's diet Metric conversions calories, kilograms, etc.
How muchlHow many, much/
many wilh countable and
uncountable nouns

Helping a patient order Helping a patient order from a Asking and answering questions Verbsi breathe, chey drink,
from a hospital menu hospital menu about what to eat swailow

Assisting the patient at Encouraging and praising a Expressions of encouragement Specialised utensils: non-srp
mealtimes o. 34 patient and praise plate, two-handled cup, eIc. \
z/ d lducs orpnv
89 O selu Jeuued
c+o 'leqqeJ6'sesse/6 ]ueprser ou.rorl gg o lueprseJ euoq
'sdnluep' apouaoc isptv a!^er uollseno orPc Alreple uE 6urssassv eJec Alreple ue 6ugssessy
as,.,)exe'wod M'uapte6 suollso66ns t9'd
:serlrArlce puE serlllrcEl euiol-.1 6urleLr pue ecrnpe 0uuoJJO eOB plo lnoqe ourllEf e6E plo lnoqe oulllel
'clo 'uollnlos bulsueep 'uotde lSn/:,reuauos, pa^ourer eq llrM sernlns
:seJnlns 6ur^ourer ro] luaLUdlnbf slACuenDOS moq luerlBd E o+ ourureldx: 79 d sarnlns Oulaoueg
fuo^oce.l ur luorl€d
E ol sueddEr.l lEqM oururEldxf
fueOlns 09 d ruooJ fuenocar
urEd lnoqE 6urlsv sqlen ;e;n6e;;t :eldLuts +s€d reye luerled E uo dn Our)lcotlC eql u! lualled e ro; 6u;reg
asnelc + )eAeu
xoq s&eLts '\seu 'uollceldd plenp :uoqe'tqo 6utsserdx3 g9 d suorlcnjlsu!
eie'seAotb olqesodstp' uudv sqren re;nOer :elduls lsed lelrdsoq e ur lnoqE 6ut)llef ,qeJes olduirs 6urA!C
lo altioq 'poolq lo oqry uewpods
'cle 'sjoss/cs'edPl sellddns
Lldnoua'/{uV 6uueplo pue fuoluenu! 0u11ceq3 gg d sarlddns 6u;reprg
lecBns' ezne6 :)icols leclpolA
'JIA ,eile) t90
'uosuelxe 'e6essaw e dlel ouoqd sreqLloLlI euoqd rtq sraquieul uleel
:sosErqd pue spjoM auoqdelol eq +o eldurs lsed ureal Ll+lM ^q
6utlectunututo3 qlrm 6urlecrunuuoC
ol luerled e 6urOernocuf
luolleo E
'c+a'sjlcolq pueLl ol suorlcnrlsul reelc 6utntg
' pnoq eueueq :sluerled 6ullpueq {qnn Pue oP Zq d sluerled
pue 6urnouj -ro; lueurdrnbf illn'ol 6uo6 eq :arn+nl eLlf o1 6uro6 e.re no,( leqm 6ututeldx3 6u;lpueq pue 6utno11
+uerlEo e 09'd euoqd Aq sentlele.t
suorssardxe euoqdeqal ll!M rol seOesseur euoqdelel 6ut1e1 r,llr/t^ 6ullecrunuilrioC
uorlBcrpaur 8to
'eeoqilep'sseulzzlp :uorleclpeuJ e6eueu luetled E 6utdleH uolleclpeu qy/vl sluelled
lo slcel]e eprs uoururoc ydtw',{eyy1 slcojJe eprs elqrssod 6utute;dx3 oullslsse lslceue epls
suo!]oucselo lol suorlducsord 6urpEoU
suorlBr^ejqqE puE sural lEcrpor! uorlEcrpeur lo Acuonberl 9'
sloqLutrs lEct+eutqluv Icuenber; 1o suolsseidx3 pue e6esop eql 6uuelnclEC ,tcuenbarl pue se6esoq
'c1e'qnow ([q)
,ee (oLll otut) :selnor uollEctpey! enbuol eql
'cle 'uo\ca[u 'sdup )epun 'wls aLll uo 'tnnow /{q tt o surJo,
'elnsdec :uor+eclpaur ]o surol ,ea eql ou! :suotltsoderd uor+ecrpeur olei ol Moq 6ututeldx3 pue s€lnor uorlecrpehl
'cle'uollcnppe op louuEc/uec (lAou) uolloul 7g d sestcrexe
'uotsueJxo'uoixalJ :seslc.loxo r\ou luollPd E lBqM lnoqE 6ul)lE1 lo e6uer s,luarlEd e 6ulssessy WOH oulluauncoo
'cle lueweOe;nocue 6y'd luauebernocua
Jlnctgtp'Isea'6uo./ls :so^tlcolpv sentlcalpe o^tlElEdLuoC 6ur,uO pue sleo6 6utpeg our^rb pue sleo6 Euluos
'cle 'qsnd
' puaq' ue1t16u :]uot!o^oLlt lo sqlon sdpqil+esnelc+uet4M
'cla'd/q 'lseqc lueueAoul +uarlEd E ol 8ed
Slceq :peotl pue osjol :,{poq aql puP oceld 1o suotltsoder6 estcjaxe lo sluaueq etll 6ututBldxf peaq puE oslol:Apoq oql
'JIa'eplue te6ul ru3olr rs luUU susrurcXe g0 d slurol
'rrrP :slurol pue sqLurl :Apoq eq1 o^rleredur I op ol /\^oLl luerled e ol Fututeldxf pue squfll :Apoq oql
44- so-

