Optimization of Decarbonization On Steel Industry
Optimization of Decarbonization On Steel Industry
Optimization of Decarbonization On Steel Industry
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The iron and steel industry relies significantly on primary energy, and is one of the largest energy
Received 13 December 2019 consumers in the manufacturing sector. Simultaneously, numerous waste heat is lost and discharged
Received in revised form directly into the environment in the process of steel production. Thus considering conservation of en-
20 June 2020
ergy, energy-efficient improvement should be a holistic target for iron and steel industry. The research
Accepted 22 June 2020
Available online 17 July 2020
gap is that almost all the review studies focus on the primary energy saving measures in iron and steel
industry whereas few work summarize the secondary energy saving technologies together with former
Handling editor: Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemes methods. The objective of this paper is to develop the concept of mass-thermal network optimization in
iron and steel industry, which unrolls a comprehensive map to consider current energy conservation
Keywords: technologies and low grade heat recovery technologies from an overall situation. By presenting an
Iron and steel industry overarching energy consumption in the iron and steel industry, energy saving potentials are presented to
Energy saving identify suitable technologies by using mass-thermal network optimization. Case studies and demon-
Low grade heat recovery stration projects around the world are also summarized. The general guideline is figured out for the
Mass-thermal network
energy optimization in iron and steel industry while the improved mathematical models are regarded as
the future challenge.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Description of iron and steel industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1. Iron and steel metallurgical routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2. Overarching energy use in iron and steel industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Efficient technologies for primary energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1. Changes of the incoming flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1.1. Fuel substitution technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1.2. Pretreatment of feedstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2. Improved process design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.1. Parameter control technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.2. Energy-efficient devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3. Outgoing flow utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3.1. Utilization of slag and dust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3.2. By-product gas recovery and conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4. Efficient technologies for secondary energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1. Utilization of by-product for waste heat recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.1. Slag thermal utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.2. By-product gas for thermal utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
0959-6526/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
2 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
1. Introduction losses (Gonzalez Hernandez et al., 2018b). With rapidly rising price
of primary energy, it is quite significant to further improve energy
Iron and steel production is considered as a key index of national efficiency which could reduce fossil fuel consumption and global
prosperity and plays a leading role in the world economy. The CO2 emissions in iron and steel industry (Siitonen et al., 2010; En
sector employs high temperature furnaces for iron and steel pro- et al., 2014). Various energy saving technologies/measures are
duction, which has become the second largest energy consumer in adopted to reduce usage of primary energy in steel plant. These
industry (Department of Energy, 2008). Driven by increases in potential improvements include composition regulation of
crude steel production, the sector’s energy consumption grew by incoming energy flows, adjustment of energy-related processes,
6.2% annually from 2000 to 2011 (IEA, 2014). Besides, carbon di- and utilization of outgoing flows in the iron and steel industry
oxide (CO2) emissions from plants of iron and steel account for the (Johansson and So €derstro € m, 2011). Although the efficient energy
highest proportion of about 27% in manufacturing sector (IEA, utilization has been partially achieved by various researches during
2007). Iron and steel has achieved considerable improvements in the past decades, the average efficiency has not been substantially
recent decades, however, it still reveals great potentials to further increased (IEA, 2007). In the future, the deployment of energy
reduce energy use and CO2 emissions by about 20%, i.e. saving 4.7 EJ saving technologies is still critical for iron and steel making
of energy and 350 Mt of CO2 (Ma et al., 2012; Ouyang and Lin, 2015). (Hasanbeigi et al., 2014). These technologies ultimately aim to
These improvements could be achieved by saving energy during or reduce the energy demands in iron and steel industry and they
after the manufacturing processes. Accordingly, primary energy should be optimized based on a mass network.
and secondary energy will be illustrated based on the mass Recovery of secondary energy is the other considerable energy
network and thermal network for further optimization. saving option. The secondary energy in iron and steel enterprises is
Considering primary energy, most of fossil fuels are consumed mainly composed of by-products (Zhao et al., 2017) and waste heat
in the iron and steel production processes where the coking coal (Jouhara et al., 2018). A large amount of outgoing excess gases such
has a major proportion of energy use (Sarna, 2014). In 2017, three as coke oven gas (COG), blast furnace gas (BFG) and Linz-Donawitz
quarters of energy use in iron and steel industry comes from coal gas (LDG) are generated from steelworks (Zhang et al., 2010), which
(IEA, 2019). Furthermore, the actual resource efficiency of global account for approximately 30% of total energy consumption in steel
steel production is only 32.9% due to a large number of energy enterprises (Zhao et al., 2017). These resources could be efficiently
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 3
used as fuel or to generate power and heat (He and Wang, 2017). refrigeration could be generally classified into absorption (Ullah
BFG with high pressure is recycled to generate electricity through et al., 2013), adsorption (Askalany et al., 2017), and thermoelectric
top pressure recovery turbine (TRT) technology (Johansson and refrigeration (Pietrzyk et al., 2016) which could meet cooling de-
€ m, 2011). There is great interest in reusing these gases mands for office building in steel mill. It is extensively acknowl-
to synthesize high-added value products e.g. COG as a potential edged that the demands for waste heat recovery technologies
feedstock for H2 separation, CH4 enrichment and methanol pro- should not only supply the heat but also work as power, refriger-
duction (Uribe-Soto et al., 2017; Xu, J. et al., 2018). It is evident that ation and energy storage in a district. The integration of various
by-product gas or slag is the medium that could either be directed energy types should be taken into account when each kind of
used or transferred into thermal energy which belong to mass or/ technology is ensured. The utilization and selection of technologies
and thermal network. are quite complicated if various heat sources and different demands
With regard to waste heat in the steel mills, currently only about are required to be satisfied (Konstantelos and Strbac, 2018). It is
25% of residual heat is recovered by a few commercial technologies demonstrated that high-quality integration of different technolo-
(Jouhara et al., 2017). Thus further improving the energy efficiency gies should be accomplished to realize high efficient use of indus-
of waste heat utilization is still of great value. Various thermal trial waste heat through thermal network utilization, which
conversion technologies could be good candidates in terms of heat includes heating, power generation, cooling, energy storage and
supply/storage, power generation and refrigeration. Heat supply transportation (Ayele et al., 2018).
and storage could be achieved by heat exchanger and storage From previous work, the energy saving in iron and steel industry
reactor. Heat exchangers are most commonly used to transfer heat mainly concentrates on the primary energy in terms of different
from combustion exhaust gases to the other place where the heat is operation processes. It could provide more insights if the primary
needed (Ma et al., 2017). The common thermal driven power gen- and secondary energy saving technologies could be effectively
eration cycles are Rankine cycle, organic Rankine cycle (ORC) related and optimized as a network. In this paper, the concept of
(Ramirez et al., 2017), Kalina cycle (KC) (Wang et al., 2017), ther- mass-thermal network optimization in iron and steel industry is
moelectric cycle (Zare and Palideh, 2018) and so on. Thermal driven presented and summarized. Essentially, mass network
Fig. 1. Roadmap of efficient use of energy in iron and steel industry (a) main concepts; (b) general summarization.
4 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
Fig. 2. Iron and steel production routes, adapted from references (Industrial Efficiency Technology Database; Uribe-Soto et al., 2017).
optimization lies in the reduction of demands whereas thermal steel making processes. Sintering and pelletizing are two main
network optimization relies on the supply sides for energy savings processes. They are related with treatment of iron ores and min-
which are dependent and independent. The general guideline of erals that will be used for subsequent iron making in BF (Jamison
optimized mass-thermal network in iron and steel industry is et al., 2015). Coke is a necessary raw material used in the BF,
finally summarized which may achieve an energy saving target which is a chemical reductant and a permeable support to allow
from an overall perspective. To further clarify the framework of this gases through the furnace (Worrell et al., 2010). In the iron making
paper, the concerning roadmap of efficient use of primary and process, coke is reacted with the sinter or pellet ore in the BF, which
secondary energy is indicated in Fig. 1, in which Fig. 1a represents results in molten iron product i.e. pig iron (Jamison et al., 2015). The
main concepts of energy, improvements and mass/thermal opti- carbon impurities and concentration of alloying elements of iron
mization while Fig. 1b generally summarizes and clarify their product are removed in the BOF process. Open hearth furnace is an
classifications for the readers. energy-intensive steel making technology and has nearly been
phased out (Quader et al., 2015). Direct reduction and smelting
2. Description of iron and steel industry reduction are two technologies that offer alternatives to BF-BOF for
iron making. Two processes could not consider the demand for the
energy-intensive products, i.e. coke and sinter (Worrell et al., 2010).
The iron from the direct reduction route is fed into the electric arc
furnace (EAF) steel making process.
In the secondary route i.e. EAF, the recycled steel scrap is melted
by using high power electric arcs. Since there is no raw material
preparation and iron making steps, EAF has much lower energy
consumption (Worrell et al., 2007). For the long-term perspective,
substituting BOF steel making with EAF is a reasonable solution to
energy conservation and cost control. Although plenty of the
electricity used for EAF may be supported by coal-fired power
plants, iron and steel industry will be less dependent on coal due to
the reduction in BF-BOF production, which contributes to lower
energy intensity and greenhouse gas emissions (Energy
Information Administration, 2016).
After steel production, the process is followed by continuous
casting production and rolling. The molten steel will be transferred
to the continuous caster where the semi-finished steel products are
formed. Before entering the market, most steel products are further
processed to form final shapes in the rolling mills. Rolling mills
consume electricity and fossil fuels in furnaces which are used to Fig. 5. Energy input of main steel producing countries in 2015 (IEA, 2015).
reheat the steel before rolling (Hasanbeigi, 2013). Finishing is the
final production step that includes different processes which are
annealing, pickling, and surface treatment (Price et al., 2002). industrialized economy supplies a large scrap steel for EAF steel
making in United States. Since India is rich in coal resource and has
limited source of natural gas, coal-based DRI is a leading way to
2.2. Overarching energy use in iron and steel industry supply the feedstock for EAF (Morrow et al., 2014). In other coun-
tries, their use of electricity or natural gas is nearly related to the
Global crude steel production climbs with the increase of the share of EAF steel production.
demands, which has grown by seven times since 1950 and it is In 2015, the aggregated global energy intensity dropped slightly
expected to increase by 1.5 times before 2050 (World Steel to 20.9 GJ$t1 crude steel from 21.1 GJ$t1 in 2010 (IEA, 2019).
