Kenwood Kt-591s SM

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KT-591/591S/1030L, “FNWO0P SERVICE MANUAL ©19914 PRINTED IN JAPAN B51-4284.00(T) 3753 Mota cabinet Dressing Sub panel (aor 10h (eoe2}e taza Panel Foot (a80-000¢ (oaiex2 Lock terminal board Phono jock (OUTPUT) Power cord bushing ANTENNA (e13.0236.08), (82:0089-08) too j AG power cord eao2i° T Sligo ssiton Ste ewiten Foot (OEE, cH space) | iPowen Tree) AC outet Hoare x2 (831-2694.05)« (531-2191-05)¢ tesone Misiatue phone ack (8. CONTROL (er-018808), KT-591_: K, P, Y, X type KT-591S : M type KT-1030L: T, E type KT-591/591S/1030L ACCESSORIES BLOCK DIAGRAM CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION. ADJUSTMENT. WIRING DIAGRAM Pc BOARD (KT-69 /VO30L: COMPONENT SIDE VIEW) CONTENTS 2 PC BOARD (KT-591S: COMPONENT SIDE VIEW) 13 3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM {KT-5911 16 4 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM {KT-531S} 21 9 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (KT-1030L) 27 10 EXPLODED VIEW 33 PARTS LIST 34 11 SPECIFICATIONS. Back cover JAPAN MADI X06-4040-19| x065-4042-91 {| X05-4040-77 (Xi | ‘SINGAPORE MADE 4050-10 ¢K) | x KT-10300 wreeis | 905-406020 = X05-4060°51 (7 x05-4052-71 (6 X05-4082.77 16 ‘The KT-591 and KT-1030L are made in different countries. Howover, their circuits ero identical LOOP ANTENNA (T90.0183-05): FRANCE MADE LOOP ANTTENA (T90-0173-05): JAPAN MADE (790-0174.08): SINGAPORE MADE LEAD WIRE ANTENNA KT-§91/6918 only (T90-0182-05) ACCESSORIES ‘TYPE ANTENNA, KT-10301 only (190-0176-05): FRANCE MADE (190-0175-05): SINGAPORE MADE oe ANTENNA ADAPTOR (190-0177-08): KT-1030L only @ (€30-0615-08): KT-691/691S. (€30-0505-08): KT-1030L ANTENNA HOLDER (319-2818-04) AUDIO CORD KT-591/591S/1030L BLOCK DIAGRAM KT-691/591S/1030L CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 1. FEATURES (1) Receiving bands “The unit is capable of receiving five bands; FM, AM (MW), Lwy, Swi and SW2. The PLL IC is either LC7218 or M7001 depending on whether SW (short wave) bands is 10 be received or not For details, refer to the table showing models according to the destinations (Table 1) (2)1F count (when LC7218 is used) 1201 Microprocessor CXP5016-5325 ca PLLIC uc7218 1F COUNT ata ‘When microcomputer pin SD goes low after the microcor puter has sent frequency dats to the PLL, the IF count start ata is sent to the PLL, which then starts counting the IF ‘When the microcomputer receives the IF count end signal from the PLL, the microcomputer reads IF count data from the PLL For MWISW reception, the microcomputer identifies the receiving condition when the data becomes 450 kHz, sends the frequency data again tothe PLL, and turns MUTING OFF in 0.5 second. The TUNED indicator is ighted when the IF count result be- comes OK. IF counting is per nad twice during auto tuning 2. TIMING CHART Auto tuning (1) No IF Count. MuTE (3) Auto tuning The auto tuning starts whan the UP or DOVIN key is pressed while the AUTO indicator is lighted. MUTING is set to ON during tuning Frequencies are scanned upward or downward at a rate of about 125 ms/step (or 500 msistep at tend edges) until the tuned condition (#), in which the scanning stops. (Pressing the UP key during upward tuning er pressing the DOWN key during downward tuning is invalid.) MUTING is turned OFF in 0.8 second after the tuning has stopped. (| Tuned condition Condition in which there is @ brozdcasting station and itis being received. With LM7001 (PLL), the TUNED irdicator lights up and tuned condition starts when pn SD goes Low. With LC7218 (PLL), the tuned condition starts in the same way 3s with LM7001 for the FM band, For the: MWISW bands, the tuned condition stant follow- ing the process described in “(2) I count” above. (4) Manual tuning When the “AUTO” display is off, when the UP or DOWN, key is pressed, the tuning operation goes in the direction of increasing or decreasing frequency at arate of one step per key pressure. When the UP or DOWN key is pressed continuously for more than 0.6 sec, the tuning operation in the direc tion of increasing or decreasing direction at a rate of 125 msesisteo irrespective of the SD terminal level until the key is released from the finger pressure, afier which 0.8 sec later, muting is turned OFF. les 380 150 ims, (Communication! fist) secon’ (“Lagriok oaray a Ke ri es ies FL (Display) MONO TUNED Highs up. STEREO tots 4. 