CSS G11 Module 4 Q1
CSS G11 Module 4 Q1
CSS G11 Module 4 Q1
Servicing NC II
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
CMOS and Motherboard
Computer Systems Servicing NC II – Grade 11
Quarter 1- Module 4: CMOS and Motherboard
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I. Introduction
A computer comprises various physical parts and hardware components providing support
for its major functions. From the tiniest to the largest piece takes part in the computer processes. From
a computer memory chip to the main logic board.
This module will introduce you to a new learning practice about CMOS, a computer memory
chip and Motherboard, the main board of a computer.
II. Objectives
Learning Competency: LO 1. Assemble Computer Hardware
Identify the functions of a CMOS in a computer system. (TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-e-28)
Determine the signs of CMOS failures during start-up. (TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-e-28)
Distinguish correctly the parts and functions of a Motherboard (TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-e-
Apply troubleshooting skills in dealing with Motherboard issues (TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-
Vocabulary List
For better understanding of the lesson , here is the list of words and their meanings.
Read and understand them carefully.
data measurement unit that contains eight bits, or a series of eight zeros and ones
stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive electronic component with two
Checksum Error
usually appears if the computer fails to pass the Checksum phase.
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
computer memory chip that stores the BIOS settings
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Battery
supplies power to the CMOS battery for keeping its settings.
arrangement and settings of a computer system
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
known as the brain of the computer
Expansion Slots
slots for insertion of expansion cards like video cards or sound cards.
Factory Settings
default settings of a device
Floppy Disk Drive
magnetic disk categorized as secondary storage device.
Hard Disk Drive
secondary storage device for keeping and retrieving files for a long period of time.
Heat Sink
absorbs the heat produced by the processor
International Business Machines (IBM)
a global technology company that provides hardware, software, cloud-based services and
cognitive computing
Local Area Network (LAN)
a computer network within a small area, room or building
known as mainboard, holds the computer parts together.
Optical Drive
disc drive that uses laser lights as it reads and writes data.
Sound Card
expansion card that sends audio input and output signals to the computer.
Video Card
an expansion card that sends video input and output signals to the computer.
Source: https://techterms.com/definition/byte
IV. Pre-Test
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. In a ¼ sheet of paper, write TRUE if the statement is
V. Learning Activities
Learning Activity 1. Stop, Look and Ponder!
In the previous module, you have learned how a BIOS and a POST take part in the computer
processes. Definitely, you are now able to identify their key functions. This time, you will be given
new series of learning tasks. You will be taken to new concepts essential to the succeeding lessons.
The CMOS and Motherboard.
Below is a set of pictures showing a major part of a computer. Take a look at each one.
Read the Guide Questions. Write your answers in your data notebook.
Source: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (n.d.). Source: GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd. (n.d.). Source: HP Development Company, L.P. (n.d.). The
ASUS EX-H310M-V3 [Photograph]. ASUS. GA-P43-ES3G (rev. 1.4) [Photograph]. GIGABYTE. MS-7525 (Boston) motherboard [Photograph]. HP
https://www.asus.com/id/Motherboards/EX- https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-P43- Customer Support - Knowledge Base.
H310M-V3/ ES3G-rev-14#ov https://support.hp.com/id-en/document/c01386897
Guide Questions:
1. What can you infer from these pictures?
2. What could be their functions inside a computer?
SATA Port IDE Port CMOS Battery IDE Port Expansion Slots I/O
Chipset Memory Slot Power Port Front Panel Connectors FDD Port
CPU connector PCI e USB Port CPU Socket CPU Fan Connector
Figure 1: Motherboard
Source: #ANON#. (n.d.). Motherboard Lab [Photograph]. ImageQuiz Beta. http://www.imagequiz.co.uk/quizzes/316539001
A. The computer suddenly shuts down and does not allow user to make a task.
B. The user is not able to connect to the internet.
C. The computer has constant beeping sound while you are using it.
Guide Questions:
|The CMOS|
CMOS (short for complementary metal-oxide-
semiconductor) is the term usually used to describe
the small amount of memory on a
computer motherboard that stores
the BIOS settings. Some of these BIOS
settings include the system time and date as well
as hardware settings. CMOS is an onboard,
battery powered semiconductor chip inside
computers that stores information. This
information ranges from the system time and date
Figure 1. CMOS Coin Cell Battery
to system hardware settings for your computer
Source : Lennox IT BUsiness IT Solutions. (n.d.). Changing a BIOS
Battery [Photograph]. Lennox IT BUsiness IT Solutions. https://lennox-
(Fisher, 2020).