Association, 2012). As shown in Fig. 3, developing countries in Considering main production processes, energy use by BF-BOF
Asia e.g. China and India account for major proportion of this route is estimated as 18.7 GJ$t1 crude steel. The typical energy
growth. Inevitably, the continuous increase in steel production and consumption of DRI-EAF pathway is about 22.4 GJ$t1 crude steel.
consumption will bring about an increase in the industry’s energy The energy intensity of smelting reduction to BOF processes is
use (Hasanbeigi, 2013). about 21.4 GJ$t1 crude steel. The scrap-based EAF has the lowest
In 2017, the total energy demand of iron and steel sector grew to energy footprint of 6.7 GJ$t1 crude steel. By adopting best available
33.44 EJ, which accounted for 21.4% of final energy consumption of technology, energy performance levels worldwide in all steel pro-
the world industry (IEA, 2017). The proportions by using fuels in duction routes would save 9 EJ per year (IEA, 2017).
world iron and steel sectors are presented in Fig. 4. It is indicated Energy efficiency policies of iron and steel industry have led to
that coal serves as the primary fuel to generate coke and power, the partial retrofit of existing furnaces with energy-efficient
which accounts for the largest part (around 75%) (He and Wang, equipment. The iron and steel sector still has vast technical po-
2017; IEA, 2017); 9% of the final energy is consumed by natural tentials to further reduce energy consumption by around 20% (IEA,
gas which can effectively power the process especially in the direct 2012). Fig. 6 presents the estimated energy saving potentials based
reduced iron (DRI) production; the rest of energy consumption on current production capacities and technologies. The average
comes from secondary energy i.e. electricity (12%), heat (3%), and global energy saving potential is 4.3 GJ$t1 crude steel and China
other fuel gas and oil products. accounts for 70% of potential energy savings. Most of this potential
Fig. 5 indicates the energy input of main steel producing coun- could be realized by improving BF and steel finishing processes as
tries. It is noted that different countries have different energy dis- well as recycling steelworks by-product gases. Electricity produc-
tributions in the steel production routes. The iron and steel industry tion from BFG offers an important opportunity for steel plant to
in China consumes the most fossil fuel i.e. coal and produces 94.1% maximize the usage of input fuels (IEA, 2014).
of crude steel through the BOF route. Comparably, crude steel
production in United States mostly adopts EAF steel making route
(62.7%) and natural gas (53.98%). This is mainly because mature and
3. Efficient technologies for primary energy
Fig. 6. Energy saving potentials for iron and steel industry based on best available technologies (published in 2014) (IEA, 2014).
3.1. Changes of the incoming flows To reduce expensive coke consumption and CO2 emission in
coke making process, pulverized coal injection (PCI) has been
The direct input of raw materials and energy for each process widely used as the auxiliary fuel in the BF process. Finely ground
and facility are included in the incoming flows of iron and steel re as a partial
dried coal is injected with gas into BF through the tuye
industry. Energy saving technologies for incoming processes replacement for the coke (New Energy and Industrial Techonology
mainly refer to energy substitution and pretreatment of feedstock, Development Organization, 2008), which will decrease the coke
which generally tend to reduce consumption of fossil fuels and raw ratio of the BF and improve the net energy efficiency (Oda et al.,
materials. Energy substitution aims to replace fossil fuels with 2007). Similar to PCI, natural gas injection could substitute part of
cleaner energy and to increase the share of renewable resources coke, but it is typically applicable to medium-sized furnaces which
(Wang and Lin, 2017). Pretreatment of feedstock is considered as a usually have an annual production rate of 1.4e2.5 million tons of
good way to enhance productivity of each plant. iron (Jones, 2012). Besides, natural gas and pulverized coal can be
simultaneously injected into BF tuye res by using a combined fuel
3.1.1. Fuel substitution technologies lance (Majeski et al., 2015). The injection of oils and waste oil is
The consumption of coal-dominated energy in the iron and steel beneficial, which is similar with the natural gas injection. The
industry has undermined sustainable development (Wang and Lin, amount of injected oil is within the range of 65e130 kg$t1 HM
2017). The energy sources of steel production processes needs to (European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau,
shift from coal to natural gas, hydrogen, electricity, biomass and so 2010). It is desirable to reuse waste plastics for the better utiliza-
on. (Fujii and Managi, 2013). Various approaches are summarized tion of energy resources due to their higher heating values and
and presented in Fig. 7. It is demonstrated that iron and steel pro- higher H2 contents when comparing those with coal (Chu et al.,
duction has been gradually decarbonized by reducing the use of 2004). The maximum level for plastic injection at the tuye res
coal, which would be partially replaced by natural gas, oil, plastic
level could reach 70 kg$t1 HM (European Integrated Pollution
waste, hydrogen, electricity, integration with CO2 capture, utiliza-
Prevention and Control Bureau, 2010). H2 can react with iron ore
tion and storage technology and sustainable biomass technology
to achieve reducing coke and above alternative reducing agents in
(Sadoway, 2008; Birat, 2010).
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 7
Table 1
List of representative fuel substitution technologies in the BF.
BF. The indirect reduction process by H2 has the advantage of zero theoretical minimum of 200 kg$t1 HM is necessary to enable stable
CO2 emission in the produce gas (Chen et al., 2012). COG and BFG furnace operation (Yilmaz et al., 2017). Compared to all reductants,
are recovered as supplementary fuel in most of steel plants. Various 200e250 kg$t1 HM coke can be replaced, which may result in lower
combustion processes could reuse these gases such as blast gen-
emissions (Ghanbari et al., 2015). With the advantages of high
eration in hot stoves or coke oven firing (European Integrated
reliability and easy operation, PCI has better performance to reduce
Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau, 2010).
coke consumption in BF operation. Although the usage of biomass
Burgeoning attentions have been paid to the biomass as a
in steel industry shows great potentials, there are still lots of
renewable substitute in the iron and steel industry. For the inte-
challenges in terms of technical and economic aspects.
grated steel plant, biomass has been inserted into coal compound
during coke making process to produce bio-coke which is effective
in reducing the gasification temperature in BF (Hanrot et al., 2009). 3.1.2. Pretreatment of feedstock
In sintering process, the substitution of 25% coke breeze with bio- Before charging raw materials into iron and steel works, pre-
char is an suitable method to optimize productivity and quality of treatment is always essential for the quality and purity of feedstock.
sinter (Mousa et al., 2015). The biomass-based reducing agents, e.g. The pretreatment mainly involves granulation and torrefaction,
charcoal, bio-oil, and syngas could be injected into the BF from the which can be classified as physical and chemical process. Physical
top or through tuye res to minimize the coke consumption (Mousa pretreatment is used to control particle size and moisture content
et al., 2016). Novel carbon composite agglomerates have been of raw materials. In sinter plant, new coating and granulation
investigated to renovate outdated coke ovens and low reduction technologies have developed to improve sintering productivity and
rate operation of BF (Anyashiki et al., 2009). The pretreatment and reducibility (Lu and Ishiyama, 2016). The segregation slit wire
upgrading processes of raw biomass are required in these (SSW) system is an advanced charging system which is developed
applications. in Japan as shown in Fig. 8. It is a device to reduce coarse granule
Table 1 reviews representative fuel substitution technologies and maintain a constant particle size of limonite, which could in-
and their potentials to reduce coke used in the BF. These results are crease permeability of the sintering mixture and reduce the return
based on the actual performance of operating BF or on mathe- fine. In coke oven, it is proved that the densification of coals to a
matical modelling. Depending on the amount of auxiliary in- relative material density of 80%, i.e. a compact density around
jectants, the mean coke rate of the furnace is 334 kg$t1 1100 kg m3 is advantageous (Kuyumcu and Sander, 2014). The
HM , and a
stamp charging technology is usually used to compact the coal,
where the coal blends are previously compressed into a “coal cake”
and then charged vertically into the oven. With stamp charging, the
coke oven productivity is increased by 10e12% (Steel Authority of
India Limited, 2008). For the modern BF process, controlling par-
ticle segregation to obtain a desired gas flow and smooth operation
is very significant (Xu, Y. et al., 2018). Bell-less top systems are
adopted for proper burden distribution and segregation of input
materials into the furnace, which can enhance the furnace opera-
tional stability and increase the productivity (Paul Wurth, 2012).
The general methods to remove the moisture of feedstock
include preheating and drying. Coal moisture control (CMC) was
introduced to Japan in the 1980s (Radhakrishnan and Maruthy
Ram, 2001), because coke making process requires the applica-
tion of coal blends with a correctly matched level of moisture. This
industrial application controls the moisture of feedstock for coke
producing from a normal 8e10% to around 6% without hindering
the charging operation (New Energy and Industrial Techonology
Development Organization, 2008). The process is different from
coal preheating and drying because it leads to the strict stabiliza-
tion of moisture content in the coal blend. Low pressure steam and
waste heat from COG are generally used as the heat source of hu-
midity control. For instance, Nippon steel succeeded in developing
the fluidized bed (FB) type CMC which exhibited high heat ex-
change efficiency and solved the problem of indirect heat exchange
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of segregating slit wires (Lu and Ishiyama, 2016). between the coking coal and steam (Nippon Steel & Sumikin
8 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
Fig. 9. The hot metal desulphurization process (a) Injection process of hot metal desulphurization using a torpedo car; (b) Mechanical stirring process for hot metal desulphu-
rization using a charging ladle (Kitamura, 2014).
Fig. 10. Exemplified steps for desiliconization and dephosphorization of hot metal (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010).