Hospital food and beverages

Vocabulary 1 Work in pairs. Look at the illustrations of main dishes in this hospital menu and
complete it with the words in the box.

cheese omelette grilled salmon pizza roast chicken

spaghetti bolognaise turkey sandwich vegetable quiche

Menu GH

E ll q -Je

Work in pairs. Write the words for food and beverages in the box in the correct
group. Then add two items to each group.

apple apple juice apple pur6e banana carrots coffee cola corn
cranberry juice fruit salad mashed potatoes orange orange juice peas
peppers rice tea yoghurt

Side dishes Desserts Beverages

Compare your answers in 2 with another pair. Then add another two items to
each group.

'no[ quDqt 'o1g/'asoa1d 'saA :g ittslp apls o a4t1 no,( p1noful :V
01 sualr
"' a4I pJ :g Zlassap/asfio) utDtu no[ rc1 a4t1 no,( plnon ]DqtA :V
uoqr .paur rno.^.raprs .1ue11ed e a.re nod r i'j;'.]il."rtJi:T:Jffi:?Jr:::;
pup pooJ asooq) g luepnls dlag 'esrnu e are nort 'V luepnls 'srled ur >1.ro16 6u;1eedg
'g ur e-e sre.^asue ol g-I suorlsanb qe1e61
lelel '.vrou lq81r loN (e
n*rn"* l'::i [:
'ea;;oc a1ly p,,{aq1 (q
'eseald 'eueueq e e>lrl I (e
2ac1n[ dr.raque.tr a>111 ,r(aq1 g
- ol a{ll sJolrsrl rno,,{ plnom
e{ulrp V
- seeo 0
zuassap a>1J1 no,t plno/\{ leqlA t
- Uua{JIq) lseor nod oq Z ulo
lxau a>1r1 no.,{ plno,ry\ uaqlA I
(gx) plnom leq/\ ropJo ol eseeld eqAeu o)4ll )ol op ]JOJJOJ Oq
'xoq eq] ul spJo.ry\ aql qllr\ sJe^ sue pue suorlsenb eseql a1a1duro3 g
'pFoM t'se{ c/\ ou leew tnol rcpto ot dllt noA p1no11 'MOU lUpM e
'eseeld'eqqnb ewos oU @) Anon t yeqm Ies o1 (enrlrurlur-o; +) alil ptnon esn e/!,
'eanl ebueto dllt t,uop t lnq eqn[ etdde oU t 'relerd s{enn;e oM leqm {es o} ertrl esn eA,
afl pnort'a)M
lrnq8od EIor
qJrr!\pu€s da1tn1
tr eueueq
asreu8oloq rlleqEeds
f agrnd aldde
- tr
- I eern[ aldde -E
- - aldde - Z
aqrlnb ;o aeerd peps lrnrJ-
tr uro) -
a eeJJor -a
saolelod allolatuo asoaqr
r"i;:il - I I
- -
'atuos to uD'D eg:tM uaql 'lue,ry\ daql (s)a8era^oq pue pooJ eql
/ IJrl -=
pue nuaru lelrdsoq e uorJ poo; Eurrapro s1ua11ed ot\l 01 ualsr.I - V 6uguels;1
pue nuau I
eunl aldde ewos ,lo e, ueotu o1 (sseu e sE lsrxo leql sunou) sunou elqelunocun qltm euros esn o/,'
salooe owos ;lo loqurnu e, ueeLu ol 'sunou elqelunoc lplnld LlltM auros esn o/,'
a6ueto ue '(n'o't'e'p) loMo^ e qltM Uels leql sunou qltM ue esn o/,,
o1e1od e '(l'p'c'q'0 e) lueuosuoc e qUM Uels leql sunou Llltm e osn e/,,
'sunou olqelunoc relnDurs t4llu uele esn e/,,
Measurements and quantities Lis