80 (TUNED) T ¢ IF COUNT, (2) With IF count Mure. PUL (Communication) KT-591/591S/1030L CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 3212s 12880 60 350 180 legount_1Fcount2 FIRST SECOND ‘OK: Establishing dota SA fff tr nest tre te KT-591/591S/1030L CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4. Initial status setting (reset) (1) Method of setting While pressing the MEMORY key, turn AC ON. (2) Contents @ POWER: OFF @ mute: oN @ Forced MONO: OFF @Fldsplay, Aloft O State: RAM state=All clear “Tuning mode = AUTO Memory =Test frequency (Table 2) Lest band=FM Last frerquancy =Lowermost limit of TUNED lights up. STEREO lights up. asec ch] ae «rt ney j=-mccondiuons, by destination) 08eh FM 87.5 MHz FM 87.5 MHz LW 216 kHz SWI 5.0 MHz Desti- [Destination switches Receiving frequency | Mter-channel Pu gen Fu 87.5 Mie Fu 87.5 He wy 270 KHz sw2 16.0 MHz amin aT] o [om eae mo | oF mr} aes ch FM 89.1 Miz Fa 89.1 Miz FA 89.1 MHz FM 69.1 MH ype (Ha) teh FM 87.5 MHz FM 87,5 MHz LW 281 kHz ‘SW13.2 MHz mlolol:|o-™ 87.6 ~ 108.0 Mitz Yok | +to.7Mviz{ 80k | isos | an narrow 10h FM 67.5 MHz FM 87.5 Miz FM 87.5 MHz W135 MHz Ce Ne ROR CR RCH a 530~ 1700 KHE Tor | +450KH2 | ion] (M7001 | AM Wide Bch FM 87.5 iz FM 87.5 Miz F876 MHe SW17.3 Mite | K iz K3/ 1) 0] 1) 0 My ee nor eouke 10K Lc7218 ‘With SW ‘18ch FM 87.5 MHz ‘FM 87.5 MHz ‘FM 87.5 MHz ‘SW2 15.0 MHz Swi 3.2~7.3 MHz Bk +450 kite Bk 1geh FM 87.5 MHz FM 87.5 MHz ‘FM 87.5 MHz ‘SW2 18.5 MHz rM 87.5~ 108.0 MHz k +10.7MHz | 50k T erjoj;1f1io = £0 = | Lm7001 (Table 2) y — cord to the power outlet. “10 ch’*. Change from group 1 to another group does not re ia i= 20 ees] RT (2) Display of test mode ‘occur until the +10 key is pressed. evel 2 3 2 ai be (3) Operations in test mode group 2. Pressing the key while the current group is group SW2 9.5~ 21.85 MHz 5k +450 kHz bk ‘The operations are basically the same as in normal operation 2 changes it to group 3 {''2- ch’ display}, and pressing the () BAND Selection BAND 2. BAND 2 BAND BAND 0 AM (1: With diode/0: Without diode) With SWIWithout SW STEP 9k, 50 k/10k, 100 k Narrow/Wide With Lwv/Without LW the +10 key and 0 key {numeric keys} ‘Namely, the preset channel definition method using the + 10 key and numeric keys is cferent in the test mode. The preset channels ate divided into three groups as shown below. [01 ch - 10 chiO - ch ch} : Group 1 [11 ch-20chi1-ch J : Group 2 [21 ch-30chi2-ch — } : Group 3 1.("'0- ch" display), (4) Method of canceling Unplug the AC power cord. 7 Ic 201: CxP5016-325 MICROPROCESSOR ood Corn CXP5OI6-632S ic2o1 KEYMATRIX [sno |avro sje] we g g g g g g 9g g KT-591/591S/1030L CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION KT-591/591S/1030L CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Pin functions Pin No. | Pinname [V0] Name Operation description [4 pwmipyt | o_ No used a 2 WPIPY2 1 ce Chip enable pin, Active low: 3 RucieciPya | o | No use _ — a7 1 Key retun put. KAO~ KRG 8 Poo. ° PLL DATA output _ Por ° PLUCK | PLL CLOCK output _| poz | o | Puce | PLL CE ouput PDS ° PMONO _| Forced MONO output Ue Poo. © | FPOWER | Power ONIOFF contol ee 0 No used 15 Po “0 [7 PRUTE | Line mute ‘Active low 16 Pec 755 SD pin ative tow a PFI PSTEREO | Stereo signal input Estee 8 7 PIFCNT | IF COUNT pin, On when F count fsed 18 cA PLLSEL PLL select pin tino 20-23 | Fe0-PE9 KS0~KS3 | Key scan output KSO~KSS 2a~27 | pe0=PBS | 1 | KRA=KR? | Key return input KRA~KRI 28 PAO SDATA System control DATA - 29 Par | WO] _SBUSY | System contol BUSY 20 Paz |_1 | PROD DISP _| “TUNED” display pin, ‘ative ow a1 pas No used 32 vs |= GN | ano pin _ 33-48, oO Sa-Sn FOP segment Se—Sn_ 49~56 oO] an FOP gr G1 G8 87 VeDr = Veoe | -30v _ 59.59 1 No used 60 xa o (uare oeilator ouput [6 EXTAL 1 Quartz oscillator input. 02 esr | | FESET | Forced reset pn ‘etiva low 63 PYO ° | No usea. 64 vo | — vee Power spi KT-591/591S/1030L ADJUSTMENT Tae DaTPUT Tone aLToWMENT so| 17a SETTINGS. SETTINGS: serrivas_| points LION FoR fit FM SECTION SELECTOR PH w T 8, OMe ui | wv Litiz,:75kta dev | Connect 2 OC voltneter| avo |_(x0s, 1 | piscemmsirox | — | betwoen 1P3 and TH. | or MONO Ww @ iti, 40k dev 0s) 8.0mlz | (a0s-) Mininun distortion | etdby CANT input) | 05) © | 8.00 | tie, 68284 dev su10 3 | visromioy | ritot:7-She dow | ® sa.ome | et Mininue distortion ern) arsaaHis> | or) Lia, 4082 dev Pilot 26its dev Saabs ANT input) © 98.0 vs 4 | stration | inte. 268.2548 dev 105-) Pilot 47. Silz dev ara ait S818 tia 40s dev o | 98.02 | SelostorsL oF & | | sabe CANT inpet) | @ 8.0 suo ww | Aajust Vat tits, 7318 dow ® or wx | (405-9 | and stop at tho point 5 | ruuinc even | veoue | hore FL201(two dots) wes | Lie id dv | | on | arin | | 14aba(ANT input) 154 13d0u(ANT_input)3004 CTION TRAD oy T 7 15] tonne eves Lo08he © roomie | yea | Adjust VRS ad stop atthe Ait, 306 nod 05-) | voit were FLZ0ICtn0 dots) 264nuCA¥T input) 068 on. 900K Mininun crosstalk aM Caw) SEL Kq-591/5918/10904, m3 KT-891/591S/1030L WIRING DIAGRAM (x05 8/5) PC BOARD (KT-591S: Component side view) POWER SUPPLY! he oe. 1188 70-0032-11 CC ES PC BOARD (KT-591/1030L: Component side view) ro TyPe : ' Sohne | | | | | wea0g. X05.£/5 Q wH303 ‘AC OUTLET Hove, 120v srod on AC OUTLET 6 J70-0030-01 (EX TYPE " SYSTEM CONTROL Ac OUTLET (KY) TYPE, ies ee (X05 40xX- xx) (A/5)(2/2), — | [zea | [want S216 16202 a +E Cl 8 or 2541309810,8) 1201,202,204~210, 218,214, 216~218 zai= 223, 220 R03.96S(82) ROB.ESIB2) KT-591 (2/2) unio NuM7eL06A, ‘ieso1 a 2ecra4s 2sK16 2sc1923, 28c2003, 2 2801302 = 201266 Cy 28K368 oranzaes, 2sat0as 23a9038 2sct7408 22488 2satz09q > oot ° pee pil oe OC votages are as measured with high-impedonce voltmeter duting reception of the FM brosdcast sgal twit a signal stength of GO dat the ANT terminal Values may vary slighty due to vaiatons between in dividual insturents offand. units, Valves in poten theses are as measured duting reception of che AM boadeast sgral Ivan 8 signal strength of 60 dB at the ANT torminal CAUTION For sanded