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Cultural Crossroads Key: UK 1 Family and Relationships

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Cultural Crossroads Key

UK In Ukraine teenagers like to go on social media, surf

the Net, play sports like football or read. Young adults
1 Family and Relationships
like to hang out at the local malls where they can go to
1 Suggested Answer Key the cinema, a swimming pool or go to cafes to chat
I am Oksana and I am 14 years old. I have a big with their friends over a cup of tea or coffee. Older
family. My dad, Bohdan, is 40 years old and my people like to go for walks in the countryside or watch
mum, Nataliia, is 35 years old. They are teachers. I TV.
have two older brothers, Pavlo and Vasyl. Pavlo is 17
and Vasyl is 15. My grandpa, Yurii, is 70 years old 2 b) Answer Key
and my grandma, Hanna, is 65 years old. 1 Using social media.
2 Watch TV.
2 b) Answer Key 3 Books that continue through series, because
1 F 2 T 3 T 4 DS 5 DS they are good stories.
4 Football video games and driving video
3 Answer Key
1 important, biological, 2 type
3 Answer Key
reason 3 charity
1 place 3 leisure 5 age 7 console
2 spare 4 social 6 indoor 8 years
4 Suggested Answer Key
Average Family – One or two children. More people 5 Suggested Answer Key
having only one child. Big families stay the same.
Typical teenagers in Ukraine spend their free time in
Single-parent Families – more than in any other
lots of different ways. They like to hang out at their
country. Lots of charities to help them.
friends’ houses and play computer games. Watching
Foster Families – for children who can’t be with their
TV is not very popular any more but using social
biological parents. Have many foster-brothers and
media websites like Facebook and Twitter is on the
top of the list. Teenagers also like to do lots of
In the UK the average family has one or two children.
different sports like football and volleyball.
However, this is changing and more people are
choosing to only have one child. The number of
people who have big families has stayed the same 6 (Ss’ own answers)
though. There are also more single-parent families
than anywhere else in Europe, but there are lots of 3 Traditional Food
charities to help them out. Foster families are when
children can’t live with their biological parents for 1 Suggested Answer Key
some reason. They sometimes end up having lots of I know that in Britain lots of people eat fish and chips
foster brothers and sisters. for dinner and that roast beef is very popular. I have
tried fish and chips before, but I didn’t like it because
5 (Ss’ own answers) it was too salty.

2 b) Answer Key
2 Free-time Activities
1 very late
1 Suggested Answer Key 2 it is too unhealthy
- social media 3 Sunday roast and Yorkshire pudding
- play soccer 4 warms your body
- go to cafés 5 lamb mince in gravy and a layer of mashed
- go for walks potato

3 Answer Key
1 treat 3 pudding 5 feed
2 mushy 4 layer

Cultural Crossroads Key
4 Suggested Answer Key 5 Destination Points
When why 1 Suggested Answer Key
what foods it
people people The cities I know in the UK are London and
eat it eat it Edinburgh. London is the capital of England and
Fried potatoes, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. They are both
fried white fish, very old and beautiful cities.
Fish & Too tired Want a
salt, vinegar,
chips to cook treat
ketchup, 2 b) Answer Key
mushy peas 1 The stone is the colour of honey.
Beef, lamb, 2 Writing about people in the region.
pork, chicken, 3 From the centre for bathing.
Sunday potatoes, Sunday 4 Battles were fought nearby.
roasts vegetables, lunchtime 5 Frightened.
gravy, Yorkshire 6 It was built in the shipyards there.
Lamb mince, 3 Answer Key
To warm
Shepherd’s gravy, mashed (school) 1 impressive 3 stone 5 typical
pie potatoes, lunchtime 2 industry 4 hero
carrot, peas
4 Answer Key

5 (Ss’ own answers) Affirmative –You’ll see the most impressive 18th
century houses in Britain, you’ll have the chance to visit
a museum, you’ll also see a typical home, you’ll love
4 The British Climate
your visit to Bath, will teach you so much, you’ll see
1 Suggested Answer Key what kind of lives, we’ll visit the jail, you’ll be amazed
I know that the weather in Britain is rainy and cold. I how beautiful they are, you’ll love Belfast at night.
would like to know if it ever gets sunny, how cold it Negative – you won’t regret visiting this amazing city!
gets in winter and where the rainiest place is. Questions – Will you join us on our tour of Britain?

