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Edited by
Professor of Agricultural Engineering
Iowa State College

Irrigation Principles
and Practices
MOJli'IMmll R. LlnW1S GmO(\(lI1j D, CI,YIH1
Chief, Dlvisi<ln oC Inig",t\on Opera- Chief, DivlHion of Il'rigntiou ILu,1
tiona, llul'"un oC Hoc)",mntion, WntCl' CUllaol'vntloll (It,'a,,nt'ch).
Born: April 11, lH8a, I'hiil C'l\\"""V(,t!on SCI'vice.
Elduco.tor, RescarllilCl' in Irrigation and n<lrn: July 21, 18£1R.
Drllhmgo, .Engillccl', COl\Hultllnt, Edllcnl:()I'. [l,)Helll'chm' in ll'l'iglltlon lind
Wntl,!l' Supp);V l?ol'c(' nHtill !I'. Admin.


J:>I'O[OSmll' of Irrigation. Collogo of ScniOl' Englneel', Division of Jrrlgn.
Agriculture, University of Ontiror- tlun 11t1(1 Wnlm~ C<IllHOl'VnLiotl (Ito-
nino ac[u'oh). Sun GOllRtll'Vlltluo SerVIllO,
Born: Dpc, 20, 18811, BOI'n: (Jet, 2:1, 18110,
l~caCllrch(!l' in Il'rigl1.tion. Engineer, n"HOIlI'"h",' tUlIl Authol' In IUIlI'lItioll
and Educator, lIlHl Wntm' Sl1111l1y.
Irrigation Principles
and Practices
Second Edition


If(~arl, Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Utall State A{jJ'icultural Colle{je

.. -
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
Chapman & Hall, Limited, London
COPYRIGHT, 1932, 1950

All Rights Reserved

'Phis/molc (11' any llart thereof 'IIIust not
be l'Cl))'odllced in an1/ fOI'1i! without tlw
written 1Iermi.~8ion of Ihe 7Iublislwl',

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'J'hird Printing, February, J9fi.'1

l'HfN'1'!oJIl IN '{'lIN UNI'rIH> WrATJHl 011' AMl~nlCJA

is dedicated to the research workers whose
achievements in the advancement of scien-
tific knowledge of jrrigation are becoming
increasingly recognized as of basic value
toward the perpetuation of a permanently
profitable soil productivity under irrigation
My major objective in the pl'eparation of this book has been to meet
the needs of college and university students who seek information con-
cerning the basic aspects of irrigation principles and practices which
are of vital importance to the public welfare in arid regions. These
aspects of irrigation, sometimes referred to as the agricultural phases,
arc of special intcl'cst to students of agronomy, agricultural engineer-
ing, and civil engineering. Although the needs of students have been
given first consideration and irrigation principles have been stressed,
considerable material describing modern methods and practices is also
included. Water cOlflmissionel's, irrigation company officers, super-
intendents of irrigation projects, water masters, ditch riders, county
agricultural agents in the western states, and irrigation farmers are
all interested in the dissemination of knowledge that will contribute
to better irrigation practices and more efficient use of irrigation water.
Experience in teaching has convinced me that elementary equations
are of value to agricultural and engineering students. It is much easier
to establish clearly in the mind of a student who has had a beginners'
course in algebra, including the use of logarithms, the influence of canal
roughness, cross section, and slope, on the velocity 01 water and on
the discharge of the canal, by means of the equations of Chapters 3
and 4, than by descriptions without the use of symbols and equations.
A student who has the mathematics required for college entrance can
obtain a clear understanding of most of the equations presented and of
the principles that the equations embody. Some aid from instructors
in the analysis and use of the equations of Chapters 10 and 12 will be
found desirable.
Engineers, agronomists, and soil scientists recognize the need for a
study of the physical properties of soils as a basis for intelligent
!lclvancement of irrigation practices. Uniform distribution of irrigation
water and adequate depth of water penetration into the soil would
be much easier to obtain if it were possible for the irrigator to see
by simple inspection how deeply into the soil his irrigation water pene-
trates and to estimate by direct means the depth of water stored in each
foot of soil. But, since these things cannot be determined by inspec-
tion, they must be determined by indirect means. The equations of
Chapter 9 are simple, practical tools which, when used in the light of
available information concerning moisture percentages in typical
soils before and after irrigation, enable the irrigator to understand
better what becomes of the water he applies.
A study of the flow of water in soils is diffieult because of the many
variable facGors involved. Some simplifying assumptions have been
made in the treatment of the topic in Chuptcr 10,
Decreased use of potentials and potential gradients and the usc of
more elementary hydraulic terms, particularly hydmulic heads and
slopes, and sketches and numerical examples illustl'Hting bltsic equa~
tions of hydraulics have been added to simplify measurements of flow
of water in soils. A condensed list of quantities, symbols, units, and
force-length-time dimensions is prcsented to Hvoid confusion in soil-
and-water-relation studies which are basic to progress in irrigation
and drainage.
Arid-region peoples have been slow to recognize the lleeCRsity for
drainage of irl'igntcd lands. My experience, together with l'ocOmnWndH-
tions from users of this book, has resulted in the addil;ion or a new
chapter on drainage.
I{nowledge COIlCOl'l)ing the consumptive use of wHtor fjIwt is vnry
ess(mtial to intelligent, allotment of watuI'to different Hreas antll'ogionH
is presented in Chapter 14 by Hm'l'Y F. Blaney, it l'lJcognized authority,
Chapter 18 on tho social and administrative aspeets of irrigation,
by J. Howard Maughan, will meet, an urgent need of Htudents in both
humid-climate ant! arid-climate areas.
Problems ItlHl questions to expedito student pl'ogross toward undor-
standing Chapters 3 to 14, and to assist te!1()lwl's, are Pl'csol1tnd in
Appendix A, which also includes qU()Stiol1S for Cbaptnr 18. Answers
to some of the 140 problems and questions nre given. Moro than aDO
selected references to roeont publications on hrigal',jon and drainngo
are presented in Appendix B.
I am grateful to Dean ,T. E. Chl'lHLinn:-;()Il, n.
11'. PetO.l'ROn, Jr., C:.
Milligan, and A. A. Bishop of the Utnh SLato Agl'ieulLul'ILl Collugc i to
J. Brownlee Duvid:mn of Iowa State College; to ()Olleaglws in the
agl'icultural experiment stationH; to C. W. Lmuil:zon {tIl <1 OLlt(ll'H of the
Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation, Soil COl1Hol'valjoll
Service; and to collaborators of the United States Hcgional Salinity
Laboratory for their many lwl11ful suggestions.
Ross K Petersen and E. Arvel Israelsen have assist()d in MlO ex~
amination of the publications, and in the preparation of tho illustrations
and mnnuscript. O. Allen Israelscn hits rDviewed and edited the
LOOtlN, ThAl!
J1tnr.. tnfj()
1. PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Definition, extent, status, and phases of irrigation. Climate, soils and
Precipitation, water supplies, streams, and reservoirs. Irrigation effi-
Units of water measurement, orifices and weirs with equations and dis-
charge tables, the Parshall flume, current meters, and irrigation-stream
which cause water flow, energy and hydraulic grade lines, veloc-
ity equations, conveyance and delivery efficiencies, lining canals, flumes,
ttmnels, drops, chutes, and inverted siphons .
Power requirements, efficiencies, pumping lifts, primitive and modern
pumping methods, types of pumps, kinds and costs of fuel, and sources
of water for irrigation pumping.
Flooding, furrow, sub-irrigation, and sprinkling methods. Time rate of
application and depths of water required. Distribution of water.
Implements for leveling lands, making borders, and cleaning ditches.
Farm irrigation structures, water-conveyance and distribution struc-
turDs, concrete pipe.
Soil and water relation quantities, symbols, and units. Textmo, struc-
ture, and specific gravity. Infiltration and permeability. Tension heads,
tensiometers, and equilibrium water conditions.
Water stored, soil augers and tubes, moisture contents and capacities.
Field studies of water storage, and filling the capillary reservoir. Water-
application efficiencies.
Energy equations, hydraulic slopes, and regions of equal hydraulic
head. Wat~r flow in saturated soils and permeability measurements.
Flow in unsat.urated soiIs, tensiomet6rs, tension heads, soil moisture
CIimate and H!tlinity, saline soiIs, and snline-:tlkali soils. The water t.able
and steps essential to reclamation. Infiltrntiol1 rates, SOllrces of salinity
in water, and tolerance of crops to snlil1ity.
Benefits of dminnge, SOllrces of excess water, required water table
depths, open drains, and tile drninnge systems. Drain depih~, splteing,
and ground-wat.er flow. Pumping for drainage.
. / Crops needs, limiting moistlll'e conditions, !1ppear!1nr:e of orop, mmil-
able water, wilting moisture percentnge, growth mLo above wilLing,
moisture neells of diffenmt Hoils, and sPllHonal usn by differeni; crops.
Available water supply and I!111, wintol', and spring irrigation.
Condi~ions affecting consumptive lise of water. EVltj)ol'ation and tmn-
spiration. Tank, lysim()ter, and field experiments. Soil moisturu Iltutiies.
Analysis of climatological data and consumptive use by natuml vege-
Irrigating cereals, alfalfa, and pas~lIl'es. "Tater mquirementH of beets,
potaLoes, and cotton.
Methods of irrigaLing orchards. Furrows. Basin and contour elw(:ks.
Irrigation during the growing Imd dormant SO:Lsons. "TIttel' requiremonts
of apples, pears, peaehcs, and eitruR gl'Oves.
Aclvant[1ges of irrigation, costs of equipment, ane[ irrigation [19 erop
insumn(~c. SOUl'CCS of Witter and methods of irrigaLion. "Vater rights,
and the future of humid-region irrigation.
Individual and mnLw1i cnterprises, eommoreinl (:oUlpnnics, Descrt Laud
aet, Cltrey act, irrigation distriuts :mel United Stlttos pl'ojonts. Wal.or
laws, legislation concerning, and adjucIication und acquisition of wnLer
rights. Distribution of water.
Proble1l1s and questions.
INDEX • 397
Progress and Problems

Irrigation is an age-old art. Civilizations have risen on irrigated

lands; they have also decayed and disintegrated in irrigated regions.
In the United States and Canada, irrigation is yet in its youth. Most
men who are well informed concerning irrigation are certain of its
perpetuity so long as it is intelligently practiced. Others think that a
civilization based on agriculture under irrigation is destined sooner or
later to decline because some ancient civilizations based on irrigation
have declined. The perpetuity of civilized peoples is prcibably de-
pendent on many factors, of which a permanently profitable agriculture
is vitally important. Some of the principles and practices essential to
permanently profitable agriculture under irrigation are considered in
this volume.
1. Irrigation Defined Irrigation is defined as the artificial application
of water to soil for the purpose of supplying the moisture essential to
plant growth. Irrigation may be accomplished in different ways:
by flooding; by means of furrows, large or small; by applying water
underneath the land surface by sub-irrigation and thus causing the
ground water to rise; o~ by sprinkling. In some regions, usually classed
as humid, crops are grown satisfactorily every year without irrigation,
the necessary soil moisture being supplied by rainfall. In other regions,
the rains during some years supply all the water needed by crops, but
during other years this source is not adequate. In years of low rainfall,
it is economically advantageous in these regions to supply supplemental
water by irrigation, the value of the increase in crop yields thus ob-
tained being greater than the cost of irrigation. In regions of very
low annual rainfall, and in those where little or no rain falls during
the crop-growing season, even though the total annual rainfall is
fairly high, irrigation is essential every year in order to produce crops.
However, in nearly all areas where irrigation is practiced, crops get
some water from the rains, either as moisture stored in the soil from
the time of the rainy period to the period of crop growth, or as moisture
added to the soil directly by the crop-season rains. Irrigation is
essentially a practice of supplementing the natural precipitation for the
production of crops, and it has the effect of lengthening the growing
2. Extent of Irrigation It is estimated that one-third of the earth's
surface receives less than 10 in. of water annually and that an addi-
tional one-third receives only 10 to 20 in. The United States Bureau
of Commerce has listed the geographical distribution of regions of

Al·gcnt.iIm 2.5
Australi!t 1.0
Brazil 2.0
Canada 1.0
Chile 3.0
China 50.0
Egypt 6.5
France 5.0
French Indo-China 5.0
India and Pakistan 00.0
Iran 2.5
Iraq 3.0
Italy 5.0
Japan 7.5
.Java 3.0
Mexico 6.0
Morocco 1.5
Peru 2.0
Philippines 1.0
Russia 8.0
Siam 2.0
Spain 3.5
United StlLtcs 21.0
Total 202.0
Other countries 3.0
Total 205.0
deficient rainfall as follows: the southwestern parts of Africa, South
America, and Australia, the northern part of Africa, the northorri and
western parts of North America and Asia, and parts of southcrn Europc.
These areas include parts of Canada west of meridian 101, north-
western India up to the Ganges, the greater portion of Australia,
Palestine, Iraq, considerable portions of South Africa ancI adjacent
areas, and the Sudan. There are also large semiarid areas in China,
Japan, Turkestan, Egypt, the western United States, Mexico, and coun-
tries in South America.

FIG. 1. Map of the Western United States, showing approximate location and
extent of irrigated arell8. (U.S. Bureau of the Census.)

The United States Bureau of Reclamation has assembled estimates

of irrigated areas of the world. A summary showing the extent of irriga-
tion, based largely on these estimates, is given on page 2.
There are more than 200 million acres of irrigated land in the world,
of which India and Pakistan have nearly oneNthird, China oneNfourth
or more, and the United States one-tenth. Some writers estimate the
area for China as about 80 million acres, or one-third of the world
irrigated area.
The major part of the irrigated land in North America, approxi-
mately 21 million acres, is in the western United States. The ap-
proximate location and extent of irrigated lands are shown in the map,
Fig. 1, page 3. There is some irrigation in the eastern United States,
but because the arcas are relatively small they are not shown on the
map. In some parts of the eastern United States, the natural rainfall
usually supplies enough water to meet all the needs of growing crops.
Parts of the West, such as central and southern California, depend
almost wholly on irrigation.

3. Present Status of Irrigation in the United States The task of

utilizing all the arid-region lands of the United States that may ulti-
mately be irrigated is only about half accomplished. Probnbly 50
percent of the irrigable area remains non-productive because of lack
of water. The capital investment necessary to reclaim the remaining
half will far excecd the investment that has been mnrle to supply water
for the area now irrigated. The largest reservoirs, the longest canals,
and the most expensive tunnels and inverted siphons arc yet to
be built. The time when these monumental structures will be built
for the control of the water supply of the West for irrigation cannot be
precisely predicted. The essential fact is that, so long as the population
is materially increased each decade, the demand for further utilization
of water for irrigation will also increase. The rate of population in-
crease in the western states is especially significant. During the period
1940 to 1947, the population of the seven states on the Pacific slope
increased from less than 14 million to more than 18 million, an increase
of approximately 30 percent.
In a little more than 100 years, the populfltion of Europe has grown
from 200 million to 500 million. In Great Britain, the population
increased fro111_ 10 million in 1800 to 40 million in 1900. In the United
States, the population increased over 70 percent betwecn 1900 ancl1940,
and betwcen 1930 and 1940, there was an increase of almnst 9 million.
If the population of the world continues to inel'case at its present rate,
where is the food for these people to come from? The men and women
with knnwledge of irrigation will be called upon to assist in the solu-
tion of this world problem. Desert or arid lands in Arizona, C[~liforl1ia,
Utah, Idaho, and Colorado, which are at present bHrl'cn becnuse of
lack of moisture, may become highly productive. In Montana, where
dry-land farming, particularly wheat raising, is far more extensive than
irrigated farming, the State Board of Equalization report shows that an
acre of irrigated land is equivalent to 4 acres of non-irrigated, tillable

4. Engineering and Agricultural Phases of Irrigation The engineer

has the responsibility of designing and building the structures essential
to the storage, diversion, conveyance, delivery, and distribution of
water to irrigators. It is important that irrigation structures be sub-
stantially built so that they may be relied on during critical periods.
The failure of a storage dam not only causes the loss of large property
investments but sometimes also results in the loss of the lives of many
people. The washing-out of a diversion dam or breaking of a canal
causes the loss of all or part of the struoture and very often the loss
of valuable crops by the failure of watcr when it is needed. Modern
irrigation demands that the engineer build structures economically.
Some projects are so situated that large quantities of water must be
pumped from rivers, lakes, or reservoirs in order to reach the land.
The design and installation of suitable pumping machinery are the
responsibilities of the engineer. The many outstanding irrigation struc-
tures in the world affirm silently but convinoingly the skillful achieve-
ments of engineers.
A perplexing responsibility confronting the irrigation engineer is the
determination of the water needs and supplies for large areas of
irrigated lanel. Reliable predictions of the approximate water yield of
a river system from month to month and year to year are based on
measurements of rainfall, snowfall, and stream discharges for many
years. Unfortunately, the early estimates of water supply were fre-
quently too high and estimates of the water needs too low, with
disastrous results to many irrigation projects. Engineers have made
remarkable progress toward solving irrigation problems, but the op-
portunities for advancement are yet very great.
The agricultural phases of irrigation are essentially ooncerned with
the uses of irrigation water on the farm. Many more people are directly
concerned with the agricultural than with the engineering phases.
Every irrigation farmer must decide important questions concerning
his irrigation practice, and some of these questions have to be decided
each year-they cannot be decided once for all time. There are no
specific rules applioable to all arid-region climates, to all soils, and for
all crops, as to when irrigation water should be applied to the soil.
The seasonal depths of irrigation water required to produoe crops
economically under different climatic and soil conditions perplex many
irrigation farmers.
Agricultural aspects of irrigation include the determination. of the
proper depths of water necessary in single applications, how to dis-
tribute the water uniformly, the capacities of different soils fo1' irriga-
tion water, and the flow of water in soils.
In order to make the most efficient use of water, the methods and
practices in irrigation must be based on the climatic and soil conditions
provided by nature in the locality concerned. The crops grown are
selected to some extent according to the climatic conditions under
which the farmer works. Agricultural engineers and agronomists have
the opportunity and the responsibility of finding thc necessHry facts
with which to aid the irrigator and answer correctly the many per-
plexing questions in the agricultural aspects of irrigation.
5. Climate and Irrigation The snow, rain, wind, humidity, tempera-
hue, sunshine, and length of growing season all influence irrigation
practices. In some localities, such as pnrts of Arizona, Califol'llia, New
Mexico, and western Texas, irrigation is practiced from 10 to 12 mo.
of every year and is essential to satisfactory crop production. In o1i}wr
places, like parts of Montana and Cannda, the rainfall during some
years is so abundant that irrigation is of doubtful value. Irrigation is
fundamentaLLy a practice of supplementing that part of the natural
precipitation which is avanable fa?' crop prodtlCtion. The amount of
water used in irrigation practice varies from place to pIneo and from
time to time as the natural precipitation varies. Thoro are a few m:id
valleys in which the natural precipitation is so small that it is of
negligible value in crop growth. As a general rule the llloistme made
available by nature should be carefully conserved for the use of pllLnts
and should be considered in estimating the irrigation needs of soils
and crops.
6. Soils and Irrigation The influences of soil properties on irriga'Hon
practice are of very great importance. As a rule the iml1Ol'tnnec of soil
influences on irrigation practice is undcl'cstimnkd. SOUlO soils consist
of coarse particles loosely compltcted, and these are highly permeable
to water. Others consist of finc particlcs tightly cOlllllaotcd, and these
are almost impermeable to water. Research shows that some soils
transmit water several thousand times faster than other soils. The
permeability of a soil greatly influences irrigation practice. Highly
permeable soils tend to cause excessive wnter losses through dcep per~
colation, whereas impcl'meltble soils are difficult "to moisten aclequntely,
Soils are also storage reservoirs in which irrigation water is held be-
tween the periods of irrigation for the use of plants. The size of soil
particles, their compactness, the depth of the soil, the organic matter
it contains, and the position of the water table-all these soil properties
influence the depth of available water that the irrigator can store in his
root-zone soil in a single irrigation and hence influence the requirecl
frequency of irrigation. The depth of the soil greatly influences its
capacity as a storage reservoir for water and the necessary frequency
of irrigation. Variation in size of soil particles, compactness, per-
meability, and depth from place to place is the rule and not the
exception. There is no such thing as uniformity in naturaL soils. The
irrigation farmer finds it essential to study his soil carefully in order
to make his irrigation practices conform to the conditions of the soil
on which he desires to produce crops profitably.
The irrigation farmer whose good fortune it is to be located on
highly produotive soils with an adequate supply of irrigation water is
usually suooessful in making a good living and meeting his irrigation
expenses. The farmer whose ill. fortune it is to be located on poorly
productive soils is unable either to make a good living or to meet his
expenses. The productivity of the soil is often decreased from year to
year because of the gradual rise of the ground water followed by
salinity and alkali problems.
To assure a permanently profitable agriculture, the irrigation farmer
must intelligently consider the problems of soil maintenance, even with
the best arid-region soils. The experiences of farmers in the irrigated
sections of the United States seem to have established the fact that, .
to maintain a high productive capacity of soils, it is essential to apply
barnyard manure, plow under green-manure crops, and use other
f crtilizers.
Sources and Storage of
Irrigation Water