sly, ce ety ee! com ovens ony wth monufcr ee eee reine tm nf wcte oc, agra tenn meses ube dot apse po weve ti nndned om he sot cet bel enc cesta recommended parts (afer KT-591 Yo7-3420-10 AU a (X05- 4060-20) (4/5) (2/2) —= 1 | thin} Se aasopes 2 BREN ele oh cn | | | | Lore 8 f ala a aay | [ER] co oneal eee F —t a I 8 at szo | sau saiz | Peete eee oes El oes eel er 25A1309410,8 | SS 1675) 201,202,204~210,212,214,216 ~ 218 Bai 223, 'ssis3 0203 1: RD3.9E8(82) 220 + ROS.IES(B2) ———_ oo une KT-s918(2/2) BC ao vurs.o8a heat Hee Helees on were eo Hore “ ar on SN Tay rarzaes : S seargi uso aes ‘sinsee aC meus : Se earaoen Ge Feit) my teres an7470 aN, ra Ler490N aaroaea saz [DC votlages ate as measured with 3 hgh-imp voltmeter during reception of the FM broadcast signal {with 9 agnal songth of 60 dB at the ANT termina) Values may vary sight due to variations between in dividual instruments onan unis. Values in pan theses aro as measured during receptor brosdeast sqral (with signal sengih of 60 aB at the ANT terminal Chiron fe Senne ty eon oe neat peren et wth marcus mcrae pot ner teoens tet, ted tty ee eopernts To rnc he kf ect sock, eager o ce sermons lb ied 0 pened pons we expe bi ime rom th spl ee fore te apne KT-591S ‘Y07-3420-10 Fah. IZ ea ES SEE a a (XO5~ 40XX - XXI(A/5)(2/2) 023 pees e204" zis te202 e204 2 me cxPso1s-s328 Saioaes Leesan us223P ovaizaes. or H2ss.mi62) eno Line. KT=1030L (2/2) a a vases asciea rt Bese Heroes Beress Bezees SS orane . me wom ‘ Sea oraiases f Babes Zen2999, cxrsor0 225 Bornes S ease zenrg00a ee Bern vanzes wro01 tems A an7a70 Laraaan 8a10293 Gat NIM7ELO5A, a (OC voltages ate a8 measured wih a highiempedance voltmeter ring the FM broadcast signal {wih @ signal sength of 60d at the ANT termina Values may vary sightly due to variations between i vidual instumants or'and_ uni sin paren Broadcast srl with 8 signal suengih of 60 48 at the CAUTION: For come ey, lc ety it! cam pera ety eh morte’ oneal pate na tepore at ene yee emponet. To fete the tk of eect atagromat loon insets hb ied ot npned pats we ene ti mated tom he sot cet elt anc soaayapeipati KT-1030L Yo7-3420-10 BK EAUTION: For cond sey, rps sft cite com poverty wth martes oonean pats ie top ta, [Aiden sly eel comport Te inc th of tect sock, geomet ones Intent hbo cried ut rpoued pa ez bi madd om the wy erat a te aptrc retard tn core KT-1030L Yor-3420-10 KT-591/591S/1030L _EXPLODED VIEW (asses seainmeae) (Si ‘A #3x8(81—Tap) —_: NBB-2008-46 1B #3x6(81~ Top OLX : NE9-3008-45 e No3-2808-08 er N09-2703-08, cA 609K doe Ports with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not ev pple, 33 KT-591/591S/1030L Now Parte PARTS LIST Les articles non mentionnes dans le Parts None sont pas fournls, Tell cone Parts No. worden ricnt gellofert. Ref. No. [Address|ew] Parts No. Description omes |i mle] a es Baasan KT-591 (JAPAN MADE) 601 18 | | aor-1939-01 METALLIC CABINET 602 2a | « |a22-1468-01 SUB PANEL. 603 an | * |a6o-a01s-02 PANEL 608 2a | « | B03-2689-03 DRESSING PLATE = 46-0092-03 WARRANTY CARD k - 846-0094-03 WARRANTY CARD y : 846-0095 -03 WARRANTY CARD y : 246-0096-23 WARRANTY. CARD x - B46-0121-03 WARRANTY CARD e Si B58-0513-04 CAUTION CARD. cPRESET220-240) |Y 5 + | B60-0324-00, INSTRUCTION MANUAL (ENGLISH) : + | 860-0325-00 INSTRUCTION MANUAL(FRENCH) P 4} 608 2a £03-0114-05 AG OUTLET x 607 ik £30-0615-05 AUDIO CORD a} 608 18 30-2594-15 AC POWER CORD x 4} 608 1B 30-2605-05 AC POWER CORD y ‘e] 608 te |x | €30-2643-08, AC POWER CORD Ke - H10-3780-02 POLYSTYRENE FOAMEO FIXTURE : H25-0223-04 PROTECTION BAG (750X350x0.03) : | H25-0232-08 PROTECTION BAG (235X350X0.03) > + | H50-0013-04 ITEM CARTON CASE 609 3a,38 | | 302-0366-15 Foot 610 1A 319-2815-04 ANTENNA HOLDER al er2 28 542-0083-05 POWER CORD BUSHING a Na9-3008-46 BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW 8 NB9-3008-45 BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW é x |No3-2703-05, TAPTITE SCREW 614 1A 190-0173-05 | LOgP_ ANTENNA eis faa |_| t90-0162-15 LEAD WIRE ANTENNA _ KT-591 (SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA MADE) 601 [18 | | Ao1-1940-01 METALLIC CABINET 602 2a | # |a22-1489-03 SUB _PANEL 603 2h | | ne0-0015-02 PANEL. 608 2a 303-2721-03 DRESSING PLATE : B46-0092-03 WARRANTY CARD - » | B60-0324-00 INSTRUCTION. MANUAL(ENOL TSH) 607 1a £30-0615-05 Ayo19. CORD leas 1B |* | £30-2643-05, AG POWER CORD e H10-3819-02 POLYSTYRENE FOAMED FIXTURE K s és « | #1o-8131-02 POLYSTYRENE FOAMED FIXTURE K W : H25-0223-08 PROTECTION BAG (750X350X0.03) : H25-0232-08 PROTECTION BAG (235X350K0.03) - + |H50-0014-o8 ITEN CARTON. CASE K s - | * | #50-o090-04 ITEM CARTON CASE x W 609 3a.38 | | 302-0366-15, FooT 610 iA 319-2615-08 ANTENNA, HOLDER aleiz 28 342-0083-05 POWER CORD BUSHING A Ne9-3008-46 BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW 5 N89-3008-45 BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW ‘S: SINGAPORE MADE E:Scandnavis M Evooe KCUSA——PeCanads W: MALAYSIA MADE Yepxferte Hew) TsEnand Mother Aves Vs Rafe) Aula AN cates safely teal compres 34 KT-591/591S/1030L ve New Parts PARTS LIST Les articles non mentionies danse Parts No. ne eont pas fournis Tella ome Parts No, werden nicht gollerert Ret, No. [Adsress|Mee] Parts No. Description re "4 ers omes |t mfr] Bae 5 BREA i © no9-2908-05 | TAPTITE ScREW ore 1A 790-0174-05 | LooP ANTENNA 615 iA 790-0162-15 | LEAD WIRE ANTENNA KT-591S. or ia [+ | ao1-1939-01 METALLIC CABINET nn 602 za |= | a22-1468-01 SUB PANEL 603 2a |s |Ae0-0016-02 | PANEL. 