Engineering CO., 2017). 2009). It has excellent high temperature properties to reduce
Compared with physical process, chemical pretreatment always pressure drop and thickness of the BF cohesive zone, which is quite
aims to improve the quality of raw materials that are prior to iron conducive to BF productivity. Hot metal chemical pretreatment is a
and steel making processes. In general, high iron content and low process that performs on hot metal after the tapping of BF and
gangue content of sinter or pellet, and moderate ash content of before decarbonization in a BOF (Kitamura, 2014). In most cases,
coke are all good factors for BF injection (European Integrated this process is composed of desulfurization, dephosphorization and
Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau, 2010). Apart from the desiliconization. The general desulfurization process can be divided
usual feedstock of BF, a newly developed pre-reduced agglomerates into flux injecting and mechanical stirring which are shown in
(PRA) was proposed in Japan. The PRA was reduced simultaneously Fig. 9. The dephosphorization and desiliconization are not as
with agglomeration on existing sintering machine (Machida et al., common as the desulfurization due to their costly and sophisticated
Table 2
List of selective pretreatment technologies for steel and iron industry.
Burden Sinter SSW charging Increase 5% productivity 5.6% New Energy and Industrial Techonology Development Organization
distribution (2008)
Coke stamp Increase 10%e12% 9.1%e16.7% rdova (2013)
Madias and de Co
charging productivity
Bell-less top BF Increase 2.5% productivity 2.4% Radhakrishnan and Maruthy Ram (2001)
Coke moisture control Increase 2% coke strength 0.72% (Jones, 2012; Cui et al., 2015)
PRA in BF 45% pre-reduction 23% Machida et al. (2009)
EAF charge scrap preheating Increase 33% productivity 3.2%b Hasanbeigi et al. (2010)
a E0 E1
Ratio of energy savings ¼ 100%, E0: Energy consumption before installation, E1: Energy consumption after installation. The energy flows of iron and steel industry
refers to (McBrien et al., 2016).
The energy use of scrap-based EAF refers to (IEA, 2017).
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 9
process. The common way usually injects agents and oxidizing 2016). Low-temperature rolling i.e. warm-rolling or ferritic rolling
compounds into the torpedo car or hot metal transfer ladles as is attempted to produce steels between 440 C and 850 C to
shown in Fig. 10 (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010). replace the conventional grades of hot rolling and cold rolling (Ray
In the secondary steel making route, steel scrap can be inte- and Haldar, 2002; Toroghinejad et al., 2003). These new steel
grated into production processes as alternative raw material. Due to products are conducive to energy savings, cost effectiveness and
global demand for steel scrap, exportation of recycled scrap steel productivity.
becomes an attractive option (Chitaka et al., 2018). Scrap pre- Pressure is also controlled to reduce energy consumption in iron
treatment is often required to obtain high-quality scrap metal and steel industry. The high pressure application in coke oven is
which includes routine sorting, flame cutting, and packing. In effective to control the gases emissions, thus creating large saving
developed countries, the scrap recycling industry has been estab- in process steam requirement and increased by-products yield
lished with centralized import, processing and distribution (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010). During iron smelting process, the
(National Energy Conservation Center, 2012). It reveals vast po- increased top pressure of BF is feasible to lower gas velocity and
tentials to reduce resource, energy consumption and waste emis- increase retention time for gas-solid reactions, which could enable
sions through steel scrap pretreatment. a good furnace operation and energy recovery of BF (Hasanbeigi
Table 2 lists general pretreatment technologies and their et al., 2010). A large roots-style mechanical vacuum booster pump
improvement effect. The ratio of energy savings is used to reveal is installed in steel vacuum degassing and vacuum oxygen decar-
the fuel saving potentials of various pretreatments. The chemical burizing processes for better dust handling. The advances of this
pretreatment technologies, such as charging pre-reduced agglom- facility offer significant savings in energy consumption, costs
erate into BF, have more significant energy savings than that of reduction, speed increment, improvements in flexibility and overall
physical pretreatment technologies. It is indicated that the burden productivity for steel degassing operations (Cheetham and
distribution has a vital role for productivity improvement. Edwards, 2005). Table 3 lists working conditions of temperature
and pressure control technologies. The common conditions of
3.2. Improved process design various processes are also presented.
Variable speed drive (VSD) technologies have drawn bour-
With the predicted increment of crude steel production, further geoning attentions in the last decade (Saidur et al., 2012). The steel
reduction of energy use and CO2 emissions require more innovation making pumps and fans for dust and gas extraction are important
beyond existing technologies (Hasanbeigi, 2013). Novel process loads in terms of electricity saving potential, which are excellent
design is developed and valued in terms of various parameters candidates for VSDs. By applying VSD in the iron and steel sectors,
improvement and emerging energy-efficient devices. the energy saving could reach 6.3 TWh (de Almeida et al., 2003).
VSD can be installed on compressors of coke oven to reduce energy
consumption of COG pressurization process (Worrell et al., 2010).
3.2.1. Parameter control technologies Also it can be equipped in the BOF and EAF processes for a better
The temperature, pressure, gas flow rate and oxidizing atmo- match of the fan speed with the requirements of steel making due
sphere of combustion are all taken as the parameters that need to to the frequent variation of flue gases volumes (Worrell et al., 2010).
be controlled in the iron and steel making processes. Through To avoid excessing air that may decrease combustion efficiency and
optimized design of multiple parameters, it can further improve the lead to excessive waste gases, the installation of VSD on combustion
total working performance of iron and steel industry (Feng et al., air ventilators on the reheating furnace in hot rolling can help to
2017). control the oxygen level (Jones, 2012).
Temperature is always required to be high to decompose the Ventilation control technologies e.g. air leakage reduction, ox-
structure of iron ore and coal in current steel making (De Beer et al., ygen enrichment and blast dewetting are indispensable for energy
1998). Considering low-carbon and energy-efficient development, saving in the steel production. It is indicated that improper sealing
various unit operations can be performed at a lower temperature system and damaged components in a compressed air device can
than that in present processes. Low-temperature sinter process cause the air leakage, which is a mainly source of waste energy in
controls oxygen concentration to facilitate the solid phase reaction, the steelworks. Improvement could be obtained by attaching a new
which could significantly save energy and improve performance of seal between air seal bar and slide bed on the equipment side
sinter ore (An et al., 2018). Coking process can happen at a lower (Dhara et al., 2016). Air tight EAF technology through sealing the
temperature by heating the coke while it descends into the BF. slag door can significantly reduce all other air entries and thermal
Direct reduction process uses a synthesis gas or solid fuel directly to losses in the fumes (Huber et al., 2006). In BF process, the methods
achieve reduction of iron oxide below the melting point (Smil,
Table 3
Working conditions of temperature and pressure control technologies for steel and iron industry.
Low-temperature sintering 1200 C 1300 Ce1480 C (European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau, 2010; An
et al., 2018)
Low-temperature coking 800 C 1100 C (De Beer et al., 1998; Qin and Chang, 2017)
Low-temperature iron making 900 Ce1000 C 1200 Ce2000 C (De Beer et al., 1998; European Integrated Pollution Prevention and
Control Bureau, 2010)
Low-temperature rolling 440 Ce850 C 500 Ce1300 C (hot (Toroghinejad et al., 2003; Bataille et al., 2016)
High pressure ammonia liquor aspiration system in 35e40 bar Ammonia stripper at (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010; Qin and Chang, 2017)
coke oven 1.37 bar
High BF top pressure >0.5 bar 0.2e0.5 bar (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010; Geerdes et al., 2015)
Large roots-style mechanical vacuum booster pump 0.001 bar 0.00067 bar Cheetham and Edwards (2005)
for degassing
10 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
of oxygen enrichment, over-pressure, dehumidification of the blast Hot blast stove is one of the most important units in the BF iron
air in the hot stoves are implemented for a higher flame temper- making route (Qi et al., 2014). Conventional hot blast stoves have a
ature to achieve more effective combustion of fuels and reduce number of drawbacks which can be resolved if the combustion
coke demands (Oda et al., 2007; Wang, C. et al., 2011). chamber is eliminated, i.e. to develop a top combustion hot blast
The energy savings of above mentioned technologies are not stove known as “shaftless hot stove”. The top combustion hot stove
obvious when the separated parameter control technology is can provide complete gas combustion without pulsation, which
applied. Thus it is necessary to develop a control system that could achieve the high efficient combustion even in the operation
combines all the parameters together which could meet the only with flue gas (Japanese Smart Energy Products and
handling conditions to optimize the energy consumption and cost. Technologies, 2019b). A novel Kalugin shaftless stove with a
smaller diameter pre-chamber at the top of the dome has become a
future top combustion hot stove. With regard to further reduce CO2
3.2.2. Energy-efficient devices
emission of iron making, many options are proposed, e.g. Corex,
Energy-efficient equipment is regarded as the opportunity to
Finex, Tecnored, Itnk3 process, Paired straight hearth furnace, Coal-
reduce the energy intensity and CO2 emissions in iron and steel
based HYL process, Coal-based MIDREX® process. (Oda et al.,
industry (Jones, 2012). This section will summarize the emerging
2007). These technologies have been reviewed and compared by
energy-efficient devices and technologies in terms of the produc-
Hasanbeigi et al. (2014), which are considered as the promising
tion routes from raw material preparation to finishing process.
alternatives of traditional iron making process.