First CMOS chip was used in early IBM computers. This CMOS chip was two
main components RTC and CMOS RAM. This CMOS also has 64-byte memory where 14
bytes were used system clock RAM and 50 bytes of storage was used for system settings When the computer
(Baydan,2019). first boots up, BIOS
pulls information
from the CMOS
How CMOS andDid YouWork
BIOS Together
to understand
Know? the hardware
settings, time, and
BIOS and CMOS work together, but they do different things.
anything else that's
The BIOS contains programs that the CPU needs to communicate stored in it. CMOS
with the various devices on the motherboard. The BIOS can’t be is used to store this
rewritten. We often refer to BIOS as the BIOS chip, but BIOS is not date/time
really the chip itself, it’s the software inside that’s really the BIOS. configuration.
As stated by Dan Stone in his article “What Is the Primary Function of the BIOS & the
CMOS?”, Thehe said
CMOS the menu is accessed
parameters forfrom the BIOS
programs Setup
in BIOS in Utility screen. The CMOS
order to access certain devices. When we add a new hard drive into themotherboard, uses a simple
contains the hardware customization options allowed by the
system, itinterface and is
will probably controlled
have different by the keyboard.
parameters than theCustomization
one that was features include memory
handling, expansion port speed configuration,
in our PC before (cicnavi, 2010). boot device order and power control”.
Dan Stone also added that the CMOS is a physical Points to Remember
part of the motherboard: it is a memory chip that houses It's important to understand that
setting configurations and is powered by the onboard CMOS and BIOS are not
battery. The CMOS battery is a small battery fitted on the interchangeable terms for the same
motherboard of your computer. It has a life of around five thing. While they work together for a
to ten years. He emphasized that a user needs to use the specific function within the
computer regularly to extend the life of the CMOS battery. computer, they are two entirely
different components (Fishers, 2020
Source: https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-cmos-2625826
It is a 3V battery. If the voltage drops between certain levels, your computer loses the
memory. The CMOS settings like date and time get changed. In some instances, the date and
time get set to factory default. For example, your computer date will be set to factory settings,
something like 12/01/2008 (Greaves, 2017)
As stated by Wanda Greaves in the website “Rocks Digital”, the following are the
Signs of CMOS Failures.
All of the settings like drive type, FDD, NUMs lock, etc., in the computer setup will
be changed. It may be causing booting problems since your computer does not
Source: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/primary-function-bios-cmos-68581.html
|The Motherboard|
Everything behind the computer case is connected in some way to the motherboard so that all
the pieces can communicate with each other. This includes video cards, sound cards, hard
drives, optical drives, the CPU, RAM sticks, USB ports, a power supply, etc. On the motherboard
are also expansion slots, jumpers, capacitors, device power and data connections, fans, heat sinks,
and screw holes.(Fisher, 2020)
Figure 3. Typical Parts of Motherboard
Source: Creative Commons. (2005, June 23). File: ASRock K7VT4A Pro Mainboard Labeled English.svg [Photograph].
WIKIMEDIACOMMONS. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ASRock_K7VT4A_Pro_Mainboard.jpg
Take Always check the compatibility of other components connected to your motherboard. Make sure to
Note meet at least the minimum requirement to avoid any computer issues.
---------- --------------
These are the popular Motherboard Vendors
|ASUS| |AOpen| | Intel| |ABIT| |MSI| |Gigabyte| |Biostar|
Source: https://www.lifewire.com/motherboards-system-boards-and-mainboards-2618154
At the first glimpse, the parts of a motherboard and its connections can really look
complicated specially for the dummies or beginners like you.
If you've ever taken the case off of a computer, you've seen that one piece of equipment that
ties everything together, it is motherboard. It allows all the parts of your computer to receive power
and communicate with one another. See the table below about the parts of a motherboard and its
functions (Wilson and Johnson, 2020).
Table 1: Parts of Motherboard and Their Functions
1. I/O ports It is located in the rear panel of
PS/2 Ports the CPU, this use to connect the
Printer Port outside hardware or peripherals
Serial Com Port of the computer
VGA Port
USB 2.0 Ports
Source: Supermicro X10SLQ Rear IO Ports. (2013, June 28).
LAN Port
Audio Port
2. ATX Power It connects to the 4-pin power
connector cable of a power supply unit
(4 pin) which supplies power to the CPU
3. Memory slots It is the slot of computer memory
or what we called RAM. The
memory slot depends on the type
of the memory
8. Serial Advanced
Source: Ruffell, A. (2013, May 7). Foxconn H67A-S H67 Sandy Bridge
Motherboard Preview 531-12.jpg [Photograph]. ETeknix.