We say numbers like this: | 2.45: two point four five Lat
189: onela hundred and eighty-nine
956: nine hundred and fifty-six
5,120: five thousand, one hundred and twenty
tn Jtntd,
,tr: :l€ lK
7396: seven thousand,three hundred and ninety-six
.= 2:1 a::.

Listening 1 I-isten and circle the numbers you hear.

| 160 I 116 4 1,200 I 1,300
2 190 I 119 5 80118
3 1,015 I 1,050 6 r.2s I 125

Work in pairs. Write the numbers in words. Then practise saying the numbers in
1 and 2 to your partner.
1 1,200 A
2 2,500 5 5.66
3 1.76 6 8.1 7

3 Listen to four conversations in which people talk about calories and

write the energy values.
1 calories
2 calories
3 calories
4 - calories
- the things nurses write (1-6) to what they say (a-f) and what each
Vocabulary 4 Match
measurement measures (i-iii),
What we write What we say What we measure
1ml a) kilojoule(s) i) weight
2kg b) litre(s) ii) liquids
3kJ c) calories iii) energy
4l d) kilogram(s)/kilo(s)
5g e) gram(s)
6 kcal f) millilitre(s)
5 Write sentences using the information in 4.
/{urses use millilitres to measure liquids.
Pronunciation 6 Work in pairs. Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then
Iisten, check your answers and repeat.
I kilo 4 kilojoule
2 calorie 5 kilogram
3 Iitre 6 millilitre