604 2a | s | B03-2689-03 DRESSING PLATE - + | B60-0324-00 INSTRUCTION MANUALCENGLISH) S x | B60-0326-00 INSTRUCTION HANUALCS, A.C) 605 a £03-0115-05 | AC PLUG ADAPTER 607 1A £30-0615-05 | AUDIO CORD 608 18 £30-2592-15 [AC POWER CORD - H10-3700-02 | POLYSTYRENE _FOAMED FIXTURE : H25-0293-04 | PROTECTION BAG (7504350K0. 03) : H2s-0232-04 | PROTECTION BAG_(235%350K0.03) 2 + | #50-0009-04 ITE CARTON CASE 60 3a,38 | | 302-0366-15 | Foor 610 18 319-2815-04 | ANTENNA HOLDER 612 28 342-0083-05 | POWER CORD BUSHING a ne9-3008-s6 | BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW 3 Ne9-3008-45 | BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW ¢ + |No9-2703-08 | TAPTITE SCREW 61 18 790-0173-05 | LOgP ANTENNA 615 1A 790-0162-15 __| LEAD WIRE ANTENNA a _ KT-1030L (FRANCE MADE) or ¥ Papi-1931-01 METALLIC CABINET | 602 x | 422-1495-91 SUB PANEL 603 + |60-0017-02 | Panel. 60 2a |x| p03-2718-03 | opessio PLaTe S B46-0139-03 | WARRANTY CARD : + | B60-0327-00 INSTRUCTION MANUALCENGLISHD = ® | Bg0-0328-00 INSTRUCTION MANUALCF, 6,0, 1) 605 20 823-0287 -04 KENWOOD BADGE 607 1A £30-0505-05 | AUDI CORD 608 1B £30-2592-15 [AC POWER CORD 5 wio-s7e1-92 | POLYSTYRENE coaweD F1yTURS : 9233-04 | PRGTECTIGN gag (750K380%0.05) = ibs-0038 PROTECTION BAG (235X330K0.05) 5 + |H35-0070-0¢ | Ten CARTON CASE 609 3a,3e | | 302-1024-05 | Foor 610 in 319-2815-04 | ANTENNA HOLDER 612 28 342-083-058 | POWER CORD BUSHING a | Na9-3008-46 BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW 8 j Ne9-3008-48 | BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW é + |n09-2703-08 | TAPTITE ScREW 61 18 |r90-o153-05 | Loop anTENNa 615 18 190-0176-08 | T TYPE ANTENNA a6 1A 190-0177-08 | ANTENNA” ADAPTOR i Ecard tupe USA Canada Ys fara Honan) T:Esgbnd Wi Oer eas Ys AAPESEuens) — XoAusala AS incates stety ci comporets KT-591/591S/1030L x New Parts Parts without Pets No. ere rot supple. PARTS LIST Les articiesnan mentionnes dens lo Parts sont pas fours, Tella ohne Parts No, werden rich galiorert. foro power] Pre beseripton emas |e m wane Bata 7a ____KT-1030L (SINGAPORE MADE) _ 601 1p | |aot-i9¢0-01 | netaLutc caBineT 602 zh | [A22-1408-01 | SuB PANEL 603 2k | |A60-0017-02 | PANEL 608 ze |x |p03-2722-03 | oRessING PLATE : B46-0122-13 | WARRANTY CARD. : B46-0143-13 | WARRANTY CARD : + |860-0327-00 | INSTRUCTION MANUALCENGLISHD - + | 560-0326-00 | INSTRUCTION MANUALCF,<.0,1) 0s 20 B43-0267-04 | KENWOOD BADGE 607 is E50-0505-05 | AUDIO’ cond, 508 18 £50-2592-15 | AC POWER CoRD 808 8 £30-2593-18 | AC POWER COND - H10-3819-02 | POLYSTYRENE FOAMED FIXTURE : H25-0223-04 | PROTECTION BAG (7S0X350X0..03) : H25-0232-04 | PROTECTION 8AG_(235X350X0.03) : x |Hso-o0is-o2 | Trew caRTON' cass : + |Hs0-0069-02 | TEN CARTON Case 609 3n,38 | |302-1024-05 | Foor 610 in 319-2818-0¢ —| ANTENNA HoLOER 612 2 342-0003-08 | POWER’ CORD BUSHING a wa9-3000-45 | arnotNe HEAD TaPTITE screw 8 Ns9-3008-45 | BINDING HEAD TAPTITE SCREW c No9-2805-08 | TAPTITE SCREW out 790-0174-05 | LOoP_ ANTENNA 615, 190-0175-08 | T TYPE. ANTENNA |e16 190-0177-03 | ANTENNATADAPTOR INER UNIT (XO5-404X-XX) (0-10: K.P, 2-91: Y, 0-71 rere Joxasrrtwi032 [ceramic -0.010UF._ ZS os jceoskwica7on [Etecrne = tur tow ce 7 |exasrriniosz [ceramic O-olour_z ce |coskwinea7e © | tecrao = O:a7uP" Sow co | | Ccasesuimiois CERAMIC 100PF J C10 | | ceoskwrHarom ELECTRO 2. 2UE sow cu Ceoaxwinangn | evecraa = 4330 Sow c12 Ckasrriniosz [CERAMIC OL O1ouF_Z c13 Cov2rMinis3y | HYLAR oroisur cla vas CKASEPIH2232 | CERAMIC 01 0220F Z crs ceoskviven7H —|eLEcTRO = 4.7UF_35qv a? Chasrrin223z [CERAMIC = G2 022UF._ Z ce Gsoaxwivioon | ELeeraa = aur suv 20 Ceoakwivioon | ELecTRs = 10UF_ = 334V a cEoakwicioin || ELECTR) = 100UF— WV 22 ceasraina7iK © | cERANIC © A70PF 633 Ceoaevinarsy | KE O.oe7ur 5 4 cossrchima7is [ceramic iupe 3 625,26 ccesestinisiy ceramic sone 27 128 + |cosaemrai23y, | myLaR o:012uF 3 27.28 covzeein2237 | YLAR 0.022uF 3 29 130 Ceoskwinoion | ELECTan © tour Sow esr Ckesriniosz | ceRanre 0: olour 32 | |Gboakwitere © |etectas = Oc47UF” Suv 033 Ceoaxwinangn © | evecraa = 33r. Sowv TE Te x) vx Ke 36 E ScandnaviaMEwope K:USA Canoe YY: Pfr xt Howat) T-Enand Moers Ye MFESEepe) — XAusal AY incaes sty ete canponets. pe KT-591/591S/1030L > New Parts PARTS LIST Les articles non mentionnes dansie Parts Ne. ne cont pes fournls, Tell onne Parts No, werden rit getlorert. Ref. No, aséreoslo Parts No. Deseription omas |e om wane Bae c3a ceoakwineRon | ELectRg 2.207 SOV Cai 42 C4SFCHIH2203 | CERAMIC 22PF cas “45 CKasraIHe7IK | CERAMIC ‘70re Kk cae 47 OKa5re1Hi03Z | CERAMIC 0.010ur Z cas: cagzrmiH2235 | MYLAR. 01022ue 3 cag ceoskwiHorom — | eLectao 1.0UR sow cso CEOsKWice70M — | ELECTRO ur. 16H 51 CEOsKWIHOIOM — | ELECTRO 1.our saw 652 CEOsKWIAA7ON — | ELECTRO 47UF TOW 056 CcasrsiiH2203 | CERAMIC 2F c106 CEosKwice70N | ELECTRO 47UR16KV C107 CkaSEFIN2232 | CERANTC 9.022uF 2 135,136 Cag2rniHs62s | NYLAR. séoorr 3 y 203 CEOaKWIH2R2# | ELECTRO 2.2uF Buy C204 ceoakwose7im == | ELECTRO 70ur 6. 