Considering low emissions and sintering process optimization,
One of the major innovations in BOF steel making lies in the
waste gas recovery device and energy-efficient ignition oven are
injection system of converter furnace. Top blown BOFs have been
developed. The sinter strand is housed to recirculate waste gases
converted to combined blowing process with an additional bottom
from different parts of strand and back to the sintering process
agitation (Choudhary and Ajmani, 2006). A small amount of inert
(European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau,
gas will be injected to BOF from the bottom of the convertor, which
2010). The process could use CO content of waste gas as an en-
is mixed with oxygen injected from top of furnace. Inert gas in-
ergy source. Meanwhile, the recycled gas can provide most of ox-
jection is beneficial to reduce the flux and oxygen consumption.
ygen that is required to burn the fuel. In order to save the fuel for
Energy savings in EAF depend largely on the highly efficient arc
ignition ovens, high-efficient multi-slit burner (Hasanbeigi et al.,
furnace. The furnaces such as direct current (DC) arc furnace and
2010) and line burner (Steel Plantech, 2016) in ignition furnace
Comelt furnace operate on a DC basis. DC can generate the heat
are used, which can control the duration of the flame to minimize
which is used to melt and stir the steel after charging scrap into the
ignition energy.
arc furnace (New Energy and Industrial Techonology Development
For a coke plant, there are considerable heat loss and CO2
Organization, 2008). Various arc furnaces for preheating the scrap,
emissions in the conventional process of wet quenching. One
i.e. Contiarc furnace, post combustion shaft furnace, ecological and
alternative solution is coke dry quenching (CDQ) procedure i.e. the
economical high-efficient arc furnaces (ECOARC™) have been
coke is cooled by an inert gas (Johansson and So€ derstro
€m, 2011). In
developed and put into practice. It is demonstrated that using
this way, CDQ system could collect and reuse thermal energy of the
waste heat to preheat the scrap can reduce the power consumption
red-hot coke as steam. Other types of advanced coke oven, i.e.
of EAFs. Furthermore, new transformers and electric systems have
single chamber coking reactor and non-recovery coke oven, have
been installed on EAF operators to enhance the power of the fur-
been successfully installed in the coke plant (Hasanbeigi et al.,
naces (Jones, 2012).
2014). A systematical coke oven technology i.e. super coke oven
Technologies in casting, rolling, and finishing processes may
for productivity and environmental enhancement toward the 21st
dramatically reduce energy consumption. These efficient opportu-
century (SCOPE21) has been demonstrated in Japan (Nomura,
nities refer to innovation heating furnaces, e.g. Rapidfire™ edge
2019). The technology includes three sub-processes i.e. rapid pre-
heater (Department of Energy, 2000), flameless oxyfuel combus-
heating of coal feeding, rapid carbonization and further heating of
tion furnace (Narayanan et al., 2006), walking beam furnace, and
carbonized coke. The schematic is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of SCOPE21 process flow (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010).
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 11
Table 4
List of energy-efficient devices for iron and steel industry.
Sinter Partial recycling of waste gas Reduce coke breeze consumption $ 18.6 milliona Operational flexibility of European
from the whole strand by 10e15% the strand Integrated
Prevention and
Control Bureau
Multi-slit burner in ignition Reduce ignition energy by 30% e e Hasanbeigi et al.
furnace (2010)
Coking CDQ Generate 0.5e0.7 t steam$t1 coke $ 99.3 t-1 coke Coke blowing up and (Jones, 2012; Steel
and 0.504e0.67 electricity$t1 coke carrying-over phenomenon Plantech, 2015a)
Single chamber system coking Improve thermal efficiency from e Mostly considering for new Jones (2012)
reactor 38% to 70% plants
Non-recovery coke ovens Produce 2.3e2.5 GJ electrical $ 365 millionb Emission requirements and (European
power$t1coke demand of steam quality Integrated
Prevention and
Control Bureau,
2010; Hasanbeigi
et al., 2010)
SCOPE21 Reduce 21% energy consumption Reduce 18% and e Hasanbeigi et al.
16% production and (2010)
construction cost
BF Top combustion hot blast stove Save energy in the hot stove by 1 e Impossible to replace the Japanese Smart
e2% (5000 m3 BF) existing stove/difficult to Energy Products &
control gas-air ratio Technologies
Kalugin shaftless hot stove Increase thermal efficiency by 8 $ 9.58 million e He and Wang
e12% (2500 m3 BF) (2017)
BOF BOF bottom stirring Reduce flux quantities by more e Difficult to maintain the Choudhary and
than 10% continuation of effective Ajmani (2006)
EAF DC arc furnace Save 0.036e0.32 GJ$t1 steel $ 22.13 millionc e New Energy and
Comelt furnace Save 0.36 GJ$t1 steel Reduce e Worrell et al.
maintenance costs (2010)
Contiarc furnace Reduce energy losses by e e Jones (2012)
0.792 GJ$t1 steel
Post-combustion shaft furnace Reduce 0.28e0.4 GJ electric Customized e (SMS group; Jones,
power$t1 liquid steel operating cost 2012)
ECOARC™ Save 0.36 GJ$t1 steel More initial costs in e Steel Plantech
a short term (2016)
ECOARC light™ Save 0.252e0.288 GJ$t1 steel Lower initial cost e Steel Plantech
1 -1
Ultra-high power transformers Save 0.061 GJ$t steel $ 3.9 t steel Installation sites Jones (2012)
Eccentric bottom tapping Save 0.054 GJ$t1 steel $ 4.5 t-1 steeld Limited by the size, type Jones (2012)
and life of the existing one
Casting/Rolling/ Rapidfire™ edge heater Save energy by 28% Lower installation e Department of
Finishing cost Energy (2000)
Flameless oxyfuel combustion Increase 50% heating capacity and Depend on the cost High CO2 concentrations Narayanan et al.
decrease 40% fuel consumption of oxygen during oxy-fuel coal (2006)
Walking beam furnace Reduce 25% electricity and 37.5 fuel Lower operation Mostly by means of natural Jones (2012)
consumption cost gas
Regenerative burner Save 800e1000 crude oil Lower maintenance e New Energy and
equivalent$year1 cost for ladle Industrial
refractory Techonology
Continuous casting machine Reduce 0.072e0.108 GJ power$t1 $ 99.29 t-1 steel Solidification control (New Energy and
steel Industrial
Organization, 2008;
Nayak, 2014)
Castrip® process Save energy by 80e90% over Lower capital cost High heat flux Sosinsky et al.
conventional methods (2008)
Endless strip production Reduce energy by 45% Lower investment e Arvedi et al. (2008)
and processing cost
(continued on next page)
12 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
Table 4 (continued )
Continuous annealing line Reduce fuel consumption by 33% $ 225 millione High installation costs (Worrell et al.,
2010; Steel
Plantech, 2016)
The investment of a total waste gas flow of 1.2 million Nm3$h1 from three sinter strands was EUR 17 million in Netherlands. The cost was converted to USD according to
current exchange rate in April 2020.
The investment includes the coke oven facilities, coal handing and the power plant for a 1.2 million t coke∙year1 greenfield heat recovery plant in 1998, US.
The investment includes equipment cost JPY 2000 million and construction cost JPY 400 million. The cost was converted to USD according to current exchange rate in April
The investment only includes modification cost which is for a Canadian plant with an annual production capacity of 760000 t.
The investment is for a continuous annealing facility with a capacity of about 5000000 t year1 in US.
regenerative burner, which can provide more furnace heating ca- Association, 2018). Molten slag and process gas are all exhausted at
pacity and lower fuel consumption. Casting, rolling and finish different temperatures which carry a great deal of waste heat.
processes need to meet various demands, thus it is necessary to Considering local and global steel production, by-products as
provide solutions by supplying linking lines e.g. a continuous value-added products or extra energy output, become environ-
casting machine that produces slabs, blooms and billets by pouring mental concerns and cost-saving opportunities in industrial ap-
molten steel into a mold (New Energy and Industrial Techonology plications (Oge et al., 2019). This section mainly focuses on the
Development Organization, 2008). Other integrated technologies direct utilization of by-products and wastes. Waste heat utilization
are adopted in iron and steel industry e.g. endless strip production from slag and by-product gas will be separately illustrated in sec-
that combines casting and rolling into a continuous process (Arvedi tion 4.1.
et al., 2008), and continuous annealing lines that integrate cleaning,
heating, cooling, temper rolling and refining in a single line (Liu
et al., 2015; Steel Plantech, 2016). 3.3.1. Utilization of slag and dust
Table 4 summarizes general energy-efficient devices, technolo- Slag in steel industry can be classified into BF slag and steel
gies and their characteristics according to the iron and steel pro- making slag (Li, 2017). BF slag has been categorized into three main
duction routes. The emerging technologies generally have the types by the cooling ways, i.e. air-cooled, granulated, and pelletized
higher investment cost and difficulties to replace the existing (or expanded). BF slag can be safely used as the raw material in the
construction. But they are still the attractive opportunities to cement industry due to the low iron content. Steel making slag uses
reduce emissions and energy consumption for iron and steel in- similar cooling method as air-cooled BF slag which could be reused
dustry in the future. in soil conditioners and fertilizers.
In the iron and steel metallurgical processes, dust and sludge are
collected in the aspirating equipment. Before BFG is recovered by a
3.3. Outgoing flow utilization TRT generator, a dry-process dust collector will be used for
cleansing BFG. Two typical dry-process dust collectors have been
The useful outputs from global steel production can be recycled used to avoid large temperature and pressure loss of the gas that
during the making process or sold for use by other industries. The passes through the dust collector, bag-filter collectors and elec-
main by-products generated from iron and steel production are trostatic precipitators (Japanese Smart Energy Products and
slags (90% by mass), dusts, sludge and by-product gas (World Steel Technologies, 2019a). Since BF dust generally contains high level
Table 5
List of slag and dust recycling technologies for iron and steel industry.
BF air-cooled Hard and dense Make construction aggregate; Used in concrete-based products, road, clinker raw material, World Steel Association
slag railroad ballast, roofing, mineral wool and soil conditioner (2018)
BF granulated Sand-sized particles of glass Make cementitious material Liu et al. (2019)
slag Crystalline and amorphous BF Used as an adsorbent of phosphate from water solutions Kostura et al. (2005)
BF pelletized Vesicular texture Make lightweight aggregate World Steel Association
slag (2018)
BF flue dust High level of iron oxides and coke Produce sinter Singh et al. (2014)
and sludge fines
As an adsorbent for Cu2þ from aqueous solutions; As a reducing agent to remove zinc from (Das et al., 2007; Omran
High carbon content of the sludge
the steel making dusts. and Fabritius, 2019)
BOF slag High density and a high crushing Produce concrete Fisher and Barron (2019)
The content of calcium and CO2 sequestration Fisher and Barron (2019)
magnesium silicates
The phosphorus content of slag As fertilisers for crops Annunziata Branca et al.
