OWAYS 2nd Mate & NCV BWKP SH NAV Complete Ver 1.9 Volume 1 of 3

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Compiled by OWAYS www.owaysonline.

Cell: - (+91) 09833 361 911
Email: - [email protected]


Complete Handout
(Version 1.9)
Volume 1 of 3

 Auto Adaptive Steering System
 Automatic Identification system
 Echo Sounder
 Electronic Chart display & Information System (ECDIS)
 Global positioning system
 Gyro Compass:
o Definition
o Starting, Care & Maintenance
 LRIT - Long Range Identification and Tracking
 Magnetic Compass
 Magnetism
 Marine Bucket
 Rate of turn Indicator – ROTI
 Performance Standard
Compiled by OWAYS www.owaysonline.com
Cell: - (+91) 09833 361 911
Email: - [email protected]

 Speed Logs:
o Doppler Log
o Electro Magnetic Log
o Impeller Logs
o Pressure Type log
 Voyage Data recorder

 Bridge Procedure & Organisation
 Bridge Procedure and Guide
 Bridge Resource Management
 Bridge watch keeping
 Calling Master
 Checklist for Coastal Navigation
 Entries in Deck Log book
 Keeping Anchor Watch
 Keeping Navigation Watch
 Navigation in Restricted Visibility
 Navigation with pilot embarked
 Precautions & procedures to follow - Berthing & Unberthing
 Ship reporting System – SRS
 Ship Routeing
 Situational Awareness
 Taking over Anchor Watch at sea
 Taking Watch over at sea
 Vessel Traffic Services
Compiled by OWAYS www.owaysonline.com
Cell: - (+91) 09833 361 911
Email: - [email protected]

 Principles of Ship Handling
 Ship Handling
 Ship Handling- Part 2

 Practical
o Latitude by Meridian Altitude
o Staggered Observation
 Principle
o Celestial Navigation
o Daily motion & Horizontal System of Co-ordinate
o Earth - Moon System
o Hour Angles
o Sextant and Altitude
o Solar System
o Time
o Twilight - Rising & Setting of Celestial Bodies
o Twilight & Circumpolar Bodies – Numericals
 Terrestial & Celestial Navigation
o Chartwork Theory
 Auto Adaptive Steering System
 Auto Pilot
 Automatic Identification system
 Echo Sounder
 Electronic Chart display & Information System (ECDIS)
 Global positioning system
 Gyro Compass
o Definition
o Starting, Care & Maintenance
 LRIT - Long Range Identification and Tracking
 Magnetic Compass
 Magnetism
 Marine Bucket
 Performance Standard
 Rate of turn Indicator – ROTI
 Speed Logs
o Doppler Log
o Electro Magnetic Log
o Impeller Log
o Pressure Type log
 Voyage Data Recorder
 Bridge Procedure & Organisation
 Bridge Procedure and Guide
 Bridge Resource Management
 Bridge watch keeping
 Calling Master
 Checklist for Coastal Navigation
 Entries in Deck Log book
 Keeping Anchor Watch
 Keeping Navigation Watch
 Navigation in Restricted Visibility
 Navigation with pilot embarked
 Precautions & procedures to follow - Berthing & Unberthing
 Ship reporting System – SRS
 Ship Routeing
 Situational Awareness
 Taking over Anchor Watch at sea
 Taking Watch over at sea
 Vessel Traffic Services
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 Principles of Ship Handling
 Ship Handling
 Ship Handling- Part 2
Compiled by OWAYS www.owaysonline.com
Cell: - (+91) 09833 361911
Email:- [email protected]

 Practical
o Latitude by Meridian Altitude
o Staggered Observation
 Principle
o Celestial Navigation
o Daily motion & Horizontal System of Co-ordinate
o Earth - Moon System
o Hour Angles
o Sextant and Altitude
o Solar System
o Time
o Twilight - Rising & Setting of Celestial Bodies
o Twilight & Circumpolar Bodies – Numericals
 Terrestial & Celestial Navigation
o Chartwork Theory

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