3WV 20s cKaser1H223z | ceRANIC 0.022uF z 207 ce0sKwos222N | ELECTRO 22000F 6.34 208 090-1332-05 NB“ELEC Tour 23Wv C213 crgzeviniods == | HF o.10ur 3 235 ckasrr1H2232 | CERAMIC 0:o22ue Z 302 ceoskwivertH — | ELECTRO 4.70R 35Wv 303 CEDeDWICE7IM | ELECTRO 470UR 16 C308 | |ceoaxwiezzim | ELECTRO 2200 250 308 | jceoskwinoton | ELECTRO 1.0UF S0Wv C306 | |ceoakwosa7in | ecectRo 470UF 6.3 0307, 308 cksseriuio3z — | CERAMIC o.010uF Zz, 6309 CEOsKWINS3IN | ELECTRO 330UF Sowv 310 CEOsKWIEIOIN | ELECTRO 100UF_ 250 312 GEoaKWiE1o2N | ELECTRO 1000uF 25Wv 37 ckasreiui03z | CBRANIC ovoiour 2 318,319 €91-0749-05 cenante 2208F ik 320 Ceoakwivioox | ELecTRS 10Ur. 3sHv 321 Ceoakwiciory — | eLectag 100UF -254v 324 Ckasreidio3z | CERANIC O.o10ur 2 n 28 £20-0676-05 LOCK TERMINAL BOARD (ANTENNA) 2 23 £13-0235-05 PHENS JACK | TRANSISTOR y 9302 25n9335(0,R) | TRANSISTOR ¥ 9203 28¢17408(0,R) | TRANSISTOR 203 2scs311aca.r) | TRANSISTOR 301,302 2801302(5,t) | TRANSISTOR 2303 x | 23a1309ACa,R» | TRANSISTOR 9303 25n9335¢0,8) | TRANSISTOR 308 28¢2003(L;K) | TRANSISTOR 9308 28ci740sca,n> | TRANSISTOR 8308 28c3311Aca,R) | TRANSISTOR 306 2801266(0,?) | TRANSISTOR 9307 x | 280130908, 8» | TRANSISTOR 307 28A9335(0,8) | TRANSISTOR 9308 asci740sca,n) | TANSISTOR 9308, DSCS311AC@,R) | TRANSISTOR 620 __|__ |wo2-1042-05 __| em PRONT-END aSSY jo KT-591S TUNER UNIT (X05-4060-20) as | Jexaserini0sz —[cerantc ——0.0100F TOT cs Ceoakwiceron | ELecTRo = 4TUF_— Tew c% 7 Ckaseriniosz |CERANIC «0. 010UF._z ce CeOaKWIHRE™H — | ELECTRS = «O.47UF SOWV 9 Ccasesuimiors | CeRANIC = 100PF_— | e190 ceoakwiHan2n © jeLecTes = 2.2UF SOM ay Geoakwivansn = lecectey = Sauk Sowy 12 Ckasering23z (CERAMIC © O.022ue 2 613 caszeniH2237 © | MYLAR 0:0220F 3 eta 15 | Jexasreing232 © [ceRanrc = 0.022UF_ 2 cis cecakwivarmd © |ELeCTRG = 4. 7UF35WV 617 CkeSerIN2232 © [CERAMIC 0.022UF 2 cis Ceoakwicioin = [eLecTaa = 100UF-— Lewy 20 Ceoerwivioon © ELECTas = 10UF_ 354 cai Ceosnwicioim ELECTRO =—«L00UF_—16V 27,28 + |cagzemiii3sy | HyLaR 9.0130F 3 629 30 Ceoekwinge2k © |ELECTRe = 2.20 Sow cai Gcasrcnin2207 [CERAMIC = 22PF— J a2 Ccasrcwin270) | |cenaNIC = 27F_ cas 45 Ckasrping7ik —|ceRAMIC = 470PF_ =k E:Scanavia SEepe KSA PCenata ‘Yepafocant Hawi) Toad Me Ober Aes Ys AASEuope) Kua AN incates salty cites! compare, 38 KT-591/591S/1030L » New Parts PARTS LIST Parts without Parts No. are not sucpiie. Les articles non mentionnes cans le Parts No.n@ sont pas fours, Tele orne Parts No, werden nicht gellerert, rang cease] eres Cesertion ore Ea ones |e mfr] wae s sasrne ela cee ceesreamiogz |esmme o.ciour es ceispeumiagz espamte = 9 010uF BH Sdbanincton [éteeteg S818" Soy so ceeatvtccton /etectng Laur Gey BH eetantteoten gam | otc ea eee coe neon ose ceoervieson |euectie rue a0w & cevsesitezets | feaame = See oe ss Sctinttcron’ |éeetee bur dow ee ceoakvtaeoen ECTS 1-8, SN 8 emmuwigen «eter = Suazr Soy sn 68 ceusesuanions eemante — iovge ee re | ee tl eH eereretrpeon aad | nares mae ocean ea etaae et eas amd Ger An eae Geto By gear ntatas aman auc toaUe = eenenteeencrtead | eceeree tea fo tec es cesar outeamy coerce meme ooe tm ee eesee ot azotaymd| ceeantc muem toner me ee eter ryesea | comune mem seoere Et Vhbikvicwson Eteetas | S:824°" Fay crow cuseriyerse [cseamte —o.ozzue 2 cite geisrpueaye|emmamte 020k ES as Seizeoteses, [Gemmte = BazzUe iia Serccoeeces” [femmte | BSBaUE 135,136 CQ92FN1H6B2I MYLAR 6800PF J | 152.153 ceaseenizeaz |osaamse —o.0220F Erie peers = SP) Setar cuore ceases tes Sees tet IP cstcoueecaeee| cantare em cs Se-vE a creases Hb craseevnatteyee | etennic lume c Serie pe eer |= |consecrsnzr21 Jesmame 2zo0rr 3 cies genseauuayay |enmure goa aie + [SBI SReStN2D Ete Lebar 3 eee Silstetists, |[Semamre — SS06Hu 2 cies escesaeron(im | cues 007 Say an egi-cies-os etmane or x at Sectors [eecme «igi SOM eee Seesriiarie | |Etmame Olu ee Seeiciavzese | FERGRS SSBB Ey a cso-ssza-05 wr-ause —s0ue aa ous ceaeeerntesz [Ebpanre | S688be 2 as Saruivaga [ects S282" Bayy a Seeipitcanin [EES = Sicwe HEY er cgverenezcin|evacree zoom aa ae esta ected aera hel em ote E2300 eter oneate aa coerce orcceele ea Serio |G SOLO Ey a cavemen |evecree oor zs ee ceoemrtony evecrme = tone, ay aa ceesemietege |Eeeaare = S000UE,. 2 Ete.si9 ceisentumst, |errare Sang" BY Seasrmitaaw [Stag BRB doy oer YY: Paras Hani) YY: AAFES eps) Tifnland Meher Areas KeAvsala A\ indicates safety critical components. KT-591/591S/1030L x NewParts: PARTS LIST Les aticies non mentionres dans la Parts No. sont pas Fourie. Telio ohne Parts No wercen ricnt goiefert Ref. No. [Addross|New] Parte No, Description Dest re. bt ation, Fri omes |e mip) wae Bassa ie mae 321 egoekwisiomm | evectes ——100Ur_aswv 334 ceasrriiiosz | CERAMIC 0. o1guF_ 2 Feio1 G05-0216-08- | CERAMIC TRIMNER CAPACITORC10PF a 28 | | 820-0476-05 | LOCK TERMINAL BOARD (ANTENNA) 2 28 £13-0235-05 | BHON JACK te Uao-t091-17 | SwALL FINED TNDUCTORCIOUH} L105 L39-0192-05 | COMBINATION COIL. tios Lao-1091-17 | SMALL. FINED INDUcT@RC1. oH tio7 + |U39-0199-05 | COMBINATION COIL Choa + |C31-0608-08 | SwoRe cory thos + |13270826"08 | S¥ SSCILLATING corL uit | ]uso-rozi-1¢ | SHALL e1xeD InpucTSRC1. Oni, K> or (ao-1091-17 | SHALL FINED InDucTOR«1OuH} 4) 7301 za |x |Lo7-0246-05 | POWER TRANSFORMER a 177-1122-05 | CRYSTAL RESONATOR(7.24H2) ia 174-0208-08 | RESONATOR CaS6iHZ) x201 178-0209-05 | RESONATOR cA. 19442) 1201 [7a-0218-05 | RESONATOR == (41 194HH2) cP201 90-0832-05 | MULTI-COMP 4. 