Hard characteristics Used as the base and sub-base layer of road Das et al. (2007)
High porosity and large surface Marine applications (Yi et al., 2012; Fisher and
area Barron, 2019)
BOF dust and Very high iron and appreciable Recycled to iron and steel industry; Land filled, road bed and cement production. Das et al. (2007)
sludge amount of CaO content
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 13
Table 6
The properties of by-product gas in iron and steel industry (Wang et al., 2008; Uribe-Soto et al., 2017).
COG Coke oven battery H2: 45e64%; 16000e19300 400e450 m3 t1 coke
CH4: 20e30%;
CO: 5e10%;
CO2: 2e5%;
O2: 0.1e4%.
BFG BF H2: 4%; 3000e3800 1400e1800 m3 t1 iron
CO: 25%;
CO2: 20%;
LDG Converter CO2: 15e20%; 7500e8000 80e100 m3 t1 liquid steel
O2: 2.0%;
CO: 60e70%;
N2: 10e20%;
H2 1.5%.
of carbon and iron, it can be recycled through sinter making pro- is produced from dry distillation of coking coals in the absence of
cess. The effectiveness of BF sludge has been investigated as an oxygen. It could be not only used as a heating source but also mixed
adsorbent to purify contaminated solutions. Steel making sludge with BFG for power generation. Besides, COG can potentially
needs to be optimally dried and become operable before recycling. generate a high value added products by reacting with CO2 and CO
The agglomeration of steel making sludge could be the ideal (Li et al., 2018). BFG serves as a by-product of BF in the furnace
approach to maximize its use in sinter feed (Das et al., 2007). process. It is used to blend with other gases e.g. natural gas for
Table 5 lists specific characteristics and general recycling tech- combustion to generate the power, which could be combined with
nologies of slag, dust and sludge in iron and steel industry. Utili- steam cycles for a higher efficiency of 42% in steel mill applications.
zation of solid by-products can prevent them from being Besides, it could increase furnace temperature through combustion
transported to landfill, thus saving energy and natural resources as (Chen et al., 2011). LDG is created from pig iron during the steel
well as significantly reducing CO2 emissions (World Steel making process. LDG recovery is the most energy-saving technol-
Association, 2018). ogy in the BOF process (Worrell et al., 2010). By-product gases have
a close relationship with reduction of primary energy while it is
3.3.2. By-product gas recovery and conversion quite significant for thermal utilization. The above two applications
Three main by-product gases i.e. COG, BFG and LDG are gener- will be discussed in different following subsections. This part
ated in the processes from coal to steel. The concerning component, mainly focuses on recovering by-product gases for valuable com-
heat valve and quantity of by-product gas are indicated in Table 6. pound and producing a high value-added product.
In general, these streams contain similar compound with different Considering valuable compound recovery, H2, CH4 and CO are
proportions (Uribe-Soto et al., 2017). As the first generated gas, COG the primary candidates. Due to their different proportions in off-
Table 7
Selected research works for off-gas recovery and thermochemical by-product gases.
COG H2 recovery Thermal analysis& Layered beds are filled with zeolite 5A for a seven-step two-bed PSA process for Yang and Lee
experiment producing H2 (1998)
COG H2 recovery Thermal analysis& H2 separation process is segmented into four sections in terms of the saturated Chang et al. (2008)
experiment temperature and content of the components in COG
COG H2 and CH4 Experiment A prism membrane is used to purify COG; H2 and CH4 have the purity higher than 90% and Shen et al. (2007)
recovery 60%
BFG CO2 and CO Experiment A bench scale PSA plant is constructed; 6.3 t CO2 is recovered with a 225 s cycle time and Saima et al. (2013)
recovery 33% CO2 concentration of raw gas
LDG CO recovery Experiment A first CO-PSA commercial plant was constructed in 1989; The product CO capacity of Kasuya and Tsuji
plant is 150 Nm3$h1 (1991)
BFG CO2 separation Economic analysis The polymeric gas separation membrane is used to separate CO2; Cost is from $ 25e36 t1 Ramírez-Santos
CO2a et al. (2017)
BFG&LDG CO2 separation Experiment CO2 is recovered by absorption in a Selexol® process Gielen (2003)
COG H2 production by Simulation The sorption-enhance steam reforming can obtain higher amount and purity of H2 than Xie et al. (2017)
reforming those in the common steam reforming
COG Syngas production Experiment The H2-rich COG is converted to syngas via the partial oxidation and CO2 reforming at a Guo et al. (2008)
high space velocity and lower temperature
COG Methanol Experiment The production capability of COG has reached 2.06 million tons Xie et al. (2010)
COG&LDG Methanol Thermal analysis& The stored heat from the intermittently emitted LDG is supplied to COG; Methanol is Maruoka and
production experiment finally produced from the obtained gas Akiyama (2006)
COG&LDG Methanol Techno-economic analysis Using excess COG and 40% of the available LDG to produce methanol shows efficient gas Lundgren et al.
production utilization (2013)
BFG&COG Higher alcohol Environmental and Using BFG&COG, higher alcohols are produced and annual CO2 emissions reduction is Guo et al. (2013)
production economic evaluation 14820 t
COG COG methanation Experiment Toluene could be completely converted into CH4, CO and CO2 over bimetallic catalysts Cheng et al. (2011)
The cost for a two stage membrane process which recoveries CO2 up to 99% and keeps inert N2 below 5% is EUR 23e33 t1 CO2. It was converted to USD according to
current exchange rate in April 2020..
14 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
gas, it may cause different recovery levels. H2 and CH4 are easier to contents is considered to be ideal for a sustainable methanol pro-
be recovered from COG, and CO is usually recovered from BFG. The duction as it can meet the criteria of resource utilization and
main recovery technologies could be pressure swing adsorption environmental protection (Xie et al., 2010; Razzaq et al., 2013). Half
(PSA) and membrane separation process (MSP). Cryogenic separa- of CO2 produced upon methanol consumption will be recycled in
tion is also suitable to be applied if gas proportion and external the dry reforming process (Bermúdez et al., 2013). Synthetic natural
conditions are satisfied. It is demonstrated that 90% of H2 could be gas could be produced through a co-methanation reaction of CO
recovered by using PSA with a purity up to 99.99%. Comparably, and CO2 (COx) in COG for CH4 enrichment by using appropriate
80e98% of H2 could be recovered with a purity of 90e99%. By using catalysts (Razzaq et al., 2013). Ni-based catalysts have been widely
PSA or MSP, the quality of CH4 concentrated stream may be employed for methanation reaction because of their high selec-
improved. Only PSA and chemical absorption systems are suitable tivity for CH4 and low cost (Zhao et al., 2012). Ni/MgO/Al2O3 cata-
to separate CO from BFG due to high proportion of N2 (Uribe-Soto lysts exhibit excellent activity, stability and resistance to carbon
et al., 2017). These two systems are also applicable for separating deposition for the catalytic conversion of tar in H2-rich hot COG
CO2 from BFG and LDG. Activated MDEA (methyldiethanolamine) is (Yang et al., 2010).
a common solvent for CO2 absorption (Gielen, 2003). Another Table 7 summarizes the selected research studies for off-gas
possibility for CO2 capture is to convert CO contained in BFG and recovery and thermochemical by-product gases in terms of simu-
LDG into CO2 for concentrating the stream (Ho et al., 2011). This lation, experiment and techno-economic analysis.
process can be accomplished by using water gas shift reaction
under high temperature and pressure. The absorption solvent will
be used to separate CO2 generated from shift reaction (Gielen, 4. Efficient technologies for secondary energy
COG is highly rated as a feedstock to obtain the value-added It is obvious that the secondary energy is considered to be uti-
products due to its high content of organic compound. Syngas lized after primary energy is explored as much as possible. This is
production from COG is mainly composed of steam reforming, dry mainly because the mass network optimization in primary energy
reforming and partial oxidation processes (Razzaq et al., 2013). The is mainly based on the single process and flow improvements.
steam reforming of CH4 is currently the main technology for syngas Secondary energy resources i.e. by-product gas and waste heat are
production. The CO2 (dry) reforming is regarded as the alternative considerable which are produced during the steel making pro-
processes to steam reforming, which has been widely proposed. cesses. Thus the recovery technologies should also be valued when
The partial oxidation of CH4 is a mildly exothermic reaction, which compared with those used for primary energy savings. These re-
is more cost-efficient. H2/CO ratio of syngas from the partial sources could be converted into steam or other forms such as po-
oxidation is between that of syngas obtained from steam and dry wer, heating and cooling output to meet the concerning
reforming. It is possible to synthesize methanol with the use of requirements in the iron and steel works. In addition to thermal
COG-derived syngas when it is produced from dry reforming at a energy, by-products have chemical energy that can be recovered as
H2/CO ratio close to 2 (Bermúdez et al., 2010). COG with rich H2 fuel via combustion or high pressure gas outputs (McBrien et al.,
Table 8
Selected researches for molten slag sensible heat recovery technologies.
Physical method
BF slag Mechanical impingement Not for a long-term Generate 250 C saturated steam and 65% heat Mizuochi et al.
commercial use recovery rate (2002)
BF slag Stirring crushing Experiment Recover 59% of slag energy Web (2014)
BF slag Rotating drum process Experiment Heat recovery rate of 40e60% Zhang et al.
BOF slag Air blast method Demonstration Recover 41% and 39% of heat by the steam and hot air Barati et al.
BF slag Air blast by rotating cup atomizer Demonstration Recover 59% of the slag heat Barati et al.
BF & BOF Spinning granulating Demonstration Obtain hot air at a temperature of above 600 C Barati et al.
slag (2011)
Chemical method
BF slag Drive thermoelectric power generation device Simulation Produce 0.00093 MW electrical energy and achieve 2% Meng et al.
conversion efficiency (2014)
BF slag Produce H2-rich gas by wet sludge gasification Experiment Heat recovery rate of 64.35% Luo et al.
