Researches Citation Major Objective Delineated Factors/Key Words Locus Method Salient Finding

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Researches Citation Major Delineated Locus Method Salient Finding

Objective Factors/Key

Elizabeth Johnston, Neila Technological Ways to engage US Qualitative and Finding 1: The increasing
Mansure Campos, advances have and retain non- Quantitative research number of students who are
kebretchie, Maria Nogal, provided traditional hooked on playing online mobile
Sally Evan, games (OMG) is alarming. As
Cristina Caliz, educational students.
David .Heflich such, this study was realized to
Angel A. institutions the address the problem.
Juan. (2020) capability to Finding 2: This study assessed
Simulation- explore various the gaming profile towards
based online teaching online mobile game (OMG) and
education strategies such its relation to the academic
involving as digital performance of the engineering
online and on- games in the students of Eastern Visayas
campus classroom.Thou State University Tanauan
models in gh games can Campus (EVSUTC).
different be used to
European engage various
universities. learning styles
International and behaviors,
Journal of the platform is
Educational mainly
Technology in practiced at the
Higher secondary
Education educational
17:1. grade level with

Irfan Sadiq Sadiq, I. This study The effects of Capella Document analysis College students studying
(2010). examined the online games on University, general physics constituted the
Effects of effects of online student United population of the study. Due to
Online games on performance in States the organizational system of
Games on student undergraduate classes at the community
Student performance in physics. college level where this research
Performance undergraduate took place, random sampling
in physics. was not used. Existing classes
Undergraduat were randomly assigned as
e Physics. In either the experimental group or
J. Herrington the control group. There were 20
& C. students in the experimental
Montgomerie group and 20 students in the
(Eds.), control group. The t test was
Proceedings conducted to compare the
of ED-MEDIA means of two independently
2010--World sampled experimental and
Conference control groups. Analysis of
on covariance (ANCOVA) was used
Educational to determine if the two groups
Multimedia, were significantly different with
Hypermedia & regard to their general physics
Telecommuni performance while controlling for
cations (pp. the pretest scores.
for the
of Computing
in Education
October 14,
2020 from

Louis Leung, Paul American This study academic US Sequential mixed Regression results show that
SN Lee Psychiatric examines the performance, method adolescent Internet addicts
Association . interrelationship adolescents and tended to be male, in low-
(1994). s among children, Internet income families, and not
Diagnostic Internet literacy, activities, Internet confident in locating, browsing,
and statistical Internet addiction and accessing information from
manual for addiction symptoms, multiple resources, but that they
mental symptoms, Internet literacy were technologically savvy and
disorders. 4th Internet frequent users of social
ed. activities, and networking sites (SNS) and
Washington, academic online games for leisure.
DC: Author. performance.


Mary J Snyder Snyder The purpose of Academic Research Qualitative research A total of 17 online library games
Broussard Broussard, this paper is to libraries, tutorials, article have been mentioned in the
M.J. (2012), provide an instructional literature, 11 of which are at
"Digital overview of design, learning. least partially available online.
games in available online They vary greatly in type of
academic library games game, technical sophistication,
libraries: a and offer six cost of development, and visual
review of suggestions for appeal. Some have been
games and best practices successful (designers report
suggested based on the being satisfied), some have
best available been less successful, and some
practices", games. have been abandoned before
Reference completion.Suggestions for
Services development of future games
Review, Vol. include keeping it simple; having
40 No. 1, pp. a plan to use it in class or
75-89. market to faculty; “gating” key
concepts; making it fun; giving
feedback; and play testing
throughout the development

Constance A. Journal of This article Online games, Speech Our conclusion is that by
Steinkuehler, Dmitri Computer- examines the third place. Communica providing spaces for social
Williams Mediated form and tion interaction and relationships
Communicati function of Department beyond the workplace and
on, Volume massively home, MMOs have the capacity
11, Issue 4, 1 multiplayer University of to function as one form of a new
July 2006, online games Illinois at “third place” for informal
Pages 885– (MMOs) in Urbana- sociability.
909, terms of social Champaign engagement.

Irene Pajarillo- International This study online games, LPT, MST Qualitative research One of results of this
Aquino Journal of aimed to technology, Faculty, development is the opening of
Advanced determine the academic College of online gaming through the
Research in effect of online performance, Teacher internet which has become
Management games to the leisure activities, Education, addictive and one of the widely
and Social academic descriptive Cagayan used leisure activities by many
performance of correlational State
Sciences the students in design. University, people and teenagers.
the College of Andrews
Year : 2019, Teacher Campus,
Volume : 8, Education. Tuguegarao
Issue : 3 City,

David Weibel, Department of The purpose of Online Switzerland Data gathering The findings indicate that the
Bartholomäus Psychology, this study was gamesVirtual procedure and Data type of opponent influences
Wissmath, Stephan University of to examine realityPresenceFl processing analysis playing experiences: participants
Habegger, Yves Berne, whether playing ow who played against a human-
Steiner, Rudolf Muesmattstra online games theoryImmersion controlled opponent reported
Groner sse 45, 3000 against other Human–computer more experiences of presence,
Bern 9, users leads to interaction flow, and enjoyment, whereby
Switzerland different the strongest effect refers to the
experiences in experience of presence.
comparison Furthermore, strong relations
with playing between presence, flow, and
against enjoyment were observed.
computer- Further analyzes suggest that
controlled flow mediates the relationship
opponents. between presence and

Chuang-Chun Liu Department of This study Online Taiwan, Descriptive & The results help marketers
Health developed a game;Social republic of Correlational design online games to enhance
Administration theoretical cognitive China. research users' intention to play.
, Tzu Chi model based on theory;Self-
University of social cognitive efficacy;Outcome
Science and theory. expectations;Trus
880, Sec.2, t;Gender
Rd., Hualien
City 970,
Republic of

Peter G Schrader, Schrader, Educational Expertise, age, Learning Qualitative, As a result, a 20-item, Likert-
Michael McCreery P.G., learning technology, and Phenomenology type instrument was
McCreery, M. environments education. Technology, administered to 2140
The have changed Department participants who actively play
acquisition of dramatically in of MMOGs. Items were designed
skill and the last 20 Educational to measure players’ gaming
expertise in years. Psychology, experiences as they developed
massively Advances in College of requisite skill sets and learned
multiplayer technology Education, game content. Specifically, this
online games. have enabled University of investigation examined how
Education the World Wide Nevada, participants’ age ranges and
Tech Web and a Las Vegas, levels of expertise relate to
Research Dev sundry of other Las Vegas, behaviors, strategies, and skills
56, 557–574 tools. NV, 89154, exhibited with an MMOG
(2008). USA environment. Although results are not necessarily conclusive,
10.1007/s114 implications for understanding
23-007-9055- gaming expertise in
4 contemporary educational
environments are discussed.

Kurt Garcia, Nelson Garcia, K., This paper assignments, Southeast Mixed method case Based on the findings of the
Jarabe, Jessie Jarabe, N., & attempted to quizzes, class Asian study. study, the researchers
Paragas Paragas, J. study the recitation, paper recommended that parents
(2018). negative effects works and should do something in limiting
Negative of online games examinations. their children’s fondness in
Effects of on students’ online games and that computer
Online academic shop owners should prohibit
Games on performance. students from playing online
Academic games during class hours.
Asian Journal
of Science
3(1), 69-72.

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