7KK3 J 1/6W e202 R90-0487-05 | MULTI-COMP 47MM 1760 2203, R90-0804-08 | MULTI-COMP —47KKO 174 ce08 R90-0850-05 | MULTIPLE RESISTOR 100KK3 e205, R90-0809-08 | MULTIPLE RESISTOR 1OKxa R53 rsiaes02713 | FL-pRoor RS 22032 R318 Rsiapespi21y | FL-pReae RS 12003 R319 | |Rsidoe3ae207 | FL-PROOF AS 82 i ie R323 RSiapesaz213 | FL-PRooF RS 220 01 R34 RSiae3a2223 | FL-PROOF RS 2.2K JW R329 5140830102) | FL-PROBE RS_ 1.0K J. 2 vat + [Ri2-36ae-05° © | TRIMMING PoTCA7KDEK TUNE LEVEL vas R12-3686-08 | TRIMMING POTC22K)AK TUNE LAVEL ves | + |R12-6663-05 | TRIMMING FOTC330K SEPARATION s101 28 s31-2094-05 | SLIDE SwITCHCDE-cH.,cH SPACE s201-217 | 28 Sto-toee-0g | PUSH suTToH 5219 2h Sad-10e4-08 | PUSH SNITCH crower) 4) 3301 2 831-2131-05 | SLIDE SWITCH(POWER TYPED 03 | [wzss.imce2y | zener orene 03 | JRos-iesce2) | Zener dione Din Hssios Drove bil 188133 DISDE Dios-112 HSS104 Dr1SDE p109-112 15133 oro0e pita Sioa OrSbE pile 188133 O190E bile Assioa DIODE o6 138133 DIODE. 0123-130 Hssio4 vrs0e ESeadnavo Europe KUSA Pade Paar Hawai) Trond MO ree Y:AAFESompe) Xtal A\ ines suey cite compares at KT-591/591S/1030L 4a x Now Ports Parts without Parts No, are not supped Les articles non mentionnes Gans le Parts No. na sont pas Fours, 1 Parts No. warden rientgelleert. PARTS LIST Rot No. [Addreselien] Parts No Description irri ems je ele wane waar Ca 0123-130 185133 D190 0131 kvi260 VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE 132-135 Hssioe O19e 0132-138 188133 DISDE 201,202 | HSS108 DISDE 201,202 138133 prone 203 HZS3.9NC82) ZENER DIODE 0203 RDS. 985(82) ZENER DIGQE 204-210 HSSio4 Dreoe 204-210 155133 D1eDe 212 | |ussros | pro06 D212 185133 DIODE 0214 |issioa D1SDE 0214 | DIsoE 0216-218 DISDE peig-218 | 198133 pi60E 0220 | HZSS.1N(B2) ZENER DIODE 220 RDS. 185(B2) ZENER DIODE 221-223 Hssio4 Drove 0221-223 188133 DIsDE 301 HZS3..3N(B2) ZENER DIODE 030; RDS. 385( 82) ZENER D190E 0302 HZ52.7N(B2) ZENER DIODE 302 D2. 78582) ZENER D1GDE 303 HZSi3N(B2) ZENER DIODE 0303 | | rorzescaay ZENER D19DE D304, 305 | [Hssiosa breve 0304, 305 188131 | prope 309,310 356688 | pieoe 0309, 310 18R139-100 rope 0313-317 Hssi0¢ pieve 0313-317 185133 DIODE L201 2A cFioz20 FLUSRESCENT TNOICATOR TUBE 1c Calze6. IGCAM/EN IPD 103 [ecraie IC(PLL SYNTHESIZER) 04 | | uazaor TCCEM MPX) 10201 + |cxpsoig-s3zs | 1¢(4B1T MICROCONPUTER) 10202 |Ba10393 IC(DUAL_COMPALATOR) ar | 28c1923¢R,) | TRANSTSTOR a2 Jascisescr,e) | TRANSISTOR | 93 | |escr7eosca,e» | rransisror 33 | zscs311acaie) | TRANSISTOR ra |asci7eosca,e) | TRANSISTOR 97 | |2scaziiaca.ey | TRaNsiSToR ae 2sciesscr,£) | TRANSISTOR 95 2sc1740s¢@,R) | TRANSISTOR 99 28033114@,8) | TRANSISTOR ator 25017405¢@,R) | TRANSISTOR aiol DSC33114(9,8) | TRANSISTOR 9102-104 + |25K1309A(0,R) | TRANSISTOR 9102-108 25A9335¢@,R) | TRANSISTOR 9105, 106 25c17405(@,8) | TRANSISTOR 9105, 106 25¢331140,8) | TRANSISTOR ait9) + | 28K13094¢0,8) | TRANSISTOR ato 2SA9338(0,8) | TRANSISTOR E-Scandnava BEuope K:USA Pe Canada Px East Hows) Y: RAFESE 00) Tifsgand MLO Anos Astle AY indicates safety cic components, KT-591/591S/1030L » New Parts PARTS LIST Les articles non mentionnes dans le Pats sont pas Fours, Tell otre Parts No. worden richt gelefert. Ref. No. [Address|tey] Parts No, Description Desti- [Re ‘ atin, fs omes |e ais] Bae Ss wR asn ee al 2202 + | asarzogaca.ey | rransisroR 3202 23a9395(0,8) | TRANSISTOR 3205 38c174059,8) | TRANSISTOR 9303 2scs31iaca,®> | TRANSISTOR 9501, 302 3801302¢5,1) | TRANSISTOR 9303 + | asarzogaco.ay | TRaNsisroR 9303 35n9335¢a,8) | TRANSISTOR 9304 2802003(L;R) | TRANSISTOR 8305 23c12408(@,R) | TRANSISTOR 3305 2SC3511AC0;R) | TRANSISTOR 9306 2s01266ca,e) | TRaNsrsT6R 307 + | 2sai309acara) | TRANSISTOR 307 23n93ssca,8) | TRANSISTOR 3308 Zecineosca.n) | TRANSISTOR 308 B8c3311AC0,8) | TRANSISTOR 20 20 o2-1042-05 _] FM FRONT-END ASSY KT-1030L TUNER UNIT (X05-4050-51: T, XO5-8052-71: E, XO5-4042-71: E (FRANCE MADE) cr 4 ckasrfini03z CERAMIC 0.010UF_ cs Geoskwiceron | ELecTRO = 470 L6wv eS 7 Exasreiniosz | CeRamie © O.010uF 68 ceoekwineern — | ELecTRo © O.a7UF Sowy eo Geasrsuiniors | Ceramze = Toor c10 cgoekwinanan | evecTse = 2.2ue soy en Ggoanwiuanan | EvecTRo = 3.3uk Sow a2 ckesrriniose | Gonamie —Ocoloue 2 3 Coparmiiiisay | RYLAR o:oisue 5 a vas Gkesrriiazsz © [CERAMIC = 0L022UF cis ceoskwivanmy —feLecTRe © 4.7UR_aswv ay ckesreinaas | CERAMIC © OLO22ue ci6 Ggoanwivioo | ELecrao = Gur Suv 20 Gebenviviooh | ELECTRO © 10UF_—« WV eat Geoanvicloin © | ELECTRO «100UF—i6WV c22 cnasroinavix | ceRAMIC © 4708F 635 choarviners) | HE acoenur 5 eae Geasrentenis | CeRAMIC © 70PR 635 26 oxasreimio2 | CERAMIC © 1000p 627 138 Gapzemiae72) | AYLAR soo 5 629 30 ceoskwiHonen | LECTRO ©—«2.2UF_— sow si Gesreiiiosz [Ceramic ©: b1our 2 32 Geoatwiunerm © [ELECTRO =O: 470P Sow 33 CeoakWiMaRaM © [ELECTRO = 3 Saw oe Geoanwinanan = |EcecTR® 2 zou 35 cxasraina7ix | CERAMIC k oe Gangrminis2y | HYLAR 5 37 x |Goszeninisa3 | MYLAR i ee CeusrsLiniais | CERAMIC