BF slag Produce H2-rich gas by catalytic pyrolysis of biomass Experiment Achieve complete pyrolysis of biomass Luo et al.
BF slag Produce syngas by bio-oil dry reforming Experiment The conversion of optimal bio-oil can reach 90.15% Yao et al.
BF & BOF Biomass gasification Experiment Recover 1.1 MJ heat from the slags$kg1 biomass Sun et al.
slag (2019)
BF slag Steam gasification of coal Kinetic analysis BF slag accelerates the gasification rate Duan et al.
BF slag Pyrolysis of printed circuit boards Experiment The boards are effectively pyrolyzed with a slag/board Qin et al.
ratio of 5:1 (2013)
BF & BOF Convert hot slag into qualified raw materials in cement, Demonstration The upper limit proportion for the amount of Li and Dai
slag concrete and road pavement modifiers is about 19e25 wt% (2018)
BF & BOF Convert hot slag into glass ceramics, mineral wool and Demonstration The energy save rate is up to 80% Li and Dai
slag potassium silicate fertiliser (2018)
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 15
Table 9
Selected cases for thermal utilization of by-product gases.
Table 10
Heat outputs and energy directly produced from per ton of steel product (Department of Energy, 2008; Li et al., 2010; McBrien et al., 2016).
Fig. 13. A typical diagram of regenerative furnace (a) schematic, (b) photo (Department of Energy, 2008).
4.2. Waste heat recovery technology transported to the next process. (2) After heat conversion by using
heat exchanger, power generation or CHP are considered for further
Waste heat is another important secondary energy resource in utilization, e.g. flue gas produces steam for power generation based
the iron and steel industry. However, only a small part of waste heat on TRT and CDQ. Waste heat recovery potentials in the iron and
is currently recovered, which reveals the great potentials for further steel industry mainly focus on the range of medium-high temper-
utilization. Waste heat could be categorized by dividing tempera- ature. Challenges and limitations are related to recover methods
ture range into low, medium, and high-quality sources, and the due to the presence of dirty and low quality waste heat (Jouhara
range could be different when considering different classification et al., 2018).
criteria. Temperature of high quality source is generally higher than
500 C which includes high temperature COG, LDG, electric furnace
gas and heating furnace flue gas; high temperature liquid includes 4.2.1. Heating
iron slag, steel slag and high temperature water; high temperature For the methods to recover waste heat in the iron and steel
solid waste heat e.g. high temperature sintering materials, high industry, it is recognized that heat exchanger is the most investi-
temperature coke and high temperature steel. Temperature of gated. Recuperators, regenerators, and heat pipe are used for pre-
medium quality heat source usually ranges from 150 C to 500 C, heating and reheating (Ma et al., 2017). Recuperator has a variety of
including BFG and sintering flue gas. Low quality of heat source is types, which are determined by heat transfer methods in terms of
commonly lower than 150 C, including waste steam, hot water, all simple radiation, convective, tube type, combined radiation and
kinds of low temperature flue gas and low temperature materials convection type. It usually exchanges high temperature heat which
(Ma et al., 2012). These sources of waste heat output are illustrated comes from either metallic or ceramic materials. Regenerators are
in Table 10. more frequently used for coke ovens, which are adopted to preheat
Methods to recover waste heat mainly consist of heat transfer the hot blast and blast stoves used in iron making. Regenerative
between gases and liquids, preheating the furnaces, generating furnaces are composed of two grid chambers and each contains
mechanical and electrical power. The high-quality heat source refractory material i.e. the checker. In one chamber the combustion
could be transferred to medium and low temperature process. All gases pass through the checker and enters the furnace in the other
these should observe general guidelines of waste heat utilization as chamber, and the checker is heated, or regenerated with the out-
follows: (1) Heat is used directly in the process with less heat going hot exhaust gas. The furnace operates alternatively, and the
transfer. For instance, sensible heat of the product is directly flow is reversed so that the new combustion air can be heated by
the checker. A typical diagram of regenerative furnaces is shown in
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 17
Table 11
Selected studies of heat to heat technologies for steel and iron industry.
Sintering Recover the sinter cooler’s Recirculation The system allows up to about 60% Steel Plantech
exhaust gas as steam, and reuse of exhaust heat from the sinter (2015b)
of exhaust heat as thermal cooler to be reused as steam or
source of sinter production electricity
Coking Preheat the coke oven using the Regenerator Regenerators are suitable for high Jouhara et al.
remaining recycled gas temperature applications with dirty (2018)
Extract hot gas from the oven Radial heat pipe The system can produce saturated Zhang et al. (2015)
flue gas to provide a heat source steam 0.19 t-1 coke
CDQ to generate steam Waste heat boiler For a plant with 450000 t year1 (New Energy and
coke capacity, Industrial
450 103 MWh$year1 steam can Techonology
be produced Development
Organization, 2008;
Jones, 2012)
Iron making Recover waste heat from the Regenerator The typical operating temperature (Cuervo-Pin ~ era
combustion exhausts for of reheating furnaces (1350 C) is et al., 2017; Jouhara
reheating the BF and preheating achieved without natural gas et al., 2018)
the combustion air enrichment
Hot stove waste heat recovery Rotary, plate and heat pipe The recovery rate of hot stove flue New Energy and
device gas sensible heat ranges from 40 to Industrial
50% Techonology
Steel making Recover waste heat from the Waste heat boiler 0.19 GJ$t1 energy can be saved McBrien et al.
furnace gas duct when implementing heat recovery (2016)
Recover waste heat in a slag Heat pipe As waste water mass flow rate Ma et al. (2017)
cooling process varies between 0.8 and 1.9 m3 h1,
effectiveness of the exchanger
ranges from 0.085e0.192
Rolling Recover waste heat in a steel Flat heat pipe Heat recovery rate during Jouhara et al.
wires cooling process laboratory test is 0.005 MW and in (2017)
the industrial test is 0.01 MW
Table 12
Heat to power cycles for waste heat recovery (Department of Energy, 2008).
Fig. 13. which has different parallel plates for hot and cold gas flow (Abou
As a common heat exchanger in steel mill, waste heat boiler is Elmaaty et al., 2017). Considering heat pipe type, working fluids are
suitable to recover heat from medium to high temperature exhaust operated between hot and cold ends of each pipe which has a
gases and is used to generate steam as an output which can be used capillary wick structure (Zheng et al., 2018). Ma et al. (2017)
for power generation or back to the system for energy recovery. It designed and established a waste heat recovery experimental sys-
mainly consists of water tubes that are placed in parallel to each tem by using a heat pipe heat exchanger for recovering the heat in a
other and in the direction of the heat leaving the system (Jouhara slag cooling process. It is indicated that heat transfer performance
et al., 2018). An auxiliary burner is usually needed if the waste is improved by using online cleaning device. Thermal resistance of
heat is not sufficient to produce the required amount of steam outer surface is reduced by removing the dirt.
(Doty and Turner, 2004). Sensible heat of coke can be captured by Heat pump is thermodynamically originated from an inversed
CDQ in which hot coke is quenched by inert gases and the recov- Carnot cycle, which happens in the opposite direction of sponta-
ered thermal energy is used to generate steam in a downstream neous heat transfer. Based on this thermal cycle, it is defined as a
boiler (Sun et al., 2015). When the BOF uses the open combustion device that could absorb heat from a relatively cold source and
system, a waste heat boiler is always required to recover waste heat release it to a hot source by consuming a small amount of external
which results from the reaction of oxygen in the furnace gas duct power (Zhang et al., 2016). Heat pump systems show great poten-
(Jouhara et al., 2018). tials to extract heat from various heat sources. For instance, cooling
Another heat recovery device is the gas to gas passive air pre- water in the iron and steel industry which could be used for the
heater for low to medium temperature, which could be generally antifreeze of coke, crush and sieving system, and district heating of
divided into plate type and heat pipe. Plate type is quite common office and operating rooms. It is worth noting that the upgraded
18 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
Fig. 14. Case of KC demonstration with steel industry (a) schematic, (b) photo (Global Geothermal Advanced Waste Heat Engineering).
heat should be reused in industrial processes of steel work. It is efficient due to low pressure steam (Wang, T. et al., 2011). Perfor-
meaningless to upgrade the heat source for power generation or mance of ORC and KC are better than that of Rankine cycle when
other energy conversion systems by using heat pump systems using low temperature heat source. Similar with Rankine cycle,
though energy efficiency will be improved slightly. Table 11 sum- organic working fluids with low boiling point temperatures are
marizes selective case studies of heat to heat technologies in steel adopted to utilize the lower temperature heat source such as in-
and iron industry. dustrial waste heat and solar heat. Low temperature heat is trans-
ferred into useful work output (Shi et al., 2018). The most
appropriate temperature range for ORC depends on the selected
4.2.2. Power generation refrigerant, which will have an influence on thermal efficiency.
For low grade heat recovery, power generation technologies are Nonetheless, the main disadvantage of Rankine type cycle is that
still considered to be the major energy conversion methods if no the endothermic evaporation process keeps constantly boiling
heating, cooling or other demands are required to be satisfied. which could not well match the trend of heat source. Due to the
Thermal driven power technologies have various thermal cycles in large temperature difference, energy efficiency cannot be further
terms of different heat source temperatures. Rankine cycle is a improved. Comparably, KC was invented in the 1980s. It has a
typical thermodynamic cycle which converts waste heat to me- variable temperature gradient in the evaporating process by using
chanical power. The suitable temperature for steam Rankine cycle is binary mixture of ammonia and water, which could bring about a
better to be higher than 340 C. Otherwise, the cycle becomes less
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 19
Table 13
The demonstration studies of KC and ORC systems for steel and iron industry.