Rain and snow constitute the primary sources of water for irrigation.
As a rule, the precipitation which falls on tile valley !awls in irrigator)
regions is of comparatively little consequence as a SOllrce of watt'!';
that whieh falls on the mountain areas is the chief souree of supply.
The success of every irrigation proj ect rests lnrgely on tho adequacy
and dependability of its water supply, In irl'ignte(l regio1ls publin
agencies should make continuous long-time roeOl'd::; of pl'l\('.ipitntiou llncl
stream flow and ground-water storage as a ba::;is fur illl'dligcnt nnci
complete utilization of all water resourccs.
7. Precipitation and Temperature Water [tne! heat, nrc eSflcntinl to
the growth of all crops. In irrigated regions those two essentials me
provided by nature at different time periuds. In genoral, most proeipitlt-
tion oceurs during cold, non-crap-growing months amI least pl'eeipitlt-
tion occurs in the frost-free months during which ero)'l growth O(W1ll'H.
In some irrigated valleys, notably in Nevada nne! California, ,tlw
precipitation is so small during the senson of most rnphl plant gl'OWtll
that it moistens only the surface soil aUll is Boon evapnrntC'(l ~I'h() fnet
that the precipitation is low during the months of highest mCl\l1 tmn-
peratures is illustrated in Fig. 2, whieh reports average precipitntion
together with average, low, meau, and high temperatures for each
lllonth at certain towns in Utah, Oregon, Nevada, and Califo1'llia.
8. Annual Precipitation Regions that annually l'(!cc:ivC! largo [llllOlmtA
of precipitation are known as humid i those thnt gcii small [llYlounts
each year are considered semi-ariel or ariel. The annual pl'eeipitntioll Oil
the surface of the earth varies widely-from Z(!l'() i1WI1('8 in (jesnrt
regions such as Aswan, Egypt, to GOO inches or moro at ASHam, India.
Whcre the annual preeipitation is 30 inches 01' mOl'e, il'l'ignt.ion may not;
be essential to the growth of Cl'0ps. However, in SOlIlO ]o(lnlitio8, such
as parts of the Hawaiian Islands, irrigation is profitable in spito of
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~nlll ~I
~~~~~~~&~~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~I~I~I~I~I~

1.0 2.
I. 5 ~ 1.5
II o (J IO

•I I
II " I.
.. I • • I.
~ I II III I I .;.
I I I I ~
7 75

5 5

2 25

ft1 ~
M ODE.NA, UTAH. EL.5479 SNOWVILLE., UTAH. [1..4550
I. I.
~ I.

II • I • QS
I I I I ~ US-. I
" I II •

) 75

I - 1---
5 50
. - '1-

t 25



I.5 OJ 1.5

. I.o '"

= -.

• III . . II 81 I 0
If . . .. - " I II •
R '-1==
7 75
- . -~ .

-- 5 50

2 25

FIG .. 2. Oondensed climatology of typical stations, showing average frost-free
-period; moan monthly precipitation; and meau minimum (lightly shaded bars),
mean (double shaded bars), and maximum (solid bars) temperatures.
the fact that these regions have large annual rainfall because the
heavy rains come during the non-growing season. In other areas, such
as the eastern United States, periods of drought during the growing
Season sometimes cause serious decreases in crop yield, and provision
for irrigation during such periods is becoming increasingly profitable.
The average anllual precipitation in the United States is shown in
Fig. 3, prepared from data collected by the United States Geological
Survey and the United States Weather Bureau. The map shows that in
going east from meridian 101 the average annual rainfall increases from
approximately 20 inches to 35 inches near the Great Lake states and
up to 50 inches or more in the southeastern states. In the castern parts
of the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas,
Oklahoma, and Texns, irrigntion is
essential only during the dry
years, whereas in the western parts
of these states it is nearly always
advantageous. The map shows
that great vnrinbility exists in the
mean annual prccipitation of tlw
western states. However, nIl tho
arable lands lying wesL of merid-
ian 101, except parts of western
Montantt, Orogon, and Washing-
ton, are usually bcndlted by

9. Valley and Mountain Precipita-

tion The rain and snow which
falls in the irrign,tcd v!\lleys of the
FIG. 4. A potential irrigation water WesL is valuable as a s()urce of
supply found in the stucly of mountain moisture to be stored dire{!Lly in
snow covers. (Utah Agr. Exp. Sta.) the soil. In somo valleys the winter
precipitation storcs enongh mois-
ture to germinate the seods and maintain the growth of tho young
IJlants for several weeks. In these valleys, perennial crops nlsu
make substantial growth in the early season by using winter pre-
cipitation which has been stored in the soil. Other add-region valleys
receive so little winter pl'ecipitatiol1 that farmcl's must irrigate the
soil before seeding their crops in order to insure a sutncient amount
of moisture to gel'1nil1D.te the seeds and start satisfactory growth. Such
valleys must depend almost wholly on the rain and snow that falls in
adjacent mountain areas as a source of their supply of water for irriga-
Red linel unrilijlllci tndioute Avera!e Imnllui pl~ulpitalion I~ luplh In lncbul
By courl'iY U, S, ,Goologlo.1 Sm,y
F~,~, !i
tion. As a tule, in nearly all irrigated regions, the valley precipitation
is relatively unimportant as a direct source of irrigation water. The
precipitation in the mountain areas, as illustrated in Fig. 4, constitutes
a major source of water supply. This condition presents to the people
of arid regions very interesting and yet perplexing problems in the
conveyance of water from the mountainous sources to the valley lands.
It also gives rise to an urgent need for painstaking study of the seasonal
and annual water yield of each mountainous area on which the rain
and snow fall. The vital problems which dcmand intelligent solution
as a basis for complete and economical utilization of nearly all western
natural resources are inseparably connected with the water yield of a
watershed, its conveyance to places of use, and its economical use,
whether for power, irrigation, or domestic or industrial purposes. The
purpose of this volume is primarily to promote information essential
to the economical use of watei· in irrigation. However, there is urgent
need for a wider recognition of the fact that intelligent solution of
watershed-yield problems and of economical conveyance of water will
appreciably advance the general welfare.

10. Water-Supply Studies The accumulation of dependable informa-

tion concerning water supply demands intelligent and painstaking
endeavor and continuous effort. It is probable that inadequate water
supply has contributed most to the years of financial stress and ulti-
mate failure of many irrigation projects. Over-optimism and conclu-
sions based on insufficient knowledge of watershed yield have been
common and expensive follies among many leading western citizens in
both private and public places. Overestimates of water supply for
variolls projects ,are frequently reflected in the small areas of land
actually il'1'igated as compared to the area of land irrigated ill the
original project. These overestimates have been made largely during
cycles of "wet" years and have been followed by disastrous results
during cycles of "dry" years. The occurrence of these climatic cycles,
which cannot as yet be predicted with precision, together with the
wide variations of precipitation and stream flow from one time of
year to another, complicates the problem of economically using all
the available water every year. Yet arid-region communities may
intelligently adjust their irrigation practices, to some extent, on the
basis of reliable information concerning water supplies. This informa-
tion is based on the measurement of water content of snow covers such
as illustrated in Fig. 5. To outline the nature of, and the procedure in,
the necessary water-supply investigations is beyond the scope of this
book. It is urgent that public officials be advised as to the vital im-
portance of the problem, and that public funds be made available in
sufficient amounts to prosecute thorough investigations on every stroam
system concerning the watershed yield and the supply of water for
further irrigation expansion.

FIG. 5. Measurement of wat;ol' content of snow covers. (OOUl'iOHY Boil COllH()I'Vn-

tiOll Sorvice.)

11. Natural Streams Dl1l'il1g the early clcve10pmclIt of mot/twll irriga-

tion in America, natural strOHm flow supplied all the waLor tha!, waH
needed for irrigation. The discharge of most, natural sCreams (]c(Jl'()[lf:ieS
greatly during the late summer months when tho largest sllPply of
water is needed for irrigation, This fact is illustrated by Ifig, (i, which
gives the monthly discharge of threc typical rivers in tbo Groa\; Basin.
The mcan monthly discharge of Logan River (Utah) for August is
only 12,000 acrc-feet as compared to 48,000 acre-fed in .Tune, Tho
avcmge annual discharge, based on [t 34-ye!11' lWl'iOll, is 228,000 ncl'C-








~ 10
l..i 60
0 -.

::) 30

~ 20




r r-
_jIll. ...

FIG. 6. Mean monthly flow of typicall'ivers of the Great Basin. (U.S.D,A. Bul.
In order to use all the water of western streams for irrigation pur-
poses, the flood waters must be held in storage reservoirs until needed
Oll the land for irrigation.

12. Surface Reservoirs Many surface reservoirs have been built in

the West. The capacity of each reservoir is fixed by the natural condi-

Fm. 7. GovernmoIlt reservoirs like this OIle coutdbute to il'rigntioll advaneoment.

(Courtesy Bureau of Heclamatioll.)

tions of the canyon or valley in which the water is stored, together with
a height of clam sufficient to store tho quantity of watol' needed and
economically available. These capacities vary from a few thousand
acre-feet for reservoirs on small streams, as shown in Fig. 7, -to
more than 32 million acre-feet for one of the U. S. Govcrnl11ent's new
reservoirs, shown in Fig. 8. Likewise, the dams constructed for irriga-
tion purposes vary from a few feet in height, built at a low cost, to
massive masonry structures over 700 feet high and built at a cost of
several mH1ions of dollars. It is estimated that nearly one-half of the
total annual water supply of the "Vest is yet to be used for irrigation.
Of the one-hali now used, probably 40 to 50 million acre-feet is ob-
tained each year from storage l'eservoirs. Ultimately, when the total
annual water supply of the West is
applied to some 40 million acres
of irrigated land, probably two-
thirds 01' more of the supply will each
year be obtained directly from stor-
age reservoirs. Provision of the addi-
tional water-storage capacity will
necessitate the construction of higher
and mOl'e expensive dams than have
thus far been built. The time at which
these structures will be needed is
dependent largely on the increase in
demand for food products.

13. Underground Reservoirs In

parts of Arizona, California, and
other western states, large volumes
of water occur in saturated coarse
gravels well beneath the valley land
surface. Pumping water from under-
ground sources is widely practiced
and is a well-established method of FIG. 8. The Boulder Dam showing
obtaining irrigation water. The lower- spillway crest on Arizona side an~
ing of the ground-water table which Lake Mead Reservoir in the bac~
ground. (Photograph by author,
has followed extensive pumping for 1939.)
irrigation in some places has proved
valuable as a means of drainage. In other localities the ground-
water surface has been lowered so much by irrigation pumping
that deepening of wells has become necessary. The lowering of the
ground water has increased the pumping lift and made the water so
obtained increasingly expensive. Reasonable lowering of the grounc1~
water surface each year) in a locality where conditions are favorable
for pumping, develops capacity for subsequent underground water
Systematic flooding of land surfaces overlying or draining into under-
ground reservoirs is becoming a reco!);nized method of water storage.

FIG. 9. Am'in! viow of San Antonio Croek debris fan with snow-covered Mount
Sail Antonio in background. In the foreground, to the right of the dillgollill light
streak that marks the course of the sLrellln, the white strips extondillg from loft to
rig;ht represont rock darns which form terraced basins lIud hold [,ho storm Wllter.
(U.S,D.A, Tech, Bl~l, 578.)
In areas dependent on pumped water for i1'l'igahon, or for other
purposes, the underground water supply can be increased by artificial
methods of recharging. This fact has been adequately demonstrated
in several western states, particularly in Arizona, California, and
Texas. A typical canyon debris fan with rock clams to retard flood
flow in terraced basins causing infiltration to recharge a California
ground-water basin is shown in Fig. 9.

FIG. 10. Soil placed against upper face of dikes retards flow of water through
them and encourages ponding of water from crest of lower dike to toe of dike next
above. (U.S.D.A. Tech. Bul. 578.)

Rock dams, or dikes, with soil on the upstream face, form ponds like
the one shown in Fig. 10, from which the watcr percolates into the
ground-water reservoir to be stored until needed £01' irrigation during
the months of l1umping.
To a limited extent the gravels under the higher lands may serve as
ground-water reservoirs, provided that the flow of the ground water
toward the lowcr levels is not too rapid. The question of the aclvil:;ability
of spreading water ovcr land surfaces during the periods Df surplus
flow as a means of storing it for later use is one for which thcre is no
general answer. Local conditions determine the capacity of the ground-
water storage, the method, the percentage, the cost of water recovery,
and the feasibility of equitably distributing the water stored by
different irrigation interests. These and other, 1110re detailed problems
demand attention in each locality as a basis for determining the
advisability of such storage.
14. Soil Root Zone Reservoirs The soil 1'00G zone in arid regions
varies from 2 to 6 feet or more in depth. Loam soils, for example, may
well average 5 feet depth and provide considerable storage capacity
for capillary water that may be absorbed by plant roots. As shown in
Chapter 9, the storage capacity of nnsatUl'ated soils 101' water in a form
available to plants ranges from 1 inch pel' foot depth of soil up to 2
inches or more. To illustrate the importance of this capillary soil
water storage, not yet adequ[~tely used, the deep loam soils of the
irrigated lands on which winter precipitation is inadequate, if carefully
irrigated c1uring the fall or winter months, may store millions of
acre-feet of water for use by plants during the early crOll-growing
15. Irrigation Efficiencies The desired attainment in diverting water
from natural sources for irrigation purposes is to produce the maximum
crops consistent with economic conditions. As a general rule, l'erluetion
of wastes, and consequent increase in effective usc of natUl'Hlresnurees,
including irrigation water, results in econo?n7:cal usc, provided the eosts
of reducing wastes arc not excessive. Irrigation efficiencies Cltll be
increased by reducing the losses of water in conveynnee, delivery,
runoff, deep percolation, and evaporation. vVith a given quuntity of
water diverted from [L river, the larger the proportion thn t is stored in
the root-zone soil of the irrigated farms and there held until nhsorbecl
by playts and transpired from them, tho larger will be tho total crop
yield. (rhe expression irrigation efficl:enclJ is hore defineel as the ratio
of the 'water oonsumed by the crops of an irrigation fmIn or projoet to
the water diverted from a river or other natural wnter source into the
farm or project canal or canalS.iv
Let Ei = irrigatjon efficiency, percent.
We = the irrigation water consumed by tho crops of an irrigation
farm or project during their growth period.
TV! = the water delivered to the f:1rms of a projeet during [1 given
period of time.
TVr = the water diverted from a river or other natural i:iomee into
the farm 01' project canals during tho snme pm-ioel of timn.
W., = the water stored in the root-zone soil.
E. = lOOW c (1)
> TVr
The irrigation efficiency percentage is influenced by the water convey~
ance and delivery efficiency and the water [Ll)11liention efficiency. When
these efficiencies are increased, irrigation efficiencies also are increased.
In most irrigated regions, the irrigaHon efficiency may be substantially
increased to the economic advantage of the communities concerned.
Because of the many sources of loss of irrigation water between the
time and place it is diverted from rivers, and the time and place where
it is stored in the root-zone soil as water readily available to plants,
the irrigation efficiency on most projects is low, probably less than
33 percent.
Suppose, as an example of comparatively good irrigation practice,
that 40 percent of the water diverted is lost in conveyance and delivery;
30 percent of the water delivered to the farms, W" is lost as surface
runoff and deep percolation; 20 percent of the water stored in the soil,
Wa, is lost by evaporation. Tllell it follows that:
Wi = O.6Wr
Wa = O.7WJ = 0.42W,.
We = O.8W8 = O.34W,.
Ei = - - = 34 percent
As an example of rather poor irrigation pr'actice, consider that 60
percent of the water diverted is lost in conveyance and delivery,
50 percent of the water delivered is lost as surface runoff and deep
percolation, 40 percent of the water stored in the soil is lost by
evaporation; then:
Wi = 0.4Wr
W8 = O.5Wj = O.2Wr
Wc = O.6Ws = O.12Wr
Ei = - - - = 12 percent
If these estimates are even approximately correct, indicating that
less than ono-third of the water diverted for irrigation is consumed
by growing crops, it is apparent that serious consideration should be
given to increasing irrigation efficiencies.
Measureuwut of Irrigation Water

The efficient use of water for irrigation depends largely on measure~

mont of water. Incrensing utilization find value of available water,
and the growing tendency among irrigation compnniefl.to base annual
water charges on the water used, make an umlel'stnnrling of the
lwinciplcs and methods of wat~r measurement neeCSSftry. Iufnrnmtiol1
concerning the rdntions of water, soils, and plants elLl1not be utilized
in irrigation 11l'HCtic(J without the lllCaSll1'Clncmt of wator.
To fneilitnte student [ll'ogl'ess toward obtaining It clear Ullllcl'stnnding
of quant.ities erll1Ri(k~l'ed, KYlllbols used, units clll)lloyuc1, 'Hm1 tlw unsie
pliysicftI properties of cqul1 tions Pl'(lHolltec! in the tC!x(', 11 quantity
reference table is prcHcntccl nnel refol'l'()cl to in Clwptul's 3 to 12.
This table is designated Table QR. Its usefulness is explained in
connection with the presentation and discussion of equations. This
tablc includes 38 items and 78 quantitiot';. CloRoly related quantities
arc grouped amI presented un(ler Ollc item. Fnl' (Ixnmpk, ikm 7 in-
cludes 5 quantities, Some of tho symbols, suell ns Il null h, l'cIll'uslmt
e:l:c()8,~i1Je nsc of sllbsnript,s.
several different qUf111titics and thus avoid
16. Units of Water Measurement The nnits of wnter llWn'lUl'!1l)!elit
8,1'e considered in two cbssos: fhst, thosp expressing n speeifl(~ volume
of water at rest; amI second, those cXlll'esRing a time l'nto of flow,
The commonly usee! units of volume of Wtl,tur at ro'lL ant the gallon,
cubic font, acre-inch, amI [tore-foot, An acre-inch is it volume of
water sufficient to cover 1 ael'e 1 in. de('p, whieh is 3G:30 eu ft., An
acre~fdot of wgtor will COvel' 1. ncro 1 ft deep, and is equal to 43,560
cu ft.
The commonly used units of rat.e of flow are gallons pel' minute)
cubic feet pCI' seconel, aerc~il1ehes pCI' hour, and nero-feoL por clay.
The miner's inch is also used. It is defined as Lho qUl1.ntity of watm:
that will flow through an opening 1 in. square in n vel'ticn,l wallllndm' a
prOSSUl'e honcll'anging from 4 to 7 in. Eneh of the western statos dofines
Lho minol"s inch in terms of 1 cu ft pel' soc, quo miller's innh is

American Force-
Item Quantity Symbols Engineering Length-Time
Units Dimensions
1 Areas in irrigation and drainage:
a. Section of stream of water at
right angles to flow a sq It IJ
b. Soil through which water flows a sq ft V
c. Land covered with water at any
time, t, while irrigating a border
strip A acres V
2 Atmospheric pressure:
a. As pressure intensity p psi FIT?
b. As a pressure head hp ft water or L
in. mer-
3 Bed width of an irrigation canal,
or open drain b It L
4 Circle of influence in ground-water
pumping, radius of. Also one-half
spacing of drains R ft L
5 Coefficients of discharge (dilIcrencos
in usage are indicated by use of
the prime, 0', 0", etc.) for ori-
fices and weirs 0 ." . .. L'/J/T
6 Coefficient of roughness or "retar-
dation factor" in turbulent water
flow n ... "., L~
7 Depths in irrigation and drainage:
a. Root-zone soils Dr in. or ft, L
b. Irrigation water applied d in. or ft L
c. Soil moistened D in. or ft L
d. Water flowing on a border strip y in. L
e. Water flowing in a canal d ft L
8 Diameter of apipe or drain tile or
a capillary tube d in. L
9 Full druin spacing distance S ft L
10 Efficiencies of:
a. Water conveyance ED percent . ...
b. Water application En percent .. , ...
c. Irrigation E, percent . .....
d. Pumping plant Ep percent ." ...
11 Force on unit weight of water in a
pipe due to gravity and pressure
difference F Ib/lb .. ... ,

12 Flow length of water in canal or

soil. Also; length of border
covered with water at any time I ft L
* The quantities presented here [OJ' cOllvenience of reference are defined where
first used. Some quantities considered in this book arc not listed here,
TABLE QR (Continued)

American Forcc-
Item Quantity Symbols Enginooring Length-Time
Units Dimcnsions
13 Gravity:
a. Force per unit mass. Also ac-
celeration of gravity g lh/slug L/'1'2
b. Component plLmUcl to water
surflLce on each pound Fa lb/lb ......
14 Heads as used in hydrttulics, irriga-
tion, and drainage:
a. Hydraulic head (p/wHz ft L
b. Velocity head v2 /2g ft L
c. Pressure head p/w ft L
d. Tension head hi It L
e. Elevation head z £t L
f. Fri<lIioIl heac! in flow in canal
01' in soil hJ ft, L
g. Diseimrge head for
(1) Weirs II ft L
(2) Orifices h ft L
15 Heights of water in irrigation and
a. Lift hy pumps h It L
b. Column of Wltt,(~r in a capillary
tube or in an ul1SntUl'lIteti soil
oolumn h in. or ft L
c. Water table above dat.um ill
saturated soils II f1; L
d. Wuter slll'faue in drain 01' at well
above datum h ft L
e. Subme'rged orilicc opening,
height of H ft L
16 Hydraulic radius: section area di-
vided by wetted perimeter j' sq n/H L
17 Hydrnulie slope or gradient: loss of
head divided hy How lougth hJ/I f(,/ft ......
18 Infiltration mte of water into soil I ill./hr L/'1'
19 Lengths of:
a. Weir crest, measured L' ft L
b. Woir crest, effnet,ivH L ft D
c. Open 01' closed dmill L ft L
20 Meehunieul energy of water at ally
point in a stream E ft~lh [JII'
a. Per unit weight; E" ft-Ib/lb L
b. Per unit mass lam ft-Ib/slug V/'l'2
c. Pel' unit volume E. ft-Ib/ell f\; F/U
21 Moisture percolltlLges in soils:
a. Weigh1; basis P1D percent ......
(1) Field capacity PIc pCl'cnut ••• I ••

(2) Wilting point P"l' percent ......

(3) AVl1ilable cl1pacity Pac pereont ......
(4) Moisture equivllient ]:Jmc perc()llt ......
Ii. Volume hasis P.. percent .... , .
TABLE QR (Concluded)

American Foree-
Item Quantity Symbols Engineering Length-Time
Units DimenSIons
-22- Percolation rates of water into soil
(See also infiltration) I in./hr L/T
23 Permeability of soils to water-
velocity at unit hydraulic slope k ft/sec or LIT
in./hr or
24 Pore space or porosity in soils S percent ......
25 Pressures per unit area:
a. Compression p or pc psi FIV
b. Tension t psi F/O
c. Pressure differences (P2 - PI) p' psi F/V
26 Quantity of flow of water Q or q cfs £a/T
27 Space between drains S it L
28 Specific gravity of water or soils:
a. Apparent (vol. wt.) A. ratio " ....
b. Real R. ratio .......
29 Specific weight of water or soil w lb/eu ft FILS
30 Specific water conductivity of soils ko sec or hr T
or yr
31 Surface tension T lb/in. FIL
32 Temperature, mean monthly t degl'ees F ......
33 Time rate of water application R cEs/ac L/T
34 Time water applied on a border
strip t hI' T
35 Time water used for irrigation of
an area t hI' T
36 Velocity of water flow, mean v H/sec LIT
37 Viscosity of water, dynamic u Ib-sec/ft2 F7'/L2
38 Water and the farm:
a. Delivered to a farm or all farms W, ft/yr L11'
b. Runoff from the farm Rf ft/yr L/T
c. Stored in the farm root-zone soil W. ft/yr L/T
d. Consumed by each farm crop WoOl' U in. or it L/T
per mo.
or Y1'
e. Lost by deep percolation D, ft/yr L/T
f. Diverted from river for farms W. ft/yr LIT

designated as 7tO of a eu ft per sec in southern California, IdallO,

Kansas, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and
Utah. In Arizona, northern California, Montana, Nevada, and Oregon,
1 miner's inch is equal to Yto of a cu ft per sec. In Colorado 38.4
miner's inches is considered equal to 1 cu ft per sec.
17. Velocity of Flow through an Orifice When the water-pressure
intensity inside the pipes of a domestic water system is high the water
flows out of an open tap at a high velocity, and when the pressure is
low it flows out slowly. If the water pressure within the pipe were
exactly equal to the pressure of the ail' outside the pipe there would be
no flow. Pressure intensity at any point within a body of water with
a free surface is proportional to the depth of the point below the
water surface. The velocity of water through an opening in a vessel (or
in a wall built across a stream) which is far below the water surface
is greater than the velocity through an opening near the water surface.
In irrigation practice it is important to know just what the velocity
will be through an orifice at any vertical distance below the water
surface. The basic physical law which determines the velocity of water
through an orifice is the same as the law which determines the velocity
of a falling body at any vertical distance below the point from which it
began to fall.
The velocity of a falling body, ignoring atmospheric friction, mny
be determined by knowing the vertical distance through which the
body has fallen from rest. Likewise, the velocity of water escaping
from an opening (orifice) in a vessel, ignoring friction, may be deter-
mined by knowing the height of the water in the vessel aGovc thl'
opening. Stated as an equation, this very important law of falling
bodies, as applied to the flow of water, is

v= V2{jJi (2)
where v = velocity in feet per seeond;
g = the acceleration due to gravity (or the force of gravity per
unit mass of water), which is 32.2 ft per seo pel' 0100;
h = the depth of water in feet, or pressurc head, cnuHing the ditl-
charge through the orifice.
If the vertical dimension of the orifice opening is very long, the
velocity of flow through the orifice will be appreciably gl'oator ncar
the bottom of the orifice than ncar the top. Fol' thc purpose of this
discussion it is assumed t.hat the orifice height is so small as eOlTIpHl'cd
to the pressure head causing the clisclHtrgc that the difference between
velocity near the top and neal' the bottom of the orifiee is negligiblo.
To illustrate the use of equation 2 assume that h in Fig, 11 = 4 H,
v = V2 X 32.2 X 4 = 16.04 ft per sec
i.e., theoretically, water should flow through an orifir.e which is 4 feet
holow the surface at a velocity of approximately 16 feet pCI' seeond.
Owing to frictional resistance, the actual :velocity is somewhat less
than the theoretical velocity.
The quantity of water that flows through an opening, or in a channel,
is directly proportional to the cross~section area of the opening t1&
channel and to the velocity of flow. The basic rational equation fbi
quantity of flow is:
q = av (3)
where q* = quantity of flow, cubic feet per second;
a = cross-sectional area of water, the canal 01' orifice, in square
v = the mean velocity, feet per second.
18. Discharge through an Orifice The theoretical discharge through
an orifice may be determined by substituting the value of v from
equation 2 in the quantity equation, i.e.,
q= av%h (3a)·

F'-- _ :._ -== = ==-_ -=-=


InFlow pipe

FIG. 11. Illustrating the discharge of water through an orifice under a head, h.

If the orifice opening in Fig. 11 were 4 in. high by 18 in. long (per-
pendicular to the plane of the paper), the area would be
4 X 18 1
a= ~ = "2 sqft
Experiment has shown that the actual discharge for standard orifice is
approximately six-tenths the theoretical discharge, so that the actual q
would be computed thus:
q = -AI X i X .\IJ.. = 4.8 ds
* Table QR shows that the physical dimensions of q are L3 IT; also that a =
L2 and v = LIT. Therefore, the product av = L2 X LIT = L3/'1.' , which is q,
volume pel' unit time.
:Finally, the equation for actual discharge through an orifice is
q = CaV2gh (4)
in which C is a coefficient of discharge determined by experiment. The
coefficient C ranges from 0.6 up to 0.8 or more, depending on the
position of the orifice relative to the sides and bottom of the vessels
or of the water channel, and also on the degree of roundness of the
edges of the orifiee.
Suppose that the height of the orifice is increased and that the water
surface is lowered until it drops below the upper edgc of the orifice,

FIG. 12. Showing that discharge Lhrough lL partly filled orilic~(l iH similar Lo Lh()
discharge over a weir.

as shown in Fig. 12. Then the pl'eSS1ll'e heac! in feet, which Clauses the
average velocity, as represented by h of Fig. 12 is ono-half of the tntal
depth of water over the bottom edge of the orifioe. The cross-section
area of the stream at right angles to the direction of flow is actually
less than the cross-section area of the orifice. The lengt,h of orifieo
being 18 in. or 1.5 ft, the cross-section area of the stream is
a = 2h X 1.5 sq ft
or, representing the length of orifice by t.he symbol L measured in feot,
a = 2hL sq ft.
Subst.ituting t.his value of a in equation 4

q = 2CLhv2(jji = 2CLh~~V20 (5)

Since the acceleration due to gravity, g, is nearly constant., it, is oon-
venient to represent the product 2CV2g by a single symbol, say e
, and
then it follows that
q = efLh% (6)
Equation 6 gives the theoretical discharge of an orifice when the top
edge of the orifice is above the water surfac.e.
19. Discharge of Weirs The term weir as used in measurement of
water is defined as a notch in a wall built across a stream. The notch
may be rectangular, trapezoidal, or triangular in shape. The orifice in
Fig. 12, when flowing partly full, is a weir according to the above

'r-- 2H- - j
-- ----=--
-- -- --- --- ---- -_ ---fr-, ~
- - -: L_- __ 1_____ ---_-.... '""'"


Front view lolOking IJpstream view
FIG. 13. A rectangular weir with complete end contractions.

definition. In measuring the flow of water over weirs, it is convenient

and customary to measure the total depth, i.e., 2h of Fig. 12. Although
the total depth, as represented in Fig. 13 by the symbol H, does not
represent the point in the stream of average velocity, it can be used
in equation 6 by changing only the coefficient Cf • Substituting for hits
equivalent H/2 in equation 6 there results

H)~ e'
q = C L"2 (
= 2% LH~

or q = e" LH~2 (7)

in which* e" = e'

Equation 7 is the general form for discharge of rectangular and
trapezoidal weirs. Although, as shown above, it is based on the funcla-
,. Table QR shows that the length-time dimensions of elf for equation 7 are
L~2T-l. By substitution, it follows that
£8 LH L3
- =-L%L% = -
and that equation 7 is homogeneous.
mental equation q = av, the student should note that in using equa~
tion 7 the only measurements essential are those of length of weir
crest, L, and depth of water flowing over it, H. The velocity need
not be measured dircctly. The coefficient GIf , ordinarily represented
by G, has been detcrmined by experiment by mo.ny workers. For
rectangular weirs it was early found by Francis to be 3.33, and hence


I 2 3 1a

Depth of Water
2a 3a

Depth of Water
2b 3b

Dept,h of WI1ter Dis- Dis- Dis-

or .Head, Ii charge or Head, H charge or HO!td, If charge
in Sec-
in Se'c-
in Sec-
ond-feot .--
Feet Inches (q) Feet Inches (q) FClCt IIwhes (q)
0.20 2i 0.208 0.55 Gg· 1.358 0.90 1013 2.8'13
.21 .320 .56 6"'f 1.395 IOU 2.800
.22 .3-,1'1 .57 GU 1.438 .92 1111if 2.0SR
.23 21 .3G7 .58 GH· 1.470 .98 11l~lr 2.986
.2,1 2* .302 .59 7rlS 1.509 .9'1 111 a.035
.25 3 .410 .60 71alf 1.547 .95 n~ 8.083
.26 3! .442 .61 7l'IS 1.580 .90 11~ 3.132
.27 31 .407 .02 7n 1.020 .07 llg 3.181
.28 3i .493 :03 1.065 .08 11t 3.2:10

.29 3t .520 .M 7n 1.705 .99 11 3.280
.30 3i .547 .05 1.745 1.00 12 8.300
.31 3~ .575 .66 7H 1.785 1.01 l'n
~A 3.380
.32 3l:~ .603 .07 8i lo 1.82(j 1.02 12~ 3.480
.33 3a .631 .68 81'\!- 1.867 1.03 12' :JAR1
. 34
. 36
.37 4ft .749 .72 8~ 2.0:3<1 1.07 12H a.GS6
.38 4t\r .780 .78 81 2.070 1.08 12}& 3.187
.39 4tk .811 .74 8~ 2.120 LOn l:i i \I' a.789
.40 4H!- .842 .75 9 2.Hi3 1.10 la l~d' 3.8,12
.41 4M .874 .7G 9k 2.20li 1.11 la~I)' a.89·:I,
.42 5l'IT .90G .77 91 2.250 1.12 l:~IIS a.047
.43 5i~1S .039 .78 9~ 2.294 1.1:3 lark 4.000
.44 51<, .972 .79 9~ 2.:HO 1.H 1at} 4.053
.45 6it 1.005 .so 9~ 2.383 1.15 IaU 4.107
.4G iH 1.039 .81 9l 2.428 1.10 Ian 4.tnO
.47 5f 1.073 .82 O}:8· 2.473 1.17 l1ltl' 4.214
5: 1.107
.83 9H
2.520 1.18 141"4' 4.208
5* . 84 2.5G4 1.19 14;} 4.a28
1. 20
1.21 UI
.62 at 1.249 .87 10ft 2.702 1.22 14~ 4.487
.54 (i!6' 1.285
the widely used sharp-crested weir discharge equation
q = 3.33LH% (8)
Equation 8 without modification applies accurately only to rectangular
weirs in which the length of weir is the same as the width of the
rectangular channel immediately above the weir, i.e., weirs having
8~~ppre88ed end contractions. For weirs having complete end contrac-
• tions, such as represented in Fig. 13, the effective length of weir crest,
L, is found from the relation
L = L' - 0.2H (9)
in which LI = the measured length of weir crest. In actual use of equa-
tion 8 and other discharge equations, it is customary to compute tables
from the equation, using L = 1, and for many values of H. Table 1
gives discharge per foot of length of weir crest based on equation 8 for
values of H from 0.20 up to 1.24 ft. For example, columns 1 and 3
show that for a head H of 0.-i5 ft the discharge is 1005 cis pel' foot
length of weirs having 81tppre8sed end contractions. The effective length
for a I-It weir having complete end contractions, according to equa-
tion 9, is
L = 1.00 - 0.2 X 0.45 = 0.91 ft, and hence thc discharge per foot
of measured length is 1.005 X 0.91 = 0.9145 cfs.*
An Italian engineer named Cipolletti long ago designed a trapezoidal
weir with complete contractions in which the discharge is believed to

FIG. 14. A trapezoidal or Cipolletti weir.

be directly proportional to the length of weir crest. For irrigation pur-

poses this weir has some advantages. It has been widely used. The
equation giving the discharge is:
q = 3.367LH% (10)
In. this weir the sides have a slope of 1 in. horizontal to 4 in. vertical,
as shown in Fig. 14. Aside from the small correction necessary. on
* To clarify understanding of equation 8, the s!:udent may compute disrharges
:pel' foot of length fol' other valnes of H [Iud ('heek with Table 1,
AND HEA.DS. FORMULA,: q =3.367Llr>'J

Length of Weir Creat in Feot
on Creat

In In
Feet Inohes
I I I 2t I I I I I I I I
Ii g 8 at 4 5 7! 10 1Z! 15

DiBchnrge in Cubic Feot pcr Second

0.21 2, 0.324 0.19 0.65 O.al 0.07 1.13 1.30 1.G2 2.13 3.24 4.05 4.86
.22 i .347 .52 .69 .87 1.04 1.22 1.30 1.74 2.(11 3,47 4.34 5.21
.23 t .371 .56 .74 .03 1.11 1.30 1.40 1.86 2.70 3.71 4.(14 5.57
.24 i .306 .50 .70 .00 1.10 1.30 1.58 1.08 2.07 3.06 4.00 5.0·1
.25 3 .421 .63 .84 1.05 1.26 1.47 1.68 2.10 3.16 1.21 5.26 6.31

.2D 3i .446 .67 .80 1.12 1.34 1.50 1. 70 2.23 3.35 4.10 5.58 6.70
.27 i .472 .71 .04 1.18 L42 1.65 1.80 2.30 3.M 4.72 5.00 7.00
.2B t .400 .75 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.75 2.00 2.40 3.7-1 4.00 0.2·1 7.48
.20 1 .526 .70 1.05 1.31 1.58 1.81 2.10 2.63 3.0·1 5.26 6.1i7 7.80
.30 J .553 .83 1.11 1.38 1.06 1.04 2.21 2.77 4.15 5.53 0.02 8.30

.31 3t ....... .87 1.10 1.'15 1.701 2.Q3 2.32 2.01 4.:lO 0.81 7.20 8.72
.32 i ....... .01 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.1:1 2.44 3.05 4.57 Q.OO 7.02 0.14
.33 4. ....... .OD 1.28 1.00 1.01 2.2:1 2.55 3.10 ·1.70 (I.a8 7.08 0.57
.34 i ....... 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.34 2.07 3.34 IU)J 0.07 8.31 10.01
.35 i ...... , 1.05 1.30 1.74 2.00 2.44 2.70 3.'10 lUi! 0.07 8.71 10.40

.SD 41 ....... 1.00 1.45 1.82 2.18 2.50 2.01 3.04 5.45 7.27 0.00 10.01
.37 ! ..... ,. 1.14 1.52 1.80 2.27 2.65 3.0a 3.70 5.08 7.58 0.47 11.37
.38 IT ....... 1.18 1.58 1. 07 2.37 2.70 3.15 3.04 lUll 7.80 0.80 H.S:!
. 39 i ....... 1.23 1.64 2.05 2.46 2.87 3.28 4.10 0.15 8.20 10.25 12.30
040 ! ....... 1.28 1.70 2.13 2.50 2.08 3.41 4.20 0.30 8.02 10.05 12.78

. 41 4} ....... 1.33 1.77 2.21 2.65 3.00 3.51 4.42 0.03 R.84 11.05 13.20
. 42 5 , ...... 1.87 1.83 2.20 2.75 3.21 3.07 4.58 O.H7 0.10 lUll 13.75
. 43 t ...... , 1.42 1.00 2.37 2.85 3.32 3.80 1.75 7.12 (lAO 11.B7 1·1.M
.401, t ... ~ ... 1.47 1.07 2.40 2.0" 3.41 3.03 ·1.01 1.37 0.83 12.28 14.74
. 45 t ....... 1.52 2.03 2.55 3.05 3.50 4.07 5.0B 1.02 10.16 12.70 15.2·1

Ii, .......
...... ,
1.58 2.10 2.03 3.15 3.08 4.20 5.25 1.88 10.M l:J.1a 15.70
i 1.03 2.17 2.71 :1.20 3.80 4.3'1 5.42 8.14 10.R5 13.50 10.27
,48 i ~ ... , .. 1.08 2.2{ 2.80 3.30 :1.02 4,48 5.(iO 8.10 11.20 14.00 10.70
•40 t ..... , . 1.73 2.31 2.80 3.40 4.0'1 4.02 0.77 B.IlO H.65 11.4:1 17.32
•50 6 ..... , . 1.70 2.38 2.08 3.57 4.17 4.76 5.05 8.0a IUO 14.88 17.85

. 51 Ol ....... 1.84 2.45 3.07 3.08 4.20 4.00 6.13 9.20 12.20 15.33 18.30
. 52 1 .. , ...
~ 1.80 2.52 3.10 3.70 4.42 5.05 0.31 0.47 12.02 15.78 18.04
. 53 f ....... 1.05 2.00 3.25 3.00 4.55 5.20 0.1i0 9.701 12.00 10.24 10.'10
.M ; ....... 2.00 2.07 3.34 4.01 4.08 5.34 0.68 10.02 13.36 10.70 20.04
. 55 I ....... 2.00 2.75 3.43 4.12 4.81 5.40 0.87 10.30 13.73 17.17 20.00

. 56 6f ....... 2.12 2.82 3.53 4.23 4.04 5.601 7.05 10.fig 14.11 17.04. 21.16
. 57 I ....... 2.17 2.00 3.62 4.35 5.07 5.80 7.24 10.87 14.40 18.11 21.73
. 58 7 ....... 2.23 2.07 3.72 4.40 5.20 5.95 1 14,87 18.59 22.31
7.441 1.15
.59 t ....... 2.20 3.05 3.81 4.58 5.34 6.10 7.03 11.4<1 15.20 10.07 22.80
. 60 1 ....... 2.35 3.13 8.01 4.60 5.48 6.20 7.82 11.74 15.05 10.50 23.47
TABLE 2 (Concluded)

on Crest Length of Weir Crest in Feet

In In
Feet Inches
I 3! I I I
4 5 7t
Discharge in Cubic Feet per Second
I 12t
I 18

- --
0.61 71 3.21 4.01 4.81 5.61 6.42 8.02 12.03 16.04 20.05 24,06 28.87
,62 t 3.29 4.11 4,93 5.75 6.57 8.22 12.33 16,44 20,54 24,65 20.58
.63 IT 3.37 4.21 5,05 5.89 6.73 8.42 12.63 16,83 21.04 25.25 30.30
.M i 3.45 4.31 5,17 6.03 6,80 8.62 12.93 17.24 21.55 25,86 31.03
.65 i 3.53 4.41 5.29 6.18 7,06 8.82 13,23 17.64 22.05 26.46 31.76

.66 7f 3.61 4.51 5.42 6.32 7.22 9,03 13.54 18.05 22,56 27.08 32.49
.67 8 3,09 4.62 5.54 6.46 7,a9 9.23 13.85 18,46 23,08 27.70 33.23
.68 i a.78 4,72 5,66 6,61 7.55 9,44 14.16 18,88 23,60 28.32 33.98
.69 !; 3.86 4.82 5,79 6.75 7.72 9.65 14.47 19.,30 24,12 28.94 34.73
.70 i 3,94 4,93 5.92 6.90 7.89 9.86 14.79 19.72 24.65 29.58 35.49

.71 8! 4.03 5.04 6,04 7.05 8.06 10.07 15,11 20.14 25,18 30.21 36.25
.72 t 4.11 5,14 6,17 7,20 8,23 10.28 15.43 20,57 25.71 30.85 37,03
.73 t 4,20 5,25 6,30 7.35 8.40 10.50 15.75 21.00 26.25 31.50 37.80
.74 i 4,20 0,30 0,43 7.50 8.57 10.72 10.07 21.43 26.79 32.15 38,58
.75 9 4.37 5.47 6,56 7.05 8.75 10.93 16.40 21.87 27.33 32.80 39.36

.76 91 4.46 5.58 6,69 7.81 8.92 11.15 16.73 22.31 27.88 33.46 40,15
.77 1 4,55 5,69 6,82 7,96 9.10 11.37 17.0B 22.75 28.43 34,12 40.95
.78 t 4,64 5,80 6.96 8.12 9.28 11,60 17,39 23.19 28.99 34,79 41.75
.79 ! 4,73 5.91 7,09 8.27 9.46 11,82 17.73 23.64 29.55 35.46 42,55
.80 t 4.82 6.02 7.23 8.43 9,64 12,05 18.07 24.09 30,11 36,13 43.36

,81 9t 4,91 6.14 7,36 8.59 9.82 12,27 18.41 24.54 30.68 36,81 44,18
.82 I 5,00 6,25 7.50 8.75 10,00 12,50 18,75 25.00 31.25 37,50 45,00
.83 10 5,09 6.36 7.64 8.91 10.18 12,73 19.09 25,46 31.82 38.19 45,82
.84 t 5,18 6.18 7.78 9.07 10,37 12,96 19.44 25.92 32.40 38.88 46.65
.85 1 5.28 6.60 7.92 9.23 10.55 13.19 19.79 26.38 32.98 39.57 47.49

.86 10~ 5,37 6,71 8,06 9.40 10.74 13,43 20.14 26.85 33,56 40,28 48,33
.87 ! 5,46 0.83 8,20 9.56 10.93 13,66 20.49 27.32 34,15 40.97 49.18
.88 n 5,50 6,05 8,34 9.73 11,12 13,90 20,84 27.79 34.74 41.69 50,03
.80 t 5.65 7,07 8,48 9.89 11,31 14,13 21.20 28,27 35.33 42.40 50.88
.90 i 5,75 7,19 8.62 10.00 11.50 14.37 21.06 28.75 35.93 43.12 51.74

.91 101 ........ 7,31 8,77 10.23 11,69 14,61 21.92 29.23 36,53 43.84 52.61
.92 11 ........ 7,43 8,Ul 10.40 11 ,88 14.85 22.28 29.71 37.14 44,56 53.48
.93 t ........ 7,55 9,06 10.57 12,08 15,10 22.65 30.19 37.74 45,20 54,35
.94 I ........ 7,07 9,20 10.74 12.27 15,34 23,01 30.08 38,35 46.02 55.23
.95 i ........ 7.79 9.35 10.01 12.47 15.59 23.38 31.17 38.97 46.76 56,11

.96 l1i ........ 7,02 9.50 11.08 12.07 15.83 23,75 31.67 a9.58 47.50 57.00
.97 i ........ 8,04 9,65 11 ,26 12,87 16,08 24,12 32.16 40.20 48,24 57.89
.98 i ........ 8,17 9,80 11 ,43 13,06 16.33 24.40 32,66 40,83 48,00 58,79
.90 t ........ 8.29 0,95 11 ,61 13.27 10,58 24.87 33.16 41.45 49,74 59.69
1.00 12 ........ 8.42 10,10 11.78 13.47 16.83 25,25 33.tl7 42.08 50.50 60.tlO
account of the fact that the sides of the weir slope outward, equation 10
may be urrived at in the same way as equation 8. Table 2 gives dis-
charges for the trapezoidal weir as computed frolll equation 10 for
length of crest from 1 to 18 ft.

Front VIew looking upstream view

FIG. 15. A noo tl'il1ugubr llotdl weir.

For the 90° tl'inngulal' weir shown in li'ig. 15, t.lle water Cl'llSI'Hlcetion
area is H. X H, or H2, and thel'ofol'u, frum equaLion 4,
q = CI1 2 v'2ifi = C' JJ%
is the theoretical discharge. The aotual diselwl'gu hns· been [ollwl by'
experiment to be approximately
q = 2.4!)lt'~ (11)
Table 3 gives discharges for the triangular weir.
20. Submerged Orifices The wuter erUHS-R(~ut,illn area (If fI Sll})HHH'g(1C!
Dl'ifiee, Fig. 16, is the length of tho opening thucs the height, or

---1 -.""~-'
: .--':'

- ..:._._::__:_~

----,... "-~~.

.. ----=---.;;...---'~-

'0" _ _

firon f view loolfmg
1 I,
ups f.ream I '"
I~ !
Side view ,l1!1 I
~I I
\) I..rj Ii) \)

FIG, Hi. Submcl'god orifion,


Dis- Dis- Dis-

Head Head ch:1rrre Head Head charge Head Head charge
in in in S~c- in in in Sec-' in in in Sec-
Feet Inches and-feet Feet Inches and-feet Ileet Inches and-feet
(q) (q) (q)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.
0.20 21 0.046 0.55 6i 0.564 0.90 10ft 1.92
.21 2j .052 .56 6i .5DO .91 1011 1.97
.22 2i .058 .57 6H- .617 .92 Hn 2.02
.23 2i .065 .58 6ft .644 .93 HIll' 2.08
.24 2! .072 .59 7h .672 .94 l1t 2.13
.25 3 .080 .60 7:&- .700 .95 l1i 2.19
.26 3} .088 .61 7ft .730 .96 11~· 2.25
.27 3t .09G .62 7i6 .760 .97 lli 2.31
.. 28 3t .106 .63 7ft .790 .9R Hi 2.37
.29 3} .115 .64 ~ll
'IT .822 .99 Hf 2.43
.30 3t .125 .65 71% .854 1.00 12 2.49
.31 3j .13G .66 7ft .887 1.01 12} 2.55
.32 SLl.
1. .147 .67 8h .921 1.02 12t 2.61
.33 315
116 .169 .68 S:h .955 1.03 12i 2.68
.34 4h .171 .69 8t .991 1.04 12} 2.74
.35 4h .184 .70 8~ 1.03 1.05 12j 2.S1
.36 4fir .197 .71 S! 1.06 1.00 12j 2.87
.37 4fa .211 .72 S~· 1.10 1.07 12M 2.94
.38 4-i\r .226 .73 S! 1.14 1.08 12M- 3.01
.39 4li.
1. .240 .74 Sf 1.18 1.09 13n 3.08
.40 4it .25G .75 9 1.22 1.10 13h 3.15
.41 4ft .272 .76 9it 1.26 1.11 13h 3.22
.42 5h .289 .77 9t 1.30 1.12 13i\; 3.30
.43 5h .30G .78 9j 1.34 1.13 13n 3.37
.44 5t .324 .79 9! 1.S9 1.14 13H- 3.44
.45 5! .343 .80 9i 1.43 1.15 13H- 3.52
.46 5! .362 .81 91 1.48 1.16 13H 3.59
.47 5t .382 .82 911
1. l.52 1.17 14n 3.67
.48 5! .403 .83 9tt l.57 1.18 14h 3.75
.49 5f .424 .84 IOn l.Gl l.19 14!t 3.83
.50 6 .445 .85 10h 1.66 1.20 141 3.91
.51 6! .468 .86 10h 1.71 1.21 14! 3.99
.52 6!t .491 .87 IOn 1.76 1.22 14t 4.07
.53 6t .515 .88 10 0 LSI 1.23 Hi 4.10
.54 6! .539 .89
10* 1.86 1.24

* Computed from the formula: q = 2.49H2.48.

A = ~ X H. The loss of head as water flows through a submerged

orifice is the difference in elevation of the water surface upstream and
downstream, as shown by h in Fig. 16. Hence from equation 4 and from
experiments, the discharge for the standard submerged orifice is found
to be
The submerged orifice is used both in its standard form and as a
combination head-gate-measuring device. Table 4 gives discharges
for submerged orifices as computed from eqlHLtion 12. H shows, for
example, that on a submerged orifice having an oponing 6 in. high
by 12 in. long (area 0.5 sq ft), if the upstream water surface is 3 in.
or 0.25 It higher than the downstream surface, the disclmrge will
be 1.22 cfs.

21, Types of Orifices Used Types of orificns 118011 to meaSUl'e irriga-

tion water are: (1) submerged orifices with fixl~tl dimensions, (2) nd-
justable submerged orifices, (3) miner's-iuch boxes, and (4) calibrated
Submerged orifices with fixed dimensions arc used wIlmc the avnil-
able head is insufficient for weirs. For best results they are usually
rectanguLar with the horizontal dimension from two to six timOR tho
height. They are generally installed in sufficiently largo chnnllnls So
that the contractions arc complete or very neurly so. 'rho coofIiduut
will then be approximately 0.61. There is H lade of information regard-
ing the coefficient for incomplete contnwtions. Sulnnerged orifi(\l'~
should have a smooth vertical fncc of suffieient sizo, smooth shH1'1l
edges, accurate dimensions, and a provil:lion for neeurnte head meas-
There are several kinds of adjustnble snhnHll'gn(1 orifi(lcs. SO]}l!'
resemble submerged ol'ifiees with fixed dimensions (\xnc~Jlt thnt tht'il'
height is adjustable to accommodnte a wide range of fl()w without,
excessive loss of head. Table 4 may be llsod to (lot.el'mino UlO flow
through orifiees in which the channel is sufiieiently large to illRlll'O (\(lm~
plete end contractions. The more usual type of adjustnhle sllJlIl1crgc'd
orifice is a combination hend gate, 01' turnout and ll1oafml'illg clevic\(\.
Such structures are usually made of wood and gCllOl'Hlly hnve one 01'
two slide gates that may be held open in any desired pOf·lit.ion. Sllh~
merged orifice head gates are not accurate measuring dovines and Hl'll
gradually being replaced by beUer types of stl'uct11l'CS.
A development of reccnt. years has been the cnlibrnj-,ocl ecmm}(,I'(~inl
gates (Calco Met.el' Gates) for water meftSl11'enwnt.. Tmits have hm!ll
conducted on gates of variolls size and curves and tnblns Ill'ppnr('(l
giving the flow in nubic feet per serolHI for diff('J'(mt, gal",n (I]l(IlIillj:!;S
measured on the rising sLem. The hend as clett'l'tnine(l iH the (liCCernn(\(\
in elevation of the water surfn,ee in the supply ennnl and tito ontle(',
ditch. Each Calco Meter Gnte is calibrated imUvidllully, and n dis-
charge chart and table are furnished with the gll,tc at Ute timc of
Many ingenious miner's-inch boxes have been devised; most of

Head II Cross-sectional Area A of Orifice, square feet

Feet Inches 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 UiO 1.75 2.00
- - - - - - - -- - - - - -
0.09 In 0.37 0.73 1.10 1.47 1.84 2.20 2.64 2.94
.10 II\- .39 .77 1.16 1.56 1.93 2.32 2.71 3.09
.11 If. .41 .81 1.22 1.62 2.03 2.43 2.84 3.24
.12 li1r .42 .85 1.27 1.69 2.12 2.54 2.97 3.39
.13 l-to .44 .88 1.32 1.76 2.21 2.65 3.09 3.53
.14 III .46 .92 1.37 1.83 2.29 2.75 3.20 3.66
.15 1* .47 .95 1.42 1.90 2.37 2.84 3.32 3.79
.16 lIt .49 .98 1.47 1.96 2.45 2.93 3.42 3.91
.17 2h .50 1.01 1.61 2.02 2.52 3.02 3.53 4.03
.18 21'\r .52 1.04 1.56 2.08 2.59 3.11 3.63 4.15
.19 2:1: .53 1.07 1.60 2.13 2.67 3.20 3.73 4.26
.20 2i .55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.74 3.28 3.83 4.36
.21 2~ .56 1.12 1.68 2.24 2.80 3.36 3.92 4.48
.22 2i .57 1.15 1.72 2.30 2.87 3.46 4.02 4.59
.23 2~ .59 1.17 1.76 2.35 2.93 3.52 4.10 4.69
.24 2it .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.19 4.79
.25 3 .61 1.22 1.83 2.45 3.06 3.67 4.28 4.89
.26 31 .62 1.25 1.87 2.49 3.12 3.74 4.37 4.99
.27 31- .64 1.27 1.91 2.54 3.18 3.81 4.45 5.08
.28 3R- .65 1.29 1.94 2.59 3.24 3.88 4.53 5.18
.29 3t .66 1.32 1.98 2.64 3.30 3.96 4.62 5.28
.30 3t .67 1.34 2.01 2.68 3.35 4.02 4.69 5.36
.31 31* .68 1.36 2.05 2.73 3.41 4.09 4.77 5.45
.32 31~ .69 1.38 2.07 2.76 3.46 4.15 4.84 5.53
.33 3M .70 1.41 2.11 2.81 3.51 4.22 4.92 5.62
.34 4J\- .71 1.43 2.14 2.85 3.57 4.28 4.99 5.70
.35 4-to .72 1.45 2.17 2.89 3.62 4.34 5.06 5.78
.36 4fo- .73 1.47 2.20 2.93 3.67 4.40 5.14 5.87
.37 4i1r .75 1.49 2.23 2.98 3.72 4,46 5.21 5.95
.38 4-to .75 1.51 2.26 3.02 3.77 4.52 5.28 6.03
.39 .76 1.53 2.29 3.05 3.82 4.58 5.35 6.11
.40 .77 1.55 2.32 3.09 3.87 4.64 5.42 6.19
,41 4It .78 1.57 2.35 3.12 3.92 4.70 5.48 6.27
.42 5h .79 1.59 2.38 3.17 3.96 4.75 5.55 6.34
.43 fit .80 1.00 2.41 3.21 4.01 4.81 5.61 6.42
.44 5:1: .81 1.62 2.43 3.24 4.06 4.87 5.68 6.49
.45 .82 4.92 6.56
1.64 2.46 3.28 4.10 5.74
.46 .83 1.66 2.49 3.32 4.15 4.98 5.81 6.64
.47 51 .84 1.68 2.52 3.36 4..20 5.04 5.87 6.71
.48 .85 1.70 2.54 3.39 4.24 5.08 5.93 6.78
.49 gi .86 1.71 2.57 3.42 4.28 5.14 5.99 6.85
.50 6 .87 1.73 2.59 3.46 4.32 5.19 6.05 6.92
.51 61t .87 1.75 2.62 3.49 4.37 5.24 6.11 6.99
.52 61 .88 1.76 2.65 3.53 4.41 5.29 6.17 7.05
.53 6t .89 1. 78 2.67 3.56 4.45 5.34 6.23 7.12
.54 6t .90 1.80 2.70 3.59 4.49 5.39 6.29 7.19
.55 6t\r .91 1.81 2.72 3.63 4.53 5.44 6.35 7.25
.56 .92 1.83 2.75 3.66 4.58 5.49 6.41 7.32
.58 gU .92
.59 7n .94 1.88 2.82 3.76 4.70 5.64 6.58 7.51

'* Computed from the formula: q = 0.61 A -v'2i VI!.

them contain an orifice plate with adjustable opening and sonw auxil-
iary llleans of regulnting the required pressure head. The aeClll'aey of
measurement through any of these structures depends prinwl'ily upon
(1) the ratio of head to height of orifice, (2) the aeeuraey with whieh
the pressure head can be regulated or maintained, (3) the veloeiLy
of approach, (4)' the aCCUrHcy with which the urea of tho orifice cnn
be determined, (5) the conditions affeeLing the cOlltmction of tlw
jet, and (6) freodolll from submergence.
For accumte measurements vvith froe-flowing orifleC's, the heigll1,
of the orifice should not be greater than tho head used. The pl'PSS\ll'l~
head is the most difficult to regulate. The moans generally emploYl'l[ i\~
either an adjustable regulating gate or a spill C\rus!, at; till: dUHiJ'C'd
level allowing excess wutur to overflow. Sillno of tho mil1l'l"s-illC'h
boxes employ boLh principles to insure ac:eumi:o moaSm'('nll~nt. With
the complete contraction, velooi[·,y of aplll'uaeh is llSlWlly lwgligible.
22. Properties of Weirs and Ori:fices It is impul't;:lllt, to ll(]l~ll tlw
influence that change of depth of wakr, II J has OIl tlw lli:-wll[Ll'gn, (J,
for the variuus weirs uncI oriJi(i(~s. II'ot' oxmnpk, wltPll LlHl sLJ'(~alll ()V('l'
a rectangular weir in('.renscs till the depth II is d(lubh!d, the (\1'[)SK-
section area, A, is doubled, and thu dbeharge in(:l'(~mH'll by 2.8 liinws;
whcroas doubling II over a trapezoidal weir slightly 1Il()1'(~ IImll donble:-;
the area and increases the clisehnrge propol'Limwlly. Wlwll t!tu /[ (111 It
triangular weir is doublod, the A (il.l'l'n) is illon:mH'(1 4 LillWH [tllll till'
discharge is increased nearly 5.66 tinws. When the d('pLh or watpl',
II, causing the discharge through a SllbmmgDd ol'ifi(',p, is d()l1111(~il, tlln
area remains unehnngccl aud the diseiwl'ge, QJ is mail!! only 1.4 tillH'H
the original discharge. Cml1pal'isoml similar to the ah()v!! mHy readily
be made for any clumge in depth by l'cmnmhpring t.lm!'. Llw 111s('hal'gn,
Q, varies with the three-hnlVt's power of the dl'pth, II, fo1' [,]\0 rl\(\~
tangular and trapezoidal weirs, with t.ho fivu-ltalVI'R ]H)WI'l' appl'()xi~
mately for the triangular weiI', amI with tlw one-half po\\,(\r oi' LIlI'
head, h, for the submerged ol'iil(1e. Tho variat,iollS of cli,,('hiLl'gn wiil)
depth of II have a vel'y ill111Ol'tn,nt bearing lin il'rigaLilHl p1'a('.[.ieo nnd
should be clearly uurlCl'sto()ll by mOll in charge of wa !.t!1' dlflLl'ilm(.ioll.
In order to illustrate further the illIlucnne of change of lkpLh on tlw
. discharge, the curves of Fig. 17 are presentoil. The ahnvo l'ldntio.llR mtty
be confirmed by examination of those enrves and of TaJ)k::; :I 1,0 4.
23. Advantages and Disadvantages of Weirs Tlw ndvnlll~ng(1f{ (If WOil'R
for water moasurement are: (1) aCicuraey, (2) simplieil',y and t'ltRll of
construetion, (3) non~llbstrl1e.tion by moss or floating mnl'('l'inls, and
(4) durability.
The disadvantages of weirs are: (1) the requirement of considerable
fall of the water surface, or loss in head, which makes their use ill
sections having level land impracticable, and (2) the collection of
gravel, sand, and silt above. the weir, which prevents accuracy of


~ 1./
~ ,9
~ ,8

~ 7
;J::, .6
~ ,5 1 - - + - - - /

o ,5/.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 .3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
DISCHAR60 q, IN C. F. S.

Fro. 17. Curves showing the relation between the discharge of water in cubic feet
pOl' second aud the depth of water on the weir crest in feet [or 11 1-it rcctangular
weir with suppressed end cOlltmetions, a I-fL trapezoidal weir, a 90° triangular notch
weir, and It submerged orifice of 1 sq ft cross-section area.

Tho principal advantage for the submerged orifice is the relatively

slTIrtll loss of head, lIHtking it suitable for use in canals and ditches
llfiving very small slopes where it is difficult to obtain fall enough to
lise weirs. Orifices have in addition most of the advantages enumerated
for weirs. .
The more serious disadvantages are: (1) collecting of floating debris,
n,ncl (2) Conllecting of sanel and silt above the orifice, thus preventing
necurate moftsurel11ent.
24. Weir Box and Pond In the use of either of the weirs above
described, the ditch or canal must be made wider ancI deeper than the
average for some distance upstream frum the ,veil'. This is tu make the
water approach the weir at a low velocity (usually less than 0.5 It pel'
sec) by flowing through a relatively large channel. The enlnrged
section of the ditch should be gradually tapcred to the natural size.
Cross currents just upstream from the weir must be prevented. This
may be done by placing baffle boards acl'Oss the weir channel.

FIG. 18. PllLll of weir box. (U.,r-;.D.J1. Fill' IIW/,8 , Nili. 8J3.)

The weir may be plr\,e('(l in a weir box built uf lmuhl'l' l)1' (\llHl\1'eLn,
as shown in Fig. ]8, or it may !:limply be llJ:wed ill alt (H11mgmll('1l1i (if' til(!
ditch, as shown in Fig. 19.
Less room is required when a hox is Ul':w(l, hut cleanillg iR llI!t(k Jll(}],(!
difficult. For temporary use, the pInning of It weir in tIte 0llUll ditph
as in Fig. 19 is the more eenuolllic:al method.
Cleaning is also less expensive in the (lpon (lit('.h, as a sem}l!!l' may
be used. The ditch downstream must be pl'ott!ete(l with loose rook or
other maLerial to prevent washing by the falling wato]'.
Table 5 gives the sizes or weirs best n,dnpt,od tD 111el)'surinp; sh'oams of
water varying from Vz to 22 cfs, and also the proper dimensions for
each s~ze of rectangular, trapezoidal, and 90 0 triangular notch weirs.
The weir dimensions in Table 5 illustrated in Fig. 18 are a little
smaller than would be necessary to obtain rigid accuracy, but boxes
of these sizes will give results within 1 percent of the correct values.
For temporary wooden weirs, the wood of which the weir is con-
i:ltruetcd may well be used to form also the weir crest and sides.
However, since wood warps easily and the sharp edges become worn
and splintered, its use on permanent weirs for crests and sides is
seldom desirable.

"\ '. °11:,
'\ • I "I
/. '11'~

FIG. 19. Woir notch and bulkhead in weir pond. (U.S.D.A. Farmers' Bul. 813.)

25. Measurement of Head or Depth on Weir Crest The measurement

of the head or depth of water on the weir crest is obtained with a
specially constructed scale or a carpenter's rule. The special scale,
called the weir gage, must be set upstream above the bulkhead a dis-
tance no less than four times the depth of the water, H, flowing over
the crest. This is made necessary by the downward curvature of the
water surface near the crest. A scale marked off into feet, tenths, and
hundredths ()f a foot on hard wood is satisfactory. The zero point on the
scale must bc set level with the crest of the rectangular or trapezoidal
w:cir, or with the vertex of the triangular weir. If an open weir pond of
snffieient width is used, the scale, or a lug upon which to place a rule,
may be fastened to the bulkhead at a lateral distance from the end of
the notch of not less than twice the greatest depth of water H over the
crest. To get the zero point of the scale or the lug level with the crest,
a carpcnter's level may be used. Allowing the water to flow into the
ponel and slowly rise till it flows over the weir crest is inaccurate since
the water surface will rise appreciably above the crest before flow over
the crest begins. Small errors in reading Il cause relatively large
errors in the discharge determination. To show the error in measure-
ment callsed by an error in reading of only 0.01 it, or lCHH than
% ill., Table 6 is presented. Tbe seale or gage may be murked to
read cubic feet per second direct, and thus avoid the necessity of having
to refer to a weir table to find the flow each time a reading is made.

'rABLE 5
No'rca Wl!lIHS

(All dimollRiolls aro ill foet. The letterll at the hoads of tho columns ill this t!lhJn
rder to Fig. 18.)
Roctnn(Julm' and Trapezoidal Wei1'8 with End Contractions

II L A J( B E C V ]i' G
~ "0
i=I oj :><:
!3 ,.d ,.d ~ S
0 Cll
jIj r£ Jl'~ >Q'~ -I" ..." rJJ
Cll ~rl>8 ~rl>'"
_""'" d~~ o~..g ~>-: @<>-:
0;8 .£8
oj <J Cll
~ o gj ~~ qJl ...,,0 0)
I::~ ~ ~? .c:i:='O all] UJ~ ,.It:I~.t1
,~ ~C3 1illo~ tQ2Z Cj,,",
...,,0 'OJ-
.", 0 "d-S OP=1
OJ 0
o.~ o.!Q

fi: g 1:1,.0 0J
i=l 0 0 1:1 ~qp 0
.,341 ~>Q E-i E-i ri! III t:
~ ...r,
_'-- - - _-
--_ - - - - - - -- - - - -
! to 3 1.0 1 6 2 5~ 3~ 2~· 2 4 2
2 to 5 1.1 1~ 7 3 7 4 2":, 21 M 2
4 to 8 1.2 2 8 4- 8} 4~' 3} Q'.!,
,LJ.J, [j 2~
6 to li~ l,a a 9 5 12 5 4! 3t 5k 3
10 to 22 1.5 4 10 6 14 5! .5 :n 6 3

!JO° Tritwgulltl' Noteh Weir

~, to 2~·
2 to 4}
1 ,001
I 6

Hook gages nrc widely used and considcred the most I1ccurntc for
determining wat~r deI1ths or stl1ges, They consist of two essential pal'tH:
a movable scale on which is fastened a hook, and IL fixed part con~
taining an index mark and usually a vernier scnle. The movahlo pm't
is raiHed until the point produces n slight pimple nn tho wutor Slll'fac:e,
and the gage height is rcad opposite the index. A bluut ]>oint is prefer-
able to a sharp point.
Recording gages called water-level recorders are used 1;0 obtain a
continuous gmph of the g[\ge height. The essentil~l Plwts of [1 recording
gage are: (1) a float or pressure-indicating device, (2) a recording
mechanism, and (3) a clock. Several different kinds of recording gages
are available.
Stilling wells for measuring water elevation are essential if accuracy
is desired. A box or piece of pipe set vertically at one side of the
connected sb'e81U 01' channel is a sWling we1]. They a1'8 used to elimi-
nate wave action and provide a still water surface. To function prop-
erly, the cross-sectional area of a stilling well should be about 100


Head Length of Weir Crest

I Notch

Feet Feet Inches Per cent Per cent Per cent Pel' cent Per cent·
1 Foot 1.5 Feet 2 Feet 3 Feet 4 Feet Per cent

0.20 0 2ll.s 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 '"

.30 0 3~ 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.6 4.8 8.5
.50 0 6 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.9 5.0
.70 0 81 2.1 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.2 3.9
.90 0 IOU 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 2.9
LID 1 lU ... 1.4 1.3
.. ,
1.3 1.3 2.2
1.25 1 3 ... '" 1.1 l.1 2.1
1.50 1 6 ... '" ... 0.9 1.0 . ..

times the area of the inlet pipe or opening. Care should be taken to
prevent the inlet pipe from clogging, and a convenient means of
cleaning both the inlet pipe and the stilling well should be provided.
26. Portable Weirs It is sometimes desirable to measure small streams
at points where the cost of the installation of permanent wcirs would
not be warranted. For example, the occasional measurement of surface
. runoff from various fields, though desirable, would hardly warrant the
installation of a permanent weir. In situations like this, a small steel
plate cut like a half circle and having a weir notch serves well. The
notch may be cut as a rectangle, trapezoid, or triangle, depending on
the type of weir desired.
Portable weirs are easily installed in ditches having sandy loam,
loam, or clay loam bottoms and sides. Usually, in soils of these types, it
is possible to drive tho weir plate into the soil with a heavy hammer
or an ax. In gravel soils a galvanized sheet metal Parshall flume is
more easily installed than a weir plate. The flume is simply set in the
ditch, and earth is filled in around the sides to force the water through
the structure. Whether a weir or a flume is used, a carpenter's level is
necessary, to avoid getting one end of the weir crest higher than the
other or to make sure that the upstream floor of the flume is exactly
level. The depth of water flowing over the weir crest, lir head, is
measured by placing the end of a rule on a lug made for this purpose.
27. Weirs without End Contractions A standard rectangular weir
without end contractions consists of a wall having a sharp crest built
across a rectangular channel, high enough to cause a cOlllplete elefleetion
of water filaments as the stream passes over the woir. The eonditiolls
for accuracy are the same as for the standard rectangular weir with
contractions, except for those relating to siele contrnetions. This type of
weir can be used only in chm~ncls having n uniform l'eetangulnr erOSH
section. Air holes must be made through the weir box just below tho
weir crest so as to fully admit nil' under the shcet of ovcr-falling
The following rules for setting and operating weirs me holpful:
GENImA!, REQUIlmMgN'rS FOR PROl'lm Sl!1'r'I'ING AND Or>mtA'l'INn WmRS

1. The weir should be set at the lower enel of a IOllg pool :mfIicicnt,ly wicln
::mel cleop to give an even, smooth O1ll'rcnt with n vnJoei1',y of nppl'oneh of 110t
over 0,5 foot per second, which moans practically still watl~l'.
2. The center line of the weir box should he Ilnmllel with tho direction of
the flow.
3. The face of the weir 8ho11I(1 he perpeIHlieuhr, i.e., leaning neither up-
stream nor downstream.
4. The crest of the weir should be level, so the water pasHing over it will
be of the same depth at all points along the orest, find sharp so that the
over-falling water touches the crest ::It only 0110 point;.
5. The distance of the crest above the bottom of the pool sho1lld he ahont
three times the depth of water flowing over the weir Cl'tlHt; the sides of tlw
pool should be at a distance from tho sides of tho crost not less than i,wic(!
t,he depth of the water passing over the crest.
6. The gage or weir scalo may be plneod 011 the upstrenm fnr:c of the w('ir
structure and far enough to one sido so that it wiII bo in COtnlml'aOvnly sciIJ
water, as shown in Fig. 18, or it may be plueecl at any point ill tIl!: weil' powl
or box, so long as it i~ [L surtieiont distance from tlw wpir noteh as to JIe 1wyond
the downward curve of the witter as it flows ovpr tlw weir crest;. TIll' Z(\I'O of t.lw
weir scale or gage should be placed lovel with the weir crest. This may \)(1 (lOll['
with an ordinary carpenter's level or, where grouter refincment i~ desired,
with an engineer's level.
7. The crest should be placod high enough so tho water will fall freely brlow
the weir, leaving an cdr SP[l(\O nnder the over-fnlling shoot of water. If tlw
water helow the weir risos above the crost this free fall is not pORHihl(', awl
the weir is then snid to be submerged. Unlc~s complicated cOl'l'ectiolls arc
made, meaSlll'ements on submcl'ged weirs are ulll'cliable.
8. For accurate measurements the depth over the crest should be no more
than one-third the length of the crest.
9. The depth of water over the crest should be no less than 2 inches, as it is
difficult with smaller depths to get sufficiently accurate gage readings to give
close results.
10. To prevent washing by the falling water the ditch downstream from
the weir should be protected by loose rock or by other material.

There are notable differences in opinion among irrigation authorities

concerning the accuracy of the different weir formulas and the suit-
ability of different water-measuring devices. The reader who desires
further information concerning weirs, especially for precise measure-
ments of water, should consult the references given at the end of the

FIG. 20. Finished 9-in. Parshall flume with staff gage. One-inch angle irons at
the upstream end, crest, and downstream end of the structure serve as guides for
striking off the floors at exact elevations. (Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)

28. Parshall Flumes Parshall has designed a measuring device with

which the discharge is obtained by measuring the loss in head caused
by forcing a stream of water through a throat or converged section
of a flume with a depressed bottom. The disadvantages of weirs and
submerged orifices are largely overcome by the Parshall flume. Since
the head, H, on which the measurement is based is small, care must
be exercised in determining the differences in water level to get accu-
rate measurements. The flume is illustrated in Figs. 20, 21, 22A, and
The Parshall measuring flume is a product of many years of pains-
taking research. It was first known as the Venturi flume, being similar
to the Venturi tube or meter early designed to measure the flow of
water in pipes. Some of the details conccl'lling its design, construction,
and use are presented here-others nrc available in the references for
this chapter.
The aCCUl'aey of the Parshall measuring flume is within limits that
are allowable in irrigation practice, ordinarily within 5 percent. Flumes

FIG. 21. Parshall measuring flume constl'ueted with l'eillfol'eed eOnCll'cte, noar
Longmont, Colol'l1clo. (Courtesy Soil Conservation Servieo.)

ranging from 3 in. to 10 It in throat width nrc used to measure 110ws

from 7':'10 up to 200 cfs or larger. The smaller flumes are well suiter!
to the requirement of meusuring farm wntor clelivcl'im,. rrho Pnn;jHtll
flume operates successfully with less loss of head than required for
Silt will not deposit in the structure where it w()ulcl affcet the ac-
curacy because the velocity is higher than that in the ehannel. Ordinary
velocities of approach have little or no cffcet on thc menSnl'ellllmt. The
flume may be used with recording or regirltering instruments when
continuous recorcls of flow are desired, or with an indicating gage
graduated to give the flow in any unit desired.
The Parshall flume cannot readily be combined with a turnout. For
free-flow conditions the exit velocity is rclatively high, and channel
protection is generally necessary downstream from the flume to pre-
vent crosion.

1----- 8 ----..l..-F-4--

FIG. 22A. Plan and longitudinal section of Parshall measuring flume. Dimensions
are given in Table 9. (Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 588.)

FIG. 22B. Parshall measuring flume, including stilling-well equipment with indicat-
ing tape device. Staff gage in well. (Colo. Agr. Exp. Sm. Bul. 336.)
Only a single head need be measured for free-flow conditions, which
exist when the head at the lower gage is less than about 60 percent of
the upper gage. Free flow is determined fro111 a measurement of the
head at the upper gage by use of Table 7. When the head at the
lower gage is greater than 60 percent of the upper gage, the upper
gage reading is affected, and submerged flow results. Fairly ac()urnte
measurements can be made with a submergence of 90 percent, provided
that the heads at both places are mensured and an amount determined
from Fig. 23 is subtracted from the flow given in Table 7. 'rhe correc-
tion for larger flumes is obtained by multiplying the correction for the
I-foot flume (Fig. 23) by the factor in Table 8.
For example, consider a 2-foot flume in which the upper head, H n, is
1.6 ft and the lower head, II b , is 1.2 ft. The ratio 1.2/1.6 = 0.75, which
shows 75 percent submergence and also shows that a correction is
required. It is not necessary to compute the percentage of submergence,
except to determine whethcr a correction is necessary-often answered
by inspection. On the left margin of the diagram, Fig. 23, for a I-foot
flume, take a point about onc-fifth of the distance between the lines
for II a, 1.5 and 2.0, respectively, and follow horizontally to the right
until this imaginary line intersects the curved line for Il b = 1.2. Then
follow an imaginary vertical line downward to the bottom of the dia-
gram and read the correction, which is approxill1iltely 0.5 cfs. This
amount is now multiplied by the faetor 1.8 for a 2-foot flume, obtained
from Table 8, ancI the product, 0.9, is subtracted from the free flow,
16.6 cfs, given in Table 7, to obtain 15.7 ci's, the correct flow under
these conditions.
The successful operation of the Pnrshall flume depends largely upon
the correct selection of sizes and proper setting of the flume. The
probable maximum and minimum flow to be mer>sUl'cd is estimatod,
and maximum allowable head is determined. The maximum allowable
head will depend on the grade of the channel and the frcohoal'[l (dis-
tance from normal water surface to top of hanks) at the plnce where
the flume is to be installed. When possible, the selection should be s11eh
that free flow will nlways result. For economy the smallest flume that
will satisfy the conditions may be selected.
For example, suppose that a flume is to be installed in a ditch on a
moderate grade and thnt the stremn flow to be measured val'ies from
1 to 15 cfs. Assume that for the mhximllm flow the depth of water in
the ditch is 2.5 ft and the freeboard is 6 in., but that the banks could
be raised slightly for a sufficient distance upstream from the flume rmd
that the water level could be raised 6 in. with safety. The maximum
'allowable loss of head is therefore 6 in. Table 7 indicates 'that flumes
iii 0.70 '"i-+-l-. ~~
06 r-
~ 0.60
~ 0.50
-r-. - I--r-I- oH 0.5_ t--
r-r-r--- - 0.4- . I-
:c 0.40 OJ5 r-.
-g 0.35 === I'--- -r-. QJ . i'-:-f-.

10.30 p~erheQo1hb_ 026i:-t-- r-.r-

~ 0.25 -o.2::::!s_e/
..\ T 3- inch flume
0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.15 0.02 0.03 0.04 005 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.15 0.20 0.250.30 0.40
Correction-cubic feet per second
1.0 ....... ..0.,;;: g
iii 0.90 ........ -I- 08 1::r::9- -
~ 0.80 ....... I"'- :--. 0.7- I--
I 0.10 ....... r-. 0.6 -.
:cO 0.60 r--....... r--. 0.
r--0.45<,Q r-.f-.
'U 0.50
~ 0.40
~0.30 -.........

r-- I--
-- - 1-d:

0.25 I--

6 - inch flume
0.01 0.015 0.02
12 2wernebdHb feef
0.D3 0.04 0.050.06 o.oa 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.;) 04 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
Correction - cubic feet per second

'Lo werh
- - -_ I- ~ ~2.0
T-Y.6 -_ - r- I-
- - ,_
~ 1.5 _1---":"": eQq hi, '/.2-
~- - II-~/.o

o feef
~ 1.0 - .,.jJ.9"':"
0.9 -Oa.
o -C,7,
QJ0.8 r--
~ 0.7 0.6
li 0,6 ~ -1---0.5
g 0,5
0.4 ~,
. Q?,,.j
0.35 I-foot flume

0.3 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 08 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ~o 4.0 5.0 6.07D
Correction -'cubic feet per second
FIG. 23. Correetion diagrams for determining submerged flow through Parshall
measuring flumes.

Upper Head, II a Throat Width~

i~·1 i~: Ii~·1 AIft I R Iii I ~ I ~, I ?t I }p
Plow ill Cubie Fect Pl!!' SC(~()lIU

0.10 o . 03 0 . 05 0 . 00
0.14 0,050.000.15
0.16 O.OOO.llO.I!)
0.20 0, 08 O. Hi 0 . 26 0 . 35 O. 6(l O. 1)7 1. 2G
0.22 0,100,100.300.400.77 1.12 1.47
0.24 o . 11 0 . 22 0 . 35 0 . 'W O. 88 1. 28 1. 60
0.26 O. 120.25 0.30 0.51 O. no 1.40 0.01 2.36 2.80
0.28'10.581.11 1.0·1 2.15 2.1)5 3.15
0.30 0.150.310.400.(i<11.24 1.82 2.30 2.0(i 3.524.02
0.32 0.170.340.540.711.37 2.02 2.05 3.28 3.00 5.13
0.34 o . 11) 0 . 38 0 . 5\) 0 . 77 1. 50 2, 22 2 . 02 3. (il 4.30 5 . O(j
0.36 0.210.'110.640.8<11.64 2.42 3.1!) 3.05 4.71 (i.20
0.38 0.22 0.45 (). 70 0 . \)2 1. 7H 2. (l4 3.48 4.31 5. 13 (l. 70
0.40 0.240.48 0.76 0 .!)H 1. 93 2. 8(l 3.77 'J. (i8 5.57 7.31.1 \) . 1
0..12 O. 2G 0.52 0,81 1 .07 2.00 3. OS '1. 07 5.05 (J. 02 7.IH \) . 8
0.44 0, 28 0 . 56 O. 87 1. 15 2 . 2·1 3. 32 'l. 38 5 A;) (j . 48 8 . 51i 10 . G
0.'16 0.300.010.941.232.403.50 '1.70 Ii.sa (i.1l0 lUll 11.4
0.48 0.320.651.001.312.573.805.03 G.2·j. 7.4;1, 1).8 12.2
0.50 0.340.6!l 1.00 1.302.73 '1.05 5.80 (\'(Hi 7.0HO,5 13.1
0.52 0.300.731.131.482.\)0 ~Lal 5.70 7.0\) 8.4(\11.2 13.H
0.54 0.380.781.201.573.08 '1.57 (i.05 7.52 8.0811.0 14,8
0.56 0.400.821.2G1.663.2G ,.1,,8'1 GAl 7.07 1).5212.6 15.7
0,58 0.'130.871.331.753.'145.11 (j,77 8.4:310.113.3 Hl.G
0.60 0.450.921.401.8'13.G2 5.30 7.11i S.S\) 10.0 14.1 17.5
0.62 0.470.071.'181.033.81 5.0S 7.53 0.3711.2 14.8 18.5
0.64 0.501.021.552.034.01 5.07 7.\11 !J.8511.8 15.0 19.5
O.fiG 0.521.071.0:n.134.20 6.2G 8.3110.312.4 lOA: 20.4
0.68 0.55 1. 12 1. 70 2.23 '1. 'iO O. 50 8.7110. {) 13.0 17.2 21. 5
0.70 0.571.171.782.33,LGO 0.8tl 0.111l.'! 13.G 18.0 22.5
0.72 0.601.231.802.4:3'1.817.170.5311.1) 1<1.218,0 23.5
0.74 0.621.281.9'12.53,~.02 7.40 0.\)512.4 H.9 111.7 2,l,G
0.76 .... 1.3' 7.8110.1 12.9 15.5 20.U 25.7
0.78 .... 1.302.102.745.'.lA 8.1310.8 13.5 LG.2 21.5 20.8
0.80 .... 1.4,52.182.855.50 8.4GU.3 1'1.0 lG.8 22.4 27.9
0.82 .... 1.502.272.005.88 8.7011.7 1-1.0 17.5 28.3 20.0
0.84 .... 1.5G 2.35 3.076.11 n.1312.2 15.2 18.2 2,1.2 30.2
0.86 .... 1.022.4'1:3.186.33 9.4812.0 15.8 18.0 25.1 31.4
0.88 .... 1.682.523.20G.5G 0.8213.1 Hi.3 10.6 20.1 32.5
0.90 .... 1.742.(\13.'11 (1.80 10.2 13.0 HU) 20.3 27.0 33.7
0.02 .... 1.812.703.527.0:310.5 1·1.0 17.5 21.0 28.0 35.0
0.94 .... 1.87 2. 7n 3. M 7.27 10.0 1-1. [, IS. 1 21.8 20.0 30.2
0.96 .... 1.1l32.883,7G7.51 11.3 15.0 18.8 22.5 ao.o 37.5
O.US ....<; I5.1i 10.'123.2 3l.0 38.7
1.00 .... 2.00 8.07 4.00 8.00 12.0 1G . 0 20.0 24.0 a2. 0 40.0
1.02 .... 1<i.1i 20.0 24.S 33.0 41.3
1.04 .... 2.10:3.204.2.'i8.5D12,8 I7.n 21.3 25.n B·U. '12.(i
1.06 .... 2.2G3.3G'1.378.71i13.2 17.521.1) 20.3 ;{1).1 4·1.0
1.08 .... 2.32:3.45L50n.01l3.5 18.1 22.0 27.1 80.2 45.3
1.10 .... 2 AD 3 . 55 '1. 02 II .27 13.~) 18.li 23.3 27. I) :37.3 'W. 7
1.12 .... 2.40B.OH.751l.54H.3 10.1 23.1l 28.S 38.'1 '18.0
1.14 ..... 2.533.75'.1:.889.8014.7 19.7 2'LO 29.6 31),5 40.4
TABLE 7 (Concluded)
Upper Head, H a Throat Widths

i~.1 i~·1 i~. / 1 I f~ I f~ I fi I f~ I it6 I ft8 I ft

Feet Inches It
Flow in Cubic Feet per Second
1.16 13H- • II. 2.60 3.85 5.01 10.1 15.1 20.2 25.3 30.4 40.6 50.8
1.18 14T\ · ... 2.68 3.95 5.15 10.3 15.6 20.8 26.0 31.3 41.8 52.3
1.20 i ., .. 2.75 4.06 5.28 10.6 16.0 21.3 26.7 32.1 42.9 53.7
1.22 i · " . 2.82 4.16 5.41 10.9 16.4 21.9 27.4 33.0 44.1 55.2
1.24 i .... 2.89 4.27 5.55 11.2 16.8 22.5 28.1 33.8 45.2 56.6
1.26 lSi .... .. .. 4.37 5.69 11.5 17.2 23.0 28.9 34.7 46.4 58.1
1.28 t~ .... ... . 4.48 5.82 11.7 17.7 23.6 29.6 35.6 47.6 59.6
1.30 8 .... ... . 4.59 5.96 12.0 18.1 24.2 30.3 36.5 48.8 61.1
1.32 H- "" , .... 4.69 6.10 12.3 18.5 24.8 31.1 37.4 50.0 62.7
1.34 16f" .. , . .. .. 4.80 6.25 12.6 19.0 25.4 31.8 38.3 51. 2 64.2
1.36 -h .... 4.92 .6.39 12.9 IO,4 26.0 32.6 39.2 52.5 65.7

1.38 16 • .... ... . 5.03 6.53 13.2 11).9 26.6 33.3 40.1 53.7 67.3
1.40 t&- .. .. ... . 6.68 13.5 20.3 27.2 34.1 41.1 55.0 68.9
.. , . ' " . .... 6.82 13.8 20.8 27.8 3·1.9 42.0 56.2 70.5
0" •

1.42 17f.r
1.44 1
.... ... . . ... 6.97 14.1 21.2 28.5 35.7 42.9 57.5 72.1
1.46 "
2" ., .. ... . .., . 7.12 14.4 21. 7 29.1 36.5 43.9 58.8 73.7
.... .. .. •• T, 7.26 14.7 22.2 29.7 37.3 44.9 60.1 75.4
1.48 !
1.50 18 I.T. 0.' • 7.41 15.0 22.6 30.3 38.1 45.8 61.4 77.0
... . 7.57 15.3 23.1 31.0 38.9 46.8 62.7 78.7
• , I.

1.52 i .. , . •• o •

1.54 ! .... .. I . ' • 7.72 15.6 23.6 31.6 39.7 47.8 64.0 80.4
1.56 3
.... ... . . ... 7.87 15.9 24.1 32.3 40.5 48.8 65.4 82.1
1.58 "11- .... .. .. . ... 8.02 Hi.3 24.6 32.9 41.4 49.8 66.7 83.8
1.60 19 1'\r .... .. , . . ... 8.18 16.6 25.1 33.6 42.2 50.8 68.1 85.5
0" • ... . ... . 8.34 16.!) 25.5 34.3 43.0 51.8 69.5 87.2
1.62 _'1..
1.64 II
16 ., .. '" . ... . 8.40 17.2 26.0 34.9 43.9 52.8 70.9 89.0
1.66 TO ., .. ... . ... . 8.65 17.6 25.5 35.6 44.7 53.9 72.3 90.7
1.68 20ft .. , . ' " . ... . 8.81 17.9 27.0 36.3 45.6 54.9 73.7 92.5
1. 70 } .... ., .. 8.97 18.2 27.6 37.0 4.6.4 56.0 75.1 94.3
r" •

1.72 t .. , . ... . . ... 9.13 18.5 28.1 37.7 47.3 57.0 76.5 96.1
1.74 -1 ... . . '" . 9.29 18.9 28.6 38.3 48.2 58.1 77.9 97.9
." , .... ... . 9.46 19.2 29.1 30.0 49.1 59.1 79.4 99.7
1. 76 21!
1. 78 i , . , . , .. , ...
0.62 19.6 29.6 39.7 49.9 60.2 80.8 101.4
1.80 i ... .... ... , 9.79 19.9 30.1 40.5 50.8 61.3 82.3 103.4

1.82 t:!- 0.' .. , . . ... 9.95 20.2 30.7 41.2 51. 7 62.4 83.8 105.3

1.84 22f.r 10.1 20.6 31. 2 41. 9 52.6 63.5 85.3 107.1
1.86 .1-0 .... . ... 10.3 20.9 31. 7 42.6 53.6 64.6 86.8 109.0
•• • 0

1.88 -& ... , .... 10.5 21.3 32.3 43.3 54.5 65.7 88.3 110.9
• , 0 0

1.90 ., .. o. o. , ... 10.6 21. 6 32.8 44.1 55.4 66.8 89.8 112.9
.... ... , .... 10.8 22.0 33.3 44.8 56.3 67.9 91.3 114.8
.... ... , . ... 11.0 22.4 33.9 45.5 57.3 69.1 92.8 116.7
... . ... . .... 11.1 22.7 34.4 46.3 58.2 70.2 94.4 118.7
1.98 i •• .. ..
0 • 11.3 23.1 35.0 47.0 59.1 71.4 95.9 120.6
'0, •

2.00 24 ••• 0 '" , 11.5 23.4 35.5 47.8 60.1 72.5 97.5 122.6
,0, •

'" . ... . '" . 11.9 24.3 36.9 49.7 62.5 75.4 101.4
2.05 127.6
25ft *IG
.... .. ' .
12.4 25.3 38.4 51.6 64.9 78.4 105.4 132.7
• 0" • 0.,

12.8 26.2 39.8 53.5 67.4 81.4 109.5 137.8

... . . , ..
0 •••

2.20 26i . 13.3 27.2 41.3 55.5 69.9 84.4 113.6 143.0

2.25 27 .... .. ' . 13.7 28.1 42.7 57.5 72.4 87.5 117.8 148.3
.0. ,

2.30 i ., .. ... . ' " . 14.2 29.1 44.2 59.6 75.0 90.6 122.0 153.7
2.35 28ft ., .. ... . .. 14.7 30.1 45.7 61.6 77.6 93.8 126.0 159.1

2.40 t:!- .. ' . '" . 15.2 31.1 47.3 63.7 80.3 97.0 130.7 164.6
.... . , ' , ' .. , 15.6 32.1 48.8 65.8 82.9 100.2 135.1 170.2
0" •

2.45 291
2.50 30 '0' • ... . '" . 16.1 33.1 50.4 67.9 85.6 103.5 139.5 175.8
with a throat width of 1, 2, or 3 ft could measure the entire range of
flow. For a flow of 15 cfs, the head, H a, would be 2.38 ft for a I-foot
flume, 1.50 for a 2-foot flume, and 1.16 for a 3-foot flume.
For free flow, submergence should not exceed 60 percent, so that the
loss of head should not be less than 40 perc-ent of the head, Ha. The
required loss for the I-foot flume would be 0.4 X 2.38 = 0.9.5 ft; for
the 2-foot flume 0.4 X 1.50 = 0.60 ft; and for the 3-foot flume,
0.4 X 1.16 = 0.46 ft. The 3-foot flume is, therefore, the snl[111e~t size
for which the maximum loss of head will be less than 6 in.

I-FoOT TIIll.OAT Wrm.'u*
Throat Width, Factor, Thl'ont Wid til , F'MtOI',
W, in Feet M W, in Feet M
1 l.0 5 3.7
2 1.8 (i 4.3
3 2.4 7 4.1)
4 3.1 8 5.4
* These factors are to be lIlultiplio(l by tho {lorl'eotioll ob-
tainod from F'ig. 23 and subtl'l1el~od from the fl'oe flow for tlw
s!trne uppel' homl, II 0, Tftble 7, to determine How for submerged
conditions. Computed from Ute exprllssion lvI = lVO.81fi •

The required depth upstream for the 3-foot flume is 2.50 -I- 0.46 <=
2.96 ft; and the head, H a , for 15 efs is 1.16 ft. The crest should be set
2.96 - 1.16 = 1.8 ft above the bottom of the ditch. If the 2-foot flume
is selected, the depth upstream will be 2.50 -I- 0.60 = 3.10 ft; nnd sillce
the head, H a , in this case is 1.50, the elevation of the crest, should be
3.10 - 1.50 = 1.60 ft above the bottom of the cliteh. In ardor to usc
the 2-£oot flume, one would have to raise the cliteh banks higher than
assumerl or permit a maximum 8ubmergol1ee of ahnut 67 perecnt, in
which case tho crest could be set 1.5 ft above tho bottom of tho ditch.
Had the available loss of head becn suffieient to permit the usc of a
i-foot flume, the upstream depth would be 3.45 fl. The crest would
then be set 3.45 - 2.38 = 1.07 ft above the bottom of tho diteh. The
grcater the throat width, the higher the crest must he set to insnre
free-flow operation.
Parshall flumes may be built of wooel, concrete, or, in the RmalIeI'
sizes, of heavy sheet metal. The dimensions of :flumcs ranging from
3 in. to 10 ft in throat width are given in Tables 9 and 10.
To secure accuracy in measurement these flumes must be built to
exact dimensions, especially the converging and throat sections. The
flow of the upstream converging section, especially the crest, must be

Dimensions in Feet and Inches
for Throat Widths (W) of
Dimension Lettel'* 3 in. 6 in. gin.
A I' 6i" 2' u" 2' 10~"
2/3 A I' t/1 I' 4i\r" I' Uk/1
B I' 6" 2'0" 2' 10"
2/3 B I' 0/1 I' 4" l' 1O~/1
G 0' 7/1 l'3~" l' 3"
D 0' lOA" l'3~" I' 10!/1
E I' 3/1 1'6/1 2' 0/1
F A' 6/1 I' A" I' 0"
G I' A" 2'0" I' 6"
K 0' 1/1 0'3/1 0' 3"
N 0' 2t" 0' 4!/I 0' 4"'
X 0' I" 0' 2" 0' 2"
Y 0' H" 0'3" 0' 3"
* Letters refer to Fig. 22.1.
level. Wing walls should be provided at both ends, and those on up-
stream should be placed at an angle of 45° with the center. Where
the flume is more than 6 in. above the channel bottom a short inclined
floor should be provided.
Dimensions in Feet and Inches*
Throat Width, W,
in feet A 2/3.tt B 2/3 B G D
1.0 ,1' 6/1 3' 0/1 4' 4i/l 2' Ill" 2' a" 2' 91"
2.0 5' A" 3'4/1 4' 10i/l 3' 31" 3' 0" 3' uri
3.0 5' 6" 3'8/1 5' 4~" 3' 7k" 4' 0" 5' If'
4.0 6' 0" 4'0/1 5' Wi" 3' II!" 5' 0" 6' 41"
5.0 6' 6/1 4'4/1 6' 4~" 4' 3/1 6' 0" 7' fir'
6.0 7' 0" 4'8" 6' 10i" 4' 6t" 7' 0" 8' g"
7.0 7' 6" 5' 0" 7' 4t" 4' 10!" 8' A" g' 11i"
8.0 8' 0" 5'4" 7' 101" 5' 2~" 9' 0" 11' !i"
10.0 9' 0" 6' 0/1 8' 9i" 5' 10!" 11' 0" 13' 6r'
* Letters refer to Fig. 22B, ill whieh other dimensions for these flumes are shown.
29. The Current Meter A device widely used by engineers for measur-
ing flowing water is the current meter, one type of which is shown in
Fig. 24A. Another meter is shown under the water in Fig. 24B in the
position of actual use. The meter is calibrated by passing it through still
water at a known speed andlloting the number of revolutions pCI' second.
When the calibrated meter is hold still in running water at the proper
depth, it is thus possible to detonnino the average velocity of the water
by observing the number of revolutions per second in the motel'. It has

FIG. 24A. Current moLor showing rod sus- FIG. 24B. Glll'ley eUl'l'ent me-
pension with double-eud hanger and round ter in ul:le.
wading base. (The A. Lei[;z OOml)any.)

been found in streams not over 1.5 ft in depth tlul,t the nvel'ltge
velocity is at about 0.6 of the dcpth;'* in streams (lvel' 1.5 fL in depth
that the average velocity is ropresented by the iLvemge of the voloeities
at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth. In the measurement of flowing watur it il;
essential that the current meter he placed at the point or points of
average velocity. Another method of determining the avcrage vcl()t:it,y
in a stream is the integration method, in ,,,hieh the current nwtor i8
raised and lowered slowly and at a (JOl1stant rnt.e frOlD the bottom to
the top of the stream. On practically all the larger canals, ancI on
rivers, discharge measurements are computed from current-meter
readings of velocity and measured eross-sec~i()n areas.
By measuring the c1iscl1arge of a canal or river at soveral diffcrent

* Some authorities have found that velocities mCaSUl'(,r[ at 0.6 of the dopt,h in
shallow sLl'eams u8u!111y range from 4 to G pel'llent highel' th:m tho tl'\W ltvoruge
stages (or depths) the engineer obtains data from which he determines
a relation between the depth of the water and the discharge of the
stream. The changes in depth are usually referred to a permanent
bench mark, or elevation datum; and distances vertically above
datum are designated "gage heights." After measuring the discharges
at various gage heights the engineer plots a rating curve, of which
Fig. 25 is typical. This figure shows discharges ranging from zero cis
at 0.4 ft gage height to 100 cfs at a gage height of 2.35 ft. At any


!:J 2.0 __....
__... ~ ------
~~ 1.5
~ ~
ttl ~
o 1.0 v

5 r
o 20.0 40.0 60.0 Baa 100.0

FIG. 25. Typical rating curve for an inigation canal.

gage heights between these limits the reader can determine the dis-
charge from the figure. At a gage height of 1 ft, for example, the
discharge is 25 cfs.
The major advantages of current meters are that they require no
obstruction of stream flow and arc suited to large streams. "Vater com-
missioners whose responsibility it is to distribute the public waters to
those entitled to their use depend very largely on rating curves for their
measurements. The gage height may be read by non-technical men,
but the actual use of the meter and the making of rating tables and
rating curves are tasks for the trained and experienced hydrographer
or for an engineer.

30. Mechanical Measuring and Recording Devices A number of

mechanical devices for water measurement have been designed) most of
which measure the rate of flow, and also automatically register the total
amount of water passing in any given period of time. Canal C0111-
panies that base water charges on the number of acre-fect delivered
to individual irrigators find self-recording devices serviceable and
Important among the devices used to date arc the following;
Dethridge meter, Hill meter, Venturi meter, and Reliance meter. It is
likely that more extended use of mechanical-automatic registering
devices will be made as water increases in value and more irrigation
companies, in order to stimulate economy among their irrigators, find
it necessary to base water charges on the actual amounts of water
Meters, although desirable under certain conditions, involve numer-
ous practical difficulties. Therefore, one should understand thc limita-
tions of any mcter before purehasing it for a partieular l)ul'pose. The
most common mechanical meters operate by the flow of water and may
be classified as displacement, velocity, and by-pttss type.
The displacement-type meter measures volumetrically, The water
passing through displaces a vane or disk, which in turn operatcs the
recording mechanism. The operation is positive, and the mcastll'mnont
is fairly accurate. Such metcrs gcncrally require a greater loss of
head than velocity lllcters and are marc expensive. Thcir usc for
measuring irrigation waLer is limited to pressure pipe lines in locllJities
where water is rather expensive and stream flows less than 100 gpm.
Velocity meters arc opcrated by thc kindic energy of the moving
water. They usually contain an impeller vane, turncd by the water;
and their operation is similar to that of a current llloter. For high
velocities, the impeller vane rotates at a rate almost directly pro-
portional to the velocity of water; for low velocity it may turn more
slowly, and below certain velocities it may not move at all. Velocity
meters are less cxpensive and can accommodate 1m'ger flows than
displacement meters.
The by-pass meLer operates differently from either velndty or dis-
placement meters. Only a small part of the flow paRses through the
registering clement, but the meter is calibratcd to register the volume
that passes. It is used with some other device, such as a weir or
orifice, and has somewhat the same characteristics as the velocity
meter, since the percentage of water passing through it is not constnnt
but usually varies slightly with the flow.
Mechanical meters have the advantage of eliminating computations
in volume determination. This convenience often justifies the expense
involved. Meters which are subject to clogging should novel' be usen
on pipe lines receiving water from open ditches unless the entrances
are adequately screened to keep out debris.
31. Venturi Tubes and Similar Devices The Venturi tube is a
convergent-divergent tube which has been used extensively for meas-
uring flow in pipe lines of diameters ranging from a few inches to
several feet, but it has been used only to a limited extent for irrigation
water. The standard Venturi tube has been considered too expensive
for irrigation purposes. Their proportions are not entirely suited and
generally cause too large a loss of head.
Modified Venturi tubes for measuring irrigation water have been
developed by the Consolidated Irrigation District near Fresno, Cali-
fornia, and are used principally for measuring deliveries from larger
canals to laterals and private ditches. These modified Venturi tubes
are calibrated individually, and discharge charts and tables are pro-
vided for each tube. They have been in use for several years and
have proved satisfactory. With them less head is lost than with most
other practical devices. They are well adapted for measuring flows
up to 50 cfs, either in open channels or in pipe lines. They can be
combined with turnout structures at little additional cost, and they are
suitable for use with devices that record the flow or register the total
volume passed. Their principal disadvantages are: the lack of stand-
ardized sizes and shapes, and the lack Df information regarding the
coefficients. They are relatively expensive except when made in large
Flow nozzles, the thin plate orifice in pipes and the thin plate orifice
on the end of a pipe, have been little used for measuring irrigation
water, but they have been utilized somewhat by pump manufacturers
and laboratories for testing purops. The principles underlying the use
of these devices are the same as for a Venturi tube. A modified flow
nozzle has been developed by Fresno Irrigation Distriot for use in
connection with turnout structures to farms.
32. Collins Flow Gage The Collins flow gage is used to measure the
flow of water in pipe lines, especially from pumping plants. This device
consists essentially of two parts: an impact tube (a special form of
Pitot tube) and a water-air manometer. The impact tube, a straight
small-diameter brass tube inserted through the pipe, is divided by a
partition at the center into two compartments, each containing a small
orifice-an impact orifice on the upstream side and a trailing orifice
on the downstream side. The differential head is twice the velocity
head. Hose connections are made from the ends of the tube to the
manometer, the scale of which is so graduated that it indicates the
velocity of the pipe directly in feet per second. Diagrallls are furnished
for converting to any desired unit of measurement for various pipe
The velocity of flow through pipes is sometimes determined by
lllo'usuring tho timo required for a color or salt to pass through H
measured length of pipe.

FIG. 26. Adjul:ltl1ble divider. (Utah Aar. j1Jxp. SIn. Cb·c. G.)

33. The Division of Irrigation Water Irrigation comlmuief\ in the

western states divide their streams according to the ntllnlllll' of shareR
of stock owned by individuals 01' groups 1I f individuals. On the smallm'
streams a single company owns the entire flow or it is (livid('ll aHlong
two 01' three companies, each company owning a shnl'c of the toLal
stream. Sume users arc less interested in the menSlll'elll(mb of tho
water than in the division of the stream. For cxnmllll', nne eompnny
may be entitled to five-twelfths of the stream and another company
to seven-twelfths. Many times a division must be made where _it is
impracticable to make a measurement.
For satisfactory division, a few principles must be observed. Thc
water must approach the divider in parallel paths; i.e., there must
be no cross currents. To sccure this condition the divider box must be
placed at the lower end of a long flume or straight open channel. The
floor of the channel immediately above the divider should be level
transversely. If the water is reasonably free from silt it" is desirable

FIG. 27. Proportional division box. (U.S.D.A. Farmers' Bul. 348.)

to have it approach the divider at a low velocity. For streams carrying

considerable silt and gravel there should be no obstruction in the
channel in the form of a bulkhead, and the velocity with which the
water enters should be maintaine-d through the structme. It is very
important that divider structures have a long, straight channel of
approach. Any gravel or debris allowed to collect in the channel of
approach will cause cross currents and interfere with proper division.
The flow over a weir can be easily divided by placing a sharp-edged
partition below the weir to divide the stream as it falls over the crest.
The crest of this partition should be placed a sufficient distance below
the weir crest to permit a free circulation of air between the divider
and the sheet of water falling over the weir.
The discharge over a 'weir is not .exactly proportional to the length
of the crest; the error in considering it so is slight for the lower heads.
The trapezoidal weir is the most desirable type as a divider. The flow
over this weir is very neai'ly proportional to length of crest. If it is
desired to divide the stream into two parts, one taking five-sixths and
the other one-sixth of the flow, the divider should be placed one-sixth
of the distance from the end of the weir. Figure 26 shows a trapezoidal
weir divider fixed to divide a strQam tl1to three parts,
If it is desired to divide a stream into two equal parts, the rectangu-
lar weir, either with or without end contractions, is entirely satisfac-
tory. In localities where water is distributed to the sevcral parts of
the farm in underground pipes it is essential to provide special buxes
for making a propurtional division of the water. A typical concreto

FIG. 28. Concl'ot,c division box. (U.S.D.A. Farrner,~) Bul. 1243.)

proportional division box connected to a pipe line is illustl'Htocl in

Fig. 27, and a concrcte division box with ilnshbonrds is shown in
Fig. 28.

34. Convenient Equivalents The following convenient (l(juivalents

are helpful in stream diseharge measmements:

1. 1 efs = 50 Utah miner's inches.

2. 1 cfs
7.48 U. S. gnl pCI' sec; 148.8 (nplll·oximat.ely 450) gill
= jl(H' III in ; and
646,272 gnl pCI' 24-hr day.
3. 1 cfs = 1 Ilcro-irwh per hI' (approximntely).


4. 1 acre-foot = 325,850 gal = 43,560 ell ft..

5. 1 ell ft of water weighs 62.5 lb.
6. 1 gal of water = 8.36 lb.
7. 1 gal = 231 eu in. (liquid measure).
Conveyance of Irrigation Water

Irrigated lands are usually situated great distances from the sources
of water supply. Water obtained from natural streams and from sur-
face reservoirs, as a rule, must be conveyed farther than water obtained
from underground reservoirs. The main conveyance or diversion canals
of American irrigation projects vary from a few miles to 100 or more
miles in length. Some projects convey water several hundred miles
from storage reservoirs in the mountains by commingling the stored
water with the water of natural rivers and then again diverting it
into large canal systems in the valleys. Many hours, and on some
projects, days, are rcquired to convey the water from points of storage
01' diversion to points of use. The principles of water flow and the
problems of watcr conveyance, canal seepage losses, canal1ining, and
maintenance are topics to which entire volumes of technical engineer-
ing books are devoted. Some of the forces that cause water flow, and
also some of those that retard its flow, are briefly considered in this
chapter. The discussion includes only steady flow, i.e., flow in which
the same volume of water passes any given point in a channel during a
unit of time. With a few minor exceptions, it is assumed also that there is
little or no change in velocity from point to point along a channel;
that is, the flow is uniform. Seepage-loss measurements, canal lining,
and cleaning and maintenance of canals are briefly considered and

35. Forces Which Cause Water Flow Water flows in rivers, canals,
and in soils as a result of being acted on by forces, the most important
of which are:
1. The attraction of the earth, commonly spoken of as the earthpull,
01' gravity; and
2. The action of pressures of different intensities which give rise to
resultant forces.
36. Gravity and Flow in Canals Water flowing in a canal of uniform
cross-section mea and constant depth has a constant velocity. Every
pound of water in a canal is attracted toward the center of the earth
by a force which is continuously pulling vertically downward. The
resultant force which causes flow is the component of gravity parallel
to the water slll'fane. This fOl'nc is represented by the line FIJ in Fig. 29.
The slope is defined as the fall in water surface per given length of
canal, such as 1 ft pel' 1000 ft. In Fig. 29 it is represented by hell, as

_. -
_;. ii'Component oTgravity on vnif
~"". -, ~-~~:.~:-..:-
- mass,para//el 10 wafer silrfCrce

g" Componenl of, 9 normal, or af righf

angles fa canal wafer sIJrfQCIl

Fm. 2\1. IlluHt.mt,ing the woight pel' uuit l1laf\R [LIHl it,H I\OlllllOlllll\\, j)lLI'I\'lIel to the
Wl1tlll' ~ul'bce as the driving :force which CI\,UlllJH Wl.1[ll!· How ill t\ "111m\.

illustrated by the small triangle. The two right triangles arc similar,
having two sides perpendicular. Therefore

and honea (18)

Equation 13 fLIld Fig. 29 show that t.he driving force in ('II(:h unit
weight of water in thc direction of flow increases as tho slopll of tho
water surface increases. If the slope is zero, i.e., if the water Surf!LOll is
lllvel, h" = zero, Po = zoro, and there is no flow.
37. Pressure Differences and Flow in a Level Pipe The intensity of
wuter pressure at any point in a body of st.ill water is prnllOl'tiOlHtl to
the depth of the point below the water surface. Thii:l rel alii 011 , widely
used ill engineering, is stated mathematically as
p = wH (14)
where p = intensit.y of pressure (lb pCI' sq ft) ;
w = weight of ullit volume of water Ob pel' eu ft) ;
II ~" depth of tho Jloint VPl'ti(lItlly lw]nw the water surfnee (ft).
The pressure difference at two points designated as points 1 and 2
may be ubtained thus:
pz = wH z Ca)
PI = wH I (b)
Subtracting equation (b) from (a),
PZ - PI = w(Hz - HI) (c)
For convenience, the pressure difference at any two points,
(P2 - P1) , is represented by p' and the difference in depth (H 2 - HI)
is represented by h o. It then follows that
p' = who and ho = - (15)
The force on each unit weight causing flow through a level pipe is
propor6onaL to the pressure-head difference ho or p'/ w per unit length
of pipe.
Measurements of the pressure-head differences are illustrated in
Fig. 30 which shows a level pipe, A-B, connected to a reservoir, R,
into which a stream of water is flmving. The inflow is just large enough
to maintain the water level constant at a distance H' feet above the
middle of the nutlet pipe. The six small vertical pipes, called piezom-
eters, numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., are connected with the large pipe in
order to measure the pressure heads at various points along the large
horizontal pipe. "\Then the valve near the outlet end of the large pipe
is closed, the water stands at the elevation E' in pipe 6, the same
elevation as it is in the reservoir, and in each of the other piezometer
tubes. The total pressure on unit area inside the large pipe at B is
equal to the atmospheric pressure on unit area plus the water prcssure
clue to the eolumn of water of height H', when the valve is closed;
but as soon as it is opened, water flows out because the total pressure
inside the pipe is higher than the atmospheric pressure outside. After
the flow through the large pipe has reached a steady state, the water in
each of the several piezometer tubes will stand as indicated by the
dotted line E-B, neglecting the loss at the entrance. The difference in
the pressure heads as measured in piezometers 1 and 2 is given by the
_ PI - pz
hz- Cd)
Remembering that the ho represents a pressure-head difference in a
given length of level pipe 1 l, it can be seen that the resllltant driving
force, F p , on each unit weight of water, is due to pressure-head differ-
ences, which is given by the equation
Fp =7
38. Flow in an Inclined Pipe Provided that the velocity of flow is
constant in a sloping pipe, the total driving force pel' unit weight of
water, F, is equal to the sum of the forces Fu + Fp of equations 13
and 16, i.e.,
F = he + ha (17)
This is illustrated in Fig. 31. At the point 1 the combined energy
head per unit weight due to position with respect to the plane M, and
to pressure, is represented by the sum he' + hp'. The resultant driving
force on unit weight due to the combined effect of differences in posi-
tion and in pressure between the points 1 and 2 separated by a
distance l is given by:

F = [(he' + h/) - (he" + h/')] = 'i (18)

where h, = the drop in the hydraulic grade line* in the distance L as

shown in Fig. 31.
Comparison of equations 13 and 18 shows that the slope of the line
connecting the heights to which water will rise above a pipe line
because of the water pressures inside the pipe is somewhat analogous
to the slope 'of the water surface in open channels. The foregoing
analysis shows that the driving force pel' unit weight causing water
flow may be a component of gravity, equation 13, a pressure-head
gradient, 01' a combination of these two, equation 18.
39. Retarding Forces Motion of all substances, including water, is
retarded by the resistance of one body moving over another with which
it is in contact. For example, a moving train is retarded by its contact
with the rails. Forces of this type which resist motion are called
frictional forces. In a canal, the necessary condition for a constant
velocity of water is that the frictional force per unit weight resisting
motion, i.e., F,. in Fig. 29, is equal in magnitude to the driving force,
Fo. If, at a given length of the canal, the slope increases, the driving
force, Fo, is also increased and the water will be accelerated and its
velocity. increased. The increase in velocity increases the frictional
*See Article 40 and Fig. 33 for the meaning of the term "hydraulic grade line."

14-,~ ---0-1
i I
resistance uritil Fr again equals Fg (in magnitude).* As a result of
experiments on the relation of friction to velocity of water in canals
and pipes, it is agreed that, when the velocity exceeds the critical
velocity and the flow is turbulent, the frictional resistance varies ap-
proximately with the square of the velocity.
Remembering that hell is the slope of the water surface in a canal
and that hill is the hydraulic slope (Fig. 31), it follows that for flow
of water in a particular canal or a pipe the velocity equals a constant
times the square root of the slope, i.e.,

The frictional forces which retard the velocity of water in a canal
are influenced by the relative area of the surface of contact between the
water and the bottom and sides of the channel per unit of length and
also by the degree of roughness of the material of which the channel
is built. The relative area of surface contact between water and chan-
nel, as represented by the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the
canal to the wetted perimeter, is termed the hydraulic radius and is
represented by the symbol 1". For example, a rectangular canal having
a bed width of 5 it and depth of 2 ft has a cross-sectional area of ,
10 sq ft and a wetted perimeter of 9 ft, from which the hydraulic
radius is 1% ft. The hydraulic radius of a circular pipe running full
of water is one-fourth of the diameter.

40. Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines Expenditures of energy are

essential to make water flow. Mechanical work is defined as the
product of force by distance, and mechanical energy is the capacity
for doing work. Each unit weight of water in a flowing stream has
three forms of energy: one of position, one of pressure, and one of
velocity. The loss in total energy per unit weight of water for each
unit length of canal is represented by the lines marked energy grade line
in Fig. 32 and Fig. 33. The loss of energy per unit of weight of water
per foot length 'of a canal of uniform cross section and depth of water
is constant as shown by the energy grade line of Fig. 32. For flow in
pipes, the slope of the energy grade line changes at points where the
diameter of the pipe changes; but the energy grade line always falls,
as shown in Fig. 33, whereas the hydraulic grade line rises at sections
* In the flow of water in canals and pipes there are eddies and cross currents.
The water particles move in rather irregular zigzag directions; such flow is spoken
of 'as a tw·bulcnt fl()w, as contmsted to streamline fl()w, which is characteristic of
the slow flow of water through sands, or very small tubes, There are no eddies or
cross OUl'rents in streamline flow.
where the velocity head is suddenly decreased and the pressure head
In general, the driving force per unit weight of water is 1J7'oportional
to some function of the slope of the energy grade line, Le., to the loss
of energy per unit length of pipe or canal. In any given llipe line of
uniform diameter in which water flows at a constant velocity, the

V(!/ocify head

) Energy grade line",

Y Wafer .surface and hydraulic grade Ilne~
FIG. 32. Open CltllllJ. showing wate]' surface (hydraulic grudo line) and ollorg'y
grade lillO.

velocity is proportional approximately to tho square root of the slope

of the hydraulic grade line, as shown in equation 19.
It. is important to note that in computing the slope of the hydraulic
or energy grade lines the length l is me!~sul'c(l o.lUl1g the carmI or the
pipe, not along the line. The length along the cnnal or pipe is the
same as the length of the line between two points only in steady

~w grade line
---I-.._ I I I
Hydrc(U/r'c grade line I I
~-r-- -+--
I I __
- __
I I Velocity head
I I I ~I--..l __ ~
I I "
[r==:-~=~~i'=-- I I
-- ---:-1--~ #~_

I :~~~J
Pr'pe /Ine wifh fhree dr'amefers Clad fwo fmnsifions
FIG. 33. Showing that the energy grade line lLlways falls in the dil'(I(l(;ioll of flow.

uniform flow in a cHmll 01' in a pipe in which the hy(ll'1lulin Ol' cnergy
grade line is parallel to the pipe line. (Sec Figs. 29 to 33.)
Energy and hydraulic grade lines nrc considered fmUwt' in
Chapter 10 in connection with the study of the flow of water in soils.
41. Velocity Equations Experiments have been conducted in order to
ascertain the numerical relation between the velocity of flowing wntcl',
the degree of roughness, the hydraulic radius, and the slope of the
channel, and thus to obtain a velocity equation of general value.
These experiments have resulted in a number of closely related velocity
equations, most of which have much merit. Of these equations, the one
proposed by Chezy using the Kutter formula to evaluate 0, the
Manning equation, and the equations derived by Scobey are widely
used. The Manning equation fo11ows:*

V= (20) .
in which v = mean velocity in feet per second;
n = coefficient of roughness, which is also used in the Kutter
r = hydraulic radius in feet;
8 = slope of the canal water surface or the hydraulic slope.

By the use of Table 11 the student can select n, and he can then deter-
mine v when rand 8 are known. (The selection of n from Table 11 is
very important, as the velocity varies inversely with its values.) By the
use of equation 3 (Chapter 3), q =av, we are able to determine the
quantity of flow in a canal, after finding the velocity.

42. Earth Canals The most common type of irrigation conveyance

channel is the one excavated in the natural material along the line that
the water must be conveyed. When used without artificial liniI1g of
bed or sides, such a channel is called an earth canal. Excessive
velocities of water in earth canals cause erosion. Very few natural
materials will stand velocities in excess of 5 ft per sec. The low initial
cost constitutes the major advantage of earth canals. The disadvan-
tages are: (a) excessive seepage losses, (b) low velocities and therefore
relatively large cross-section areas, (c) danger of breaks due to erosion
and the burrowing of animals, and (d) favorable conditions for growth
of moss and weeds which retard the velocity and cause high annual
maintenance costs (Fig. 34). The sides of earth canals are usually
built as steep as the earth will stand when wet. The slope of the
sides varies from 3 horizontal and 1 vertical to 1 horizontal and 1
vertical, for very stable materials. The relation of bed width, b, to
depth of earth canals, d, is determined according to the topographic
conditions. The bed width may be less than the depth, or it may be
10 or more times the depth. The most economical cross section under
.' * Manning's equation is presented because of its simplicity despite the fact that
.. 11her
..,,0 velocity equations are widely used in the design of irrigation conduits.
favorable structural conditions is
b = 2dtan- (21)
where () is the angle of the side slope with the horizontal. This relation
applies a,lso to lined canals. For rectangular channels tan ()/2 = 1, and
hence the bed width equals twice the depth.

FIG. 34. Diesel tractors owned by North Side CaUltl Company, Jel'OllW, Idaho,
pulling a large chain weighing 2300 Ib to loosen mOHS !tIlt! weeds ill bottom of a
canal. (Courtesy Oatr.l'piIlar rl'metul' OOmpltllY.)

43 . .Water Conveyance and Delivery Efficiency It is impr!1etieable, as

a rule, to convey irrigation watur from its soureo ill riv(1['s tu the
irrigated farms without sustaining certain 108::;08 through loaky irriga-
tion gates, spillways, wHstewuys, ()vaporation, and seC'l)[tge. LeL
Eo = the waLeI' eonveyanee and delivcry cfficimwy, pcre('nt.
Wr = the wnter divcrted from the river 01' reservoir into the irriga-
tion canal.
W! = the water delivered to the fn.rms nll<lcl' thl\ eallld. (fob) Tlthle
QU, pagc 23, item 38.)

Then, by definition,
Eo = lOOW/ (22)
The water conveyance and delivery cfficiency, Ee, is thus defined as
the ratio of the sum of the water delivered to all the farms to the water
diverted from the river or other water source during the same time
The 17 western states, in 1940, had 125,000 miles of irrigation canals
and laterals. It is estimated that, of the 90 million acre-feet of water
diverted for irrigation in 1939, 38 percent was lost between the points
of diversion and delivery, thus making Eo = 62 percent.
This low average water-conveyance efficiency is caused largely by
heavy seepage losses from unlined canals in highly permeable earth
materials. In 1939 only 5000 miles of canals had been lined, merely
4 percent of the 125,000 miles of irrigation canals.
The conveyance and delivery losses of one canal system in some
valleys seep back to the river and are later diverted by other canals
lower on the river system, so that the low values of Eo are in reality
less serious than they sometimes appear to be. Despite these recoveries
of waste water for lower lands in some localities, it is important, as a
general rule, that conveyance and delivery losses be reduced to a
reasonable minimum, thereby increasing Eo.
Seepage from canals is influenced by many variable factors and is
therefore difficult to measure accurately. In large main canals, losses
within selected substantial canal length sections having few 01' no diver-
sions are determined by subtracting the outflow at the lower end of the
section from the inflow at the upper end. For measuring inflow and
outflow, current meters are common, but weirs and measuring flumes
also are used. In short sections of canals, the sccpage losses may be
significant and serious but yet too small to measure by the inflow-
outflow method.
Seepage losses from canal sections may be approximated, but not
accurately determined, by measuring the permeability of the canal
bed and bank materials, the wetted area, and the hydraulic slopes
causing the seepage and ground-water flow. Chapter 10 presents details
concerning soil-permeability measurements. The most certain method
of obtaining reliable seepage-loss measurements is to build a pool in a
long section of the canal to be tested and thus measure the seepage
through relatively large areas of canal beds and banks.
Of equal importance to measuring the seepage loss in a canal· is the
realization that seepage losses are taking place. On many of the older
main canals and on the farm laterals, the owners have become so
accustomed to the losses that they do not realize either the extent or
the seriousness of them. Occasionally, inspection of lands near canals
and of the downstream side of a canal show the effects of heHvy

44. Lining Canals For the purposes of (1) decreasing convey[\nce~

seepage losses, (2) providing safety against breaks, (3) preventing
weed growth, (4) retarding moss growth, (5) decreasing erosion with
high velocities, (6) cutting down maintenance costs, and (7) increasing
the capacity of the canal to convey water, some irrigation canals are
lined. A fow canals have been lined under low~cost methods with

FIG. 35. All~Amel'ican Call!~l clay blnnket liuing looking clOwllst,l'Cmn. 'rho whito
sand ill which the clul!tl is bnilt lms It ptll'lllcabiIity 1800 times higitol' tlum ~ho clay
used for lining. (Photograph by lLuthor, OcLobor liMO.)

clay, as illustrated by Fig. 35, and with asphalt llwnllJl'lme. Ddniled

cost studies are essential to a dctermination of the eeol101nie ad-
visability of lined Ct1unls. From the viewpoillt of tho irrigati()n ]ll'ojeeL,
the most important single factor in n stuely of Ute advisabilit.y ()f lilling
is the annual valuo of tho wator suve(l by deerett::;illg eOllveyauee
losses. In localities where water is vory lilllitod, the public interests are
advanced by lining canals nnd thus contributing to a more ec:ouomical
use of the availnble water supply.
Excess canal seepage contributes to waterlogging of farm Inlllls,
alkali concentrntion in the soils, costly road mnintenaneo aurl rlrainngl:
activities, gr()und~water seepage into bnsmucmts of buildings, and
other conditions that concern the public. Although it is llifIieult., ('.ostly,
and sometimes quite impractical to monsure aCClll'lLtt:ly the ckgl'Oll of
contribution to these adverse cOlldHiol1s by any ono cnnal, Llw public
should encourage reduction of canal seepage to protect public interests.

FIG. 36. The concrete-lined Kittitas Main Canal, looking downstream, Yakima
Project in the State of Washington, carrying about 600 cfs of water. (Reclamation
Era, August 1946.)

FIG. 37. Placing 8-in. by 24-in. precast concrete slabs with tongue and groove
joints. Yakima Project, Washington, 1947. (Courtesy Bureau of Reclamation.)
45. Materials for Canal Lining The most-used materials for canal
lining include concrete, rock masonry, brick, bentonite-earth mixtures,
natural clays of low permeability, and different rubber compounds. For
the main canal of the Yakima Project in the state of Washington,
shown in Fig. 36, concrete prevents 10th seepage and erosion.

FIG. 38. A serviceable and attractive small Utah canal lined to solve tho seepage,
erosion, and weed problems. (Comtesy Work Projects Admillistmtioll.)

For the smaller irrigation canals ancllaterals precast concrete slabs

made at l'eguhtr concrete mixing plants and hauled to and placed in
canals, as illustrated in Fig. 37, nre hcl11ful. Both frequent inspection
of the concrete slab joints and careful mnintenance nrc essential to
prevent erosion of soil materials under the slabs and l'mmltillp; settle-
ment and damnge to the lining.

46. Construction Methods for Canal Lining In the earlier days of

canal lining, much of the work, of necessity, was clone by hnnd labor.
A rock masonry canal lining constructed nem Salt Lake City when
labor was abundant is shown in Fig. 38. Thcre has been substtl,lltial
progress in the application of mcchanical methods amI meclwuical
power to the lining of irrigntion canals. The lise of a modorll mechanical
concrcte laying machine for lining small canals is shown in Fig. 39.
An outstanding example of the use of modern machinery in lining
large irrigation canals is shown in Fig. 40, which illustrates the Trim-
mer and Slip-Form speed lining opera-
tions on Friant-Kern Canal in Cali-
fornia's Central Valley Project.
47. Keeping Canals Clean One of the
vital maintenance problems in convey-
ance of irrigation water is cleaning
canals. Growth of weeds and willows
on canal banks and of mosses and
other aquatic plants in the canals
greatly retards water velocities and
decreases capacities of canals. Silt and
clay deposits in canal beds also restrict
water flow. Hand-labor methods of
canal cleaning are being replaced by
the use of bulldozers, drag-line ex-
cavators, and tractor-drawn chains as
shown in Fig. 34. For loosening water FIG. 39. Concrete-laying machine
weeds and silt in concrete-lined canals, makes it possible to lay 800 ft of
a water-propelled scraper may be used concrete lining per day. Invented
as shown in Fig. 41. Dense weed by the Vawdl'ey B~others of Draper,
Utah. (Photograph by J. R. Barker.)
growth prevents proper inspection of
the canal bank; as a result gopher holes and other defects that may
cause ditch breaks are hard to find.

FIG. 40. Trimmer and slip-form lining operations on Friant-Kel'l1 Canal in Cali-
fornia's Central Valley Project. (Photograph by,J. E. Christiansen.)
Weeds fall into the water ane! catch floating debris, retard fiow,
and cause failure of the banks. The larger perennials such as willows,
tamarisk, and cane make it almost impossible to clean a crmal and
remove tl1C smaller weeds. In addition to the operational problem
many or the bnd weeds developing seed along a cannl bank are ~1
source of weed infestation to crop land.

FIG. 41. A water-projlolled scmper CL.tll bo used tu cut loose witter weeds I1tHI Hilt
from the bottom Hnd sides of concrete-lined ehallneIs. (li'rom Control of W(,eri8 on
Irrigation SIJ8tems, Bureau of H.eolmnation, .July 1\)40.)

Water weeds such as tulos, cattails, pOllciweeds, eool1tftil, antI ObHl'lL

also reduce the capacity of flow. These weeds, like those on the hanks,
often clog measuring flumes, weirs, spillways, and otho!' parts of the
irrigation system, causing delays and additional C()stB in elmming. "Yeml
growths cause suml and silt bars to buil(l up in the ehrmnol, whidl
retard the velocity of £low and increase the sucpago lOBs and nt times
cause overflows of the bank. This l'CSUltB in delays tlntl dmnage to the
canal and tho orops.
The most common methods of controlling weeds on tho (IannI banlo;
are: pasturing, mowing, burning, and the applicntion of climl1icnl w(led
killers. The methods for controlling the water~weetl growths may he
classed under f011'1' main heads, mechanical, drying, shading, and
chemical. Hand-labor methods of eanal cleaning are being replaced hy
less costly methods.
48. Flumes For crossing natural depressions 01' narrow canyons, Hnd
for conveyance of irl'~gation water along very steep side hills, flumes

FIG. 42. Small flume crossing over arroyo in Upper Anton Chico. This structure
saved 1700 ft of ditch length. Guadalupe County, New Mexico. (Courtesy Soil
Conservation Service.)

FIG. 43. Large metal flume over wash, near Price, Utah. Steel substruoture set
on concrete piers. (Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)
are constructed either of wood or metal, 01' both, as shown in Fig. 42
and Fig. 43. Concrete is also used for flumes. To attain economy in the
. application of materials for flumes, it is desirable to give the flume
sufficient slope to assure a water velooity appreoiably higher than in
Garth canals, thus making possible a pl'opGrtionate reduction in flume
cross scction.

FIG. 44. A Iuasonry cana.l drop. Long apron reduces erosion below tho structure.
Suitable for small canals and low drops. (Co\l!'tosy Soil COIll:!ervatioll BCl'vico.)

49. Tunnels To shorten the length of the diversi()n canal, to avoid

difficult and expensive construction on steep, rocky hillsides, and to
convey irrigation water through mountains from one watershed to
another, mftllY tunnols have been constructed. It is lIsnally ecollomionl
to line the boLtolU and sides of tunnels through rock f'ormntiollS Hs 11
means of decreasing scepage losses and lessening the frictional re"
sistance. Irrigation tunnels constructed through loose material arll
lined with concrete as the boring of the tunnel progresses.
50. Drops and Chutes In places where the n!1tural slopes dDwn which
canals must flow are so high as to cause excessive water velocities and
erosion, wood, concrete, or masonry bulkheads are placed, as shown in
Fig. 44, over which the water is dropped several feet. The function of
drops is really to dissipate thc energy of the flowing stream without
causing erosion. A number of closcly spaced drops may bc used, as
FIG. 45. Series of check drops to prevent high canal water velocities and erosion.
Flashboards can be placed in notch to raise water level so that farmer can irrigate
fields on both sides of the canal. (Structure in foreground !1ppears to have apron set
too high.) (Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)

FIG. 46. Concrete chute conveying a stream of 282 sBc-ft. Weber-Provo diversion
canal. (Courtesy Bureau of Reclamation.)
shown in Fig. 45. Chutes built of wood, concrete, or steel, as shown
in Fig. 46, are serviceable whcre it is necessary to convey water down
relatively steep hills which would require many drops elosoly· spaced
to control the water velocity, and in whieh the water would cause
serious erosion if not controlled. Chutes may well be considered in
three sections: (1) the transition LInd section of aecelerating veloeity,
(2) the section of unifor;:n high velocity, and (3) the stilling basin.
In the first section the velocity is .. increitscd from approximately
3 ft per sec up to 20 or more ft per sec, and the cl'llss-secLion !trOil of
the water is proportionately decrcased. In the secon(l section, beeause
of tho very high velocity, the retarding forces are equal in magnitude
and opposite in direction to the driving forces and hence the wnter
,relocity relUltins constant. To dissipHto the velocity oner!,?;y at the
lower end of a chute, it is necessary to provide a deep stilling basin.

51. Inverted Siphons For erosRing wiele deep hollows, depressions, or

canyons, it is customary to build pipe lines and convoy wator thl'Oligh
thcm under pressure. The cost of flumes fo1' crossing wide clopl'cs.'lions
is so high as to prohibit their constrllction. Pipes by whieh irrigation
water is conveyed across canyons usually huilt on 01' nenr Uw ground
surface are known as inverted siphons. Snch pipe lin(~s are huilt
either of steel, of wood stavo8 held in plneo hy iron 1H \11 <18 , or of
reinforced conCl'ete. A wood-stave invcrted siphon ltel'ORfl t.hn Bnar
River in Idaho resists a water-pressur~ helLeI of nearly aoo ft along
the bottom of the canyon.
The stress caused by the water pressure in siphons is resil'lt.o( I by tho
unit strength and thickness of steol in steel l)ipes; by the unit strength,
diameter, Itnrl spacing of the iron bands around wood Atava pip(~; !\IlIl
by the unit strength and amount of steel reinfOl'cenwnt in CnrWl'etl~ pipe.
Lfll'ge-diametel' siphons require respectively think~r Ht.ed, Inrgnl' and
more closely spaced bands, and ll101'C Ateel.reillforemnent L1um ~mmll­
diameter siphons under the same water pressure. The velocity of the
watcr flowing through a siphon of given dimueter i~ lix()(l by the hy~
draulic slope and by the roughness of the inside of tho pip(', rClw
velocit.y is not influenced by the total water Ill'OSSlll'e insi(h~ t.1l<! pipe',
To determine the velocity the student lUay liRO Manning's fOl'lI1ltln
given in Article 41, together with Table 11. For exmnplc, oonsidol' n
6-ft-cliameter wood stave siphon in the bmlt of oonditioTl, 1 rnile long,
having a drop in water surface of 9 ft. Then r = 1.5 anel 8 ;" 0.0017;
from Table 11, n = 0.01. Thereforc, v = 8.03 ft POl' sec. As the OrOss-
section area of a 6-ft-diamcter pipe is 28.3 sq ft, this pipe would
dischar~e 8.03 X 28.3 = 227 ds.


Surface Best Good Fair Bad

Uncoated cast-iron pipe ................. 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015
Coated cast-iron pipe ................... .011 .012* .013*
Commercial wrought-iron pipe, black .... .012 .013 .014* .015
Commercial wro1ht-ironpipe, galvanized .013 .014 .015 .017
Smooth brass an glass pipe ............ .009 .010 .011 .013
Smooth lockbar and welded "OD" pipe .. .0lD .011* .013·
Riveted and spiral steel pipe ............ .013 .015* .017*
Vitrified sewer pipe ..................... {.OlD .011 .013* .015 .017
Common clay drainage tile ............. .011 .012' .014* .0I7'
Glazed brickwork ...................... .011 .012 .013* .015
Brick in cement mortar; brick sewers .... .012 .013 .015* .017
Neat cement surfaces ................... .010 .011 .012 .013
Cement mortar surfaces ................ .011 .012 .013* .015
Concrete pipe .......................... .012 .013 .015· .016
Wood stave pipe ........................ .0lD .011 .012 .013
Plank Flumes:
Planed. " ............................ .010 .012· .013 .014
Unplaned ............................ .011 .013* .014 .015
With battens ..................... , , . , .012 .015· .016
Concrete-lined channels ............... , .012 .014- .016* .018
Cement-rubble surflwe. , , , ............. , .017 .020 .025 .030
Dry-rubble surface .................. , .. .025 .030 ,033 .035
Dressed-ashlar surface ... , .............. .013 .014 .015 .017
Semicircular metal f-tumes, smooth .. , ... .011 .012 .013 .015
Semicircular metal Humes, corrugated ... .0225 .025 .0275 .030
Canals and Ditches:
Earth, straight and uniform .......... .017 .020 .0225* .025
Rock cuts, smooth and uniform ...... , .025 .030 .033* .035
Rock euts, jagged and irregular .. , .... .035 .040 .045
Windin~ sluggish canals ......... , .... .0225 .025' .0275 .030
Dred~e earth channels .. , ............ .025 .0275* .030 .033
Cana s with rough stony beds, weeds
on earth banks ................... , , .025 .030 .035· .040
Earth bottom, rubble sides, .......... .028 .030* .033* .035
Natural Stream Channels:
(1) Clean, straight bank, full stage, no
rifts or deep )ools ................ , . .025 .0275 .030 .033
(2) Same as (1 , but some weeds and
stones ......... , ....... , .. , ......... .030 .033 .035 .040
(3) Winding, some pools and shoals,
clean ............................... .033 .035 .040 .045
(4) Same as 13), lower stages, more
ineffective s ope and sections ... , .... .040 .045 .050 .055
(5) Same as (3), some weeds and
stones .. , .................. , ........ .035 .040 .045 .050
(6) Same as (4), stony sections ........ .045 .050 .055 .060
(7) Sluggish river reaches, rather
weedy or with very deep pools ....... .050 .060 .070 .080
(8) Very weedy reaches. , ........ , .... .075 .100 .125 .150

From Handbook of Hydraulics, by King, McGraw-Hill Book Company.

* Values commonly used in designing.
PUluping Watcr for Irrigation

There are large aroas of arable land in arid regions so situated t.hat.
[1Vaibblc water cannot be brought to them by gravity. Other ltref\S umy
be reached by gravity but the locations and topography with respect
to the water supply are such that cost of buil(ling the nCeCS!:llLl'Y grHvity
canals, flmnes, inverted siphons, tunnels, and other conveyance strue~
tures is so great that water cannot be provided economically. For
many of those areas, water is raised by some l1lochnnimtl devioc from
its lHLtul'al sources, whetlwr' surface or underground, to t.he ClllVttt.ioll
of the higher parts of the land, 01' to still higher clevntions if at
distant points, so thnt it will flow ovcr the land by grttvity for il'rign~
tion purposes. This practice of raising water, known as irrigatioll
pumping, is widely followed in the arid regions of the world. In the
humiclregions of the United States pumping is be(loming an important
practice for irrigation by sprinkling.
The meclHmieul devices for lifting water for irrigation vary wieldy.
Some are crude and inefficient; others are highly peri'ontod ant!
efficient. This chaptcr is concerned with the prineiples fUl( I lll'oblnrns
of pumping water in relatively small quantities for iuciiviclunlly
owned farms. It docs not include the engineering problems illvolved
in the design and operation of the large irrigation pumping projoets,
whieh are as a rule owned by corporate or other COlllUlllllity nnt(!l'-
52. Power Requirements and Pumping-Plant Efficiencies Mp(\lmnienl
power is defined as the timo rate of doing work, [mel work is clofill(\(l
as the product of force and distance. The power units ()ommonly us('d
in il'rigntion are foot-pounds per second and 11m'Hollower. To lift
2 ell it of wator (125 Ib) a vl)l'tieal (listmw(! of 1 ft Ill'r see would
roquire 125 ft~lb POl' sec, provided tho lifting d(~vinn (P\IIllllillP; plant,)
were 100 percent efficient. If the pumping;-pbnt, eilieiell()Y were only 50
percent it would require 250 ft-lb pOl' sen, thus providing for n loss of
one~hlllf of the total required power in overcoming i'rieLioll Hud in
generating heat. The unit of power most commonly used in the United
States is the horsepower, which is 550 ft-Ib per sec, or 33,000 ft-Ib per
min. One horsepower would lift 1 cfs a vertical distancc of 8.8 ft if it
were possible to get 100 pcrcent efficiency as shown below:

Horsepower =1 X 62.5 X 8.8

= 1

Because it is impossible to obtain an efficicncy of 100 percent the

horsepower required to lift 1 cfs any height, as illustrated above, is
designated the "thcoretical horsepower."
Pumping-plant efficiency is defined as the ratio of the power output
to the power input. The electricity, gas, oil, or coal consumed by the
motor or engine is the input. Table 12, taken from New M ex'ico Agl'.
Exp. Sta. Bul. 237, shows actual horsepower requirements for streams
from 0.22 to 3.34 ds, and pumping lifts from 10 to 80 it, with a 50
percent pumping-plant efficiency. To determine the horsepower re-
quired for lifting a stream of any size to a givcn elcvation the reader
nccd only multiply the observed value for 1 cfs in the table by the
size of stream selected. For example, Table 12 shows that to lift 1 cfs
40 ft would require 9.09 hp. Therefore, 5 ds would require 45.45 hp
for a 40-ft lift. To obtain the theoretical horsepower, multiply thc
actual requirement of 45.45 hp by the efficiency, expressed as a
Theoretical hp = 0.50 X 45.45 = 22.72

The horsepower ddivercd by an electric motor or by an engine to

the shaft it turns is known as the brake horsepower. The ratio of the
useful water horsepower delivered by a pump (the output) to the
brake horsepower (the input to the pump) is defined as the pump
To understand clearly the consumption of different fuels in pump-
ing, it is helpful to note that, by definition,

Power = -1" (22a)
and hence that
Work = Power X Time (22b)

The expression horsepower-hour is used to designate the continuous

consumption or delivery of 1 hp for a period of 1 hour, and is therefore
equal to 550 X 60 X 60 ft-Ib of work.
'fO ELl!:VATIONS OI" 10 'fO 80 F'1'
(Efficiency of pumping pluut 50 percent of theoret.iCl11. Use for nstimaLing (July.)
(N. Me:c. AU!'. Exp. Sea. Bul. 237)
I-Iorsepow<ll' Requil'llli for ElovnLiollH (.)j'
Gullolls Cubic
per Feet pel' 10 20 30 40 50 70
(iO 80
Minute Seeonu
- - ___
-_.. ft
j't ft 1'1', 1"t. fL ft
- ----
0.22 0.50 1.01
- ... ---.,-.---~


... ___ ...

"'--'._-"._. - ...._
150 0.33 0.7li 1.52 2.27 3.03 3.7\) 4.513 5.30 0.0(3
200 0.45 1.01 2.02 3.03 4.0'1 5.05 1).00 7.07 8.08
250 0.5G 1.20 2.53 3.70 5.0G G.31 7.58 8.8'1 10.10
300 0.G7 1.52 3.03 '1.55 G.O(i 7.58 !l.OO 10.G1 12.12
350 0.78 1. 77 3.M 5.30 7.07 8.8:1 10.01 12.37 1-1. 14