2 b) Answer Key 5 Answer Key

1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 DS 1 ’ll/will help – on-the-spot decision
2 ‘ll/will miss – a prediction
3 Answer Key 3 ’ll/will travel – a certain future action/situation
4 ’ll/will come – on the spot decision
1 common 3 predict 5 holidays
5 ’ll/will love – a prediction
2 characteristic 4 damp
6 ’ll/will stop – a prediction
4 Suggested Answer Key
6 (Ss’ own answers)
2 The rain in the UK comes from Wales. (F)
3 Lots of snow falls in January. (F)
7 (Ss’ own answers)
4 British people like going on holiday to Spain. (T)
5 The wettest city in the UK is Manchester. (T)
6 Bognor Regis gets over 1000 hours of sunshine. 6 Travelling Through the UK
(T) 1 Suggested Answer Key
7 There are 140 rainy days a year in London. (F)
My favourite way to travel around my town is by
8 Snow doesn’t last long on the ground. (T)
bicycle because you can see the countryside and
9 Wales does not get a lot of rain. (F)
smell the clean air. I like to take trains between towns
10 In the summer the temperature often gets above
and cities because it is fast and comfortable.
30 degrees. (F)
2 b) Answer Key
5 (Ss’ own answers)
1 F 2 DS 3 T 4 T 5 T

Cultural Crossroads Key
3 Answer Key 4 Answer Key
1 services 4 value 7 wild (Necessity/Rule) you only have to buy it once, drivers
2 night 5 companies 8 centres have to pay a charge, you have to use an Oyster
3 business 6 spectacular card, they have to take a very difficult test, Black cab
drivers must know thousands of streets
4 Answer Key (Strong advice) you should get an Oyster card
Ability – can travel from city centres to suburbs, you (Not allowed) cars mustn’t use them, you can’t use cash
can find one in the street, you can’t see anything but (Possible/Allowed)they can take a bike from any
motorways, you can see some beautiful scenery. docking station, you can decide how much money
Possibility – it may be cheaper to fly, your train ticket to put on your card
could be very expensive
Advice – you could use a taxi, you should get a 5 Answer Key
business card, you should buy a ticket. 1 mustn’t 4 can
2 have to 5 must
5 Answer Key 3 don’t have to 6 don’t have to
1 might 3 could/might 5 can’t
2 should 4 may 6 shouldn’t 6 Answer Key
1 You mustn’t ride bikes on the pavement.
6 Suggested Answer Key 2 You can’t park here.
3 You can buy bus tour tickets here.
You can catch a taxi if you’re in a hurry.
4 You don’t have to pay to enter the museum.
You should get a business card from a taxi office if
5 You must remember to stamp your ticket when
you see one.
you get on the bus.
Coach journeys can be long and boring.
You can see beautiful scenery from trains.
7 Suggested Answer Key
Tickets for a train could cost a lot of money.
You should buy tickets in advance to save money. I remember that the London Underground is called ‘the
Tube’ and that it is the fastest way to get around
7 (Ss’ own answers) London. I remember that taxi drivers have to take a
difficult test and that new London buses use electricity.

7 Travelling in London 8 (Ss’ own answers)

1 Suggested Answer Key
My favourite type of public transport is the bus 8 Life in the Countryside
because it is cheap and it is convenient because it 1 Suggested Answer Key
stops by my house. My least favourite form of public
S1: I think that there are lots of things to do in the
transport is taxis because they are so expensive.
countryside. You can go fishing, go cycling or go
2 a) Answer Key
S2: That’s true, but there are no shops or places for
get somewhere fast = The Tube/Underground young people to hang out. Also the public
pay nothing = bike transport is not very good.
meet a Londoner = taxi S1: I agree, it can be difficult to get anywhere else. But
avoid heavy traffic = bus a positive effect of this is that there is no pollution.
S2: Yes, you’re right. It is very peaceful and quiet in
2 b) Answer Key the countryside as well.
1 The fastest 4 cash
2 an Oyster card 5 the quickest routes 2 b) Answer Key
3 pay a charge 6 30 minutes 1 a daytime bus service
2 lonely
3 Answer Key 3 cycle
1 hand rail 3 knowledge 5 chat 4 village halls
2 traffic 4 payment 5 to spend time socialising online

Cultural Crossroads Key
3 Answer Key . 4 a) Suggested Answer Key
1 socialise, performances 3 fresh B: Yes it is, lots of people go to Kamianets-
2 youth, activities 4 remote Podilskyi to try it.
A: Why do they go there?
4 (Ss’ own answers) B: Because the bridge is very high and there is a
long fall.
5 (Ss’ own answers) A: Did you have to take any safety measures?
B: Yes, I joined a bungee jumping association who
gave me lots of good advice and safety tips.
9 Special Times of Year
A: Would you like to try it again?
1 b) 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 DS 5 DS 6 F B: Oh definitely, it was the most fun I’ve ever had.
I think I’ll do it again soon.
2 Answer Key A: Well, it was great talking to you, thanks for
1 knock on 3 go out coming in.
2 vampire 4 last B: You’re welcome!