Waste industrial heat source/98 C KCAmmonia Kashima Steel Works install the first commercial KC application of 3.45 MW power generation IEA (2002)
water system
Waste industrial heat source/98 C KC Ammonia 4.5 MW power output is achieved with a water flow rate of 1300 t h1; The total investment cost IEA (2002)
water is about $ 4 million or about $1.1 MW1
Exhaust gas from coke production/ ORC Benzene The net electric efficiency of 11% provides an electricity generation estimate of 80 MW t1 coke Walsh and
221 C Thornley (2012)
Flue gases/529.6 C ORC SiloxaneORC has a power output of 1.8 MW and a net efficiency of 21.7% Ramirez et al.
Residual heat from off-gas of ORC Siloxane The 0.7 MW nominal capacity unit is installed operated by NatSteel in Singapore Foresti et al.
reheating furnace (2010)
Waste heat of off-gas from EAF/ ORC Siloxane It is the world first ORC based energy recovery system at an Electric Steel melting plant in Riesa Bause et al.
245 C Germany, which could produce 2.7 MW nominal capacity (2015)
Waste heat from EAF/245 C ORC Siloxanes An electricity output could reach 0.521 MW and 4.52 MW heat can be supplied for a CHP heat Lecompte et al.
network (2017)
Waste heat from walking beam slab ORC R245fa The ORC has a power output of 0.2518 MW and an energy efficiency of 10.2% Kaşka (2014)
reheat furnace/122 C
Table 14
Heat to refrigeration cycles for waste heat recovery (Srikhirin et al., 2001; Choudhury et al., 2013).
Absorption Ammonia-water Demonstration Double stage, 75 C/0.25; High pressure, achieve freezing
refrigeration Basic, 120 C/0.55; condition
GAX, 120e160 C/0.8e1.4.
LiBr-water Commercial Double lift, 60 C/0.35; Suitable for solar energy air
use Single effect, 90 C/0.7; conditioning
Variable effect, 90e135 C/0.8e1.1;
Double effect, 150 C/1.3.
Adsorption Water-based, e.g. silica-gel water, zeolite water, Demonstration Silica-gel water, 55e120 C/0.6; Simple structure and easy to control
refrigeration etc. Zeolite water, 150 C/0.3 etc.
Ammonia-based, e.g. metal halide ammonia, etc. Lab-scale CaCl2 ammonia, 120 C/0.3e0.4; Achieve freezing condition
SrCl2 ammonia, 120 C/0.3e0.4 etc.
Other-based, e.g. AC methanol Lab-scale AC methanol, 70e120 C/0.2. Achieve freezing condition
relatively high energy efficiency (Zhang et al., 2012). Besides, 4.2.3. Refrigeration
thermoelectric power generation and thermophotovoltaic systems Thermal driven refrigeration technology is another research hot
are being developed that can generate electricity directly from heat spot for low grade heat recovery (Xu et al., 2017). Compared with
(Ando Junior et al., 2018; Utlu and Onal, 2018). Table 12 indicates power generation cycle, the relatively low heat source temperature
heat to power cycles for waste heat recovery in terms of heat source is further utilized due to their operational principle. Various ther-
type, temperature range, thermal efficiency and capital cost. mal cycles could be adopted to realize cooling effect, e.g. absorption
Rankine cycle and KC have the relatively high suitable temperature cycle and adsorption cycle.
range of heat source whereas ORC has a lower temperature range. Absorption refrigeration is basically composed of four compo-
Thermoelectric generator (TEG) may have a wider temperature nents i.e. generator, evaporator, condenser and absorber. Through
range by using various TEG materials. However, this technology has high pressure and low pressure level, heat could be converted to
a lower thermal efficiency which hasn’t been large-scale demon- the cooling effect through generating process of generator and
strated in the iron and steel industrial section and its capital cost is evaporation process of evaporator. The common working pairs are
higher than other power generation technologies (He et al., 2015). ammonia-water and lithium bromide (LiBr)-water. Ammonia-
One representative case of KC in steelwork is shown in Fig. 14 water working pair could achieve freezing condition and air con-
which is in Kashima Steel Works of Japan. The demonstration ditioning condition, which is mainly applied in freezer due to the
operated by Sumitomo Metals has successfully recovered waste fact its evaporation temperature can reach as low as 60 C.
process heat and generating 3.45 MW sustainable power since the Lithium bromide-water working pair could only operate for air
September of 1999. More than a decade after installation, KC power conditioning condition. The lowest thermal driven temperature
plant continues to operate efficiently and reliably (IEA, 2002). For lithium bromide-water absorption chiller is about 90 C which is
demonstration of ORC systems, Ramirez et al. (2017) presented a much lower than ammonia-water system i.e. about 120 C (Xu and
project i.e. a large-scale ORC plant in a steel mill which has been Wang, 2016). For commercial use, lithium bromide-water absorp-
installed at ORI MARTIN in Brescia (Italy). Waste heat was recov- tion chiller has been the most commonly used unit. Similar to ab-
ered from the fumes of the EAF to produce saturated steam which sorption refrigeration, adsorption refrigeration is composed of
was then delivered to the ORC for power generation. The ORC adsorber, desorber, condenser and evaporator. Heat could be con-
system has a power output of 1.8 MW and a net efficiency of 21.7%. verted to the cooling effect through desorption process of desorber
Table 13 indicates selected case studies of KC and ORC systems in in high pressure side and evaporation process of evaporator. It is
steel and iron industry. based on solid-gas reaction using various working pairs in terms of
water-based, e.g. zeolite as well as ammonia-based, e.g. CaCl2,
which could be generally classified into physical sorption and
20 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
Table 15
Selected studies of thermal driven refrigeration in steel and iron industry.
Exhaust gas/ Absorption Ammonia-water KC Thermal analysis Thermal and exergy efficiency are 24.2% and 37.3% Zheng et al.
350 C (2006)
Exhaust gas/ Absorption Ammonia-water KC Thermal analysis 18.2% reduction is realized in energy consumption Liu and Zhang
450 C (2007)
Hot water/ Absorption LiBr-water ORC Simulation The system reaches thermal efficiency and exergetic efficiency of 38% and Grosu et al.
140 C 26% (2016)
Hot water/ Absorption LiBr-water ORC Simulation The simulated thermal efficiency of the combined cycles is improved by Masheiti
above 1.5% (2011)
75 C
Hot water/ Adsorption CaCl2eBaCl2eNH3 ORC Thermal analysis Energy and exergy efficiencies are 10.1e13.1% and 18.5e20.3% Jiang et al.
95 C (2014)
Hot oil/140 C Adsorption Silica-gel/AQSOA- ORC Thermal analysis Maximum adsorption power efficiency is 4.3% using silica-gel, while Al-Mousawi
ZO2/MOF water maximum ORC power efficiency is 18.3% using R141b et al. (2017)
Flue gases/ Adsorption Silica-gel water ORC Experiment Two systems are cascaded to produce 3 MW electricity and 0.05 MW Cao et al.
250 C (Demonstration) cooling power (2016)
chemical sorption. Physical adsorption is driven by Van der Waals 5. Optimization of mass-thermal network
force whereas chemical reaction happens between the adsorbent
and the adsorbate, and new types of molecules will be formed in Energy conversion technologies above are usually considered as
the adsorption process (Jiang et al., 2016b; Jiang, L. et al., 2017b). a single and one-way mass or thermal utilization. It is worth noting
Currently, silica-gel water adsorption chiller is the only commercial that the integrated steel making site is a complicated network of
product, which has a desorption temperature as low as 55 C (Saha the units that mutually exchange energy and material. Waste heat
et al., 1997; Choudhury et al., 2013). Table 14 generally summarizes sources are distributed in different factories with various energy
thermal driven refrigeration cycles for waste heat recovery in terms grades when considering the real situation of iron and steel in-
of working pair, driven temperature, thermal efficiency and their dustry (An et al., 2018). It would cause the difficulties for the effi-
characteristics. Driving temperature and thermal efficiency are all cient use with regard to the demands of heating, cooling, power in a
related with constraint temperature. 5 C evaporation temperature specific industrial zone (Chaer et al., 2018). Thus suitable energy
is used for water chiller whereas 15 C evaporation temperature is conversion technologies should be not only in single equipment but
mainly adopted for ammonia systems. LiBr-water absorption also in a systematic level. A system approach is required to improve
refrigeration could be applied to the iron and steel industry the efficiency of the total site, which results in an optimal mass-
whereas silica-gel water adsorption system is relative mature thermal network.
technology in real application. Other types are required for further
improvement though they have the potential advantages of 5.1. Mass-thermal network of iron and steel industry
achieving the freezing condition.
For thermal driven refrigeration, it could be adopted as a sepa- For a steelwork industry, there are various plants that have a
rated technology, which is able to be integrated with power gen- variety of utilities with different chemical and thermal processes
eration technology for extra cooling effect. It is generally where the raw materials turn into product. Those processes make
acknowledged that power and refrigeration cogeneration is a up a complex manufacturing system, i.e. the mass-thermal
desirable way for waste heat recovery in most applications of steel network. Large amount of parameters and interactions exist
industry. The cogeneration could be generally classified into two within the network, which are the basic units of the entire system
types, i.e. combined cycle and cascading cycle. The combined cycle (Zhang et al., 2019). The typical mass network of iron and steel
commonly achieves the cooling and power output in one working industry is consisted of multiple primary energy saving technolo-
cycle (Jiang et al., 2016a) whereas cascading cycle is to produce the gies which are applied to each unit. The goal of mass network is to
respect effect in a half cycle (Jiang et al., 2014). The combined cycle achieve continuous and compact production to reduce energy
could reach a high thermal efficiency, and cascading cycle can gain consumption and demands (Lu et al., 2016). Fig. 15 shows the main
a high exergy efficiency of heat source (Jiang et al., 2017). Although inputs and outputs structure of potential mass network in iron and
various cogeneration research studies have been investigated, less steel industry. The possible primary energy optimization technol-
demonstration has been reported in iron and steel industry due to ogies are considered in this network. Although these technologies
demands, cost, and space. Presenting these studies is to reveal the are relatively independent in each process, the implementation of
potentials and advantages of cooling technologies in real applica- one technology may affect the operation potential of another. For
tion which keeps the consistency and completeness of the heat example, the recycling by-product gases implies that there is less
driven options for thermal network in this paper. flue gas for in-plant use. Therefore, various process constrains
Table 15 shows selected studies and demonstrations of thermal should be included rather than only considering the balance re-
driven refrigeration which tend to be applied in steel and iron in- lationships in the whole system when establishing the mass
dustry. Due to unique characteristic of ammonia-working pair, network.