Metric conversions
1 fl oz (fluid ounce) = 29.574 ml 1 oz (ounce) = 28.35 g

35.195 fl oz = 1 litre (1,000 ml) 1 lb (pound) = 0.4536 kg

'suollsenb s.g ]uepnls Jel{sue 'y }uapnlg .}ea ueJ luaped eql lpql/\ ,lsruolllJ}nu eql
'y ]uepnlg >lse
ueql'0I ruorJ suralr elg asooqJ .asJnu eql a.rc nod /i\ou ,g luapnls
'1ap ppbrl 1n; e sur8aq 3u1uue11 d,r1 rale1 s,,{ep .rnog 'srrcd aues aq} ul >lJo A Zl
' "'Jo lu "' squltp ,{11onsn atts :g
z4ultp,Qlonsn 3wuuo141 stw saop "' q)nu moH :v
'suorlsenb sV luapnls ro.,vrsue ,g
's>1ur.rp/s1ea dlpnsn '3u1uuey1 da1 ,1ua11ed aq] teq.r\,lsruorlulnu e ,g
>lse uaqJ'0I uolJ suralr alg asooqJ .esrnu e are nod,V luepnls .s;red ur >1ro16
lr.r.l :lelol (oeaae17 z1 D Oge ecrnI eOuerg f-l ue
(l//o4 D Oe L dnos e1qe1e0e1 (aaooe17 z1 D Oge
! {rm E
]uoq D OE t dnos o1euol ! ]uoq D OE t Lueerc ecl
(ednc q) Llltm po1 (aoe10
- llru I ) gy7 acrnl {rrequer3 !
(odnc z1 7) 9 uowel q11rur ee1 1uoq Doqt uollrnog
! !
E) OOt (ec;) selcrsdo4 (odnc ) g eegoc >1ce;g fl
(1ru) lunouy (pu) lunoury
0u1uuv1tt1 frtl :oueu lualled
'1a1p prnbrl realr eql
;o lred lou ere ]Eqt sluelr aqt roJ t ssorr e 1n6 'srpd ur >uo A g 6u;1eed5
'8 ul uorlesJaluoJ eql asrlJe.rd 'srrcd u1
4.ro16 6
'aolnI drrequen ;o ssel8 e ur sarroleJ ggz e]e eJeq] lnq serJoleJ
oJaz eleq eel pue aeJJoJ >lJ€lq 'rele^\ :JequlerueJ 1ng .spuadap ll ,lle \ :N
ilplot ul selrolec (O rtott NS
'elqrssod se qcnu
sp >luup ol sreqlo a8e.rnolue e/$,'lur 009 ueqf a.roru lou ,s1uar1ed etuos
roC :N
Llelp slql uo dep euo ul >lurJp stuelted op (t) ,vroq os :NS
'plnbll Jo spupl luareJJrp (g) lutrp uee sluarled ,1erp prnbrl
aql loC '1arp pmbrl IInJ e uo rueql 1nd e.r\ ueql pue ,sdep aaJql ueql arou ]oN :N pue set.
;sdep - (Z) moq roC 'ees I :NS
'aldruexa ;o; 'uorle;ado ue JeUe uaql o] 1r anr8 arvr os
i(lrsea esaql lsa8gp ueJ sluerled .sprnbrl reelD Jo lerp B s.U .esrnoJ;o ,qee1 :g
- zetu ol
1r urc1dxa no,{ ue3 '1arp prnbq rcalf, eql tnoqe (1) rvrou4 t.uop I :NS
ur sJeqrun
'AuDtu pue qJnu qu/'l. uolleste^uoJ rreql
a1a1duo3 '1arp p;nb11 .reelJ aql lnoqe (11) esrnu e Euplse sl ftS) asrnu luepnls
V g
'ye1 sa5ueto luew eteql
1,uerc 'lUnOC UBC eA',
a,1ee no[ uec seldde luew nog serlrluenb lnoqe llel ol /fuew pue iuew /uoq esn oM
'ewtl qcnu eAeq Luseop eH 'lunoc l,uEc eA,,
ze^eq I uec )tlw qcnw MoH selllluenD lnoqp )ilel ol qcnw pue qcnw /lloqf esn eM
/Iu ew pc n ut' Iuew no g 1 qc nw aloH
i.pa-\rolp sr,{11ay srl J sarroleJ [uotu I tl)nw l*otferu IIe] nod ue3 V
lrelsqel osrnN 'e^eq I u€J >lllru truotu I q)nu i.l'oH t
4lueru no,,{ op eg.rnd eldde [uotu I qcnut no11 Z
;repro 1 uer acrnl aEuero 1o sassel8 [uow I tpnw lvroH I
'sJllDtl ur splo^\ lJarroJ eq] esooqJ pue up8e
tZ >lJer] ol uelsll 6u;ua1s;1
Helping a patient order from a hospital menu
Speaking 1 Work in small groups. Discuss these questions. Then present your ideas to
the class.
1 Which foods are usually given to hospital patients in your country or place
of work?
2 How much choice do patients have in your country or place of work?
Vocabulary 2 Look at these photos and complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

breathe chew drink swallow

1 People need air to . 2 your food well 3 You must lots of :::,- 3 -:'

before you it. liauids when it's hot.

Reading 3 Work in pairs. Look at this hospital menu and decide what you would like to
- - vour Partner.
order. Then tell

M enU ruesday 1 eth october

To order your meal, choose one item from each seciion.

)tarters Side dishes

. Chickensoup(D)- , Maehedpotatoee(Y)-
. Oranqe juiae (DIV) . Rice (D/v)
Main courses - . 9read roll &butEerleunflower spread (DIV)
. Grilledchickenandveget'ablee(D)- Deggeft'g -
. Beefealad(D)- . Freeh fruit ealad (DIV)
. Cheeseomelette(V)- . lae cream (DIV)
, Medif,erraneanvegeiablelasagne (D/V) ' Cherry tart (y) -
, Tomato &mozzarella salad (v) ' Yoghurt andhoney
- - (D)
Coded V = ve^etarian; D = diabelic;- 5 = soft -

Listening 4 Cherif and Lydia are ordering their dinner. Listen and write C (Cherif)
or I (Lydia) next to the food they order from the menu in 3.

5 Work in pairs. Listen again and correct these sentences. Then compare your
answers with your partner.
Cherif has problems breathing.
Cherif hos problems swallowing.
I The lasagne is made of beef, tomatoes and pasta with a cheese sauce.
2 Cherif would Iike cherry tart for dessert.
3 Lydia doesn't like vegetables.
4 She orders a cheese omelette and a bread roll with butter for the main course.
5 She would like yoghurt for dessert and a glass of orange juice for the starter.