4.00 a.SD 2.02 ,1.0'1 Ii, O(j 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 Hi,lO
450 1.00 2.27 4.55 (i.82 H.OO 11.3(j 13.04 W.Ol !iLLS
500 1.11 2.53 5.05 7.58 10.10 12,(i3 15.15 17.08 20.20
GOO 1.34 3.03 O.OG !l.Ot) 12.12 15.15 .11::\.18 21. 21 2·1.24
700 l.5G 3.M 7.07 lO.Gl 14.H 17.08 21.21 2J.75 28.28
SOD 1.78 4.04 8.0S 12.12 Hi. Hi 20.20 24.2·J 28.28 32.a2
\JOO 2.01 4.55 H.O!J 13.G4 IS.18 22.73 27.27 al.H2 an.3n
l,OOO 2.23 5.05 10.10 15.15 20.20 25.25 30.30 an.an 40.40
1,250 2.78 0.31 12.(ia 18. !);1 25.25 31.57 37.H8 ,14 . .l\) 50.50
1,500 3.34 7.58 15.15 22.73 30.aO 37.88 45. 1J(j Sil.Oa (iO.lil
.~~._...._,~ .... ", .... _, .....-,..... -.. ~

The "water horsepower" is defined as the 11 Wtil' tho(ll'otieully ro~ °

quired to lift a given qunntity of water per i'w(\()lHl to !~ HIW(ii1io(l
height. In irrigation pumping it may bo tOl'mucl tlw "ont'Jlllt." '1'11<'11
h _ (\2.5Qh _ Qh
Pw - r::r:O - 88
•.l() .

where hpw == water horsepower;

Q = discharge in embio f eo t per second;
h = vertical lift in fect.
If Q is moasured in gallons per minute rather than cullin fooL per H()(lontl
h _ 8.33Qh _ Qh
P10 - 33,000 - 3\)00
Equations 23 and 24 are useful in determining water hOl'l:lupowel' when
Q and h are known. Based on the definition given abuve,
Pumping-plant efficiency Ell = ______0..c..~_h_ _ __ (25)
8.8 X Horsepower input
Occasional field tests of plant efficiencies aid the irrigator to guard
against low efficiencies and expensive operation.
Field tests have been made by Johnston of the efficiencies of 91
irrigation pumping plants in California. The results of these tests show
averages of 49.8 percent for centrifugal pumps, 40.5 percent for deep-
well turbine pumps, and 44.5 percent for deep-well screw pumps. The
maximum plant efficiency found was 70 percent and the minimum 15.2
percent. It is important to the farmer to keep pumping equipment in
good condition. Low efficiencies are largely chargeable to failure on
the part of pump owners to keep equipment in good running order.

53. Pumping Lifts The vertical distance through which water is

lifted for irrigation purposes varies widely. In some localities, notably
in parts of Egypt and of India, the water is lifted only a few feet; in
other places, like parts of California, it is raised several hundred feet.
In American irrigation practice the maximum height of lift is deter-
mined by cost limitations, not by mechanical or power limitations.
From the discussion of Article 52, and from Table 12, it is apparent
that for any given size of irrigation stream the power requirement is
roughly proportional to the lift. The difference in elevation of the
water surface in a pond, lake, or river from which the pumped water
is taken, and the water surface of the discharge canal, is known as
the "static head." In pumping from ground-water sources the static
head includes also the "drawdown," which is the head required to drive
the same volume of water per second from the soil into the well as is
received by the pump and delivered to the surface of the land. It is
desirable always to avoid excessive drawdown in order to reduce exces-
sive power requirements. In addition to the static head that pumps
must work against, consumption of a certain amount of power is
essential to drive a given stream against the frictional resistance,
sharp curves in pipes, and other factors that retard water motion.
These retardation elements explain the fact that pumping-plant effi-
ciencies range from about 75 percent under very favorable conditions
clown to 20 percent or even less under unfavorable conditions,
In Utah and Idaho, under general farm practice, it is rarely profit-
able to pump water for irrigation purposes against a static head in
excess of 75 ft. In parts of the Pacific coast states under intensive
agriculture, water is economically pumped for irrigation against static
heads of 300 ft or more. Because of the large number of variable factors
influencing profits from pumping water for irrigation, it is imprac-
ticaWe to set specific limits of profitable pumping lifts that will apply
in different localities for any length of time. It is important for farmers
who contemplate irrigation pumping to keep in mind the faet that cost
to the fal'mer of pmnpe,cl water is roughly proportional to the height
of lift. Proposals to pump water through high lifts should be carofully
considered before investments are made; on tho other hand, good

FIG. '.1:7. Tho shatluf. (U.S.D.A. O.H.S. Blil. 130.)

dependable water supplies that may be mnde avnilablc for irrigation

by pumping only a few feet should 110t be overlooked. .

54. Primitive Irrigation Pumping Methods Rnising water fOl' irl'ign~

lion has been practiced for centuries in Egypt, Indin, and othol's of

FIG. 48. Typioal Portuguese pumping plant. The ox on a circular path is blind-
folded and unattended. (Photograph by Lettie Rourigo.)

the older countries where irrigation is essential to agriculture. One of

the devices early used in Egypt and India, known as the shaduf, is
illustrated in Fig. 47. This device
makes use of the principle of the
lever with a suspended fulcrum and
a counterweight. The bucket, sus-
pended from the long end of the pole,
is sometimes made of leather, stiff-
ened near the top with a wooden
hoop. The operator throws his weight
on the sweep, the bucket fills, and the
counterweight raises it to the next
higher channel into which the water
is poured. A single shaduf is oper-
ated by one man, and with it he can
lift water only 5 or 6 ft, but the
devices are sometimes installed in
series of three or foUl', thus raising
the water 20 ft or more. With the
shaduf one man can raise approxi- FIG. 49. Showing 22-foot-diameter
mately 22 gpm from 5 to 6 ft, thus steel water wheel delivering 1.5 cfs
attaining an efficiency of about 25 to ditch 11 ft above main ditch.
Near Littlefield, Arizona. (Novem-
percent. ber 1940.)
Another primitive device, a water
wheel turned by man or animal, illustrated in Fig. 48, was photographed
in PQrtugal in 1947. A larger and more efficient water wheel 22 ft in eli-
mnetel' driven by waterpower and lifting water 11 it is shown in Fig. 49,
55. Modern Irrigation Pumping Methods In contrast to the primitive
methods of pumping water for irrigation, pumping machinery of high
efficiency is used on many irrigated farIlls. In the western United States
substantial advancement has been made in the design and operation
of pumps, Pumping costs are greatly reduced by obtaining the neces-
sary cnergy for pumping from coal, gasoline, crude oil, 01' l'lectrieity
rnther than using the energy of man or of animals. To illustrate, It::;sUllle
thn,t fo], irrigl\tion pumping 1 kw-hr of electric energy nu~y be pur-
chased at a cost ranging from 1. to 3 eents. As 1. kw-hl' equals lLllll!'lIxi-
mately % hp-h1', 1. hp-h1' on the basis of 1 to 3 eents pel' kw-hl' would
cost % to 2% cents. A strong healthy man, in an houl', <Ian gencrate
about YH hp-hr work. At the rates of GO to no (lents pOl' hour for man
labor the cost of 1 hp-hr would range from 480 to 1440 CCllt,H liS eOlll-
pared to % to 2% for electricity.
Modern irrigation pumping metllllds arc ImBed on years of pains-
taking htbomtory researoh, togoLhcl' with (Iltl'oful stuely of flold )llUllll-
ing conditions by competent ellgineers. Out of tllo::;o iIlvoHtigatiollS
there have (lome into use pumps of (1iffel'(mt einKK(\S and tY)l('S, enoIl
suited to the different demands and conditions of o)wrn!.ion. rl'ypicnl
modern irrigation llUlnps of different types art! briefly dl'fwribod in
Articles 58 to Gl.
56. Pump Characteristics In order to usc lllOt!ern }llllllllS HlOSt. prof-
itably to obtain irrigation wnter, it is essential to sdeet plIlnpK well
adapted to the particular condi tious 0 r oporn tion all( 1 to obtain n
relatively high efficiency. If tho quantity of waLl'!' jllll111)('d is appl'C'-
ciably less than the quantity for which tho pnmp i8 d('Kigrwd, ntHl
the head is excossive, it low dIieiency 1'0sultF;. LikmviKc, n pump lluty
deliver more wate!' than it is designed for at n lwad l()Wl'I' tJWIl Il( Il'llULI
and cause the effi(liency to be low. The intcl'rclatiorlH liol,W('Pll H)l('('d,
hend, discharge, and horsepower of a pump me usually ropl'('s('llt('c1 hy
curves which are designated the "clml'aetcl'istie" em'v(.'s. Ku()wk(igl! of
the characteristics of a Illllnp enables the mallufnotul'ul' and ilTigutol'
to make adaptations of tho ]Hllll]l to tho operating llon(liLiotlK and titus
attain a relatively high efIieiency anel low operating (losL. 'I'll(! dWl':l('-
teristics of a standard horizonl,al-sllaft ecntl'ifllgal !llllllt> ttl'(' HhoWll in
Fig. 50. These curves show, for oxmnple, that, for quantities l'l.l11ging;
from 700 up to 1.440 gpm at hends ranging from I05 fl, down ttl (i5 ft,
the efficieney of the pump will be equal to or gre[t tOl' than 70 llcreeut;
also that it will attnin n maximmn offieioney of 82 l)()!,(l(mi: a!; qtumLiUos
from 1100 to 1200 gpm nnd at a head of UI1])l'oximatdy 00 ft,
57. Types of Pumps Pumps for irrigation ]lUl')10Res urc of many
clifferent makes. Those most eOIY.I111only usoll mn,y bo p:l'(lupetl into
three types: namely, centrifugal, deep-well turbine, and reciprocating
or plunger pumps. Air-lift pumps are sometimes used to develop wells,
but because of low efficiency they are rarely employed for permanent
pumping operations. Brief descriptions of the distinguishing mechanical
features of each of the first two types, and of their types of impellers,
are given in the following sections, after which the plunger pumps are


o 400 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1800

FIG. 50. Charactedstic performance eurves from test records. (Courtesy Fair-
banks-Morse Company.)

58. Centrifugal Pumps A centrifugal pump consists of a rotating

impeller within a casing into which water enters at the center of the
side and flows outward. The pump imparts energy to the water in the
form of increased velocity and pressure. There are two classes of
centrifugal pumps: the volute and the turbine. The essential point of
difference in the two classes is the construction around the impeller.
Thc turbine centrifugal pump has fixed diffuser vanes in order to
convert velocity energy into pressure energy more efficiently. Centrif-
ugal pumps are built both on horizontal and on vertical shafts. When
driven by electric power they are generally connected directly to the
shaft of the motor, provided that the proper speed can be attained.
Centrifugal pumps vary in capacity from a very few gallons per minute
up to 300 cfs or more. For farm irrigation purposes the pumps most
commonly used vary from % to 5 cfs in capacity. A horizontal-shaft
single-stage split-case volute centrifugal pump direct-connected to an
electric motor is illustrated in Fig. 51.

FIG. 51. B!1Il~be!tring centrifugal pump direct-collneoted to It molor. (Courtesy

Fuirbauks-Mol'se Company.)


FIG. 52. Impeller and shaft aSHmnbly of pumps showing: (1) ()lwIIJ~(~d impoIIol';
(2) ground (llll'boll-stoul shaftj (3) watol' sOtLll'ing; ('I) plinking; (5) Ht.ILllrlllt'rl bill!
bcuringj (G) lock nutj and (7) IHlIl-homing hOl1Hing lInd eovol'. (CollrLe~y Fair-
banks-Morso Company.)
Horizontal-shaft centrifugal pumps
are set above the surface of the water
to be pumped and hence are depend-
ent on the atmospheric pressure· to
force water up to the pump. To start
these pumps it is necessary to fill the
suction pipe and pump case with water
and thus expel all the air. This opera-
tion of filling suction and pump case
is designated "priming the pump." It
is usually advantageous to set the
pump as near the water surface as con-
venient and yet protect it from sub- ,l,flltA.R

mergence during high water. It is NOH[lllllrc:otJP-.I)NW

important to avoid submergence of

pumps that are direct-connected to
electric motors. The maximum vertical
working distance from water surface
to pump at sea level is about 25 ft. At
higher elevations a proportionately ------COLUIlNYu.rr

less maximum distance must be pro-

vided. The horizontal-shaft centrifugal ------Il1IlERC.OI.VM,..

pumps are relatively free from trouble, _ _ _ _ _ _ SH'nCOUI"l,ING

have high efficiencies, stand high

speeds, and are conveniently clirect-
connected to electric motors. The
pump operates at a speed of 1750 rpm.
This shaft and impeller together with
other detail parts of the pump shown
in Fig. 51 are illustrated in Fig. 52.
59. Deep-Well Turbine Pumps In
order to obtain water economically
from deep, small-diameter, machine-
constructed wells, modern deep-well
turbine centrifugal pumps have been
developed and greatly improved. The
rotating impeller is built on a vertical
_______ SIAAI"~

FIG. 53. Cutaway section of two-stage

Byron J!1ckson deep-well turbine pump !1nd
motor showing details of parts. (Courtesy
Byron Jackson Company.)


Column Spider cmd Shdjf

;ossernhly Coupl/nqs
FIG. 5·1. Assembly nnd parts of 11 dl1ep-well turbine pump. (Colll'l.C\RY TIYl'OI1
Jacksoll C01l11mny.)

shaft within n Cllll1pnet bowl, the entire unit being known as a stage. For
high lifts, two or more stages are pll\ced in scries nu[\l' Lhe bottom of the
-well. Figure 53 illustrat.es a two-stagc deep-well ]lump. The pump is
driven by an eleetl'ie motor or other prime mover i:iot nt tl\(, ground sur-
facc and connected by a long vcrtical shaft held in positioll by benrings
built in the discharge pipe or column. Being submerged, the deep-well
pumps have the advantage of requiring no priming and of meeting
rather wide fluctuations of water surface without necessitating a

FIG. 55. Cutaway secLion of Pomona turbine pump' and motor and details of bowl
and impeller keyed to shaft. (Courtesy Pomona Pump Company.)

resetting of the pump. They have the disadvantage of inaccessibility

of operating parts and consequent difficulty of inspection. Low effi-
ciencies are more common than with horizontal-shaft pumps, because
the deep-well pumps are frequently permitted to continue running after
bearings are worn badly and sometimes until the pump fails to
operate before repairs are provided. Figure 54 illustrates the several
parts of a deep-well pump, showing also the position of the shaft
and the column.

60. Types of Impellers Another form of deep-well pump, illustrnted

in Fig. 55, shows a marked difference in the impellers, althuugh both
arc used in deep-well turbine pumps. Although the pump illustrated in
Fig. 55 is a turbine pump, the semiopen impeller resembles sOll1cwhat
the screw type of impellers. A more detailed description of impellers
presented by Rohwer follows:
The horizontal :.mc1 vertical centrirugal and the true c!ee11-woll turbine
operate on the ccntrifugal l)riueiph Tho mixcrl-fiow turbine is a comlJimtioll
of the centrifugal and tho propeller types, in which the action of 'the pump
is tho )'C!8ult of n comhinccl (icmt.rifugnl force and direct thrust. In the nxial-flow
propeller or Rcrew-type Pl1l1JIl thoro is very little centrifugal action, the Wlttel'
being moved by the thrllst of tlw bln(I('s of the P1'011ell('I'. IItlIH'lIet's of the
difforent typos arc shown ill Fig. IiG.
Centrifugal-type impellers l11'e either ollclosocl, semicmnloscd, or Ollcn. En-
closed and semimwlosecl impellers arc llsecl in horizontnl and vertical centrif~
ngnls and deep-well turbines. 01)011 illllw)]ors arc found only in horizontnl and
vertical ccntrifugal pumps. Mixed-llow iml1nllors arn usnd only in (leoll-well
turbines. They mny be of (lithor the enclose(1 or smnienclosod tYIX\s' (Fig. GGA
ancl5GB). Screw- or propdkr-type impellers nrc with shroudH. Tlwy Itre.silllill'Lr
to prOlwllcl's all boats, and thr.il' notion is the Sf'LlnO.
Most horizontal centril'ugal rHllllJ)S for irrigation have sc·mi.mu:loHc·(1 illlpd-
Icrs; somc havc close(l impellers. Closed impellers nrc fO!l1ullllONt:ly in tlw HlOl'P
uXl1cnsivc double-sueHon pumps SlH:l1 as are nsc'd in munieillal1l1ll1111ing plants.
They ::tre also the most Common typn in (leep-well tllrbinC'!t 8i11('(1 tho size of
the im[1Cller in deep-well turbines iH ddinit('ly limit('rl hy tlw dinml'iN' or ill('
well, it sometillles happons that it is not pOHsible to obtain the full nnpac:ity
from a goorl We'll of small diamoter hy a 1111ll'111 with ill1[lC'llm' of tlw e(ll\irirllgal
typo. An inct'enRe in caprrcity is obtainorl hy t.ho 11S0 of a mixd-[[ow illlpnll(!1',
whieh 11rovicles a more dil'cet pHssage for the watl'l' and eOllH('qlwntly mak(IH
it JlllsRihle to ohtain moro wat(11' from It well of given diml1l'i',(,r.
Mixed-How i1l11)('11e1'8 arc usually mud(, with sPll1inJlc:lose(l ViUH'S, as shown in
Fig. 5GB and C. Tho open sidc of tlw imflnller is tm'lwel nW:1ll'lttc>ly 1'0 fit; tho
scat in the bowl of the pump, whinh ali:io is aeeumtoly maehiJl(l(l, Tlw wqmeity
of pumps with s<'l11ioneloserl imllnHrJ'R cnn ho r1eel'r:tHl'd by miRing tIl<' illl)loller
in the event that tho How of the wnll c1rCl'raR(,s. This [Lll.iu~trnr·llt nfI11H('H n
reduction in thfl effteiel1r\y of 1'1](1 pump, but it iR nol; as g!'(~at [lH it, w0111(1 ll(l if
the c::tllacity were rcdlwccl hy throttling thn cliRoharge.
Encloserl impellers of thn centl'ifnglll type have n circular skirl; nttfwlwrl to
tho bottom Rhl'o\l(l which fits into [111 annular spnee in t.he 111HllIl howl nailed
the sealing ring (Fig. 5Gil). Both theRC! SUl'fnr:()R arn :w(\1l1':dnly m:whhwcl :'10
as to obtain n close-running fit beettllS0 tho soal at this ring pl'ovcmts the wnto!'
frolll loa,]cing from thc discharge side of the impeller bllCk to the suctioll side.
Since the difference in pressure is large there is always some leakage, and, if
the water carries sand, the parts wear rapidly. This wearing results in a
considerable part of the water leaking back through the senling ring. When
sand is especially troublesome stainless-steel or hard-bronze rings are fitted

A B a
FIG. 56. Section of two-stage deep-well turbine bowls: A, with impellers of
the centrifugal type; B, with semienclosed impellers of the centrifugal type;
and e, with mixed-flow impellers, a combination of axial-flow aud centrifugal types.
(U.S.D.A. eire. 678.)

to the skirt for the purpose of reducing the wear. At this point a double seal
is sometimes used. This consists of a rubber ring set into the bo,\Tl so that it
is just below the bottom edge of the skirt of the impeller. By lowering the
impeller a small clearance can be maintained even though there is considerable
wear caused by the sand. It is important that sufficient clearance be main-
tainsd so that ths impeller does not rest on the rubber seal ring, lest there be
considerable loss of power clue to the friction and injury to the rubber ring.
Impellers of the centrifugal type produce a high head :per stage, but the
quantity pumped is small. This is the type of impeller used on high-head
installations wllCre the diameter of the well is large cllough to accommo(latc
an impeller of the required diamcter. Mixed-flow impellers produce a medium
head per stage, and screw- or propeller-type impellers produce the smallest
head per stage but the largest discharge. An intermediate-type impeller has
characteristics between the mixed-flow and the propeller-type impeller.
61. Plunger Pumps Sliding pistons closely fitted in airtight cham-
bers, together with suitable automatic valves for controlling SUCtlllll
and discharge, constitute the basic parts of the plunger-type pumps.
The capacity from a single pistoll is determined by the volume of
the chamber, the number of movements of piston pel' unit of time, and
the action of the pump, whether single or double. 'fhe usc of plunger
pumps for il'l'igation purposes in arid regions is restrieteu to Ioealities
in which only s111all amounts of water arc needed and [H'C available at
comparatively great lifts. In humid regillns, plunger lmmps arc popular
for spray irrigation of gardens and small tl'uek farms. When the
pumps are used for surface water supplit~s, the piston moves in a
horizontal direction. These pumps are usually driven by eleecl'ic motor:;
or gas engines. A survey in New .r ersey ShOWfi tlw ~wernge size of
gas engine for plunger pumps to be G% hp anel the average capacity
of each pump to be 85 gpm. When tho pistons and valves arc in good
condition plunger pumps have high efficiencies. If they nre used to
pump wator containing large amounts of silt, and saud, the moving
parts are subject to excessive wear and must be inHlleeted rogularly
and kept in good condition to avoid low efficiencies.
62. Combustion Engille Fuels and Costs Vnrinmt t.ypos of fuol aro
available for intc1'l1al-eombustion cngines. S()Ule enginnH Inny bo
adaptcd to operate on severnl types of fud. Tlw [ll'ineipnl ones
are gasoline, kerosene, tractor fuel, dis(.illate, nntmai gas, nntl liquid
gas. Costs of these fuels vary consi(lcmbly, rlq)()lHling on the loonLinn
of the source of supply with refercuoe to the lltunpillg plnnt, fl'(!ight
rates, and taxes. The kind of fuel that is mORt; l'(lollomieal <10,11(111(ls
on its cost and the power Pl'o<\u(',l'd pcr unit ()f fnt'L, and on til(! ('ost
of thc type of engine required. Distillato is low in prien amI til(' f\l(~l
consumption of Diesel cngines is low, but the CORt of H Dio:-wl ongine
is more than twicc that of ~L gasoline or nat,uml-gas engiucl of equnl
The amount of fuel consumed per horsepower-hom by an nngino in
good condition and propcl' adjustment depcnds on the kind of fuel,
the altitude, thc temperature, and the speed, and on whether 01' not
the engine is fully loaded. The consumption of different kinds of fuel
per hrRke horsopower-hour at sea level when the air temp01'ntlll'C' is
60° F and when the engine is completely equipped and fully loaded
is set out in Table 13. The fuels listed are mixtures of hydrocarbons
in some cases of widely varying composition. Consequently, it is
important to note that the values given for their properties are based


I-Ie!1ting Valne
Den- Fuel Required per
Fuel per
sity Per Brake IIp-lIr
Gal Per Lb
Ou Ft
Lb °B Btu Btu Lb Gal Cu Ft
--. --
Gasoline 6.0-0.3 59 20,750± ..... 0.00-0.64 0.10 . ...
Kerosene 6.8 41 10,800 ..... 0.72-0.75 0.09 .., .
Distillate tractor fuel 7.0 37 19,700 ..... 0.72-0.75 0.095 .. . ~

Fuel oil 7.0-7.G 24-27 19,300± ..... 0.48-0.50 0.07 ,_ ..

BuLane (liquid) 4.7-·1.8 115 21,OOO± '" .. 0.41-0.51 0.10 .. "
Butane (gas) .... . ... , .... 3,200± '" .. L •••• 3.0
Natural gila , .... '" . ... . 950-1,150 . .... - .... 12.5
Manufactured gas .... . . ... .... 500-800 .. . ,- . , ... 15.0
on tests of new engines under laboratory conditions and may vary
considerably. For field installations they should probably be increased
by at least 10 percent.
The power developed by an electric-ignition internal-combustion en-
gine decreases about 3 percent for each 1000 ft rise in elevation above
sea level and about 1 percent for each 10° F rise in temperature above
60 0 F. By installing high-compression pistons or cylinder heads, a por-
tion of the loss clue to altitude can be regained. If air temperatures over
110° F are encountered, provision should be made for cooling the intake
manifold. Fuel consumption per brake horsepower increases slightly as
the engine speed increases above a certain point, but the power increases
almost in direct proportion to the speed. For this reason it is generally
desirable, in order to get the additional power, to disrcgard the slight
increase in fuel consumption. Fuel consumption per brake horsepower-
hour increases if the engine is not fully loaded. It is not customary
to load the engine above 80 percent of its maximum horsepower for
continuous operation. If the engine is loaded to only a small proportion
of the rated horsepower for the speed, the fuel consumption will be
considerably increased. Under these conditions it will be more ec'O-
nomical to reduce the engine speed until the propel' horsepower is
developed. By changing the pulleys the proper pump speed can be
To compare the fuel cost per bralee horsepower-hour for different
kinds of fuel, the fuel consumption shown in Table 13 fllr the specified
fuels should be multiplied by the cost of t.he fuel. Whichever gives the
lowest value will be the most economical from the standpoint of C011-
sumption. Other factors, howevpJ', sueh as first eost of equipment,
clepreciation, or ease of handling, ELlso influence the cost of operation,
as shown in Table 14.

63. Electric Service Schedules and Costs Po"wor cmnl1ftnioR usually

base charges for eleeLrio service in pmt on Uw lllHXilllUlll demund of
the e0118UmCl', regardless of the Clwrp;y consmnl'ti, atlll in purt on tIll'
l':nergy actually used. The purpose of tlw power C'Olupany is to on-
(Journge consumers to avoid high ell'mal\(Is fo!' eleetrieity ovcr short
periods of timc and to get them to strive to usc POWCl' as mnny hoUl'~
per clay and days pel' lllouth ns the conrliLions may justify. Considera-
tion of a typical power-l'ate selwdulc will elnrify L]JU lnw energy cost~
of low demand and continuous use, fiS COlllj)lU'erl to high energy oosL~
resulting from high demand and short-time usc.
An irrigation service sehedule* provides a monthly IHIWE'l' charge oj'
$1.50 per lew for the first 100 lew of clemand Hnd $l.()() pOl' kw for nll
additional kilowntts of demand, which ineIudes nil kw-I1I'. Tlw mOlltldy
charge for lew-hr used by the motor is then n(lded to the l1:1Onthly
demand charge, on the following ~tep rate:
l.5¢ pOl" kw-hr firl'll. 100 kw-hl' j1t:1" lew of dt:nllmd
o.n¢ pel" kw-hl" next 5,000 kw-hr
O.V¢ jWI' lew-hI' next 20,000 kw-hr
0.4¢ per lew-hl" all ali(lit.iullai kw-hl'

Most irl'ip;ation installations are of a ]wl'manont nature. Usually, the

irrigator signs a lO-yl' eOllLr:wt fll!' sel'vi(:(~ whi(,lt (:ntitleK !tim to H
5 j)ereent term dis('.ollnt on his mlluthly POW(~]" hill. Abo, wilen the
irrigator makes his original permanent installation, hn illnllllkR the
transformers with his pump Hll(l moLD]' installatilln, wliinh J"mther
entitles him to it diseoull t on his monthly (lowe!' bill, tlS f(lll()\\"~:
20¢ P(,I' kw for firR!. 100 lew of (imn!tlHi, and
10¢ 1)(:1' kw fo1' nil lulditimliLl kw of Ilmllilnd

Tbc service snhNluJe used in theRO ilhmtmLiolls of njcntrio energy (:w;I,,~ is the
Utah PnwCl" &: Light Co. Irrigatioll mld. Hoi! Dl'aillllgo PUlllPing, J'OW()I" Nervice
Schodn\p 24, whidl bellame offective in the SLute of Utnh, April 1, 1048,
Example 1
A lD-hp motor (using a measured demand of 8 kw, for instance) would have a
monthly demand charge, whether or not the pump actually runs, provided it was
connected to the utilities lines and held in readiness to operate. If the irrigo,tor
runs his pump only a few hours per month, for instance 40 hr, the monthly cost
would be:
8 kw @ $1.50 per kw $12.00
320 kw-hr @ 1.5c per kw-hr $'1.80
Gross charge 16.80
Less term discount, 5% 0.84
Less voltage discount, 8 kw @ 200 1.60
Net monthly cost 14.36
Average cost per kw-hr = $14.36/320 "" 4.45 cents
If the irrigator nlUS the same pump continuously for 30 days, 24 hI' each day,
t.hen 720 hI' use of the 8 kw demand equals 5760 bv-hr, and his monthly clw.rge
would be:
8 lew @ $1.50 per lew $12.00
800 kw-hr @ 1.5c per kw-hr $12.00
"l!J60 kw-hr @ O. 9c per kw-hl' 44.64
Gross charge 68.64
Less term discount, 5% 3.43
Less voltage discount, 8 kw @ 20c 1.60
Net monthly cost 63.61
Awrage cost per kw-hr = $63.61/5760 = 1.1 cents
Thus by operating his 10-hp motor 720 hI' per month, instead of only 40 hr, the
irrigator reduces the unit cost of electricity from 4.45 cents to 1.1 cents per kw-hr,
a reduction of 75 percent.
Example 2 ,
For a 200-hp motor, if it runs 40 hr (using a measured demand of 160 kw), the
monthly r:luLrge would be:
100 kw @ $1. 50 per kw $150.00
60 lew @ $1 .00 per lew ::;, 60.00
6400 lew-hr @ 1.5c per lew-hI' '" $96,00
Gross charge 306.00
Less term discount, 5% 15.30
Less voltage discount
200 for first 100 kw 20.00
10e for next 60 kw 6.00
Net monthly charge 264.70
Average cost per lew-hI' '" $264.70/6400 '" 4.14 cents
If the irrigator rutls tho samo 200-hp motor with It me!lslu'ed demand of 160
lew continuously for 30 days, 24 hI' each day, then 720 hi' usc equals 115,200 lew-hI',
ILnd his monthly charge would be:
100 lew @ $1 .50 per lew $150.00
60 lew @ $1.00 per lew GO.OO
10,000 lew-hI' @ lY2(J pel' leW-Ill' $2,10.00
5,000 kw-hr @ O. \)0 per lew-hI' 45.00
20,000 kw-lll' @ O. Go pet· lew-hI' 120.00
74,200 kw-hr @ 0.4e pOI' lew-hI' 2!){j.80
Gross eharge !ll!. 80
Loss term discount, 5 % 4.5.50
Less vol tllge diseollll t
20(l for iirst 100 lew 20.00
10c for next 60 lew G. 00
Net monthly ehnrge 8,10.21
Average cost per kw-hr = $8-10,21/1.1.5,200 = 0.73 cout
ThuH by opemting his 200-hI> moLol' 720 hi' per llHIHLh., illOlLc)fI(1 (If only '.10 hI',
the irrigator reduces the unit (!(JHt of u\cc:LrieiLY hom 4.1<1 cents 1.0 0,7:) ceIlL IHH'
kw-11l', or a reduction of 82.5 pCl'l:ent,
A farmer cannot as a rulo use irrigation water (!olltinnolisly to
advantage. 'rhe advantages in the use of large struams obtained by
htrge motors and pumps pa.rtly compensate the il'l'igatm for higher
costs for electricity, On the other hand, it is frequently advantageous,
where electricity is used for pumping, to provide smull reservoirs in
which to store the water during the night, thus mliking it possible to
irrigatc with a strcam npproximately twice the size of the pump

64. Irrigation Pumping Costs In order to estimate the costs of

irrigation water obtained by pumping, and to compare these costs with
the costs of water from gravity systems, it. is customary to compute all
pumping costs in terms of the volume of water delivered annually t.o
the irrigated farm. The factors that determine tlw annual costs of
pumped water are:
fL.Interest. on capital invest.ed in plant, Le., on fll'st cost.
b. Taxcs 011 plant.
c. Depreciation on pumping machinery and on housing.
d. Fuel or power and lubricating oils.
e. Attendance.
The application of those several factors in arriving at the CORt of water
obtained by pumping is most clearly presented by working (Jut typical

examples. Two examples have been presented by Code for modern

plants designated A and B. Well B cost considerably more than well A,
and the pump at well B has the higher efficiency,
Plant A well is 14 in. in diameter and 139 ft deep, the depth of water
table being 56 ft. While pumping 2.5 cfs the lift is 77 ft. A turbine
pump is driven by a 50-hp high-speed Diesel engine. The costs of 1935
season for pumping 503 acre-feet are presented in Table 14, plant A.
Plant B well is 48 in. in diameter and 66 it deep. The water stands
at 30 ft normally, and while pumping 2.0 cfs the lift is 55 ft. The
equipment consists of a turbine pump direct-driven by a 15-hp motor.
The over-all efficiency on test was 65 percent. Thc costs for the season
1935 in pumping 410 acre-feet are presented in Table 14.
Pumping costs during recent years have increased substantially,
but the data of Table 14 illustrate how to determine total costs even
with wide variations in unit costs.
In Utah, the customary irrigation company organization is the
mutual stock company. One share of stock in many of the companies
supplies enough water to irrigate I acre of land, from 2 to 3 acre-feet
delivered to the farm. Fifty dollars is a common value of stock per
share, and $1.50 pel' share is a common annual stock assessment. On
these bases, the annual 'cost per acre-foot is computed thus:
Interest on $50.00 @ 6% $3.00
Annual stock assessment (irrigation company
water stock is not taxed in Utah) 1.50
Total $4.50

Average volume of water delivered = 2.5 acre-feet

Cost per acre-foot ;: $4.50/2.5 = $1.80
A complete or detailed consideration of costs of irrigation water is
not within the purpose of this volume, and the above computations are
given only for the purpose of illustrating methods of comparisons of
cost of water 'Obtained by pumping from wells and water obtained
from typical gravity canals.
65. Water Supplies for Irrigation Pumping In the western United
States, ground waters form the major source of water supply for small
irrigation pumping plants. The methods of drilling and developing wells
to obtain ground water are briefly considered in Articles 66 and 70.
In some places the costs of conveying surface water to the farms
that need it are greater than the costs of pumping from nearby water
supplies. The result is that small pumping plants are used to obtain
irrigation water from rivers, canals, ponds, lakes, and other surface
sources. A noteworthy example of the use of surface water in iniga-
Cml'I' Er,BMEN'l'S lIOR Two MODlilHN I'uMPINa PI,AN'l'S

(Colo. A(Jr. Ih:p. Sta. Bltl. 433)

Plant A.
Cost; of Plant.:
Well $ GOO.OO
Pump 8'10.00
Engine (installed) 11)\)().OO
Shelter 75.00

Fixed Charges:
Intorost; on $3505.00 @ 5% $175.25
Taxes estimated 50.00
Depreciation on Gngine 12% 218.88
Depreciation on pump 8% 07.20
Depreeiation on weIland shelter 3% 20.25
$031. 58 $oBI.liS

Opemting Cost.:
F neI { 470 gal - @ 7~Cl} $·178.08
5714 gal @ 7';e
Dist.illtLte, 30 gill @ 8e 2.110
Lubl'ieatillg oil, 11)5 gILl (iD (jue 120.71i
OthOl' oils !Lud grollHos 18.01
SlLlos ttLX (Ill :.Lbovc @ 2% 12.42
Enginc l'epnirs, Itntieipl1llHl 1iI111unlly lOO.OO
PlllllP ropail·s, llllticipn{'ccl nIlnually 21i.OO
AttclldltIlCO, 250 hI' @ 35c 87./jO
$iH!i. O(i $ iWi. (Hi
$1(m. (j·t

Total cost. pOl' :tern-foo!; $2.7·'

Total (l(}~!; [1m n(~]'()-f()ot-f()ol; o.o:\n
Operating enst JJOI' :ww-fo()t 1.08
Operating c()::;l pm Iw!'e-[ool-[()()I, 0.022
Op~rating time 2'.187 hI'

Plant n
COAt of Plant:
Well $101i(i.OO
PUluP and motor 1150.00
Sh(1lt,ol' 50.00
TABLE 14 (Concluded)
Fixed Charges:
Interest on $2256.00 @ 5% $112.80
Taxes estimated 30.00
Depreciation on pump and motor 92.00
Depreciation on well and shelter 32.88
$267.68 $267.68
Opern,ting Cost:
Electric current, 35,374 kw-hr $578.75
Lubricating oil 2.00
Anticipated pump repairs, annually 25.00
Attendance estimated 20.00
$625.75 $625.75
Total cost per acre-foot $2.18
Total cost per acre-foot-foot 0.040
Operating cost per acre-foot 1.53
Operating cost per acre-foot-foot 0.028
Operating time, approximately 2500 hr
tion pumping is briefly described herewith. More than 50 farmers in
Cache Valley, which lies in northern Utah and southern Idaho, obtain
water for irrigation by pumping from the Bear River. A valuable
feature about the Bear River water supply is the assurance of an
adequate quantity of water by the power company that supplies
electrical energy for pumping. The power company, by installing a
very large pumping plant at the outlet of Bear Lake, uses Bear Lake
as a storage reservoir to equalize the river flow for power purposes.
After being pumped out of the lake, the stored water is commingled
with the natural flow of the Bear River that generates electrical
power at three points on the river before it reaches Cache Valley.
Pumping water from the river in Cache Valley for irrigation purposes
supplies a favorable market for power, and, since the quantity of
water pumped by the irrigators is small as compared to the total
quantity in the river, the practice of irrigation pumping is encouraged
by the power company. This source of water for pumping is economical,
satisfactory, and reliable. The pumped water that is not consumed in
the production of crops returns to the river and is used to generate
power at a plant a few miles downstream from Cache Valley. The
major crops produced with the pumped water are alfalfa, sugar beets,
and the grain crops, wheat, oats, and barley.
66. Ground Waters Ground waters constitute a very important
source of water for irrigation. Pumping from wells for irrigation is
practiced to a considerable extent in the oldor irrigated countries,
notably Egypt and Inelia. Pumping from wells is also prndiced to
some extent in nearly all the arid states of the West.

Status Under
Present Development
RolAtively no nmjor---- Continontal Divioo
• changos in wator

IIIIIlIIII Relalively dootining ••••_- Majol' d r a ina g 0

- watel' tnbl. f,aRin
~ Ito]ntivo]y ri si n g - Sllh<livi.ion or major
~ wnull' tublo dmillllgc ""Hin

!i'IG. 57. GoncraIIP'ouud-wal,lll' hnsills in tho L7 Wt!Hj,(ll'll H(,nj",os. (U.S.D.A. MI.qn.

PIli). 50'L)

The locations of gl'Ollllll-wntol' basins ill Ilw ] 7 wC'st',el'll stILtes aro

shown in Fig. 57.
The OfIice of Land Usc Coordination, United Stutos Ikrmrtnwnt of
Agl'ieulLul'c, estimnted that about, 10 pern(mt of tll(! i),l'.igntod land
in the United States received all its wat.ur frolll gl'()\lll(!-watol' sonr(\n~
and another 10 porcent received pnl'ii of its stlpply frol)) gl'Oll1ld watcr,
In 1920 ncarly 35,000 il'l'iguLion wells WOl'e used; in 1930 tho munbCl'
WHS 58,000; and in 1940 it was 79,000.
As indicated in Fig. 57, in some of the ground-water basins, up to
1942, the water table declined as the result of pumping; in others
there was no major chHnge; and in a few the water table rose during
the period of records. It is cssential always to avoid overexpansion
of irrigated areas that may be followed by serious water shortages
during periods of low prccillita tion. Special caution against over-
riovelopment is necessary in the use of ground water for irrigation.
Undue lowCl·jng of tIle ground-water surface results in higher lifts
and sometimes in prohibitive lltllnping costs. If pumping is excessive
when horizontal-shaft pumps that depend on suction lifts are used, it
may become necessary to deepen pump pits and lower the pumps in
oreler to obtain sufficiont qmmtities of water.
The extent of irrigation pumping from ground-water supplies
should therefore be dotermined on the basis of thorough, long~time
investigations of the qtutntity of annual inflow 01' recharge to the
ground-watcr streams, basins, or l'escl'voirs. Individual irrigntors as
a rule Imve neithor time nor funds essential to such investigations,
which musli therefore be conducted by public agencies.
Landowners and their ongineers can make essential decisions eon~
eerning development of ground-water supplies for irrigation after
checking lC yes" 01' "no" on twclve important points, listed in the
Yes No Yes No
A. AVI~i1n,bi1it.y, quality, and 7. Is development in the
dop!;h of wnl;PJ': area likely to bring
about wit,hdrawals of
1. Is IL plentiful Hl.]pply of wat.er in excess of the
watol' !wailablo? 0 0 natural recharge? 0 0
2. Is ILVI1i1nble water of the C. Legnl or natural proteetion:
l'ight quality !;o pOJ'mii; 8. Do the statutes or court
pror]udioll of tho !In- decisions provide legal
sired el'ops? 0 0 01' administrative pro-
tection in you]' area
3. Is wat~r nv!tilable nt, It against depletion of
d(lpth that will p~)l'mit water supplies, 0]' 0 0
oconomillai pumping? IJ 0
9. Is the area protected
against overexpansion
B. Trcml of the wate]' Lable:
and depletion by "natu-
4. Iil tho watel' t,ablc ral" controls? 0 0
stahle? 0 0 D. Cost of operation:
5. Is it rising? 0 0 10. Will the prospective
production under irri-
6. Is iii declining'? [] [] gntioll bring enough
Yes No Yes No
returns to pay the in- from the standpoint of
creased costs of irriga- contour, productivity,
tion farming? 0 0 water-holding ability'? 0 0
E, Land requirements: 12. Is tllll land suitable for
11. Is the land physically the types of crops to be
suitable fm' irrigation produced? 0 0
Tho feasibility of checking the above puintij with :·mtiRfnctory
decisions of "yes" or "no" depends on the results of investigations in
which bhe public is vitally interested.

67, Wells and Casing For small quantities of irrigation watcr, wells
arc sorneLimes dug by hand methods nnd lined oWwr with lumbor,
cOllcrete, bride, or stone masonry. In general, however, irrigatioll wells
are drilled or bored by ll10elmnical uwthodB, using gl1Bo1ine engines or
other portable power equipment. Rohwer groups the different methods
of drilling wells into:
Driven wells Standard mot11ml
Dug wells California or stovepipe uwt,ho(l (mm!-Heow
Largo pits Sand-pump and orange-Jlopl-lntekut mnthods
Borer! wells Hydmulic rotary method
Drilled wells Now hyclmu!ic rotnry method
Mechanical methods of well drilling have the nclvnntfLge of permitting
the work to proeued in water, whereas some hand-(lug wells require
special provision to rcmove the wEtter from tho wells as the digging
proceeds. The mechanical methods arc especially advantageous where
it is essential to make wells of considerable depth in order to get n
sufficient quantity of water. A typical driven well with modern drive
plant and screen is shown in Fig. 58, 'Veils of this type ure low ill
first cosb. In favorable sand formations they Hre useful and effinient
both for irrigation unci for drainage. Drilled irrigation wells as It
rule range in diameter from 6 to 40 in. with the lal'gest number 16 to
20 in. These wells arc lined with sheet-metal cnsing, the thickness of
which increases as the diameter nnd depth of the well increases as
shown in Table 15. For example, It 16-gage cnsing having thickness of
0.0625 in. is recommended for 8-in. diameter wells noi; deeper than
70 H; whereas IO-gage casing 0.14 in. thiek is considered necessary fol'
36-in.-diameter wells only 20 ft deep if reinfol'chlg boards are not
If it is desired to use a horizontal-shaft pump it is essential to rlig a
pit of sufficient depth to place the pump on an elevation within suction
distance of the water while pumping. A combination of a drilled
well together with a pump pit and a centrifugal pump direct-connected
to a. horizontal-shaft motor used at the University of Arizona is
illustrated in Fig. 59. A typical deep well with a turbine pump in-
stalled is shown in Fig. 60. The pump bowls are below the water
level while pumping. A vertical-
shaft motor also direct-connected
to the pump is placed above the
ground surface. During pumping,
water flows through perforations
in the casing, commonly made
after the well is drilled and the
casing is placed. Great care must
be exercised to assure adequate
perforations of the casing without Bored hole
causing danger of collapse of pipe.
As yet there seems to be no definite
agreement among engineers as to
the ratio of the total cross-section
area of perforations to cross-sec-
tion area of the well casing, Water- bearing grave I
although all agree that adequate
perforating is essential to guard
against excessive loss of mechani-
cal energy as the water flows into
the well. An example of perforat-
ing before the casing is placed in
tl1'e well is presented in Fig. 61.

68. Developing Wells The per-

meability of soils, sands, and FIG. 58. Cross section of a driven well
gravels increases rapidly with the with modern drive point and screen.
increase in diameter of particles, (U.S,D.A. eire. 546.)
as stated in Chapter 10, It is
therefore important that the fine particles outside the well casing be
drawn into the well and brought to the surface either by pumping
or by means of a sand bucket, The process of removing silts, sand,
and very fine gravel so as to facilitate the flow of water into the
weU is known as "developing the well." Most experienced drillers
understand the importance of this work, and some have developed
ingenious methods of washing and jetting with water and with COID-


Cluff H'~J 7.1'abe,</, S'!ns/dtJ

t://omolofj /in(!ut with \J It
of reinforcfl(/ cMere!e

Water LeWl'1 -

-""'. ··"'1
S'Mllrkrs {llllJ'd I(l tlMIIIIti'

FIG. 59. A dircct-collllcetod jlumping ulliL ill 11 eombined piL IIlld drillod well.
(Univ. of ill'izona A[/I'. E:l:p. Sta. Hul. UU.)
pressed air in order to accomplish this result. One method is to
plunge a sand bucket up and down near the perforation, thus drawing
water into the well; another is to vary the discharge of the pump and

starting box

Solid cad iron casing

above water table ----+;~

Concrefe plug

Section-typical Direct-connected
bow! assembly
motor-driven turbine
irrigation pump
FIG. 60. Diagram of deep-well and turbine pump installation. ("First Aid for the
Farmer," U.S.D.A. Misc. Pub. 624.)

thus cause pulsations in flow either by changing the pump speed or by

regulating the discharge with valves. Development of the well is
highly important to economical pumping of water for irrigation and
should never be neglected. Sometimes the yield of a well at a given
draw down may be doubled or trebled by proper developing.

FIG. HI.. PCl't'ol'l1;ling 1'1-in. wdl (\tuoing with [l,ol\(.yhmc torch. 1'11(\ sectiolls of
cusing 111'0 welded Logotllllr IL~ tll(J,Y Ul'c) put. into the woll. (U.S.D.A. eire. 54G.)


U. S. Stanultl'd Gllgo (Colo. A {II'. EXT). Sta. Bul. 415)

.. ----~ ... -~-----

Depth Dilllll(ltl1l' of Wolt CIIHin~. in.


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ._ . - --
10 12 14 10 18 20 2-1 2(1

._ -- -- .-- - - -- .,,-- _- -- --- ._ -- -- -- --

:JO an 42'" 4H* fH*

(l(J~ O(l'" 72'"
-_ -

20 HI
til HI HI HI H 1-\
1(\12 10 til III 101 12 12 10
30 HI 10 H\ 1\\ H\ Jot l-l t<l lot 12 l() 11) H 12 12 10 10
40 l(j 1(\ !II 10 J0l- lA l-l 14 12 12 10 1·1 14 12 10 10 10
50 lfl HI 1(\ 14 1<1 1.01 I-I 12 12 12 1Il 14 l<1 12 10 10 10
(10 Ifi W [ol H 1-1 1-1 I-I 12 12 10 10 12 12 11) 10
70 1(\ 101 1-1 11 11 101 12 12 III 10 10 12 12 10
80 1>1 1-1 Jol 101 101 12 12 111 10 10 10 12 12
l'i 1-\ 14 H

-- -- ._ -_ -- -- -- -- --
11 10111 10 101
12 10
_- _- -- -- -- -- -- -,

-- -- -- -- _- -- -- ---- --
Band thiok-
I I ~ i i iI iI i iI i iI ! ~ ! ~ t
nCHR, tin.

-- -- -- ---- ---
width.t ill.
1 1 11 1~ n l} 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 I) 5 5

* R()illf()rcin~ bt\t\(lH pltlC(ld on inflide 01 Ol\sing o.t a-ft intQl'v"ls Ittld on tho out"irle "t top and bottom;
t 'rhickn""" ntHl width of top lllltl bott.mll l'tlinfOl'oillg ImntlH IImt illtlll'llHltlitlt" bt\nd~ for ouaing oyO~
12 iI), in tli(IJlletcl'. GII~O thiolm(~BS 01 cUBhl~ to bl) thQ Stlmo fOl' bl\u QIItil'o depth of WQll.
69. Water Yield of Wells The size of stream of water obtained for
irrigation from a well with 8, pumping plant is determined by one or
both of two major factors, namely: (a) the capacity of the pump
and the horsepower of the motor or engine; and (b) the capacity 0 f
the well, which depends on the slope of the drawdown curve of the
water surface, or pressures, the depth and effective diameter of the
well, and the permeability of the water-bearing materiaL Pump
Ground surface "'"

j">-2 p' lJ-H=depth

I . to water
2 P"'dlameter of well
C ,
a b


FIG. 02. Vertical cross section of [1 typical irrigation well in a nOll-artesian forma-
tion. (Not to scale.) (U.B.D.A. eire. 546.)

capacities and horsepower requirements to lift given quantities of water

through specified heights are well understood and may be predicted
within fair precision. It is far more difficult to predict the horsepower
requirement to drive a specified quantity of water from the water-
bearing sands or gravels into the well, because this involves uncertain
permeability of the sands and gravels through which the water flows.
70. Well Discharge A typical section in a vertical plane through the
axis of an irrigation well in free or unconfined ground water (non-
artesian water) is presented in Fig, 62. For steady flow into the well,
q = avo Select, for example, a eylinder of vertical axis having radius
1" and height h'. The area of this cylinder is 27rr'h'. The velocity of flow
toward t.he well, accord.ing to the Darcy law, when k is the perme~
ability, is
v == Te-
and therc:fore the quantity of radial flow toward the well is
I I dh
Separating the vadables and integrating this differential equation
between the limits of rand R in the horizontal plane and h and II
in the vertical plane, the result, is:

7f'k(ll + It) ell - k)
2,3 IOgIO Rlr
If the drnwdown (II - h) causl~d by pumping is Blllnll, cOlllll!tl'Ctl
to the depth of the well, H, below the water surface, then (II + h) is


14 -_ --~ - - - I - - I - - f - + - I +-___f----I

£c 10 I--I---I--I--.__jl---+

~ 8 1----1--1--
3: 6
~ 41----1--


200 400 600 800 1000

Discharge per minu-re (gal)

FIG, 63. TypiclII disnhul'ge drawdowll relatioIl of H wol! ill it (,liill wa(.ol'-I,Clltl'illg
and on() in II tldt<lc 1V1!t.or-li(!nring fOl'llWt:ioll 01' 1111 1L1'i,clHi1l1l NIl·III,lIm.
(a.S.D.A. Gin,. 678.)

equal apPl'oximntely to 21I. For tlWi'lt\ (\ouditiollS, two illlpOl't:mt lind

fundamental fnets nrc ~llOwn by oqu[ILiclll 2G:
1. That, for any given cll'll,wdoWll nnd PUJ'llllH1.ilility, tIl(! qlUI)lLiLy of
flow is s'U,bstant'ially clil'eetly proportional to the dTueLivl~ depth of Lhe
well or tho depth, Ii, below the stHtie gl'ound-wntol' SUl'fiL<W.
2. That increasing the dimneter of the weU (21') bas 1111.wh luss e[fent
because tho quantity varies with the logarithm of the diametel'.
To illustrate the signiiicnnc() of tlwHtl important fILets, doubling t,jw
effective depth, H, uf a G-in. well will double HB discllftl'gr, 111'uvi<lo<1
there is no interference from other nemby wells, wlwrul\s doubling its
c!iamcter will increase the discharge only 10 percent lind inereasing
tho diameter 4 times will inel'()[lso the diseharge less than one-fourth.

71. Drawdown-Discharge Relations In pumping from thick uncon-
fined water-bearing formations, or from confined ground water or
artesian formations, the discharge is directly proportional to the draw-
clown as shown in Fig. 63, provided that there is no interferencc from
the pumping of other wells in close proximity. Shallow unconfined

FIG. 65. Pumping installation in the San Hamoll wuJnut orchard. Tho woll is
554 It deep. (Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)

water-bearing formations sustain n gradual clecrea~o in well discharge

per foot of cil'awdown as the drawc[owll ineroases. This rehLtiol1 is
shown in the upper curve of Fig. 63. Dncler conditions of rathcr
h0111ogeneous wll.ter-bel1l'il1g sands anel gravels, water flows, in general,
radially toward the well through a series of concentric eylinrll'itml
surfaces having the well as vertical axis. Therefore, for constant yield,
as the water approaches tho well its velocity must increnso because
the cross-section area through which it flows is continuously cleercasing.
Consequently the hydraulic slope (driving force l)e1' unit woight) must,
increase as the water appronc:hes the well, and the drnwdown curve
becomes steeper as the well is approached. Where the cnpneity of the
pump exceeds the capacity of the well, tho 'drawc!own is excessivo in
the immediate vicinity of the well. It is therefore desirable, if prac-
tical, to provide a large "effective" diameter of well to avoid excessive
drawdown (and power requirements) in order to drive the water into
the well.

FIQ. 66. A pump insta,lllltion where the water is pumped- 2 ft higher than need be.
The stilling basin with three baffles is very effective. (Courtesy Soil Conservation

72. Battery of Wells In places where the water~bearing materials

have low permeability it is sometimes advantageous to draw water
with one pump from two or more wells. This practice is illustrated in
Fig. 64, in which one hOl'izontal~shaft pump draws water from three
wells at the same time. The most economical spacing of wells, where
two or more are constructed to supply one pump, is a problem to be
given thorough scientific study. Wells should be far enough apart to
reduce interference to the minimum.
73. Typical Irrigation Wells A modern electric-driven pump is
illustrated in Fig. 65. From this well water may be pumped direct to
the ditch near tho well when the gate valve is open as indicated in
the figure. 'When the operator closes the gate valve water is conveyed
from the pump through a concrete pipe line 4300 ft long to the upper
end of the orchard.
A typical pumping plant is illustrated in Fig. 66, which shows that
water is pumped 2 ft higher than necessary. To saVe power costs it is
impol't:.mt to deliver the water to tho sllrface of the lane! and no
higher. Figure 66 illustrates typical baffles to reduce velocity of the
pump WH,ter before it is delivered to the unlined distributing ditch
un the farm.
Irrigation Methods
Irrigation water is applied to land in four general methods, namely:
(a) flooding the surface; (b) in furrows, thus wetting only part of the
ground surface; (c) sub-irrigation, in which the surface is wetted little
if any; and (d) sprinkling, in which thfl soil surface is wetted much
as it is by rainfall.
These methods are further subdivided as indicated below and as
l:onsidered in the following articles.
(a) Flooding:
1. From field ditches.
2. Borclcr.
3. Check.
4. Basin.
(b) Furrow:
5. Large deep furrows for snch cultivated crops as potatoes, corn, and
aspamguK, and for orch:uds.
6. Cormgations or small shallow furrows for grains, alfalfa, and sugar
(c) Sub-Irl'iga tion:
7. Controlled by httoral supply ditches.
8. Uncontrolled by excess application of water to higher lands.
(d) Sprinkling:
fl. Pipe distribution system.
10. Circular system.

Irrigation methods vary in different parts of the country and on

different farms within a community because of differences in soil,
tOllography, water supply, crops, and customs. Forage crops such as
alfalfa, clover, hay, and pastures in some areas are irrigated by use of
corrugations. Flooding methods of irrigation are suitable for forage
crops, bordcr strips, contour ditches, and basins. Row crops are ir-
rigated by furrows and borders. Anyone or a combination of several
methods may be best suited to one farm, as illustrated in Fig. 67.


( f~ ~

74. Primitive and Modern Flooding In the early irrigation of cen-
turies past, throughout Asia and southern Europe, water was appliccl
by flooding extensive areas of rather smooth, flat land. In Egypt,.
cspecially, the flooding method was of general adoption, the water
being forced to spread over vast tracts, during the season of high
stream flow.
In m6dem American irrigation, several improved flooding methods
have been developed. Brief descriptions of these methods are given in
the following paragraphs.
75. Ordinary Flooding from Field Ditches Where water is applied'
from field ditches without any levees to guide its flow, or otherwise
restrict its movement, the method is designated ordinary flooding. It
is practiced largely in the Rocky Mountain states, particularly in the·
places where irrigation water is abundant and inexpensive.
In some flooding methods, the storage cal)acity of the soil for
available soil moisture should be satisfied by water percolating into
the upper few feet of soil during the time it is flowing over the land
surface. If the water is made to· flow over too quickly, an insufficient
amount will percolate into the soil. On the other han·d, if it is kept
on the surface too long, wasto will result from percolation into the
deep subsoil, gravels, or water table. It is an important and difficult
problem to balance the application of water in the flooding methods so
as to attain a high efficiency in its application. The size of stream
used, the depth of water as it fImvs over the surface, and the rate of
infiltration of the water into the soil; all influence this balance in the
application of water, as is shown more fully in Artieles 77 and 78.
In ordinary flooding, much depends on the smoothness of the land
surfaee, the proper size of irrigation stream, and the attention and
skill of the irrigator, but it is difficult with this method to attain high
effieieney in irrigation. The water is brought to the field in permanent
supply elitehes and distributed from ditches built across the field
spaced from 50 to 150 ft apart, depending on the grade of the land,
the texture and depth of the soil, the size of stream, and the nature
of the crop. The distances between the diversions from ditches down
the steepest slope are similarly determined.
Flooding from field ditches is well adapted to some lands that
have such irregular surfaces that the other flooding methods are im-
possible. However, even on lands that may advantageously be irrigated
by the other flooding methods, irrig~tors continue to use the ordinary
one because of the low initial cost of preparation of land for this
mcthorl. The extra labor cost in the application of water and the
greater losses of water by surface runoff and deep percolation usmtlly
offset the apparent advantages of low initial cost of preparation of
Where land, water, 01' lttbor is expensive, where soil is deep and not
likely to crust badly, and where the land is not too rough or steep, it is
generally advisable to prepare for controlled fluoding in border strips
or level 01' contour basins.

76. Border-Strip Flooding Dividing the farm into a number of i

strips, preferably not over 30 to 60 it wide and 330 to 1320 it long,
scparntecl by low levees or borders, is designated the border-strip
method. Water is turlled frolll the supply ditch into these strips along
which it flows slowly toward the lower end, wetting the soil as it
Figure GSA shows the farm lot 74 of the California Stato Durham
Colony before it was pn~pal'ecl for irrigation. The eon toms indieate that
Lhe highest lamI is on the north bOl'clel' in the west half of the tl'net.
In pl'l~puring the tract for irrigation by tho b{)rder~strill method the
ftgriculturnl ongineol'H dividerl it, in(Jll three finlcls (ts shuwn in Fig. (iSB.
The border strips in onch field are 40 it wide. In tlw west fiddH Llwy
[Ire 470 ft long; and in the eftAt field, hecnuRO of Ute irregular ]loHiLiun
of the storm channels, the border strips vary in length from a minimum
of approximately 150 it. to 11 maximum of nemly 500 ft. While i1'l'igat-
ing the west two fields, tho 'water flows from north to slluth, and in tlw
cast field it flows in two dircetiolls, as inclicato(1 hy the position of the
borders and tho pointing of the small arrows.
The surface is essentially level between levee::;, so thnt the. ndvnl1cing
sheet of water covers the entire width of land Htl'ip; hut lengthwiAo of
the levee the slll'face slo]les somewhat a(1cording to the natural slope of.
the land. It is rlesirahle, although not l1l'gt'l1tly ossentinl, that L1w slope
be uniform within elwh levpc. If pl'aetieahlc, it, is hest to rnake tho·
bOl'c!er slope hom 2 to 4 It 1)(\1' 1000 ft; but slopes as low !LA 1 It, JHW '
1000 and Hf) high 1If) 75 ft ]leI' lOOO lllay he llSl'rl whm'c it is imprnc-
ticable to obtnin tlw more appropriate slopns. Spnoinl Mre is eS8cntinl
to pI'event orosion of soil on the higher slopes.
The size of stream turned into n single harder varies from :t,6 ti(l
10 cfs, depending 011 the kind of soil, the size of border, nn(l the nnture
of the crop.
Because of the relatively high initial cost of preparing land fo1' the
border mothod, it is dcsirable to plan the location of the levees and
stripE! so that different forage and grain (\1'OPS may be irl'igntod with
the same borders. Crops which fil'C to be furrow~irrigatcd, such as

FIG. 6811. Farm lot enlarged, showing contours. (U.S.D.A. Farmers' Bul. 12<13.)

FIG. 68B. Showing size and direction of border strips I1ne! the necessary supply
ditches and draws.
sugar beets, potatoes, and corn, may be grown on land on which the
forage crops have beon irrigated by the border method. Provided the
soil conditions are favorable to lateral water movement underneath
the low, broad border levees, it is practical to plant and mature crops
on the levees. It is difficult to furrow the levees satisfactorily and to
keep irrigation water in furrows on the levees.
The bordor method is suitable to soils of wiele varil~tion in texture.
It is important, however, to study the physical soil properties in acl-

FIG. 69. Newly Illl1de borders Oil the Hoover farm HCal' Wal:!co, California.
(U.S.D.li. Farmer.s' B<£t. 1243.)

vance of' preparing land for border irl'igntion. Rathol' impervious sub-
soils overlain by eOlrlllHet loams perlllit long border strips, whereas
open soils having porous, gravelly subsoils lH)(J(h,sitate short narrow
At the heac! of each border strip a gate is placod in the Hupply diteh.
fa l' convcnieuoe in turning watel' into nnd out of the strip. Power,
machinery and equipment for smoothing and completing tho levees
for bonler irrigation aro illustrate!l in Chapter 7. Nl~wly nmrle borders
on tho Hoovor farm, near Wasco, California, are shown in Fig. 69.
77. Time Rate of Application of Water* In applying wator to tho soil
by most of the flooding methods or by the furrow llwtlwds, tho irrigator
* Artielcs 77, 78, I1nd 79 eoneo1'll btlsie topies whi(:h, though rcla(,od to tho
lllctho(\s of il'ri~lttion, arc not, eOlllmoniy einHHc(l aR llwtilo(iR. BceawlO Llw analysis
nnd experimentuJ dntlt of these m'l.ie:les El.rc mOJ'e closely related to bordor-strip
Hooding than to other methods, they arc presented here.
endeavors to cause enough water to percolate into the soil to moisten
it fully to the depth of the root zone during the time that the Bheet
of water is flowing over the land surface. Ponding water on the land
in order to assure its adequate percolation into the soil is generally
impracticable in connection with either tIle flooding or the furrow
methods. It is therefore desirable that size of irrigation stream applied
to unit area of land be varied according to the rate uf infiltration of
water into the soil.
When a large stream is applied to a unit area of soil of low infiltra-
tion rate, excessive surface runoff occurs, whereas, when a small stream
is applied to a unit area of soil of high infiltration rate, excessive
depths of water are lost through deep percolation. The relation between
size of stream, area of land irrigated with a given stream, and the time
rate of wnter application can be most easily stated by means of a
rational equation.
Let AI' = area in acres irrigated in a single run without turning the
stream, i.e., in a border strip 01' a check.
q = the (lUantity of water in cubic feet per second or acre-
inches pel' hoUl' turned into a single strip or check.
R = time rate of application in eubic feet pel' second per acre
based on the area irrigated in a single run, A.,..
The time rate of application is defined as the ratio of q to A r, i.e.,
R = q/Ar (27)

A study of the relation of R to the average depth, d, required to cover

all the surface of a I-acre border strip in Sacramento Valley, Cali-
fornia, having a slope of 3 ft pCI' 1000 ft, shows that, as the time rate
increases, the required depth decreases. The results of the experiment
are as follows:


R d
4.6 33.0
10.1 22.3
13.5 13.9
15.3 10.1
17.8 8.3

78. Analysis of Time to Cover a Given Area with Water Consider a

border strip or other tract irrigated by flooding a thin sheet of water
over the land. The water advances most rapidly immediately aftel'
being turned onto the land. Soon thereafter, part Df the stream is
disposed of by pereolating into the soil, so thnt the quantity of water
flowing on to dry land gradually decreases. If the size of irrigation
stream, the average depth of the overflowing sheet, and the rate of
infiltration are known, and if they are fairly constant, it is possible
to compute the approximate time required to cover a given area.

FIG. 70. IIlust,rating irrigat,ion water boing applied tlOl It borde!" strip, anel how the
water moves forward to eover [l, very IlIllI111 area, (lA, in It Rltort tiIlll~, Ill, !tlld also
how it pereolates into tho soil of hho uppO!" part, of tlw Htrill.

The student who is familiar with ealeulus will ul1rlDl'Ktnncl tho

analysis. Othm' students, for the prm;ell('" will find tlw reslllLinl-!: equa-
tion 28 of intcrest without eheeking fully the reasoning leading to its

Let A = area covered with water at, any time, t, after t.1w wntor was
turned on tho land, as illuRtnLtcrl in Ji'jg. 70, nm'(~s.
I = rate of infiltration (If water into tho soil of the wUl.ted nl'Of\,
surface inches pCI' hour.
q = quautiLy of water turned Oll to the stl'ip, nel'()-illeho8 per
hour (eu bie feet per seeonn).
t = 'time aftol' UlO water was turner[ onto the lttncl J hours.
y = average depth of wuter as it flows ovor the land, inches.
The volume of water that flows into a border strip or onto the
land in any given short time, say 1 min, is disposed of in two ways:
1. Part flows down the strip and covers more land.
2. Part percolates into the soil.
The volume that flows into the strip in a time dt seconds is q dt. The
volume that flows past any given point to wet more land is y dA.
The volume that percolates into the soil in time elt is 1£1. elt. Therefore,
since in the differential time dt the water advances over the area dA
and also percolates into the soil of the area A, at a rate I, it follows
q dt = y dA + fA dt
dt = ydA
q -fA

Integrating, solving for and eliminating the constant of integration,

and converting from the natural logarithms to the common system of
logarithms, there results, provirled 'Y and I are considered constant:
y q
t = 2.303 I log q _ I A (28)

The infiltration rute 1 is not rigidly constant. It varies somewhat from

time to time at a given place; and at a given time it varies from place
to plnce in the field. Also I may vary slightly owing to change in the
depth y; bnt the variation due to this cause is probably of no sig-
nificance. To illustrate the use of equation 28, assuming that I and y
are constant, let
A = 0.5 acre; I = 2.0 in./hr; q = 1.5 cis; y = 2.5 in.
t = 2.303 X 2.5/2.0 X log 1.5/ (1.5 - 2.0 X 0.5) = 1.37 hr
If the area were increased to 0.7 acre, all other factors remaining
constant, it would require nearly 3.4 hI' to cover the strip, during
which an average depth of 7.2 in. of water would be applied. For an
area greater than 0.7 [).cre, the time and depth requirements increase
rapidly, and the maximum area that could be covered, under condi-
tions as given above, is 0.75 acre.
A direct determination of the area of land that may be wetted with
a given stream in any time period is preferred by some irrigation
authorities. For the longer time periods, direct computation of area
. has some advantage, and the procedure is therefore presented.
Solving equation 28 ior the area A may simplify its use. For exmnple,
A = [W" - l]q
q = 2.28 cis t = 2 hI'
1 = 4.00 in./hr Y = 2 in.
': = <,to X 2 = 1 739
.l 2.3 X 2 .
101.7:)\) - 1J 2.28 54.8 - 1 2.28
A = [ ~~ X ,1.00 = 54.8 X 4.00 = 0.55 ltCl'C

If t.he minus one in tho numerator of the abov(~ valuo of A wore cliR-
regarded then
q 2.28
A = - = . _ = 0.57 acro
I 4.00
which is only 0.02 acre, 01' less than 4 pcrccnt incrcnse. Tho (lopt11 of
Flowing water, 1/, is the most nearly nonstnnl; of the elements that
influence the valuc of tho expoJlent x. Therdorc, as tho product I X /;
increases and x becoIlle:; largo1', tho COIl(litioll of infiltrntioll of the
entire stream iuto the wottp(l area is npprnnellOd and only It small el'rOl'
i::; introduced by writing equation 29 in the simplel' and ultimate
form, i.o.,


There fire as yd not enough experimental datu with whieh to (1ot01'-

mine the rate and extent of varin.Lion of I and 11 with time. These
variables have been carefully studied by Lewis and Milne. TllUir report,
entitled Anrtl!/.sl~~ of Border Irrigation, published in 1938, has many
equations and figures of interest to aclvanced nnd teehnieal stuclonts.
Figure 71, taken from their roport, shows the eOllllluted l'l\lntion
betwecn) the time nnd the distaneo for a variable depth and infiltra-
tion rate and also for a constant depth and rate.
Until further data are obtained similar to those of Lewis and Mjlne,
equations 28, 29, and 29a are valuable only as indicating the trend of
change in time required to cover different areas. For accurate results,
the quantities I and y, which are considered constant in the differential
equation, should be treated as variables and carefully measured.

~{\~ -)()'C\~ ~
'r-(J)~ ~;-..
-- ,.
'Rafe of/nfilfrof/on - I

50 100 150 200 250
Time in minutes
leIG. 71. Relation between time and distallce of flow for variable infiltrat.ion rate
and fur constant rate. (A(Jl'ic. Eng., Vol. 19, p. 270.)

79. Experiments on Time to Cover Different Areas with Water

Field experiments have been conducted in the Snake River Valley,
Idaho. In the first experiment a border strip of clover land 49.5 ft wide
and 2359 ft long was divided into 7 sections, each 337 ft long, con-
taining 0.383 acre. A stream of 2.28 cfs was turned into the strip at
the upper end and allowed to flow 23.7 hI' as shown in Table 16 in
order to cover the entire area of the strip, 2.68 acres. Column 2 shows
the length of strip covered and column 3 the area Hf land covered by
the 2.28 cfs stream during the respective time periods given in
column 5. Column 4 shows that the time rate of application decreased
from 5.8 to 0.8, as the area was increased from 0.383 to 2.684 acres;
and column 6 shows that the decreases in rate necessitated an increase
in mean depth of irrigation from 8.1 to 20.2 in. The results given
in Table 16 suggest that a time rate of application higher than 5.8
would have been better suited to the conditions because 8 in. is rather
a large single irrigation. Doubtless three-fourths or more of the 20.2-in.
irrigation was lost through deep percolation. .
The second experiment reported by Bark was conducted on an
alfalfa border strip also neal' Rigby, Idaho. The strip. was 92 ft wide
and 2566 ft long. It was divided into 7 plats, each nearly 327 ft long,
and a shorter plat approximately 280 it long, at the lower end. A
contimlO1.1S strealll of approximately 7 cfs was run into the strip until
it was completely irrigated. The results of the experiments are pre-
sented in part b of Table 16.
Had this long strip been divided into 3 strips, each 855 ft in length,
by making 2 additional cross ditches, it could have been amply ir-
rigated in much less time. The 7.4-in. irrigation applied to the upper
division was doubtless a liberal depth.


1 2 3 4 5 G
No. of Length of Area of Averago Depth
Rate of Time
Divisions Strip Plot of W[Lter He-
Application I{equired,
Covered in Covered, Covered, quh'cd to Covel,'
fJlJi Hour::!
One Run Feet Acres the Area, Inches
_---- --~.- - ------_._- --~ __ _ l _ __ '

(CL) Clove?" Tract:

1 887 0.3il3 5.S 1.87 8.1
2 07'1 0.7G7 2.0 8.20 9.5
3 1011 1.11i0 1.0 5.20 10.3
4 1a4S 1.1i84 1.5 7.70 11.4
5 HiS5 1,017 1.2 10.70 12.7
6 2020 2.300 1.0 16.70 16.5
7 2859 2.684 0.8 23.70 20.2

(Ii) AlflLlfCL 'l'ract:

1 327 0.70 I 10.0 0.75 7.4
2 654 1.41 5.0 1.06 8.2
3 080 2.13 3.3 2.88 0.2
4 1307 2.88 2.4 4.25 10.2
5 1634 3.G3 1.9 6.25 11.9
6 1900 4.80 1.6 8.25 13.0
7 2287 5.17 1.4 10.IiO 1::1.9
8 2566 5.72 1.2 1:3.25 W.O

The datu. of Table IG are presented in Fig. 72 t,o Hhow t.lw relation
of length of the weLted strip and arCH of land covcred by the 2.28 efs
stream (columns 1 and 2) to the time periods of column 5. The
curve of Fig. 72 is typical and shows mnximmu rnk of advance of the
stream neal' the beginning of irrigation and minimum rate nenI' the
end. For example, in the first 2 hI' the advance of the stream was
nearly 500 fI; and in the last 2 hI' only about 75 ft.
For assumed constant rate of infiltration, I, and dcpths of sheet of
water, y, curves based on computations with equation 28, showing thc
relation of wetted area of land covered, to the several time periods,
arc not closely related to the curve of Fig. 72 and are not presented
The experimental data for the clover tract have been analyzed to
estimate the infiltration rates. With q = 2.28 cfs, llsing equation 29a,
and values of A and t taken from Fig. 72, the computed values of I
range from 4 in./hr when t = 2 hr down to 0.85 in./hr when t = 23.7 hr.

3.0 26.4

-- --
~ 22.0 '0
24.2 ;j::
~ 2.5
1:5 6 V 19.8 f1

-0 V -0
-E 2.0 I7.6 5
'c V Point Wetted Infi Itration
On area Rate 1-1 5.4
g 1.5 V curve
4.0 13.2 ~
V 2 0.75 3.0 11.0
in 1.0 Y 3
1.7 f- B.B .s
m 2/ 5 2.00 1.1 b
-e 6.6 2l
c8 0.5 V 6
0.9 f- 4.4
/ 8 2.68 0.8
2.2 C
°0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Ti me of water flow on border stri p. hours

FIG. 72. RelaMon between distance and time of water flow on a border strip of
49 It width near Rigby, Idaho, with a constant inflow of 2.28 cis.

Table 17 shows the wetted areas, infiltration rates and quantities of

water that were percolating into the wetted soil at the different time
periods. Since a stream of 2.28 cis was applied to the strip, column 5
shows that only 0.08 cfs was flowing past the O.55-ac1'e area 2 hI' after
irrigation was begun. It follows that, when the average depth of irriga-
tion was 8.3 in., 96.5 percent of the stream was percolating into the soil
and 3.5 flowing on to the dry soil. Moreover, after the first 3 hr, when
only 36 percent of the border strip was wetted, only a negligible 0.03
cfs would have flowed beyond the wetted soil if the infiltration rate
had remained constant. For more than 20 hr the advance of the stream
was dependent on the decrease of rate of infiltration with time.
The time rate of advance of stream of various si2ies has been
1 2 3 4 5
Wett.ed Time of RL1.t.es of Wat~r Flow into Soil ""
Al'OL1, Flow, Inftltmtioll, Aroa X InJiltmtion H.ate,
Aerm:l Hours In./Ilr CIs
440 0.55 2 4.0 2.200
074 0.75 3 3.0 2.250
1011 1.13 5 2.0 2.2(10
1180 1.34 8 1.7 2.278
17(i0 2.00 12 1.1 2.280
lODO 2.2() 15.5 1.0 2.200
2200 2.50 20 0.9 2.275
2300 2.08 23.7 0.8 2.278
., . ~

developed by Griddle. For l1 typical soil of uniform furrow slope, this

rate is shown for four streams in Fig. 73.
A stream of 2 gpm in 011e furrow, for cxample, aclvnncud very
slowly after the first 25 min. In 100 min thi::; stream flower! n distance

f!/ ~
____}--f .1

-ovt 6
!. furroW sfream
. urQ.J....-:..;j m
I V 0.(.l~~1
. 1)

1/, /~ ~
j/ V
y/ 29pm

o 50 100 150 200
Time of water flow in furrow, minutes
Fm. 73. Time ratn of ndvlllw{) for furl'ow stl'oltlns of difTol'ont sir-eli Oil a typical
soil of uniform furrow slope. (Courtesy Hoil COllservat,ion Sorvico.)

of 225 ft, approximately, and thereafter the entire strcam percolated

into the soil of the 225~ft furrow. Criddle properly stresses the im~
portanco of erosion control. Water losses due to excess percolation
as a result of low time rates of water application are less serious on
many farms than soil-erosion losses due to large streams arid excessive
slopes. The maximum allowable furrow stream of 5 gpm, equivalent to
90 furrows per cfs, flowed a distance of about 630 ft in 2 hr. Furrows
longer than 225 ft, in the soil on which Criddle experimented, could
not be used for streams of 2 gpm or less without sustaining excessive
deep percolation losses and low water application efficiencies. Likewise
the results of other experiments stress the fact that with highly
permeable soils irrigation water must be applied in large streams to

FIG. 74A. Field showing rectangular checks.

small plots in order to prevent excessive deep percolation losses.

Canal company water deliveries, farm ditches, and land preparation
for such soils must be so planned that irrigators may apply water at
a high time rate (q/A) allowable for erosion control, probably from
10 to 25 cfs per acre, to avoid excessive deep percolation. For example,
a stream of 4 cfs, applied to a %-acre plot, gives a time rate of 20 cfs
per acre. Continuous and intelligent efforts are essential in the border-
strip method to obtain efficient water application without causing ex-
cessive erosions. A formula for border-strip irrigation, based on
mathematical analysis of experimental data, has been developed by
Goodrich. Advanced students will find these analyses and resulting
formulas interesting.
80. Check Flooding The check-flooding method consists of running
comparatively large streams into relatively level plots surrounded by
levees. This method, shown in Fig. 74A, is well suited to very per-
meable soils which must be quickly covered with water in order to
prevent excessive losses near the supply ditches through deep per-
colation. It is also suited to heavy soils into which water percolates so
slowly that they are not sufficiently moistened during the timc a
sheet of water flows over them, making it necessary to hold the water
on the surface to assure adequate penetration.
Checks are sometimes prepared by constructing levees along c()n~
tOUl'S having vertical intervals of 0.2 to 0.4 it and connecting them
with cross levees at convenient places. These are called contour checks
and are formed by building longitudimtl levees on straight lines
approximately parallel to the contours, and connecting them at desir~
able places with levees at right angles, as shown in Fig. 74B.

FIG. 74B. Contour checks on same Hold us in Pig. 74A.

The check method of irrigation for grain and fornge crops is ad~
vantageous in localities where large irrigation streams arc available
and ~Llso on projects which depend on direct [low from widely fluctuat~
ing streams. In Arizona, New Mexico, and NevarIa, torrential summer
rains suddenly make swollen stroams which must be quickly applied
to the lanel to prevent loss of the watcr. On land of very small slopes
the arca of each check may be sevoral acrcs. In general, cheeks
larger than 2% to 3 acres are considered less desirable than cheek::l
from V2 to 2 acres.
The levees should be from 6 to 8 ft wiele at. the base and not over
10 to 12 in. high boenuse it is essential to avoid obstruetinn to farm.
mnehinery, and also to assure satisfactory growth of crops on the
81. Basin Flooding The basin method of flooding is essentially the
check method especially adaptarl to irrigation of orchards. On some
farms [l, basin is made for each troe, but l.l1Hlol' fitvornblr. conditions of
soil and surface slope from 2 to 5 or more trees are included in one
basin. From the supply ditch the water is conveyed to the basin,
either by flowing through one basin and into another, or preferably
by small ditches constructed so that the water may be turned directly
from a ditch into each basin. This method is considered more fully
in Chapter 16.
82. Distribution of Water To irrigate efficiently it is essential to
distribute water uniformly, to avoid ponding and excessive deep
percolation losses on one part of the field and inadequate wetting of
the soil on another part. The objective in each irrigation is to moisten
the soil fully without permitting excessive deep percolation losses
from the root-zone soil in any part of the field. Large surface runoff
losses at the lower part of the field are wasteful, but these losses arc
so easily detected and prevented that little attention need be given
them here. The desired obj ective is difficult to attain, particularly with
those flooding methods in which the soil is wetted by .causing a sheet of
water to flow slowly over the land surface.
83. Estimation of Water Disposal If the irrigator knows the size of
stream delivered to his farm he can compute the average depth of
water applied to it given area of land in a certain time. To illustrate:
Let q = the size of stream in cubic feet per second (or acre-inches
per hour).
a = the area, in acres.
t= the time in hours required to irrigate the area.
d= the depth in inches that the volume of water used would
cover the land irrigated if quickly spread uniformly over
its surface.
The quantity in cubic feet per second (or acre-inches per hour) multi-
plied by the time in hours equals the acre-inches applied. Also the
number of acres covered, times the depth, in inches, equals the acre-
inches applied. Hence
da = qt (30)
If the irrigator knows any three of the above quantities he can deter-
mine the other one. For convenience, Tables 18, 19, and 20, which ap-
pcar on pages 132, 133, and 134, all of which are based on equation 30,
may be used to determine directly for a 1-acre tract either the depth, d,
size of stream, q, or time in hours, t, respectively, when each of the
other factors is known. For example, Table 18 shows that a stream of
1.8 cfs running 3 hI' should uniformly cover 1 acre to a depth, d, of
5.4 in. Ta'ble 19 shows that to cover 1 acre uniformly to a depth of


Dis- Time in Hours, t

Line clul.l'ge
No. eIs
q , 4 5 G 7 8 9 11
1 I 2 3
I I I I I I I 101 I 12
1 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ::1.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 G.O
2 .G .0 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.G 4.2 4.8 5.4 G.O G.G 7.2
3 .7 .7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.0 7.7 8.4
<1 .8 .8 1.G 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 8.8 9.6
5 .9 .9 1.8 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.1 9.0 9.9 10.8

6 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.07.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
7 1.2 1.2 2.4 3.G 4.8 (La 7.28.4 9.6 10.8 12.0 la.2 14.4
8 1.4 1.'1 2.8 4.2 /U) 7.0 8.4 0.8 11..2 12.G 14.0 W.4 10.8
9 1.6 1.6 3.2 4·8 6.4 8.0 9.G 11.2 12.8 14..1 1G.O 17.<l 19.2
10 1.8 1.8 3.0 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.0 1,1.,} lG.2 18.0 19.8 21.6

11 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0
12 2.2 2.2 4.4 6.6 8.8 11.0 18.2 15.4 17.0 11).8 22.0 2'1.2 2(l.4
13 2.4 2A 4.8 7.2 D.G 12.0 lAA 1(j.8 10.2 21.6 2·L{) 20,4 28.8
14 2.6 2.(j 5.2 7.8 10.4 13.0 15.6 18.2 20.8 2:U 2(LO 28.0 :31.2
15 2.8 2.8 5.6 84 11.2 14.0 16.8 19.6 22.'1 25.2 28.0 30.s 83.6

16 3.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 33.0 36.0
17 3.2 B.2 6.4 9.0 12.8 10.0 10.2 22.'1 25.G 28.8 :32.0 35.2 :-18.4
18 3.4 8A 6.8 10.2 15.0 17.0 20.'1 2:1.8 27.2 30.G 3·1.0 37.4 40.8
III 3.0 8.6 7.2 10.8 14.4 18.0 21.H 25.2 28.8 32.4 ao.o a9.G '13.2
20 3.8 3.8 7.0 11.4 15.2 19.0 22.8 2(Ui 30.4 34.2 38.0 '11.8 4.5.G

21 4.0 '1.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 2·1.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 18.0
22 '1.2 '1.2 8.4 12.6 16.8 21.0 25.2 29.4 33.0 37.S 42.0 40.2 50.4
23 4.4 '1.4 8.8 13.2 17.0 22.0 2().4 30.S 35.2 30.6 44.0 48.4. 112.8
24 4.6 4.0 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.(\ 82.2 30.S 41.4 40.0 50.G 55.2
25 4.8 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 24.0 28.8 3:3.(\ 8S.4 43.2 48.0 52.8 57.6

26 5.0· 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 00.0


Depth Time in Hours, t

Line in
No. Inches
d 1
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
I 12

1 1.0 1.00 0.50 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.125 0.11 0.10 0.091 0.083
2 1.5 1.50 0.75 .50 .37 .30 .25 .21 .19 .17 .15 .146 .125
3 2.0 2.00 1.00 .67 .50 .40 .33 .29 .25 .22 .20 .18 .17
4 2.5 2 . .50 1.25 .83 .62 .50 .41 .36 .31 .28 .25 .23 .20
5 3.0 3.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .43 .37 ,33 .30 .27 .25

6 3.5 3.50 1.75 1.18 .88 .70 .58 . .50 .44 .39 .35 .32 .29
7 4.0 4.00 2.00 1.33 1.00 .80 .67 .57 .50 .44 .40 .36 .33
8 4.5 4.50 2.25 1.50 1.12 .90 .75 .64 .56 .50 .45 .41 .37
9 5.0 5.00 ViO 1.67 1.25 1.00 .83 .71 .62 .56 .50 .45 .42
10 5.5 5 . .50 2.75 1.83 1.37 1.10 .92 .79 .69 .61 .55 . .50 .46

11 6.0 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.20 1.00 .86 .75 .67 .60 .55 .50
12 0.5 n.50 3.25 2.16 1.62 1.30 1.08 .93 .81 .72 .65 .59 .54
13 7.0 7.00 3.50 2.33 1.75 1.40 1.18 1.00 .88 .78 .70 .64 .58
14 7.5 7.50 3.75 2.50 1.87 1.50 1.25 1.07 .94 .84 .75 .68 .63
15 8.0 8.00 4.00 2.67 2.00 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 .89 .80 .73 .67

16 8.5 8.50 4.25 2.83 2.12 1.70 1.42 1.21 1.06 .95 .85 .77 .71
17 9.0 9.00 4.50 3.00 2.25 1.80 1.50 1.29 1.13 1.00 .90 .82 .75
18 9.5 9.50 4.75 3.W 2.38 1.90 1.58 1.36 1.19 1.06 .95 .86 .79
19 10.0 10.00 5.00 3.33 2.50 2.00 1.67 1.43 1.25 1.11 1.00 .91 .83
20 10.5 10.50 5.25 3.50 2.64 2.10 1.75 1.50 1.31 1.17 1.05 .95 .88

21 11.0 11.00 5.50 3.67 2.75 2.20 1.83 1.57 1.38 1.22 1.10 1.00 .92
22 11.5 11.50 5.75 3.83 2.87 2.30 1.92 1.6<1 1.44 1.28 1.15 1.05 .96
23 12.0 12.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 2.40 2.00 1.71 1.50 1.34 1.20 1.09 1.00


Dis- Depth in Inches, d

Line charge
No. efs
q 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 0.5 2.00 4.00 G.OO 8.0 10.00 12.0 11.00 Hi.OO 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00
2 .G LOG 3.:38 5.00 G. (l7 S.a3 10.0 U.G7 la.Sa 15.00 1(i.{i7 18.33 20.00
3 .7 1.'13 2.SG 4.aO 5.72 7.15 8.58 10.00 11.48 12.8G 1<1.8a 15.73 17.17
4 .8 1.25 2.50 3.75 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 11.25 12.50 13.7!l 15.00
5 .9 1.11 2.22 3.38 '1. 50 5.56 G.08 7.78 8.88 10.00 11.10 12.25 13.33

6 1.0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 G.OO 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00
7 1.2 .84 1.()7 2.50 3.38 4.16 5.00 5.81~ (L07 7.50 8.33 0.17 10.00
8 1.'1 .71 1.'13 2.ltl 2.8G 8.57 4.28 5.00 13.71 H.4:l 7.B 7.87 8.57
\) 1.G .Ga 1.25 1.87 2.50 8.13 3.75 11.88 5.00 5.n2 G.2ii G.88 7.50
10 1.8 .5(1 1.11 1.07 2.22 2.78 3.33 3.88 11.'14 13.00 5.50 6.12 6.67

11 2.0 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00
12 2.2 .45 .91 1.36 1.82 2.27 2.73 ;3.18 3.04 4.00 4.M Ii.OO 5.46
13 2.4 .42 .83 1.25 l.G7 2.08 2.50 2.92 a.:~3 a.75 'l.W '1.58 5.00
14 2.G .38 .77 1.15 1.5 /1 Ul2 2.31 2.nn 8.0S BA(I 3.8il 4.Za 4.02
15 2.8 _36 .71 1.07 1.43 1.78 2.14 2.50 2.8n !{.22 3.57 3.0a '1.28

16 3.0 .38 .67 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.8:3 2.li7 :~. 00 3.3a 3.07 4.00
17 3.2 .31 .oa .!Lt 1. 21i l.im
1.88 2.W 2.[i() 2.81 3.12 3,44 3.75
18 3.4 .20 .59 .88 1.18 1.47 1.7G 2.0n 2.:Jii 2.0/) 2.{l4 3.2,( a.53
19 3.6 .28 ,50 .83 1.11 1.39 1.07 1. (l,[ 2.22 2.50 2.78 3.00 3.33
20 3.8 .26 .55 .70 l.O/) 1.32 1.58 1.8:[ 2.10 2.a7 2.08 2.UO 8.16

21 4.0 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.1i0 1. 75 2.00 2.211 2.50 2.75 3.00
22 4.2 .2'1 ,48 .71 .U5 1.W lAa 1.07 1. 00 2.14 2.m~ 2.U2 2.86
23 4.4 .23 .4.5 . liS .91 1.B 1. an 1.5!) 1.82 2.0'! 2.27 2.liO 2.73
24 4.6 .22 .4,1 .05 .87 1.09 1.30 1.52 1.74 1. !)(j 2.17 2.30 2.61
25 4.8 .21 .42 .63 .83 1.04 1.25 1. '.11) 1. 67 1.88 2.08 2.2!) 2.50

2G 5.0 .20 .40 .60 .SO 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40
6 in. in 5 hI' should require a stream of 1.20 cis. Table 20 shows that
with a stream of 2.0 cfs it should require 3.5 hl'to supply enough water
to cover 1 acre to a depth of 7 in.
In Chapter 9 it is shown that ordinary soils seldom retain an
average of more than 1 acre~inch of water in each acre-foot of root zone
soil from a single irrigation. Consider, for example, bench~land soil 4 ft

FIG. 75. Furrow irrigation in Snake River Valley, Idaho. (Photographer un~

in depth underlain by coarse sand and gravel. If the irrigator finds

that under the method he is using it takes 4 hI' to irrigate 1 acre
using a stream of 2.8 cfs, he may determine fro111 equation 30 or Table 18
that he has applied enough water to cover the land to a depth of
11.2 in. Since the root~zone soil will hold only 4 acre~inches, the ir-
rigator sustains a deep percolation loss of over 7 acre-inches. He
must modify his method of application in order to apply water more
84. The Furrow Method In the irrigation methods thus far described,
almost the entire land surface is wetted in each irrigation. Using
furrows for i1'l'igation, as shown in Fig. 75, necessitates the wetting of
only a part of the surface (from one-half to one-fifth) thus reducing
evaporation losses, lesscning the puddling of heavy soils, and making
it possible to cultivate the soil sooner after irrigation.
Nearly all row crops are irrigated by the furrow method. In Wash-
ington, parts of Idaho, and southern Utah, grain and alfalfa crops are
irrigated by moans of Sll1 flJ 1 furrows designated corrugations. These
corrugations are advantageous when the available irrigation streams
arc small, and also for land of Ulleven topography. Furrow il'rigation
is adaptable to a great vnrilttion in slope. It is customary, although
on steep slopes inadvisable, to run the furrows down the steepest
slope, thus a voiding inconvenience clue to overflowing the bunks of
the furrows.

85, Length of Furrows On some soils, flll'l'oWS having slopos of 100

to 150 ft per 1000 it are sucecssfully used by allowing only very small
streams to cnter the furrow and by clIl'dul inspeetion to eOlltl'ol erosion.
Slopes of 10 to 30 ft ]1er 1000 are preferable, but many different; clnsses
of soil aro si1tisfactorily irrigated with furrow slope from 30 to GO ft
per 1000 ft.
The length of furrows varies from 100 ft 01' less for gardens to as
much as l)t. mile for flald crops. In Utah, vary few irrigators usn
furrows more than 660 ft; lengths of 300 to 500 fL are far more common.
Excessive deep percolation losses and soil erosion ncar the uppe1' end
of the field result from use of long furrows.

86. Spacing and Depths of Furrows Spacing of furrows for irrigation

of corn, potatoes, sugar beets, and other row crops is determined by
the proper spacing of the plant rows, one irrigation furrow being
provided for each row. III orchnrd irrigation, furrows may be spnced
from 3 to 6 ft apart. Soils having unusually favorable capillary prop-
. ertios, 01' impervious subsoils, may permit orchard fnrrmvs 10 to 12 H
apart. With the grcater sracing it is essentinl to check Oil the moiflture
distribution after oach irrigation by making borings with a soil nuger
or tube to find whether or not the. lnteral moisture movement from
furrows is adequate.
FUl'rows from 8 to 12 in. deep facilitate control of water and pene-
tration into soils of low pormeability. They are well suitor'! tn nrnhnrr'!R
and to some furrow ('.1'0]18. Other furrow crops aR sugar hoets are best;
il'rignted with furrows from 3 i,a 5 in. deep. It is hip;hly desirable in
il'rignting sugar beets and similar root crops to have the furrows deep
enough, and the stream in each small enough, so that tho water cannot
come in contact with the pInnt.
87. Water Distribution to Furrows Water is distributed to the fur-
rows from earth supply ditches or from wood or concrete flumes or
concrete pipe placed under ground. In Utah and Idaho the earth
supply ditch is most common. Small openings are made through the
bank, and the water flows into one or more furrows. Figure 76 shows
four small ditches or corrugations supplied from a single outlet. This
method necessitates careful supervision to avoid erosion of the supply
ditch openings, and consequent excess flow in some and inadequate

FIG. 76. Four corrugations Bupplied from single outlet. (U.S.D.A. Farmers' Bul.

flow in others. On the other hand, it provides flexibility, permitting

a large stream in each furrow when the water is first turned in, thus
wetting the furrow through its entire length quickly, and then de-
creasing it so that ,just enough water enters the furrow to keep it wet,
and at the same time reducing the runoff from the lower end to a
minimum, or preventing it entirely.
The use of small-diameter 48-in. length curved pipe, made of
lightweight cellulose, aluminum, galvanized iron, or rubber, enables
the irrigator to siphon water from the ditch to the furrows as shown
in Fig. 77 and keep ditch banks solid. This method has more flexibility
and permits easy and frequent change of application of water ,from
furrow to furrow.
Irrigators can increase the uniformity of application of water to
their furrow-irrigated crops by frequent regulation of the size of
st~eam flowing into the furrow. For this purpose, gated pipe, shown

FIG. 77. Plastic siphon tubes us()d in fUl'l'llW irrigo.Uoll. (OourLosy }:loiL Consorva-
tion Sorvice.)

FIG. 78. Portable gu.ted u.luminum pipo l'ol1ciy for irrign,tiou. (Courtesy W. R.
Amos Company.)
in Fig. 78, is especially helpful. The use of gated pipe is increasing
Small, easily adjusted gates in the pipe facilitate control of the size
of stream delivered to the furrow. Streams as small as 1 gpm 01' as
large as 10 gpm 01' more can be delivered. The lightweight aluminum
or galvanized gated pipe is easily placed, easily connected, and easily
moved after irrigation.

88. Natural Sub-Irrigation In a few localities, natural soil and

topographic conditions are favorable to the application of water to
soils directly under the surface, a practice known as sub-irrigation. An
impervious subsoil at a depth of 6 ft or more, a highly permeable loam
or sandy loam surface soil, uniform topographic conditions, and
moderate slopes favor sub-irrigation. Under such conditions, proper
water control to prevent alkali accumulation or excess waterlogging
usually results in economical use of water, high crop yields, and low
labor cost in irrigation.
California has several large tracts of low-lying lands in the Sacra-
mento-San .T oaquin Delta that are successfully sub-irrigated. Before
being reclaimed some of thcse tracts were flooded every year by the
overflow waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Reclama-
tion was made possible by building large levees around tracts of
several thousands of acres, followed by installing drainage systems
and by pumping the water discharged from the drains over the levees
into the river channels. The soils are composed largely of decayed
organic matter and are known as peat, tulc, or muck soils. During
several months of each year, the water in the river channels, now con-
trolled by artificial levees, is 2 to 10 ft or more higher than the land
surface. In order to obtain water for irrigation, siphons are built
from the channels over the levees and the water is thus siphoned to
the lands. It is distributed in a series of ditches from 2 to 3 ft deep
and 1 ft wiele having vertical sides. These ditches, spaced from 150
to 300 ft apart, provide adequate distribution of the water satisfac-
torily for irrigation of small grains and root crops.
Some of these sub-irrigated California delta-area lands have been
injured and made less productive by saline and alkali conditions
developed by the upward capillary water flow from the shallow water
table. This reduetion in productivity has made it necessary to
diseontinue sub-irrigation and irrigate large areas by the sprinkling
In the mountain states there are three notable areas on which
natural sub-irrigation is successfully practiced, namely: the Egin
Bench area in upper Snake River Valley, Idaho i Cache Valley, Utah;
and San Luis Valley, Colorado. The conditions [tnd procedure in the
application of water are typified by the Egin Bench, Snake River
Valley practice, which is described below.
89. Sub-Irrigation on Egin Bench, Idaho The land slopes uniformly
about 2 ft pel' 1000 ft. Surface Ioams and gravelly lmnns from 1.5 to
6 it in depth nrc underlain by more permeable soil matt'rials which
rest 011 impervious hWn rock at depths varying from a few feet to as
much as 90 ft.
Clinton describes some of the noteworthy fnets of this Egin Bench
28JOOO-~·tcre ~mb-irrigntcd tract somewhat as follows.
The flow of water in the main cnnals is regulatoll by a (litchrider,
whose .i ob is very different from that of his Do-worker 011 It cOllvnntillnal
irrigation system. Essentially he is operating 11 huge groll11d-watcr
reservoir, the water lovel of which is controllcd by t.he rate of inflow
and outflow. The inflow is from eontrolled wnte!' supp1ios amI precipit,n~
Lion; the outflow, consmnptivc USf) by plant.s, evaporation Trolll the
soil, and seepage. Excess inflow means watel'loggpd soils, flooded fieldH,
farmyards, and roads, while excess outflow l'U,;ults in wiIL(H.l eroJlH.
Irrigation d.Des not interrupt cultivation of ilc:lcls. FllI'm muehinnry
can be operated in tho fields at any time, even though tbo watel' tnble
is near the ground slll'fltco.
The prilleipal C1'OI)S grown on the Egin B(mcil are, in order of
percontHge of cropped area, potatoes, alfalfa awl dover hay, small
grains, sugar beets, n,ncl fielel peas. Iijar1y in tho II gl'i Cll 1tmal cl(\vel(l[l~
mont of the mea, an attompt Wll,S nmde to il'1'ignte the bn(l by tll('
usual flooding nwthods. EXccRsive (kep percolation 10l'';,~ps resulted,
ll,l1d frequent irrigati()n W:1S found essential to or(linal'Y crop yields.
The gradual rise of the water tnbln eonvin(!(\(l tlw il'l'ip;£vtors that
smaller qunntities of wnter would suffice under more fnvol'!Ll,le il'l'ip;a~
tion methods. Irrigation water is applied in shallow dit,d\(\s nb{))lt
3 ft wiele and spaced from 100 to 300 It apart. In p;lllwl'nl, those
ditches do not mwcerl lit. mile in length. A strt!am from % to :Jh ofs
is run into each ditch, from which it sinks to the grullnd Witt!']',
cnusing the water table to rise high enongh to moisten L1w 1'O()(',-7tOllC
soil by capillary action and thus fully supply the Wl1tOl' needs of the
growing crops.
90. Sub-Irrigation and Drainage In some localit,jes, nn'turnl cll'ainngc
is insufficient to carry away the excess water applied in sub~il'rip;ll,tion.
It has beon found nOepSRftl'y in the Lewiston An)[t, C[Lehc Valley,
Utah. t.o eOl1Rtl'l1Ct, lnrge opon (!rains to prevent exC'osRiVG vvntC'l'logging

FIG. 79. Standard overhead sprinkling irrigation system. (Courtesy Skinner Ir-
rigation Company.)

FIC!.80. Sprinkler system on 400-acre field of tomatoes neal' Sacramento, Cali-

fornia. (Courtesy Shur-Rane Irrigation Company and E. C. Olsen Company.)
quick-coupler pipe. The advantage of this sprinkler over other types
is its ability to apply wnter at a slow rate while using relatively large
nozzle openings. This factor is particularly favorable in waters eon-
taining silt and debris since less stoppage of sprinklers is experienced.
Application rates of 0.2 in. per hI' are minimum rates with rotating
sprinklers, while the minimum rate with perforated pipe is 1.0 in.
per hr. This slow rate is desirable on soils of low infiltration rates

FIG. 81. Porta.ble fixed-hea.d sprinkling system in citrus orchard. (Courtesy Race
and RILCO, Inc.)

and advantageous to the small far111er doing his irrigation along

with his field work. This low rate of application makes it nCCeSSfll'Y
to move the sprinklers only twice Ii clay on soils with low water-holding
The portable fixed-hend sprinklers illustrated in Fig. 81 are used
more extensively in orchards nnd nurseries and for golf courses. They
do not cover such 11 large area and give higher water application rates.
They arc particularly valuable in irrigating seedlings that would be
damaged by sprinkling unless the spray was fine.
In n few places irrigators are using a eanvns hose which is so mnde
that water will seep from the hose throughout its length and percolate
into the soil. This type is not very common, owing to sm!\ll (',OVOl'~LgC
anel high cost of installations,
95. Pressures Sprinkler systems operate under a wide range of pres-
sures from 5 psi to over 100 psi. The pressure depends upon power
costs, area to be covered, type of sprinkler used with systems, and
crop being sprinkled. Low pressures range from 5 to 20 psi; medium
from 21 to 50; and high pressures from 51 to 100 psi. Pressures well
above 100 psi are designated as "hydraulic." Sprinklers in the low-
pressure range have small area of coverage and relatively high
sprinkling rates for the recommended spacings of the sprinklers. Their
use is generally confined to soils having infiltration rates of more than
lJ2 in. per hI' during the irrigation.
Medium-pressure sprinklers cover larger areas and have a wide
range of precipitation rates, and water drops are well bl'oken up.
High-pressure sprinklers cover large areas, and precipitation rates
for recommended spacings are higher than for the moderate or medium
pressures. Moisture patterns are usually good but are easily disrupted
by winds.
The hydraulic-pressure sprinklers are usually of the rotating-head
reaction type. They l1ave high precipitation rates, above 0.75 in. per
hr. The wetted diameter of circle is from 200 to 400 ft. Moisture pat-
terns are very good in calm air but are easily disturbed by winds.
In general, the sprinklers on the market will fit practically any of
the operating conditions in the field.

96. Types of Sprinkler Systems The sprinkler system includes the

sprinkler, the riser pipe, the lateral distribution pipe, the main line
pipe, and, often, the pumping plant. Sprinkler systell1s are classified as
permanent, semipermanent, portable, and fully portable, according to
variations in these parts.
There are permanent installations having permanent sprinklers,
permanent buried main and lateral pipe lines, and fixed pumping plant.
These installations are 11igh in initial cost but low in costs fOl' opera-
tion. They are used in orchards, citrus groves, and nurseries. A
variation of this system has sprinklers mounted on quick-coupHng
risers so that they lDay be moved along the lateral lines. This reduces
the number of sprinklers and increases the labor needed for operation
of the system.
Semipermanent sprinkler systems consist of buried main pipe lines,
portable lateral pipe lines and sprinklers, and fixed pumping plant.
This type of sprinider system is suitable for orchards, permanent
pasture, and general crops where the entire farm is to be sprinkled
and the field boundaries are fixed.
The portable low-angle sprinkling system, illustrated in Fig. 82,
is made up of portable main pipe line, portable lateral pipe lines and
sprinklers, and fixed pumping plant. This system is used to irrigate
field crops on a farm having a crop rotation and changing field

FIG. 82. Portable low-augle sprinkling system for Class IV orchlll'd land. Rtti;o of
appliCu,(.ioll iH Yii-in. depth pOl' hr. (COUl·tO!:>Y Soil COllB(ll'VU,tjOll SOl'vio(l.)

The fully portable systom has portnble lnttn'fl,l pipe lilles with
sprinklers and portable pumping plant. This method is used for
irrignting one crop whieh is in rotation with other crops irrigated by
surface methods. Another use made of this system is to establish hay
and pasture stands, and to germinate boots and truck crops which arc
IntOI' surface-irrigated.
97. Sources of Water and Methods of Developing Pressure Sprinkler
systems require sources of water free of debris that will clog the
sprinklers. The common sources are wells, irrigation canals, rivers, and
lakes. The best sources of debris-free water are wells and lakes.
Screening boxes are necessary to remove the debris when water is
taken from irrigation canals or rivers.
Pressure for operation of sprinklers is obtained from gravity when
practical and supplied by pumps when the source of water is located
at such a level that gravity pressure will not operate the sprinklers.
In some systems, combinations of both sources of obtaining pressure
are used.
'When pumping from lakes, streams, and irrigation canals, centrifugal
pumps are used to develop pressure. vVhen pumping from wells either
a centrifugal or turbine pump is used. The turbine pump is better
adapted to wells in areas having a variable water table during the
irrigation season.
98. Sprinkler System Design Requirements The important factors
in the success of sprinklcr irrigation systclUs are first, the correct
design, and second, the efficient operation of the designed system. The
basic information necessary for the design of a farm irrigation system
is obtainc'd from four sources, namely, the soil, the water supply, the
crop to be irrigated, and the climate.
Information concerning soils includes the soil type, depth, texture,
permeability, and available water-holding capacity of the root zone.
N ecei:it3ary water supply concerns the location of the water delivery
point in relation to the fields, the quantity of water available, and the
delivery schedule. The maximum consumptive usc of water per day,
the root-zone depth, ane! the peculiarities of irrigation necessary to
be taken into account in the inigation system are obtained from a
knowledge of the requirements of the crop to be grown, Olimatological
information includes the natural precipitation and wind velocities and
direction. All this information must be compiled in one form or
another before starting to design a sprinkler system.
The performance requirements of a sprinkler system include:
1. Design and operation to apply water at a rate that will not
cause runoff from the area irrigated during the operation of the
sprinkler system.
2. Application of water at such a rate that high water-application
efficiency is obtained. The minimum rate is determined by evaporation
and interception on the foliage. It varies from area to area.
The sprinkler system must have the capacity to meet the peak
water-use demands on each crop duri11g the irrigation season. Allow-
ance in capacity must be made for unavoidable water losses by
evaporation, interception, and some deep percolation.
When a system is designed for supplemental irrigation or protective
purposes, the systcm should have a capacity to apply the nccessary
dopth of water to the design area in a specified time. The cost of the
system should be consistent with the insurance values involved.
A sprillkler system should not apply more water than the capacity
of the soil to hold water for crop use.
Thore should not be more than a 10 percent variation in the depth
of water applied to any part of the design area. This variation can be
controlled by mnintaining the pressure throughout the system within
20 percent. Variations in pressure occur as the result of friction loss in
pipes and elevation changes in main lines or lateral lines. Frequently,
it may be necessary to control preSfnlreS with valves.
A sprinkler system must apply water so that it will not cause
IlhYRical darnnge to the crop. In orchards, high-velocity streams of
water from sprinkler nozzles have bruised growing aI1plos when
sprinklers have been plaeed too close to the trees. Also, in crops
having fine seedling plants, a fine spray must be applied, or the
plants will be henten into the ground. Such a spray requires high,
PI'('SSllI'OS to brenk up the water clrops at the nozzle.
The sprinkler system should be designed to apply water at t1w
luwest annual cost. A balance bctween pipe size and pumping (I()stR if;
d(,ll1auded in a system operated by pUlllPing. Careful analysis shouJd
be made to arrive nt a rea::1onnble balance between equipment costs'
and power costs.
When used in prncticnJ field spl'lcing with seloctcd operating pros-
surps the sprinkler chosen must give satisfactory moisture distribution.
If a pump is necessary it must be picked on the basis of th(~
maximulll operating conditions of head and gallons per minute and
must not overload at minimum operating conclitions.

99. Operation of Sprinkler Systems A sprinkler system may ho well

designed for the crop and l11'eH, but, jf it is not eiTIeientJy oppl'ntml,
the results will he di:-;nppoint.ing. A correctly designed sprinkler sys(:em
will supply adequftte watC'l' during periods of maximum waLeI' dmnnnd
by the crop to give satisfactory production. Over-irrigation wiIll'osult
if the system is operated at fn11 c:apneity when the water demftl1('l by
the crop is Jess thnn maximum. This over-irrigation will causo soil
erosion, leaching of soluble plaut food, low wator-application effi-
ciencies, reduction iII qW11ity and quantity of crops, and, ultimntely, a
drainage problem.
The operntion of spri.nkler systemf! shanln he govel'ned by the
following r111('s:
(a) Check the soil moisture in the root zone with a soil auger or
probe to determine when to irrigate.
(b) Check depth of water penetration while irrigating to determine
when to stop applying water.
(0) Check depth of water penetration several days after water has
been shut off to see that root-zone soil has adequate moisture.
These rules of operation will insure the highest efficiencies with
sprinklers as with other irrigation systems.

Distance from sprinkler, feet

FIG. 83. Sprinkler G-3; nozzles, X and %2 in. under pressure, 40 psi; with dis-
charge of 19.3 gpm. (Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 670.)

100. Sprinkler Irrigation Experiments The University of California

has conducted extensive and detailed experiments on sprinkling irriga-
tion, reports of which have been prepared by Christiansen.
Many factors influence the efficiency and economy of sprinkling
irrigation. One of the important factors is the uniformity of water
distribution. Figure 83 shows that the maximum depth of water ap-
plied is near the sprinkler and that the depth decreases gradually as
the distance from the sprinkler increases.
The following is an interesting summary by Christiansen of im-
portant fnctors in sprinkling irrigation:
1. The uniformity of distribution of water from sprinklers varies
greatly, depending upon pressure, wind, rotation of sprinkler, spacing,
and many other factors.
2. A nearly uniform application is possible with proper sprinkler
patterns and with propel' spacing of sprinklers.
3. Sprinkler patterns approximately conical, where a maximum
appli(lation occurs near the sprinkler and decreases gradually to the
cdge of the area coverod, produce a fairly uniform application when
sprinklers are not farther apart than 55 to 60 percent of thc diamcter
4. For wider spacings, a pattern for which the application is uni-
form for some distance from the sprinkler and then tapers off gradually,
is better; but the maximum uniformity ohtn,illahle decl'eases with the
spacing for all spacings greator than 50 percent of the climneter
5. For spacings gronter than .50 percent of tho diameter and with
equivalent areas covered by caeh sprinkler, a moro uniform applica-
tion can be obtained with an eqllilatol'al triangular Ul'l'~1ngcment of
sprinklers than with a square or rcctangular arrungement.
6. A triangular arranf.!;Omcnti of sprinklers is more sensitive to
Rpacing than H square or l'oct:mgulnl' one. That is, for no given pattern,
the uni formity of applieaLion vuries with a variation in sprinkler
7. With a port.all1e system and with sprinklers prml11cing desirable
patterns, good dist.ributions can be obtained when the line is moved
not farther than 50 to 70 percent of the diameter eovered by a
sprinkler, and when the spaeing of sprinklers along the line is not
more than 35 percent of the diameter covered.
Portable sprinklcr systmns luwe gCllcl'[\lly proved satisfactory in
areas with a high wn,ter table, and occasionally ncar tho const whero
the Roasonal water requirement is low. They are satisfactory for
irrigating spring crops, such as peas, tim!; requiro only one or two
light applications in arlrlition to the l1l11'mal wint.er rainfall. They are
esp()eially well ndapted t.o Inn(l of irregular topogrnphy that is difficnl~
to irrigate by snrfnce mcthoclR, and for shallow, coarRe-textured, highly
permcable soils of low available water capacity thnt require light
applications at frcqucnt intcrvals. Sprinkling is generally satisfactJory
for special conditions where snrfacc irrigation is not feasible or
practinal. It is limited principally by t.ho cost, tbat, for most condi-
tions, is higher tlHm for surface methods of irrigation.
Farm Irrigation Implements
and Structures

Extensive use of well-designed modern implements for leveling

irrigated lands, making borders, cllnstruction and cleaning of ditches,
and for making corrugations and furrows is contributing to irrigation
advancement. It is essential to efficiency and economy that the lands
of each irrigated farm be well prepared for irrigation and also be
provided with structures that facilitate easy control and regulation of
the irrigation water during its application to the land. Comparatively
little attention has been given to irrigation structures by public
research agencies, the more basic problems in the relations of irrigation
practice to soils and to plants having thus far been given major
attention. The greater the available knowledge of the interrelations of
soils, plants, and water, and the greater the demand for water, the
more urgent it becomes that tlw irrigator be able ~o control the
stream at his disposal and to spread the water uniformly over the
land surface in oreler to moisten the soil to the desired depth without.
sustaining excessive losses of water. Some of the modern implements
used in i1'l'igation farming and farm structures that facilitate the
control of water are described in this chapter.

101. Implements The farm implements of first importance in irriga-

tion arc tractors, plows, spike-tooth harrows, disk harrows, scrapers,
and levelers. Good plows and good plowing contribute greatly to the
possibility of uniformity in distributing irrigation water. Lands that
are irrigated by the ordinary flooding methods especially require
good plowing because, owing to the lack of specially prepared levees,
there is no means of crowding water over the higher land areas of
poorly plowed fields. Careless plowing of lands that are to be irrigated)
by flooding, or plowing with dull, poorly kept plows, is followed by·
inefficient irrigation.

FIG. 8'1. Fl1rm LrllCt01' and small onrryall semper used for bnd lllveling. The box
on the oml of tho tmeLor lll'ovidos more woight <m the front wheel, which makos it
easier lo loud the serapel'. (Oourtesy Soil Oonservution 8ol'vico.)

FIG. 85. Rl.lbbCl'-IDountmj Presllo udapted to moving soil long dis(:ltll(los. Final
slIloothing of land should bo dono wiLll [1 timg or flOllt. (Oourtesy New Mexico
Exp. Stu.)
102. Implements for Leveling Lands Scrapers like the carryall shown
in Fig. 84 and the Fresno in Fig. 85, drawn by power tractors have
contributed greatly to advancement in land leveling. After th: large
cuts and fills are accomplished with thc scraper the lands are leveled
and smoothed with large automatic levelers like the land plane shown
in Fig. 86.

FIG. 86. Land plane for leveling has been found satisfactory by many irrigators.
(Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)

Farmers who depend on the flooding and furrow methods are more
and more using modern land leveling and tillage implements in order
to obtain a smooth land surface in which there are few, if any, small
depressions or elevations.
103. Border-Making Implements In addition to the use of well-built
scrapers and other land-leveling implements on the larger farms,
special border-making scrapers drawn by tractors have proved to be
economical for making borders. For smaller farms adjustable border-
ing machines like the one developed by Arizona farmers in the Salt
River Valley, illustrated in Fig. 87, are very helpfuL The frame
attached to the rear end of the Arizona implement smooths and
grades the top of the levee in the same operation which crowds the
soil together to make a levee.
104. Implements for Making and Cleaning Ditches The pioneer
methods of digging irrigation ditches with hand labor and the pick
and shovel are largely past. Power-drawn ditching machines, illus-
trated in Fig. 88, have greatly reduced the costs and the time required
for construction of canals and ditches. Where c1itclles with steep banks

FIG. 87. Prepm'illg land for the border method of il'l'igatioll. (Courtosy Union
Pacilic Railroad Company.)

FIG. 88. Ditching lllaehino wilieh CXC!1Vatcs mid trims diboh leaving it ready to
placo a lining. (Courtesy Soil COJlservatiOll Sorvine.)
are feasible and desired, carry-type scrapers drawn by a tractor as
illustrated in Fig. 89, are efficient and economical. In the construction
of new canals as well as in the repairing of old ones it is often
advantageous to compact the soils well in order to reduce seepage
losses and also to add to the stability of the soil and thus reduce

FIG. 89. Cany-type scraper drawn by track-type tractor; adapted for working
in ditches with steep banks and on long hauls. (Courtesy Caterpillar Tractor

erosion of the bcd and the banks of the canal. The sheepsfoot
rollel', shown in Fig. 90, for many years always used in the construc-
tion of earth dams, is now found to be useful also on canals.
A new ditcher designed and constructed in Utah and found to be
especially useful for cleaning the banks of canals is illustrated in
Fig. 91.
105. Corrugation Implements Shallow furrows are designated as cor-
rugations. Several types of homemade corrugators are used: One, a

FIG. 90. Heavily weighted sheepsfoot tl1ll1pel's [11'e valuable in ditch construction.
Tamping makes tho soil resistant to seepage and erosion, and weed growth is reto.rded.
(Oourtesy Oaterpillar Tractor Company.)

FIG. 91. 'fhis Gregerson ditchol' with 18-ft blade for clem'iug clUJal ballks weighs
3.2 tons and will opol'ate ill 5-ft-depth ditches having steep bauks, (Courtesy
Robinson Machinery Oompany.)
roller around which collars of the desired thickness and depth are built·
another, a drag having runners as corrugators. The roller type com~
presses an~oi compacts the soil as a means of making furrows; the
drag type crowds the soil to both sides of the runner. These cor-
rugators are limited in use to newly plowed land. For old alfalfa
land, clover land, or other land having a compact surface, heavy,
well-constructed steel corrugators are needed to make satisfactory
106. Deep':'Furrow Implements Potatoes, corn, asparagus, celery, and
orchards on some soils are best irrigated by using deep fUl'l'ows,
especi~tlly in heavy soils. Many orchard crops, such as appies, peaches,
lemons, olives, and almonds, are also best irrigated by means of deep
furrows. Common shovel plows are sometimes used for making the
furrows. For orchard irrigation on land having a steep sidehill slope
a standard mole board plow may be used by throwing the soil downhill
so as 'bo avoid overflowing of the furrows. A two-way sulky plow saves
time in making deep furrows on sidehill land.
107. Farm Irrigation Structures Engineers apply the word structwre
to the large dams, head gates, sluices, flumes, inverted siphons, chutes,
and drops which are built to divert water from natural sources and
convey it to the farms for irrigation. The devices and pieces of equip-
ment used by the individual irrigator to divert watcr from a large
canal into his ditch and convey it to the several parts of his farm
are herc designated farm il'riga tion structures. In some communities
rather cr\ldc farm irrigation structures are made to suffice even though
the labor cost requircd in the use of such structures is sometimes very
high. As a rule, it is economical, and it is always most satisfactory to
the irrigator, to build structures that have the required capacity and
the strength to control the water. Many irrigation canals in the
vVest, and particularly in the Rocky Mountain states, are built along
the rims of the valleys immediately above the irrigated lands so that
each irrigator obtains water directly from the main canal which
carries water during the entire irrigation season. On such canals satis-
factory take-out structnres are especially necessary. Farm irrigation
structures include two general classes, namely, permanent and tem-
porary structures. No structure is truly permanent, in the strict sense
of the word, but the term is applied to those structures which remain
in place during one or more irrigatiQn seasons. Temporary structures
arc those that are moved from place to place during each irrigation,
or those that, are built for only one season's use. A further desirable
classification of :::tl'uctures is based on the function of the struCture
and includes: diversion, conveyance, and distribution structures listed
Cheek gat.es Portable steel dams
Take-out channels Canvas d!tlUS
DIVERSION Hydrants or valves Earth dams
Tubes Straw and earth dams
Division boxe.~

Ditches Ditches
Flumes Slip joint pipos
CONVEYANOI'; Surface pipes Canvas hose
Underground pipl)~

Surface pipes Furrows

Levees CorrugatiollH
DIS'l'RI:BU'l'ION SprLLY pipel-l Border strips
Nozzles Cheeks
Port!thlc sprinkling
pipe SYl:ltem

108. Permanent Diversion Structures There is lnck of uniformity in

the names applied by different irrigation authorities to the sevDrnl
diversion structures. The author suggests the following deRignations
with the thought that improvements will be made by those interested
until well-recognized and standard terms may be agreed upon.
A chec7c gate is n gate placed aoross H fltl'enm frow whieh it is
desired to divert water. The fUllction of the check gnte is anHlogolls to
that of the dam or the diversion weir on the riVlll'S at the hends of
canal systems. Check gates arc built across latoruls and c1itehos for
the purpose of diverting part 01' all of the stream. The talce-out gate is
a part of t.he farmer's ((diversion worIn;" and is analogolls to tho
head gate of the main diversion works on tho rivor RYAtem. It" function
is to regulnte the quantity of water flowing into the AmaH lntornl, the
ncld ditch, or the furrow. Typical wooden check gates nrc illustrated
in Figs. 92 and 93. These gntQS may also he usccl as take-out gateR,
although pipe or culvert take-outs are enmmonly used, especinlly to
take small streams out of large ef\l1als. For cheek gates in large c!tnals
in which the quantity of water fluctuates apprcciably, it is dcsirable
to place fIashboards on the bottom of the stream so that the water
whioh passes the check gate and goes on down the canal is forced to
* Structures for meaAllring irrigation wator and for dividing a stream into
different parts are dcsr.ribed in Chapter 3. The irrigation doviees hero ehlsscd ItS
IItempol'ltry furm irrigation structures" ure described by some uuthoriticA as
Uirrigation equipment."



1c.f5 - 2 cfs s'-cf i-·cr 3'-cf I'-d' 2'-6" I"
2 c.fs - 5 c,f:; 9'-0' 3'-6" 3'-0· i-d' 3'·(f 11z
~ c,ff, -,8 cfs, 10'-0' 3'-6~ 4'- r:f 2'-0" :5'-0' 11z
FIG. 92. Standard single·wing wooden check gate. (U.S.D.A. Farmcn' Bul. 1243.)

I:' F

F= f=
~ 1'0-1- l=- e --=il'll
pi (011
1= t=- /
1= 1== G

F A FD ~ /
F- AO;{/
q .4 :/
1 1;:. E
V 1/
F f--
I t=
B f:: V 7 7 ~ f--

~ ~ .__
I r=

1~ ~

• .3 ef.s- 6c.:f,s. 9'-0" 3'-6' :!;-O' 2.'.(j' 3'-d' 3'-0' 2~O'

Cc.£,,·IOc.f.. 12'-0· 4-0' 4-l/ 2'-0' ' '4-0' 4'-0' 2'- f:!
IOd,s ·AND UP ,14'-0' 4'-d' 5~O' 2'-0' 4'- ff 4'-0" 2'.6"

FIG. 93. Standard double-wing wooden check gate. (U.S.D.A. Farmers' BuE. 1248.)
flow over the check structure, not under it. A study of the hydraulic
principles of check and take-out structures, given in tho following
article, will clarify tho rca sons for tho foregoing stntcUlont. A woll-
made concrete check gate with wooel flash board used by the Turlock

hftf'V 0

Detail 01' Weir GUltie

FIG. 94. Concrete gatc amI woodell IlllshbolLnl mlod Oil Lho TlI1'loek Irrigatioll
Dil:lLrieL, Unlifornin.

Irrigation District of California is illHstl'ntud ill Fig. 04. A C0110)'otn

structurc that facilitutes the diversion of tho inflowing stream to
eithcr of three ouW{)wing strmm18 is shown in Fig. 95.
109. Hydraulic Principles of Diversion Structures III taking water
out of a lnrge distributary or of a maill (IannI, it is as n rille (iesil'nbk
that the fanner obtain II flow as nearly eonstnnt as pussible. Sudden
increases in the quantity of water flowing in tho (mnal, whidl oecul' [tH
a rcsult of storms or from closing of take-()ut gat(~s, slHlultl be P('l'~
miLted to flow clown thc canal with as little OhHLl'uction I1H [losRihle.
These two conditions, i.e., [I,PPl'Oximately constant flow for the irriiJ;HtUI'
Hnd It minimum of ()bstl'uetio~l in the main canal, in genornl may be
provided by using submerged pipes or culverts as take-outs and over-
flow fiashboards as checks in the main canal to cause the water to
rise high enough to submerge the take-out gate and divert the
quantity of water the fanner desires. To understand these principles
clearly the student should review Chapter 3 on measurement of
water and in particular equations 4 and 7. It is seen from equation 7

FIG. 95. Concrete three-wl1Y outlet box on irrigation lateral. Wl1ter can be di-
verted to anyone or more of the outlets. (Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)

that I-I varies with the two-thirds power of q; hence, to double the
quantity of water flowing over flashboards as checks, the depth need
be increased only 1.59 times.
Equation 4 shows that h varies with the square of q; hence to double
the quantity of water flowing through a submerged culvert take-out
the effective head, h, must be increased 4 times the original head.
Therefore, streams through submerged take-outs are subject to much
less variation than those through overpour take-outs.
110. Temporary Diversion Structures In order to divert water from
the small ditches on the farm many irrigators usc only temporary earth
dams. They make each clam at the time and place desired by means
of an ordinary shovel. In some soils that erode easi1y it is helpful
to use a little partly rotted straw or weeds temporarily held in place
by means of wooden stakes driven into the soil at the bottom of the
ditch. Tcmporary carth dams are unsuited to streams of more than
2 cfs and in some soils are very difficult to maintain with a stream
of 1 cfs or more.
The labor requirement of temporary dams is greatly reduced by
using portable dams of eithcr steel or canvas. Steel and canvas port-
able dams are illustrated in Figs. 96 and 97. Portable steel clams

FIG. 96. Era-Gator portable irrigation control gate. (Courtosy Pago Metnl Prod-
ucts Corporation.)

are suited to streams smaller than those divol'ted by canvas dams. For
streams of 5 cIs 01' more tho stecl clam required may be so lnrge as to
become burdensome to move 01' carry about the field. Well-built
canvas clams are used to divert streams as large as 8 cfs or morc,
although streams of 2 to 3 cfs are more commonly diverted by using
dams of 12-oz canvas only 5 ft by 6 ft which are easily moved. A
heavy, durable, elosely woven canvas is necessary to stand the water
pressure and prevent excessive leaking.
111. Water-Conveyance Structures The term structure as used herein
applies quite as fully to ditches, levees, etc., which are madc of earth
as it docs to devices built of wood, concrete, or metal. Most of the
water-conveyance structures in the 'West arc made of earLh. The
quantity of water that earth ditches will convey may be estimated
from the equations and the tables of Chapter 4. Also the quantities
that may be conveyed in flumcs and pipes may be estimated from the
information and illustrations of Chapter 4.
Conveyance of water under pressure through underground concrete
pipe to various points on the farm is becoming increasingly popular
especially in the irrigation of orchards. '

FIG. 97. Eagle ready-to-use irrigation dam in the ditch. (Courtesy Wenzel Eagle
Irrigation Dams.)

Under the ordinary flooding method of irrigation of perennial crops

such as alfalfa and orchards, nearly all the ditches are built more or
less permanently. Grain crops, notably wheat, oats, and .barley, usually
require teml)Orary ditches which are made with an ordinary plow along
the higher parts 01' ridges of the field.
The irrigation farmer is especially concerned with the smaller
permanent ditches that convey water to the several farms. These
ditches are constructed with plows and with small ditching machines
drawn by traction engines. It is customary and usually convenient tp
build farm irrigation ditches along property lines even though e t
land slopes along the property lines vary rather widely. On exceSSIVe
slopes caution must be exercised against erosion of farm ditches, and
on small slopes it is important to guard against growth of weeds and
grasses in order to maintain a satisfactory discharge capacity.
112. Distribution Structures The UBe of levees, deep furrows, and cor~
rugat-ions .as means of distributing the water over the land surface is
described in Chapter 6. Also brief attention is there given to portable
sprinkling irrigation systems.
'Where land surfaces arc very irregular, infiltration rates high, and
water expensive, water is sometimes distributed by portable Burfaeu
pipes. Portable pipes aro made of canvas, ordinarily ealled eanvns
hoso, and of galvanized iron.

Box dimensions

Top boxes for

alfolfo valves Section A A

Fra, D8. Supplyin!l: wulor to (lit(\lw~ by mm of oreimrtialld alfalra v:Llv(\~ OIL \lwIer-
ground pipe systelll. PUl'~ltbl(l Lop hoxes mmd to (loll!.rol lll'Wlioll iLrolllHl valves OIl
sandy l:Ioil, iLIHl to diro(l\; flow of wuLor iato il'riglLLioll ditehos.

Tho usc of slip-joint pipe for distribution is limited to (\()llljmrntivoly

small [Irons in Duly n fow irrigate([ regiOllR. It is 1W't, l'l'Ollllllllmllh!(\ fur
large fanus, and incleurl it is llnc:mmllOll in Lhe intm'llWIll]!.aill irrigation
states. On ftmns that art) K()llll~what irregular in topogrllpltiu (',onditiol1s,
and on which uuly smull streams of wnter are nvailnble, slip-joint pipe
with which to distribute the water increases the efliciency of wator
113. Concrete Pipe Underground In Cnlifnrnin, Oregon, and Wash-
ingtun, 1111(1 in parts of the mountain states, as wdl as in Arizona ltl1l1
New Mexico, irrigators Hre relying on concrcte pipc more und morc
for distributing irrigation water. Thousands of miles of underground
concrete pipe are used in the West.
From the underground concrete pipe water flows upward through
riser pipes, and through "alfalfa" or "orchard" valves to an irriga-
tion ditch, a check, or a basin. To prevent erosion of the soil around
the riser pipe, top boxes of concrete or wood are used, as shown in
Section A-A of Fig. 98. Box dimensions for risers of different diameters

FIG. 99. Fourteen furrows are being supplied controlled streams by thi!! lock-
seam gated pipe. (Courtesy New Mexico State College.)

are listed there. Water flows from the concrete pipe riser into the
earth distribution ditch. Lightweight cellulose or metal pipe sections
about 3 ft long and ranging from 1 in. to 2 in. or more in diamcter are
placed 011 the ditch bank to convey water £1'0111 the ditch to the furrow.
Some farmers prefer tubes made of lath. The use of aluminum lock-
seam gated surface irrigation pipe is growing substantially.
Lightweight surface gated pipe, mentioned in Chapter 6, is some-
times used with underground concrete pipe and connected to the
concrete riser pipe, thus at once solving the soil-erosion problem around
the riser outlet and providing for complete control of the quantity of
water flowing into each furrow. Figure 99 illustrates use of this pipe
with surface water supply in New Mexico. The convenience of the water
control, and the ease of regUlating the quantity that is delivered to each
furrow from the underground pipe, are also illustrated in Fig. 100,
showing the owner of a Washington farm operating a valve to assUl'C
the best flow to the furrow.
114. Costs of Various Methods and Structures The first cost of
preparing land for irrigation and of purchasing the required irrigation
structures ranges from a few dollars up to $400 or more per acre.

FIG. 100. A Washington farm owner operating a valvo to relcase wl1ter from UI
ground concrete pipe for irrigtttion of his orelmI'd by the furrow method. (C()u:
BurOttll of Uoclumatioll.)

Preparation for irrigation by the primitive flooding method requi

the smallest financird outlay, whereas prep!Uatioll for urtificial ,'"
irrigation or for sprinkling requires tho largest investment. It is '
mated that the totnl cost of properly preparing all the irrigated 1
of the West for efficient application of waLeI' will cqunl approxim
the total cost of dams, canals, head gates, and other major irrigL
structures required to make water available to the farms. The'
still very great opportunity for improving the preparation of lan,
smoothing and leveling it, and by selecting widths and length
border strips; areas of different kinds of checks; length, spacing,
which normally function as plant nutrients, if accumulated in the soii
in" excessive amounts, become toxic to plants. There are many areas
of highly productive soils in arid regions which are entirely free from
salinity and alkali troubles. Moreover, some of these areas probably
never will be adversely influenced by the occurrenc~ or the accumula-
tion of excess soluble salts or of exchangeable sodium. In other areas
these accumulations are the cause of the widespread sterility and
barrenness of arid-region soils. A large amount of research has been
directed toward the solution of the salinity and alkali problem in
the West. The waters of some arid-region streams and rivers contain
~preciable amounts of soluble salts, the actual amounts being infiu-