studies of combined cycle based on KC are comprehensively The secondary energy conversion technologies could be selected
investigated. The cascading system by using the commercial tech- in terms of heat sources and heat sinks. Thermal energy storage and
nology is more suitable for real application. Thermal driven energy transportation technologies are indispensable to establish a
refrigeration e.g. LiBr-water absorption chiller and silica gel-water bridge between sources and ends. The commonly used heat storage
chiller could be good candidates as the second stage of cascading technologies for steelwork are all sensible heat storage which are
system for power and refrigeration cogeneration. elaborated as follows: regenerator and steam accumulator are used
for high temperature heat. The accumulator matches steady steam
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 21
Fig. 15. Main inputs and outputs in mass network (Shen et al., 2018).
production from boilers to the short discharge needs of the vacuum other locations with a good insulation material. But heat loss
processes, which could be used to balance supply and demand of significantly increases with the increase of transmission distance
waste heat (Gonz alez-Roubaud et al., 2017). For medium and low and time. Compared with these methods, some novel trans-
temperature heat, hot water tank is mainly adopted as an efficient portation methods are prospective, for example, absorption liquid
tool (Armstrong et al., 2014). Temperature losses through heat ex- transportation (Lin et al., 2009; Xie and Jiang, 2017), adsorption
changers will be reduced if high quality water is used for circula- solid transportation (Aydin et al., 2016; Scapino et al., 2017),
tion. For low temperature waste heat, underground thermal energy chemical reactant (Wu et al., 2018) and mobilized PCM (Li et al.,
storage could be used and supply potentially a high heat capacity at 2013; Guo et al., 2016). The schematic diagram of the possible
a low cost (Giordano et al., 2016). Except for these commonly used thermal network applications is shown in Fig. 16 (Wang, 2016).
storage technologies, other heat storage technologies would also be Actually, cascading technologies for power and heat/refrigeration
good candidates in the future. Chemical energy storage e.g. CaO can cogeneration/tri-generation are most common ways to improve the
be adopted for high temperature heat storage while phase change heat source utilization, which have been gradually applied in
materials (PCM) e.g. molten salt can be utilized for middle and low steelwork and power plant. (Jiang, L. et al., 2017a). A basic mass-
temperature heat, which could be combined with the above con- thermal network could be composed of multiple sets of cascading
ventional sensible energy storage technologies (Ortega-Ferna ndez heat flow lines in steelwork by using heat storage and trans-
et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2018). Energy transportation technologies portation technologies. The defined network should be further
are generally interdependent on energy storage methods. Con- optimized in industrial zones based on reasonable optimization
ventional technologies aim at moving the heat transfer fluid to the methods, which will be elaborated in following subsection.
22 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of the possible thermal network applications (Wang, 2016).
Fig. 17. Schematic diagrams of domain ontology for EIP energy system (Zhang et al., 2017).
5.2. Methods used to optimize the mass-thermal network environmental analyses are extensions of the conventional exergy
analysis (Yılmaz et al., 2019). These methods can be used to assess
The general system optimization methods have been performed the overall efficiency of whole processes in the network after
in iron and steel industry to avoid sub-optimization and to deliver optimized by the energy saving technologies. Pinch analysis is a
energy and material efficiency. The conventional optimization commonly used methodology for minimizing energy consumption
methods include exergy analysis, pinch analysis and mathematical by optimizing heat recovery systems, energy supply methods and
programming. Exergy analysis is a suitable tool for problems that process operating conditions (Ebrahim and Kawari, 2000). The
involve different types of materials and transformations (Grip et al., method allows the calculation of a theoretical maximum level for
2013b). It is useful when comparing two different production heat recovery. With more streams available in the consideration of
routes and potential resource savings for the same output, for thermal network, more heat can theoretically be recovered in an
example, crude steel produced from BOF and EAF (Carmona et al., integrated steel plant (McBrien et al., 2016). It uses the input data to
2019). The exergy efficiency is used to evaluate the industry per- produce hot and cold composite curves. The maximum potential for
formance, which can better identify exergy losses along the pro- heat recovery and a theoretical target for integrated recovery can be
duction chain. Enhanced exergy, exergy economic and exergy revealed from the curves, which will be limited by the complexity
R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997 23
Table 16
Selected case studies of optimization in integrated steel mills.
Global steel site Exergy-based resource efficiency The secondary steelmaking is twice as efficient (65.7%) as ore-based production Gonzalez Hernandez
(29.1%) et al. (2018b)
A reference steel Exergy-based resource efficiency The mean resource efficiency is 87.9% across 29 days period Gonzalez Hernandez
plant et al. (2018a)
UK steel sector Exergy-based resource efficiency and The overall resource efficiency went from 19% to 32% from 1960 to 2009 Carmona et al.
useful exergy efficiency (2019)
A reference steel Exergy analysis The maximum exergy losses occurred in the BF and the exergy efficiency of iron Wu et al. (2016)
network making is 42.19% after industrial symbiosis implementation
A reference The enhanced exergy analysis The traditional and the enhanced exergy efficiencies of the system are 60.7% and Yılmaz et al. (2019)
power plant 83.7%, respectively
A reference steel Pinch analysis Integrated heat recovery with conventional heat exchange could save 2.5 GJ$t1 hot McBrien et al. (2016)
plant rolled steel
A reference steel Pinch analysis Thermal energy flows dominate the local energy system; The distance will limit a Grip et al. (2013a)
plant connection between the energy systems
A reference steel Pinch analysis The heat under 300 C can be used to develop power generation systems Matsuda et al. (2012)
Italian steelwork Multi-objective optimization An optimized off-gas exploitation can be devised Maddaloni et al.
gas network (2015)
A reference steel Energy intensity optimization model Sinter ore grade has significant impact on energy intensity Lu et al. (2016)
A hot rolling strip Linear and nonlinear programming After optimization, the energy consumption can maximumly decrease by 3.4% Shen et al. (2018)
production methods
By-product gas Dynamic mixed integer linear The total cost can be reduced by 7.5% Kong et al. (2010)
system programming model
A reference EAF Decision support tool and key Scrap quality strongly affects the monitored energy and environmental parameters Matino et al. (2017a)
pathway performance indicators evaluation tool
Italian integrated Mixed integer linear programming By-products management could provide advantages to the companies to the “zero Matino et al. (2017b)
steelworks waste” target
A reference steel Full length material-energy nexus flow After optimization, the total specific energy consumption and direct CO2 emissions Zhang et al. (2019)
plant combined model can be decreased by 14.07% and 6.65%, respectively
A reference Exergy analysis, pinch analysis and Pinch and exergy studies could suggest changes that are tested by mathematical Grip et al. (2013b)
energy system mathematical programming programming
of the network of heat exchangers required in practice (McBrien Table 16 shows selected studies of various optimization
et al., 2016). methods applied in steel and iron industry. The proposed methods
Since the network structure is unknown and must be optimally provide management with important information for optimization
exchanged resources between the plants, this requires the use of in different levels of system. These results are limited by the
mathematical programming methods to formulate a network that practice in the actual plant. Further researches are required to apply
includes all the potential mass and energy connections (Pan et al., these methods into reality to verify their validity and to find the
2016). Through mathematical programming, the optimization can limitations.
be defined by a set of equations, the equality/inequality constraints, Among all the related methods, the basic guideline for mass-
and an objective function. Various mathematical models for the thermal network optimization aims to target the maximum en-
optimization of whole process system have been established by ergy potentials and to develop economically optimal networks
analysing different optimization objectives. For example, an connecting recoverable utilities and utility systems, which is
ontology-based approach for Eco-industrial park (EIP) knowledge generally composed of five steps (Stijepovic et al., 2012). The first
management is proposed as shown in Fig. 17 (Zhang et al., 2017). step is data acquisition. This step is to find out all the plants and
EIP energy system ontology can be treated as a domain ontology processes in the industry, and the number of plant and utility,
which treats all things in EIP belonging to resource, technology and temperature and pressure of each utility, hot and cold steams, the
role. The relationships between each one of them are defined in the distance for heat transportation and so on. The second step is to
domain ontology. A dynamic mixed integer linear programming determine all the energy sources and sinks to indicate the energy
model for multi-period optimization of by-product gases is used to potentials by using exergy indicator. Many specialized simulation
optimize distribution of gases in the integrated iron and steel plant software tools (Aspen Plus™ and GateCycle™) will be used at this
(Kong et al., 2010). The proposed model simultaneously optimizes step, which provides clear operating process and detailed data for
the by-product gases distribution, cogeneration system as well as plant integration. The third step is to establish a link between the
iron and steel making system. The combination of linear pro- origin and other different utilities which may include new recov-
gramming and nonlinear programming methods and “e-p” analysis erable utilities. Then the fourth step is to determine the maximum
is applied to obtain the optimal burdening proportions and oper- potential. The final step is to design optimal energy recovery and
ating parameters in BF process (Shen et al., 2018). On the basis of reuse networks. The multi-objective optimization based on math-
industrial metabolism concept, a model is used to analyse the en- ematical programming will be considered in this process.
ergy flows by using genetic algorithm. The model provides a The utilization is quite complicated if various heat sources and
concise framework, which can be adopted to examine the energy different demands are required to be satisfied. Therefore, high-
flows, especially focusing on the recovery and utilization of sec- quality integration of the system should be accomplished to
ondary energy (Sun et al., 2016). All of the optimization models realize high efficient use of industrial waste heat by means of en-
mentioned above will be put forward based on the material and ergy network utilization, which includes heating, power genera-
energy flow which focus on saving energy and reducing emissions tion, cooling, and storage and transportation technologies. The
for iron and steel industry. basic guideline for the whole iron and steel industry is to improve
24 R.Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 122997
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