It connects to modern hard disk
https://www.eteknix.com/foxconn-h67a-s-h67-sandy-bridge- drives, solid state and optical
Attachment (SATA) drives for data transfer
9. USB connectors Source: Supermicro X10SDV-TLN4F SATA Ports. (n.d.). [Photograph]. It connects the USB port of the
ServeTheHome. https://www.servethehome.com/supermicro-x10sdv-
(headers) tln4f-review-platform/supermicro-x10sdv-tln4f-sata-ports/ front panel
10. Floppy Disk Drive Source: Ruffell, A. (2013b, May 7). Foxconn H67A-S H67 Sandy
Bridge Motherboard Preview [Photograph]. ETeknix. https://eteknix- It connects the Floppy Disk Drive
connector eteknixltd.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/vb/531-11.jpg cable through the system board
11. PCI slots It connects the I/O cards of the
computer. Such as LAN card,
WIFI card, USB expansion card,
and sound card.
Source: Tj, M. (2018, August 13). How to Check PCI Express (PCIe)
Version Compatibility on Any Motherboard? DESKDECODE.COM.
Task Mechanics:
Identify the 3 Best Interesting Ideas that you have learned from this lesson
Copy the pyramid design in your data notebook and write your answers inside the
Practice Task 2: 3- 2- 1: Exploring Your Mind!
Task Mechanics:
Below is a table with 3 Columns namely “3 Things I Learned”, “2 Things I Still Want
to Learn” and “1 Question I Have”.
Assess your learning in this module. Copy the table in your data notebook and write your
answers in each column.
Scenario A: you smelled an unusual burning odor in the motherboard due to overheating.
Scenario B: you noticed that the fan fails to function due to dust accumulation.
Scenario C: you noticed that the motherboard isn’t receiving any power.
Task Mechanics:
Study the 3 scenarios given above. Scenario A, B and C. These are sample issues related to
Read the Guide Questions below. Write your answers in your data notebook.
Guide Questions:
1. The primary function of a ____________is to handle and store the BIOS configuration.
2. While working with your old desktop computer, you noticed it to be too slow. Associating it to
CMOS, it is safe to say that this is caused by______________.
3. When a CMOS fails to function, you may hear a constant beeping sound while working with your
computer. This is an indication that ________________.
4. A user installed a new memory to his motherboard. The slot where it is inserted is known as
5. Modern hard disk drives, solid state and optical drives for data transfer uses the _____________
connector for data transfer.
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Select the correct answer from the given choices. Write
your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What is the memory chip that houses setting configurations and is powered by the onboard battery?
B. Motherboard D. Real time clock
3.Which motherboard component connects to modern hard disk drives, solid state and optical drives
for data transfer?
A. Fan Headers C. SATA ports
B. Memory Slots D. USB ports
4.Which of the following belong/s to the Input and Output Ports of a Motherboard
I. Audio
II. North and South IC
III. Serial Com
5. If a user wants to connect old hard drives to the motherboard, which of the following ports
should be used?
Assignment/Additional Activities 12
Directions: Study the given scenario. Write the steps on how are you going to troubleshoot the
problem. Write your answers in your data notebook.
A. Scenario: You have recently installed a motherboard in your desktop computer. When you
pressed the power on, the computer does not proceed to booting process.
Note: You may write your answers in a paragraph, bulleted or numbered format.
Please be guided by the rubrics provided below.
The content of your output will be evaluated using the Scoring Rubrics provided below. The first
component is Correctness and Completeness while the second one is Familiarity. The score for each
component ranges from 5 (highest) to 1(lowest). The scores for both components will
be added to determine your final score.
Scoring Rubrics
Components 5 4 3 2 1
Correctness and Able to provide Able to Able to Able to Able to
Completeness the steps provide all provide provide 2 to provide at
completely in the steps some of the 3 correct least 1
an accurate with a steps with a steps with correct step
sequence. slight slight poor only.
inaccuracy inaccuracy accuracy of
in the in the the
sequence. sequence. sequence.
Able to Able to Able to Able to Able to
Familiarity recognize the recognize somewhat somewhat recognize
steps. Gave a the steps. recognize recognize and discuss
comprehensive Gave a the steps. the steps but at least 1
and full flow of satisfactory Gave a with poor step of the
the procedure. flow of the tolerable flow of the procedure.
procedure. flow of the procedure.