~~~lCed by the soil from which the waters flow into the streams and
'ivers. Because of the importance of salinity and alkali in arid-region
oils and their relations to irrigation practices, Chapter 11 is devoted
t02a consideration of these topics.

copic warer
(/fI(1l((1i/ahle Available Superfluous
AVQ;lahlf under
ctilain c()ndiftpJ:1s
FIA 102. Classes of soil water and their availability to plants. (From The Nature
jjPropertiBs of Soils, by Lyon and Buckman, The Macmillan Company, New York.)
i, ·"j'i
),~. Classes and Availability of Soil Water Soil water may be classi-
r "a as hygroscopic, capillary, and gravitational. The hygroscopic
i;I:ter is on the surface of the soil grains and is not capable of move-
, :,;~,ht through the action of gravity or capillary forces. Capillary
,Lter is that part in excess of the hygroscopic water which exists in
:18 pore space of the soil and which is retained against the force of
'kf1Lvity in a soil that permits unobstructed drainage. Gravitational
,'fitter is that part in excess of the hygroscopic and capillary water
lach will move out of the soil if favorable drainage is provided.
'~l,bre is no precise boundary or line of demarcation between these
:'~e classes of soH water. The proportion of each class depends on
ii/' soil texture, structure, organic matter content, temperature, and
'1:1 depth of soil column considered. The relation of the classification

fsoil water to wilting point and maximum field capacity is illustrated

• H!Fig. 102. Water is classified also as unavailable, available, and
d • ~}lbrfluous or gravitational (Chapter 9), Shown also in Fig. 102 is
the relation of this classification to the first and the relationship of
the zone of optimum water to both.
130. Surface Tension Surface tension is due to unbalanced molecular
forces. In any body of water the particles in the interior of the liquid

FIG. 103. Illustrating UlO fact that surface tension is due to uubaIILllcetl mo]ocUilL\'
forces. (From Mechanics, Molecular Physics and Heat, by Millikall, Ginn and
Company, New York,)

are attracted equally in (111 directions by the otlwl' particles of the

liquid, as illustrated by the pHrticle at point 11 in Fig. 103. A particle on
the water surface, on the contrary, is not
attracted equally on all sides, since the
molecules of the nil' surrounding the pitrticle
eX(11't less attraction upon the WittCl'~surface
particle than is exerted by the interior p!ir~
ticlcs of the liquid. Thcre is consequently H
i--"2r l'esultant inward attraction along a line per~
-- I-- pendicular to the surface of the liquid as
Heighf illustrated in points Band C of Fig. 103.

131. Tension Reads The water in the

capillary tube illustrated in Fig. 104 is held
in the position shown itt n height h t above
surrr:ce~ ~ the water surface by an upward force due to
slll'fnee tension in the Wftter .
.-- -_- --
_- :: ""'" __ _- _- _.
Lei: /1'" =, the totEtl upward fOl'eo.
- ·Water in confa/ner - _
[1',1 = the total downward force.
FIG. 104. Showing thllt
Then F" = F,! because the wnter is at rest.
waLeI' I'iscs in a Cl!tpillllry
Fol' the 11Ul'pose of this analysis, t.he anglo of
t.uhe, owing to BUrrl\ee tcn-
sioll, to 1\ height well abovc
eOlltnet between the water and the glass tube
the surfaco of the wILlicr in(a in l~ig. 104) is considered zero. Then the
the containcr.
upward force is equal to the cireumfercncc
of the tube times the surfaco tension of the water, and the downward
fOl'ce is equal to the volume of water times its specific weight w.
Using symbols and equations
Fd = 1lT htw =: Fu = 27rrT
It follows that
_ 2T
ht - (32)
The ht of equation 32 is the height to which water will rise in a capil~
lary tube of radius r as the result of the surface tension of the water
T. It is here designated the tension head. Unsaturated soil pores, like
the capillary tube of Fig. 104, develop concave water surfaces and
suction forces or tensions that tend to pull water in soils from points
of high moisture percentages to points of lower moisture percentages.
MUltiplying each side of equation 32 by w there results
wh t = - (32a)
Each side of equation 32a is a force intensity (F/L2) due to tension.
Using metric units for T and w of equation 32, since the surface
tension of water is 75.6 dynes per cm and its specific weight is 980
dynes per cc, it follows that
h _ 2 X 75.6 0.15
t- 980r r
Equation 33a gives the height in centimeters to which water at 4° C
will rise in a capillary tube of radius r centimeters (Table QR).
Applying essentially the same reasoning as underlies equation 33a
to ideal soils in which the capillary tubes are triangular in cross sec-
tion, Keen has shown that the maximum height of rise of water in
centimeters is given approximately by the equation:
ht = 0.75jr and h = 1.5/d (33b)
in which r is the radius and d the diameter of the soil particles in
Because of the great variability in natural soils and the changes in
size of capillary tubes, the actual heights of rise of water by capillary
action are usually less than the theoretical heights computed from
equation 33b. In general terms, under average conditions capillarity
acts freely to 4 or 5 ft, fairly to 10 ft, and slowly to 30 or more ft.
Equation 33b shows that the film tension of soil moisture increases
as the radius of the capillary water film decreases. Soils of a given
texture and structure having_ low percentages of water have, there-
fore, high moisture tensions, whereas the samo soils having high
percentages of water have low moisture tensions. These facts explain
observed soil and water relations, such, for example, as the decrease
in capillary water with increase in distance above a water table when
nt equilibrium.
132. Tensiometers The tension or suction force of unsaturated soils
for water is measured by means of porous cups filled with water,

Surface or

FIG. 105. Illustmting tho oqulllmagnitudo of the vertieul [Ol'ces which uot on the
wuter in allY unit volumo of !L Roil ill whi<:h tlw capillary wate!" is ILl, equilibrium
with the gt'lJUlld waLet·.

I)laecd in the soil, and att[whed to a mercury manometer. When tho

cups arc placcrl in a dry soil, water moves from the porous cup into
the soil beCi).llse of the soil moisture tension and Cl\USCS tho mercury
to rise in the ml1nomotel'. The usc of tCllsiometors is explained in
Chapter 10 undor the study of soil moisture energy relations and tlw
flow of water in unsatumtcd soils.
133. Equilibrium Water Conditions Consider a unit volume within a
vertical soil column at a height h" above the surface of free water as
illustrated in Fig. 105. By equilibrium conditions it is meant that thero
[lro no un balanced forces and ecmsequently no flow of moisturo. The
ftttninmcnt of equilibrium eonciitiol1s is difficult. It may roquirc much
time together with the maintenance of constant temperature and pre-
vention of evaporation. However, for the purpose of this chapter it is
necessary only to assume the attainment of equilibrium conditions.
Assume two further conditions:
(a) That the unit volume selected is 1 CCi and
(b) That the mean moisture content of the soil within the cubic
centimeter is 20 percent by volume.
Then the actual weight of water within the cubic centimeter is
0.2 gm. For convenience, the 0.2 gm of water is illustrated by the
black cube to the reader's left of the soil column. The force of gravity
is pulling down on the 0.2 gm of water, and the magnitude of the
gravitational force is 0.2 X 981 = 196.2 dynes. The cubic centimeter of
soil is completely surrounded by ·soil containing capillary water, and
hence there must be a downward capillary tension. But, since under
equilibrium conditions there are no unbalanced forces and no flow,
it follows that the upward tension on the 0.2 gm of water is equal in
magnitude to the Sllm of the downward tension and the gravity force.
The tension forces are relatively large in soils of low moisture content
and small in soils of high moisture content. Hence in the upper part of
the cubic eentimcter the moisture contcnt must be less than it is near
the lower part; otherwise the upward tension force could not exceed
the downward tension. Therefore, at equilibrium moisture conditions,
the moisture content must decrease as the height of the soil above the
free water surface increases.
The conclusion from the above discussion is well supported by
technical analysis of basic energy relations of soil moisture and also
by the results of experiments on the distribution of moisture in soils.
From measurements of water distribution in many soil columns of
small cross section, McLaughlin found, subject to certain minor dis-
crepancies near the free water surfa·ce, that the moisture content of
different soils after many days of contact with free water decreased
with increase in 11eight above the free water surface. Figure 106
represents the moisture distribution after a vertical column of Idaho
lava ash soil had been in contact with water for 46 clays. The free
water surface was 66 in. below the surface of the soil column. From
a point about 15 in. above the water surface the moisture content
decreased with increase in height from more than 30 percent to less
than 15 percent.
V~hmeyer, Israelsen, and Conrad studied the distribution of
l'!lblsture within a thin layer of soil after it hac] been subjected to a
:::'centrifugal force of approximately 1000 times gravity in a moisture
equivalent centrifuge. The results of their work are given in Fig. 107.
The inner soil surface (the surface nearest the axis of the moisture
equivalent machine) is represented by the top of the figure, and the


5 /0 /5 20 25 30 .35



t...l 20
~ 25
:::) SO
::::! J5
~ 45

55 -



FIG. 106. DiI:ltl'ibut;ion of eapilIl1l'Y water in a vertical eolunm of Idaho lava ash
soil after ,ill days ill conl;a()L with 11 witter reservoir. (U.S,1J,A. Hul. 1221.)

outer soil surface by the bottom. The rotation of the block of soil
in the machine throws the gravitational water out through a per-
forated wall at the outer surface of Lhe soil column. Hence the curve
of Fig. 107 shows the distribution of the moisture which took place
to form an equilibrium condition with the throw-off force induced by
the rotation of the tnHchine. There is a rnal'ked increase in moisture


.~ ~

"c...... ~
§ "'

FIG. 107. Moisture distribution in a 60-gram sample of yolo clay loam soil after
being subjected to a centrifugal force of 1000 times gravity for a period of Y2 hr.
(Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. 'J'eck. Paper 16.)
/0 12 14 /6 /8 20 22 24 26 28 JO
<0 --<I

11'2. oq


I - - - -f - -

.f.t: -0



\ - -! - - -

IO'lz ,

IIYz -
\ 0----

12 \
PIG. 108. Dist.l'ibu[,joll of Il10iHturC in soil 68 days ItfLel' irrigation as corroeto(l for
vl1riaLion in soil toxt,ure, I,hus showing disLribu !"ion that would have oGelll'l'()d in a
Hoil of uuiform textur~. (Calif. A(/I'. &cp. Sin. HiIU(Ll'din, Vol. 2, No. 14.)
content from the inner to the outer surface, analogou's to the increase
in field-soil moisture content at equilibrium with increase in depth
of soil.
The conclusion from the above analysis is supported also by field
experiments on soil-moisture distribution. The moisture content of
the upper 12 ft of a non-cropped soil 68 days after irrigation, when
corrected for variations in soil texture, showed a substantial increase
with increased depth of soil. The average moisture content in three
different plats is shown in Fig. 108.


FIG. 109. Illustrating the probable distribution of capillary water in soils of dif-
ferent texture under equilibrium conditions.

134. Soil Texture and Equilibrium Water Conditions In Fig. 109 the
probable distribution of moisture in three soils of different texture
at equilibrium is illustrated. For convenience, a point in the saturated
surface is selected as origin, the horizontal coordinate representing
percentage capillary water, and the vertical coordinate representing
distance vertically above the saturated surface, Three things are
indicated by Fig. 109.
1. That under equilibrium conditions the moisture content of a soil decreases
as the distance from the surface of saturation increases,
2. That, at a given clistrLl1ce above the saturated surface as represented by
h, the clay Iloil has a higher percentage of moisture than the loam, and
the loalll has a highcr percentage than the sand.
3. That any given moisture pcrc8ntage, at equilibrium, will be at the
highest point in the clay, and the next highest in the loam, and lowest
in the sand.
The soil-moisture distribution under equilibrium conditions il-
lustrated in Fig. 109 is in harmony with basic facts of film and
moisture tensions and equality of upward aml downward forces.
Storage of Water in
Unsaturated Soils
~: ~":
. 'Phe storage of water in soils is important in humid and arid regions.
That some humid-climate soils produce crops despite the elapse of
many days, and sometimes weeks, between periods of rainfall, is
evidence of their capacity to store available water, since all growing
plants require ,vater continuously. In irrigated regions the capacity of
soils to store available water for the use of growing crops is of special
importance and interest because the depth of water to apply in each
irrigation and the interval between irrigations are both influenced by
their storage capacity. Irrigated soils of large water-storage capacity
may produce profitable crops in places where, and at times when, the
shortage of irrigation water makes it impossible to irrigate as fre-
quently as would be desirable. Knowledge of the capacity of soils to
retain available irrigation water is also essential to efficient irrigation.
If the irrigator applies more water than the soil reservoir can retain at
a single irrigation the excess is wasted. If he applies less than the soil
will retain the plants may wilt from lack of water before the next
irrigation, unless water is applied more frequently than otherwise
would be necessary. In this chapter, attention is given to the storage
of irrigation water in soils. Water losses which result from deep
percolation below the root zone of crops cannot be seen. They can be
measured approximately by subtracting from the depths of water
applied in single irrigations, less the runoff, the storage capacity
depths of the various soils for water.
135. Forms of Water Stored In irrigated regions, water is stored in the
soil in both capillary and gravitational form. The storage of moisture
in unsaturated soils that is available to plants is of major importance
and is therefore given special attention here. However, in localities
where the late-season water supply is always low, and surface storage
reservoirs are impracticable or economically prohibitive, storage of
water in saturated soils in the gravitational form is sometimes ad~
vantageous. Excessive application of water for the purpose of water
storage may cause the ground water to rise and become injurious to
cropH during the early part of the senson.
It is important to find the available water capacity for different
soils, i.e., the field capacity less the moisture content at permanent
wilting. Some soils having high field capacities also have high wilting
points, thus making the available water capacity rather low, requiring
frequent irrigation. '1'ho depth of available water that can be stored in-

ilia. 110. A soil allgnr helps to show whon wl1tel' is Modod lInd the depth of water
penetmtion from il'rig!Ltion. (Courtosy Ullion Pu()ific Hl1ilroad Compl1uy.)

creases with the root-zone depth. ?vlethods of estimating the depths

nnd volumes of the water that mny be stored and made available to
crops urc considcrod in this ehaptcl', after a brief deHeriptioll of a soil
augm' and soil-snmpling tube.

136. The Soil Auger It is highly desimble that irrigation fnrmcl's

observe by inspection and sometimes by mensurell1ent tho quantities
of lIloisture in their soils. Boring or drilling decply into the soils
of arid regions for tho desirod informution cOl1eerning soil moisturc
conditions is essential.
Two types of soil augers are used: one a spiral-shaped bit 111ado
froUl H Ph-in. cal'pentCl"s standard wood auger bit, and onG 2-i11. post-
hole auger made especially for boring iuto the soil.
The spiral-bit auger, well below the soil surface in Fig. llOA,
is illustrated in Fig. 110B. The screw-point and the side-cutting edges
of a carpenter's auger are removed in preparing the bit for soil boring.
The spiral auger is light in weight and convenient to carry around.
When using it in compact soils care is necessary
to avoid boring too deeply at one time and
thus causing the auger to lodge in the soil. The
post-hole auger, illustrated in Fig. ill, docs not
involve this danger because when filled with soil
it does not easily advance further.
Physical properties of soils cannot be satisfac-
torily determined from inspection of the land FIG. 111. Post-hole au-
surface. It is especially helpful to irrigation farm- ger. Small-diameter au-
ers to study the texture, structure, and depth of gers of this type are used
their soils by means of a soil auger or a soil- for studying the distri-
sampling tube in order to adjust their irrigation bution of irrigation
water in soil. (Cour-
methods and practices according to the needs of tesy Iwan Brothers.)
the soils. Losses of water through deep percolation
from shallow soils may be reduced by efficient application of water if the
irrigator is well informed concerning the texture and depth of his soil.
137. An Improved Soil-Sampling Tube F. H. King, one of America's
pioneer soil scientists, designed and. used a steel tube for sampling
soils. The "King soil tube" has been improved by Veihmeyer and
associates of the California Agricultural Experiment Station. After
several years' experience with different soil-sampling devices in irriga-
tion and soil-moisture studies, Veihmeyer concluded that the samples
of soil obtained with the improved soil-sampling tube give more
accurate and consistent results than those obtained with other sampling
devices. In'soils containing gravel it is frequently difficult, and some-
times impossible, to obtain samples by means of a soil auger, whereas
with a properly made sampling tube it is possible to cut through
layers of gravel and obtain satisfactory samples.
As illustrated in Fig. 112, each tube consists of three parts: a tube
of seamless steel of the desired length, a driving head, and a point.
Each end of the tube is threaded to facilitate attachment of the head
and the point. A special hammer drives the tube into the soil.
In the design of the improved tube, precautions have been taken,
as reported by Veihmeyer, to reduce the difficulties of removing the
tube from the soil. Where samples need be taken to great depths,
12 to 18 ft, a pul181~ made of two automobile jacks mounted on a base
and connected at the to,n by a yoke may be needed to draw the
tllbe from the soil-
Taylor and Blaney, working in south em California, have designed
and built an efficient soil tube jack with which they have drawn tubes
after sampling the soil Lo a depth of 18 ft. They have pulled tubes
whenever it was possible to drive them with a 30-lb hammer.

Wpbs aerfy/eni'
wl'Jded to 7ugs
and head or _
cui from ::....
lSolid piece .Lbaoa.....OR7ll=====z=clI=:m:tt"""""'1x=:

~ ~'t-%'1 %'r=/"-1+ ra'1

!'t _t

I U.S,S. 28pt'r in. I

I. .jJ/8" .1
1+---- 4"----0-1 Point· Tool steel hardened by
Head -tY/cIChm(' sfN! CQse hard,ned heating and cooling then
tempt'r drawn fo r('d color
as for rock drills
FIG. 112. Details of soil-smnplillg tube. (WiIIil1!l\8 aud WilkillH Compauy, Soil
BOI;" Vol. 27, No.2.)