3 Suggested Answer Key 4 b) (Ss’ own answers)

1 When do people eat a meal at Christmas? (In the
middle of the day) 5 (Ss’ own answers)
2 When is the longest weekend of the year? (Easter
weekend) 2 Where I Live
3 What is traditional Easter food? (Hot cross buns
1 Suggested Answer Key
and chocolate eggs)
4 When is Halloween? (The 31st of October) My hometown is Lviv. It is famous because it used to be
5 What do children say at Halloween? (Trick or treat) the capital of Gallicia and is has lots of important
buildings. It is hundreds of years old and it even used to
4 (Ss’ own answers) be a part of Poland! I like it because it is a very beautiful
city and there are lots of fun things to see and do there.
2 Suggested Answer Key
1 Extreme Sports I know that Vinnytsia is a city in the centre of Ukraine
1 Answer Key and that it is on the Southern Buh river. I would like
Extreme sports – skiing, mountain biking, climbing, to know when it was founded, if any famous people
bungee jumping, rafting, parachuting ever lived there and what there is to do there.

2 b) Answer Key 3 a) Answer Key

1 There are rocks with smooth stones for 1 situated 4 attractions

professional climbers and easy climbing 2 business 5 radio equipment
routes for beginners. 3 banks 6 attract
2 Teenagers and young adults.
3 The bridge is 54 metres high and the falling 3 b) Answer Key
time is 4 seconds. 1 settlement 5 parts 9 underwater
4 By joining a club or bungee jumping 2 banks 6 materials 10 destination
association. 3 olden 7 soil
5 Sit around a fire, play the guitar and sing. 4 main 8 musical
6 Anyone over the age of 15.
4 Suggested Answer Key
3 Answer Key A tourist in Vinnytsia can see churches, cathedrals and
1 professional 4 beginner the house of Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi. There is also a
2 upside down 5 brave new 3D digital musical fountain that has underwater
3 training session lights and produces images. There is lots to do in the
area. Tourists can walk along the quiet streets and
green parks and go fishing in the many rivers.
Cultural Crossroads Key
5 (Ss’ own answers) 4 Answer Key
1 versions, fillings 3 top
3 School 2 produce 4 household
1 Suggested Answer Key
5 Answer Key
The thing that I like most about school is science
1 course 5 saying 9 minced
class, because I like to do experiments and I think
2 healing 6 mix 10 served
it’s very interesting. The thing I like least is maths
3 colds 7 mashed 11 refreshing
class because I find it very difficult.
4 secret 8 onions 12 dried
2 Suggested Answer Key
6 Answer Key
I expect to learn about Liuda’s school and what it is
like to go there. How and/or
What it’s made
when it’s
3 Answer Key eaten/drunk
1 D 2 F 3 A 4 C 5 E Beetroot, up to Hot or cold,
Borshch 20 other breakfast or
4 Answer Key ingredients lunch
1 in charge of 3 window sill 5 fair Dough, mashed
2 respect 4 marks 6 last potatoes, Served with sour
Varenyky mushrooms, cream and honey
5 Suggested Answer Key onions, cabbage, for dessert
A: Where do you go to school? meat, cherries
B: I go to School Number 22. Dried fruits,
A: When does it start? apples, pears,
Uzvar Christmas dinner
B: It starts at 8 in the morning. apricots, raisins,
A: How many lessons do you have a day? honey
B: Five or six.
A: How many terms are there in a year?
5 Special People
B: Four, two in each semester.
A: How old is the school? 1 Suggested Answer Key
B: It is ten years old. It is difficult to buy clothes and shoes that fit me and
A: What is your teacher like? most of the furniture is too small for me to sit on.
B: He’s smart and kind and very fair. He takes us on When I go to school I bump my head on the door
trips to lots of different places. frame and other people laugh at me.
A: Do you like going to school?
B: Yes, I like to see my friends and I really like to study. 3 Answer Key
1 T 2 F 3 DS 4 F 5 DS 6 T
6 (Ss’ own answers)
4 Answer Key
4 Food 1 helpful 3 specially made 5 palm
1 Suggested Answer Key 2 qualified 4 smart
My favourite food is pizza, but we don’t eat it in my
house very often because it’s unhealthy. My least 5 Suggested Answer Key
favourite food is tomatoes but luckily my mum He was the world’s tallest man. He was from the
doesn’t buy them often. Zhytomyr region. He had the longest palms in the
world. He lived with his mother and his clothes were
3 Answer Key all specially made for him. He was very friendly and
1 V 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 U he was a qualified vet.

6 (Ss’ own answers)

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