i ae Ceasrsuinz7is | CERAMIC 3 c4o coasrsiinza1s | ceramic 5 ca 42 Gesrcnin2203 | CERAMIC 3 3 45 Gkesrolaa7ix | CERAMIC x ce 147 Gkesrriiosz | CERAMIC i cas Gaparni223) | MYLAR alone 5 ces cgo-i349-05 | p-eLec = ur soy eso G2oekwiceron | ELecTRo = ature EScanwa oops KUSA Pte ‘Yspugarta. Nana) Tard Miter Anes Y:ANESGuom) Astle A, nets sly rte cameo a KT-591/591S/1030L be Now Parts PARTS LIST Parts witnout Parts No, are not supplied Les articles non mentionnes dans le Parts sont pas fournis. ‘Tole onne Parts No. werden nicht gellefert. Ref. No. aaarons Parts No, Description Desti- JRe ration frark emes |G R/5] BARS BARR it lm ceoskwiHo1om — | ELEcTRO 1.0UF Sow CeoaKwiag7om — | ELECTRO 4vUE10WV | CEoaKwic220m =| ELECTRO 22UF 16H CC4SESLIH2203 | CBRAMIC 22PF CKASEFIHIO3Z | CERAMIC G.o10ur Z C106 ceoskwica70m | ELECTRO 470 16RV 107,108 CKSSFFIH2232 | CERAMIC 0.022uR z 109,110 €91-0085-05 CERAMIC 0.022UF WN cu 13 ckaser1H2232 | CERAMIC 0.022uF Zz cua 691-0085-05 CERAMIC o.022uF WN c170 091-0745-05 CERAMIC 100PF ik cam 691-0737-05 CERARIC ame ¢203 CEOsKWiH2R2M =| ELECTRO 2.2ue — S0Wv c208 Ceoskwosa7im © | ELECTRO 4700 6. 3KV 205 CKaSFF1H2232 | CERAMIC 0.022uF 2 207 ceoskwov222m — | ELECTRO 2200UF 6..34V 208 690-1332-05 NB-ELEC our _25Wv C213 crozevinioas | HE O.10ur cai4 Ceoakwicaz0y — | ELecTRO 22UF lev C215 CEoskwiviooM — | ELECTRO OUR 35W c2is ckasreiHzo3z | ceranrc .010UF z. 219 | CeoskwiviooN = | ELECTRO 10UF, 35Wv 0235 Cka5rr1H223z | CERAMIC o.022uF Zz. 302 CEoakwivaR7m — | ELECTRO 4.7UE35Kv 303 | ceosowica7in — | ELECTRO siour lew 304 ceoskwig22im — | ELecTRO. 2200 25WV 305 CEoaKWIHOIOM — | ELECTRO TOUR SOW 306 CeoakWOJe71M =| ELECTRO s70UF 6. WV 307, 308 CKASFFIHIO3Z | CERAMIC. O.010UF Z. 309 CBOAKWIH331M | ELECTRO 330UF Sow e310 ceosnwigroin | ELECTRO 1oour —2suv 6312 | CBoskwie102n | ELectRe 1000UF —25Wv 315,316 91-0749-05 CERAMIC 220PF 6317 CkaSFFiH103z — | CBRARTC Q.o10uR Zz 318,319 691 -0749-05 CERAMIC 220PFK 320 ceoaKwivioon | ELECTRO OUR 3sWy 321 CEoakWiETOIM © | ELECTRO TOUR 25WV C324 CkaSFPIHIO32 | CERAMIC 0.010uF Z un 28 £20-0321-05 LOCK TERMINAL BOARD (ANTENNA) 32 28 £13-0235-05 PHONG JACK (outeuT) 33 28 E11-0188-05 MINIATURE PHONE JACK(S. CONTROL 3302 2a £03-0108-05 ae OUTLET E 3303 28 £03-0109-08 AC OUTLET T cei 42 2-0536-05 | CERAMIC FILTER cea £72-0096-05 CERAMIC FILTER 1 £30-0486-05 AN IT 2 t30-04e4-05 © FM IFT 3 Lao-1021-14 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR(1. mH, KD La | L49-8625-20 SMALL FIXED INOUCTORCS. 6mH, J La 40-5625-29 SMALL FIXED INDUCTORCS. 6mH, J) us (40-6825 -20 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR(6. Gmi,3> 1S 49-6825-29 SMALL FIXED INDUCTORC6. Gmil,J) Le 47 179-0790-05 Uc FILTER 18 L40-1091-17 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR(1uH) Scandinavia Europe K'USA —_PCarata "Y: Pafr Es How) Y: AMFES(Euop) Tikogané Mote Ast X: usw AN ‘eictes salty cites! components KT-891/591S/1030L a Wew Hares PARTS LIST Las articles non mantionnes dane le Parts No. ne sont pas Fours, Tele otre Parts No, worden nioht galefer, Ref. No. Adress) Parts No, Description emes |e mfp] sae saan te ug uzo-o4gs-05 em 17 Uioa U39-0198-05 | cowstnarron con. Lios 139-0192-08 | GonBINATION COIL Lid U40-1091-17 | SMALL FIXED INDUCTORC1uH tor tao-1091-19 | SHALL FIXED TNDUCTORC1UH) al r3o1 22 |+ |Lo7-0249-05 | pover TRaNsronter u U77-1122-08 | CRYSTAL “RESONATOR(7..2MHz> 01 78-0209-08 | ResoNATOR (4. 134nHZ) 201 Ure-021e-08 | RESONATOR = (4. 13aMlH2) cp201 R90-0032-05 | MULTI-comPa.7Kx3 3 1/6 202 R90-0407-08 | MULTI-CoMP A7KKe 31760 cP203 R90-0804-08 | MULTI-COMP—47KK8 3 17aW cea08 R90-0850-08 | MULTTPLE RESTSTOR 100KX3, e205 R90-0809-08 | MULTIPLE RESISTOR 1OKxe P2068 R90-0855-05 | MULTI-COMP_ 1004x543 R53 Reiake302219 | FL-PAGOF RS 22032 R316 RSL4KB301217 | FL-PROGF RS 120 YD A319 RS14KB3A0207 | FL-PROOF RS 2 7 Ww 8323 RSLaKBIA2217 | FL-PROSE RS 2200 JW asza psiaxosazz2y | FL-PROOF RS 2.2K JW 8329 Rsiekes0102) | FL-PROSE RS 10K 3 OW vat s|Rizsseae-08 | TRIMMING PoTCATKDeN TUNE LEVEL veo x /mi-isi9-03 | TRINRING POTCA, 7KOVCO vas R12-3606-08 | TRIMMING POTC22KDAM TUNE LEVEL vre x ]n12-sesa-05 | TRIMMING POTC220K SEPARATION sz01-217 | 20 s4o-r064-05 | pus swrtoH 5219 2A Sa0-106e-03 | PUSH SWITCH (POWER) o.2 ussi04 v190e Di 12 Nea Drove F D112 158133 DI9DE Fe 32x58-c5v1 ZENER o100e F 33 Hass. 1m(B2) | ZENER DIODE 03 nos.1esce2) ‘| ZENER or00e bt -7 Assioa D190e be That ee DISDE F be 138133 DISDE Dios-116 Hssi0e DISOE 0109-116 Nat 4g DIODE F Di09-116 1ssi33 DISDE 2201,202 #38104 DISDE D201, 202 Thalee DISDE ' 201,202 155133 orSDe 0203 82x5-c3v9 ZENER DIODE F 0203 wzs3.9nce2) | ZENER DIODE 303 RO3.3eS¢82) | ZENER DIODE 0204-210 wssioa ora0e 0208-210 Nate D1abE F 0204-210 1s8133 orsve 0213-218 assi0a DISDE 0213-218 Wat 4 DIODE F 0313-216 158133 DIOUE 0220 B2xs8-csv1 ZENER DIODE F 0220 wzss.1nco2) | ZENER DIODE EScanéoniaEompe KSA PCa F: FRANCE MADE Ys Pata Havai) Trains — Meier Aes YAMS pe) Kale A\ ineses ty ered compares 45 KT-591/591S/1030L 46 PARTS LIST Les articles non mentionnes dens le Part No. ne sent pas fours, x NewParts, Parts witnout Parte No. arent cupped Tells otne Parts No, werden ricnt gellete Ref. Ne [Address|i] Parts No, Description ire | fark omes | mis) wae e Baasea es as 220 | | Ros. 1es¢B2) ZENER DIODE 221 Hssiog DIGDE 221 INA 48 DIODE F 0221 188133 DIODE 0223-206 HSS108 DIS0e 0223-226 1Na148 prope F 0223-226 155133 DISDE 0301 82x55-c3V3 ZENER DIODE F 0301 | |wz53,3Nce2) ZENER DIODE D301 | | aos. 3esca2) ZENER DIODE 302 « | paxss-cov7 ZENER D190E e 302, HZS2. 