13B. Measuring the Soil-Moisture Content Dired methods of meas-

uring the moisture content of soils, though tedious and costly, have
substantial value. rrhe practice is to bore or drive t.o the desired depths
with a soil auger or a soil tube, place samples of the moist soil in
cans provided with eovcI's, and take tho soil samples t.o a laboratory
for weighing ane! drying, Samples of 100 or more grams of moist soilH
arc kept in an oven having a telUl)el'nture of 105 0 to llOo C until the
soil is free from llloisture. The loss of weight in drying, divided by the
weight of the water-free' soil, fmd multiplied by 100 is the moisture
percentage on the dry-weight ba:sis, represented by the symbol P w '
For example:
Weight. of moist soil 100 gm
Woight of water-froe floil 80 gm
Loss of weight in drying 20 gm
Then p", (Le., the moisture percentage on the dry-weight, hRSis)
20/80 X 100 = 25. Measurements of soil-moisture content arc some-
times reported on the wet-weight basis; that is, in the above example,
the moisture percentage on the wet-weight basis = 20/100 X 100 = 20.
The apparent advantage of the wet-weight basis is the simplicity of
computation if 100 gm of moist soil arc used. In reality, however, the
wet-weight basis is irrational because the reference base for the
percentage computation, i.e., the weight of the wet sample of soil,
varies according to the moisture content of the soil.
Interpretations of the significance and influence of differcnt quantities
of water in the soil, both in relation to water storage and to plant
growth, are facilitated by converting the moisture percentage on the
dry-weight basis to the volume basis. The percentage on a volume
basis is defined as the volume of water per unit volume of space within
the body of soil. For example, if a cubic foot of space within the
soil contains 1,4 cu ft of air, 1,4 cu ft of water, and 112 cu ft of solid
soil particles, the percentage of moisture on the volume basis, repre-
sented by the symbol P '" is 25. Drying the soil in an oven, as a means
of extracting the water from it, results in a loss of water in the form
of vapor. It is therefore dcsirable to convert dry-weight basis moisture
percentages P w to volume percentages P v. The apparent specific gravity
of the soil, represented by thc symbol As as stated in Chapter 8, is
defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of soil, say 1 eu it,
" to the weight of an equal volume of water, and:

Based on equation 34, Table 21 gives the moisture percents on the

volume basis that are equivalent to different percents on the dl'Y-
weight basis.
139. Field-Moisture Capacity The percentage of water Pic that a
well-drained soil retains at a specified time after flooding is desig-
nated the field-moisture capacity. It is influenced largely by the
texture, structure, and organic content of the soil. In soils having
ground water near the soil surface the field capacity is influenced
by the position of the water tables. The time after irrigation at which
the soil moisture content is equal to the field capacity is taken as
2 to 5 days, but this time period cannot be accurately fixed because so
many variable factors influence soil-moisture flow. Probably the
moisture in irrigated soil during the growing season is always moving.
However, the velocities at which soil moisture flows vary widely ac-
cording to the moisture content of the soil.· Although the dynamic
properties of soil moisture make aprecise determination of field-

PEnCI~NTS ON THE DRY-WI~IGn'l' BASIS, P w , ICon Son,l:i Ol" DIl<'I'lmmNT

MoisturePe!'(lCllt Apparent Specific Gravity (As)

on Dry-Weight.
Basis (P w ) 1.4 1.5 l.G 1.7 1.8
1.1 1.2 1.3
- - -- - - - - - - -
-1.20- -1.30
1.0 1.10 1.40 1.50 1. GO 1. 70 1.80
1.2 1.32 1.44 1.56 1.68 1.80 1.92 2,04 2.16
1.4 1.54 1.68 1.82 1.96 2.10 2.24 2.38 2,52
1.6 1.76 1.92 2.08 2,24 2.40 2,56 2,72 2.88
l.8 1.98 2.10 2.34 2.52 2.70 2.88 3.00 3.24
2.0 2.20 2,40 2.00 2,80 3,00 3,20 3.40 3.60
2.2 2.42 2,04 2,8(] 3,08 3,30 3.52 3.74 3.96
2.4 2.04 2.88 3,12 3,30 3,GO 3.84 4,08 4,32
2,6 2,86 3.12 3.38 3,04 3,90 4.10 4.42 4.68
2,8 8.08 3.86 3,04 3.92 4,20 4.'18 4,7(l 5,04
3,0 3,30 3.(J0 3,90 4.20 4.50 4,80 5:10 5.40
3,2 3.52 8.84 4.16 4,48 4,80 5.12 5.'14 5,70
3,4 3.74 4,08 4.42 '1.7G 5,10 5.'14 5.78 6.12
3.n 3.96 4.32 4.08 5,04 5,40 5,7(\ 0.12 6.48
3.8 4.18 4,56 4,94, 5.82 5,70 6.08 (iAn 6,84
4,0 4.'10 ,1.80 5.20 5.60 6,00 6.40 (l.SO 7,20
4.2 4.(i2 5,0·1 5.4(1 5.88 6,30 G,72 7,14 7.56
4.4 4.84 5,28 5.72 6.lG 6.00 7.04 7,48 7.92
'1,6 fLOG 5,52 5.98 6,44 0.\)0 7.an 7,82 8.28
4,8 5,28 5,7G 0,24 n,72 7.20 7.G8 8,16 8,G4
5,0 5.150 6.00 6.50 7,00 7.50 8.00 8.150 9.00
5,2 5.72 6.U (i.7n 7.28 7.80 8,82 8.84 9,36
5,4 5,04 6.48 7.02 7,56 8,10 S,M IU8 9.72
S,(J O.H) 0.72 7,28 7.84 8,40 8.00 1).112 10,08
5,8 n.38 0,9G 7,5'1 8.12 8.70 9.28 9,8(l 10.44
0,0 G.GO 7.20 7,80 8.40 9,00 !l.GO 10.20 10.80
0.2 (i.82 7,'H 8.0G 8.08 9,80 0.02 1O,M 11.10
0,4 7.04 7.G8 8,:12 8.0n 9.GO 10.2,1 10,88 11.52
(I. 6 7,2(i 7.92 8,58 9.24 \).00 HUG 11,22 11.88
(1.8 7.48 8.W 8.S'1 9.52 10,20 1O.8S 11.5G 12,24
7.0 7,70 8.40 0.10 9.80 10,50 11.20 1l.()0 12.60
7.2 7,92 8,(i4 9.30 10,08 10.80 11 ,1l2 12,24 12.9G
7.4 8.14 8.88 9,(}2 10,80 11.10 11,84 12.liS 13,32
7,(i 8,80 1),12 \).88 10,04 11.40 12,10 12,()2 13.68
7.8 8.58 9,86 10.[11 10.02 11.70 12.48 18,2(1 14,0,1
8,0 8,80 I), 00 10,110 11.20 12.00 12.80 la,OO 14.40
8,2 I) .02 9.84 10,GO 11,48 12,30 13.12 18,1)4 14,70
8,4 0.24 10,08 10,!l2 11.76 12,(i0 la.'i'! 14.28 115.12
S,() 9,40 10.32 11.18 12.04 12,{)0 18.7B 1<1,02 15,48
8,8 9,08 10.5() 11.44 12,32 13,20 14,OS 14,9() 15.84
g,O \),\)0 10.80 11,70 12.GO 13.50 14.40 15,ao HUO
0.2 10,12 11,04 11.00 12,88 13.S0 14.72 lli,(\4 16.56
H.'! 10,:34 11.28 12,22 13.1f1 14.10 15,04 15,08 10.92
9.(\ 1O.M 11.52 12.48 13, lit! 14.40 15.3G Hi. 32 17.28
9,8 10,78 11. 7G 12.7,1 1:3,72 14,70 15,1i8 HUlQ 17.64
moisture capacity very difficult, it is feasible to approximate field
capacity by soil-moisture determinations of undisturbed field soils.
Methods and procedure in making these determinations are given in
Article 141 together with some typical results.
140. Basis of Available Capacity Soil-Moisture Storage Provided
the available moisture capacity of a soil is known, the depth of water
that lllay be stored in the root-zone soil can be determined as follows:
Let P aa the available field capacity; that is, the field capacity
minus the field moisture percentage at permanent
W = the dry weight of the soil to be moistened, pounds.
w = the weight of water necessary to increase soil-moisture
content from permanent wilting percentage to field
capacity, pounds.
W = 100

The depth of water applied in a single irrigation is usually expressed

in acre-inches or acre-feet per acre, or simply surface inches or surface
feet. Thus, if 6 acre-inches were spread uniformly over 1 acre the depth
of irrigation would be 6 in., or 0.5 ft. In practice, however, if 1;2 acre-
foot of water is used to irrigate an acre the result is considered a
1;2-ft irrigation, regardless of lack of uniformity in distribution of
the water over the surface.
Let A = area of land irrigated in square feet.
As = the apparent spedfic gravity of the soil.
d = the depth of water to be applied, feet.
D = depth of soil to be moistened, feet.
Then, the weight of soil to be moistened is
W = 62.4 AaAD Ib
and the weight of water necessary to add is
w= 62.4dA Ib
Substituting for Wand w these values in the above equation, there
62.4dA = 62.4 ~~ AsAD
from which
d = Pac AD (35)
100 8
In the application of equation 35, d may be eomputed in inches if J)
is also in inches. For example, assume that the available field capacity
of soil having an average apparent specific gl'o,vity of 1.4 is 5 percent
and it is desired to add an average of 5 percent moisture to the upper
4 ft. Then

d = l~O X 1.4 X 4 = 0.28 ft = 3.36 in.

Similar problems lllay be solved for different fwnilable eapaeities and

root-zone depths, with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, by the
usc of Table 22.

141. Determinations of Field Capacity To make direct measurements

of the field capacity Pfo of soils for water, it is esscntial to give careful
attention to the following conditions:
(a) Assure complete capillary saturation by !.d<ling nn execssivo
depth of irrigation water.
(b) Reduce to a minimum the surfLwe-evapontt,ion losses immedi-
ately after irrigation.
(c) Eliminate transpiration losses by wen'king on llon-el'opped plots.
((1) Observe tho time ratos of decrcase in llloisture (o,(lutent by
making moisture determinations at diffcront timeR after il'l'igntion.
(e) Seleet for the study of field capacity a plot under whic:h the
water table is at great depth.

Excessive percolation of water vertically downward from fL plot COIn-

pletely flooded will assure wetting the surface soil to field enpacity. Aver-
age soils have a pore space of Hbout 50 pCl'eent. If it is de,drecl to assure
complete capillary sl1tul'Htion of the upper 6 H uf a 100,111 soil, the neces-
sary depth of water to apply mny be computed somewhat itS follows: The
total voids if the soil were completely dry at the he ginning would be
50/100 X 6 = 3 ft. Moisture determinations before flooding show an
average of 2 in. of water per foot depth of soil. Tho remaining pore
spaeo is 4 in. per foot of soil, or 24 in. for the 6 ft. An il'l'ig!tt.ion of
24 in. would then eompletely fill the pore space if percohLtiol1 were
prevented at the 6-ft depth. This depth would seem mnplo to HHSUl't\
The surface-evaporation losses immediately after flooding may be
reduced to a minimum by spreading a deep straw mulch. Experi-
ments conducted on t1 deep loam soil at Logan, Utah, showed that a
12-in. depth of st,raw mulch reduced the surface evapllratiol1 to a
negligible amount.
The selection of a particular time after flooding as representing the
field-moisture capacity is difficult. The rate of downward flow of water
after flooding soils on which there is no plant growth decreases. from day
to day, and yet it may continue for weeks and months. In reality the

d =----roo-
Available Field Apparent Specific Gravity (A.)
Moisture Capacities
(Pac) 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
- - - - - - - -- - - - - -
4.0 0.58 0.62 0.67 0.72 0.77 0.82 0.86 0.91
4.2 .60 .65 .71 .76 .81 .86 .91 .96
4.4 .53 .68 .74 .79 .84 .90 .95 1.01
4.6 .66 .72 .77 .82 .88 .94 .99 1.05
4.8 .69 .75 .81 .86 .92 .98 1.04 1.09
5.0 .72 .78 .84 .90 .96 1.02 1.08 1.14
5.2 .75 .81 .87 .94 1.00 1.06 1.12 1.19
5.4 .78 .84 .91 .97 1.04 1.10 1.16 1.23
5.6 .81 .87 .94 1.01 1.08 1.14 1.21 1.28
5.8 .83 .90 .97 l.04 l.11 1.18 1.25 1.32
6.0 .86 .93 1.01 1.08 1.15 1.22 1.30 1.37
6.2 .89 .97 1.04 1.12 1.19 1.26 1.34 1.41
6.4 .92 1.00 1.08 1.15 1.23 l.31 1.38 1.46
6.6 .95 1.03 1.11 1.19 1.27 1.35 1.43 1.50
6.8 .98 1.05 1.1<1 1.22 1.31 1.39 1.47 1.55
7.0 1.01 1.09 1.18 1.26 1.34 1.43 1.51 1.60
7.2 1.04 1.12 1.21 1.30 1.38 1.47 1.56 1.64
7.4 1.07 1.15 1.24 1.33 1.42 1.51 1.60 1.69
7.6 1.09 1.19 1.28 1.37 1.46 1.55 1.64 1.73
7.8 1.12 1.22 1.31 1.40 1.50 1.59 1.68 1.78
8.0 1.15 1.25 1.34 1.44 1.54 1.63 1.73 1.82

capacity at equilibrium is the moisture held after the downward move-

ment of moisture has ceased. The very slow attainment of equilibrium
conditions necessitates, in practice, an arbitrary selection of the time
when down drainage becomes negligible and the moisture content of field
soils at this time is designated the field capacity. In coarse-textured
sand soils downward flow of water will become negligible more quickly
than in the fine-textured clay soils. The time that the observer may
select after flooding may vary from one to many days. If the time
selected is too short and the downwl1rd flow is significant, the ob-
served field capacity will be greater than tho true capacity, provided
evaporation and transpiration losses have been prevented. On the
othel' hand, if the after-irrigation moisture content of crop-producing
soils that have been henvily irriga,ted is considered as representing
approximately the field capacity, it is probable that the mpie! evapora-
tion and transpiration losses in a few days following irrigation IDay
reduce the moisture content to an amount less than the true capacity.
The distribution of water 68 days after irrigation as presented in
Fig. 108 (Chapter 8) substantiates tho statement that, at equilibrium,
the moisture capacity of tho upper fow feet of soil is relatively high
when the wator table is high and low 'when the water table is low.
U sing experimental plots near Glendale, Arizona, in Salt River
Valley, Hilgeman measured the field capacity of the upper 8 ft of a
silty clay loam on May I, 1944, seven d~\ys ~\ftel' irrigt\tion. The plots
woro irrigated on Fobrunl'Y 21, 1944, ancl April 24, 1944, after which nO
further irrigation was applied until March 11, H)4G. The soil-moisturo
Ilcrcentages on May 1, 1944, rtlnged from 21.3 em t,he surface foot
to 35.0 in the sixth font and nverngud 27.8 in the 8 ft. TW()llty-two
months Inter the average moisture percentage was only 19.9, although
the plots were kept bare and haft received light winter ruins. Nearly
10 in. of water were lost froIl1 the 8 ft of soil, of whieh more than
two-thirds WILS lost from the upper 4 ft.
The term "field cap[wity" has heen used by Cnhnan to refer to that
point at whieh the rate of change of moisture content has become so
low as to be insignificant in cOll1pnrison with enrly rlttes. Using this
concept of field cnpacity, Hilgemnn found that field capacity was
attained 10, 14, and 19 days after ,vetting in the 0- to 12-, 12- to 18-,
ancl18- to 30-in. zoneR, rcspectively. li'idrl capneity in the 30- to 54-in.
zone was apparently attainoel prior to .5 days aHor wetting. The 54- to
G6-in. zone, which was wetter! entirely by drainage nfter the hrigation
witter was shut off, increasod to a constant moisture content by the
fourteenth day.
Hilgeman conclm1ed thnt, the determination of tho fleM capt1city
for the soil sturliml is rliflieult and subject to eonsiclernhle error. There
was no single time after wet.ting that was satisfactory for nll rlerths.
Considerable differences were ohtninerl in two experiments. 'rhese dif-
fcrences were apparently due to differences in the moisture content of
the subsoil.

142. Water-Storage Measurements Some water-storage measure-

ments have been made by dil'eet methods in eonncction with the study
of irrigation of important crops. Others have been made on non-cropped
soil with a view to finding the maximum quantity of water that may
be stored in a field soil by increasing the moisture content, from t.he
minimum ordinarily found in the field, to the field capacity. The
method of procedure in making field-moisture-capacity determinations
as outlined in Article 141 may also be followed to find the depth of
water that may be stored in any field soil. After having found the
percentages of moisture in the soil before, and also following, irriga-
tion, the equivalent depths of water may be computed by means of
equation 35 if the apparent specific gravity is known. The depth of
water found in the form of soil moisture at any time from one to three
days after irrigation, minus the depth before irrigation, gives approxi-
mately the depth that may be stored as available soil water.
In California, Utah, Oregon, and Washington, attention has been
given to a study of the storage of water in soils. The results of some
of these studies are here briefly reported.

143. California Studies In an investigation of the economical use of

water for alfalfa in Sacramento Valley, California, conducted by
Adams and others, studies were made on capacities of soils for
irrigation water. Soil-moisture determinations were made immediately
before irrigation and from one to four days after. The studies do not
represent precise measurements of maximum field capacity, but rather
they show the average amounts of water stored by irrigation in soils
of different texture at various time periods after irrigation.
In order to interpret these and similar determinations of soil
moisture in terms of depths of water applied and retained, it is
necessary to determine the apparent specific gravity of the soil As.
The average values of A.* for each class of soil are given in Table 23,
which contains a summary of the average depths of water applied to
eaeh soil and also the depths retained in the upper 6 ft a few days
after irrigation. Because of tho fact that alfalfa was growing on each
of the farms, estimates were made of probable evaporation and
transpiration losses between the time of irrigation and moisture tests
following. These estimated losses added to the amounts actually
retained are also reported in Table 23, page 200.
The number of inches of water in each foot of soil both before and
after irrigation are shown in Figs. 113 to 116. In the coarser-textured
soils, i.e., the fine sandy loams and silt loams, borings were made to a
depth of 9 ft, whereas in the clay loams and clays, moisture tests were
* For the best results of storage capacity A, should be measured in various
depths of the root zone, because in many soils it changes with depth.
made only in the upper 6 ft of soil. Each figure contains the moisture
equivalent as determined by the Briggs-McLane method, and the pore
space as computed from determinations of apparent and rcal specific
0 2 a
ACIi&-INCHeS \" PUI A (,liE -;-OOT Or SOIl.

1\ I
\ \
l §:
~ ,JT
"0: ~
~ ~

8 I I( \ ~I

FIG. 113. Gmphs of the \VilLc!' content bcfore and arLer irrigntioll, moisturo equiv-
alent, and pore space of silt-loam soils having fine sanely-loam subsoils. Each
water-content curve is the average of 62 borings. (U.S.f).A. J. Agl'. Rasoa'l'eh,
Vo!' 13, No_ 1.)

Figures 113 and 114 show that thc water penetrated below the
9-ft depth in the silt-loam soils. Figure 115 shows penetration below
tho 6-ft depth in the clay-loam soils, and Fig. 116 indicates a small
moisture increase in the 12-ft depth of the yolo loam soils. The
volume of air space in exeess of the moisture content after irrigation
is greatest in the coarse-textured soils and smallesb in the fine-
textured ones. In the upper 6 ft the silt loarns having fine sandy loam
subsoils held an average of 2.73 in. of water per foot of soil; the silt
loams, 3.20 in.; the clay loams, 3,49 in.
& f 3 5 8
..!.UA"A~ 50lL

1\ I
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z !
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J i ~~
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it. tt
'::; ~ ~:
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~\ ~ ~J, I ~~~()
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8 ~
{ 11:

, ~I

FIG. 114. Graphs of' the water content before and after irrigation, moisture equiv-
alent, and pore space of silt-loam soils. Each water-content curve is the average
of 87 borings, (U.S.D"t. J. Au}', Research, Vol. 13, No. 1.)

The avel'age moisture contents of each foot of soil for six experi-
mental plots at the University Farm at Davis, California, before and
after irrigation are given in Fig. 116. Each plot was irrigated differ-
ently, but the smallest depth of water applied was 6 in. in each
irrigation. It appears that some water penetrated below the 12-ft
depth. However, the data from 10 to 12 ft inclusive are based on
I I u~r ~, "I_ S
ACfI(. 'IN~Hly'lfi .-JeRc.ro0'l' 10F .501L

IL \
! !

I ,I


!i'm. 1 Hi. Ul'allhH or Uw wU(;Ol' eontout hoflll'o Itwl ni'Lnl' il'l'iJl;MiOIl, moilltllro equiv-
nlont, nlHl llOl'(l spaoo of clny-!ol\lu HoilH. ['],1(111 Wlll.PI'-I'OIlLl!nL IIIII'V(\ iH ~h(' ILvnrllJl;1I
of V18 bol'inp;R. ((r,8,D.A .•T. A{Jr. UI'Nt'III'I'''', Vol. W, No.1..)

HA(!]lAMl':NTO VAr,J,~JY S'l'ITDHlH HilOWINU I"OU l"mrIt Cr,AHHI~H (II,' H(IIJ, 'I'IIN Nmrm:n
Ol' ImnGA'1'_tON8j ANll 'l'UN AVl'lltAGlll j)J.lI."l'H 01" \VA'l'I-lH ApPl,n))) AN))
RWI'AINJm IN '1'11)0) Ul'l'JoJIt 11 F1' en' 14(111,

1 2 a '1 i3 n 7 :-{ n 10
_M •• __

_·_e __......_ .._-.-"""",
..." .
<lJ '0 i!l
""""0 eSill ~il[l
P;S:;',1 XI H"S ~~.~ .S §'
.'la' ~~
ClussoH of Roil JS'r:: "'~cjll e'~·3 f!.<1
W,d! ag ~'B [1.~ r~
A"'12:..:1 Q~,j
~I-i Q'OJ ~ ... 6::~
%i ·... w ~'fjl~
_,,,.,--- 0<_,_ '-'"" ' """"''''",,'0<_
~_o< ,.~~

Sill; 1IllLllIH wHit

I:Iltildy lomn 1:1111>-
Hoits, .... _...••• 02 1.15 :I.n !Ii. 02 r.:
(i.no :H1,R 4:1.0 2
Silt IOILms ... , . , . 87 Ull :u tun tI.!H fl.:!:.! 3:1.1 ·H.o 3
Cliw IOluna ...... lMl 1.31) .1.0 H.78 :UIO ·l.nfi :m.H fl2.0 (j
Cln.yll ............ 13 1. GO 4.0 ·J.i2 2. !lO :1.2,1{ ·,W.H on.·,1 2
.---,'~----- .. ---._...~ .. -,',."" ..."........".-.-..-.,."'•.".,.."..--."""",",""

0 I 2.
o .sU/lf"A~t:. 0" .• o:t 5 0 7 8
\ ~CR£ -II'ICHI!.5 j Pl.R ACRI!..,.OOT Of' .sOIl.
• ...'\...
11 .. ~'\
. I <:>
r ~

..1 «
, ~
. ~
'" .. ~

. !i::

e; ::J

\ " ~
r\. \:~

1\ ,\ "t:l
\ ;:'t
."i.. a..
1'l' ~,

. / '" i<
~ ;J~

'"''?c!\. ['\.

~ , ~


~, f\ 1\

I \ \ tJ
~ 1\\ "I

/1 ! 11 'l.

Pm. 1Hi. Graphs of tho wntm' (lont:ollt IH1fnro uml [tft:Ol' irrigation, moisturo equivn.-
11'111;, Itnd po!'(! Hl'lIno of yolo Each wltior-col) ton t utiI've is the avel'nge
IOUlU soils.
of \i plom for Mn'Q\\ 1l()lI~lll\Ut,ive y(\ltrH, !Hld t.ho [W(\l'ago of 117 borings. (U.S.D.A.
J. fi{lt'. Ucscal'ch, Vol. 13, No. 1.)
only one yeal"b studies and arc therefore less }ll'oei:-;o than tho data
from the soil surfaeo to 6 it which are based Oll three years' work.
The tnmkcd inCl'CLLSC in moisture content bdow the 5.5-fL depth was
probably a result, in part nt least, of the ehaugo in soil texture as
shown by the lllOil:lture-equivalent determination.

144. Utah Studies The UtrLh Agrieulturul Experimont Statiull llUllln

n Bl~l'ies of mCnSlll'emcllts ur iield-moist-mD cap!wity on \1w denp llllllll
soilH of the Groenville lijxjlol'iuwnt Farm, '1'0 insure OOlllplcd:t!ll('!'S oj'
saturation execssive dcpths of water wero applied to three l'(!etullgnlal'
busin, nOll-erO}lpl!d plats, 38 ft; long and 3:3 ft wido. Around t,lws(l platH
levees about 2 H high woro built with Hoi! tnken frum oub·ddu [,Iw
plats; thus til(' Hoil in the plats was untliHtlll'lHid. The pints W('l'('
111lml>cl'od A, B, and U. SampI(.ls of Hoil were talwn to Hse(!rLaiu 1I1l~
luoi::;tUl'(l couCent before il'l'ignt.ion, after whioh I)lat A was g;ivou n
12-in, irrigatiDll, plat H n 24-in, irrigation, lLnd plat, (} !L an-ill. il'rip;a-
The hnl'ingH for I\lOiHt.tll'U samplns W('!l'{) llIarle to H IIt'pLlt of 12 ft" llnd
tho llloisture dct,Drlllitmti{lllH W(!l'O enrl'ied out ill til<! labol'utnry hy th('
uSl.ml mdllmls, (,lw rmmlts being r(lmll'{le{l in rll!l'eenbLp;(~S of tho w(ligItts
of the dry soil.
The soil is a deo» unifol'Jtl IlIum having n wntol' t.!~bl(! r;o ft or ltHll'!'
bolow Uw surface. Moisturo detol'llIina tiom; at Lwolv{! llil'fcrmrt, t.illH·
periods showing 1.110 dnol'euso in liwlst,\ll'{! ('.outl'ne nft!,!, il'rigatioll in
each of the three phtt.s, A, B, lmd 0, ltrC pl'{!seni'.nr\ p;mphic'.l111y in
Fig, 117, in whieIt the lllOistmc e(lll~ent, iH plotted ngaillsl·, LiIlW, Tlt(~
dat~~ are preparod in nere-iu(!lws of water Pl'1' HCJro, fot' dill'!'l'('nL d(lpj.]lS
of soil. ObsCll'vations wore mude at irl'oglllnl' iutt.!l'vnlH 1'1'11111 ,rlllH' iii
to Octnbm' 11, thoro being 255G dett!J'IllinntiOlls, of Wlli(~ll l(t70 W(,I'I!
lt1l1de in .T nl\e, 4(}S in .T uly, I\nt! 2:l(j in AnguHt. and R(~pt(,ll\h('r, TlI('
location of borings Was l'YstunmtiolLlly dd.ul'Iltilll·d, alHl Slllkl'S \\'('1'('
pl:wml in ('twIt hole ns SOOl) UK t.he SiLlllpln hnd hC!(!ll (lhLtli}l(~d awl lIw
excess diRLlII'hnd soil had helm l'upl:wed, ()n ('ad I KLaI\(! Ilw duL!! of
~Hll1plillg was llllLrked, l.hllH avoidillg dnplil:ati(lu ill Llw hll~aj.jllll oj'
On .Tune lo, immcdint.ely afto), tlw i1·!'iga(.illll wah!!' diHIIPJl(llll'l,1[
from the sudano of t.Il(! Hoil, n straw Irmlnlt 8 t.o :JO in. c]('(IP waH :-;pl'l'nil
over the snrfnoC!, To dd,m'lllinn tho lOHR of waLpl' thl'Ollgh LIt(' HI nt\\',
an evnp()l'imetnl' 1'[\11 12 in, by 20 ill. WILR nU(!!l witlt Roil (lj' ahout, tlt(,
Rnm(~ 1l1OiHtl1I'O eont{!llL as t.hal; ill till! plat and pla('.l'd 11Iull'I' t.lJ(' st.l'Hw
in ]lInt A with itR fntrfanl~ flush wHh t.]w gl'o\11Hl imrfn('(', FroJtt AllgUHt 2
to 2() the pnn lost (U~8a em dnptll, 01' O,Oaf> elll n dny. Tlw lkcl.'emw ill
JVI/EU,,,, '" (» <0 0

26"\ 7 I!
'0 \" /1 f u

\ ,,,
:1 ,
I :
-, --1!1f--11-----i-- _j
I ,

l" """"'/"--" '"''''''

.....-- I - - - - - - t - - --I-----,-l----j--.--I-

, \
It'w. 117. Curves cOmptH'illg tho time rate of ehango in tho amounts of water COll-
tltillllll in the Haln(1 dCl)ths of Hoil afto1' oach of thl'cO diliel'Cllio inigld:ions. Results
1L1'O (1)(lll'(!H~o(l in iuohes dopth of WlttOI' in (i!tell of the ;fOlll' depths of soil con8idoroc1.
(C!llif. AgI', I~xp, Stu.. , lliltJantia, Vol. 2, No. 14.)
moisture content of the upper (3 ft of soil from June 16 to August 22,
after deducting the water evaporated, shows losses from plats A, B, and
C of 0.58, 0.64, and 0.71 cm respectively, in 24 hr. The evaporation
losses are negligible; the maj 01' decrease in moisture content of the soil
depths, 0 to 3 ft, and 4 to 6 ft, from day to day after irrigation was
caused by a downward flow of water. Figure 117 shows that a per-
ceptible decrease continued for about 15 days in the upper (3 ft of soil
in all the plats, and that in plats Band C the decrease continued
during the same time in the depths 7 to 9 ft. From the 10- to 12-ft
depth in plats Band C the moisture increased for several days after
irrigation and then decreased slowly. In the 10- to 12-ft depth of
plat A, which was given a 12-in. irrigation, the moisture content con-
tinued to increase for nearly 20 days after irrigation. During the
remaining 50 days of observation the change was not large enough to
be significant. Data from the same experiments showing the distribu-
tion of the moisture at various depths of soil in plat A at different
time periods after irrigation are presented in Fig. 118, which shows
that the 12-in. irrigation fully moistened the soil only to the 41,6-ft
depth 2 days after irrigation. The 24-in. irrigation fully moistened the
soil to a depth of 81j2 ft, and the 3u-in. irrigation fully moistened the
soil to a depth of 10112 ft in 1 day after irrigation.
The field-moisture capacity P lo of eleven Utah County farm soils
was measured in 1942 by the direct method of ponding, flooding, and
soil sampling. Similar measurements were made on six Salt Lake
County farms. Soil-moisture percentages on seventeen typical farms
were measured shortly before each irrigation.* Field capacities and
water depths in inches per foot before irrigation, as computed for
root-zone soils from the moisture percentages and the apparent specific
gravity of soils in place, are given in Table 24, page 206. Field-moisture
capacities minus depths before irrigation for Utah County show
available field capacities from 0.6 to 1.2 in. per ft. Root zones range
in depth from 3 to 5 ft and root-zone storage capacities rangc from
2.4 to 5.5 in., as shown in the table.
The soil moisture before irrigation probably exceeded the wilting
point, since the irrigation farmers usually obtained water on request
and irrigated to produce maximum forage grain and vegctable crops.
For the six Salt Lake County farms the field capacity ranged fro111
2.6 to 4.6 in. per ft; the depths before irrigation from 2.0 to 3.5 in.
per ft; and the available field capacities from 0.6 to 1.6 in. pel' ft. The
* During these studies, each farm was irrigated several times, and 145 sets of
moisture determinations were made to find the average moistme oontent of the
root-zone Roil hflfore 145 irrigations,
10 12 14 /6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


FIG, 118, Distribution of moisture in soil at different periods after a

12-in. irrigation. (Calif. Agr. Exp, Sta. Hilgardia, Vol. 2, No. 14.)
maximum root-zone depths of Utah County soils studied were from
3 to 5 ft.
A noteworthy feature of the data in Table 24 is the fact that the
average root-zone storage capacity for Utah County farms was only
4.1 in. For the Salt Lake County farms it was 5.3 in.


Utah County

Available Root-ZOllO
Soil Field Before
Field Water-Stor-
Type Capacity Irrig!Lt~on
CILpacity ngo Capacit.y

Inches Wnter per Foot Soil Inches

Sandy loam 3.3 2.1 1.1 5.5
Clay loam and s!LIuly loam 3.1 2.3 0.8 4.0
Gravelly loam 3.0 1.9 1.1 5.5
SnIHly loam; cll1y loam 3.9 3.1 0.8 4.0
Sandy lonm; cby gravelly loam 3.2 2.1 1.1 5.5
Clay loam 3.8 3.1 0.7 3.5
Sandy loam; clay loam 3.1 2.5 0.6 3.0
Sandy loam; clay 4.7 3.6 1.1 4.4
Clay loam 4.1 2.9 1.2 4.8
Clay loam 3.9 3.0 O.!! 2.7
Silty clay loam; clay loam 4.0 3.4 0.6 2.4
Salt Lake County

Coarse sI1ndy loam 2.6 2.0 O.G 3.0

Silty clay loam; loam 4.0 3.1 o.n 4.5
Fine s!1udy loam; loam 4.0 2.0 1.'1 7.0
Silty clay loam; loam 4.6 3.5 1.1 4.4
Loam 3.8 2.8 1.0 5.0
Loam, deep hardpan phase 4.0 2.4 1.6 8.0

145. Washington Studies The water-holding capacity of the higher

bench soils of the Yakima Valley, Washington, was investigated by
Scofield and Wright during the years 1924 to 1926. The dcpth of water
in each foot of soil to a depth of 4 ft at the wilting point of alfalfa,
and at three different periods after flooding, are reported in Fig. 119.
The soil studied is classed as a sandy loam, the moisture equivalent of
which is approximately 16 percent, 01' 2.65 in. of water per foot of
soil. For conversions of the moisture percentages to inches of water
per foot of soil, the apparent specific gravity of the soil was assumed
to be 1.38. It is noteworthy that the field capacities reported for the
several depths of the Yakima Valley soils assume a condition of sub-

I ~ "
lJ.J I~
~ 2 LI.I
CJ 0::
4.. t.:4.1
0 C(l




4 ~
J 2 3 4
FIG. 119. Distribution of moisture in soil before irrigation and at different periods
after irrigation, Yakima, Washington. (Based on studies by Scofield and Wright,
J. Agr. Research, Vol. 37, No.2.)

stantial equilibrium 24 hI' after irrigation. However, the moisture tests

at the later periods show that an appreciable amount of water moved
downward into the third !;Ind fourth foot sections after the observation~
1 day following irrigation. This fact would seem to support the con-
clusion stated above that the time period after flooding which repre ...
sents the field capacity is difficult to determine and must be arbitrarily
selected in measuring the capacities of soils for irrigation water.

146. Indirect Measurements of Field Capacities Low-cost indirect

methods of measuring or estimating field capacities, wilting points,
and available field capacities are in process of development.
Vcihmeyer and Hendrickson concluded that the moisture equivalent
is a close measure of the field capacity of fine-textured soils but not
of sandy soils. Their experiments show that the moisture equivalent
can be used to indicate the approximate field capacity of deep, well-
drained soils with no decided changes in texture or structure, with
moisture equivalents ranging from about 30 percent down to 14
percent. For soils having moisture equivalents greater than 20 percent
the estimate of field capacity as being equal to the moisture equivalent
seems promising.
In 1948 Peele, Beale, and Lesesne proposed the following equation
as a measure of field capacity based on the moisture equivalent:
Pta = 0.865Pmo + 2.62 (36)

in which Plo = the moisture percentage at field capacity.

Pmc = the moisture equivalent percentage.
Another promising method of making low-cost estimates of field
capacities of soils is to develop relations of field capacity to tension
heads for many soils.
The moisture tension heads at field capacity for. 120 soils of Cali-
fornia, reported by Colman, are presented in Fig. 120. A consistent rela-
tionship was found between the moisture retained at 25-cm-mel'cury
tension and field capacity. The experimental curve shows field capaci-
ties greater than the % atm moisture percentage for the lower field
capacities, and less for the higher capacities. Colman sllggests that
lh atm moisture percentage as a low-Mst laboratory measure can be
used for the indirect determination of field capacity.*
* Two prectl,utions in the use of Fig. 120 are proposed by Colman: First, the
curve represents soils collected within a limited area. Soils in other regions should
be studied by the method described. Second, it represents young OJ" immatUl'ely
developed free-draining soils in which the witter table is so far below the bye\"
under consideration that it exerts no influence upon the dminngo of that layer.
The curve would not be expected to hold for soils in which the water table is
only a few feet below the ~urface, 01' those in which dra,inn,ge i~ impedell by a
horizon of very low permeability.
The relations of soil-moisture content to tension from five California
soils reported by Richards are presented in Figs. 121A and 121B.
The moisture tension, reported in atmospheres, for olympic clay
increased from 1 atm with a 41 percent moisture content to 20 atm
with a moisture content of about 23 percent. The Indio sandy loam had



10 1---.:l-~-l--- Moistures CITe based on

soil marert'alle.ss than
(/4" dt'omeferonly

10 20 30 40
V.3 atm. moisture content, %
FIG. 120. Helation between field capacity of soil and its U-atm moisture per-
centage. (Soil Sci., Vol. 63, p. 280, 1947.)

only 5 percent moisture at 1 atm tension and about 2 percent at

20 atm. Students can make comparisons similar to these for the other
three soils, sho"vn in Fig. 121A.
Moisture-tension relations for the same five soils for tensions below
1 atm are presentee! in Fig. 121B. At zero tension the moisture content
ranges from about 32 percent for the Indio sandy loam up to 80
percent for the olympic clay. Selecting :1/3 atm tension (or a tension
head of 345 em of water) as representing the field capacity, then
soils 1, 2, and 3 of Fig. 121B have field capacities of approximately 46,
32, and 25 percent respectively.
The field capacity depends in part on the initial moisture distribu-
tion, thc moisture-transmitting properties of the soil, its moisture-
retaining properties, and the deptl;l of water applied. It is, therefore,
difficult to base a field-capacity estimate on disturbed soil samples.
However, to facilitate progress toward increasing water-application



Hanford fine sandy loam

Soil moisture tension, atm.

FIG. 121A. The 20-nt.m l'ILllge of soil-moisturo tensions for different moist.ure per-
centages of five C!tlifol'lli!L soils. (Soil Sci., Vol. 68, No.1, p. 105, 19'19.)


Olympic clay

Indio sandy/oam

Soil moisture tension, atm
FIG. 121B. The l-at.m l'ILnge of soil-moist.ure tension for different moiHj;uJ'Cl per-
cent.ages of five Califol'llitL soils. (Soil Sci., Vol. 68, No.1, p. lOll, 19,W.)
efficiencies, it is essential to develop low-cost methods of estimating
field capacities, wilting points, and available water capacities.

147. Permanent Wilting Points Direct measurements of the wilting

percentage of soils by growing plants are time-consuming and costly.
Indirect methods, urgently needed, are being developed.
The moisture content at permanent wilting may be estimated by
either of three methods: (a) direct plant method, (b) direct moisture
tension method, or (c) by computation based on moisture percentage
at a given tension.

(Unpublished dllta courtesy of Soil Conservation Service)

Wilting Point

Soil Type Horizoll

Plant Pressure Calculated
Method Method* Percentt
Norfolk saudy loam A 1.65 1.06 2.02
Norfolk sand A 1. 77 1.14 2.10
Dunbar sandy loam A 2.21 1.51 2.413
Marlboro sandy 10!llll A 2.94 2.60 3.52
Lynchburg sandy
loam A 3.54 2.22 3.15
Wickhalll sandy loaJIl A 3.81 2.84 3.75
LYl1chbm'g sandy
loam B 5.68 4.23 5.10
Cecil sandy loam A 6.33 5.50 0.34
Iredell silt loam 11 0.41 5.83 0.66
N odolle sandy loam B 7,46 6.71 7.52
(\eorgeville sill, loam A 7.69 5.74 0.57
Dunbar sandy loam B 7.89 6.58 7.39
Mmlboro sandy lOllIn B 10.22 9.64 10.37
Cellil clay 10al11 A 10.62 10.44 11.15
Lloyds clay loam 11 12.51 11.90 12.57
Davidson cllly IO!1m A 17.58 17.45 17.97
Wickh!1111 sil t IO!lln B 18.35 17.48 17.99
Lloycls clay loam B 19.43 19.42 19.88
Davidson clay IO!1m B 22.79 21.24 21.65
Iredell silt loam B 23.04 23.49 23.84
Gcol'geville silt loam B 24.39 23.90 24.24

* Percent, wnter, oven-dry basis, retained at equilibrium with 15-atm pressur,;

(lvor a celloplmne membrane.
t Calculllted from equation 37.
The plant method requires from 2 to 3 weeks and is too expensive
to be widely used. The indirect tension method cost is only a fraction
of the plant method cost. Peele and colleagues re}lort that six tension-
wilting-point determinations can be made in one 24-hour day. Theil'
results of wilting-point determinations by each of these three methods
on 21 soils, previously mentioned, are prcsented in Table 25.
The equation used for the computation method is
PlOP = 0.97P15 + 0.99 (37)
in which PlOP = the permanent wilting percentage.
P 15 = the percentage at 15-atm tension.
The mean difference between the wilting points calculated from the
15-atm moisture percentages by means of equation 37 and the wilting
points determined by the plant method was 0.41 percent water.
Replicates by the pressure method were less variable than replicates
by the plant method. "
148. Available Water Capacities 1:.Tsing equatiun 36 to find the field
capacities of soils based on moisture-equivalent determinations and the
wilting point, and the wilting-point tests reported in Table 25, Peele


(Agr. Engr., Vol. 29, p 158)

Depth of Soil Zone, Feet

Soil Type Average per

0-1 0-2 0--3 Foot for
Upper 3 Ft
Dunbar fine slIIuiy loam 1.61 3.02 4.44 1.48
Charleston loamy fine
sand 1.11 2.01 2.01 0.97-
Leaf silt loam 2.04 3.22 4.41 1.47
Stono loam 1. 91 3.19 4.47 1.49
Weston fine sandy loam 1.48 3.21 4.95 1.65
Portsmouth loam 2.27 3.29 4.56 1.52
Coxville fine sandy loam 1.16 2.32 3.48 1.16
Grady loam 1.52 3.96 4.59 1.53
Bladen fine sandy loam 1.00 2.66 4.53 1.51
Norfolk sandy loam 0.82 1.96 3.25 1.08
Hayesville sandy loam 1.27 2.68 .4.11 1.37
Cecil sandy loam 1.59 3.13 4.76 1.59
---_------,_- --------_. ---,--
and associates have computed available or usable water-holding
capacity in terms of the depth of water required at each irrigation to
add to the soil its available capacity, in each foot of soil of the 3-ft
root zone. Results of their determinations of available water-holding
capacity by this method, as presented in Table 26, show that the
available capacity of 12 soil types ranged from 0.82 to 2.27 in. of

-5,30 V
.~ f--
r- /
Available water V V I-
1!f,20 c.""dly, ~ J
_g Pac=[Prc-Pwpj
c: ">!doWPTIy, ~ V
/ r-- / '

v VI'---r--

a. 10 Unavailable I-

....-V f-~r-i-/
'.,..;' :--Wilt/ng point, fi!.p,
by pressure method.
§ E:
§ ~§ ~
~ ~ § § § ~§ § § § ~
~ ..Q ..';1 ..';1
-G- ~ § ~
-e 12 .Q ..';1 §
"t:! -& ~ ~ ~
§ § '5'~ ~ § S ;t:: .Q S
§ § OJ ~ '? "> -&;t:: I:: .., §
§ ~ ~ §
..Q 5-\1 iii
~ ~
~ '5 ;t:: ~
::':: ~ ~ ~ §
~ ~
I.j Ii)
!-s~ iii
~ ~ ~
,..._ Ii)
5: ... ~I:) 6' li § a 'G § 'iii s3:
~ "'" ::::::
~ § ~ ~
'B :§ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
li ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ <;;:, ::( b* .._.~ ~ ~ ~ ~I:) ~§ ~ ~
~ s- .U
~ ~ ~ ~
..._ " t~
...... ~ ~
FIG. 122. Field-moisture capacity, wilting point, and available capacity for twenty-
one South Carolina soils. (Unpublished data based on studies by T. C. Peele,
O. W. Becle, and F. F. Lesesne.) (Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.)

water for the I-ft depth of soil, 1.96 to 3.29 in. for the 2-ft depth,
and 2.91 to 4.95 in. for the 3-ft depth. The last column of Table 26
shows that the average available water-holding capacity for the upper
3 ft ranged from 0.97 to 1.65 in. per ft. The need for and the advantages
of supplemental irrigation of these South Carolina soils is evident by
the limitations of the root zone to store available water.
The influence of the texture of soils on the field capacity, 15-atm
percentage (approximate wilting point), and available capacity is
illustrated by the data of Fig. 122. The sandy soils have only small
amounts of unavailable water, 5 percent or less, whereas some of the
silt loams and clay loams have 20 percent or more.* The ratio of
Dunbar sandy loam and some others listed twice represent soils of different
horizons A and B.
available capacity Pua of the Norfolk sand to the wilting point Pwp is
greater than 3, whereas the same ratio for the Lloyds clay loam is less
than 0.5. Knowledge of the moisture properties of different soils is
essential to irrigation progress.


(Agr. Eng., Vol. 18, p. 249)

Number Moisture Permanent Wilting Available Water-Holding

Soil of Equivalent Percentage C!1pacity, Inches per
Trin,ls (Pm,) (Pwp) Foot Depth
FS 226 10.50 3.08 1.24
'i'L 78 13.71 4.51 1.54
J 17 17.07 6.1<1 1.83
y 40 17.16 8.82 1.40
TC 24 17.30 7.8\) 1.58
S 39 21.35 10.20 1.87
OL 27 23.30 6.12 2.89
DC 20 24.51 11.55 2.17
MG 151 25.03 10.47 2.54
V 24 37.00 19.03 3.17

Paradise Irrigation District;

P1-1 ... 33.33 20.45 1. 70

PI-2 ... 2\).74 19.66 1.43
Pl-3 ... 30.51 21.38 1.20
PI-4 " . 32.21 23.47 1.15
PI-5 ... 31.19 23.09 1.07
P4-1 ... 31.45 19.50 1.57
P4-2 ... 2!)'01 19.87 1.20
P4-3 ... 28.14 20.12 LOG
P'1-4 ... 27.GG 21.28 0.8'J
P4-5 ... 27.73 22.05 0.75

Studies of water-storage capacity by indirect methods reported by

Ecllefsen for ten typical agricultural soils of California show nvnilnble
capacities ranging from 1.24 to 3.17 in. per ft. The moisture-equivalent
percentages of these soils, as shown in Table 27, range from 10.50 to
37.90 and the wilting percentage from 3.08 UI) to 19.03. Table 27,
based on 655 trials, shows also available moisture capacities per foot
depth of soil for Paradise Irrigation District soils at two of the
Lwelve locations. Tho depths range from 1.70 in. for the first foot depth
at location P 1 to 0.75 in. for the fifth foot at a location Pi' The Ull~
available and the available soil water for each foot of soil down to a
depth of 5 ft for one of the Paradise Irrigation District soils is pre-
sented also in Fig. 123.
Direct and indirect measurements of available water capacities are
helpful in irrigation practice. Estimates of available capacities of
different soils may be used where
measurements are not available. Mc- Acre-inches per acre-foot of soil
00 I 2 3 4 5
Culloch's estimates for seven classes
of soils of different texture and profile \
are presented in Table 28. The depths Availablel
sot! wafer.
J --+
of irrigation water required, under
100 percent water-application effi- \
ciency (see Article 150), for root-
zone soil depths of 2 ft, 4 ft, and 6 ft
~ \
are also presented in Table 28. For soil wafer
2-ft soil depth the estimated water .r::
depth ranges from 1 to 3.2 in.
Q)3 1\
149. Filling the Available Soil-
Water Reservoir Equation 30 of 4
Chapter 6 shows that

da = qt 5
By interpl'cting the depth d of this FIG, 123, Available and ulllLvail·
equation as the depth of water neces- able moisture in the upper 5 ft of one
California soil as determined 'by
sary to spread uniformly over the Edlefsen. (A gr. Eng., Vol. 18, p.
lanel surface in order to fill the 247, 1937.)
capillary reservoir, or satisfy the
field capacity, of the soil to a given depth, then the d of equation 35
is equivalent to the d of this equation. It therefore follows, by com~
pl1rison of the two equations, that
ql PacAaD
a 100
from which it is apparent that
t=--- (38)
Provided the apparent specific gravity As is known, it is possible to
compute the hours required to add a given moisture percentage Pac
to n field of given area a and a soil of certain depth D when using a
stream of water of q cfs (acre-inches per hour).
Equation 38 may, for example, be used with values of P aa , which
represent moisture at field capacity of the soil minus the moisture
content before irrigation. Veihmeyer and associates have found, work-
ing with some California soils, that it is impracticable to add to great
depths of soil small percentages of water in the capillary form, since
the full capillary capacity for water of the surface soil must be satis-


(Agr. Eng., Vol. 30, p. 24)

Soil Moisture to Replace per

Total Soil Moisture Irrigation for 2-, 4-, and 6-ft
Soil Texture and Profile
Capacity for Plant Use, Root-Zone Soil, inches
inch per ft depth
2-ft 4-ft 6-ft
I Coarse sandy soils, uni-
form in texture to G ft 0.50-{).75 l.0 1.75 2.5
2 Coarse sandy soils over
more compact subsoils 0.75-1.00 1.5 2.0 3.0
3 Sandy loam soils uniform
in texture to G ft l.25-1.50 2.0 3.0 4.7
4 Sandy loam soils over
more compact subsoils l.25-1. 75 2.2 3.2 5.0
5 Silt loam soils uniform in
texture to 6 ft 1. 75-2.25 3.0 4.0 6.5
6 Silt loam soils over more
compact subsoils 2.00-2.25 3.2 4.2 6.7
7 Heavy-textured clay or
clay loam soils 1.80-2.00 2.5 3.2 5.5

fled before the water moves to lower depths. Likcwise, it is very

difficult to spread water uniformly over the land.
Keeping these factors in mind, equation 38 has practical utility. To
simplify the use of equation 38, Table 29 has been prepared. It applies
directly only to soils having an apparent specific gravity of A.~ = 1.4.
For soils having higher or lower valucs of A.~, proportional corrcctions
must be made. The use of Table 29 is illustrated by the following
example: An irrigator has at his disposal a stream of 3 cfs and he
wants to apply enough water to increase the 4-ft-depth root-zone soil
moisture from 10 percent to 15 percent. How many hours will be
required if the water is spread uniformly and losses are neglected?
Column 6 of Table 29 shows that 0.28 hr is required to supply enough

OF WRICH IS 1.4 BASED ON t = ---

I I I , ,
Col. No. 1 2 3 4
I 5
I 6
I 7 8 9
able Size of Stream, q cfs
No. ity

(Pac) 0.5 1.0
- -- - --
1.5 2.0
- -0.27- -0,22-
-_ 3.5
4.5 5.0
4.0 1.34 0.67 0.45 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13
2 4.2 1.41 .71 .47 .35 .28 .24 .20 .18 .16 .14
3 4.4 1.48 .74 .49 .37 .29 .25 .21 .18 .16 .15

4 4.6 i 1.55 .77 .52 .39 .31 ,26 .22 .19 .17 .15
5 4.8 1.61 .81 .54 .40 .32 .27 .23 .20 .18 .16
6 5.0 1.68 .84 .56 .42 .34 .28 .24 .21 .18 .17

7 5:2 1.75 ,87 ,58 .44 .35 ,29 .25 .22 .19 .17
8 5.4 1.81 ,90 ,60 .45 ,36 ,30 .26 .23 .20 ,18
9 5.6 1.88 .94 .63 .47 .37 ,31 ,27 ,23 .21 .19

10 5.8 1.95 .97 .65 .49 ,39 ,32 .28 .24 .22 .19
11 6.0 2.02 1.01 .67 ,50 .40 .34 .29 .25 .22 .20
12 6.2 2,08 1.04 .69 ,52 .42 .35 ,30 .26 .23 ,21

13 6,4 2.15 1.08 ,72 ,54 .43 .36 ,31 ,27 .24 .22
14 6.6 2.22 1.11 .74 .55 .44 ,37 .32 .28 .24 .22
15 6.8 2.29 1.15 .76 ,57 .46 .38 .33 .29 .25 .23

16 7.0 2.35 1.17 .78 ,59 .47 .39 .34 .29 .26 ,23
17 7.2 2.42 1.21 .81 .60 .48 .40 .35 .30 .27 .24
18 7.4 2.49 1.25 ,83 ,62 .50 ,41 .36 ,31 .28 .25

19 7.6 2.56 1.28 .85 .64 .51 .42 .36 .32 .28 .26
20 7.8 2,62 1.31 .87 .65 ,52 .44 .37 ,33 .29 .26
21 8.0 2.69 1.35 .90 .67 .54 .45 ,38 ,34 .30 ,27

water with a 3-cfs stream to add 5 percent moisture to 1 acre-foot of

soil. Therefore, in 1.12 hr, enough water is applied to add 5 percent
moisture to 4 acre-feet of soil, and longer application is likely to result
in deep percolation loss provided the 5 percent satisfies the field capil-
lary capacity for usable or available water, or fills the capillary
150. Water-Application Efficiency Water-application efficiency is
defined as the ratio of the volume of water that is stored by the
irrigator in thc soil root zone and ultimately consumed (transpired
or evaporated, or both) to the volume of water delivered at the
The need for increasing water-application efficiencies in irrigation
justifies careful consideration of the factors that influence them, even
though some are not easily measured. High water-application effi-
ciencies increase the probability that water will be economically used,
although efficieneies, as here defined, involve neither water costs nor
crop yields or values.
Let Ea <= water-application efficiency.
Wt = irrigation water delivered to thc farm.
TV, = irrigation water stored in the root zone of soil of the: farm.
Then by definition


Common sources of loss of irrigation water from the farm during applica-
tion are represented thus:
Rf = surface runoff from the farm
Df = deep percolation below the f!.trm root-zono soil
Neglecting the evaporation losses during the time of the applieation of
the water, and immediately after, it follows that
Ea = 100 [Wf - c::; + D 1 )] (41)*

At each irrigation the farmer applies to his land a given volume of

water. His irrigation problem is to store this water in the form of soil
moisture in the root zone of his soil. He cannot st.ore all the water as
soil moisture, for some loss of water is unpreventable. If he stores in his
root-zone soil the maximum percentage of the water that he applies,
consistent with good irrigation practice and economy, then his water
losses are as low as he can reasonably make them. The most COlllmon
losses of irrigation waLeI' are represented by R J and D t . Irregular land
>I< Methods of mcaslll'ing the volume of water stored in the root-zone soil at cach

irrigntion and the rGsults of measuroments on Utah fnl'ms as a means of finding

Ee are reported in U/'nh Exper'irnenl Station Bul. 311.
surfaces, shallow soils underlain by gravels of l1igh permeability,
small irrigation streams, non-attendance of watel' during irrigation,
long irrigation runs, excessive single applications-all these factors
contribute to a large Dr and a small Ea. Also excessively large heads,
improper preparation of land, compact impervious soils, large slope
of land surface, and non-attendance contribute to a large R t and a
small EeL' The water depths W, and R t can be measured by the farmer
at nominal cost, but it is impractical to measure D, by direct means.
In the application of equations 39 and 41 it is essential to measure Ws .
The ordinary method of collecting soil samples before and after irriga-
tion and of measuring soil moisture by weighing the soil before and
after drying is tedious and costly. The usc of tcnsiometers, described
in Chapter 10, for finding the increase in soil-moistme content obtained
by each irrigation will facilitate measurement of water-application

151. Some Efficiency Measurements Thirty-nine efficiency EeL tests on

one group of Utah fanns resulted in an average of 38 percent. Thirty
of the tests, or 77 percent, gave an average of less than 50 percent.
The dominant factors contributing to low efficiencies in these 30 irri-
gations were: excessive applications, 14; uneven distribution of water
over the land, 7; excessive moisture content of the soil before il'l'igation,
5; and combination of these three factors in 4 irrigations. Many factors
influence efficiencies in every irrigation.
Ninety water-application-efficiency tests on a second group of
farms gave an average of 44 percent. In 60 of t.hese tests, or 67 percent,
the efficiency was less than .50 percent. The dominant factors con-
tributing to low water-application efficiencies in these 60 irrigations
were: uneven distribution of water on the land, 20; high moisture
content before irrigation, 15; excessive depth of water applied, 13;
and a combination of high moisture content and excessive depth, 12.
Sixteen tests on a third group of farms gave an average of 34
percent. In 12 of these tests, or 75 percent of the total, the water-
application efficiency was less than 50 percent. The major factors
contributing to low efficiencies were: excessive depths of water applied
a.t each irrigation, spreading the water too far, and irrigating when
the soil had considerable moisture and did not need irrigation,
The farms of group one were located near the higher canals of a
typical Utah valley on shallow soils of high permeabilities and deep
water table. The farms of group two were of medium elevation, having
soils of average permeabilitics and water tables of average depths. The
farms of group three were on the valley lowlands having fine-textured
soils of low permeability. The water table in these soils was from 3 to
5 ft below the gr.ound surface.
Diebold and Williams in 1948 reported measurements of water-
application efficiencies in border-strip irrigation and in furrow irriga-

Depth Number Application
of Water of
Applied, Efficiency Efficiency,
Inches Tests
Max. Min. Mean
0-2 I 87 - 87
2-4 26 93 I:; 55
4-6 40 81 II 45
6-8 26 80 16 40
8-10 17 65 9 38
10-12 8 57 8 30
12-14 I 18 - 18
14-16 5 4D 6 23
16-18 2 13 II 12
0 18-20 2 22 21 22
20-22 I 26 - 26
0 22-24 I 15 - 15
- 16- 17-

24-26 0
26-28 2 18
28-30 0 - - -
0 32 0 - - -
32-34 I 18 - 18

~ ~
20 40 60 80 100
Water-application efficiency, %
FIG. 124. Rel!1tion of water-application ofIieieneies to depths of irrigation wo.tel'
applied in each irrigation. (Utah Agr. Exp. Sta. Hltl. 3ll.)

tion of New Mexico soil, most of which were clays or clay loams under-
lain by river sands at depths between 20 and 36 in. They report
details of 10 tests in which Ea ranged from 24 to 100 percent, the
average for the 10 being 67. In 25 out of 32 irrigations, less than 3 in.
of water were stored in the root zone 2 days after irrigation.
152. Depth Water Applied and Efficiency Ea The depth of water
applied in each irrigation is a dominant factor influencing Ea. Even
if the water were spread uniformly over thc lanel surface, excessive

depths of application would result in low efficiencies. Many variable

factors such as land leveling, irrigation method, size of irrigation
stream, length of run, soil texture, permeability, and depth influence
the time the irrigator keeps water running on his farm and hence the
depth he applies. The fact that excessive water depth in each irriga-
tion causes low Ea is shown in Fig. 124, based on 133 Utah tests repre-
sented by 14 plotted points.
The curve shows that, when the del)th of water exceeded 10 in., the
highest Ea, was only 30 percent, the lowest 12 percent, and in 5 of the
9 averages plotted it was less than 20 percent.
The Flow of Water in Soils

In saturated soils the forces that cause water flow are comparable to
the forces that cause flow in pipes; they result from the pull of gravity
and from differences in water pressure. The magnitude and directions
of these two types of driving forces in saturated soils, as in pipes, can
bc lUeasured by well-established methods.
In the study of the flow of water in soils, physicists have been
primarily interestcd in unsaturated soils, while geologists and engineers
have devoted attention especially to flow in saturated soils. Physicists
use the terlUs: "potentials," "potential gradients," "equipotential re-
gions," "conductivity factors," etc., a.nd engineers use the terms: "hy-
draulic heads due to pressure and elevation," "hydraulic grade lines
(gradients) or slopes," and "hydraulic permcabilities."
In Chapter 10 of the first edition of this book "potentials" and
related physical terms were used largely. Because of the trend toward
the use of the terms of hydraulic engineering, and hecause the study
of the distribution and flow of water in soils can be simplified by
these expressions without loss of clarity, engineering terminology has
been adopted in this edition.
It is important to agricultural and engineedng studonts to under-
stand the principles that nnderlie the eontrol of the flow of water in
soils which is essential to economical irrigation Hnd to the prevention
of waterlogging of irrigated lands. In a study of this ehaptcr studonts
will find it helpful to review parts of Chapters 4, 8, and 9 and to refer
to Table QR, page 21.
Advanced students, of senior college and graduate rank, may with
interest review books on fluid mechanics by Rouse, Venard, and
others; also books on soil physics by Baver, and on the flow of
homogeneous fluids by Muskat.
153. Mechanical Work and Energy Mechanical work is defined as
force times distance. To lift 1 lb of water against the force of gravity
through a vertical distance of 1.0 ft requires 10 ft-lb of work.
The principles of mechanical work and energy are applied in the
derivation of fundamcntal formulas for thc flow of fluids including the
flow of water in soils. Energy is defined as capacity to do work.
In fluids energy may be in three forms:
1. Kinetic energy.
2. Energy resulting from pressure differences.
3. Elevation energy.
A pound of water flowing at a velocity of v feet per second has
a kinetic energy of v 2 /2g ft-Ib, where g is the acceleration of gravity.
Also a pound of water at elevation of 100 ft above a given reference
or datum plane has elevation energy of 100 ft-Ib. A unit of fluid, said
to have energy due to pressure differences, has that energy only because
of contact with other units of fluid under lower pressures.

154. Energy Equations In fluid mechanics three different unit quan-

tities, namely, force, mass, and volume, are each used for designating
the energy of a fluid. The pound is commonly used as the unit of
force or weight, the slug as the unit of mass, and the cubic foot as the
unit of volume.
The mechanical energy per pound of moving fluid is proportional to
the velocity head v2 /2g, the pressure head plw, and the elevation
head z, and hence the widely used Bernoulli equation showing energy
per unit weight (foot~pounds per pound) is:
E;o ;:;:: !_ + l!. + z = energy per unit weight of fluid (42f)
2g w

Remembering that each term of equatiun 42f is a length L, it follows

that, if the equation is multiplied by F I M, each term becomes energy
per unit mass or F LIM. For gravitational force, acceleration
g = F1M, and each term of the equation

Em. = g [~g + .; + zJ = energy per unit mass* of fluid (42m)

Since to is force per unit volume F/ L 3 , each term of the equation

Ev = w [V2 + E + z] == energy per unit volume of fluid (42v)

2g w
* Table QR shows also that (J = L/T2. The term "potential" is used by Borne
authorities for the encl'gy-psr-unit-mass equation. Some authors designate
(p/w +~) as potential head.
In the present edition the basic equation 42f for energy per un?:t
weight (the pound) has been adopted though previously the basic
equation 42m for energy per unit mass was used.
The velocity of ground-water flow, as a rule, is low, and energy due
to velocity is negligible and not considered, thus leaving the pressure
head p/w and the elevation head z as the basic and important energy
elements. The sum of these two is designated as the hydraulic head.
155. Hydraulic Grade Lines and Slopes In engineering literature, as
shown in Fig. 33 (Chapter 4) the term "hydraulic grade line" is used
to designate a curve representing the heights to which water would



FIG. 125. Illustrating the measurement of the hyurl1ulic slopl1, hl/l.

rise in a series of vertical tubes connected to a pipe line through which

water is flowing under pressure. For pipes in which the intensity of
water pressure is low, the hydraulic grade line will be relatively ncar
the pipe j and for pipes in which it is high the grade line will be farther
above the pipe line. The mean velocity of the water flowing in the
pipe is independent of the elevation of the hydraulic grade line, but it
is dependent on its slope.
Measurement of the hydraulic slope causing linear ilow of water in a
saturated soil is illustrated in Fig. 125. In a pipe, or a column of soil
through which water is ilowing, it is the loss of head hI divided by the
length between the points of measurement l, i.e., hJll.
The difference in hydraulic head or loss of head between two points
in a pipe conveying water under pressure is represented by the differ-
ence in elevation of two points on the hydraulic grade line. ·This
difference in hydraulic head h, divided by the length ~ along the pipe
between the points at which the hydraulic heads are measured gives
the slope of the hydraulic grade line, or better, the hydraulic slope.*
156. Regions of Equal Hydraulic Head A space or volume in which
hydraulic head at every point is of the same magnitude is known as
region of equal hydraulic head.
A body of still water like a pond or a lake as in Fig. 126, undis-
turbed by wind and having neither inflow nor outflow, constitutes such

FIG. 126. Illustrating a region of equal hydraulic head in a body of water sucb as
a pond or a lake. The elevation head decreases with increase in depth of water at
the same rate that the pressure head increases, thus making the sum of the two
a constant.

a region. The surface of the water here taken as datum or reference

plane has zero elevation, the same everywhere because the surface is
level. Passing from the level water surface downward toward the
bottom of the pond or lake, the pressure head p/w increases at the
same rate as the elevation head z decreases, hence the hydraulic head
(p/w + z) is constant, and the region is one of equal hydraulic head.
There are no result.ant forces due to change of the sum of elevation
and pressure heads in this region. The hydraulic slope is zero.
157. Water Flow in Saturated Soils The velocity v for steady stream-
line flow in saturated soils is proportional to the soil permeability k
and the hydraulic slope in the direction of flow as shown by the
widely used Darcy equation


* The term "hydraulic gradient" is used by some writers to designate the "slope
of the hydraulic grade line."
The Darcy equation may include the specific weight of the fluid w
and the dynamic viscosity fL and have the form

V = ('"~w) h( (43a)

The permeability le' has the physical dimensions of urea or L2. When
defined, as in equation 43a, the permeability is influenced only by the
size and shape of the soil particles and pores-the soil texture and
structure-and is independent of the fluid properties, specific weight,
and viscosi.ty. For most studies of tl1e flow of ground water in irriga-
tion and drainage, the influence of specific weight and viscosity is
relatively small; hence explicit inclusion of wand,). as in equation 43a
is not essential. The le of equation 43, used henceforth, is equal to
k'7l) / fL of equation 43a. *
Using the value of v from equation (43) in the basic rational equa-
tion for quantity of flow, q = va, it follows that

in which a is the gross area at right angles to the flow direction.

In saturated soils water is under compression. The pressnre intensity
at any point is
p = wh
and the pressure head
h = p/w

Let the hydraulic head at point 1 be hi and at point 2 be h2 • Then:

hi = -
+ Zl

Assume that hi is greater than h2 and that the two points are a distance
Zapart; then
and hence, the hydraulic slope


In equation 45, w is the specific weight of the water and PI and P2

w w
are the pressure heads; Zl and Z2 are the elevation heads with respect
to a selected datum plane.
Applications of the equations 43, 44, and 45 for ground-water flow
in saturated soils are illustrated by two examples of field conditions:

Ground $urfQce


FIG. 127. Flow of unconfined ground water in saturated sand overlying a

compact olay.

the first for flow of unconfined or free ground water in sand under a
small hydraulic slope (Fig. 127), and the second for upward flow of
water through a 40-ft stratum of clay over an artesian aquifer of
gravel in which the water is under pressure, or confined (Fig. 128).
Figure 127 illustrates unconfined ground water flowing through sanely
soil overlying a compact clay. The piezometer at plane 1 shows a
hydraulic head h1 = (pdw) + z = 50 ft, and at plane 2, h2 = 40 ft.
Therefore, as the flow distance is 100 ft, the hydraulic slope, by equa-
tion 43, is 10/100 and the velocity is lilo k. Selecting an average k. of
1200 ft per year, or 3.8 X 10- 5 ft per sec, the approximate velocity of
flow through the sand is v = 120 it per yr, and the quantity of flow in
a section 1000 it long and 20 ft deep, by equation 44, is

q = 3.8 X 1000 X 20 X 1 = ~ cfs = 34.2 gpm

100,000 X 10 1000
For the second example, the results of piezometer measurements at

1---------15 5 <J)

t__~....._t__-_1 1------ 10 ~
5 1:

FIG. 128. Showing the average pressure head, p/w, based on 24 measurements at
eight elevations in a clay stratum overlying an artesian aquifer. (Utah AUr. Exp.
Sta. Bul. 259.)
eight different elevations in a clay soil overlying an artesian gravel
aquifer are presented in Fig. 128. The level surface at the top of the
gravel is taken as the reference plane, or the plane of zero elevation
head. The permeability of the clay soil has been measured and found
to average 5 ft per yr. Then, to find the average velocity of the flow
from the 40-ft soil depth up to the 5-ft depth, in feet per year, using
equations 43 and 45,
v= (,--S8_.0___:_+_0_.0:.:..)_-~(7...:..:.5:......+..:_::_3.::.:5.::_;0)~)*

5 X 15.5 77.5
= 35 = 35.0 = 2.20 ft per yr

If the hydraulic slope and the soil permeability, as measured at the

place represented by the data of Fig. 128, were the same for one
section, or 640 acres of land, then the annual loss of water from the
artesian aquifer, due to upward Bow through the clay soil and surface
consumptive use, would be 1408 acre-feet. The values of pressure
head and elevation head above recorded are presented to show the
application of the Bernoulli energy equation.
158. Piezometers to Measure Pressure Heads in Saturated Soils The
pressure heads p/w illustrated in Figs. 127 and 128 are measured by
driving small-diameter pipe, designated piezometers, to the desired
depth. A much-used driving hammer and driving head for either 1,4-in.
or %-in. pipe is shown in Fig. 129.
When the piezometers are driven, a plug of soil from 6 to 12 in. in
length forms in the lower end of the pipe. This plug is removed by
flushing (Fig. 130), which consists of pumping water down to the
bottom of the piezometer through plastic tubing. This water flows
up through the annular space between the tubing and wall of the pipe
and carries with it soil in suspension. Flushing is continued until a
small cavity has been formed below the end of the pipe and the
water becomes clear. The plastic tubing is marked for the length of
the piezometer, and care is taken not to push the tubing more than
3 01' 4 in. below the end of the piezometer.
In soils of average permeability the water in the piezometer reaches
an equilibrium level in a few minutes, but in soils of low permeability
several hours may be required for the water to reach an equilibrium
* In practice, to get the loss in hydraulic head it is essential only to measure
the difference in elevlttion of the witter in the two piezometers, that is (18.0 -
2.5) = 15.5 ft.

rTI Driving
I_U head

/'14 "pipe
fI"Iled with lead
~ '(Desired e/evclfiOl1
jJt::"or 3/8"p/pe

Sfee/p/vg "~~lfr'lJ''''''
Cav/Iy form.ed
by flushing
3/4 ''pipe

FIG, 129. Detail of driving hammer and piezometer. (Agl', .Eng., Vol. 24, No. 10.)

FIG. 130. Flushing the piezometer. (Courtesy U.S. Regional Salinity Lab.)
In highly compacted soils, ancl in those containing fine gravel that
cannot pass upward through the annular space during the flushing
operation, a rivet is inserted in the end of the piezometer before it is
driven. The pipe is then driven to a point about 3 in. below the
desired level and pulled up 3 in. so that the rivet can easily be
punched out with a rod before flushing. This eliminates difficulty

FIG. 131. Reading the piezometer with an electrical sounder gage. (Courtesy U.S.
Regional Salinity Lab.)

sometimes encountered in removing the soil plug formed in the end of

pipe. In most soils, however, this plug can be removed by flushing in
less time than is required to punch out the rivet.
Reading the piezometer with an electric sounder is shown in Fig. 131.
For measuring the elevation head, an engineer's level is used.
159. Soil-Permeability Measurements The permeability of saturated
soils varies greatly. In irrigation and drainage studies, as related to
soils, pel'lneability is the dominant variable, some soils being as much
as 100,000 times as permeable as others.
Know ledge of soil permeabilities is essential to progress in studies
of water-conveyance efficiencies, water-application efficiencies l and in
the design of drainage systems, for the reclamation of saline and alkali
Permeabilities are influenced by the size and shape of pore spaces
through which water flows; and by the specific weight and viscosity of
the soil water, as shown in equation 4309; its temperature, and other
factors. It is impractical to measure all the factors that influence
permeability, but it is practical and very essential to measure the
permeability of soils in the laboratory and in the field.

Graduafe. for
Wafer feed ft'ne water added


(b) .
FIG. 132. Constant-head permeamet,ers.

Two of the many types of equipment for measuring the permeability

of soils are the constant-head penneameter and the variable-head
permeameter. Both these permeameters may be used for laboratory
and field measurements. Brief descriptions of each, together with
illustrative figures and examples of computations of the permeability le,
are included. Results of some field-permeability measurements are
160. Constant-Head Permeameter With a constant head maintained
by either continuous inflow or frequent additions of water, an approxi-
mately steady flow through the soil is obtained. Figure 132 illustrates
two constant-head permeametel's, one for laboratory tests and one for
field studies. Darcy's law for the flow of water in soils is applied for
computing the permeability after measuring the volume of flow in unit
time q, the gross soil cross-section area at right angles to flow a, the
loss of hydraulic head hll and the flow length l.
In field studies and undisturbed soil the loss in head and the flow
length sometimes cannot be measured accurately at reasonable cost.
If the surface soil consists of a thin layer of low-permeability soil
overlying a layer of highly permeable soil, then the loss of hydraulic
head and the flow length may be considered·· respectively as the
distance from water surface to the highly permeable soil, hI, and as
equal to the thickness of the top layer of soil, l, as indicated in
Fig. 132. Using symbols defined above and solving the Darcy flow
equation 44, for the permeability it follows that

k = .!L (46)
For example, where the permeameter having an area of 1.19 sq ft
was used, the flow of water was 0.336 cu ft in 0.4 hr, the loss in
hydraulic head flowing through 1 ft of soil was 2.4 ft, and therefore
the permeability is
0.336 X 1 X l~ .
k = 0.40 X 2.4 X 1.19 = 3.5 m. per hr, or 2600 ft per yr

Irrigation engineers utilize one or more of several different units of

volume, area, and time with the term permeability. The units cubic
feet per square foot per day, or acre-inches per acre per hour (or
simply surface feet per day and inches per hour) I are typical. When
water flows in saturated soils vertically downward under the force of
gravity only the hydraulic slope is considered as unity.
Table 30 includes permeabilities from 0.005 to 25 in. per hI'
(column 2) and from Ytoo to 50 cu ft per sq ft of soil in 24 hI'
(column 1), the relative variation being from 1 to 5000.
One cubic foot per second is equal approximately to 1 acre-inch per
hour. On this basis, column 2 of Table 30 gives the number of cubic
feet per second that would be required to maintain a stream of water
percolating vertically downward through 1 acre of soil having different
permeabilities. For example, line 24 shows that a stream of 1 cfs per
acre would equal 2 cu ft per sq ft per 24 hr.
The computed data of Table 30 will enable the student to interpret
more easily the permeability field tests reported in Table 31. These
measurements were made on field soils by two methods. Eighteen-inch-
diameter iron cylinders 20 in. long and open at both ends were driven
into the soil in its natural condition. Measured amounts of water
were added to the soil frequently enough to keep it well covered and
under constant head.
Similar measurements were made in the field plat method, the
essential difference being a larger area of soil being submerged. The
plats used ranged from 32 to 1254 sq ft in area. As noted in Table 31,

I 2
I 3 4

Line Permeability in
Water Conductivity
Cu Ft per Sq Ft
per 24 Hr
Surface Inches
per Hour pel' Acre "
1 0,01 0.005 0.005 3. 59X 10-0
2 .02 .0lD .0lD 7. 18X10-o
3 .03 .015 .015 1.08XlO-s
4 .04 .020 .020 1.<i4XlO-s
5 .05 .025 .025 1.80XIO-s
6 .06 .030 .o:m 2.16XI0-s
7 .07 .035 .035 2.52XI0-s
8 .08 .040 .040 2,R7XlO-s
9 .09 .045 .045 3.23XlO-s
10 .1 .05 .05 • 3.59XlO-a
11 .2 .10 .10 7.18X10-s
12 .3 .15 .15 1.08XlO-7
13 .4 .20 .20 1.43XlO-'l
14 .5 .25 .25 1.80XlO-7
15 .6 .30 .30 2.HiX 10-1
16 .7 .35 .35 2.li2XlO-7
17 .8 .40 .40 2.87XI0-1
18 .9 .45 .45 3.23X10-7
19 1.0 .50 . .50 3.liIlXlO-1
20 1.2 .60 .00 4.82XlO-1
21 1.4 .70 .70 5.02XIO-1
22 1.6 .80 .80 5.75X10-7
23 1.8 .90 .90 G.46X 10-7
24 2.0 1.00 1.00 7.18XlO-1
25 2.2 1.10 1.10 7. !lOX 10-1
26 2.4 1.20 1.20 8.02XlO-7
27 2.6 1.30 1.30 9.3'1X 10-1
28 2.8 1.40 1. 110 1. 01 X lO- G
29 3.0 1.50 1..50 1. 08X 10-0
30 3.2 1.60 1. (i0 1.15X 10-0
31 3.4 1.70 1.70 1.22X 10-0
32 3.6 1.80 1.80 1.29XlO-0
33 3.8 1.90 1. 90 1. :37X ]0- 0
34 4.0 2.00 2.00 l.4<lX 10-0
35 4.5 2.25 2.25 1.G2XlO-o
36 5.0 2.50 2.50 1.80XlO-0
37 6.0 3.00 3.00 2.10XlO-o
38 7.0 3.50 3.50 2.52XlO-o
39 8.0 4.00 4.00 2.87XI0-o
40 9.0 4.50 4.50 3.23XIO-o
41 10 5.00 5.00 3. ,59 X 10-0
42 15 7.50 7.50 5.38XlO- o
43 20 10.00 10.00 7.18XlO-o
44 25 12.5 12.5 8.!l8XI0-o
45 30 15.0 15.0 1.08XlO-o
46 35 17.5 17.5 1.26X10-0
47 40 20.0 20.0 1. 44X 10-0
48 45 22.5 22.5 1. 62XlO-G
49 50 25.0 25.0 1. 80X 10-6
the permeability of the sandy loam decreased by approximately one-
half in a period of 4 hI', after which it remained constant. The lava-
loam permeabilitics reprcsent a steady flow. The deep loam measure-
ments at Logan on plat A represent only the rapid flow shortly after
wetting. On plats Band C the highcr permeabilities represent flow


eu Ft
per Sq Cfs Water
Location of Inches
Claas of Soil Time Ft per per Conductiyit.y Method
Field per
24 Acre k
-- --
I 2 3 4 5 6 7

1Rt Hr. 4.88 2.44 2.44 1. 7X1O-6

Highland Ster- 2nd 2.92 1.46 1.46 1. 0 X 10-'
IS-in. cylin-
ling Sandy HyrulIl, Utah 3rd 3.00 1.60 1. 50 1. 1 X 10-6
derB used
Loam 4th 2.50 1.25 1.26 9.0XlO-'
5th 2.50 1.25 1.25 O.OX10"'
Grace, Idaho 1.00 0.50 0.50 3.6XlO-' Plat 25 ft. sq.
Medium Depth 1.24 .62 .62 4.4X10-' Plat 18 ft. sq.
Lava Lonm 0.08 .34 .34 2.4X10"' Plat 18 ft. sq.
Centml Idnho
.76 .38 .38 2.7X1O-' 18-in. cylinders
.84 .42 .42 3.0XlO-' 18-in. cylinders
A-1st day 0.0 4.5 4.5 3.2XIO-· Plats
Logan, Utah B -1st day 5.68 2.84 2.84 2.0XlO-' 33 ft. by 38 ft.
(Greenville) 2nd day 2.24 1.12 1.12 8.0xlO-'
C-lst day 4.78 2.39 2.39 1. 7 X 10"'
Peep Loam
2nd day 1.48 .74 .74 5.3X1O-'

Utab 1.40 .70 .70 5.0xlO-' IS-in. cylinders

shortly after wetting, and the lowcr ones represent a more nearly
steady flow 12 hours after wetting. Clay soils transmit water slowly,
and field measurements OI permeability of clay soUs are meager. Most
of the measurements for clay soils thus far have been made under
laboratory conditions.
161. Variable-Head Permeameter The variable-head permeameter,
shown in Fig. 133, is adapted to the measurement of the permeability
of fine-textured, compact soils of low permeability. It consists of a
cylinder with a conical top to which is attached a vertical glass
tube of small diameter. The cylinder is pressed into the soil to a
known depth, and then the whole apparatus is filled with water. As
the water percolates through the disk of soil in the cylinder the water
in the glass tube drops. Since the cylinder is usually made with an
area 100 or more times that of the glass tube, a small volume of water
percolation registers as a large drop in the glass tube. The permeability


Rubber tube


;. j :.••. ,.(/; ;:;~~~;;;;,~:;~~;::lsf{jf

Or/q/nal canal bed
coarse, highly permeable sana
FIG. 133. Variable-head permeameter.

k is computed from the initial and final reading of the water head
in the glass tube (h l - h2 ), the time interval t, the thickness of the
soil in the cylinder or flow length l, and the ratio of the area of the
glass tube to that of the cylinder a/A. The formuln is:

1 2.3al hI
Ie = - - lOglO- (47)
At h2
For example, for the measurement of the permeability of a clay lining
of 'a canal, the following values were obtained:
a = 0.26 sq in. t = 6.2 hI'
A = 153.20 sq in. hl = 66.1 in.
l = ,5,16 in, h2 = .59.1 in,

k _ 2.3 X 0.26 X 5.16 I 66.1 _
1.6 X 10-4 in./hr
- 153.2 X 6.2 X OglO 59.0 -
= 0.13 ft/yr
Tile principal difficulty encountered in experience with this per-
meameter in field tests was the tendency of the cylinder to rise
because of the pressure exerted on the inside of the cylinder by the
columi1 of water in the glass tube. To overcome this tendency a load
was placed on top of the cylinder.
The variable-head permeameter measures the permeability of the
canal bed or lining but not the seepage rate from the canal when in
use. In order to determine the seepage rate it is necessary also to
know the hydraulic slope causing flow through the canal bed.
162. Water Flow in Unsaturated Soils In soils that are not saturated,
water flows as a liquid and also as water vapor. The velocity of water
flow, due to any selected hydraulic slope, is greater for soils near field
capacity than for soils having moisture percentages near the wilting
point. It is probable that in soils having moisture percentages near
the field capacity the velocity of flow for a soil of given moisture
content is proportional (approximately) to the hydraulic slope. In
other worels, Darcy's . law for the velocity of flow in saturated soils
probably app1ie~· ais~' to ~a~1'Yo lll~~at-;;_~~t~d·· soiis having •. ~~i~t~;~
per99ptagesnNlr the field capacity. In soils that are not saturatedthe
water flow is causecl by a pull or a tension force, not a -compression
force as in ponds, lakes, and saturated soils.
Consider, for example, the upward capillary flow of water from a
shallow water table to the soil surface. ·When the surface soil has a
high moisture percentage the moisture tension is low and the velocity
of upward flow, if any, also is low, but as the surface soil moisture is
decreased by evaporation, 01' transpiration by growing plants, the
tension increases and upward flow increases.
Research workers in soils, irrigation, and drainage are developing
facilities, equipment, and methods for measuring the tension heacl* at
* The term "head" is proposed by the author because of the custom of research
workers to report the "tension" in centimeters of mercury or feet of water, both
len(Jth tmits represented in engineering language by the term "head," and by
equation 42f in which each of the three terms is energy per unit weight which is
also a length. Surface tension in fluids is a force per unit length F / L. The tension
force tending to pull water through a given cross-section area of soil from points
of high moisture percentage to those of lower moisture percentage is regarded as
force per unit area, or F/L2.
different points in unsaturated soils of different moisture contents.
For horizontal flow the velocity is considered directly proportional to
the tension-head slope. One of the devices for measuring tension head
is described in the next article.