't ur nueu eql uroJJ q)unl rapro ,{a1sa16 are no..t 'y 'reuels aql
luepnls :rapro s,dalse A a>lel 'asJnu aql ele nod zvrou 'g ]uapnls 'sa1or dezra.g Z 'esJnoJ urel
't ur nueu aql tuorJ qJunl JepJO relsoJef aJe no^ 'g luapnlg 't ur nuaur
oql tuo.IJ
repro s(AelsoJef a>leJ 'esrnu e a;e nod 'V ]uepnls 's;pd u1 1.ro16 I
leadar pue selor de.trs uaql '0I ur uoll€stoluoJ aql esllJerd 's-rred ur 11ro16
'no^ JoJ pJeJ nuetu rno^ ul puBr{ II,l 'learD :esrnN
'$lueqJ 'eseald 'rueaJ) aJI oruos e{ll p,l :ere'I ;nod a;
2dauoq pue lrnq8ort
Jo rueerJ a)r 'peles ]ruJ qsetl (9) 'as;nor ;o 'sa1 :ASJNN
tUessep 3 aABq ol pe^,\olle I tuY')O :EJU'I [1;aq3) 3
zaJrJ atuos G) :asrnN
ee^eq I ueJ leqlA :ere'I
eqslp epls e G) :asrnN
'l?ql a^eq II,l ')o 'arlu spunos leqJ :eIe'I
uaar8 pue IIoJJorq qllllr pa^Jos uo{JIqJ pallprE :esrnN(O
l,ll ul s,l€qlA'aq{e6 :ere'I
isalqela8eur pue ua{Jrqf, aql :esrnNQ)
llsa88ns nod op leq.ry\ os 'Jrleqerp tu.l :Ere'I
lere1 .{epo1 qrunl .tno,{ roJ tepto (t) :esrnN
'poolq oL1l ur re0ns
qcnu ool sr eJeql
eroLlM osPosrp
e st (cuaqerp
^ ^,r^^t^h
01 aIII pl
o1 Isee sr 1eq: 'l
pool lo slsrsuo.
Jo stol
lelp uos v
'esJnu aql
qlr,tl uorlesJaluoJ Jaq ala1duro3 't ur nuau aql uoJJ qJunl Jaq Eulrepro sl eJe.I 0t
'sselJ aql Jo lsat eql ql!v\ seapr .rno[ areduo3 'spooJ ]JaJroJ eql
ol (telp Uos) 5 apor eqt ppe pue t ur nueu aqt te {oo.I 'sdnor8 lletus ul {rol1
6 6u;qeedg
'L puP
g ur sra.v\sue rnod rleaqe pue g/ a8ed uo gz >lJEr] ro; ldprrs orpne eql le >loo-I
erp.i1 's,{ep ,lneJ }xau aql Jol }erp petf,r.r}sal e uo eJ,no^ v
;peleS ella;azzout pue otetuol aq1 ro au8esel aruos t
'af,n€s asaaqJ e pue elsed q11t s;addad pue saoleruo] z 'xoq eq
aelleletuo asaaqJ e I
) ur suorlsonb aq1 o1 slelv\sue s{asrnu eq1 e1a1duo3 L
; / pamolp / 1ea o1 I ue I yel duaqo aqt / 1 V eeeld -ro .{-r1
I /'uerrelaBe,re / os I I I 1r-qtl' I u1 I [epo1/ uer /areq t
L I p laql / s,leq,u / aperu / auEesey ayqela8ar Z o] seepl
; ,i lsa8Ens / teq,u / op / no,{ / '8uyvro11ems srualqo.rd eleq I I
'suorlsanb sluarled eql eleru o] JepJo l)eJroJ eql ul ?-I ur sprol\ aq] lnd g e6en6ue1 nu
Assisting the patient at mealtimes
Vocabulary 1 Matcn the words in the box to these definitions.

non-slip mat non-slip plate plastic apron straw two-handled cup

1 Nurses can use it to cover their clothes
2 Patients put it into a cup or glass and use it for drinking'
3 It doesn't move, so it is easier for patients to eat from it.
4 We use it to stop plates moving on the tray table.
5 Patients can hold it with both hands and drink from it.
Reading 2 Look at the title of this text. How would you help a patient to- eat?