2N¢B2) ZENER DIODE 0302 RD2-785(82) ZENER DIODE 0303 BZX55-C13 Dispe e 0303 HZS13N(B2) ZENER DIODE 0303 Ro13escB2> ZENER DIODE 0304, 305 Hssioaa, Diode D304, 305 188131 DIODE 0309, 310 s56888 DIGDE 309, 310 1nago4 DIODE F 309, 310 18R139-100 | 1606 3137317 HSS104 DIODE 0313-317 1na145 DIeDE e 0313-317 |. |1ssi33 DieDE FL201 aa | | cri0220 FLUORESCENT INDICATOR TUBE Te Lan266 ICCAM/EM TF) 102 aN7470 ICCEM. BPX), 163 Lw7001 IC(PLL_ FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER) 16201 + | Cxpsois-s32s | IC 48IT MICROCONPUTER) 16202 BA10393 IG(DUAL CONPALATOR) 10203 814330 IC(LEVEL METER DRIVER) F 1208 5203, IGCOP AnP x2) 16205 NSH78LOSA IC(VOLTAGE REGULATOR/ +3) a |25c1923¢R,0) | TRANSISTOR 02 2SC1845(F,E) | TRANSISTOR a3 4 Jes01¢P,.a) | TRANststoR F a3 ia 2sc17405¢a,R> | TRANSISTOR a3 le 2sc2esacy,ca) | TRANSISTOR 95 2SK163(L, 8) FET 95 2SK364CGR, BL) | FBT aio 30501¢P,0) TRANSISTOR F S101 dsciraosca,n> | TRANSISTOR aior 2sc2asecy,6R) | TRANSISTOR 102- TAOICP, a) ‘TRANSISTOR F 02-104 | 2SA104eCY,0R) | TRANSISTOR 102-104 2SA9335(0,R) | TRANSISTOR 105, 106 3€501(, 0) TRANSISTOR F 105, 106 25ci7405¢a,a» | TRANSISTOR 105, 106 25c2458¢Y,GR) | TRANSISTOR 0203;204 3¢501(P,.05 TRANSISTOR F 9203, 204 | |2scr7eosca,ny | TRaNsistoR 203,204 | | 2sczesacy,cn) | TRaNSTSTOR e2112215 DTAIzaes DIGITAL TRANSISTOR 211-218 » | ano203 TRANSISTOR 0211-215, UNa112 TRANSISTOR F Scandnavio A Eopn K'USA——PeCanads F: FRANCE MADE ‘Your fst Hows) TEgand— McOter Aves Ys ANFESEepe) XA AN intcatesstely cites! components KT-591/591S/1030L » Now Parts PARTS LIST Los aticies non mentiornes dana e Parts sont pas fours Tolle atna Parts No. waren nlent golfer. Ret No. [Addross)Ney] Parts No, Description omas | Ble] Ba we Bassa 9301, 302 2801302(S,1) | TRANSISTOR @303 JA101¢P, 0) TRANSISTOR F 9303 Dsai04ecy,cR) | TRANSISTOR 9303, 28A9335(@,R) | TRANSISTOR 304 28c2003(L,K) | TRANSISTOR 9305, JO501(P,@) TRANSISTOR 7 9305, 2S017405(@,R) | TRANSISTOR 9305, 28C2458¢¥,6R) | TRANSISTOR 9306 28D1266(0,P) | TRANSISTOR 307 JA101(,.@} TRANSISTOR F 9307 2sarosacy,cR) | TRANSISTOR 9307 2SA9335(Q,R) | TRANSISTOR 9308 Jes01(P,a} TRANSISTOR F 9308 28017408¢0,n) | TRANSISTOR 0308 28¢2458¢¥,GR) | TRANSISTOR 620 28 Wo2-1041-05 FM FRONT-END ASSY | E-Scandravia ope K:USA Pe Canada F: FRANCE MADE YY: Paras, Honai) TsEngind Mother Noes Ye AAFESEumpe) XA AN inicates safety cal componets 7 KT-591/591S/1030L SPECIFICATIONS KT-591/5918 KT-10301, FM tuner section FM tuner section “Tunlegtraueney range 87.5 2-108 ws Tuning tequency range 87.5 mme108 Usable sonetviey (MONO) G'85qu/108 di Unable sanatty 01N at 78) ‘etal harmonie tortion (ot 7 kis 65 di input ‘MONO. o7w ‘MONO. oat STEREO 22 pv STEREO cr harmonic distortion (DIN at 7 KH 65.2 dt input) ‘Signal te Noise ratio fat 7 KH, 65 8 input) ‘MONO. 0.1586 ‘MONO. ne STEREO. os STEREO 7363 Signal nolan ratio (GIN weighted at 1 ki, 65.2 dt input Stereo separation 8 ae ine 2008 6348 ‘Altomets channa selectivity (2400 kis) 5068 (30 Het ue 408 08, 2.8 Output levelinpedence ose (ae ths, TBs dev.) osvisaK0 ns tha) +0508, 2.48 [AM tuner sacton impedr “Toning frequency range ooviosim KM at 6: tet,602 KH 590 ke 1,810 tHe 830 kee. 700 kha 1531 Ate. 002 ke Signal te nowe ratio {at 30% mod. 1 mV inp) S008 soa Total harmon dstorton 05% Total harmonic distortion 0% Output lovelimpecance ise 30% mod. mv Input) 0.18 V9.3 LW Tuner Section “Tuning Wequoncy renge 159 eH-28) ke KT-5918 only Usebie sense 22a gna 9 nolo rato Tuning frequency ronge Sie som mod. a i a0 9 kHe step 531 kH2-1,602 kH2 pt 208 mad. 1 my input oy 10 kz step 590 Kt2-1,610 kHz Output lavelimpedanee Usable sensitivity 17 pVI560 Vio) Yat 30%6 mod. mV Input) ‘SW Tuning frequency range a Swi 3.2 MHe-7.3 MH ower consumption row sw2 9.5 MiH221.85 MHz AC outer ‘UNsWrTcHED 1 440 max. Dimensions Ws 240 mr General 0mm Power consumption tow Bisson AC outlet ‘Weight (Ne) 2009 For U.S.A. and Car UNSWITCHED. 1 (@00W 6.68 max.) For U.S military UNSWITCHED 1 (700W max.) For other counties UNSWITCHED 1 (500W max.) imonsions We: 440 mm (17-5)16") Hs 75 mm (2-15/16" KENWOOD felons a poloy of coninuous advancemante Gevalogmant For hs e880 specications ay be changed KENWOOD pavraut une poltiaue de progids constata Spéeicatione son yates meatestons ssh peas, 284 mm (10-112") 2.6 kg (5.5 Ib) KENWOOD CORPORATION KENWOOD US.A. CORPORATION KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. TRIOKENWOOD U.K. LTD, KENWOOD ELECTRONICS BENELUX NV. ‘carn eS Hn BT KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH TRIOKENWOOD FRANCE S.A, KENWOOD LINEAR SpA. ENWOOS ster singe, Verbeserungen i der Erik Bra ManOw APaE a Ta lung an, Daher bloiben Andeargen ger tchnschan Osten Inderzet vorbahatin KENWOOD ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY, LTC. KENWOOD & LEE ELECTRONICS, LTD,

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