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Minutes 10122014 Licensing Environment Safety Sub-Committee A

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Meeting: 10 December 2014

At: 6.00 pm


Councillor Chris Gordon (Chair) in the chair; Councillors Wendy Orrell and Lisa Walker.


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 20 October
2014 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


RESOLVED – That notwithstanding the submission of information as part of Agenda Item

5 - ‘Licensing Act 2003: Application to Review the Premises Licence at Raja Bros, 296
Gorton Road, Reddish’ which had been classified as ‘Not for Publication’ by virtue of it
containing material which related to an individual, the Sub-Committee was satisfied that
unless it was necessary for this information to be heard openly during the proceedings of
the hearing, the public not be excluded from the meeting.


No declarations were made.


No public questions were submitted.



A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration

submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an application made by
a representative of the Stockport Licensing Authority being a responsible authority under
the Licensing Act 2003 exercising its statutory function to protect children from harm, for a
review of the Premises Licence at Raja Bros, 296 Gorton Road, Reddish.

A representative of the Stockport Licensing Authority and a representative of the Chief

Officer of Greater Manchester Police, having made a relevant representation, in addition to
the Premises Licence Holder and his representative, attended the meeting and answered
Councillors’ questions in relation to the application.

Following discussions between the various parties to the application, a schedule of

conditions and amendments to the licence had been agreed upon which was submitted to
the Sub-Committee for approval.
Licensing, Environment & Safety Sub-Committee A - 10 December 2014

The Sub-Committee, having heard the interested parties, proceeded to consider the
protection of children from harm licensing objective in respect of the application, together
with the relevant parts of the Council’s Licensing Policy and the guidance from the
Department for Culture, Media and Sport. However, the decision was reached on
consideration of all the arguments given in relation to this specific application.

It was then

RESOLVED - That having heard the application for a review of the premises licence at
Raja Bros, 296 Gorton Road, Reddish made by a representative of the Stockport
Licensing Authority, and as supported by a representative of the Chief Officer of Greater
Manchester Police, and having considered all the evidence presented, the Sub-Committee
was satisfied that the premises had demonstrated its inability to satisfactorily address the
protection of children from harm licensing objective by virtue of the evidenced cases
whereby the premises had sold alcohol on three occasions to underage patrons.

However, the Sub-Committee noted with approval the content of the proposed schedule of
conditions and amendments to the licence that had been agreed between the licensee and
the Licensing Authority, and gave approval to the following:-

(1) That a digital hard drive CCTV system shall be in operation to cover internal and
external areas of the premises. Any area where customers have legitimate access must be
sufficiently illuminated for the purposes of CCTV. All CCTV recorded images shall have
sufficient clarity / quality / definition to enable facial recognition. CCTV shall be kept in an
unedited format for a period of 30 days, any DVD's/USB or other media devices
subsequently produced shall be in a format so it can be played back on a standard
personal computer or standard DVD player. Any person left in charge of the premises
must be trained in the use of any such CCTV equipment and able to produce / download /
burn CCTV images upon request by a person from a responsible authority. CCTV shall be
maintained on a regular basis and kept in good working order.

(2) That a refusals book to be kept and used. All staff to be instructed on how to correctly
fill in the book. Accurate records to be kept including time and date of attempted sale, item
attempted purchase, description of person and reason for refusal. To be regularly checked
by the DPS and signed off.

(3) That staff will be required to phone the police to report alcohol related incidents (for
example youths congregating at the front of the premises and encouraging adult to
purchase alcohol on their behalf). The premises and management will maintain an incident
book that will be kept on the premises to record any incidents or disturbance at the
premises. The police are to be informed of any serious incidents or incident to form the
basis of a prosecution, either, inside or immediately outside the premises - depending on
the urgency of the incident, staff should consider contacting 999 or reporting the incident to
the local neighbourhood policing team on 101. The copies of the incident are to be made
available to the police on demand.

(4) That a Challenge 25 scheme shall be operated at the premises. The only form of valid
identification being passport, photo driving licence or identification that displays a
holographic mark issued by a government authorised body / agency. Notices shall be
displayed in prominent positions at the premises indicating that the challenge 25 Policy is
Licensing, Environment & Safety Sub-Committee A - 10 December 2014

in force. All staff shall be trained and shall undergo regular refresher training from a
personal licence holder in respect of the challenge 25 policy and forms of acceptable ID,
age identification, awareness/prevention of proxy sales. Such training sessions shall be
recorded in a training book which shall include a record of each member of staff together
with the date the training took place, the details of the training provided and the name of
the personal licence holder providing the training. The training book shall be kept on the
premises and made available upon request to responsible authorities upon request.
Training shall be refreshed every 3 to 4 months.

(5) That the current Designated Premises Supervisor be removed and replaced by no later
than 31 January 2015.

(6) That the hours for the supply of alcohol by retail sale for consumption off the premises
be amended to reduce the approved hours from 06.00 to 21.00 hours Monday to Sunday
to 12.00 to 21.00 hours Monday to Sunday.

The meeting closed at 6.47 pm

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