- 9J

Assisting a patient at mealtimes

It is important to give patients help (if necessary) and encouragement at mealtimes
as good nutrition helps patients recover more quickly.
A patient is more likely to want to eat if he or she is clean, comfortable and relaxed.
Help patients to:
.go to the toilet, wash their hands and brush their teeth.
.sit upright in bed or a chair'
You should also:
o put the tray table at the right height for the patient.
. cut up food into small pieces.
. give non-slip mats and two-handled cups, etc' (if necessary).
. Sit in front of the patient and make eye contact.
. Give small portions and stop for a minute after each mouthful.
. Give a drink after each mouthful (if necessary).
It is important that patients try and eat something - even if it's just a little'
You could:
. smile and be friendly.
. say positive things about the food.

3 Read the text in 2 and choose the correct subheading for each section (A-C)
from the box.

Encouraging the patient Helping the patient to eat Preparing the patient to eat

4 Match the words in bold in the text in 2 to these definitions.

1 good
2 get better after an illness or accident
3 a type of table that people use so that they can eat in bed
4 an amount of food or drink that you put into your mouth at one time
5 food and drink lor good health and growth
6 look directly at someone at the same time as they are Iooking at you
7 sitting straight up
8 helping someone to do something

tr ,Qyr11ee eql leadar pue seloJ
dervrs ueql']uerled eql esprd pue a8ernocue o] JequleueJ pue 6 pue 9 uoJJ
suolsserdxe esn '1eetu Jaq qll^ etuy lslssy 'esJnu e are nod 'g luepnlg '7g a8ed
qo nuau plrdsoq eq] tuoJI sluell asooqJ '€[uV e;e nor{'V luepn}S 's;pd u1 4ro16 W
are / sueaq eql pu€ / 4eo1e,o x1s 1e / e.te / saolelod aql / {rolJ,o ellaal l3
. 'a1e1d aqt uo pooJ puu lueped
aq1 dlaq o1 uolssa;dxa InJesn 3 e>letu ol repJo lJeJlo) eql ul spJolv\ eql ]nd e t
'eseal-lJ ro llnJJ e>lll l,useop eqs 'uollEJedo luauraceldar
drq e rage lelp llos e uo sl aqg 'pe;pdut d1pns4 sr '97 'r4a[apeg e[uy
apnF asEJ
esatullleelu le lualled
aq1 dlaq 01 op esJnu e plnoc teql6 ,{pnls as") slql peag 'sdnor8 leus ul >lro A 6u;1eedg
's3sn esrnu aql luaua8eJnotua pue esp-td 1o suotssa'rdxa
eql I1e eullrepun pue up8e 91-91 sa8ed uo gZ >l)e4 rol ldgls olpne al{l le {oo'I tt
;s1ua11ed asprd
ol pesn eJ€ qf,lqlA ls1ueg1ed a8e;noeua ol pesn ele I ul suolsserdxa qJIqA\ 0 t
(a / d U"' eroru eplll €,tr11sn[nod ue3 V
(a / A) 'poo8 s,1eq1 S
(a / A) 'euop IIe Z I
(a / A) e"' el]]ll e ,{.41sn[ no,t p1no3 I
;raq/ur1q ($ asmtd ro lue[ed e @l a&otnoJua ol pesn suolsse.rdxe aseql a;y 6 e6en6uel
'pooJ aql lnoqe sdes esJnu aql arr111sod Eulqlaruos
;o aldurexa u€ pug pue gZ-gZ se8ed uo gZ {rerl ro; }dpcs olpne eql }P {oo'I I
elea o] ro1del sr141 a8ernorue esrnu eql saop rvroH V
el€e 01 luervr.ro1de; s.r61 l,usaop ,{q16 t
i8ullea ro1fe1 srIAtr sl leqlA Z
;raq dleq ol esrnu eql 1u3-.vr ro1^{e1 sr6 seop dq16 I
'suollsenb aseql Je^\sue pue up8e uelsl'I 's;pd u1 >1ro16
iolelod lsnf g
s,leqJ, g
lae1n[ a8uero lnoqe rvroH V
'ile/v\ - aJ.no t
laeln[ e8ue.ro ;nod roJ a411 nod ppolY\ Z
- e>11 nod pFo \ I
;,{epo1 leaur rno,t Hllm
- 'suorssardxe asaql
alaldruoe pue uelsl'I ro1de1 s.t11 Euldlaq sl -
ileq6 elned asrnN 9
;Eugop esrnu aqt sl leq1yoloqd eqlle {ool I 6u1ue1s11

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