B. Read the following questions and write your answers in your data notebook. You can surf the
internet, borrow notes or browse old notes from previous CSS students and other means.
Guide Questions:
A. What is the function of a storage device?
B. What are the different types of multimedia storage devices?
. Answer Key
IV. Pre -Test
V. Learning Activities
Learning Activity 1: Stop, Look and Ponder!
Probable Answers:
Learning Activity 3: Troubleshooting a PC! Getting Started
The answers may vary. However, here are the most probable answers to the given situations.
1. Scenario A, B and C show issues related to CMOS/ CMOS battery backup. To resolve all of
them, the user may do the following:
Restart the computer
Download and Flash a BIOS Update
Reset the BIOS
Replace CMOS battery
Consult a technician for further computer repair expert
2. The answers may vary depending on the prior knowledge, troubleshooting experiences and
capability of the student.
For students with prior knowledge, probable answers may be the following:
For students without prior knowledge, probable answers may be the following:
No, I don’t find it an easy task because I lack the skills and I don’t have any
troubleshooting experiences yet.
No, I don’t find it an easy task because we don’t have any computer at home where I
can practice and enhance my troubleshooting skills.
No, I don’t find it an easy task because I don’t find myself learning these tasks
2. I found out that Motherboard is not just a plain board, it is actually an indispensable component of
a computer that holds various parts together
3. For beginners, the different parts of a motherboard may be complicated at first sight. But when the
parts and its functions were emphasized, its incredible how they individually perform their roles but
then they work together as one.
3 Things I Learned
The CMOS memory chip installed on a computer motherboard stores the BIOS settings
CMOS and BIOS work together to set up the computer and boot the operating system
The different parts of motherboard include video cards, sound cards, hard drives, optical
drives, the CPU, RAM sticks, USB ports, a power supply
1 Question I Have
Scenario A, B and C show issues related to motherboard and its components. The appropriate
troubleshooting for all of them are the ff:
For Scenario A
Make sure you have at least the minimum hardware in the machine to make it work.
Provide proper cooling system to the computer
Check the fan that may cause potential overheating.
Try removing all the optional devices from the motherboard
Double-check all the motherboard jumper settings, carefully.
Check the inside of the PC's case to see if any components seem to be overheating
Inspect the motherboard physically. Check to make sure the board itself isn't cracked.
Try swapping the motherboard with another one and see if the problem resolves itself.
For Scenario B
Try to vacuum the fan and heat sink or use a can of compressed air to clean the accumulated
For Scenario C
Make sure the power switch is connected to the motherboard if you're using a desktop.
Try swapping the motherboard with another one and see if the problem resolves itself.
Inspect the motherboard physically. Check to make sure the board itself isn't cracked.
Test your power supply if you're using a desktop PC.
2.Wrong Date and Time settings
3.CMOS needs to be replaced
4.Memory slots
5.Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA)
My objective is to find out the cause/s why my computer does not proceed to booting process
after installing a new motherboard and be able to resolve the issue. To do this, first I have to check
why my computer is not turning on at all. I will check if the fans are running, if lights are blinking,
and if nothing appears on my screen, this could probably be related to power issues. The next step to
resolve this is to double check the power cord. I have to unplug and plug it to check if there is a loose
connection. Another cause maybe due to loosened cable monitor. I will check my monitor cable as
well or use other monitors. If these does not take effect, maybe there is a need to check if there are
short circuits in the motherboard. If there is none, then I will reseat the hardware components inside
because these may cause the motherboard to malfunction if not properly installed.
1.A storage device is may be an external device or an internal part of a computer mainly used for
saving and retrieval of data. It can keep and retain information pieces in a short-term or long-term
2. The different types of storage devices are USB flash drives or thumb drives, hard disk drives,
optical disc drives, memory cards, floppy diskettes or online and cloud -based storage devices.
References :
What Is the Primary Function of the BIOS & the CMOS? (n.d.). Chron.
Retrieved from: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/primary-function-bios-cmos-
Greaves, W. (n.d.). How to Detect CMOS Battery Failure of Your Computer. Rocks Digital.
Retrieved from https://www.rocksdigital.com/cmos-battery-failure/
Hoffman, C. (2018, October 12). What Does a PC’s BIOS Do, and When Should I Use It?
Retrieved from https://www.howtogeek.com/179789/htg-explains-what-is-bios-and-
C. (2015, November 30). CMOS, BIOS and Boot Process. Utilize Windows.
Retrieved from: https://www.utilizewindows.com/cmos-bios-and-boot-process/