?tF:(tii' ~}::,:',:':'<':.':.::; :::::::::,::".:;;,::
':. ,i :~,.: ,? 1.",:':,/,.·. ; : , :
, , c:!Y,:;

: .. ~ ~ ',' ,

. <.:/.:,>: .'...
':, :. .:.:,..:'; "..:,:.' <:-<' .: .; .~.'. :.': " ,',
., " .1".' .'. . ., ',I,', I ' .',: .

~., .' ~ '. ' ;

.. . ~ '

.: ',: :::~:"/:, :. .":'.:',:.' ~ '".':,:,: '.:. :'.: _,:. .:·~~~~~~;s·~: ",: .-

:. ~ • •• : ' ••• ' • I . ' ' •• ~ • • .' .: '. • •

FIG. 134. A t,ypical tensiometer installation employing mcreUl'Y 1l111110Jl1et;oJ's.

The equivalent water manometers are shown at right. (AUI'. Enu., VoL 22, p. 326.)

163. Tensiometers to Measure Tension Heads ill Unsaturated Soils

The tension force of water in ul1saturat,ed soils has boon designated by
different expressions slH~h as soil pull, the foree of suction, nlld capillary
tension. Different numes have been suggcsted to clesignnte tho devices
designed to measure this attractive foree. Gardner Hnd Richards, meas-
uring the energy per unit mnss resulting from capillary tension, or tho
capillary potential, called their instrument a calJilla1'Y lJOtentiometel'.
In 1935, these authors proposed the name tensl:ometel' for the po)'ous-
cell vacuum gage instrumcnts for measuring the moisture tensioll. This
name has become common. One type of tensiomoter is illus(;l'at(!d in
Fig. 134.
It is expedient to use mercury manometers, as shown near the top
ofFig. 134, for this type of installation. The manometer readings
indicate that moisture is moving upward in soil interval F because of
higher hydraulic head in the upper porous cup. Also, water is moving

FIG. 135. IllUfltration of capillary water above the saturated soil and water table,
in a region of equal hydraulic head, there being no flow either up or down.

downward in interval H because of gravity and the higher tension

head in the lower porous cup. In the interval G the hydraulic head
(h t + z) is everywhere the same, the soil moisture is at rest, and the
hydraulic slope is zero.
164. Equal Hydraulic Heads in Unsaturated Soils If the hydraulic·
head is equal at all points in a soil, then there is no water flow in any.
direction. Figure 135 ill ustra tes a soil region of constant hydraulic
head in a vertical plane. The water table is the datum for the elevation
head. Porous cup tensiometers in the soil at the water-table datum
and at each foot above show that the tension head at each level is
of the same magnitude as the elevation head. Since tension is a nega-
tive force or a "pull," the sum of the tension head plus the elevation
head at each level is zero. Select, for example, the 3-ft level. The
tensiometer shows a tension head of 2.65 in. of mercury, which is
2.65 X 13.6 = 36 in. or 3 ft of water. This negative tension head, plus
the positive elevation head, gives the hydraulic head of zero with
respect to the water ta/ble as datum. At every point in a horizontal

56.4B 64 58 6;j:
~ L. E-
~ 28.24 ]32 L.
27 5~
E 01-
0 '0
.S ~0 16 it:~'2
14.12 4::0
'0 ,g
0 Q)
'0 1..
Q} ..c 0 <II
7.06 c 8
..c 5 3]
c ."::! '0-
'"c: .j!! 'S 0
~ 3.54
4 ~ 2 21
_g R
'5. 1.76 '5. 2
Ig <l7
0 0 0 0

Fw. 136. Illustration of upward capillary water flow cI1used by mpidly ineronsing
hydraulic head above the wnter tnble.

plane above the horizontal water table the elevation head is constant,
and hence if the tension head does not change from point to point ill
the plane the hydraulic head is also constant.
165. Different Hydraulic Heads in Unsaturated Soils Soil above a
water table, in which there is a high tension head near the surfaee, is
illustrated in Fig. 136. The tension heads in each foot are assumed. The
tension head in a soil at field-moisture capacity may be as high as 12 ft,
of water. Figure 136 shows that the hydraulic hend at eaeh eleva-
tion is the algebraic sum of the tension head Hnd the elevation
head. It shows also that the hydraulic slope in the 2 It of soil nearest
the water table is (2 - 0)/2 = 1, whereas in the surface foot it is
(58 - 27) /1 = 31 and in the upper 2 ft it is (58 - 12) /2 = 23. If the
permeability were constant in this soil region, then such large differ-
ences in hydraulic slope for steady upwm-d flow woulrl not oceur.
Let kl equal the average permeability in the 2 ft of soil just above
the water table and ko equal the average permeability of the upper
2 ft. Then Vl = kl because hill = 1, and v5 = 23k 5 . If Vi = Vii, the
same quantity flows through each soil depth, and then kl = 23k o.
Richards, Neal, and Russell, in 1939, reported many measurements
of hydraulic heads and hydraulic slopes in an unsaturated silt loam
soil. They measured a hydraulic slope of 23.7 from the 8-in.-soil depth
to the 4-in. depth, thus indicating an upward moving force of 23.7 Ib
on each pound of water.
Per cent moisture (pw )
o 8000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
2 E 738 24
4 e
677 22
6 1;; 616 20 I-
0.. Q)
8 E 555 18 1;
\.) <:-0. Preston clay
¢: 10 E 494 16 ~
-;:; 12
o ~433 14 if:
~ 14 -co 372 \ I2-6
::i= 16 ~ 311 \ f.\- C. Trenfon clay

g 18
.j!! "\
8. 250 8 §
c- ~ 8 Greenville loam 6 .~
20 o \89 l- ---A. I\' -
22 ~ 128
f!\. t\.
4 ~
(3 67 f--
-\~nr '" r--.., ....... .........._"-
Bennet r.....
f-. r..... ~ - Z
Free wafers(Jrface (28.2)-
FIG. 137. Capillary moisture capacity f~t equilibrium with ground water for four
types of soil as determined by Richards ..

166. Tension Heads and Soil-Moisture Percentages The moisture

content of the soil corresponding to a particular tension head is
influenced by the soil texture, the soil solution, and the temperature.
The first factor influences particularly the curvatures of tho capillary
water films, and the last two the surface tension of the liquid, and
thus all influence the tensions.
It is shown in Chapter 8 that the tension head ht = 2T Iwr. The
surface tension T and specific weight w can be measured, but it is not
feasible to measure the radius r in soils; hence h t is measured by means
of the tensiometer.
Richards found a marked increase in tension head with decrease in
moisture content, particularly for fine-textured soils. As shown in
Fig. 137, he studied the relation of moisture content at equilibrium to
the tension head in four soils, namely, A, Bennett sand; B, Greenville
loam; C, Tl'cnton clay; D, Preston clay.*
In the Preston clay, for example, the tension head was only 1 ft at
60 pel'cent moisture, and it increased to 15 It with 30 percent moisture.
For the Greenville loam the tension head ,vas 1 ft for 35 percent
moisture and increased to about 25 ft with 15 percent moisture.

167. Steady Capillary Water Flow When the quantity cubic feet per
second of water Hawing in a canal is constant with time aml from point
to point along the canal, the flow is designated as steady. A steady flow
of capillary water in irrigated soils, analogous to the steady flow of
water in canals, seldom occurs; the flow is usuully chnnging. However,
under certain conditions, such, for example, ns the capillary How
vertically up'ward fro111 a high water table to the soil surfnce, the
flow may approximute a steady stntc if continued for Il sufficiently
long time. Knowledge of the qutmtity of such flow is of impol't:mee in
irrigated regions. Steady capillary flow vertically ullwnrd may bc
beneficial in supplying water to plant roots; yet it may be harmful,
not only because of conveying wnter to the land tiUl'facc whore it is
lost through evnporation, but also by carrying soluble salts to the
surface and thus making the soil saline and non-productive. In the
discussion of this article conditions are assumed to exist essentia.l to
the maintenance of steady flow. However, thm'e is much capillary flow
of importance to agriculture thnt vnl'ics from day to clay Hnd hour to
hour. Measurements of such unsteady flow arc of eomparatively less
value than those of steady Huw because of the variable [netms in-
volved; also, they arc more clifllcult to make.
The follclwing example is considered to illustrate the URC of the
space rate of change in the capillary tension hend to determine the
steady flow of ca11illary water through soil in Ll. slllall horizontal pipe.

168. Steady Horizontal Capillary Flow The flow of capillary water

in a soil within a small-diallletcr horizontal pipe is enused by
different capillary tension heads clue bo soil-moistur~ differences nt the
several points in the pipe. The elevation head is {'(lllstant.
For example, considcr the capillary flow within the impervious walls
of a pipe of small diameter filled with soil, and having one end eOl1-
* In Fig. 137, the verticn,} c!iHtHnor. abovr. the free wnl;cl' s1ll'fILOC J'()pl'(,,~onts tcn

sian hoad in feet of water and also c:apillary pot.cmti:tl in gl'!1lll-eentimetol's/grnms.

In the original paper by Richards, publiRhcd in 1\)28. and in the first ediLion of
this textbook the tension head waR not recorded. Rj,wlentH Rhoul(l llllt!tO SUI'C tlmt
potential ill gmm-eentimeters/gl'tuDs is n1Gm(Jrically equal to tension head in
nected through a porous plug to a water reservoir as shown in Fig. 138.
The elevation of the water surface is kept the same as the axis of the
pipe, and consequently there is no positive water pressure in the soil.
Water is supplied to the soil from the reservoir on the reader's left
by flow through a porous wall. Assume the soil to be a loam of the
same temperature, texture, and structure as soil B of' Fig. 137. The
moisture percentages of t1lC soil in the pipe at points distant respec-
tively 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 it from the source of water are assumed to be

Percenfmoisfure (Pw)
40.0 26.0 21.0 18.5 17.0
I Porous plate 21 I
Wafer surface'
2' 2' 2"---;~- 4


Tension-head grade line

FIG. 138. Illustrating steady flow of capillary water in a horizontl11 pipe of smull
diameter containing soil that has a moisture percentage of 10 at the left end and 17
at the right end, and a uniform tension-head slope of 1.65.

40.0, 26.0, 21.0, 18.5, and 17.0. The tension head corresponding to a
given moisture content for either of four different soils may be found
from Fig. 137. Curve B shows that, at the ~ree water surface where
the tension head is zero, the moisture percentage is 40; also that, at
the point in the soil where the tension heads are 3.3, 6.6, 9.9, and 13.2 ft,
the moisture percentages are 26.0, 21.0, 18.5, al1d17.0, respectively. The
hydraulic slope within the soil column in Fig. 138 is 13.2/8.0 = 1.65.
Remembering that thcre is no change in elevation head along a level
pipe) it follows from equation 44 that:

q ::= ka Tht = 1.65ka

For capillary flow the permeability k is probably less than it is for

flow in a saturated soil. For an illustration, the magnitude of k is
taken as 1.5 X 10- 7 it per sec. Substituting this value of k it is found
that the soil in the horizontal pipe, because of the assumed rate of
change in moisture content, would transmit a quantity of water througl?:
1 sq ft area of t· ; i

1.5 X 1 X 1.65
q= 107 efs = 0.64 cu ft per mo

169. Capillary Flow in Field Soils In homogeneous natural soils in the' :

field, capillary flow is always influenced by gravity. The major practical.!
concern in a study of steady capillary flow is the quantity of flow up
or down. The importance of capillary flow vertically downward a;'",
sometimes underestimated. The student should keep in mind the fa~.t:;,
indicated in Fig. 137, namely, that at medium and high moistmfil;
percentages, in soils of uniform texture and structure, a substanti(J.,hrr
increase in moisture content with depth of soil is essential to tj"liiJ:
prevention of downward flow. For example, in the Greenville loam, t~H
moisture content must increase from 16 to 20 percent in a vcrtifli,l/; i
distance of 8 ft to develop a tension-hend slope at any point equal l , '
the elevation-head slope. With the higher moisture content there m\
be an increase from 20 percent to 40 percent in an 8-ft depth to aCC(lkl
plish the same result. The soil moisture changes and resulting tensili."
head slope within the above ranges of moisture content must exceed !ii;; ,
examples given above in order to provide a resultant force vertical/
upward and thus cause capillary water to move upwnrd. That :LL
above statements apply only to comparatively uniform soils, and t~'i,i'
the influence of temperature differcnces and variations in soil soluiJ]; ,
are neglected, must be kept in mind. Riehards has measured I.~(
permeability of three unsaturated soils:
A. Light sandy soil.
B. Greenville loam'.
C. Preston clay.
In the sandy soil and the clay he found that the magnitude of lc :' I
., creased rapidly as the capillary tension head decreased.
The change in lc with change in tension head was relatively slDrt]'\ I.'
the Grcenville loam. Richards' measurements of 7c for this loam\;\.
at different tension heads gave results ranging from less tl/
5.6 X 10- 8 to more than 15.4 X 10- 3 ft pel' clay. i. ,.

170. Limitations of Equations Judgment and discretion is essef~:

in the application of the equations of this chapter to the solution,; i i

practical irrigation and drainage problems. Because of the mat. ".

variations from point to point in natural soils, and because of tJhr'l ,
meager data available on the vnlue of Ie, it is impractical to !ttta;.:,!
lbility to water and air. Hmvever, come saline soils have very low
Analyses of some soils by the Salinity Laboratory are presented
i Table 32. The pH of saturated soil, exchangeable sodium, elec-
tdcal conductivity, and other properties are presented for normal
soils, saline soils, saline-alkali soils, and non-saline alkali soils. The
next two articles describe further the classes of soil included in
Table 32.
i. Saline-Alkali Soils Soils for which the conductivity of the sat-
"tion extract is greater than 4 millimhos per centimeter, and
exchangeable-sodium percentage is groater than 15 are desig-
cd salino-alkali soils. As long as excess salts are present the appcar-
~ and properties of these soils are generally similar to tllOse of
10 soils. Under conditions of excess salt the pH value is seldom
,1' than 8.5, and the colloids remain flocculated. If the excess
Ie salts are temporarily leached downward, the properties of
soils may change markedly (unless gypsum is present) and
ne similar to those of non-saline-alkali soils. As the concentration
e salts in the soil solution is lowered, some of the exchangeable
rm hydrolyzes and forms sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide
change to sodium earbonate upon reaction with carbon dioxide.
soil then usually becomes strongly alkaline (pH above 8.5), the
ds disperse, and the soil develops a structure unfavorable for
. infiltration and percolatioll, and for tillage. Although the return
:;) soluble salts may lower the pH value and restore the colloids
flocculated condition the management of saline-alkali soils con-
s to be a problem until the excess salts and exchangeable sodium
emoved from the root zone.
N on-Saline-Alkali Soils When the exchangeable-sodium per-
Ige of soils is greater than 15 and the cOllductivity of the satura-
extract is less than 4 millimhos per centimeter, the pH
generally range between 8.5 and 10 and the soils are designated
,line-alkali soils. These soils correspond to I-Iilgard's "black
" soils. They frequently occur in semiarid and arid regions in
irregular areas, which are referred to as ((slick spots." Except
gypsum or another source of soluble calcium is present, the
1ge and leaching of saline-alkali soils develops non-saline-alkali
The removal of the excess salts hl such soils permits hydrolysis
.1e exchangeable sodium and may lead to the formation of small
·unts of sodium carbonate. The soH organic matter is highly clis-
1ed and distributed over, tp:¢/soil particles, thereby darkening the
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color. When the soil contains appreciable organic matter its surface
may be quite dark, hence the term "black alkali."
Partially sodium-saturated clay in the absence of flocculating salts
is highly dispersed and has a tendency to migrate downward through
the soil and accumulate at lower levels. As a result the surface few
inches of the soil may be relatively coari'le in texture and friable; but,
below where the clay accumulates, the soil develops a dense layer of
low permeability. Alkali soils commonly develop in some valleys as
a result of irrigation. The physical and chemical properties of non-
saline-alkali soils are largely determined by the exchangeable sodiulll
present. As the proporLion of exchangeable sodium increases, the soil
tends to disperse more and the pH value increases, becoming as high
as 10. The soil solution of non-saline-alkali soils, although relatively
low in soluble salts, has a composition which differs grently from that
of normal and saline soils. The anions present consist mostly of
chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate, but small amounts of the normal
carbonate usually occur. At high pH values, and in the presence of
normal carbonate, calcium and magnesium arc precipitated so that
the soil solutions of non-saline-alkali soils usunJly contain only traces
of these cations, sodium being thc predominant one. Considerable
amounts of exchangeable and soluble potassium occur in some alkali
177. Movement of Salts in Soils If it were possible tn maintain a
moisture distribution in irrigated soils such that water flow would he
continuously downward there would be relatively little trouble from
salinity on irrigated farms. A continuous downward flow of wa,ter
with adequate drainage would gradually decrease the soluble salts
in the upper few feet of soil, in which plants obtain most of their
moisture and food. However, in the absence of !tdequn.te rlminage,
downward percolating waters fill the lower soil spaces anel cause the
water table to rise. During periods between irrigations a high water
table favors the upward cailillary flow of water to the lrmcl smftlne,
where it evaporates. The soluble salts carried by the upwftrCl-moving
water cannot be evaporated, and hence they are dcposited on or near
the soil surface. Salts so deposited may come from soil horizons well
below the surface that contain high percentages of salts. The mere
concentration on the surface of the salts that normally occur dis-
tributed through the upper few feet of soil may cause serious salinity.
178. Influence of the Water Table The influence of a rising water
table on the upward capillary flow is analogous to the influence of
making a canal grade steeper and steeper: both cause an increase in
the velocity of the flowing water. A review of Chapter 10 will enable
the student to see more clearly how the position of the water table
influences the hydraulic slope and hence the upward flow of soil
water. A high water table increases the moisture content of the
unsaturated surface soil and thus increases the permeability and the
quantity of flow. The soluble salts are held near the surface of the
body of ground water where they may readily be drawn by upward
capillary flow to the soil surface and there deposited as the water
As the water lowers, some of the salts in the free water are retained
by the soil so that the free water gradually becomes less saline. The
kind and quantity of salts in the soil solution usually differ from those
found in the free ground water or from the alkali inerustations on top
of the soil. Because of diffcrences in solubility certain of the soluble
salt ions are absorbed by the soil, while others move somewhat more
freely. Calcium sulfate may be abundant in the soil solution with
magnesium sulfate second, while sodium sulfate forms much of the
effervescent matter on the surface, and the salts next to the surface.
Sodium chloride does not separate as readily as some of the other
Irrigation farmers sometimes urge the advantages of keeping the
water table within a few feet of the soil surface because of the high
crop yields obtained during the early years after it has risen from
great depths. The favorable moisture supply from a water table near
the soil surface may cause high crop yields, but, as a mle, in areas
where alkali salts occur, the temporary favorable condition of the
high water table is followed by serious decrease in yields, if not by
complete non-productivity due to salt concentration. The need for
prevention of excessive seepage losses from canals by canal linings
described in Chapter 4 is great. Careful and efficient application of
water on the farms in order to delay as far as possible the time of the
rise of the water table and also provision of artificial drainage on areas
for which natural drainage is inadequate to keep the water well below
the soil smface are very urgent and not likely to be overemphasized.

179. Reducing Evaporation The first and most important single step
in reducing evaporation from irrigation soils is to keep the water table
well below the land surface either by efficient application of irrigation
water, or by drainage, or both. c

However, certain additional factors tend to favor excessive evapora-

tion, of which the following are noteworthy: (a) unduly frequent
irrigation, thus keeping the surface wet during a proportionately long
time, and (b) direct exposure of the land surface to sunlight by lack uf
cropping. As a rule, on all irrigated soils, it is good practice to apply
enough water in a single irrigation to fully moisten the soil to the depth
from which plant roots have taken the moisture previously in the soil.
This depth ranges from 2 to 6 ft approximately, depending on the crop,
and the texture, structure, and depth of the soil. In the management of
saljne and alkali soils it is especially important to moisten the soil at
each irrigation to the full depth that it needs additional moisture,
in order to reduce the frequency of irrigation and thus reduce the
upward flow and evaporation of water.
An effective mulch, by adding copious quantities of barnyard
manure, straw, or othor vegetative material; do os much to reduce
evaporation. Manure is especially valuable in alkali land because of
benefits in addition to reducing evaporation. Retarding evaporation
from alkali soils is urgently necessary. It is well abo to maintain, as
far as practicnble, a growing crop as a moans of absorbing the water
and of shading the soil, thus reducing evaporation.
180. Methods of Temporary Control Temporary control of salts on
irrigated land is sometimes practiced by one 01' more of the following
(a) Plowing salt surface crusts deeply into the soil.
(b) Removing surface aceumulation from the soil.
(0) Neutralizing the effects of certain salts by usc of other salts or
For detailed consideration of these methods the student is referred
to Soil Alkali by Harris, Saline Soils and Thei'!' Management by Curry,
and to the puhlications of the University of California and the United
States Regional Salinity Laboratory.
181. Steps Essential to Reclamation Permanent reclamat.ion of alkali
land requires four essential steps and the attainment of four basic
conditions, namely:
(a) Adequate lowering of water table.
(b) Satisfactory water infiltration.
(c) Leaching excess salts out of the soil.
(d) Intelligent management of the saline and alkali soils.
182. Adequate Lowering of Water Table All waterlogged lands,
whether or not impregnated. with alkali, arc improved for ordinary
crops by lowering of the water table. This means a permancnt lowering
under the farmer's control so that a risc of water above a givcn eleva-
tion in the soil for any length of time may bc wholly prevented. The
first step in lowering the water table is to learn the 80urce of the water
that caused it to rise. In isolated cases on small tracts it is sometimes
possible for one farmer alone, or a small group of farmers, to find the
water source and cut it off by construction of one or more intercepting
ditches. Usually, in irrigated regions, small waterlogged areas are
caused by water flowing to them from higher irrigated lands, above or
underground, or from canals, ponds, or reservoirs. The farmer whose
holdings are located within large areas of comparatively level water-
logged land cannot, as a rule, lower the water table by his own efforts.
For such areas community action is essential. Problems and procedures
in the drainage of irrigated lands are considered in Chapter 12.

183. Satisfactory Infiltration Rates The rate of water infiltration into

soils depends on soil texturc, structure, degree of dispcrsion, and also
on the depth to the water table. When adequate drainage has been
provided, the structure of the soil and other properties are dominant
in influencing infiltration. The time required for an adequate depth of
water to percolate through the soil may well limit the feasibility of
Alkali soils disperse during leaching and often become impermeable
as the soluble salts are removed. Chemical amendments are then re-
quired to bring about improvement of the soil by replacing the
exchangeable sodium with calcium. Gypsum, and, under certain condi-
tions, sulfur, may be used for this purpose, but reclamation is more
rapid when gypsum is applied. Considerable gypsum occurs naturally
in the soils of some areas, but the amount and distribution within the
soil profile are variable.
Reeve, Allison, and Peterson, in a 2-year study of leaching saline-
alkali soils in the Delta Area, Utah, found infiltration rates during
the first hour of measurement on three different experimental plots
ranging from 1.2 up to 6.3 in. per hr. After 48 hr of leaching the rates
ranged from 0.21 to 0.57 in. per hr. The Salinity Laboratory designates
permeabilities of 0.1 up to 0.3 in. per hI' as ranging from unsatisfactory
to good; from 0.3 to 3.0 in. as good, and above 3 in. as excessive.
Information on the rates at which water enters and moves through
the soil is useful in connection with irrigation methods as well as
improvement of saline and alkali soils. Many factors which are not yet
fully understood and correlated influence these rates, but it is not
difficult to make measurements that have practical significance. In-
filtration and permeability are expressed in terms of the velocity of
water flow, and for soils work are usually reported either in inches per
hour or feet per year.
Infiltration rates are generally measured in the field. The principal
method is flooding or impounding water on the soil surface. Infiltration
measurements have been made in connection with basin irrigations and
lcaching of soluble salts.
Water of the same quality as irrigation Or leaching water should be
utilized for infiltration tests in the field, otherwise thc measurements
may be misleading. The length of time the test should be conducted
or the depth of water to be applied will depend on the purpose of the
test and the kind of information sought. If it is a matter of appraising
an irrigation problem, then the depth corresponding to one irrigation
may be sufficient. If gctting advanced information on infiltl'Ettion for
planning a heavy leaching program is involved, then the full leaching
dcpth is recommended. It often happens that subsurface drainage in
the soil is sufficiently slow to reduce infiltration rates considerably.
Although small-area tests will give useful information on infiltration
during leaching, the infiltration values thus obtained will apply to
large areas only if underdrainage is adequate.
Permeability as measured in the laboratory is influenced by many
factors. Some of these, such as dispersion of tho soil, base status, air
saturation, and microbial sealing, have been sepal'Htoly studied and
partially appraised. The structure and packing of tho sample enter
directly into the measurement. It appears that nir~dl'ierl nne! screened
samples may be used if interest is centered 11l'imnl'ily on tho cultivatC'd
layer. Natural structure may be required for signifiCltl1tl measurements
on the subsurface layers.

184. Leaching Excess Salts It is usually essential thnt large depths

of water be applied to alkali lands and marle to percolate through the
soil in oreIm' to leach out the excess salts. Coarse-textured soils of open
structure as a rule have sufficiently high permeability to make leach-
ing of alkali salts an easy task after the water table has been suffi-
ciently lowered. Fine-textured compact soils of low permeability
predominate in thc lOW-lying waterlogged areas. Consequently, soil
permeability is a factor of paramount importance in the leaching of
excess soluble salts from most waterlogged soils. Permeability is in-
fluenced not only by the texture and compactness of the soil but also
by flocculation or dispersion of the soil particles. The dispersion and,
consequently, the permeability are greatly influenced by certain chemi-
cal compounds. A very low permeability sometimes follows the leaching
of alkali salts, and this decreases the productivity of the soil because
of the difficulty of getting air and water to penetrate it.
Curry reports that leaching tests on 11 farms in Rio Grande Valley
near El Paso having sandy loam and silt-loam soils greatly reduced
the salt content of the soils and increased the production of alfalfa,
corn, cotton, and cane. The tests were made on areas ranging from
5 to 30 acres for each farm, the total area for all the farms being
176 acres. Depths of water applied ranged from 2 ft to 5 ft.
In the study of the reclamation of saline-alkali soils in the Delta
Area, Utah, Reeve, Allison, and Peterson found that leaching was
very effective where the depth of water table provided ample opportu-

~ Before leaching
• average allplots

Electrical condvctivity of 1:1 extracts, millimhos per em
FIG. 142. Salt distribution in soil profile before and after leaching at site A, show-
ing effect of three leaching treatments. (Utah Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 335.)

nity for the water applied to the experimental plots to percolate

below the 4-ft-depth root zone. The effectiveness of the leaching at
one of the experimental sites, A, as measured by the reduction of salt
content of the soil is presented in Fig. 142 for each of three depths
of water applied: 1, 2, and 4 ft. The surface foot of soil, fur example,
contained 2.2 percent of salts before leaching and less than 0.3 percent
after leaching with 4 ft of water.
The effectiveness of leaching on the yield of grain in bushels per
acre for each of the three experimental sites is shown by the curves of
Fig. 143. At site A, for example, the yield was increasecl from about
12 bu per acre with l-ft depth of water up to more than 40 bu with
4 ft. Without leaching the land was barren.
Maintaining a favorable salt balance in the soil requires proper and
efficient irrigation methods. Irrigation must provide water for growth
of crops and at the same time allow enough water to pass through
and of the conditions under which saline water may best be used for
irrigation, is essential to complete an intelligent utilization of arid-
region resources.

187. Typical Analyses of Irrigation Waters The analyses of selected

irrigation waters shown in Table 33 bring out the following points.
The Rio Grande at Del Norte, Colorado, sample 1, represents a
mountain water low in total salts and high in the percentage of
bicarbonate. Sample 2, taken from the same river in southern New


6 Concentration Constituents (m.e. per liter)

:E~cl Cation."(bases} Anions (Reids}
Soure. ftl~c
~ ~

~gx !fi !l.

" '"
..ilj ~.tJ g:EI
t81l ~
lok! ~
8 <5
c8 ., <5
o~ on c.:>
~ @
Uio Granda. Colorado
-0.1 --
- c:l - "" - Z -1:4 -III - - 0 Z
-(.) - -il=1

1 8.5 81 0.56 0.27 0.30 0.70 0.32 0.12 20

2 Uio Grando, New Mexico 87.0 .8 641 3.70 1.34 4.03 2.07 1.00 1.53 14
3 Pecos River, Tex .., 015.0 8.4 6,108 30.02 17.10 53. (\2 44.52 51.00 52
4 Snake River, Idaho .5 380 2.00 1.80 1.74 0.14 3.28 1.110 1.18 0.04 28
5 Colorado River, Arizona 113.5 1.1 705 5.08 2.21 4.51 2.60 0.07 2.31 .04 35 0.14
0 Wall in Coachella Vallcy,
California 174.0 1.2 010 2.14 .08 12.07 1.02 LBO 12.04 .14 85 .71

Mexico, shows the increase in concentration between Colorado and

New Mexico, and the increasing proportion of sodium, chlorides, and
Sample 3, fro111 the Pecos River near Barstow, Texas, is an example of
one of the most concentrated waters used for irrigation purposes. The
water is applied to a soil high in gypsum. Fair to good crops of cotton
and alfalfa are obtained.
Sample 4, froln the Snal(e River, Idaho, is representative of irriga- ~,
tion waters in the Northwest. They are, as a whole, low in total salt
Sample 5, from the Colorado River, Arizona, was selected to show
the type of irrigation water nm onto fairly heavy soil in the Im-
perial Valley. The water contains 1.1 tons of salt per acre-foot, which
is a little 1110re than the average for irrigation water.
Sample 6, from an irrigation well, was selected as a water of high
sodium percentage. Used on sandy soils it does some injury to grapes.
The boron content is rather high.
188. Standards for Irrigation Waters Plants in saline soils are ad-
versely affected by high concentrations of salts in thc soil solution and
by poor physical condition of the soil. Both soil conditions are affected
by the irrigation water. An irrigation water having a high sodium
percentage will, after a time, give rise to a soil having a large propor-
tion of replaceable sodium in the colloid, often designated as black
alkali soil. Even on sandy soils with good drainage, waters of 85
percent sodium* or higher are likely to make soils impermeable after
prolonged use. With higher total salt content there is a flocculating
action that tends to counterbalance the poor physical condition caused


Conductivity Salt Content

Water Sodium, Boron,
(K X 105 at Total, Per Acre-
25° C)
% ppm
ppm Foot, tons
1 0-100 0-700 1 60 0.0-0.5
2 100-300 700-2000 1-3 60-75 0.5-2.0
3 Dvel' 300 Over 2000 Over 3 75 Over 2.0

by a high sodium concentration in the water. On a heavy soil already

high in replaceable sodium the poorest water would be one low in total
salts but having a high sodium percentage.
The concentration of the soil solution also modifies plant growth
and is usually 2 to 100 times the irrigation-water concentration, and
seldom more dilute. In heavily irrigated sandy soils the soil solution
will tend to approach the same concentration as that of the irrigation
water. On heavy soils, where evaporation may greatly exceed drainage,
the concentration of the soil solution may be 100 times that of the
irrigation water and become too great for plant growth.
In most arid-region valleys neither the irrigation companies nor
farmers can modify their irrigation water to any substantial degree.
However, the standards for waters presented in Table 34 should assist
interested agencies in appraising and developing irrigation and drain-
age practices to harmonize with qualities of water.
Class 1 waters are considered by the Salinity Laboratory Staff as
excellent to good, suitable for most plants under most conditions.
Class 2 as good to injurious, probably harmful to the more sensitive
crops. Also the laboratory c~nsiders class 3 waters injurious to unsatis-
'" . _ 100 Na •
Percent sodIUm - Ca + Mg + N!I. + K
factory, probably harmful to most crops. Class 3 waters are considered
unsuitable unclor most conditions.
If the salts present are largely sulfates the values for salt content
in each class can be raised 50 percent. Because soil, crop, climate,
drainage, and soil management all influence the suitability of water
for irrigation, no simple classification scheme will hold for all cases.
Some writers have indicated that waters of 70 percent sodium are
unsuitable under most conditions, and a few havo suggested an even
lower limit. Yet on sandy soils in the Coachella Valley, California,
waters of more than 80 percent sodium are used and the farmers stay
in business. For class 3 waters a low limit sodium pereentage of 75
has therefore been selected. Scofield, Wileox, and MagistacJ have
selected a specific electrical conductivity (J( X 10 5 ) of 300 as being
the upper limit for good production all most soils and waters. A marked
exception occurs in the Pecos Valley, where good growth of alfalfa and
cotton was found on lands irrigated with water having a conductance
of 915. The Pecos Valley may be considered special bccause of the
heavy soil content of gypsum and lime.
The boron content of a water is of great impol'tnnee for many cropH.
Some crops, as beans, are very sensitive to an excess of boron, and
others, as sugar beets, will tolerate large quantities. A watm' containing
more than 2.0 ppm will in time usually cause trouble with many of the
crops grown.

189. Sources of Salinity in Water Salinity in irrigation water that is

obtained from gravity canals originates in one or more of three SOurces,
(a) In the natural drainage watel' yielded by watersheds that con-
tain large amounts of alkali salts in the soils and rocks; or
(b) In the conveyance of rivers or canals through soil or rock
formations that are highly impregnated with alkali salts; or
. (0) In the diversion of canals from the lower reaches of streams and
rivers that receive large quantities of seepage and return flow
from irrigated lands.
The amounts of salts in natural drainage water near the stream
sources are usually so small as to be of little concern. However, the
Malad River in southern Idaho and northern Utah, a small stream,
contains so large an amount of soluble salts that the application of its
water for irrigation early proved seriously harmful to trees and general
farm crops. In the Uintah Basin, Utah, irrigation water that was
almost entirely frce from salts at the diversion works absorbed
excessive amounts as it was conveyed through canals constructed in
beds of Mancos shale.
The greater and more dangerous source of salts in irrigation water
is from seepage and return Row. This fact is illustrated by a study of
the salt content of water at different points along rivers that traverse


Salt Content, Increase

ppm Increase, Distance,
River State ppm in miles per mile,
Upper Lower ppm
Colorado 110 1178 1068 20 53.4
Jordan Utah S90 1970 1080 14 77.0
Sevier Utah 205 831 626 60 10.4
Sevier Utah 205 1316 1111 150 7.4
Pecos New Mexico 760 2020 1260 30 42.0
Pecos New Mexico 760 5000 4240 ISO 24.1
Arkansas Colorado trace 2200 2200 120 18.3

irrigated lands and receive return seepage waters. Table 35 reporting

some determinations of total alkali salts in five western rivers at
points separated from 14 to 180 miles shows appreciable increases in
alkali from the higher to the lower points. The maximum increase per


Salt River, Arizona ppm Gila River, Arizonp. ppm Sevier River, Utah ppm

Aug. 1-8ept. 1, 1809 724 Nov. 28, l899-.Tan. 18. 1900

1108 July 29 958
Sept. 2-Scpt. 9, 1899 1100 Feb. I-Mar. 7, 1000 1130 Aug. 12 1104
Sept. lO-Oct. 9, 1809 1142 Aug. I-Aug. 14, 1900 5401 Aug. 24 1268
Oct. 1O-00t. 17, 1800 952 Aug. l5-Aug.28, 1000 925 Sept. 18 1190
Oct. l8-Dec. 3D, 1809 1026 Sopt. 1-Bept. 28, 1900 471 Sept. 21 1420
Fob. 17-MI1Y 3D, 1000 1009 Sept. 29-Nov. 5, 1900 1085 Oct. 5 1406
Juno I-Aug. 4, 1QOO 1391 Oot.19 1436
Nov. 9 1376

mile, 77.0 ppm, occurred in the Jordan River, Utah, and the minimum
in the Sevier River, also in Utah. The owners of irrigation projects that
divert water from the lower reaches of streams that receive seepage
and return flow from upstream alkali lands should know the salt


Under each of the three types of crops the most tolerant

crops are listed first and the least tolerant last.

Salt Tolerance
Type of
Crop Good Poor
(Group I) Moderate (Group II) (Group III)
Fruit Date palm Pomegranate Grapefruit
Fig Peal'
Grape Almond
Olivo Apricot
Field Sugar beet Alfalfa Cantaloupe Veteh
and Garden beet Flax Lettuce Peas
truck Milo Tomato Sunflower Celery
Rape Asparagus Carrot Cabbage
Kale Foxtail millet Spinach Ar(;ic1lOkc
Cotton Sorghum (grain) Squnsh Egg plllllt
Barley (grain) Onion Sweet; potato
Rye (grain) Peppel' Potato
Oats (grain) Wheat (grain) Green beans
Forage Alkali sacaton White sweet clover Wheat (hay) White Dutch
Salt grasses Yellow sweet clover Oats (hay) dover
Nuttall alkali Perennial rye grass OrchilI'd gmss Meadow foxtail
Bermuda Mountain brome Blue graum AiHilw clover
Rhodes Btlrley (Iuty) Meadow roseue Hod dovor
Rescue Bil'dsfoot trefoil Reed calU1ry Ladiuo clovm'
Canada wild Strawberry clover Big trofoil BUl'net
rye Dallis grass Smooth bromo
Beardless wild Sudan grass Tall meadow ont
ryo IIubam clover graBS
Western wheat Alf!tlfa (California Cicer milk vetch
grass common) Sour clover
Tall fescue Sickle milk vetch
Rye (hay)
content of the water and, if necessary, take special precautions to avoid
injury to crops and soils from this source of alkali.
The salt content of irrigation water in the several streams of the
West varies appreciably from one part of the irrigation season to
another, as is shown by the data of Table 36.
190. Tolerance of Crops to Salinity Some plants can stand water-
logged soils for short periods while others cannot survive under the
same conditions. For soils having a high water table, as well as
salinity, plants should be selected which can tolerate the waterlogged
soils as well as excess salts. Strawberry clover, Bermuda grass, and
sweet clover owe part of their popularity to this characteristic.
Selection of salt-tolerant crops depends on the intended use of the
crop, the moisture conditions of the soil, the climate, farm-manage-
ment practices, and other local factors.
Three general tolerance groups are listed by the Regional Salinity
Laboratory. Group I includes those plants which have good tolerance;
group II, moderate tolerance; and group III, poor or slight salt
The plants listed in Table 37 have been classified into three broad
divisions: namely (1) common fruit and vine crops, (2) field and
truck crops, and (3) forage crops such as grasses, legumes, and cereals
which are used primarily for pasture or hay production. Group II
crops require a more intensive type of farming than the group III
forage plants, and yet they differ from the fruit crops of group I.
In each group the plants first named are considered to be more
tolerant and the last-named more sensitive to salinity. The opinion
that further research in crop tolerance to waterlogging and salinity is
essential to making the classification as presented in Table 37 more
complete and more nearly final is emphasized by the Laboratory.
Drainage of Irrigated Lands

Adequate drainage of crop-producing lands requires a general lower-

ing of shallow water tables. Some students, especially in humid regions,
find it difficult to think of drainage being essential in arid regions
where irrigation is required for crop production. Experience has
demonstrated fully the need for drainage of irrigated lands. In some
valleys the higher lands never require drainage, but the need for
drainage of the lower valley lands is frequently a result of the irriga-
tion of the higher lands. From 10 to 20 percent of the irrigated lands
in arid regions need drainage to perpetuate their productivity. The
reclamation of saline and alkali soils has many important phases, but
adequate lowering of the water table by drainage is a first and hasic
Irrigation and drainage in arid regions are complementary practices,
the necessity for drainage being greatly influenced by low efficiencies
in the conveyance and application of irrigation water.
191. Benefits of Drainage Adequate drainage improves soil structure
and increases and perpetuates the productivity of soils. Drainage is the
first essential in reclamation of waterlogged saline and alkali soils.
Even if only those lands which have been farmed are considered,
drainage benefits irrigation agriculture and t.he public in many ways.
For example, adequate drainage (1) facilitates early plowing and
planting, (2) lengthens the crop-growing season, (3) provides more
available soil moisture and plant food by increasing the depth of
root-zone soil, (4) helps in soil ventilation, (5) decreases soil erosion
and gullying, by increasing water infiltration into soils, (6) favors
growth of soil bacteria, (7) leaches excess salts from soil, and (8) as-
sures higher soil temperatures.
Drainage also improves sanitary and health conditions and makes
rural life more attractive.
192. Areas Drained in the West Substantial progress has been made
towarcl drainage of irrigated lands in the eleven western states. The
areas of land included in western-state drainage enterprises, together
with progress toward satisfactory drainage in each of the eleven
states, are presented in Table 38. More than 6 million acres are
included in drainage enterprises, and 5.4 million acres have been
improved by drainage sufficiently to produce normal crops according
to the 1940 United States Census. In nearly all the irrigation states
there are substantial arcas of land unfit to produce crops because of
lack of drainage. The total area in 1940 was more than 280,000 acres.
The last two columns of Table 38 are of special interest, indicating that
there are more than 12,000 miles of open ditches and nearly 3500 miles
of tile drains.

193. Sources of Excess Water The major sources of excess water that
make drainage necessary on parts of the irrigated lands are seepage
losses from reservoirs or canals and deep percolation losses from irri-
gated lands. Efficient water application on the higher irrigated lands
reduces the need for drainage of the lower lands. Flooding of lowlands
due to overflow of rivers and natural drainage c11annels clUJ,jng periods
of maximum stream flow constitute important sources of excess water
in certain low~valley areas. The flow of ground water toward water-
logged lands in arid regions may be in any direction. In some areas
flow is largely downward through highly permeable surface soils to
impermeable subsoils.
In other areas unconfined or free ground water may flow under
small hydraulic slopes, as illustrated in Fig. 127 (Chapter 10). In
still other areas the major source of exceRS water may be upward
flow from an artcsian aquifer, as shown in Fig. 128, which is typical
of large arcas in several western valleys. Two or more of these
possible sources of excess water contribute to the maintenance of
shallow water tablcs in some soils. Thorough ground-water investiga-
tions and subsoil studies are essential to intelligent design of drainage
Extensive use of small-diameter pipe, as piezometers described in i
Chapter 10, enables engineers to develop ground-water contours, or
flow patterns, as shown in Fig. 144A and 144B, which indicate the
directions of water flow before irrigation and after. In April, 1946,
before irrigation the higher water-table elevation was only 1.5 ft
above the lower, and contours were widely spaced; whereas after
irrigation in May, 1948, the high water table was 4.5 ft above the
lower. Between these periods of measurement the water table rose
4.0 ft in one part of the field and 1.5 ft in another. Ground-water
studies illustrated by Figs. 144A and 144B are essential to intelligent,
design of drainage systems. Permeability measurcments arc very
helpful because of the great range in soil permeability. The soil
permeability is the dominant variable influencing the feasibility and
the cost of drainage.
Gravelly and sandy soils, under natural conditions, are from 25,000
to 50,000 times as permeable as clay soils; in some drainage studies
permeability ratios of 100,000 to 1 have been measured. Subsoil
formations and permeabilities thus influence sources of excess water
in soils.


FIG. 1-1'1. U.S. Newl:1lHIH Field Station. A. Before il'l'ip;l1t.ioll (APl'il 14, U)4G).
B. After irrigation (May 12, 1\)·18).

194. Control of Water Sources In some aret~s, subst[tntio,l progress,

towal'll geneml luwering of the water table, anLl solution of drainage!
problems, can be made by control of excess water sourccs. POI' example,]
as sLated in Chapter 4, nearly 40 percent of the water taken into
eanals is lost in conveyance. Millions of aere~feel; thus lost nnnually
reach the water table and cause it to rise. Lining uf thousands of
miles of canals to reduee these losses and remove this cause of the
need for drainage should be encouraged. Accomplishment of this t[\sk
of water control will require a long time.
Control of the source of excess water by percolation from the
irrigated land also is a difficult and perplexing task. In a few areas,
there is no excess salinity or alkali in the soil, and lowering of the
water table is all that is necessary to solve the drainage problem.
Lini.ng of the irrigation canals to prevent seepage losses and the appli- \
cation of irrigation water by the sprinkling method to reduce or
eliminate deep-percolation-water losses may result in a satisfactory
lowering of the water table in these areas, thus removing the need for
drainage. This control of excess-water sources may be both impractical
and prohibitive in cost in other areas, thus making drainage essential.
In most arid-region waterlogged soils, leaching of soluble salts is
essential to crop production, and adequate lowering of the water
table by artificial drainage must precede leaching.

195. Required Water-Table Depths Adequate crop production, and

perpetuation of soil fertility in irrigated areas, require water-table
depths of 6 ft or more. In many cases, even where drainage systems,
have been installed the water table during part of the year is 3 ft or
less, and this is highly undesirable. A summary of required water-table
depths approved by irrigation authorities and also by financial institu-
tions that are interested in long-time loans fur improving of irrigated
lands is presented.


Good Static water table below 7 ft; up to 6 ft for a period of about 30

days of the year.
Fair Water table at 6 ft, up to about 4 ft for a period of 30 days. No
general rise.
Poor Some alkali on surface; water table 4-0 ft up to 3 ft for a period
of 30 days.
Bad Water table less than 4 ft and rising. Natural and artificial drains
too far away to drain land.

Generous long-time loans are made by land banks and other lending
agencies when good lands are mortgaged as security j restricted or
short-time loans are made on fair lands, and no loans at all are made
on poor and bad lands. Positive assurance of immediate and adequate
lowering of the water table by thorough drainage may induce financial
agencies to make limited loans on bad lands.

196. Lowering the Water Table In arid regions the water table may
be lowered by eliminating or controlling the source of excess water,
improving natural drainage facilities, and providing man-made drain~
age systems.
Increases in the efficiencies of conveyance of water by lining canals
and maintaining modern watertight taIce-out structures in canal banks
are urgently needed. Leveling of land for irrigation and efficient design
of water-application systems with more efficient application of water to
farms will decrease percolation to the ground water. These needs are
especially urgent on the higher lands which usually have shallow,
highly permeable soils.
Proper maintenance of natural drainage systems, usually feasible at
low costs, protects irrigated lands from excess percolation of water
from rains and melting snows and also from flood damages.
In many arid regions artificial drainage also is required to provide
adequate lowering of the ground-water table and is accomplished by
one of three methods: (a) open channel chains; (b) covered tile of
clay or concrete; and (0) the pumping of ground water.
In open channels and tile, gravity pulls the excess water from the
wet soils into the drains and gravity also causes the flow in the
drains. Gravity provides the mechanical power, and the drains arc
designated gravity drains. When pumps are used the necessary me-
chanical power is obtained from electricity, gasoline, distillate, and
other fuels, as in irrigation pumping considered in Chapter 5. Pumping
of ground water in some valleys in arid regions provides for both
irrigation and drainage.
197. Design of Open Drains On some drainage projects open drains
are used largely to convey water to distant outlets. Water may flow
into open drains directly from the ground water and also from collect-
ing tile lines in many cases. The designing engineer selects the drain
outlet and determines appropriate elevation of bed of drain and water
surface in the drain at times of maximum flow. Then he decides thc
hed slope, whieh ranges from 1h to 1% ft per 1000 ft. The slopes of
. open drains in the lower nearly level lands should be as large as the
ground-surface slope provided this wil1noG cause excessive watcr-flow
. velocities and channel erosion. Uniformity of drain-bed slope is usually
", advantageous even though this causes SOl11e differcnces in depth of
; drain. Design of side slopes of open drains depends largely on the soil
: formation, with a range from the steep slope of 1/2 horizontal to
1 vertical in very stiff, compact clays, to flat slopes of 3 to 1 in
: loose, open sandy formations. Depths of open drains range from 6 to
\ 12 ft or more.
In 1930 Jessop stated that for 25 years the trend had been toward
deeper drainage systems and that drains of 12 to Hi ft in depth were
not uncommon. The high costs of vcry deep gravity drains justifies
special effort toward pumping ground water for drainage in areas
where the power costs and soil formations make pumping feasible.
198. Construction Methods and Costs In modern construction of open
drains, large power-driven drag-line excavators are used as illustrated
in Fig. 145. Open drains range from 5 to 15 ft or more in depth. To
assure stability of the sides of the open channel in sandy soils, side
slopes should not be steeper than 1% ft horizontal to 1 ft vertical.
Deep open drains, therefore, require strips of land 75 to 100 ft 01'
more in width, and this is one serious objection to the use of open
drains in areas of high-priced lands.
A typical open drain· of average depth in New Mexico is shown in
Fig. 146.
Although costs of drains vary widely from time to time and from
place to place, one typical example is presented. Consider an open
drain 12 ft deep, having side slopes
of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical, and
bed width of 4 ft. The top width of
channel is 52 ft, and the cross-sec-
tion area is 336 sq it; nearly 38 sq
yd. The volume of excavation is
12% cu yd per foot of length. At 15
cents pCI' cubic yard the excavation
cost would be $1.90 per foot. If the
excavated material is left on the
land near the channel the total
width of waste land is approxi-
mately 100 ft, and the area per mile FIG. 145. Drag-line excavator in oper-
ation constructing an open drain.
of drain is 12 acres. At $200 per acre (Photograph by author.)
the cost of land is 45 cents per
foot, thus making the drain cost $2.35 per foot exclusive of bridges
and culverts.
Nitroglycerine dynamite is used in the construction of open drains
in some soils. When the soil is saturated and sticks of dynamite are
uniform, the explosion will "propagate" from one charge to the next.

FIG. 146. Typical open drain in New Mexico, bed width approximately 20 ft,
capacity 125 cfs. (Photograph by author.)
This method requires only one cap and is economical. Dynamiting
affords an eCLSY means of opening silted crecks and ditches as well as
for making new open ditches. The soft bottom resulting from the
blast is unsuitable for laying tile drains.
199. Tile Drainage Systems The two most com111on tile drainage lay-
outs are: (1) relief drains, nearly uniform in depth and spacing, for
fairly level lands, and (2) intercept~
ing drains on irregular slopes and'
near siclehill lands.
In the relief system, spacing uf the
drains is much influenccd by the
texture and permeability of the soil.
In clay soils of low permcability and
tile depths of 5 ft, close spacing of
200 It may be essential to satisfac- ,
tory drainage; in average loam soils, .
400 to 600 ft is good sl1!1cing pro-
vided the tile is placed to depths of i
6 ft or more; in sandy and gravelly'
soils, spacing at 800 ft or more repre-
sentR the more general practice. Long
main drains with short collecting
laterals are called the herringbone
system. The gridhon systcm consists
FIG. 147. Concrete tonguc-and- of long parallel latemls connected to
groove joint pipe ready for planing
in tho drainage t.rench. (Photograph
a short main drain. Manholes, sand
by J. R. Barker.) traps, and observation wells at con-
venient points 1h to 1)1 mile along the
lines facilitate essential inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of
the lines.
Thc dC11ths and location of irregu~ar cutoff drains to intercept seep- ,.
agc water and prevent it from flowing from sidehil11ands toward iilw:
lower Hat lands depend largely on the surface topography and soil
formations. Intercepting drains must cut off the water flow in the
sandy am] gl'lwclly soil strata because the rate of flow in these soils
is very high compared with the flow in loams and clays.
200. Installation of Tile Drains During many past years trenehcs for
dosed drains were dug by hand labor. Trcnching machines, likc the
one shown in Fig. 147, have replaced hand labor on neatly all drain1Lgc
projects that nre large enough to warrant moving the heavy trenching
machines to and fro111 the fields that need drainage.
Either clay or concrete drain tile is hauled, usually direct from the
factory to the field, and placed along the proposed drain lines. As the
trenching machine moves forward in the field, the drain pipe is laid,
and each new pipe is placed against the one just laid. Some macl~ines
are equipped with hydraulic-
pressure devices to press the tile
firmly together. Caving of soil
into the trench near the ex-
cavator is prevented by a large
two-walled steel shield. Water
flows from the saturated soils
into the tile through the pipe

FIG. 148. Tractor-drawn excavator work- FIG. 149. The outlet-end of a 3600-
ing in 6-ft-depth trench in sandy soil. ft, 8-in.-diameter concrete pipe drain
The gravel ovor pipe joint can be seen near immediately after installation during
the cage. (Photogl'aph by S. G. Mar- wintertime in Utah. (Photograph by
getts.) J. R. Barker.)

joints, not through the walls of clay or concrete pipe. To facilitate keep-
ing soil materials from entering the tile it is good practice to place over
the joints a strip of tar paper and a screened-gravel envelope about 3 in. i
thick and 6 in. long at cach joint. The metal chute through which gravel!
is poured to the tile joint is shown in the lower part of Fig. 148. For soils
of high stability, moderate moisture content, and no caving of banks
at the time of placing the tile, the gravel may well be placed 10 to
15 ft behind the trencher. Immediately after the gravel is plaeeu the
tile should be carefully covered with soil to a depth of about 12 in. by
hand labor. This process, called blinding, protects the pipe from
displacement, and from damage. when large volumes of earth material
are forced into the trench by heavy machinery for backfilling.
The outlet end of a 3600-ft drain placed in sandy soil is shown in
Fig. 149. The lower 1600 ft of the line is 8-in. concrete T & G pipe, and
the upper 2000 ft is 6-in. The trenching was done in January, 1948,
with the equipment shown in Figs. 147 and 148. A gravel envelope was
placed around all the joints. Shortly after completing the line the
drain discharge was only 36 gpm, or 1 gpm per 100 ft of line. During
the irrigation season the maximum discharge was 120 gpm.

201. Maintenance of Drains The principal need in the maintenance

of drainage systems is the removal of soil and vegetation from the
Several types of trees and plants extend their root systems many
feet to obtain water. Among these are greasewood, willows, and pop-
lars. The roots enter the joints of closed drains and continue to grow
inside the pipe, eventually obstructing the flow of drainage water.
Partial obstruction by roots may retard the velocity of flow sufficiently
to allow soil particles to settle in the pipe, thus gradually sealing the
It is very difficult to construct drains in fine sandy soils, with
joints through which the ground water may enter the pipe, and yet
exclude all soil particles. The volume of soil entering the drain is
small when a suitable gravel envelope is provided for the joints.
There are large variations in the quantity and velocity of water flow
in closed drain~. The largest flows with the greatest velocities occur
during or after storms and irrigations. Soil particles entering the
drains during the periods of high-velocity flow may largely be carried
in suspension to the sand boxes 01' to the drain outlet, but as the
quantity and velocity of flowing water decreases the soil particles
settle to the bottom of the pipe. They may be rolled along with the
low-velocity flow of water, but with a further reduction in the velocity
the soils come to rest. The soil may become sufficiently stable to resist
the scouring action of subsequent high-velocity flows, after which
more soil accumulates, thus gradually filling the pipe unless the soil
is removed.
The term "wash~ins," popular among the farmers in some of the
drainage districts, refers to holes formed in the land where irrigation
water flows downward through the backfilled trench, washing large
volumes of soil into the closed drain through the joints. Wash-ins have
occurred most frequently during the periods soon after construction,
and less frequently as the backfill material settled in the trench, thus
becoming more compact.
Wash-ins have been attributed to careless irrigation methods. Irri-
gation water applied excessively and allowed to pond over the drains
is especially conducive to wash-ins. The damage caused by wash-ins is


FIG. 150. Illustrating for sandy soils over clay the linear flow of ground water to-
ward drains spaced 2R ft in which the water table midway between drains is H - h
ft above the water surface in the drain.

twofold: the soil washed in obstructs the drains, and the holes formed
in the land surface render that part of the land unproductive until
repaired. I

In sandy soils drain pipes have been found shifted as much as 90 0

from alignment. Loosely placed or unmatched joints cause this condi-
tion. Drainage water flowing over a wide or unmatched joint erodes
the soil from under the joint, thus allowing it to settle. As the joint
settles and the pipe ends separate the eddies in the hole forming under
the joint become greater, thus increasing the eroding effect of the
water. This continues until the flow of water in the drain is completely
blocked by the soil closing in on the joint or by silting in the lower
reaches of the drain.
202. Drain Depths, Spacing, and Ground-Water Flow Two types of
soil profile are considered to illustrate the influence of drain depth,
spacing, and other factors on the quantity of flow of ground water
toward and into tlie drains.
In highly permeable sandy soils, underlain by compact clay of low
permeability 6 to 10 ft below the land surface, as illustrated in Fig. 150,
the ground-water flow is essentially horizonta~ toward the drains.
To simplify the illustration, t,he source of water flowing toward the
drain is considered a reservoir as illustrated on the left of Fig. 150. The
water surface is maintained in the reservoir and adjoining soil a
distance of H ft above the clay. Flow from the reservoir to the drain
is steady, it being assumed for simplicity that the reservoir is the only
source of water.
Ground water actually flows to the drain from both sides. Let 2q
represent the flow into a drain in length L. Then the ground-water flow
from one side to the drain is
q = av
and from Darcy's law,
v = k hi = k
(H. B- h)
Consider the depth of saturated sand about midway between the
reservoir and the drain as average; then the average area of saturated
soil, in drain length L, through which the ground water flows is:

a= (H: h) xL
l1ud the quantity of flow from the reservoir to the urnin

q = (!I : h) LX k(II ;; h)
kL(H2 - h 2 )
The quantity of flnw to the drain f~'om reservoirs on both sides would be


from which

For example, assuming that the reservoir is tho only source of

ground-water flow in a 15-ft depth of waterlogged sancI, what spacing
of drains will draw, from the soil on both sides of a drain, a stream Q
of 1 ofs in 2500-ft-length of a 15-ft-depth drain in which the wntcr is
2 ft deep, when the water table is 5 ft below ground midway between
the drains?
Heferring to Fig. 150, for this example:
II = 10 ft L = 2500 ft
11, = 2 ft q = 1 efs
The average permeability measured -in iield soils in this case is
k = 2 X 10-3 ft/sec
Then since the drain spacing S equals 2R it follows that
S _ -2 X 2 X 2500 X (100 - 4) _ 9 f
- 1000 X 1 - 60 t

The lengths H, h, and L can be accurately measured at any time,

and q can be measured within 5 percent accuracy. However, computa-

Ground surfcrce~

Eqvo/ hydra/J/ic

FIG. 151. Illustrating for deep, uniform soils the radial flow of ground water toward
drains splLced 2R ft, in which the wnter table midway between drains is (H - h) ft
above the water surface in the dl·uin.

tions of drain spacing using cquation 48c must be regarded as only

approximations because of the fact that permeability k varies greatly
in field soils.
In saturated sandy field soils having clay subsoils the flow toward
the drain is a maximum near the drain, and it decreases as distance
from the drain increases. It is assumed that there is no flow through
the vertical plane midway between the drains, and on each side of this
plane the flow is in opposite directions. For these field conditions in
which the source of drainage water is assumed to be downward flow
from lmsaturated irrigated soils to the water table, Donnan has
derived an equation comparable to equation 48a, the difference being
that the quantity of flow is twice that shown by this equation for the
same soil permeability, differences in water surface elevations, and
spacing of drains.
For soils of great depth and approximately uniform permeability, as
illustrated in Fig. 151, the ground water flows radially toward the
drain from all directions. With these soil conditions and designating
radial flow thTOUgh a semicircttlar area (a little less than the actual
area) it is essential to use the calculus to derive the rational equation
Q = 7J"kL(H - h) = 7J"kL(H 1 - ht (4,9)
2.3 Iog 10 R/r 2.3log lO S/d
in which all the symbols but Sand d have the same meaning as in
equation 48b. S is the space between drains, and d is the diameter of
the drain.
The basic differences of the two soil-and-water-fiow conditions of
special importance are: For the first condition, if h is small as com-
pared to H, the flow to the drain is proportional approximatdy to the
square of the effective depth (H - h), whereas in the second condition
the flow is proportional to the first power of the effective depth.
203. Pumping for Drainage The main physical defect of gravit.y
drainage systems is failure to lower the water table to adequate depth.
Many gravity drains are either too shallow, spaced too far apart, or
both. Pumping ground water in some areas is a more effective means
of lowering the water table.
The influences on well discharge of the soil permenbility, effective
well depth, and diameter of well when pumping from free ground water
are considered in Chapter 5, Article 70. In pumping from confined
ground water in artesian aquifer of depth D the water flows radially
to the well through cylindrical surfaces having a vertical axis and the
following well-discharge formula applies:
Q = 27fkD(H - h)
2.3 10glO R/r
Comparisons of equations 49 and 50 show that if the length of drain
L in equation 49 is equal to the depth of aquifer D in equation 50, and
all other items are the same, then the flow to the well through vG?'t'ical
cylindrical surfaces would be twice that to the drain through horizontal
semicylindrical surfaces.
Pumping ground water for drainage is influenced ffLvornbly by ade-
quate depths and permeabilities of the water-bearing formations, by
high values of pumped water for irrigation, and by low power costs.
The experiences of one California irrigation difltrict and of the Salt
River Valley Water Users Association in Arizona indicate the feasi-
bility of ground-water pumping where subsoils arc favorable and the
pumped water can be used for irrigation.
, From 1907 to 1922, the Modesto Irrigation District in California
spent $356,000 for construction and maintenance of gravity drains for
45,000 acres. Sub-irrigation had prevailed for several years, and in
many locations where the rich soil had previously produced abundant
crops yields decreased, orchard trees died, and vines withered, for the
aljrali salts had become sufficiently concentrated to render the soil
unfit for plant growth. In 1922, the Modesto group drilled the first
drainage well, and by 1939 had put into operation 77 pump wells,
reaching a combined capacity of 207 cfs. On 50,000 acres subject to
Modesto's high water table in a 17 -yr period the drainage-pump cost
per acre was $12.24, counting $4.38 for construction, maintenance, and
operation, and $7.86 for power cost. This is a third more than the
per-acre cost for gravity drains. During the period in which the district
operated the pumps, a total of 602,000 acre-feet of water was pumped
and about 75 percent of that water was utilized for irrigation. At the
rate of $1.36 per acre-foot, the 1940 evaluation of water in the Modesto
district, the pumped irrigation water had a value of $612,050, entirely
offsetting all drainage-pumping costs. The Modesto experience leads
to the conclusion that the operation of deep-well pumps is not only
a most satisfactory method of subsurface drainage but also a self-
liquidating method.
In the Salt River Valley, Arizona, irrigation was greatly advanced in
1911 by completion of the Bureau of Reclamation Roosevelt dam and
reservoir. Drainage did not become a problem there until about 1918;
then the Water Users AssociaUon decided to pump ground water.
The association pumped 50,000 acre-feet in 1920 and the same amount
in 1921. In 1922, it increased the drain to 100,000 acre-feet, and the
menacing water table began to go down. Since then, the volumes of
water pumped annually have increased, and the water-table depth
has also greatly increased, thus solving the drainage problem. In
1946, the association operated 200 pumped wells, drawing 400,000
acre-feet of water, nearly one-third of its irrigation water supply, and
the average depth of the water table was greater than 50 ft.

204. Drainage Enterprises Group action is essential in the drainage

of irrigated land. For one landowner to be able to provide adequate
drainage for his land without cooperating with his neighbors is the
exception rather than the rule. Group action in some areas is obtained
by organizing drainage districts which are quasi-public corporations
provided for by state laws and which have authority to tax irrigated
land for drainage purposes.
Two principal purposes influence the organization of drainage dis-
tricts, namely: (1) to consolidate into one drainage agency the lands
of an area in need of drainage and contributing to that need, and
(2) to provide the authority and the procedure, and to assign the
responsibility for tho design, financing, construction, and maintenance
of drainage systems.
Noteworthy powers of a drainage district are: (1) the power to
include in the district all lands to be benefited by the drainage system,
and thus assure strength of the district and ability to promote equity in
In Drainage Adequately Poorly OpOIl Tile
State Enterprises, Dmined, Drained, Drains Drains
thousands thousands thousands C()mpleted, Completed,
of acres of acres of aeres miles miles
Arizona 299 297 0.3 101 9
California 2667 2270 135 GO!ll 326
Colorncio 4G8 444 10 973 365
Idaho (\50 605 1\) ()(i8 175
Montana 373 352 17 121 74
Nev!Lda 153 13'1 ,126
New Mexico 306 284 12 G25 309
Oregon 349 299 29 780 151
Utah 202 123 41 2G8 1619
Washingto!l 406 368 (i 885 179
Wyoming 313 288 13 643 262
Totals 6195 5464 282.3 12,181 3469

its dealings with landowners; (2) the power to tax lands of the
district and enforce tax collections. The second power carries the
authority to foreclose on tax-dclinquent land and sell it if necessary.
Drainage districts have lcgal authority to carry out all the functions
and activities pertaining to drainage of farm land including financing,
design, and installation of drains, and their ope;')1tion and ma,intcnl),nce.
There must be a neeel for drainage in the area proposed for the dis-
trict, and it must be shown that the benefits to the included lands will
exceed the costs; the desires of a maj ority of the landowners to
participate must be expressed; the specified organizing procedure must
be carried out. Land ownership within a drainage rlistrict is the usual
requirement for membership and partieipation in district activities,
After a district has been organized, its taxing procedure set in
operation, its capital financing provided, and its drainage system in-
stalled, its problems concern largely mnnagemcnt, operntion, and
maintenance, and the discharging of financial obligations.

In Utah a board of three supervisors constitutes the governing body

of the drain!:',ge district and carries the responsibility for all the
district affairs. Supervisors are appointed by the county commissioners,
usually upon nomination by the district landowners. The supervisors
elect from their numbcr a president, secretary, and treasurer. They
must ascertain the needs for drainage in the area and determine the
nature, extent, and probable cost of a drainage system designed to meet
those needs. It is also their responsibility to provide capital financing
for the installation of the drainage system, usually involving the isslle
and sale of district bonds, and to set up an equitable taxing system to
provide adequate and dependable finances to meet the annual revenue
requirements. The ability and willingncss of supervisors to serve the
district may determine the success or failure of the enterprise.
The larger irrigation enterprises, notably in Arizona and California,
including irrigation districts, and mutual water users' associations are
developing more and more interest in the drainage of irrigated lands.
Mutual irrigation companies of Utah have done very little drainage
work, but the trend is toward combining responsibilities for irrigation
and drainage systems into one organization particularly where state
legal authority is adequate for an irrigation company to assume
responsibility of irrigation and drainage.
Time of Irrigation

Two major considerations influence the time of irrigation, namely,

(a) the water needs of the crops, and (b) the availability of water
with which to irrigate. The water needs of the crop are of pammount
importance in determining the time of irrigation during the crop~
growing season on irrigation projects which obtain their wnter supplies
from storage reservoirs or from other dependable sources of water.
Some irrigntod areas have a deficient water supply during the irriga~
tion season but an abundance of water during the late autumn or
winter and early spring. Irrigation farmers cannot always apply water
when the crop is most in neeel; sometimes to save the water they must
apply it even though the crop does not neeel it. Both crop needs and
available water supply must be considered in a discussion of thc
proper time to irrigate.
205. Crop Needs Growing crops use water continuously, but the rate
of use varies with the kind of crop grown, age of the crop, the tem~
perature, and the atmospheric conditions-all variable factors. It is
essential, in irrigation farming, to use the ro()t~zone soils as storage
reservoirs for available water. At each irrigation a volume of water
sufficient to supply the needs of the crop for a period varying from a
few days to several weeks is stored in the unsaturated soil in the form
of available soil water. How frequently the water should be applied to
soils of different properties in order to best supply the crop needs is a
question ·of real practical significance. The factor of major importance
in arriving at the desirable frequency and time of irrigation is the
water need of the crop.
206. Limiting Soil Moisture Conditions The growth of most of the
crops produced under irrigation farming is stimulated by moderate
quantities of soil moisture and retarded by excessive or deficient
amounts. A certain quantity of air in the soil is essential to satisfactory
crop growth; hence, excessive flooding and filling the soil pore spaces
with water, thus driving out the air, inhibits proper functioning of the
plants even though it supplies an abundance of available water. On
the other hand, soils having deficient amounts of water hold it so
tenaciously that plants must expend extra energy to obtain it; and
slight further decrease in the water supply decreases the moisture con-
tent until the rate of absorption is not high enough to maintain
turgidity, and permanent wilting follows. At some soil moisture content
between these two extreme moisture conditions it has been thought
that plants grow most rapidly, and this has been designated the
optimum moisture percentage.

~1.l.J ...
t;;~~ ~~"'"
~ !-D<:;:). : ~ I I I
~ ~~ I ~\.t GROWTHl?A~ I
SJ'r-,I ("">
'-' '~ I 'X:l I

fI :! ~ TOO WET l
i I

FIG. 152. Illustrating the probable growth rate of crops as influenced by different
amounts of moisture in the soil.

Extending knowledge of these two limiting soil moisture conditions,

i.e., the permanent wilting percentage and the optimum percentage, has
been the objective of considerable research. Because of the wide varia-
tions in the physical properties of different soils it is easy to understand
that the moisture percentage in a clay soil at permanent wilting of a
plant may be several times the moisture percentage in a sandy soil
when the same plant wDts permanently. Questions that are not so
easily understood are these: In a particular soil do all plants wilt at
about the same moisture percentage? Is there a critical moisture
percentage (or narrow zone of moisture content) at which potatoes,
beets, alfalfa, grains, and all other standard crops wilt in spite of
variations in sunshine, wind, atmospheric humidity, and so on? Ex-
tended investigations by Briggs and Shantz led to the conclusion that
nearly all plants wilt at SUbstantially the same moisture percentage
in a particular soil.
Of equal interest and importance is the so-called optimum moisture
percentage. As the moisture percentages increase above the wilting;
point (or zone) does the growth rate of crops increase appreciably!
nntil the optimum is reached and then decrease until the field capillary-
water capacity is reached? 01', is the growth rate substantially the
same within a wide range of moisture content from a point slightly
above wilting to the field capillary-water capacity?
The probable influence of variation in moisture percentage on the
rate of growth of plants, based on the results of research, is illustrated
in Fig. 152. The heavy line curve represents roughly the change in
rate of growth of crops as the moisture percentage of the soil increases
from the wilting content to the saturation con cent. It has been
thought that the maximum growth rate of plants occurs at rather
definite moisture percentages. Investigations by the California Agri-
cultural Experiment Station substantiate the belief that these processes
occur within certain zones of moisture percentage.

207. Appearance of Crop A light green color in alfalfn is generally

indicative of adequnte moisture and sntisfaetory growth, whereas a
dark green color indicates lack of adequate moisture. Among the root
crops, sugar beets indicate need for water by temporary wilting, par-
ticularly during the warmest part of the day. Grain crops also incH-
eate need for water by temporary wilting. In the production of fruit
crops, it is impractical to detect the need of water by the appearance
of the leaves of the trees. Serious retardation in growth rate sometimes
occurs before the leaves indicate clearly a need for water. It is there-
fore more essential to base the time of irrigation of orchards on ob-
servations of the moisture content of the soil. The use of any crop as
an indicator of the need for irrigation water is open to the same
objection that applies to its utilization in fruit production. Crop
growth should not be retarded by lack of avnilnble soil moisture; and
the practice of withholding irrigation until the crop definitely shows
a need for water is very likely to retard the growth of the crop.

208. Available Water in Soil It is essential to maintain rcndily avail-

able water in the soil as long as it is desired to have crops make
satisfactory growth. The water held by a soil after permanent wilting
of plants is designated unavailable water. In coarse-textured soils the
unavailable water is quite low, from 1 to 3 percent of the weight of
dry soil, whereas in a very fine-textured soil it is sometimes as high as
20 percent. The wide varintions in the amount of unavnilable water
to a particular plant in different kinds of soil make the slight variations
due to the different capacities of plants to absorb water quite insig-
nificant. The variations in unavnilable water percentages are of major
importance in using the soil moisture content as an inclex of when to
209. Wilting Moisture Percentage The moisture percentage held by
the soil after permanent wilting of plants is known as the wilting
point, or the wilting coefficient. Briggs and Shantz found a fairly
definite relation between the moisture equivalent of all soils and the
wilting coefficient. More recent investigations by Veihmcyer and
Hendrickson indicate rather wide departures from the Briggs and
Shantz finding that the wilting coefficient is equal to the ratio of the
moisture equivalent to the number 1.84. In order to make effective use
of the moisture content of a soil as guide to proper time to irrigate it is
clearly essential to know approximately the wilting point of the soil
considered. Computations of wilting points from moisture-equivalent
determinations are only approximate guides and should be used with
caution and replaced by direct determinations of wilting points where
possible. Veihmeyer and Hendrickson found variations in the ratio of
moisture equivalent to the wilting point ranging from 1.73 to 3.82.
They reached the conclusion that the ratio 1.84 recommended by
Briggs and Shantz may not be used for all soils, "because it seems
that plants are able to reduce the moisture content of different soils
to different degrees of dryness before the stage of permanent wilting
is reached." Wilting under field conditions probably occurs within a
certain restricted zone or range of moisture content rather than at a
precise moisture percentage. Knowledge of what is the upper limit of
the wilting zone for a particular soil is of practical importance.
Hendrickson and Veilllneyer state that plants do obtain some water
from the soil below the permanent wilting percentage but that the
rate at which they can obtain it is not high enough to enable the
plant to remain turgid. The water below the permanent wilting per-
centagc is not readily available.

210. Growth Rate for Moisture Above Wilting Zone Studies of soil
moisture and plant relations seem to warrant the conclusion that the
growth rate of plants is not reduced by lack of available water so
long as the soil moisture content is above the wilting zone.
The field experimental work of Hendrickson and Veihmeyer with
peaches in San Joaquin Valley, California, led them to conclude that
the "permanent wilting percentage is a critical soil moisture content,"
and Uthat trees either have readily available moisture or have not."
Studies by Shull concerning the variation of the tension by which
water is held by the soil as the moisture content varies support the
conclusions reached by Hendrickson and Veihmeyer. Shull found that,
at moisture contents above the wilting point, a large change in water :
content causes but a slight change in the tension. At moisture contents !
below the wilting point, however, a slight change in the moisture
content very greatly changes the tension with which the water is held.
Shull's findings are confirmed by the work of Thomas on aqueous
vapor pressure of soils. In a study of plant and soil relations at and
below the wilting percentage Magistad and Breazeale confirm the
results of the work by Shull and Thomas. Figure 153 shows relatively
little decrease in suction force as the moisture content increases from
the wilting point, about 19 percent, to the moisture equivalent, about


1;2 140
~ 120
~ 100

~ 80 ~
ti ~
g 60 ~ ::s
"'- ~I
~, litl
~ 40 ~f
1::: ~I
§5 ~I
",I ~I
~ 20 ~
~ ~:
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 J5

FIG. 153. Suction force or tension with which water is held in a silty clay loam with
varying moisture percentages. (Ariz. Agr. Exp. Sta. 'l'ed!. Eu). 25.)

34 percent. It therefore seems reasonable to believe that the growth·

rate of crops, so far as it may be influenced by moisture content of the
soil, would not change appreciably as the moisture content increases
from the wilting point up to the moisture equivalent which, in some
fine-textured soils, l'epresents approximately the field water capacity.
211. Moisture Needs of Different Soils On the sanely loam of the
New Mexico Station farm it was found that plants do not suffer when
the average moisture content of the upper 5 It of soil falls to 7 percent.
The changes in moisture content during a period of 10 days after
irrigation in the first, third, and fifth foot sections are presented in
Fig. 154. The plot produced alfalfa and was cultivated. The plot was
given 3-in. irrigations; the average seasonal depth during the years in
which moisture determinations were made was 42 in. The maximum
changes of moisture content were in the surface foot, and the moisture
content in the third and fifth foot sections continued to rise for
several days after irrigation. The moisture content in the cultivated
plot, first and third foot sections remained well above the 7 percent
minimum during the period of observation.
Powers found it best to irrigate potatoes when the moisture content
of a heavy gray silt loam of western Oregon dropped to 20 percent.

PLAT .30, .3" Cc

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /0 1/


i~! ~ r--
§S 10
~ 1L(· ~ ...-......
.. , ........ -- ..
Fi;WS'T ;:-OOT

..... .......... ..........
=:::.:.. ...........
-., ?---
~S _r __ .... >-JJ/THiO-5r-- --_ --- >--- ---
1--- r - -

/ J
FIG. 154. Showing increase in moisture percentages due to irrigation on cultivated
alfalfa plot and decreases during the first 10 days after irrigation. (From data in
New Mexico Agr. Exp. Sla. Bul. 123.)

A moisture percentage of 12 to 13 indicates that irrigation of the deep

loam soils of the Utah Experiment Station is desirable. Moisture-
equivalent percentages are not reported for the New Mexico and
Oregon soils. The moisture equivalent of the Utah soil is 22 percent,
from which the computed wilting coefficient is 12 percent.
Adams and others found that alfalfa grown under favorable condi-
tions in the Sacramento Valley, California, produced nearly 7 tons
per acre even though the moisture percentage dropped to the wilting
point in the surface foot of soil before each irrigation of the season.
The moisture percentage i1\ each foot section of soil is shown in Fig. 155
. at 10 different periods during the crop-growing season.
Investigations by Hendrickson and Veihmeyer indicate that although
there is a "remarkable constancy of the residual moisture content for
a given soil when permanent wilting is attained, a common factor to
evaluate the amount of water which remains in soils at permanent
wilting cannot be used."
The seasonal moisture percentage variations of the soils of different


zo '0 , 1O 20 10 2;0 ::s \0
10 ~o ~I 10

1O 2.0
" 10 ~o
-.;;;;; 1
~;: r-. I!I::;::
i->' -....! i-' r-' r=--.. - -"'~- ~ -- . -r-- Ft.

i-. _-,:t
- -F- ~
== -- -- -- -- IFt

Is-.. .._ No..
~ = -- f-~ -- --- f'-I- - 1-. - -'"- -- - -- - --- f-"'"' I- Ft.



- - N'I-..
--F -.- - I-....
- - -- -
- Ft

~ ~
~ 5
-- -_1=
~ r-..... ~
~ 1-;0. 1-...: - - - -- -- _. -=--= "."W" .- Ft.
...... 6
-.. r- ..... "

F- - - ---= -- - -- - -- ~- - - -- - -- -- - ~-

/R/?Mt/LAI? ~OLltJ L INJ!'-.r---I?.e-'X't'rNl:5 NOI5TVR.e PcRCL'NTAGE

Y.eR77CAL LIM~'" REPRDENT INCR.eA~"J?VM"'..1T"RE PcRC£Ni?l6L:S We m IMI6A7i't:W
OR.ePRDcNT..1 PL"A'CEIYT,4G,e a.-- MOI.5T(/RE AT .oAT£. or ..1AMA!:IN6

FIG. 1/15. Showing seasonal variation in soil moist,ure p~rcentages. Wigno alfalfa
field, Los Molinos, 1914. (Calif. State Dept. of Eng. Bul. 3.)

experimental plats at Delhi, California, under various irrigation treat-

ments are presented in Fig. 156.
The average depths of water applied in each of the four treatments,
or groups of treatments, were as follows:
Treatments A and F received the greatest depths of water, an
average of 25.3 acre-inches pel' acre during each year; treatment D
received the next largest, an average annual applieation of 19.8 acrc-
inches per acre; and treatment B received less water than D, or 13.4
acre-inches per acre; and treatments C, G, and E received only ap-
proximately one-half the depths applied on A and F, or 11.1 acre-inehes
pel' acre each year.
The soil of the Delhi experimental farm is classified as an Oakley
fine~sand. The student should note the low moisture content of the
upper 3 ft of soil at permanent wilting represented in Fig. 156 by the
heavy horizontal line and the high average seasonal moisture content


JI /5 .30 /5 3/ /5.30 IS 3/ /5 31 15 .30 15 .11 .WATER AI'.PLI[f]
/1 1',
./ ...... J'106' 1"-.. . ./ ......
...... ...
r-.. -- ;
°r I
' ". / .'\. .I/ r"-.. IV


- ~- ........
I /
" '" 1' ...... /3.4
o'ioJ , /
TREA7iI1£NT 13
/ ..............

- /"

J 1l06' 1/.1
4 0'f03 '
.....- ..-... " r...
o I
FIG. 156. Moisture contents of soil in orchard treatments at Delhi, 1924. The
permanent wilting percentage of the 0 to 3-ft depth is indicated by the heavy hori-
zontallines. (Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 479.)

maintained by the larger applications of irrigation water. The wide

range in variation of moisture content at the time irrigation water is
needed to supply available moisture, as reported above, stresses the
influence of soils in their different capacities to withhold water from
plants. It is important to know the permanent wilting percentage of
each soil in ordcr to usc thc moisture content as an index of the time
when irrigation water should be applied to maintain readily available
water in the soil.

212. Stage of Crop Growth The degree of control of soil moisture

conditions within the reach of the irrigation farmer makes possible
special attainments in crop production. For example, withholding irri-
gation water from alfalfa after the first cutting in the mountain states
stimulates the production of seed
in the second growth, provided the
soil moisture content does not in-
crease so far as to prevent growth.
213. Seasonal Use of Water by
Different Crops Irrigators may
select their crops, to some extent,
on thc basis of time at which water
will be available. In valleys hav-
ing no storage reservoirs the larger
quantities of water are available
early during the season. From the
beginning of the crop-growing sea-
son until late in June or early July
the streams are fed by the melting
C.om of snow banks and drifts in the
mountains, and the water supply is
much larger than it is later during
FIG. 157. Representing the seasonal
the summer. Under sueh eoncli-
use of water by various crops in Cache
Valley, Utah. (Utah Agl'. Exp. Sta. tions, alfalfa, 'wheat, and oats may
Bul. 173.) well be produced, as each of these
crops requires largc amounts of
water in May and .Tune. Canning peas may be matured before the water
shortage begins. Alfalfa continues to grow throughout the late SUlllmer
months provided water is available. Sugar beots, potatoes, and corn
require vcry little water early in the season, but during the late
summer months these crops need an abundance of water. Unless late-
season water is assured it is inadvisable to attempt to grow sugar boets
and potatoes. The time periods at which the more important crops of
Cache Valley, Utah, use water, and also the mtes of usc at different
periods, have been well illustrated by Harris, as shown in Fig. 157.

214. Available Water Supply Irrigation during the dormant or 110n-

growing season, in many localities, is an economical means of storing
water in the soil for future use. During the growing season farmers
sometimes apply water in copious quantities immediately after heavy
rains which increase the flow in rivers and creeks and thus make
available for short periods of time rather large quantities of water for
irrigation. It is desirable to build surface reservoirs, both large and
small, in which to store water that becomes available fr0111 sudden
torrential rains or that is available only during the fall, winter, or
spring, when it must be stored, used, or lost. As a general rule, water
which is used in irrigation at times when not really needed by crops
is used less efficiently than it would be if it were possible to apply it
to the soil when most needed by crops. In localities where storage of
water in surface reservoirs is impracticable because of high costs
and lack of suitable natural facilities, it is advantageous to use the
soil as storage reservoir and to apply water whenever it is available as
a means of storing it for future use. Bench or table lands should he
irrigated sparingly, particularly lands having shallow surface soils
which are underlain by coarse~textured sands and gravels, provided
the objective is to store water only in the capillary form. Some areas
can be benefited by applying depths of water during the dormant season
sufficient to saturate the subsoil gravels and cause the water table to
rise to an elevation near the land surface. Where it is not feasible
to pump the ground water to the surface during the irrigation season,
excessive depths applied during the dormant season may cause appre-
ciable damage by waterlogging the soil.
215. Fall Irrigation The need for fall irrigation of lands that are
used to produce annual crops, such, for example, as grains, potatoes,
su[!;ar beets, beans, and peas, is determinecllargely by the precipitation.
In localities that normally have enough fall and winter precipitation to
raise the moisture content of the soil to field capacity to the full
depth of the root zone after a crop has been harvested, there is little,
if any, direct advantage in fall irrigation, except during years of
abnormally low precipitation. These localities are relatively few in
number, and the area they include is comparatively small. There are
many places in which tho fall and winter precipitation is insufficient
to moisten the soil fully. In most of these localities the streams yield,
during the fall months, water that flows past the lands and is wasted
unless applied to the land. Fall irrigation under such conditions is a
means of saving water and of placing the land in favorable condition
for germination of seeds and early growth of crops during the following
Alfalfa grown on well-drained soils may be irrigated in the fall, and
fall irrigation of meadow forage crops and of pasture lands is usually
desirable if, without irrigation, the soils become very dry. In the
practice of irrigation during the fall, winter, or early spring it is
important to guard against the use of excessive depths of water. As
shown in Chapter 9 there are definite limitations to the capacity of
any soil to retain water. In the Rocky Mountain states some irriga-
tors, during the fall, permit water to run on their lands many days and
sometimes weeks. This practice is injurious both to the land irrigated
and to the lower-lying areas to which much of the excess water seeps.
216. Winter Irrigation At the higher elevations and in the colder
parts of irrigated regions, winter irrigation is of little if any practical
importance. The frozen soils absorb water slowly, if at all, and it is
difficult to spread water over the fields effectively. Furthermore, some
crops are injured by winter irrigation in eold climates.
In the milder climates, however, winter irrigation may be practiced
advantageously as a means of saving water that would otherwise be
lost. Forage and pasture crops use relatively small amounts of water
during the winter months. The irrigation of orchards during the
dormant season is considered in Ohapter 16.
217. Early Spring Irrigation Some arid-region lands need irrigation
during the early spring months in order to supply the moisture essential
to satisfactory germination and early growth of annual crops. Arid-
region streams usually have ample water to meet the needs for early
spring irrigation. Even where the discharge of the streams at high
mountain elevations is held in storage reservoirs, enough water is
available from the rains and melting snows on lower elevations to
supply the needs for early spring irrigation. The value of early spring
irrigation as a means of storing available watcr in the root-zone soil
is not yet fully realized. Irrigators are frequently mislcd by the fact
that the spring rains moisten the soil to a depth of 9 to 15 in. Some
consider the soil "wet enough" when, in fact, there is 3 to 5 ft of dry
soil below the moist surfaee soil.
Use of the soil auger or of the soil tube described in Chapter 9 will
enable irrigators to decide intelligently the needs of soils for early
spring irrigation. Although it is highly desirable to save water by
applying it to inadequately moistened soils it is quite undesirable early
in the spring to irrig~te soils that are already moistened to field
Fully moistened soils in which the water table is at a shallow
depth may be injured rather than benefited by early spring irrigation.
Under such conditions it is better to waste water in natural streams
than to apply it to the soil.
Consumptive Use of Water

The consumptive use of water involves problems of the water

supply, both surface and underground, as well as those of the manage-
ment and economics of irrigation projects. It has become a highly
important factor in the arbitration of controversies over major stream
systems where the public welfare of valleys, states, and nations is
involved. Before the available water resources of a drainage basin
in arid and semiarid regions can be satisfactorily ascertained careful
consideration must bc given to the consumptive-use requirements for
water in various sub-basins.
Efficient use of water by farm crops is everywhere important. The
humid-climate farmer depends on the available water stored in his
soil and on the crop-season rainfall for his crops. Not infrequently
his production is limited because of insufficient water during critical
periods. Of even greater importance is the efficient use of water in arid
and semial'id regions.
The rapid growth of American irrigation during the first half of the
twentieth century has developed a keen public interest in a study of
the disposal of irrigation water. The pioneers in irrigation had little
opportunity to fully ascertain what became of the water which they
applied to their lands. That they lost some water by surface runoff
was obvious; that some water was absorbed by the crops they grew
was likewise apparent; but that large volumes of water percolated
deeply into the soil below the root zone was to them merely specula-
tion. However, the gradual rise of water tables, with resulting enlarge-
ment of natural springs and the development of new springs and the
seepage return to stream channels, gave increasing evidence concern-
ing the magnitude of losses of water through deep percolation. More-
* Senior Irrigation Engineer, Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation,
Soil Conservation Service, USDA.
over, it was found through years of experience that much less watel'
need be applied to the farms to produce profitable crops than wap
formerly believed necessary, and the areas of land properly irrigatec
by the water from a given stream were greatly increased without
any apparent increase in the available water supply. Water formerl:;
consumed by natural vegetation and evaporation under virgin condi-
tions was now used by agricultural crops. Such increase in area of
irrigated land could not continue without limit for some water was
actually consumed by the growing crops.
218. Definitions and Analysis ,The term ((consumptive use," as orig-
inally applied to irrigation, was defined as a seasonal loss of water
in acre-feet per acre irrigated. Among the first published writings
dealing directly with the consumptive use, a report of a committee of
the American Society of Civil Engineers, by Harding, Israelsen, et al.,
entitled Consumptive Use of Water in Irrigation, is noteworthy.
The committee proposed certain definitions for consumptive use of
water in a basic sense, and for the farm, the project, and the valley.
It also reviewed previous estimates of consumptive use for large rlvr,
systems. '
In the Upper Rio Grande J oint Inves~Jgation of 1936 and the PC0'
River Joint Investigation of 1941, the Division of Irrigation of ti.dl
United States Department of Agriculture and the National ReS01.lrCf'
Planning Board defined consumptive use (evapo-transpiration) ii-:'
'CoWlumptive use (evapo-transpiration) is the sum of the vol1lme of wat{,
'used by the vegetative growth of a given area in tmnspimtion or builciillg',,,,r
plant tissue and that evaporated from ac1jace:p.t soil, snow, or intercept,
precipitation on the area in any specified time: 'It may be expressed in ac)",'
inches per acre (depth in inches) or acre-feet per acre (depth in feet,). F,
i2-month year, consumptive use is usually expressed in acre-feet per acre \ '•.
feet). Considered from a valley-wide standpoint, consumptive use includef- " i
transpiration and evaporation losses from lands on which there is growth
vegetation of any kind, whether agricultural crops or native vegetation, ph .. '
evaporation from bare land and from water surfaces. '. 'J
This definition was adopted with minor changes by the Committee OJI
Irrigation of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers in 19:39.
219. Conditions Affecting Consumptive Use of Water Evapo-tmJ;ii
spiration is influenced by temperature, il1:igation practices, length of
growing season, precipitation, and other factors. The volume of water
transpired by plants depends in part on the water at their disposal, and
also on temperatme and humidity of the air, wind movement, '1.11r


Period from Water
Ending Evaporation from Soil, Inches

Fine Sandy Loam

Water Table Depths Below the Soil Surface

4 in. 16 in. 28 in. 38 in. 43 in. 50 in.
Aug. 30* 3.84 2.98 2.69 2.19 1.23 0.24 0.19
Sept. 15 4.77 4.37 4.09 3.12 1.98 0.37 0.32
25 2.10 1.81 1.67 1.44 0.30 0.16 0.16
'_ 29 0.91 1.04 0.84 0.69 0.43 0.11 0.16
'JJot.4 1.23 1.14 0.97 0.58 0.30 0.10 0.10
Total 12.85 11.34 10.26 8.02 4.24 0.98 0.93
:l'~lrcentage 100.0 88.2 79.8 62.4 33.0 7.63 7.24

River-Bed Sand

Water Table Depths Below Soil Surface

3 in. 6 in. 10! in. 24 in.

'}\".I.g. 4t 1.01 0.62 0.67 0.50 0.19
9 1.12 1.07 0.80 0.74 0.15
, , 12 0.85 0.90 0.80 0.69 0.18
", '-::0 15
0.69 0.35 0.32 0.28 0.04
\ 17 0.54 0.34 0.29 0.21 0.04
29 3.54 2.54 2.42 2.22 0.80
,·'rt. 12 4.44 2.71 2.62 2.47 0.34
25 2.83 2.16 2.06 1.82 0.25
29 0.91 0.42 0040 0.36 0.12
'ct. 4 1.23 0.69 0.67 0.63 0.00
10 0.99 0.54 0.54 0.50 0.00
16 0.88 0.62 0.62 0.50 0.16
:~otal 18.93 13.06 12.21 10.92 2.27
'ercentage 100.0 69.0 64.5 57.7 11.3

* The period began Aug. 17.

t The period began July 31.
direct evaporation of water from soils, but there are still rather decided
differences in opinion.
Pioneer American irrigation research workers found that evaporation
could be greatly decreased by the formation of an earth mulch through
cultivation. The early belief that the upward flow of capillary water
was very great and that a blanket of cultivated dry soil would check
it has been widely accepted and commonly taught.
In 1917 Call and Sewell pointed out that many of the experiments
that show saving of water through cultivation were conducted on field

, _j

10 IS .lo ofoS'

FIG. 158. Loss of water by evaporatioll~directly from the surface of bare Boils in
tanks at Mountain View, 1921. (Calif. Agr. Exp. Stu., Hilyardia, Vol. 2, No. G.)

soils having a shallow water table, or with soil columns in a laboratory

where the soil was either saturated at the outset or kept in contact
with free water. Alway and McDole have conducted experiments on
moisture movement under conditions quite independent of free water
or of a water table and have found a relatively slight movement
vertically u})ward. Veihmeycr conducted detailed studies on the in-
fluence of cultivation on evaporation losses from soils not in contact
with free water. Evaporation losses from tanks treated in four different
ways are presented in Fig. 158, which shows that the losses fro111
tanks not cultivated and from those cultivated to a depth of 6 in.
are practically identical. The 8-in. depth of cultivation shows slight
decreases, and the 10-in. depth of cultivation slightly greater decreases.
Veihmeyer concluded that cultivation did not influence the losses of
moisture by evaporation from the bare surfaces of the soils in the
tanks and in the field plots uncler observation.
Shaw studied the influence of the soil mulch in the laboratory and
conchlcled that: "Tho soil mulch can reduce the loss of soil moisturo
only when the water, perched or permanent, is within capillary rise of
the surface."
The recent studies seem to throw considerable doubt on the advan-
tages of soil mulches for conserving water through reduction of evapora-
tion losses from soils that are not excessively wet or in contact with a
water table at a shallow depth.
Broad general conclusions concerning the influence of cultivation on
direct evaporation losses from soils may be misleading. The large
number of variable factors involved-notably the differences in dis-
tances to free water sources, in originalllloisture content of unsaturated
soils, in texture, structure, and water conductivity-make it hazardous
to generalize.

222. Transpiration The process by which water vapor escapes from

living plants, principally the leaves, and enters the atmosphcre is
known as transpiration. Often transpiration is the largest component
of eva po-transpiration. Direct evaporation from moist soil, from
water surfaees, and from rain water intercepted by leaves constitutes
the remainder of evapo-transpiration use. Knowledge concerning
transpiration encourages more efficient use of water in irrigation.
During the growing period of a crop there is a continuous movement
of water from the soil into the roots, up the stems, and out of the
leaves of the plants. Water thus moving acts as a carrier of essential
plant food substances from the soil to the various parts of the plant.
The velocity of the water flowing through the plant varies widely
from 1 to 6 ft per hI'; but, under conditions of unusually high tempera-
ture, dry atmosphere, and wind, the velocity of the stream may be
grea tly increased. Transpiration is vitally essential to plant life. A
yery small proportion of the water absorbed by the roots is retained
in the plant. To the irrigation farmer the velocity of water flow
through the plant and the volume of water thE,tt annually evaporates
from the leaf surfaces are of special importance: If the rate of evapora-
tion at the leaves is for a brief period greater than the rate of
absorption by the roots, wilting occurs and the growth of the plant is
impeded. On the other hand, if the conditions are such as to stimulate
excessive transpiration, without also conveying substantial amounts
of plant food substances into the plant and favoring rapid manufacture
of food in the plant leaves, the available water is not used efficiently.
that plant growth is not necessarily proportional to transpiration is
6f fundamental importance to arid-region agriculture.
Transpiration of water by citrus, walnut, deciduous, alfalfa, cotton,
and other crops has been measured by the Division of Irrigation
and Water Conservation, SCS, cooperating with the agricultural
experiment stations in several states, using the soil moisture method.
Soil samples were taken from selected plots in farms to depths of
5 to 10 ft below the mulch, and determinations were made of the


Transpiration Usc, Inches per Month and pcr YelL!' or Season

Mature Citrus Peaches Walnuts Cotton

Santa Los Los Santa
Azusa Ontario Shafter Shafter
Ana Angeles Angeles Ana
(3) (4) (5)
(7) (8)
- - - _ - - - - - - - - _-- --- ---
January 1.0 1.3 0.8 1.1
February 1.0 1.2 1.1 2.2
March 0.8 1.5 1.4 2.3
April 1.3 1.9 1.7 '1.0 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2
May 1.9 2.1 2.2 4.4 3.0 4.1 1.0 1.0
June 2.7 2.2 2.6 4.G G.2 3.8 3.2 3.0
July 3.1 3.3 2.9 4.0 8.0 (\.4 7.7 7.G
August 3.0 3.1 2.7 3.'1 (1.0 6.3 8.\) 5.8
September 2.6 1.9 2.6 2.8 2.7 3.2 5.5 3.5
October 1.8 2.2 2.4 2.G o.\) 1.7 3.0 2.3
November 1.3 1.5 1.G 2.0 0.2
Deeember 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.6
--- --- --------- --- ---
16.4 23.5 23.3 35.0 27.5 25.0 20.5 23.4


'(1) 1929 None S.H. Beckett
(2) 1929-Ul30 Winter I-LF. Blanoy, O.A. Taylor
(3) 1940 Winter lLI1'. Blancy
(4) 1940 Entire yelLl' H.F. Blaney
(5) 1928 None H.F. Blanoy, C.A. Tnylor
(6) 1928-1929 None S.H. Beckett
(7) 1928 Ample moisture entirc season S.H. Beckett, C.F. Dl\lIslHlc
(8) 1928 Ample moisture first half S.H. Beckett, OY. Dunslwc
season; deficiency Ins t half

amount of moisture extracted from each foot of soil within the root
zone. Examples of monthly rates of transpiration for four crops in
California are shown in Table 40.
223. Transpiration Ratio The ratio of the weight of water that is
absorbed by, conveyed through, and transpired from the plant to the
weight of dry matter produced by the plant is defined as the transpira-
tion ratio. Dry matter is that part of the plant which remains when all
the water has been driven from the plant by heat. In determining the
weight of dry matter it is customary to use only those parts of the
plants which sre harvested. For example, the roots and the vines of
potatoes, the leaves of sugar beets, the roots of grain plants such as
wheat, oats, barley, rye, and the roots of forage crops are excluded.
There are exceptions to this general rule. In some investigations the
entire plant--roots, stems, leaves, seed, and all-is used. Unless
otherwise stated, it will be understood that only the plant parts
ordinarily harvested are included. Some reports of transpiration ratio
studies are not specific as to the parts of plant used in determining
the weight of dry matter. To make transpiration ratio comparisons
reliable it is essential that the basis of computations be fully given.
Transpiration ratios as a rule are determined by growing plants in
large tanks or cylinders filled with soil. In some experiments the tanks
are weighed at frequent intervals to determine the amount of water
transpired; in others an artificial water table is kept at a given eleva-
tion, and the water transpired is determined indirectly by measuring
the volume of water necessary to maintain the water table at a
constant elevation. Some experimenters have devised special means
of preventing evaporation losses; others have estimated evaporation
losses from the tanks in various ways and deducted the esti-
mated evaporation losses from total losses to arrive at the amounts
transpired. All experimenters using tanks have prevented deep per-
colation losses. The transpiration ratio ranges from less than 200 to
more than 1000 lb of water for each pound of dry matter produced.
224. Methods of Determining Consumptive Use Various methods>
have been used to determine the amount of water consumed by agricul~
tun'tl crops and natural vegetation.- Regardless of the method, the·
pl;oblems encountered are numerous. The source uf water used by
plant life, whether from precipitation alone, irrigation plus rainfall,
or ground water plus precipitation, is a factor in selecting a method.
The: Pliincipal meth()ds are: tank and lysimeter experiments, field
experimental plots, soil· moisture studies, analysis of climatological
data, integration method, and inflow-outflow for large areas.
These six methods of measuring consumptive use of water arc
described in the following articles, and typical results by each method
are presented in accompanying tables.
225. Tank and Lysimeter Experiments The reliability of consump- -
tive-use determinations by means of tanks or lysimeters is dependent
on nearness of reproduction of natural conditions. Artificial condi-
tions are caused by the limitations of soil, size of tank, regulation of
water supply, and sometimes environment.
Tanks should be placed in surroundings of natural growth of the
same species, that is, in their natural environment, so that con-
sumptive use of water will presumably be the same as for similar
growth outside the tank. It has been found that all tank vegetation
must be protected from the elements by surrounding growth of the
same species.
Tank Inches Each Month and during tho Season
Number June July August September Total
1 Wheat* 3.41 6.64 4.05 .... 14.10
2 Wheat* 3.67 6.70 3.M '" . 14.01
3 Potatocst .70 7.93 5.66 1.44:1: 15.73
4 Potatoes 1. 74 6.43 5.25 LoOt 15.02

* Water table varied from 24 to 53 in. Crop harvested Sept. 1.

t Water table varied from 20 to 54 in. Crop harvested Sept. 15.
t Sept. 1 to Sept. 15.

Weighing is the precise means of determining the consumptive use

from tanks, This method was used by the Division of Irrigation,
United States Department of Agriculture, as early as 1903 in coopera-
tion with the University of California and other agricultural experi-
ment stations. However, conditions and facilities will not always
permit the weighing of tanks. Soil tanks equipped with Mariotte watel'
supply tanks have proved successful in evapo-transpiration measure-
ments from waterlitables at various depths. The double-type soil tanks,
with an annul~r space between the inner and outer shells, are con-
sidered best.
The Mariotte supply system furnishes water as needed to maintain
a fixed water level in the annular space in the soil tank. The amount
of water withdrawn is determined by differences in daily or weekly
readings of the glass gage atta"ched to the supply tank. The value inl
the use of Mariotte-equipped tank lies in the ease with which periodic
measurements of water used may be made, as it is automatic in
Tables 41 and 42 show the results of tank experiments made by
Blaney and Israelscn on consumptive use by wheat, pot.atoes, and
cotton in the Upper Rio Grande Basin in Colorado and New Mexico,

Results of some of the measurements made by Criddle and Man in

Idaho are shown in Table 43.
226. Field Experimental Plots Tank and lysimeter experiments for !
individual crops do not always represent the natural conditions of
the soil, as there are 'many ways of preparing and arranging soil
material. Measurements by soil moisture studies in field plots are
usually more dependable than measurements with tanks or IYsimeters"


Inches* during VaTious Time Periods

Number Preclpi-
Period of Average tation,
West EfLst
Days Tank Tank Per 30 Inches
June 6 to JUly 5 19 3.13 5.94 4.53 7.15 0.14
July 5 to Aug. 8 34 8.61 8 .. 26 8.44 7.45 1.58
Aug. 8 to Sept. 5 28 6.53 6.63 6.58 7.05 1.33
Sept. 5 to Nov. 7 63 7.69 11.39 9.54 4.54 2.49
Total 144 25.96 32.22 29.09 .... 5.54

* Including pl·ecipitation. No water table.

The early measurements of consumptive use were made on selected

field plots of irrigated crops where the water ta-ble was at a considerable
distance below the surface.* The procedure was to measure the
volume of water applied to the plot at each irrigation and to measure
any surface runoff that might occur. In order to avoid percolation of
water below the plant roo!; zone it was necessary to apply the water
in small depths, not to exceed 5 in. in a single irr~ation on ordinary
soils. However, in some experiments deep percolation occurred. In most
of the field determinations the runoff has been either carefully meas-
ured 01' reduced to zero by proper preparation of experimental plots.
Precise measurements of the change in soil moisture were not under-
taken in most of the early studies.
Widtsoe . pioneered the measuremcht of consumptive use in field
plots, beginning in 1902. His work was done on land having a water
table about 75 ft below the surface; and hence it is reasonably safe
to conclude that the crops obtained no ground water and that the
crop-season rainfall, the draft on stored capillary soil moisture, and
* It is usually impracticable to measure the water absorbed by the crop from a
high water table.
tho irrigation water furnished all the water to which the crops had
access. There was no runoff from the experimental plots used by
Widtsoe, and the deop peroolation losses were not measured. However,


Period DepLh Average YieId*

of to Consumptivo pel' Aere
of Soil Type
Records, Water, Use,
Tanks Bu TOllS
Yr lTt Ft
8 3 Mineral 1.25-1. 75 2.19 38 · ..
n 3 Mineral 2.25-2.75 1.43 43 " .
6 3 Mineral 3.25-3.75 1.32 46 ...
9 5 Organic 1.25-1. 75 2.05 14 ·..
n 5 Organic 2.25-2.75 1.80 ·1'1 · ..
4 5 Organic 3.25-3.75 1.66 3\l ...
1 2 Mineral 1.25-1. 75 2.72 ·. 4.1
4 2 Mineral " 1.75-2.25 3.05 ·. 8.1
5 2 MinoraI 3.25-3.75 2.88 ·. 8.7
1.25-1. 75
·· .. 7.1
10 4 Organie 3.25-3.75 2.GG ·. 7.8
* Tank yields per acre generally higher than valley averuges, especially for aIfuIfa.
these losses have been assumed to be negligible. Wicltsoe measured
these sources of water for 14 crops during the 10-yr period, 1902-1911
inclusive. The crop-season rainfall was 0.42 ft, and the seasonal draft
on capillary moisture in the upper 8 ft of soil varied from 0.10 ft for
corn to 0.83 ft for ,alfalfa. Irrigation water was applied, varying from
0.42 ft to 5 ft, and wide variations in crop yields were obtained. The
yields obtained by Widtsoe have been plotted against the total wnter
used, and, as a basis for arriving at the consumptive use, those yields
were selected which appear to be most profitable. With nearly every
crop, the yield increased rapidly to a certain point with increase of
water used, and then either decreased with further increase in water
or increased very slowly. At this "break in the curve," the usc is con-
sidered as consumptive use.
Widtsoe's work indicates the importance of yield in determining the
consumptive use. It is also important to keep in mind the fact that
deep percolation losses from the plots on which Widtsoe worked would
result in observed magnitudes of use higher than the true ones. It is
far more probable that the given values are too high rather than
too low.
Snelson; 'working on field plots in Brooks, Alberta, Canada, used
moderate quantities of water in single applications and made careful
measurements of soil moisture to a depth of 6 it at the beginning
and at the end of the growing season. Under his methods percolation
loss in all probability was very small, if not zero. If percolation losses
were zero, then according to Snelson's experiments with wheat on
the more fertile soil the consumptive use varied from 0.85 ft to 1.82 it
as the crop yield varied from 10 to 50 bu per acre. Fat oats on the more
fertile plots the consumptive use ranged from 0.72 ft to 1.75 £t as the
yield varied from 40 to 135 bu per acre. Barley requiJ:ed a consumptive
use from 1.25 to 1.60 ft for yields ranging from 40 to 51 bu per acre,
and for alfalfa the use varied from 1.00 to 2.62 it for yields ranging
from 1.0 to 5.7 tons per acre.
Powers has made many field plot measurements of consumptive usc
in Oregan. Experimenting with alfalfa in the Willamette Valley, using
moderate irrigation, he found values .from 1.4 to 2.0 it accompanying
yields of 4.1 to 5.2 tons per acre. The consumptive use for clover was
approximately the samc as that for alfalfa. Moisture determinations
were made to a depth of 6 ft at the outset, but as most of the borings
showed a water penetration to only 4 ft the later borings were not
made below this depth except in connection with a few very heavy
Harris and others made measurements of depth of water applied
and yield of field plots, but deep percolation losses probabty occurred
in some instances.

227. Soil Moisture Studies Consumptive use of water for various

crops has been determined by intensive soil moisture studies. This
method is usually suitable for areas where the soil is fairly uniform
and the depth to ground water is such that it will not influence the soil
moisture fluctuations within the root zone. Soil samples are taken by
means of a standard soil tube or auger before and after each irrigation
with some samples between irrigation in I-ft sections in the major
root zone. Usually a great number of soil samples must be taken. The
work is greatly expedited by using an air hammer to drive the soil
tube and a jack to withdraw it from the soil. The equipment consists
of a compressed-air unit, soil tube, and soil tube jack. For average.
soil, where the depth of sampling does not exceed 7 ft, a hand hammer
will usually drive the soil tube satisfactorily.
Standard laboratory practices are used in determining the moisture
content of the soil samples. The samples are weighed and dried in an
electric oven at noo C, and the dry weights determined. The water
content of a sample is expressed as percenLage of the oven-dry weight
of the soil. From the moisture percentage thus obtained the quantity
of water in acre-inches per acre removed from en,ch foot of soil is
computed by means of the formula in Chapter 9.
The acre-inches of water extracted from the soil is computed for
each period and later reduced to equivalent losses in inches for a
3D-day period. The 3D-day-period losses may then be plotted, and a
use-oi-water curve for the season obtained. The average use of water
for each month is taken directly from the curve. This method was
used by Beckett and Blaney in southern California in 1925 in deter-
mining transpiration use of citrus and avocado trees and later was
employed to measure monthly consumptive usc by alfalfa and other
crops. Examples of consumptive use as determined by this method
are shown in Table 44.
Ground-water-table fluctuations provide a basis for estimating con-
sumptive use of water. Evapo-transpiration losses are indicated by
daily rise and fan measurements of water table from wells equipped
with water-stage recorders. This met.hod has been used by the
Geological Survey in Arizona, Utah, and other areas where conditions
were favorable, but. usually it is not suitable for determining use by
agricultural crops.

228. Analysis of Climatological Data Formulas for estimating con-

sumptive use, based on climatic factors, have been found to give
reasonable results."Irrigation engineers have uti}jzed temperature data·
in estimating annual valley consumptive use of water. Hedke developed
the effective heat method on the Rio Grande. By this method con-
sumptive use is estimated from 11 study of the heat units available to
the crops of a particular valley. It assumes t.hat t.here is a linear
relation between the water consumed and the quantity of available
heat.1 In Bureau of Reclamation st.udies concIucted from 1937 to 1940
by Lowry and .T olmson a similar method was suggested which the
Bureau has adopted quite generally in making its estimates of valley
consumptive use. This method also assumes a direct linear relation
between consumptive use and accumulated daily maximum tempera-
tures above 32° F during the growing season.
The Division of Irrigation of the Soil Conservation Service has
determinecll.lnit rates of consumptive l}1;e by various crops in the Pecos
River Basin, New Mcxieo and Texas; the. SrI,linas Valley, Cn.lifol'nia;
the Upper Colorado River Basin; and other areas of the West, by
analyzing climatological data and irrigation practices. In 1939-1941,
in connection with thc Pecos River J oint Investigation of the National


Inches Eaeh Month and the Season

Alfalfl1, (1)* Beets (2) Cotton (3) Peaches (4) Potatoes (5)
April 3.3 1.1 1.0
May 6.7 1.9 2.0 3.4
June 5.'1 3.3 4.1 6.7 0.7 (6)
Jl}-ly 7.8 5.2 5.8 8.4 3.4
August 4.2 6.9 8.6 6.4 5.8
September 5.6 5.8 6.7 3.1 4.4
October 4.4 1.1 (7) 2.7 1.4
Season 37.4 24.2 31.0 30.4 14.3


* (1) 1940 Los Angeles, Calif. H. F. Blaney
(2) 1932-1935 Seot,tsbluff, Neb. Leslie Bowen
(3) 1936 Mesa Expt. Farm, Ariz. Kl1,l'l Harris
(4) 1928 Ontario, Calif. H. F. Blaney
(5) Hl32-1\)35 Scottsbluff, Neb. Leslie Bowen .
(6) (June 20-30, inclusive)
(7) (Oct. 1-15, inclusive)

Resources Planning Board, the Division of Irrigation found that

evaporation, mean monthly temperature, humidity, monthly percent of
daytime hours, growing season, monthly precipitHtion, and irrigation
data could be utilized to estimate rates of consumptive use. Blaney and
Morin developed empirical formulas from the Pecos River studies for
estimating unit annual values of evaporation from free-water surfaces
and consumptive use by vegetation SUbsisting on ground water. This
method is applicable to those areas in which there is ample water to
take care of evapomtion and transpiration. BlanllY and Criddle modi-
fied the Pecos formula by eliminating the hU~lidity fHctor and extend-
ing the study to irrigated crops.
By multiplying the mean monthly temperature t by the monthly
percentage of daytime hours of the year p, there is obtained a monthly
consumptive use factor j.
Expressed mathematically,
U = KF = sum of lef (51)

~~~~f2~~&i~~~~ 8
~ ~<o..ooci~cicici~oci~..o.o

~~~~~~$g;~[{5~~ 8
~ ~<O<Ooci~~~~~ocil~..o..o 8

1Xig;~8~~Sl!;;;~g&li8 g
~ <0 <0 oci oci ~ ~ ci ~ oci l~ <0..0 0

O~c()C'<IC"->O>"'c\l.q<mo>-t< 0
~ 0 ~ ... 11;) "'""' <0 C'<I ~ 0> ,......-< 0
g ~l~t":cxioci~~~c;r;cxil-':~r..: 0
where U = consumptive use of crop; inches for a given time period.
F = sum of the monthly consumptive-use factors for the period
(sum of the products of mean monthly temperature and
monthly percent of annual daytime hours) (t X p)/lOO.
K. = empirical coefficient (annual, irrigation season or growip.g
season) .
v= mean monthly temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
p = monthly percent of daytime hours of the year. (See
Table 45.)
f= monthly consumptive-use factor, (t X p)/lOO.
k = monthly coefficient, u/t.
tL = lej = monthly consumptive use, inches.


Monthly Daytimc Consumptive- Coefficient Consumptive
Month Temperature, Hours, Use Factor Use,
of % Inches
(t) (p) (f) (k) (u)
April 57.9 8.85 5.12 0.60 3.07
May G2.5 9.82 6.14 .70 4.30
June 65.7 9.84 G.46 .80 5.17
July 68.4 10.00 6.84 .85 5.81
August 67.8 9.41 G.38 .85 5.42
September 66.6 8.36 5.57 .85 4.73
October 62.2 7.84 4.88 .70 3.42
Total consumptive use for il'l'igation season 31.92
t X-
P = monthI y consumptIVc-use
. factor.
f =

k = monthly coefficients developed from observed data on alfalfa in San Fernando

u = leI "" monthly consumptive use.

The consumptive use of water by a particular crop in some area being

known, an estimate of the use by the same crop in some other area
may be made by application of the formula U = KF.
This method was used to compute monthly consumptive use by
alfalfa in Salinas Valley, California. Table 46 illustrates the method.
Monthly coefficients k were developed from measured consumptive use
u and temperature t in San Fernando Valley, California.
229. Integration Method The integration method is the sl.lmmation
of the products of unit consumptive use for each crop times its area,
plus the unit consumptive use of native vegetation times its area, plus
water surface evaporation times watm' surface area, plus evaporation
from bare land times its area.
Before this method can be successfully applied it is necessary to
know unit consumptive use of water and the areas of various classes


1936 Consumptive Usc*

Land Classification Area, Unit, Antlllal,

Acres Feet Ael'e-]'eet
(a) (c) (ca) ,
.-~- .. -
I rriaated crops:
Alfalfa and clover 17,077 4.0 (is,308
Cotton 54,513 2.5 136,282
Nl1tivc hay and irrigated pasture 216 2.3 407
Miscellaneous crops 11,117 2.0 22,234
Entire irrigl1ted [trea 82,923 2.7'1 227,321

Natural vegetation:
Grass 2,733 2.3 G,28(i
Brush G,()33 2.5 17,332
Trees-Busque 3,532 5.0 17,GGO
Entire area 13,1()8 3.13 41,278

Temporarily out of cropping 5,5(iU 1.5 8,354
Towns 1,523 2.0 3,046
\-Vater surfaces, pooled, rivm', lLIlIl
CllIlals 4,081 4.5 18,3G4
Bare lauds, roads, ete. 3,124- 0.7 2,187
Total (entire area) 110,418 2.72 300,550
* ea = the product of unit consumptive use in feet (c) Limos arCl\ in lWI'l)8 (a).

of agricultural crops, native vegetation, bare lanel, and water surfnees.

Unit values of the consumptive usc of water by crops can be obtained
by some of the methods previously described. By means of aerial maps
and field surveys the areas of various types of m\tive vegetative eovCJ'
and bare land and water surfaces can be determined.
Results of determinations of consumptive use by this method in the
Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, and Texas are presented in Table 47.
230. Inflow-Outflow for Large Areas The inflow-outflow method is
described in detail in the report of the Upper Rio Grande Basin (1938)
and in the report of the Duty of Water Committee, American Society
of Civil Engineers (1930). Applying this method, the valley con-
sumptive use U is equal to the water that flows into the valley during
a 12-mo. year I, plus the yearly precipitation on the valley floor P, plus
the water in ground storage at the beginning of the year Gs , minus

Annual Consumptive
Area, Use
Location Year Authority
Acres Total, Unit,
Acre-Feet Feet
San Luis Valley, Colo. 1925-1935 400,000 664,900 1.66 Blaney-Rohwer
San Luis Valley, Colo. 1936 400,000 685,423 1.71 Blaney-Rohwer
San Luis Valley, Colo. 1930-HJ32 17,300 26,215 1.52 Tipton-Hart
Isleta-Belen, N. Mex. 1936 17,500 38,700 2.28 Blaney-Morin
Mesilla Valley, N. Mex. 1919-1935 109,000 297,756 2.73 Israelson-Blaney
Mesilla Valley, N. Mex. 1936 110,'!18 303,683 2.75 Israelsen-Blaney
Carlsbad, N. Mex. 1921-1939 51,700 129,752 2.51 Blaney-Morin
Carlsbad, N. Mex. 1940 51,700 119,898 2.33 Blaney-Morin
New Fork, Wyo. 1939-1940 25,000 •• 0 ••• 1.50 Lowry-Johnson
Michigan-Illinois, Colo. 1938-1940 43,000 • •• ·0 • 1.50 Lowry"J ohuson
Uncompahgre, Colo. 1938-1940 137,700 ...... 2.28 Lowry-Johnson

the water in ground storage at the end of the year Ge, minus the
yearly outflow R; all volumes measured in acre-feet; thus
U = (I + P). + (G. - Go) - R (52)
The difference between the storage of capillary water at the begin-
ning of the year and at the end of the year is considered negligible. It
is assumed that stream measurements are made on bedrock controls
and that the subsurface inflow is about the same as subsurface outflow.
The quantity (G s - Go) is considered as a unit so that absolute evalua-
tion of either G., or Go is unnecessary, only the difference being needed.
This is the product of the difference in the average ·depth of water
table in January of one year to .J anuary of the following year, meas-
ured in feet, and multiplied by the specific yield* of the soil and area
of the valley floor. The quantity P is obtained by mUltiplying the
* The specific yield is defined as the total pore space of the soil less the
moisture cont.ent at field capacity, both expressed as volume percentages of the
total soil volume.

• <:0
~~;::18on~~'28 • It;)

c<ic<i,...i~.<:io~<t<~ • It;)


<0<0 <0
It;) 0 • It;)

• t:'<I
to It;) to to <0<:0<0<0<0 ·00

~. 0; ~ t-: C'Q~O>~<OO~<O~O
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00000 OO~
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I'- 1-
,... ....
OJ O"l

'"' '"'
average annual precipitation in feet by the area of the valley floor
in acrcs. The unit consumptive use of thc entire valley in acre-feet
per acre is obtained by dividing the total consumptive use by the area
of the valley floor.
Results of typical inflow-outflow measurements in several areas are
given in Table 48.
231. Consumptive Use by Natural Vegetation The water consumed
by natural vegetation usually cannot be made available for other
important purposes. In considering the water supply of a region,
water consumed by natural vegetation, such as salt grass, willows,
cottonwoods, tamarisk, and tules growing in irrigated valleys, moist
areas, and along streams becomes of increasing importance as greater
land areas are irrigated, especially during periods of drought. The
value of data on consumptive use by these non-crop plants is reoog-
nized by administrators and engineers in regions where water rights
are in dispute, or where interstate water supply and water use are not
in balance. In planning new irrigation projects consideration must
often be given to differences in consumptive uses of water utilized by
irrigated crops and by the natural vegetation replaced by the crops.
The relation of plant communities to moisture supply is one of
the outstanding characteristics of the growth of natural vegetntion.
Whereas individual species are largely restricted to physical environ-
ments, the principal condition that governs distribution of vegetative
groups is the available water. Each species responds to water conditions
for its most favorable growth and its widest distribution. Temperatures,
moisture, and the chemical and physical properties of the soils arc
contributing factors in the distribution of natural vegetation. The
quantity of water available for plant use and the effect of plant growth
on supply are ·of great interest to irrigation engineers and hydrologists.
Consumptive use by natural vegetation growing in areas of high
water table is measured by means of tanks or lysimeters. The unit
values thus determined are used to compute valley consumptive use
by the integration method previously described. Results of typical
studies are presented in Table 49.
Measurements of consumptive use indicate that water-loving natural
vegetntion uses from 50 to 100 percent more water thnn most crop
plants. Tules and cattails growing in and near irrigation cnnals
and drainage ditches are exposed in narrow strips to sun and winci so
that their consumption of water is high. Uurler such circumstmlces the
natural vegetation along a mile of canal or ditch may consume enough
water to irrigate 8 or 10 acres of alfalfa or a greater acreage of other
field crops or of fruit.
Irrigation of Cereals, Forage,
and Root Crops

Irrigation practices are determined largely by three conditions,

namely: the climate of the locality, the soils under cultivation, and the
crops grown. The depth of water properly applied in a single irriga-
tion, the size of stream used, the length and width of land covcred with
a given stream, and the frequency of irrigation-all these factors are
influenced by the land topography and soil conditions, but they are
influenced also to some extent by the crops grown. The method of
irrigation selected, whether by flooding, in furrows, or corrugations,
or by sprinkling, is based on the type of soil, land topography, and the
crop produced.
Wheat, oats, barley, rye, and corn, the major cereals, are grown
both under dry farming and irrigation.
232. Irrigating Cereals Cereals are irrigated by ordinary flooding,
border-strip flooding, corrugation, and furrow methods. The check or
basin method of flooding is also used on highly permeable soils.
Grain crops are rarely grown continuously from year to year on any
one tract of irrigated iand; rather they form a part of a crop rotation.
On new irrigation projects grains sometimes form the major crop, but
experience has demonstrated the desirability of producing forage and
other crops as soon as the new lands can be properly prepared. The
method of irrigation selected for small grains is influenced by the
.. methods utilized for other crops in the rotation period. If the land has
been prepared for irrigation of alfalfa by the border-strip method,
grains arc irrigated by the same method. Likewise, if it is customary
to irrigate the alfalfa by the corrugation method, the farmer may well
apply the same method for irrigating grain.
Where water is plentiful, especially during the early part of the
season when grains are irrIgated, the ordinary flooding method pre-
dominates. Where the water supply is limited and expensive the
corrugation method or the border method is used.
In the intermountain states with deep loam soils the grains can be
matured by the irrigation water applied in May and June, the months
of flood discharges of the streams. On shallow soils, having low
capacities for available water, irrigation of cereals is essential also in

Fro. 159. Yield of wheat grain and si;raw on plots receiving various quantities of
irrigation water at different stages. (Utah Agr. Exp. Sla. B1ll. 1<16.)

Experiments at the Utah Station show advantages in irrigating

cereals at certain stages of their growth. Harris irrigated wheat plots
just after planting and at four stages as follows:
1. The stage when fine leaves have developed and the plants are
6 to 8 in. high.
2. The early boot stage when the plants were just swelling prepara-
tory to heading.
3. The bloom stage when most of the plants were in bloom.
4. The dough stage when most of the plants wore in the dough.
The soils of the experimental farm are deep loams of comparatively
uniform texture, retentive of moisture, and highly productive when
properly managed. The results of 4 years' work are presented in
Fig. 159. In the lower half, the shaded areas show the stages at which
water was applied, and the upper half shows in black columns the
yield of grain and in shaded columns the yields of straw. The numbers
from the reader's left to right show the total amounts of irrigation
water given to each crop. The plot which received no irrigation water
produced approximately 38 bu of grain with the moisture stored in
the soil from the winter snow together with the water received from
rainfall during the crop-growing season. The mean total annual
precipitation during the 4-yr period was 17.8 in. The plot that was
given a 5-in. irrigation before the plants came up produced less than
any of the plots which were given a 5-in. irrigation in each of the

FIG. 160. Yield of oat grain and straw on plots receiving various quantities of
irrigation water at different stages. (Utah A(i'r. Exp. Sta. Bul. 167.)

four stages above described and also less than the plot that received
no irrigation water. The figure shows the advantages of irrigation
during the earlier stages for the 5-in., the IO-in., and the 15-in. total
seasonal applications. It is also significant that the 15 in. of water
applied on each of the first three stages produced more wheat than
20 in. when applied in four 5-in. irrigations.
Three years' experimental work at the Utah Station on the irrigation
of oats is reported in Fig. 160, which reveals the importance of early
During the three years, 1919 to 1921, Harris and Pittman conducted
experiments on the irrigation of barley similar to the experiments for
wheat and oats. The results of the barley irrigation experiments are
shown in Fig. 161.
After several years' study of the production of grains at the Aberdeen
substation, Idaho, Aicher concluded that set rules for the irrigation of
any crop are misleading and impractical. Seasons vary, and the time to
irrigate a crop varies considerably with the season. Summer rains
often are misleading unless they exceed 112 in. In southern Idaho,
where the average precipitation during the growing season is 4.27 in.,

1'1 Gra ITl

~ Straw

FIG. 161. Yield of barley grain and straw OIl plots receiving various qU!111tii,ios of
irrigation water at different stages. (Utah AOI'. jJ}xp. Sta. Enl. 178.)

it is a mistake to take the average shower too seriously. The immediate

surface moisture is of little value in crop production, and unless the
ground is moist to a considerable depth the crop should be irrigated
regardless of the moisture added by small rains.
233. Water Requirements of Cereals The data presented in Fig. 161
indicate that a seasonal depth of 15 in. of water, applied in the first
three stages in three 5-in. irrigations to deep retentive soils, produced
more barley than one 20-in. 01' four 5-in. applicationH.
From experiments on the irrigation of spring wheat grown on the
medium clay loam soil of the Gooding substation, Idaho, it was con-
cluded that 15 in. net was a sufficient depth for spring wheats and
approximately 8 in. for winter wheats. The average annual rainfall at
the Gooding substation during the period of experiment was 9.2 in.,
of which 2.9 in. came during the crop-growing seaSOll, April 1 to
August 31.
In Nevaqa, the highest yield of wheat was obtained with a depth
of 28 in. of water. The soils of the Experiment Station Farm vary fro111
sandy loams to clay loams, and have an average depth of 4 ft, below
which there is a coarse sand and gravel. The average annual rainfall
during the 5-yr period was lcss than 8 in., and during the crop-growing
season the rainfall was negligible.
In the Salt River Valley, Arizona, Marr studied the water needs of
wheat by measuring the depths used on some 15 farms under ordinary
practice. The soil of 7 farms is classed as sandy loam, of 1 as loam, and
of 7 as clay loam. The annual precipitation is low. During the period
of the observations it ranged from 4.5 in. to slightly more than 9 in.
Marr concludes that 17 to 22 in. of water is sufficient to mature wheat
and similar crops in the Salt River Valley.
In the Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, the average annual precipitation
is from 8 to 9 in., of which an average of 5.8 in. falls during the
summer season. The summer rains come in small showcrs, the average
being 0.3 in. in 24 hr. The evaporation following rains is rapid, and
the depth of penetration of rains into the soil is shallow. The influ-
ence of natural precipitation during the crop-growing season is negli-
gible as a source of water. On the basis of a study of wheat production
on 28 farms that received depths of water ranging from 7 to 25 in.,
Bloodgood and Curry coneluded that fields receiving about 19 in.
of water per season, applied in approximately 4-in. depths with an
irrigation season of 150 days, gave the most satisfactory yields.
Fortier and Young have made a careful study of the irrigation
requirements and the water requirements of the ariel and semiarid
lands of the Southwest, from which they conclude that the water
requirements of wheat, which include irrigation water, stored soil
moisture, and seasonal rainfall, range from 17.5 in. as the lowest
general average to 27.0 in. as the highest general average.
The depths of water needed to produce oats differ but little from
the depths needed for wheat. Harris and Pittman found that excellent
yields of oats could be produced with only 15 in. of irrigation water
applied at the proper time. For conditions like those of the Gooding
substation, Idaho, Welch recommends about 21 in. of water for oats.
Beckett and Huberty report that in the Sacramento Valley, California,
during years of average 01' high rainfall, oats can be profitably pro-
duced without irrigation, whereas during years of low rainfall two
average irrigations will bring profitable returns through increased yield
of oats. Under favorable soil conditions in the intermountain states,
where the annual precipitation is 18 in. or more, oats may be pro-
duced without irrigation.
Barley requires but moderate depths of irrigation water. Harris and
Pittman found, as shown in Fig. 161, that only 10 in. applied during
the early stages of growth produced 40 bu per acre, whereas 15 in.
applied in three irrigations, one irrigation in each of the first three
stages, produced approxi~ately' 42 bu which was nearly 4 bu more
than was produced by 20 in. of irrigation water. For Snake River
Valley conditions similar to those at Gooding, Welch recommends
18 in. for spring barleys.
Widtsoe found that maximum COl'll yields of nearly 100 bu of grain
per acre were produced at the central Utah Station with 25 in. of
irrigation water. His experiments also gave excellent yields with only
10 to 15 in., and he concluded that under favorable soil conditions and
in a climate such as prevails in Cache Valley, Utah, 12 to'15 in. of
water is satisfactory for corn.
Pittman and Stewart show that under the conditions of the Utah
Central Experiment Station Farm corn increases in yield with increase
in irrigation water up to about 20 in.; that the yields change but little
as the water is increased from 20 to 30 in., above which there is a
decrease. With an adequate supply of water on fertile soils, the corn
crop will yield from 60 to 80 bu of grain per acre, 01' from 17 to 20
or more tons of silage.
234. Irrigating Alfalfa Two~thirds of the acreage devoted to alfalfa
in the United States is in the 17 westel'll statcs, largely under irriga~
tion. The irrigation methods most common for alfalfa arc flooding from
field ditches, border flooding, and check 01' basin flooding. In localities
where water supplies are limited and where land surfaces are not
suitable to border flooding or basin flooding, alfalfa is irrigated by the
corrugation method. In alfalfa~seed-producing arcas the corrugation
method is especially advantageous because it permits more thorough
cultivation for control of insect pests.
Temporary sublllergence of alfalfa lands that are irrigated by the
flooding method is not harmful, but submergence for many hours proves
very harmful at times. High temperatures and reflection of the sun's
rays from water surface to young alfalfa plants is injurious. Long
periods of submergence during the warmer parts of the season should
be avoided. For alfalfa on soils having low infiltration rates it is
good practice to irrigate frequently and apply small dcpths of water
at each irrigation. For soils having low infiltration rates the furrow
01' corrugation method is advantageous. Small strcams may be kept in
the furrows for longer periods and thus increase infiltration of water
without endangering the plants and also without wetting and puddling
the entire soil surface.

Ie 1-_ _


~,e4I--_ _

i Ja 1-'-'-=--""";"


mL-____ ______ ~ ~~ ____L __ _~_ _~~~-L-g~~~

I(J 1---'-_
~$6~ ___ ~~~~~+- ____ _______+-____ ______
~ ~ ~

~~ 1--~-II-------4-----~'_-------~---~~~~~~~
~L__ _--~--------~----~L-------~~----~~~~~

FIG. 162. Diagram showing root distribution of alfalfa under varying irrigation
treatments at University Farm, Davis, California. Note that the root distribution
has apparently not been affected by variation in irrigation treatments. (Oalif. Agr.
Exp. Sta. Bul. 450.)
Alfalfa and pasture lands permit the use of larger streams than can
be handled for grains or root crops. On lands that are properly pre-
pared for irrigation by the border or the check method streams of
5 to 10 cfs are used in irrigating alfalfa. Even larger streams are used
for alfalfa irrigation in parts of California. The
basin method for the irrigation of alfalfa is

Water used
applied to some extent where the land slopes are Depth.
ft Inches % of
not excessive. per year total
In spite of deep rooting of alfalfa in soils of
open structure, as shown in Fig. 162, the surface 0-1 6.8
6 in. of soil had one-third or more of the tota'! ,~
weight of the roots in the upper 6 ft. Water is

1-2 7.2
absorbed from the soil by plants largely through
the tiny l'oot hairs, which are most difficult to
2-3 7.3
find in making a field study of root distribution.
The weight of the roots through which water is
absorbed is relatively small. It is therefore lr4 6.7
significant that 1.5 to 2.6 percent by weight of II
the total roots in the upper 6 it of soil were 4-5 5.6 ~
found in the Ij2-ft section immediately above II

the 6-ft depth. Alfalfa plants probably obtain
the major water supply and nutrients in the 5-6 4.7
upper few feet of soil, but in well-drained floils 'I
some roots penetrate to great depths where 6-7 4.0 ~
changes of moisture content of the soil occur 'I
slowly and where the total extent of variation
of moisture is small. The roots of alfalfa grown


9-10 2.3 5

FIG. Hl3. Distdbution of FIG. 104. Usc of Wll,ter

alfalfa l'oots with a water by alfltlfa in Arizona
table 3 ft below ground [roIll Bach foot of the
surface. l'OoirZQlle soil.

in soils having a shallow water table arc largely e9ncentrated neal' the
surface. Figure 163 illustrates how a water table at 3 ft caused a growth
of more than 97 percent of the roots in the uppcr 2 ft of soil. Poorly
drained alfalfa soils are first to permit serious damage to the plants
through drought. The hot summer days and dry atmosphere cause
rapid loss of water from the surface soil by transpiration and evapora~
tion, the water table lowers, and the shallow soil zone in which roots are
distributed has not enough stored water to meet the needs of the
plants, with the result that drought damage is noticeable early.
The University of Arizona studies reported in Fig. 164 show 6fi
percent of the water withdrawn by the alfalfa from the soil was taken
from the upper 5 ft, and 35 percent from the depth 6 to 10 ft. The
maximum witlldl'awal was from the second and third foot sections
which together provided 14.5 in. of water to the alfalfa, more than
one-fourth of the total of nearly 51 in.
Growth of alfalfa in a given soil is influenced largely by two factors,
nan;ely: (a) the available heat, and (b) the readily available water
supply. In irrigation farming, man can provide adequate available soil
moisture to assure maximum rate of growth that the available heat
will permit.
Alfalfa growers can detect from the appearance of the leaves of the
growing alfalfa the time that irrigation water is needed. A dark green
color is usually evidence of the need for water. Temporary wilting is
warning that the supply of soil moisture is near exhaustion. Where
water is delivered by the rotation method, the irrigator must determine
shortly before each water turn whether to irrigate within a day or
two or wait the coming of the second water turn, possibly 10 to 15
days later. Boring into the soil to a depth of 5 or 6 ft with a soil auger
and examining the soil moisture condition is a very helpful aiel to
judgment in determining the time to irrigate. There should be no dry
soil in the upper 6 to 8 ft during the alfalfa-growing season.
Because of the many variable influencing factors there can be no
definite frequency period of irrigation of alfalfa applicable to all
conditions. The factors of major influence are the texture and depth
of the soil; the temperature, atmospheric humidity, and winds; and
the crop-season rainfall.
On sanely soils it may be best to irrigate every 2 weeks, wherll1as
on the sandy loam soils on which two or three alfalfa cuttings are
secured two irrigations per cutting may be best; on the heavy deep
soils one irrigation per cutting is adequate. For the shallow, coarse-
textured soils, irrigation every 10 days during the warmer part of
the season is common; and light irrigations once a week are not
exceptional on gravelly shallow soils. Many of the alfalfa tracts on
deep loam soils produce abundantly when given one irrigation about
1 week before cutting the first crop, one shortly after harvesting the
first crop, one before cutting the second crop, and one about 2 weeks
after cutting the second crop.
235. Water Requirements of Alfalfa As compared to most of the
crops grown under irrigation, alfalfa requires large depths of irrigation
water because of the large annual tonnage production. Grain crops
mature in time periods ranging from 90 to 110 days, whereas alfalfa,
adequately irrigated, grows continuously as long as the mean tempera-
tUres are well above the minimum growing temperature. The longer
the growing season, the greater the irrigation requirement for alfalfa
and the greater the tonnage produced. The growing season for alfalfa
ranges from less than 100 days annually in high northern valleys to
more than 300 days in low valleys .of Arizona and California. The
annual yield of alfalfa varies from less than 4 tons per acre to more
than 10 tons, according to climatic and soil conditions and lengt~ of
growing season.
Adams and others have made extensive studies of the irrigation
requirements of alfalfa in California. At the University Farm, at
Davis, California, they found a maximum alfalfa yield with 36 in.
of irrigation water and concluded that the most economical depth of
irrigation water for alfalfa at Davis ranges from 30 to 36 in. The
results of their work arc presented in Fig. 165.
236. Clover Crops Under Irrigation Several different varieties of
clover are produced under irrigation both for pasture and for hay.
Large amounts of clover seed also are produced under irrigation.
Under the same climatic and soil conditions as for alfalfa, the clover
crops thrive best with more frequent irrigation than alfalfa requires.
Small depths of water at each irrigation will meet the needs of the
clover crops so that during the entire growing season they require no
more water than alfalfa and probably a little less.
237. Grasses Under Irrigation Timothy, orchard grass, brome gralSs,
and other hay-making grasses thrive in irrigated regions. Timothy and
the native grasses live in spite of excessive il'I'igntion and frequent
submergence, but moderate depths of water are best suited to their
needs. Low-lying land areas are often relatively wet on account of
seepage from higher lands and inadequate natural drainage. Such lands
produce one cutting for hay annually, the yield ranging from 1.0 to 1.5
tons per aere, after which a good growth of fall pasture is produced.
Low lands that are excessively wet during the early spring and late
fall arc not suitable to the growth of alfalfa. When effective artificial
drainage is provided for lands which ordinarily grow only timothy and
native grasses they produce alfalfa abundantly. Powers and Johnston,
in a study of irrigation requirements of wild meadow and hay land
in Oregon, found it practical to produce on reclaimed tule land a
yield of clover and timothy of 312 ton!! per am'e, which is more than
3 times the average yield of wild hay,
There are large areas of irrigated grass lands that may yield much
higher returns through drainage, followed by planting clovers or
alfalfa, .



~ (51---+--1--


12 18 24 .]0 036 -48

FIG, 165. Diagram showing results of alfalfa duty-of-water experiments at Uni-
versity Farm, Davis, California, 1910-1915. Under the conditions present, the
most economical yields were obtained with annual applications of 30 to 36 in. (Calif.
Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 450.)

238. Irrigated Pastures Pastures of perennial grasses and legumes,

such as Ladino clover, or alfalfa, are irrigated by flooding from field
ditches, border flooding, check or basin flooding, contour check, and
often by sprinkling. Less frequent cultivation of pasture lands results
in lower yearly cost of preparation of land. Soils producing pastures
are not as subject to erosion as soils with crops.
Under the same climatic and soil conditions as for alfalfa, pastures
thrive best with more frequent irrigations. Roots of pasture plants
are near the soil surface as compared to alfalfa roots. The resulting
shallower plant-feeding zone requires more frequent applications of
A common practice among irrigation farmers is to irrigate pastures
at night when it is more difficult to irrigate annual crops. If the irriga-
tion structures utili~ed for pastures are properly placed the work of
irrigating is less compared with most other crops. Since the irrigation
structurcs for pastures are maintained for long periods of time without
change, and frequently used at night, they should bc well constructcd.

FIG. 166. An example of excellent irrigation. Note the absence of flooding and
the uniform distribution of water in the furrow. (Amalgamated Sugar Company.)

239. Irrigation of Sugar Beets Extremes in soil moisture conditions

are mOTe hannful to beets, alfalfa, and forage crops. Improper or
careless handling of water on bect lanel, especially early in the season,
causes soil erosion, puddling, cracking, baking, etc., all of which are
seriously detrimental to beet. production.
The urgent need for care and for following intelligcnt approved
practices in the irrigation of sugar beets is recognized by sugar com-
pany officials, and active educational campaigns are conducted among
beet growers as a means of attaining efficient and satisfactory irrigation.
It is C01111110n practice to irrigate beets by the furrow or corruga-
tion method as illustrated in Fig. 166. Fine-textured loam and clay
loam soils are best suited to the growing of sugar beets, and when
irrigated by flooding these soils crack and ,bake around the young
plants and retard growth. Injury results also from contact between
water and young beets. Flooding sugar beets is rarely practiced.
Sugar-beet irrigators try to distribute water as uniformly as possible
to avoid waste of water and crop injury due to over-irrigation on one
part of the land and insufficient depth of penetration of .water on
another part.
Smoothness of land surface, moderate lengths of carefully made
furrows, and proper control of the quantity of water delivered to the
furrows from the head ditch-all these contribute to the attainment
of uniform distribution of irrigation water. Smoothing and leveling of
the surface must be accomplished before seeding the crop. Careful
plowing, harrowing, and dragging are essential to satisfactory irriga-
tion of beets. The furrows on open, porous soil should seldom exceed
330 ft, whereas on the loams and clays it is quite customary to have
furrows 660 it long. To assure reasonable uniformity of distribution
of water the irrigator must pay particular attention to rcgulating the
size of stream that flows into each furrow. Streams that are too large
cause breaking of the furrows and consequent accllmulations of the
streams from any furrows into one very large stream that damages
the soil by erosion and injures the beets. It is impracticable to set
precise limits as to the proper sizc of stream for each ful'l'ow, but,
in general, the stream in each furrow varies from Y25 to 'lho cfs. Thus
a stream of 1 cfs is made to flow into 25 to 50 furrows at one time.
Many beet growers regulate the quantity of water flowing into each
furrow entirely by making frequent adjustments in small V-shaped
earth outlct ditches. Some place small bunches of grass in the outlet
ditches to prcvent high velocities and soil erosion. Sometimes one
outlet from the head ditch is made to supply from 4 to 8 furrows by
subdividing the stream below the head-ditch outlet. More uniform
distribution of water may be attained, and the labor of attendance
somewhat decreased, by means of small cylindrical metal outlet pipes
having a diameter of 1 to 2 in. ancllengths of 18 to 30 in. Outlet pipes
of this kind are especially desirable where irrigation water is limited
and costly. The major objection to them is that they become damaged
during times of cultivating the beet fields.
The most general lwactice is to space the rows uniformly about
20 in. apart and to make furrows between each two rows. For the
second irrigation, in which a relatively small depth of water is used,
it is quite customary to run the water in alternate furrows that were
left dry during the first irrigation. During the periods between the
later applications the beets need relatively large amounts of water,
and farmers moisten the soil more fully by running the water in all
the furrows.
A comparatively new practice that appears to be growing in favor is
to plant the beets in rows differently spaced. For example, the distance
between two rows may be but 16 in. whereas the distance between the
next two is 24 in. Furrows for irrigation are then made only in the
24-in. open space, thus leaving 40 in. from center to center of the
irrigation furrow. Under favorable soil conditions this method is satis-
factory and doubtless is saving of water. Heavy compact soils, in
which capillary movement of water is very slow, are not well suited
to differently spaced alternate-row irrigation practice.
In time of irrigation beets differ from the small grains in the fact
that they require large amounts of late-season water. July, August, and
September are the months of maximum irrigation needs of beets in the
Great Basin ,beet-growing areas. Because the natural discharge of
many streams decreases markedly late in June or early in July it is
essential to provide late-season water for beets by storage or pumping.
In the earlier years of beet growing the belief was rather widely
entertained that the first irrigation of each season should be delayed
until the beets showed definite wilting and consequent urgent need
for water: the IIstruggle for water" thus imposed on the beet stimulated
deep rooting, and beets of greater length than would be developed by
early irl'igation would result. A more recent, and apparently a 1110re
rational, basic guiding principle as to time of irrigation of beeLs is
that large yields are more easily produced by providing all conditions,
soil moisture included, favorable to a continuous growth of the plants
from germination to maturity, at the maximum rate that the tempera-
ture conditions will support. The deep loam and clay loam soils in
parts of the Rocky Mountain states sugar-beet areas are well supplied
with moisture after normal winter snowfall and spring rains. Sugar
beets consume water at a low rate during the early part of their
growth in May and June. The moisture stored from natural precipita-
tion is usually sufficient during these months to support the maximum
possible rate of growth. Beets therefore need relatively late-season
irrigation water. In valleys in which both irrigated grains and sugar
beets are grown the major irrigation needs of the grain crops are
completed before the heavier demands for water by the sugar beets

240. Water Requirements of Beets The seasonal depths of irrigation

water required for profitable production of sugar beets are slightly
greater than required for small grains but appreciably less than
required for alfalfa, especially in climates where the growing season
is long.
Results of 10 years' study of the irrigation requirements of sugar
beets are presented in Fig. 167. The half of the figure on the reader's
left shows that a maximum yield of more than 20 tons per acre was
produced with ten 21;2-in. irrigations applied weekly. Ten I-in. irriga-
tions produced nearly maximum yield and ten 5-in. iJ:rigations produced
a smaller tonnage.
Knight and Hardman in Nevada found comparatively small differ-
ences in sugar-beet yields as the depth of irrigation water was in-
creased from 12 to 18 and finally to 24 in. The maximum yield was
obtained with 18 in.

FlG. 167. Yield of sugar beets on plots receiving different irrigation treatments.
Average of 10 yr. (Utah Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 186.)

241. Irrigating Potatoes Reasonable care in smoothing and leveling

potato land is essential to satisfactory irrigation. Except under very
favorable natural soi1 conditions that permit sub-irrigation, potatoes
are usually irrigated by the furrow method. It is important to avoid
direct contact of water with plants, and hence deep furrows are best
suited to potato irrigation. Complete saturation of the soil around
the potato vines followed by baking and cracking is detrimental to
potato production. It is desirable to have the furrows from 10 to 12 in.
deep in moist soils, thus eliminating the risk of submerging the
vines or of excess water around the tubers. Under favorable topographic
and soil conditions potato furrows lUay be longer than beet furrows.
Probably 1320 it is the maximum profitable length, and as a rule
660 ft is preferable. Shorter furrows are necessary in highly permeable
The basic guide in time to irrigate is the moisture content of the
soil. Before potatoes are planted it is important that the soil be
well supplied with moisture in order to give the crop a good start
he fore the first irrigation after planting, Where the winter-season
precipitation is too small to fill the soil to its field moisture capacity,
irrigation water should be applied before planting but not immedi-
ately after planting.
The depth of irrigation water required during the season for potatoes
differs but little from that required for sugar beets under the same
soil and climatic conditions. A total of 25 in. of water in ten 2.5-in.
irrigations produced 266 bu pel' acre, almost as much as was produced
with the ten I-in. irrigations. Fifty-inches depth
of water applied in ten 5-in. irrigations caused
Depth,I--_ _...--_--I
a marked decline in yield, and 10 in. applied in
two 5-in. irrigations produced much less than
10 in. applied in ten I-in. irrigations.
0-1 8.6 The results of 28 years of study of the irriga-
tion needs of potatoes on the Utah Central Ex-
periment Farm indicated that the yield of
1-2 7.3 potatoes increases with increase of irrigation
water up to about 15 in. per season and that
depths of water in excess of 20 in. usually cause
2-3 5.2 a decrease in yield. In a few cases, larger depths
of water, although accompanied by large potato
yields, seemed to be directly responsible for
3-4 3.7 poor-quality potatoes.

242. Cotton The soil and climatic conditions

4-5 2.2 of many parts of the Southwest are well suited
to the production of cotton. When properly
irrigated and cared for cotton is a profitable
5-6 1.3 Crop. It, has possibilities of being even more
profitable with mechanical cotton pickers. As
yet there has been relatively little experimental
FIG. 168. Use of water
from each foot of soil work on the irrigation of cotton.
growing cotton in Ari- Karl Harris and Ralph S. Hawkins worked
zona. for 6 years with differential irrigation schedules
with cotton on a clay loam soil on the Mesa
Experiment Farm in Arizona. The work was confined to small plots
of Pima for the first 3 years and expanded to include Yo -acre plots
of both Pima and Acala.
The irrigation schedules were designed to ascertain the best type of
plant growth from planting to the fruiting period to obtain maximum
yields. They were also planned to test the physiological principles that
growth of plants that are grown for their fruit, such as cotton, should
be so regUlated as to stimulate fruiting by providing for a prcpnnrlc'I'Hllt
accumulation of carbohydrates over nitrogen and mineral plant food
during the normal fruiting period.
The plants in plots receiving an early irrigation after planting were
stimulated into rapid and extensive plant growth prior to heavy
flowering and outyielded plots in which the first irrigation after plant-
ing was delayed until the plants started Wilting.
In general, the more rapid the growth prior to heavy fruiting, the
higher were the final yields. Early irrigation encouraged early fruit-
ing. The greater percentage of the total crop was picked a.t the first
picking of early-irrigated cotton. Plants from which water had been
withheld after planting absorbed no more water from a depth of 2 to
6 ft during August, September, and October than did plants provided
with an abundance of water after planting, indicating a similarity in
root development.
Excessive vegetative growth during the fruiting period, even though
the plants had been stimulated into rapid growth prior to fruiting, can
be prevented largely by regulation of irrigation. Plants which grew
most rapidly from planting to July 31 and continued growth at a
moderate to low rate from .Tuly 31 to September 10 were the highest
in production. Those plants which grew slowly from planting to July 31
and continued with slow growth from july 31 to September 10 were
the lowest in production. Present data indicate that cotton plants
should be allowed to reduce available soil moisture more completely
during the fruiting period than prior to this period.
The seasonal depths of water withdrawn from the soil and the
percentages of the total seasonal withdrawal of water by cotton in
Arizona are shown in Fig. 168. Over half of the depth of 28.3 in. was
withdrawn from the upper 2 ft of soil and only 5 percent from the
sixth foot depth. Nearly one-third was withdrawn from the first foot,
and the percentage of the total withdrawn decreased as the depth of
soil increased.
Irrigation of Orchards

The irrigation of orchards is important because of the utility and the

high value of orchard products. Fruit production requires large acre
investments in both capital and labor, and special attention to irriga-
tion, a pmeticc of basic importance in the arid-region fruit-growing
sections. Fruit growing has reached a high state of development in
parts of California where water supplies are limited and costs arc
high. It is economically feasible to reduce water losses to a minimum
and to attain high irrigatIon efficiencies. This chapter considers briefly
the methods of orchard irrigation, the time of irrigating orchards, and
the depths of water requircd by trees under certain soil and climatic
conditions as found by field experiments.
243. Methods of Irrigating Orchards The furrow, the basin, and the
sprinkling methods arc widely used in orchard irrigation. There is an
increasing interest in the irrigation of orchards by the contour check
method. The sprinkling method of irrigation of orchards, shown in
Fig. 169, is growing in popularity in nearly all thc arid-region
states, and especially in the Northwest. The method best suited to
the irrigation of orchards depends on the class, type, and depth of the
soil. The topographic conditions influence the methorl of irrigation for
orchards quite as much as for irrigation of grains, forage crops, 01' root
crops. Extreme conditions of soil permeability which result from
great variability in soil texture and structure in the orchard make
uniform distribution of water by the furrow method very difficult. For
such conditions the basin method may be better. The cost and the
degree of scarcity of water also influence the selection of method;
there is no general rule universally applicable.
244. The Furrow Method An illustration of California cherry or-
chard irrigation by the furrow method is presented in Fig. 170.
There are 7 furrows between each 2 rows of trees, thus making it easy
to moisten all the soil in which the tree roots are distributed. 1m-

FIG. 169. Portable pipe fixed-head circular sprinkler system for citrus orchard.
(Race and Race.)

FIG. 170. l?ul'l'oW irrigation of cherry orchard. (Division of Irrigation Investiga-

tions and Pl'IIctice, University of California.)
portant factors to be decided in the use of the furrow method for
irrigation include the furrow lengths, slopes, and spacing, all considered
in Chapter 6.
245. Method of Delivering Water Important orchard-growing dis-
tricts have underground-pipe distribution systems, shown in Fig. 171,
with substantial savings in labor and in water. Figure 172 illustrates
the design of concrete pipe. On the reader's right, the 16-in.-diameter

FIG. 171. Delivery of water from concrete standpipes. (Calif. A(/r. Exp. Sta.

pressure well permits the irrigator to insert the iron cut-off gate, thus
causing the water to rise in the standpipe on the left, flow through the
open valve, and out of the standpipe through the four 2-in. openings.
The small galvanized-iron gates at the entrance to the 2-in. outlet
pipes permit convenient regulation of the stream flowing into each
furrow. Some irrigators permit the water to flow from the 2-in. gal-
vanized-iron pipes directly into the furrows. Others convey the water
from the standpipe to the furrows by means of small, galvanized-iron
troughs. Lightweight metal, portable surface-gated pipe facilitates
control of the size of stream to each furrow, reduces soil erosion in the
furrows, and increases water-application efficiencies.
246. Basin Method The basin method, as the name implies, consists
of building levees midway betwcen each row of trees in both directions
so as to form a basin around each trce. A ditch is built in lateral levees
in which to convey water to each pair of adjoining basins. Figure 173

k-----____ .4·~ ______ ~


FIG. 172. Design for concrete pipe and stand system for orchard hrigation.
(U.S.D.A. FarmlIl'8' Bul. 882.)

FIG. 173. Basin method of irrigation of apricots, Santa Chmt Valley. (Division
of Irrigation Investigations and Practice, University of California.)
illustrates the basin method during the time of applying irrigation
water to an apricot orchard in the Santa Clara Valley, California.
Although the levees or ridges are made by power~drawn implements
considerable hand work is required to close up gaps at the intersections
of the levees. Also in applying water to the basins a large amount
of hand shovel work is required to open and close the ditch banks.
Many o1'chards produce alfalfa, clover, and other crops between the
trees, which makes the use of the basin method undesirable.

o 0 o 0 000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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o 0 \~ 0 0,0 0 ° \.0 0 0 0 0 O\~O 0 0 0 0 i,'
\ ~ \~_;,
o',..~ 0 0\%0 0 01~0 0 0 0 0 o\~~o 0 0 I:

'"O\~ o~o,,:l.
0''''0 oleo
0\~O0 \ 0

0 0 0 0
\\,,,. , ,'I
011 0',0 0

o o o\~o
0\0 00,00 0 0,10
I' "O',o'ljlI
\(1) '\ ~ I,~, ' .... "
o o o 0 0',- 0\\ 0 0 'I'
. ".. o \0
o o.:_ :rode _ ~_ib=_C:~~~~_':::=~~-=~=~.J...~~;~1
0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0

FIG. 174. Typical contour check 111yout for loam soils with flow of wator for \)00
gpm lwd t1 limit of '10 trees to a check. Ordor of contours in illcro!lsing elevations:
red, white, blue, and yellow. (Calif. Agr. Ext. CiTe. 73.)

247. Contour Check Method The contour check method of irrigation

is not new, but its application to orchard irrigation by permanently
marking contour locations on the trees by various Ilainting schemes is
a dcvelopment of reccnt years. Contour checks are irrcgular basins
with several trees in each basin, as illustrated in Fig. 174, formed by
small levees or ridges located on contours.
The usual interval in elevation between contours is 0.2 to 0.4 ft.
The contour levees are jointed at the lower boundarics of the orchnrd
by enclosing levees. To divide the contour check into convenient sizes
cross levees are used.
The advantages of the contour check method are: (a) less levec
work in constructing the checks is required, as compared with the
rectangular checks or basin method; (b) less leveling and smoothing is
necessary than required for furrow, basin, or rectangular checks;
(c) larger streams of water may be used; and (d) less irrigation labor
in applying the water is needed.
The principal disadvantage of this method is the tendency to apply
excessive depths of water if the checks are large, with resulting de-
crease in water-application efficiencies,
248. Time to Irrigate Orchards The proper time to irrigate the dif-
ferent fruit trees is of great importance. Some authorities assert that
fruit color, size, and yield are influenced by the time of irrigation and
that the growth rate of trees is also affected. A unique feature in the
study of the time of irrigation of orchards is that most trees take wat~r
from the soil continuously during summer and winter.
Dormant-season irrigation of orchards may be essential to protec-
tion of the trees, and, of equal importance, dormant-season irrigation
also is practiced for the purpose of storing water in the soil. Thus the
problems connected with the proper time of irrigation fall into two
classes, those pertaining to irrigation during the growing season, and
those which concern irrigation during the dormant season. These prob-
lems are somewhat interdependent beeause irrigation practice during
either the growing season or the dOl'mant season usually influences the
needs during the rest of the year.
249. Irrigation During the Growing Season Trees should have mois-
ture available at all times during the growing season. In localities of
high summer rainfall caution should be exercised to avoid excessive
moisture in the heavy compact soils. On the coarse-textured, porous,
sandy and gravelly soils of high permeability, there is but little if any
danger of excessive moisture from ordinary irrigation practice if the
ground-water table is at great depth. However, shallow, eoarse-textured
soils have small available water capacities, and hence frequent irriga-
tion, especially during the midseason and later, is necessary to maintain
available soil water for the use of the trees.
For Elberta peach trees on gravelly loam Utah soils large depths
of water applied during June and ,Tuly, with no later irrigations, failed
to produce marketable fruit. Moderate depths applied in eight irriga-
tions from the middle of .July to the middle of September produced
satisfactory yields.
Taylor and Downing, in experiments in the irrigation of apple
orchards on fine sandy loam and sandy soils in Idaho, found that the
trees use larger quantities of water during midseason and late
season and hence that irrigations during late ,July, August, and early
September are of vital importancc to satisfactory yields.
Irrigation of orchards during the growing season should be based
primarily on soil-moisture conditions. The soil-moisture percentage
changes from slightly above the point of permanent wilting up to the
field capacity. The growth rate of trees and of fruit, as influenced by
the moisture conditions in this range, is of vital importance. The
number of irrigations per season and their frequency are therefore
determined by the conditions that influence the maintenance of readily
available moisture.
The available soil-moisture capacity is defined in Chapter 9 as the
field capacity less the wilting-point percentage. Oregon research work-
ers have reported many figures showing the moisture percentage of
different irrigation treatments in each of the upper 3 ft of soil and
also the averages of the upper 3 ft. Figure 175 is typical of the
soil-moisture studies in Oregon concerning orclwrd irrigation. The
moisture percentage in plot E was, as a rule, well above the wilting
point. The average for the 3 ft was 20 percent of the available capacity
on the "picking date," August 31.
Oregon research workers reached the conclusion that for maximum
fruit production, both in size and total weight of fruit produced, it is
essential to maintain the moisture percentage at not less than 50
percent of the available capacity. For the I1ventge 3-ft root-zone soil,
plot E moisture percentage was always well above 50 percent of the
available capacity, and it averaged nearly 80 percent.
Beckett, Blaney, and Taylor found in California that a crop of
lemons consumed 14.7 acre-inches pel' acrc from A11ril 1 to Oetober 31.
During May the trees used less than 1.4 in. as compared to more than
2.5 in. during each of the months of ,July, August, and Septomber. Tho
necessary depth of irrigation water was supplied in three irrigations,
two 6.4-i11. applications and ono 6.8-in. application. These data show
remarkable uniformity in the rate of use of soil moisture between
irrigations. The rate of use when the moisture percentage was ap-
proaching the lowest limit reached was substantially the same as
shortly after irrigation when the soil moisture content was near the
field capacity. On the basis of these experimental observations, and
on many similar ones, it was concluded that, "as long as the soil
moisture is above the wilting point, the moisture content has no meas-
urable effect on the rate of moisture extraction; that is, moiRtme is as
10 0
1\ " ,
1\ II.
II' F/e/d copacify
Fi rstfoot I 1-
" '\ \ ,:' ,~ 1/
.VI. ~\ 1'\ PlofE
PM D ..-.---------_
60 '~
.',~.1 \j>t.~ -II 'J '~, .... \ Plof C -------
40 , -'. , • " ... ... PM 8 ------"7
20 ._,
I ~, (t,
WtH/ng pot"nf f,. r-~ ~ ~"'- II
o ,\: ':::: ~
-20 ....... r.....~
, !\
'\3 I00 r ... ~
b:; ~ J, , " "\ t\, Second foot
~~ ~
8 \L\'
~ 60
.0 _, - 1--
- '" , \ ~....
_Q 40
'0 , ",,~ ~
~ 20
-, ""- - -
-- ._:--
o '-'- -_ -" I--.

~ -20
~ 120
g 100 !ield capaci7J:'>4. 7\
.S 80
1: ,,
_ '/\ 1::-...

' ... ... ~ ~!I \~

f\ 1\ Third foot

.j!!. 60 ,
,/ ~
8 40 U

~ 20
Iii 0
E -~
._ ._
'. ,

Wtlf/ng pot"nf
._.. ~'I


--' --
-P/Ck/ng dale

-. --=-
~= "",,
... .....
:::£ -20
-- --- - .
100 ~
80 f\ ,t\- t- 11' v"~~ Upper 3ft
:t' ".. ~ ~
~ 1\
40 'fl-.-,
" ...,
-'. . '... ....

-/ "'" ..
.... """'"':-" .f
::.~ f:::::: r.-
o .'

:[0.60 .'Imgdfl'on A -=
~O.20 E;1f-b~1: '£ '£

rna R'o
Rainfall I .... -
... ,
3\ 10 20 30 \0 20 31 \0 '20 30 10 '20"5\ 10 7.0 3\ 10 20 30 10 20 31

April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.

FIG. 175. Moisture content, expressed as a percentage of the available capacity,
of each of the UppOl' 3 ft and the avel'l1ge thereof; also rainfall and irrigation water
applied, for the plots in the Klamath orchard. The heights of the triangles represent
the depths of water applied by either irrigation or rainfall, and the bases show the
p(lriods of application. (ll.S.D.A. Tech. Elil. 432.)
readily available when the moisture content is one-third or two-thirds
of the way between field capacity and the wilting point as it is in the
thoroughly moistened soil after irrigation."
The effects of irrigation on peaches in the San Joaquin Valley, pears
and apples in central California, and prunes and walnuts in Sacra-
mento Valley, on 'the basis of conclusions of Hendrickson and Veih-
meyer, are summarized briefly below.
a. Peach St71(b:es. Maintenance of soil moisture continuously above
the permanent wilting percentage at Delhi resulted in production of
the largest trees.
Deficiency of readily available moisture for brief periods resulted
in a decrease in growth of the trees at Delhi but not a significant
decrease in yield, and deficiency for long periods during the growing
season markedly reduced the yields of Muir peaches.
The rates of growth of peaches were not affected until the soil
moisture was reduced to about the permanent wilting percentage.
Application of water to the soil just before picking did not result in
rapid increase in size of fruit.
A deficiency of readily available soil moisture during the pit-harden-
ing period seriously affected the subsequent size of the fruit.
No differences in the keeping quality between the peaches from the
wet plots and those from the dry plots were observed during the usual
interval between picking and canning.
A safe interval between irrigations during the hottcst part of the
summer is 3 weeks at Delhi, 3 to 4 weeks in Stanislaus County, and 5
to 6 weeks in Sutter Connty.*
The data show that the permanent wilting percentage is a critical
soil-moisture content, and lead to the conclusion that trees either have
readily available moisture or have not.
b. Pear and Apple Studies. In the central coast region, in years of
normal rainfall, pear and apple trees on medium~ or fine-textured soils
do not exhaust available moisture until late in the season. Under these
conditions, irrigation seems unnecessary.
Mature pear orchards, in districts where the climatic conditions
somewhat resemble those of the interior valley, such as Lake, Men-
docino, and Contra Costa counties, exhaust the soil moisture to the
permanent wilting percentage in the upper 4 to 6 ft of soil about the
last week in .June or the first week in July during normal years.
Under these conditions, the trees, if growing on soil at least 6 ft deep,
* The soils at Delhi are of a light, sandy character; those in Sutter County
usually heflyjr>r,
may be kept supplied with available water with one or two irrigations
before harvest.
Apple experiments were conducted under mild climatic (Jonditions.
When the readily available soil moisture below the first foot is ex-
hausted the apples slow down in growth, but when the permanent
wilting percentage is not reached the growth of thc fruit is not
The maturity of pears is delayed if the readily available soil
moisture is exhausted a week or 1110re before the normal harvest period.
Pears grow normally under a wide range of soil and climatic condi-
tions when the trees are kept supplied with readily available soil
moisture, but lowering of the soil moisture to about the permanent
wilting percentages during the growing season causes decreased size
and delayed maturity of fruit.
c. Prune and Walnut Studies. Maintenance of the soil moisture
above the permanent wilting percentage for 5 y1' did not materially
affeet the yields or quality of the prunes and walnuts in this experi-
Excessive depths of water did not produce any visibly injurious
effects in 3 yr on prune and walnut trees growing in a well-drainerl
Yolo loam at Davis, California.
The most economical irrigation practice with prune and walnut trees
has been to allow the trees to reduce the soil moisture to about the
permanent wilting percentage before rcplenishing the supply.
In a soil permeated with roots there seems to be no physiological or
economic reason for replenishing the supply of readily available
moisture in prune and walnut orchards before it is exhausted.
The present status of research on orchard irrigation during the
growing season indicates that, for trees, soil moisture should be readily
available continuously. The necessary frequency of irrigation to
maintain readily available moisture depends on the field moisture
capacity of the orchard soils, the depth of water stored at each
irrigation, and the rate of use by the orchards. To assure the trees
readily available moisture, water should be applied before the wilting
point is reached.

250. Dormant~Season Irrigation Water may be saved and waste

prevented by storing it in orchard soils by dormant-season irrigation.
Where orchard soils are irrigated for the purpose of storing, and thus
saving, water, care should be exercised to avoid over-irrigation and
consequent excessive losses of water and of readily soluble plant-food
nutrients through deep percolation. Information in Chapter 9, about the
relation of available capacities to the size of irrigation stream and the
hours the stream is applied to 1 acre of land, will guide the orchard
irrigator in avoiding excessive application of water. The fact that
water is abundant during the dormant season encourages carelessness
in its application to the soil.
In orchard areas having very cold winters caution should be exercised
to apply water only after the trees are fully dormant. Otherwise,
dormant-season irrigation may cause late growth and winter injury
associated with immaturity. The need to assure dormancy of the trees
before late-fall irrigation is especially important with vigorous, growing
young trees.
In Idaho, orchard soils lost approximately 2 percent of moisture
during the dormant season despite 5 in. of precipitation. The soils that
contained the largest percentages of moisture in the fall lost the larger
amounts during the dormant season.
Basing their conclusions on the actual water needs of trees and cover
crop rather than on the practice of irrigating during the dormant
season to save water, Beckett, Blaney, and Taylor found that in a
period of 25 yr in California there were 6 yr in which two winter irriga-
tions were needed, 8 yr in which one irrigation was needed, and 11 yr
in which winter irrigation was not necessary.
There is danger in permitting trees to go into the dormant season
with a very low soil-moisture supply. A study of winter injury in
Utah peach orchards led to the conclusion that lack of adequate irriga-
tion was the roost important single factor for death of trees. In a young
peach orchard which received no irrigation most of the trees died the
following winter, whereas an adjoining irrigated orchard recovered
from winter injury.
An orchard of peach and apricot trees on sandy soil received
insufficient irrigation. Trees at the lower ends of the rows received no
irrigation after July 25. The upper part of the orchard was irrigated
twice after that date. The trees which were inadequately irrigated did
not recover, whereas those which received the later irrigations recov-
ered fairly well; only an occasional tree and branch wilted the following

251. Irrigation Water Requirements When grown without intercrop-

ping, and when kept free from weeds, orchards require less irrigation
water than alfalfa, under the same climatic and soil conditions. The
difference between the depths of water needed for the small grains and
for orchard trees in the intermountain states is small, but the
orchards, as a rule, require late-season irrigation whereas the grains
.may be matured by early-season irrigation. Grains and orchards
"compete" for water only during a short time near the middle of the
erop-growing season. The orchards may be irrigated largely after the
grains are matured. Sugar beets and potatoes require water at about
the same time as it is needed by orchards. Under the same climatic
and soil conditions beets and potatoes probably need slightly larger
depths of irrigation water than orchards do.
252. Apples In the Rogue River Valley, Oregon, the mean annual
precipitation is approximately 30 in. and during the growing season
the average rainfall is 2.6 in. The iITigation-water requirements for
apples range from 1000 to 3500 gal per tree per season, depending on
the type of soil. The usual spacing of trees, 25 by 25 ft, makes 1000
gal per tree equivalent to a depth of nearly 9 in. Apple orchards on fine
sandy loam soils in the Snake River Valley, Idaho, with a cover crop
of clover, given 28.5 in. of water annually, maintained an average
moisture content of 19 percent and resulted in the maximum yield and
in the highest percentage of extra fancy and fancy fruit. On a sandy
soil 2 to 3 ft in depth underlain by a sand of great depth neal'
Payette, Idaho, investigators found approximately 3 ft in depth an-
nually to give the largest fruit yields. The Payette soil also produced
a covel' crop of clover.
253. Pears At Medford, Oregon, the rate of growth of pears is closely
related to the moisture content of the upper 3 ft of soil. Whenever the
moisture content fell below 70 percent of the available capacity,* the
rate of growth of the fruit was reduced. Plots having the highest soil
moisture produced the largest yields and the greatest return to the
For the conditions such as at Medford, Oregon, the maintenance of
an available soil-moisture content of not less than 50 percent of
available capacity is recommended. To be sure the soil moisture is
present in readily available form, frequent examination of the sub-
soil with the aid of a soil auger is helpful.
The responses of pear trees to five treatments were followed through
a period of 6 years, 1932-1937, the same irrigation treatment being
given the same trees each year. Reduced rate of fruit growth indicated
water deficits in the trees when the average soil-moisture content of the
upper 3-ft root zone of soil was reduced below 50 percent of the
available capacity.
The largest fruit size; the largest shoot, limb, and trunk growth;
*See Fig. 175 for example of percentages of available capacity.
the largest leaf area; and the largest average yield for the 5-yr period
were produced by maintaining average soil moisture in the upper 3 ft
from 50 to 75 percent of the available capacity.
If irrigation water must be conserved the least reduction in yield
may be expected by delaying the application of water until about 90
days after full bloom and then cl1.U'ing the remaining 60 days before
harvest utilizing the available water in sufficiently frequent irrigations
to avoid water deficits in the trees.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept oct. Nov. Dec.
6 10 20 10 20 1020 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 00
Grapefrud, average of f-I-- ./
5 8 plots and 3 yr ...
V ~ Mean temperature
I/.V' ~.- -1-.- f~ 80
I/' , , 1\
V l/ , I~
, " 70~
V , ,
,tI' / ' ... \~
kI , ... ~ f-Washinqton naveloranges,c/Vemge of ~; ~"
f:._ ~ - 9 plots and 3yr
-':::- 50
o 40
FIG. 176. Rate of use of water by orange and grapefruit trees in acre-inches per
acre by 30-day intervals, and mean monthly temperatures for the period of the ex-
periment. (Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 153.)

No injurious effect resulted from maintaining average available soil

moisture between 50 and 75 percent of the available capacity for
6 consecutive years.
254. Peaches On gravelly loam soils near Brigham City, Utah, 24 in.
of irrigation water produced 50 percent more marketable fruit than
was produced by 47 in. Plots that were given 31 in. of water produced
almost as large yields of marketable fruit as those given 62 in.
The gravelly nature of the soils prevented the use of a soil auger.
Small irrigations frequently applied almost always gave better results
than the same seasonal depth of water applied less frequently in larger
depths at each irrigation.
255. Citrus Groves The rooting habits and irrigation requirements
of citrus trees vary with the soil conditions, but citrus trees uncleI'
most conditions develop relatively shallow root systems. Because of the
value of the citrus crop and orchards very intensive study is being
devoted to the irrigation of citrus groves.
The principal factor influencing the rate of use of water in the groves
studied appears to be atmospheric temperature. Figure 176 sho-ws that
the rates of use of water are closely correlated with the mean monthly
temperatures. Grapefruit utilized nearly 6 in. of water per montil
during late July and early August when the
temperature was highest.
Harris, Kinnison, and Albert, from studies of Dep+htl---~--l
the use of water by Washington Navel Orange ft
trees and M.arsh Grapefruit trees in Salt River I--....j....:..___;:__...j.
Valley, Arizona, found that from 65 to 70 per- 0-1 12.7
cent of the absorbing roots of mature citrus
trees are located in the surface 2 ft of soil.
Withdrawal of soil moisture by the trees' root 1-2 10.5
system was generally greatest from the first
foot of soil below the surface mulch and de-
creased sharply with the increase in depth. 2-3 B.O
Usually the extent of fluctuation -below the
third foot depth was slight with the 80il-
moisture content remaining relatively high at 3-4 4.0
all times. In a majority of the groves two-thirds
of the total water utilized was taken from the
upper 2 ft of soil and only one-fourth from 4-5 3.3
the third foot and the fourth foot together.
Harris measured the depths of water absorbed
from each of the upper 6 ft of soil by navel 5-6 1.4
oranges and grapefruit. The oranges absorbed
35 percent or 11.2 in. from the upper foot of soil;
FIG. 177. Use of water
only 10 percent was absorbed by the oranges by dates from each foot
from the fifth and sixth foot soil sections. of the root-zone soil in
Grapefruit obtained 57 percent of their sea- Arizona.
sonal water supply from the upper 2 it of soil
and only 11 percent from the fifth and sixth foot sections. For dates,
as shown in Fig. 177, 58 percent of the season's water supply ,vas
absorbed from the upper 2 ft and 12 percent from the fifth and sixth
foot soil sections. Alternate medium and light applications of water
with not more than one or two heavy applications a year would take
care of the water needs of these trees.
The SUlllmer irrigation requirements of mature citrus groves in San
Diego County, California, range from 15 to 18 in. provided the water-
application efficiency is approximately 60 percent. For trees 6 to 8 yr
old, having 40 percent to 50 percent of their probable ultimate size,
6 to 8 in. of irrigation water is considered sufficient.
Irrigation in Humid Climates

Irrigation is fundamentally a practice of supplementing the natural

precipitation. The percentage of the cultivated land of the United
States on which irrigation is essential to crop production is small. In
humid climates where crops are grown without irrigation the rainfall
rIoes not come regularly enough from season to season and from week
to week during the season to assure profitable crop yields. The soils
of humid regions, generally sp~aking, are shallow and therefore
capable of storing only small depths of water for the use of plants.
,Vhen long periods occur between rains crop growth is retarded. In
order to avoid the losses due to decreased crop yields from occasional
drought, and also to assure continuous and rapid growth of valuable
truck and orchard crops and pasture grasses, humid-climate farmers
are becoming more and more interested in irrigation.
256. Deficiencies in Rainfall One of the most interesting things in
nature is its variation, its changes from time to time and place to place.
There is no uniformity in nature or in the rainfall; it is continuously
changing from year to year and month to month. These changes are
of vital concern to agriculture in both arid and humid regions. Rain-
less periods of duration of 1 or more weeks during the crop-growing
season frequently occur in humid-climate states. In Michigan, during a
lO-yr period there were on the average 7 periods each year from 1 to
2 weeks in duration in which there was no rainfall. In Iowa, there were
8 such periods; in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana, 6; and
in Ohio, 5. A rainless period of 2 to 3 wceks' duration occurred on the
average twice each year in Minnesota and once in each of the other
states. Rainless periods of 3 weeks or more are comparatively rare.
The need for irrigation has been brought forcibly to the attention of
farmers throughout the United States because of severe droughts that
have affected much of the area. Although sufficient rainfall for the
growing of ordinary crops is abundant in typical years it has been
found, through costly experience, that short periods without rainfall
have ruined crops which would have brought ample returns to the
Bell has emphasized the fact that depth of rainfall recorded by
the Weather Bureau does not indicate fully whether or not irrigation
is needed because the character of the rain has a definite influence on
the benefit secured from it. A driving rain of 1 in. or more has a ,
high percentage of runoff and little penetration on the high land .
where it is needed most, whereas a gentle rain of 14 in. or less is not
enough to penetrate the soil or to be of much value to the plants. It
has been found that during the growing season there is generally some
period when 1 in. or more of water would be of great benefit and would
.have a bearing on both the quantity and quality of the crop harvested.
On the basis of a study of 30 yr of irrigation in the Willamette
Valley, Oregon, where the annual rainfall is from 38 to 90 in., Powers
concluded that light irrigation would be valuable insurance against
drought in much of the humid and sub-humid areas of the country.
In bulletins concerning irrigation for Missouri, and regions of similar
rainfall, Rubcy reports that during the 77-yr period from 1870 to
1947 one-fourth of the years have been very dry and have caused ex-
cessive losses of crops. From 1870 to 1930 there were 15 dry years in
which the Missouri corn crop was much below a good average. In 3
of these years it was less than half of the average yields, and during
10 of the 15 years it was less than three-fourths average.

257. Advantages of Irrigation Supplemental irrigation, as stated by

Powers, (a) controls soil moisture and overcomes drought; (b) pro-
vides green pasture and green feed late in summer; (c) saves the
clover stand and makes a cutting the first season; (d) makes double
cropping possible (the areas that have long growing seasons produce
late crops after early crops); (6) aids the beneficial bacterial and
chemical activities in the soil; (f) improves quality and aids control
of crop pests and diseases, especially of vegetables and berries; (g) in-
creases soil moisture during the best growing weather; (h) aids in
deep or early fall plowing and extensive cropping; (i) softens clods and
dissolves plant food; (j) pays in increased yields, net profits, and pro-
ductive values.
It is important that humid-climate farmers understand these and
other advantages of irrigation. They should also be informed concern-
ing the economic advisability of irrigation. They wonder about the
question, "Does irrigation pay?"
Farmers in arid regions like southern California, Arizona, New
Mexico, and sonthern Utah seldom, if ever, ask this question. They
study the probable profits in the growing of different irrigated crops,
and since in thesc placcs nearly all crops must be irrigated in order
to produce, or cven to live, the question has no significance to them.
Somc Montana farmers doubt that it pays to irrigate because they
can produce reasonably good crops during some years without irriga-
tion, and consequently some farms that could be supplied with water
are operated without irrigation. Similar examples may be cited for
other arid-region localities where some crops may be grown without
irrigation and in which the economic advisability of irrigation is not
clearly and fully established. It is a well-established fact that farmers
in humid climates can assure themselves larger and more dependable
crop yields, so far as influenced by available soil moisture, by providing
irrigation systems and dependable adequate water supplies. But this
fact does not prove that, the farmers' profits will thus be increased-
they mayor they may not be. The humid-climate farmer should
consider irrigation as a pmlsible means of improving his economic status.
Overholt has emphasized the importance of the acre-value of the
crops grown and the availability and cost of the irrigation water to
Ohio farmers. In Ohio, as in other eastern states, irrigation facilities
have been provided largely for vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and seed
corn. Some Ohio farmers irrigate field crops and pastures.
Staebner has emphasized the fact that cost is the greater deterrent
to expansion of irrigation in humid regions. In the humid-climate
states, the major responsibility for determining by analysis of cost
factors, and by trial, the extent to which irrigation may be economically
attractive rests largely with each farm owner, or with small groups of
neighbor farmers, who may develop and use water from a common source.
Public agenCies, concerned with the general welfare, should assist
humid-climate farmers in thc analyses and solution of problems of the
economic advisability of irrigation.

258. Cost of Equipment and Returns Table 50 shows the cost of

equipment as compared with the returns from irrigation as reported by
Peikert for parts of Michigan in 1946. In the equipment cost was in-
cluded the pipe, sprinklers, pump and power unit. The reports were
obtained from farmers during the fall of 1946 following a season of
unusually dry weather and good prices. For that reason the returns due
to irrigation, as reported, are probably somewhat higher than can be
expected for an average year.
Table 50 shows that as the acreage under irrigation per farm in-
creases the cost per acre for equipment decreases. However, on the
average, the added return is the largest on farms with the fewest
number of acres uncleI' irrigation. This fact is probably due to the more
intense farming practices on specialized crops.
Investments of funds for irrigation facilities in humid regions, as in
arid regions, are basically long-time investments. Some irrigation sys-
tems in the East have increased profits enough in the first year of
operation to pay the entire cost of installation; most systems require
a number of years to recover the original investment. Climatic condi-
tions, marketing conditions, and management are among the factors
that determine the rapidity with which the first cost is repaid. The
crop or crops under irrigation, the depth of their rooting system, and
the readiness with which they are damaged by drought or respond to
irrigation are also important. Some soils show the effect of dry
weather much more quickly than others. In wet years, however, a large
investment is tied up in irrigation equipment without a financial
Because many variables are involved it is possible usually only after
a period of years to determine whether money invested in supple-
mental-irrigation equipment was well spent. When deciding whether it
is desirable to install an irrigation system the average probable use
should be carefully eonsidered. Supplemental irrigation should be
thought of as a normal farm operation. Seldom is it possible to secure
and install the equipment in a short enough time to save a crop·
already suffering from lack of water.

259. Crops Irrigated in Humid Climates In general, irrigation in

humid climates thus far is most widely practiced for the growing of
small-fruit and truck crops, which bring high returns per acre and
which therefore justify relatively high investments for irrigation sys-
tems. These crops as a rule are given some irrigation water every year
after the irrigation systems are once prepared. Strawberries especially
respond well to irrigation during the fruiting season.
Next in importance from the viewpoint of gross acre returns come
the orchards of humid regions. Orchard soils may not need irrigation
every year as the small-fruit and truck farms do, but the decreases in
yields during relatively dry years in some humid-climate states fully
justify the investments necessary to provide irrigation systems. In Vir-
ginia, for example, where the average annual precipitation is 41.6 in.,
01' 3% in. per mo. for the 30-yr period, 1900 to 1929, there were 10 yr
in which the average monthly precipitation in July, August, and Sep-
tember was only 2 in. per mo. For maximum production during these
important months, Virginia orchards need supplemental irrigation in
amounts equal to or greater than the rainfall during the dry years.
260. Irrigation as Crop Insurance A number of experiments have
been conducted in different humid-climate areas in the United States ,
and elsewhere, concerning the value of irrigation to insure good crop
In New Jersey, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, and
other small fruits have been found to respond very well to irrigation
during seasons of low and irregular rainfall. Also, in Connecticut, straw-
berries were early found to produce larger yields when supplied with
irrigation water. Similar results were obtained in Wisconsin in a study
of irrigation of potatoes, cabbage, corn, clover, strawberries, and some
small grains. Early irrigation experiments in South Dakota gave
marked increases in yields of several crops. In the Hawaiian Islands,
under an annual rainfall of nearly 50 in., irrigation of sugar cane has
been found to increase the yield.
From irrigation experiments in Michigan by the overhead-spray
method Loree found that the yield of onions was increased 233 percent,
beets 86, carrots 66, lettuce 60, and early cabbage approximately 100
percent. It was also apparent from these experiments that the quality
of crops was improved and that more intensive cropping was possible
with less cultivation than was required without irrigation.
In United States Department of AgricuLture Farmers' Bulletin 1846
Staebner stresses the value of irrigation as insurance as follows:
Supplemental-irrigation equipment) if available) permits a farmer to water
his crops when necessary to prevent serious set-backs due to lack of moisture.
It also allows the farmer to moisten his lanel when it is too dry to plow and
thus makes possible the preparation of his land for planting at any time in
the summer. Both of these conditions help to stabilize crop yields and thus
emphasize the insurance quality of expenditures for supplemental irrigation.
In wet years the equipment may be used little if at all, but when a drought
occurs it may save a crop. Supplemental irrigation is in fact best thought of
and maintained as insurance against loss of crop from drought.
In the area under consideration it is estimated that of the lands with this
type of insnl'llnce-snpplemental-irrigation equipment--83,500 acres were
d(woted to the growing of truck or garden vegetables, 51,000 to orchard fnlits,
and nearly 200,000 to the more ordinary farm crops.
261. Sources of Water for Irrigation In the humid regions of the
United States, irrigation water is obtained largely from three sources,
namely: (a) streams, rivers) ponds, and lakes; (6) underground water
supplies; (c) city water systems.
Farm pumping plants obtain water from wells and ponds, and also,
to a large extent, from river systems. In humid regions large water-
storage reservoirs are built to supply the domestic and industrial water
needs of great cities, but there are no reservoirs for irrigation purposes,
nor are there any great irrigation weirs or canals.
Peikert found in reports from 60 Michigan farmers who practice
irrigation that 36 obtained their water supply from streams, 12 from
lakes, and 12 from wells. For irrigation of Missouri farms Rubey
stresses the importance of farm ponds and of pumping from surface
water supplies including rivers and lakes. He mentions also the pos-
sibilities, though more costly, of pumping from deep wells with the
turbine pump.
For the i'apid expansion of irrigation in Georgia, Davis calls atten-
tion to the importance of utilizing not only surface water supplies but
also ground water from artesian basins.
Ground-water authorities in Georgia estimate that water wasted
from the state's artesian aquifers equals 138 acre-feet daily. In a
4-mo. period this would amount to more than 16,000 acre-feet, enough
to provide supplemental irrigation of I-ft depth to 16,000 acres.
The essentials of an irrigation system for the eastern farmer are a
water supply, a means of putting the water in motion, a means of
directing its flow, and a method of distributing it so that it may be
absorbed by the plant roots.

262. Methods of Irrigation in the Eastern States Several methods of

applying irrigation water to soils are described in Chapter 6. The use
of portable pipe for irrigation by sprinkling is shown in Fig. 178. In
humid-climate states the sprinkling method is utilized to a considerable
extcnt. For small fruits, such as strawberries, and for truck crops
which bring large financial returns pel' acre, the sprinkling method is
quite satisfactory. However, the cost of sprinkling irrigation for
orchards or field crops, particularly those that are grown in rows and
that can be easily irrigated by the furrow method, may be so great as
to be unprofitable, whereas the costs of furrow irrigation may be fully
justified by the increase in, and insurance of, crop yields. Figure 179
illustrates the furrow method of irrigation in some experimental work
on the Iowa State College Farm. In irrigating asparagus, for example,
the furrow method is extensively applied.
For usual Missouri conditions Rubey says that the furrow or corru-
gation method is best since it is less costly, requires less experience, is
good for all row crops, and requires but little land leveling. He recom-
mends furrows 220 it long in fine sandy soils, 330 ft for loams, and
440 on clay loams; also that furrow slopes should not exceed 2 percent;
and that not more than 10 gpm be used in delivery to one furrow.
The flooding method is rarely applied except for sQecial crops such

FIG. 178. Portable pipe irrigation system in operation. (Michigan Quart. Bul. 29,
No.3, 1947.)

FIG. 179. Experimental il'l'igation plots at Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station.

(Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta.)
as rice and for pasturcs. It is probable that the furrow and flooding
methods will be extended as they are better understood. For peat soils,
such as occur in certain areas near the Great Lakes, the sub-irrigation
method is likely to be advantageous.
It is sometimes profitable to provide water for furrow irrigation of
part of a farm and for sprinkling irrigation of other parts by installing
only one pumping plant. A typical plan prepared by Williams for an
SO-acre farm is presented in Fig. lSD, suggesting that spray irrigation
should be provided for the intensive truck plots and the strawberries,
whereas the general truck crops, bush berries, and orchards should be
irrigated with the furrow method. The typical humid-farm irrigation
plan properly provides different methods of irrigation for different
purposes. Expansion of humid-climate irrigation under plans especially
adapted to the crop needs, the soil and topographic conditions, and the
sources and cost of available water will tend to encourage irrigation.

263. Water Needed The depth of irrigation water needed in humid

regions for any given crop depcnds more on the frequency of rains
and the monthly depth of rainfall during the crop-growing season than
it does on the annual rainfall. The irrigation water needed in humid
regions therefore varies from year to year according to the crop-season'
rainfall. The depths of water that may be stored in the soil from a
heavy rain during the crop season in humid regions is less than may be
stored in the deeper root-zone soils of the arid regions from a single
irrigation. In arid-region soils the approximate average increase in
moisture content from a single irrigation is 6 percent. If the irrigated
soil is appreciably moist before irrigation the storage capacity may be
much less than 6 percent. For example, if the moisture content is
increased 4 pcrcent by O.5-in. sprinkling irrigation, it follows from
equation 35 of Chapter 9 that the depth of soil moistened is 9.6 in.
provided the apparent specific gravity A" of the soil is 1.3. When it is
desired to moisten only a few inches of soil, less than 1 in. depth of water
may suffice. Mitchell and Staebner advise that a sprinkling-irrigation
system should be large enough and the water supply adequate to
deliver at least 1-in. depth of water per week. Depths of liz in. per
application are considered sufficient for moistening seed beds and for
young vegetables. For strawberries and young orchards lh to 1 in.
per irrigation is considered ample. For the seasonal needs, truckers in
humid regions do not use more than 6 in., and in some seasons 4 in. will
adequately supplement the rainfall.
It is important to note that the above estimates are made in con-
nection with the sprinkling method of distribution, which permits the
Pu blic Road

10 Acres

Ollerhead P;pe~ ______ _

Underground Pipe _____ _
E and IrrigalionJia/ves. .o-_
co /le(ghl above Creek__-2s-

FIn. 180. Typical SO-acre fl.lrm in humid regions, showing uevelopment of Witter
supply by reservoir and a combination of epray and surface methods of irl"igation
operated from one pumping plant. (U.S.D.A. Rul. 495.)
application of small or depths of water per irrigation than the other
methods. It is difficult to apply less than 1.5 to 2.0 in. in a single
irrIgation by either the furrow or the flooding method.

264. Irrigation Growth and Water Rights As the riparian doctrine

is reoognized throughuut the East, rights to the use of the water of
streams for irrigation purposes rest primarily upon the common law of
riparian rights, pending the enactll1C'nt of statutes making beneficial·
use of water the basis of water rights.* Constitutional amendments in
SOllll' states lllay be necessary. The doctrine of prior appropriation, at
least in the form in which it has been highly developed throughout the
West, docs not yet prevail in the East, although taking water for
public purposes under legislative authorization is commonly prri,eticed.
The eastern states are as much at liberty to provide for systems of
appropriative rights for any and all beneficial uses inrluding irrigation
as were those of the 'Yest. The United States Supreme Court, in its
rleoii'ion in the ease o(Conneoticut 118. Massachusetts, declined to adopt
the riparian doctrine as the basis for apportioning water. It decided
that, as each state is free to change its laws governing riparian owner-
:-:hip amI to permit the appropriation of water, the riparian law, effec-
tive for the time being in both st.ates, did not neces!::iarily constitute a
dependable basis for settling the controversy.
Hutchins has called attention to tho probability that, if an eastern
state (loes not provide hy legislation for tIl(' u;;;e of water by other than
riparian owners, irrigation with stream water will be eonfined princi.-
pally to riparian land. and that each riparian crwnel' will be held to
an equitable share of the flow at the time when other riparian owners
wish likewise to use the water.
Public-service companies may establish irrigation projects under the
power of eminent domain and may operate such projects uncler the
samc power as they do now in caf'C of municipal and domestic water
If any cxten~iye usc of stream water for irrigation is to be made in
the eastern statcs, aside from irrigation on riparian lands, the doctrine
of appropriation should hc dcYcl()pc(l so that water rights may be
acquired and exercised in an orderly manner. To aceomplish this
purpose fully an appropriation statute is necessary. It is possible, of
coursc, that the courts might decide that thc establishment of a loeal
custom of appropriating water was justified in the absence of legisla-
tion. In any event the vital neccssity, which prompted the early
cust0111 of appropriating water for private irrigation use in the West
* Seo nlso Chnp. 18. ArticleI': 27~278. on water la.ws.
and which was later sanctioned by law, is not yet paralleled in the
East. ·When conditions in an eastern state require the general usc of
stream for the irrigation of non-riparian land a carefully drawn
appropriation statute appears to be the better means of making it
legally possible.
265. The Future of Humid-Region Irrigation Irrigation in humid
regions is likely to expand as its possibilities and advantages are
more widely understood. The sprinkling-irrigation method seems to be
more attractive to eastern farmers than the arid-region methods of
surface application by flooding and in furrows. However, sprinkling ir-
rigation is comparatively expensive, and high costs may tend to retard
or prevent the expansion of irrigation in humid regions under some
soil and crop conditions that are well suited to thc less expensive
surface-irrigation methods. Staebner has shown that the surface
methods of furrow irrigation and of flooding which are so extensively
used in the West may be adapted to eastern conditions without diffi-
culty. It is probable that a wider dissemination of information as to
the feasibility and the methods of irrigation on humid-climate farms
by the ordinary surface methods will lead to expansion of irrigation
in humid regions.
In any event, efficient methods of irrigation in humid regions are
essential to the attainment of economical results. Especially where
irrigation water is obtained by pumping against high lifts the farmer
cannot afford to lose large amounts of water either by surface runoff
or by deep percolation. The former losses arc easily detected by
inspection; the latter can be detected only by a sti.tdy of the depths
of soil that need moistening and the depths of water that may be
retained in the soil from a single irrigation, and by regulating the
depths of water applied in each irrigation accordingly. For the irriga-
tion of crops that yield high returns per acre, such as truck and berry
crops, the sprinkling methods also will be more widely used as the
advantages of irrigation are better understood and facilities improved.
The very substantial progress in irrigation in a humid-climate valley
of wosterll Oregon, as reported by Powers, illustrates the possibilities
in other states having high annual rainfall. In 1907 only a few hundred
acres were irrigated in the Willamette Valley, which is the major
agricultural valley of western Oregon, and in 1940 the irrigated area
was 40,000 acres. Also, plans were then under way which promised to
increase this area tenfold.
Social and Administrative Aspects
of Irrigation


Irrigation organization and administration in this discussion is con-

fined to tWlJ types of irrigation enterprises, namely, private and
pUblic. Private enterprises include individual projects, and mutual
and commercial company organizations. The public enterprises are in
two rather distinct classes:
(a) Those in which public laws prescribe procedure and public
agencies participate in the organization and management of
the enterprise Ivithout assuming dircct financial responsibility,
here designated as quasi-public; and
(b) Tho::;e organized under public laws, administered by public
agencies, and financed with public funds, here designated as
publie irrigation enterprises.

Projects constructed uncler the Federal DeserL Land Act and the
Carey Act, together with those under the several state irrigation dis-
trict acts, are considered quas£-pubZic; and those financed by public
agencies, whether city, state, or federal, are considered as public
266. Individual and Partnership Enterprises Comparatively few
large, but many small, irrigation proj ects are built by individuals work-
ing alone or as partnerships. In 1940 the Census Bureau reported that
there were 86,000 such units serving 7,300,000 acres, or more than
one-third of the total of 21,000,000 acres irrigated in the United States.
Total investments in these enterprises were $187,000,000.
*Inigation Economist, Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation, Soil
Conservation Service.
Small streams closely adjacent to arable land in isolated sections
favor individual effort in irrigation. Also, where ground water is avail-
able for pumpin~, or where other water sources may be best developed
by small pumpmg plants, individuals build and operate their own
irrigation projects. The advantages claimed for individual enterprises
are that they permit the farmer to irrigate at any time he desires, so
that he can regulate his own practices, and that he is independent of
the assessments, rules, regulations, and irrigation practices of his
Individual irrigation activity is usually more expensive than the
combined activity of groups who need irrigation water, and, moreover,
it is rigorously restricted by nature since it is quite impossible, as a
rule, for the farmer to build the storage works, diversion weirs, and
canals necessary to provide water for lands which are at great distances
from the sources of water supply. The day of individual irrigation
development is, therefore, in the past; the future lies with cooperation,
private and public.
267. Cooperative Enterprises There are water resources and arable
lands which can be brought together by small groups of individuals
forming voluntarily an association for the purpose of constructing and
operating irrigation systems. Cooperative irrigation enterprise is
locally designated by a variety of names. All such enterprises are
included in two main types of organization, incorporated and unin-
corporated, termed herein, respectively, mutual irrigation companies
and mutual associations. In the United States, these enterprises include
4356 units, which in 1940 irrigated 6,600,000 acres, and had a combined
investment in irrigation works of $224,000,000. The incorporated group
units are far the 1110re numerous and extensive.
The success of an unincorporated mutual association, sometimes
designated as a mutual company, rests largely on the fairness and con-
geniality of each member, because the association provides no mcans
of legally enforcing the payments of dues or of enforcing contributions
to the maintenance, betterments, renewals, and operation or expansion
of the project. The major asset of the association is the labor of its
members. Its activities are limited to small projects which require no
difficult construction and but little capital.
268. The Mutual Irrigation Company A corporate body of irrigators,
voluntarily organized for the purpose of supplying watcr to its stock-
holders is known as a mutual company. It is a non-profit organization
for the delivery of water to its members only. It obtains its revenues by
stock assessmcnts, and its dividends consist of water delivered in propor-
tion to the stock owned by each irrigator. It enforces payment of assess-
ments by the sale of stock if necessary. The stockholders delegate the
responsibility of management to a board of directors, from three to
seven or more, elected by ballot. Each stockholder has as many votes
as he owns shares of stock. The tenure of office of directors, fixed by the
articles of incorporation, ranges from one to three or more years. The
directors elect one of their members as president and appoint a secre-
tary, treasurer, and "\vatermastel', any of whom mayor may not
be directors. In the small irrigation companies the watermastcr
has charge of the project operation and maintenance including the
distribution of water to stockholders. The watennaster, with the aid
of cTUde check gates, take-out gates, ane! diversion structures,
is expected to distribute equitably a valuable commodity to numerous
The larger mutual companies sometimes employ an engineer-
manager who is assigned the responsibility of water distribution and to
whom the watermasters, one for each of several districts, arc instructed
to report. The lllutual irrigation company has wide fiexibility. It is
especially suited to maintenance and operation of irrigation proj ects
and is the dominant type of operating organization in Colorado, Utah,
and southern California (aside from the Colorado River Area); it is
prominent in portions of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon, and
one phase is widespread in New Mexico.
Mutual companies arc exempt from general taxation as long as they
are used for the service of their own stockholders only. Some states
relieve mutual irrigation companies from license taxes assessed against
corpora tions.
269. Irrigation Districts An irrigation district is a quasi-pUblic
corporation for providing water for lands within its boundaries.
The fundamentals attributed to an irrigation district arc authorita-
tively given by Hutchins as follows:
It is a public corporation, a political subdivision of a State with defined
geographical boundaries. It. is crct1ted nnder authority of the State legislature
through designated public officials or courts at the instance and with the con-
sent, of a designt1ted fraction of the landowners or of the citizens, as the case
may be, of the particular territory involved. Being public and political, the
formation of a district is not dependent upon the consent of all persons con-
cerned, but may be brought against the wishes of the minority. In this respect
the district differs fundamentally from the voluntary mutual company and
the commercial irrigation company.
It is a cooperative undertaking, a self-governing institution, managed and
operated by the landowners or citizens within the district. Supervision by State
officials is provided for to the extent of seeing that the laws are enforced, and
in most States is extended in greater or less degree over organization, plans,
and estimates prior to bond issues, and construction of works.
It may issue bonds for t.he construction vI' acquisition of irrigation works,
which bonds are ptlyable from the proceeds of assessments levied upon the
Hence, it has the tl1xing power. Each assessment becomes a lien upon the
land. While the ultimate source of revenue, therefore, is the assessment, an
additional source frequently provided for is the toll charged for W[Lter.
Other revenue may in SOIlle cases be obtained from the sale or rental of
water or power to lands or persons outside the district.
Finally, the purpose of the irrigation district is to obtain a water supply and
to distribute the water for the irrigation of lands within the district. Additional
authority is granted irriga.tion districts, almost without exception, to provide
for drainage. In some States districts may also develop electric power. These
additional powers, however, are subRicliary and are intended to make more
effective the principal fUllction of the organization, which is to provide irriga-
tion water.

During the sixty-odd years of its history the irrigation district has
become an increasingly important irrigation agency. It is adapted to
large-seale irrigation enterprise. Many of the larger irrigation systems
of the West are managed by this type of organization. In 1940, 427
irrigation districts served 3,500,000 acres at a total invcstment of
266 million dollars.

270. Commercial Companies The irrigation enterprise which supplies

water for compensation to irrigators who have no direct financial
interest in the irrigation works, or who hold an equity which has not
yet ripened into owncrship and control, is designated a commercial
irrigation company. This dass of irrigation enterprise numbered only
225 in 1940, but their irrigated area was 1 million acres, having an
investment in irrigation systems of 66 million dollars. Some commercial
companies furnish water on an annual rental basis; others sell the
prospective irrigator a water right and in addition charge an annual
rental; and some sell a water right which carries with it a perpetual
interest in the irrigation system. Commercial companies of the last
type ultimately become mutual companies in which the irrigation
works are owned and operated by the irrigators. Service rates of com-
panies furnishing water on an annual rental basis are generally subject
to public regulation as a result of dedication of the water to public
use. The annual rentals charged by companies which sell water rights
are not subject to public regulation if the contracts for sale of rights
and charging of rentals are held to be private contracts.
271. Desert Land Act To encourage the irrigation of the public lands,
Congress in 1877 provided that any citizen over 21 ycars of age may
obtain title to 640 acres of desert land upon providing for its irriga-
tion and paying a nominal fee. In 1891 the area was restricted to 320
acres. Entrymen are required to pay 25 cents an acre at the time of
filing, and to make an expenditure of not less than $1.00 pel' acre
during each of the first three years. A period of 4 yr, with a possible
extension of 3 yr, is allowed in which to complete the requirements.
The act is operative in all the irrigation states but Kansas, Nebraska,
and Oklahoma. Thc only residence requirement is that the applicant
must I'eside in the state. The act has been popular, and extensive
areas of range and dry-farm lands were patented under its authority,
but only limited areas were irrigated in compliance with the purposes
of the law. The irrigation development is an individual matter for each
entryman to work out. It is usually beyond the ability of the incli-
vidual working alone to fulfill adequately. The withdrawal of pubEc
lands from entry, excepting under restricted conditions, in 1934 added
difficulties to the further patenting of land under this act.

272. The Carey Act To avoid thc repetition of irrigation project

failures which occurred in private irrigation development during the
years 1880 to 1893, Congress, in 1894, passed the Carey Act, named for
Senator Joseph M. Carey of Wyoming. By the Carey Act, the Secretary
of the Intcrior, with the approval of the President, was authorized to
grant each state having desert lands an area not exceeding 1 million acres
of such lands "as the state may cause to be irrigated, reclaimed, occupied,
and not less than twenty acres of each one hundred and sixty-acre tract
cultivated by aetual settlers, within ten years after the passage of this
act." In 1896 Congress authorized the state to create liens to cover
construction costs and provide that patent should issue to the st~te
when a water supply was available, without regard to scttlement or
cultivation, but that the United States should in no way be liable for
such a lien.
In 1901 the lO-yr period was made to "run from the date of approval
by the Secretary of the Interior of the State's Application for the
segregation of such lands," and the Secretary was authorized to grant
an extension, not exceeding 5 yr.
Twelve states, by enacting the necessary legislation, accepted the
provision of the Carey Act. Reclamation has been accomplished in
Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, the act
having been followed most extensively in Idaho and Wyoming. Projects
under this act are installed as private enterprises by contractors under
agreements with the states. Requests to the Secretary of the Interior
for segregation are made by a special state board, which also announces
the price to be paid to the state for the land and to the contractor for a
perpetual water right. Upon payment of a sufficient part of the water-
right charges, the management of Carey Act projects usually passes
to the irrigators, and the development company is succeeded by a
mutual irrigation company.
273. United States Reclamation Projects The enactment of the Rec-
lamation Law in 1902 was notewurthy in first providing direct usc of
federal funds without interest for construction of large lrrigation
The Bureau of Reclamation has made an outstanding contribution in
the design and building uf engineering structures of large magnitude.
Nearly a half-century of activity has resulted in the completion of
structures as tabulated.


To June, 1046
Storage and diversion dams 168
Hescl'voir capacit.y (acre-feet) 64,599,380
Canals, ditches and drains (miles) 18,468
Tunnels 355
Length (feet,) 566,521
Canal structures 219,G70
Bridges 13,902
Length (feet) 373,098
CulverL'S 23,816
Length (feet) 1,085,166
Pipe laid (linear feet) 12,037,155
Flumes 6,244
Length (feet) 978,492
Power plants 33
Pumping plants 335
Power developed (kilowatt-hours annually) 13,172,\)88,977
TelfJphone lines (miles) '1,010
Transmission lines (miles) 2,516
Excnvation (cub ill yards) 625,574,739
Rock poured (cubic yards concrete) 34,123,144
Cement used (barrels) 38,870,583

Ultimately all federal irrigation projects will be owned and operated

by the irrigators as some now are. Either a mutual irrigation company
01' an irrigation district is created by thc irrigators when they assume
control; and through this organization they conduct their affairs with
the government,
The salient features of projects constructed by the United States
under the Reclamation Law are:
(a) The settler has the use of public non-interest-bearing money and a
period of 40 yr in which to repay construction costs.
(b) Public lands for which the development of a water supply was so costly
as to be in general unattractive to private capital were included in
lllany federal projects.
(c) Until 11 substantial part of the construction charges are paid the project
is under complete control of the Bureau of Reclamation.
(d) Anuual payments of construction charges and annual operation and
lllaintenance costs are fixed by the Bureau and paid by the settler to
its representatives.
(e) The construction costs of mUltiple-purpose projects are prorated ac-
cording to the benefits to irrigation, municipal water development,
power development, flood control, navigation, and other purposes.
The essentials of success, as on irrigation districts and other irriga-
tion enterprises, have proved to be productive land, sufficient water,
reasonable construction costs, and adequate land settlement.
274. Elements of Water Laws Two basic doctrines, antagonistic to
each other, are recognized in western water law.
The doctrine of appropriation asserts that all water rights are based
on use; that use creates the right, and that disuse destroys or forfeits
it. Beneficial use is declared "the basis, the measure, and the limit of
the right."
According to the common-law doctrine of n:parian rights, each
owner along a stream is entitled to have the water flow in its natural
channel undiminished in quantity and unpolluted in quality. A modi-
fied rule of the riparian doctrine was fixed by the California Supreme
Court in the case of Lux vs. Haggin, in which the court held that the
riparian right was a part and parcel of the land, neither created by
use nor destroyed or suspended by disuse. The court said:
The right in each extends to the natural and usual flow of all the water
unless where the quantity has been diminished as a consequence of the reason~
able application of it by other riparian owners for purposes hereafter to be
By our Jaw the riparian proprietors are entitled to a rc::tsonable use of the
waters of the stream for the purpose of irrigation. What is such reason-
able use is a question of fact, and depends upon the circumstances n,ppearing
in each particular case.

The riparian-right doctrine has been abrogated in Utah and each of

the six adjoining states and also in Montana, whereas the nine addi-
tional western states havc recognized both the riparian doctrine as
modified by California, and the doctrine of appropriation. Howe~er,
there is a marked tendency toward narrowing and restricting the concli-
tions under which the riparian-right doctrine may apply in these
275. Legislation Concerning Water Rights The goal of water-right
legislation is to provide a means by which the public may assure every
holder of a water right the complete and peaceful enjoyment of
such right, and thereby reduce water-right litigation to a minimum and
eliminate unnecessary litigation. To accomplish these purposes it is
necessary, since state control of water rights is well recognized, that
each state have complete, dependable records of all existing rights.
Many water rights became vested through use of water in advance of
the provision of definite procedurc for acquiring water rights. It is
therefore essential that water-right legislation provide for: (a) Ad-
judicating rights which have become vested. These mayor may not
have been recorded under early laws, which provided for posting and
filing notices, but not for state supervision. (b) Supervising and record-
ing the acquisition of new water rights. (c) Distributing the waters to
those who arc entitled to their use.
276. Adjudication of Rights To determine or adjudicate rights to
water which have become vested through use, it is essential to collect
considerable field data concerning actual amounts of available water
. for many years during each month of the irrigation season, the net
areas of land irrigated, the types of soil, and the water requirement of
the different crops on the various soils, as well as date of priority. These
data may be collectcd by each of the several water-right claimants;
but, as a rule, such procedure is uneconomical and unsatisfactory
because of the large number of claimants and the tendency to collect
only those data that support the requests of claimants, with the result
that the evidence presented to the courts is conflicting and bewildering
rather than helpful toward making a fair and equitable adjudication.
Some states have therefore authorized either the state engineer, or a
special water-right board, to collect and analyze the necessary physical
Two main procedures, with variations, are followed in adjudicating
water rights. In some states initiation of proceedings is in the office of
the state engineer, or other designated state water authority, and may
be brought on either by action of the state engineer or by water-right
claimants. This procedure vests authority in the state engineer to
conduct investigations and make adjudications, with the right re-
served to claimants for appeal to the courts. In other states, initiation
of proceedings is in the courts by water-right claimants. Complete
authority for adjudication is vested in the courts. In some states the
l'omts are directed, or may proceed at their option, to call upon the
state engineer to make investigations and propose adjudications for
the use of the court.
277. Acquisition of Rights Although water rights in some states may
become vested through usc only, there are so many advantages to the
prospective appropriator in following the procedure prescribed by the
statc laws that practically all rights are now initiated and perfected in
accordance with thcse laws. Briefly, the common elements in the pro-
cedure to acquire a right to water are:
(a) Formal application to state engineer specifying quantity of
water desired, nature and place of proposed use, point of
diversion, time of use, and land areas.
(b) Publication of application in a newspaper having circulation
in the area conccrned.
(c) Approval of application by state engineer authorizing ap-
plicant to proceed.
(d) Construction of works and use of water by applicant as pro-
posed in application.
(e) Filing with state engineer a formal proof of completion of works
and of application of water to a beneficial use.
(f) Verification of proof by the state engineer and issuance of a
certificate of appropriation.
If the applicant meets the requirements of the law and the regula-
tions of the state engineer, his right elates back to the date of his
application, even though several years are required to complete the
278. Distribution of Water Complete acljudieations of old vested
water rights and careful public supervision of the [lcquisition of new
rights are essential to the peaceful enjoyment of rights, but these condi-
tions are not sufficient. It is necessary also that the several states
distribute the water to those entitled to it. The responsibility of
distribution is delegated by law to the state engineer or a similar officer,
who appoints a water commissioner as his representative to distribute
the water on each of the major stream systems. The water commissioner
is given police power so that he may enforce his distribution of the
stream, except as restricted by court oreler. The commissioner must be
fully conversant with the nature, extent, and priorities of all water
rights, and well informed concerning water measurement and irrigation
practices. On many streams both direct-flow and storage water rights
are involved. The tasks of the commissioner are defined by the records
of existing rights, but he must make many important decisions because
of the variability in available water from day to day. A competent
commissioner increases the economy ane! efficiency with '1vhich the
water under his supervision is used, reduces waste to the minimum,
maintains a reasonable degree of satisfaction among il'riglltion-coll1-
pany officers, and makes valuable public records of water distributed
to tho irrigation companies.
Appendix A
1. (a) Find the theoretical velocity of a jet of wnter flowing out of !l. square
orifice in a large tank if the center of the orifice is 2 ft below the water surface.
(b) If the orifice opening considered in problem 1a is % by VI! ft, what is the
theoretical discharge in cubic feet per second?
(c) What are the probable maximum and the probable minimum actual dis-
charges in cubic feet per second? Ans. (a) v = 11.33 ft per sec; (b) q = 2.84 cfs;
(0) q = 2.'27,1.7 CIS.
2. (a) In mensuring the wuter that flows through n submerged orifice, is it
necessary to know Ow vertical distance from the upstream wuter 8tH'face to the
center of the orifico'/ Explain.
(IJ) Find the discharge in euhie feet pCI' second through a rectangular standurcl
submerged orifice 18 in. long (horizontal dimension) by 8 in. deep (vertical dimen-
sion) if the upstream surface is 7 in. verLically above the downstream water
surface. Fil'st use the appropriate equ!Ltion and check your result by use of a
3. (a) In using weirs with which to measure water, is it essential to make direct
measurement of the velocity of the water as it flows through the weir notch?
(b) By mC!!1ns of the appropriate equation, compute the cubic feet pel' second
over a rectangular weir luwing suppressed end contractions if the weir crest is
24 in. long and the water surface at a point 8 ft upstream from Lhe weir is 5%
in. vertically above the weir crest. Check your result by a weir table.
(0) If the weir described in problem 3b has complete end contractions, would
the discharge be more or less than your computed result? How much?
4. For the same length of weir crest and depth of water over crest as in problem
3b compute the discluu'ge over a trapezoidal weir. Check your result with a table.
5. For a right-angle triangular notch weir, what is Lhe discharge when the depth
of water vertically above the apex of the weir notch is 0.6 ft at, a point 5 ft
upstream from the weir?
6. Show tl1l1t doubling the effective head causing discharge through a sub-
merged orifice increases the discluLrge approximately 41 percent.
7. Show that doubling the head over a rectangular 01' a trapezoidal weir makes
the discharge 2.8 times greater.
8. Show that doubling the head over a triangular notch weir increases the
discharge by 5.66 times. Does the percentage increase in discharge caused by
doubling the head vary as the size of the notch increases from 60· to 100°?
9. State the basic discharge equation that is used in connection with eurrent
meter measurements. Explain briefly the rating curve.
10. Give briefly the conditions that should be provided to make a satisfactory
diviidon of an irrigation stream into unequal parts: (n) when the stream carries
sand and fine gravel and is not measured; (b) when the water is clear and is
measured over a weir.
11. Desel'ibe an end contnwtion; a bottom contraction.
12. Why should the water be made to move slowly as it approaches a weir 01'
an Ol'ifice?
13. (a) A Parshall flume is to be installed to mensul'O streams from 5 to 30
cfs. At maximum flow the df'pLh of water in the camLi is 4.0 ft. It can be increased
to 5.4 ft, without overflowing 01' endangering the canal banks. Design for economy,
as well as capacity, the width of flume to use for free-flow condition.
(b) What is the loss in head through the flume for 25 cfs nnd free flow?
(c) What is the smallest flume that can be u!led if 75% submergence is
(d) How high above the canal bed must the crests of the flumes in parts (n)
and (c) be set to allow for the loss in head?
14. Why do the cups on a current meter revolve when placed in a stream?
15. Compute the head for which the disehal'ge over a I-ft rectangular weir
having complete end contractions is the same as that for a 90° triangular notch.
Ans. H = 1.054 ft.
lB. By means of Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4, make a small table of the discharges over
a 2-ft crest for rectangular weirs, trapezoidal weirs, and submerged orifices; the
submerged orifice is to have an area of 2 sq ft. Include in the table the discharge
over a 90° triangular weir forthe same heads. Use heads in feet as follows: 0.5, 1.0,
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0.

1. Consider a farm irrigation ditch in a loam soil having the following dimen-

(a) Bottom width, 2.00 ft.

(b) Total depth, 1.75 ft.
(c) Side slopes of I horizontal to 1 vertical.
(d) Depth of water 1.00 ft,

Find the following properties:

Ca) Cross-section area of stream. Ans. (a) 3.0 sq ft.
(b) Wetted perimeter. (b) 4.82 ft.
(c) Hydraulic radius of stream. (c) 0.B2 ft.
2. If the bottom of the ditch described in problem 1 has a uniform slope of
5.28 ft per mile (1 ft in 1000 ft), and if the bottom and sides are kept smooth
and free from weeds, what will be the mean velocity of flow and the discharge?
Use n = 0.02. Ans. v = 1.7 ft pel' sec.
q = 5.1 cis.
3. If the canal described in problem 1 were permitted to grow weeds on the
sides and bo~tom, what would be the velociLy and discharge? Use n = 0.04.
Ans. v = 0.85 ft pel' sec.
q = 2.55 cf.g.
4. For u canal of the same dimensions built in earth on a slope of 10.56 ft per
mile (2.00 it per 1000 ft), determine the velocity und discharge.
An.~. v = 2.41 ft pel' sec.
. q = 7.23 ds.
5. How do you account for the fact that the velocity and the discharge are not
doubled when the slope is doubled'/
6. For a concrete-lined ditch in good condition luwing the same dimensions
and slope as the ditch in problem 4, determine the velocity and the discharge.
Use n = 0.014. Ans. v = 3.45 ft per see.
q = 10.35 crs.
7. If the eon(:rete-lined ditc:h were built shallow nnd wide so that its hydraulic
radius were only 0.3 ft, what would be its velocity and di:-;eharge?
Ans. v = 2.13 ft pel' see.
q = 6.39 cfs.
B. If the wator were conveyed through a good 2-ft-diameter wood stave pipe
running fuJI, and if the vertical dl'OP in the water surfacp. were 5.28 ft in % milt'.
what would be the velodty and the discharge '/ Neglect losses at entrance and
outlet. Ans. v = 3.80 ft per see.
q = 11.92 cfs.
9. Defino: (a) turbulent flow; (b) stream-line flow; (c) critical velocity.
10. Show that a sqlllll'e covored box flowing 0.95 full carries more water thun
the same box flowing full. Explain.
11. Given: a camL] with 1 to 1 side slopes and cross-section area of 112 sq ft.
Find the most economical dimensiollR. Ans. b = 6.48 ft.
d = 7.82 ft.
12. Compute the percentage change in flow q when the coefficient of roughness
n changes from 0.040 fa!' a weedy irregulm' em'th ditch to 0.014 for a concrete-lined
canal with the same cross section. Ans. 286 percent.
13. Find the flow capacity of It rectangular concrete flume of slope 0.004,
width 2.5 ft, flowing depth 1.6 ft. Ans. 212 cis.

1. An irrigator desires to lift a stream of 500 gpm a vertical height of 40 n.
If the loss of he!td in the casing and pump results in a 62 percent overall pump
efficiency !md the electric motor has an efficiency of 91 percent, how many kilo-
watts will his mota!' use while pumping? How many horsepower?
Ans. (a) Kw = 6.68.
(b) Hp = B.96.
2. With the same height of lift and the same efficiencies as given in problem
1, how many kilowfLtts would a motor require in order to deliver a stream that.
would supply enough water in 30 hr to cover a 10-acre tract to a depth of 6 in.?
Ans. Kw = 12.1.
Hp = 16.25.
3. A common net wfLter requirement for orchard irrigation is approximately
1% acre-feet per acre. If a pumping plant (motor and pump) operates at an
efficiency of 57 percent, how many kilowatt-hours energy will be required to lift
water 30 it for each acre? Ans. 81 kw-hr.
4. Oompute the horsepower required to pump:
(a) A stream of 2 cfs against a head of 40 ft assuming 100 percent efficiency.
(b) Actual pump plant efficiency is 59 percent. What is the horsepower require-
(c) Using the schedule given in Article 63 of Chapter 5, what would the charge
be per month if the motor is run continuously,? Assume th!tt voltage and term
discount. are received.
5. Would it be advisable La use the centrifugal pump whose characteristics arb
shown in Fig. 50 where it is desired that 1600 gpm be pumped against a head of
42 ft? What is the effieiency? Why is a high efficiency desirable? What horse-
power would be used?
6. (a) A farmer pumps 1 cfs for 24 hI' each day of the irrigation season.
The static head is 20 ft, and the drawclown while pumping 1 cfs is 5 ft. If his
pump plant is 60 percent efficient what does it cost him per month if he pays
rates given in Article 63 of Chapter 5?
(b) If he should pump the same volume of water daily with a
stream of 2 cfs
for 12 hI' with a drawdown of 11 ft, would it be more or less expensive? How

1. A fruit grower is entitled to a stream of 80 Utah miner's inches for orchard
irrigation, How many hours will it take him to apply 5 aere-incll8s pel' acre to
an 8-acre orehard '?
2. A pump owned by II has a capacity of 1100 gpm. If he spends 40 h1' in
irrigating a 10-acre field of alfalfa when the pump is discharging 75 percent of its
capacity, how many acre-inches pel' aCre does he apply?
3. In case you desire to apply % acre-foot per ncre to a 45-acre alfalfa field
in a period of 30 hI', what quantity of flow would you need? Give answer in (a)
second-feet, (b) Utah miner's inches, (c) gallons per minute,
4. How many acres can be irrigated to a depth of 8 in. with a stream of 1350
gpm in a period of 19 hr?
5, In order to apply an irrigation of 9.5 acre-inches per acre per 24-h1' day to a
60-acre rice field, what depth in feet would you require: (a) over a trapezoidal
weir having a crest of 5 ft in length, and (b) over a rectangular weir having the
same length of crest?
6. How many hours will be required to apply 4 acre-inches per acre to a 25-
acre potato tract using a stream received through a standard submerged orifice
which is 18 in. in length and 8 in. in width and has a coefficient of discharge of
0.61, and an effective depth of water h of % ft causing the discharge?
7. How long will it take for a 3.5-cfs stream to furnish 6 acre-inches per acre
net to a 20-acre field if 10 percent of the total is lost as surface runoff? What is
the average size Df the runDff stream if it is running half the time?
8. Consider an alfalfa tract prepared for irrigation by the border-strip method.
Assume that the soil is a loam having a permeabilit.y to waLeI' of 2 ft per 24-h1'
day. The border strips have a mean width of 66 f(; (4 rods) and a length of 660 n.
If the irrigator turns a stream of 0.5 cfs into each strip, how far will the water
advance before it is all absorbed by the soil? Hint: 160 sq rods = 1 acre.
Ans. 20 rods.
9. If a stream of 1.5 cfs is applied to a border strip 16 112 ft wide (1 rocl), how
many hours will be required for the water to flow to eaeh of the following distlmces
from the head of the strip: 660, 1320, 1980, 2640 ft.? Assume that the depth y
flowing over the land is 3 in. and that the infiltl'o.tion rate I remains constant and
is 1 in. per hr. Plot a cUI've showing time as abscissa and wetted area as ordinate.
Ans. 0.55 hI'; 1.22 hI'; 2.08 hl'; 3.3 hr.
10. In problem 9 compute the average depth of water applied to the border
strip during the time t.he water l'eaehes each di~tance given.
An,~, d = 3.3 in.; 3.66 in.; 4.16 in.; 4.95 in.
11. What are the essential points of difference between the border and check
methods of irrigLt tion ?
12. What is a contour? A contour interval? Row would you determine the
slope of land from a contour mup? Illustrate with an example.
13. Upon what physical principles does equation 27 depend?
14. How would you makc a field determination of y and I to be used in
equation 28'?
15. How would you explain the fact that when q = IA in equation 28 the time
becomes infinite?
16. If a 3-cfs stream is applied to a border strip of infiltration rate 0.9 acre-
inch pel' hI' and the depth flowing over the land is 2 in., solve for area covered
in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hl' by means of equation 29.

1. (a) If the head producing flow through a submerged take-out is 0.68 it and
it is increased 41 percent, how much is q increased? (b) How much would the
discharge increase over a rectangular weir with a corresponding increase in head?
Ans. Q1 = 0.843Q2.
Q1 = 0.597Q2.
2. (a) What are the essential points of difference between corrugations and
furrows used for irrigation? (b) For a particular crop, do the soil properties
influence the selection of furrows rather than cOl'J'ugations?
3. (a) What are the major functions of diversion structures? (bY What forces
are permanent diversion structures required to resist? (0) Are the dimensions of
farm diversion structures, i.e., lengths, depths, and widths, influenced by the soils
in which they are built? Explain.
4. (a) In selection of a permanent farm conveyance structure, give the con-
ditions which would influence your choice between a flume, ditch, surface pipe,
and underground pipe. Determine the size of a rectangular flume to convey a
stream of 2 cfs if the slope of the land on which it is to be built is 1 ft per 1000
ft. Assume that the inside bottom width should equal twice the water depth.
5. (a) Why is it necessary to have a larger bottom width and depth to convey
a given quantity of water through all earth ditch than through a concrete flume
of the same slope'? (b) If you were going to build an 8-in. pipe on a slope of 2 ft
per mile and you wanted to get the largest possible quantity of water through
it, neglecting differences in cost, what kind of pipe would you select? Why?
6. (a) What major objectives should influence the irrigator's selection of
irrigation water distribution structures? (b) Does the cost of water influence the
selection of a distribution structure? (c) Do the soil properties influence the
selection of distribution structures? Explain briefly.
7. In measuring water to a farmer from a variable canal stream will a sub-
merged orifice or a weir be most helpful toward delivery of a flow as nearly
\Iniform as practical? Why?
1. What are some of the chief agencies that influence soil-forming processes'!
2. What is the ehief source of the mineral compounds in soils?
3. Is it practicable for the irrigation farmer to greatly modify the texture of
his soils? Why?
4. What kind of soil stnwture is best suited to irrigation and crop production?
Describe ways in whieh the fanner can maintain a favorable structure in his soil.
5. Distinguish between the real and the apparent specific gravity of a soil.
Is it possible for the apparent specific gravity to be equal to or larger than the
real specific gravity'? Expbin.
6. What substfluces occupy the pore space of a soil? Is the percentage pore
space of a field soil influenced by its water content?
7. Why is the rate of water infiltration of importance in irrigation practice'/
8. For a soil of given textUl'e nnd structure will a 4-ft depth of well-drained
root-zone soil hold twice as much irrigation water as one of 2-ft depth? Assume,
tlmt the water table is 30 ft or more below the land smface. Give reasons for yom
9. What properties of the soil determine the percentages of these three classes
of moisture in the soil: hygroscopic, capillary, and gravitational '?
10. Consider two vertical columns of soil, one a loam ami one a clay, both
having their lower ends in water. After having stood long enough to attain capil-
lary equilibrium, which will have the lrtrger moistme percentage in any horizontal
plane below the maximum height of rise in the loam soil'? Why?
11. (a) Consider three soil columns, a clay, a loam, and a sand, hl1ving one end
in wl1ter. Aftm' the columns have attained capillary equilibrium, what are the
probable rehttive heights of water in eaeh column of the points of equal moisture
content? (b) Account for the relative levels of moisture in the three tubes in
terms of capillary tension developed by each soil.
12. Do plants wilt permanently at about the same moisture eontont in all soils?
13. How is the moisture equivalent of a soil inflllenced by the texture? Why?
14, Are irrigated soils that are naturally well drained ever completely saturated?
15. Does the capillary saturation of a field soil of given texture and structure
change as the plane or smface of complete saturation rises and falls? Why?
16. Classify the following five soils according to textural designations.
Soil Clay, Silt, Sand, Soil
Number Percent Percent Percent Class
1 5 45 50
2 23 77 0
3 30 18 52
4 45 ,15 10
5 50 30 20
1. An irrigator having a flow of 150 Utah miner's inches desires to add enough
water to a 10-acre orchard to increase the soil-moisture (lontent of his soil 5 percent
to a dept.h of 6 ft, The dry soil weighs 85 lb per cu ft. How many hours are
required to apply the volume of w~tter needed'? Ans. 16.3 hr.
2, Find the cubic feet pel' seeond required to raise the moisture content of a
sandy loam soil from 12 perccnt [,0 18 p(~rcent, dry-wcight basis, on a 22-acre tract
in 33 hr. Assume that dry soil weighs 80 lb per cu ft !lnd that tho depth of root-
zone soil is 7 ft. Ans. 4,3 cis.
3. Prove t Ilat (l = _. A.D
100 '
4. To how m!lny aores of land will a 5-ds stream add 6 percent moisture, dl'Y-
weight basis, to the upper 5 ft of soil in 17 hI"? Assume soil of an average weight.
Ans. 17.3 acres.
5, (a) If 100 gm of moist soil weighs 92 gill when oven-dried, find P,o.
Ans. 8.7o/r. ,
(b) If this loam soil weighs 80 Ib pel' eu ft, oven-dried, how many pounds of
moisture were present per cubic foot of soil'? An.s. 6.95 lb.
6. What depth of water in inches was retained by the soil from a 6-in, irriga-
tion as shown by the following moisture tests before irrigation and 24 hI' after'?
Soil is sandy loam weighing 106 lb per cu ft when oven-dried.
Depth of Soil, Percent of Moisture
Feet Before Irrigation 24 Hr after Irrigation
1 4.89 10.08
2 5.61 8.50
3 5,35 9.35
4 4,2{) 7,94
5 5,19 7.64
Ans. 3.71 in.
7. Soil-Illoistme determinations from 20 borings in a homogeneous loam soil
of a lO-aere orchard indicated an average p" of 13,2 percent. The field capacity
of the upper 6 it of soil is 18.5 percent, f1nd As = 1.36. Allowing 15 percent of the
net; volume of water applied in a single irrigation for unavoidable losses, what
depth of water should the irrigator apply in order to fill the available capacity
(P aa ) storage? Ans. 6.11 in,
8. If the soil of the farm described in problem 7 has a mean pore space of
53 percent, how many surface inches of water would be required to fill all the
pore space in the upper 6 it of soil after the field capacity of 18.5 percent is fully
satisfied? Ans. 20.3 in.
9. How large !t stream would be required to fill !til the pore space in the upper
6 ft of the soil above described on the 10-acre farm in a period of 60 hI', allowing
15 pereent of the net volume required for unavoidable water losses. Ans. 7.49 cis.
10. Why is knowledge of the capacity of unsaturated soils to store water of
importance in irrigation practice?
11. If fill irrig!ltion fanner knows the depth of his soil, the field capacity of
each foot of soil for water, and the moisture content of the soil before irrigation,
show how he can use this knowledge to determine the approximate loss by seepage
after an excessively large single irrigation.
12. The soil of a certain irrigated farm is a clay loam of comparatively uniform
texture to a depth of 6 ft, below whieh there is a coarse gravel to a great depth.
Moisture determinations before irrigation and again 24 hI' after irrigation show
an average of 4.5 acre-inches per acre irrigation water stored in the soil from an
irrigation in whieh the irrigator used a stream of 3 cfs continuously for 24 hI'
on a 10-acre tracL of alfalfa. Neglecting consumptive use between completion of
irrigation and the taking of samples for moisture determinations, what was the
water-application efficiency Ea? Ans. 62.5% .
." 13. The average appnrent specific gmvity of the soil of the tract considered in
pJ:oblom 12 is 1.3. Provided the mean increase in moisture content to a depth
of 6 ft equals 5.35 percent, what is the application efficiency'?
Ans. Ea = 69.5%.
14. Consider an irrigation project on which 35 percent of the water diverted is
lost in conveyance und delivery, 25 percent of the water delivered is lost as
surface runoff and deep percolation, and 30 percent of the water stored in the
soil is lost by evaporation. Compute the irrigation efficiency. Ans. E. = 34.2%.
15. (a) State three major conditions that tend to make irrigation farmers
satisfied with a low water-applieation efficiency.
(b) State three major conditions that tend to stimulate irrigators to attain
a high water-application efficienc:y.
16, In a locality where the irrigation fanner can obtain plenty ,of irrigation
water at a given price per acre, is the economical consumptive use dependent on
the annual acre cost of rental, taxes, plowing, seeding, and fertilizing? Expluin.
17. Enumerate the conditions, in order of their importance, which you consider
most essential to the attainment of community economical use of irrigation water.

1. Consider a vertical soil column of 1 sq ft cross-section area and 4 ft long.
If 5 ell ft of water percolates through the column in 36 hI' from a supply pipe
which permits Lhe water to flow on to the soil just fast enough to keep the soil
surface covered, what is the permeability in ft per 24-hr day?
Am, 7c = 3.33 it/day.
2. Measurement of the permeability of a 50-ft stratum of saturated clay soil
overlying a water-bearing gravel shows that k = 2 X 10-2 in. pel' hr. If the
pressure head in the gravel is 75 ft, of water (measured at the lower surface of the
clay) and 0 ft near the soil surface, water is flowing vertically upward through
the clay. Compute the flow in cubic feet per second through a bloek of clay 50 ft
thick and 640 acres in area. Ans. q = 6.44 cfs.
3. A contour map of water pressures overlying an artesian basin shows an
average faU in pressures of 30 ft per mile. Assume a mean thickness of water-
bearing gravel of 26 ft, and that k = 2 X 10-4 ft/sec, and compute the under-
ground flow in cubic feet per second through a section of gravel 1000 it long at
right angles to the direction of flow. An8. q = 2.96 X 10-2 cfs.
4. Assume that a 40-acl'e tract of land is irrigated frequently and given enough
water to keep the soil practically saturated below the 6-ft depth but that the
water table is 100 it deep. If the average k = 'AI cfs per acre, compute the number
of acre-feet of water that flows vertically downward to the water table each month.
Ans. 1200 acre-feet.
5. Is the flow of water through soils classed as "turbulent" 01' "streamline"
6. Considering the flow of water in canals and pipes, explain the relation of
fridional forces to velocity. If the velocity of flow in canals and pipes is doubled,
what is the increase in the frictional force?
7. For flow of water in soils, explain the relation of fricj,ional forces to
velocity. How do you account for the difference between the relation of frictional
forces to velocity in canals 01' pipes from the relation of these facLors in the flow
of water through soils? .
8. Consider an imaginary soil column of unit cross-section area at right 4Ies ,
to the direction of flow of water, and state whether or not it is practicable td
measure accurately the net cross-section area of the channels through which flow
occurs: (a) for a saturated soil; (b) for an unsaturated soil. Give reasons for
your answer.

1. Explain why humid-region soils do not contain excessive amounts of alkali.
2. Provided one-half of the 831 ppm of alkali salts in lower Sevier River
irrigation water were deposited in the upper 3 ft of soil each year, how many
years would it take to add 0.5 percent total salts to the soil provided 2 it of
water is applied to the soil each year? Assume As = 1.40. Ans. 25,35 yr.
3. Is sodium cl1rhonate a black salt? What is black alkali? What salts give
rise to the occurrence of black alkali?
4. A drain tile main outlet from a 1000-acre tract discharges an average of
1 cfs during each of the 12 mo. of the year. If the average salt content of the
dminage wtl,ter is 1200 ppm, the irrigation water applied to the tract is practically
free from salinity, and the mean depth of drains is 6 ft, what is the annual
reduetion in salt content of the soil in terms of the percentage of the weight of
the dry soil? Ans. 0,0102%.
5. Exphtin fully why lowering of the water table is helpful toward the preven-
tion of accumulations of soluble salts on the surface of the soil.
6. In addition to lowel"ing of the water table, describe other means of prevent-
ing, or at least decreasing, the accumulations on the surface of the soil.
7, Under what conditions, if any, is it advisable to use, fo1' irrigation purposes,
water that contains appreciable percentages of soluhle salts? What precautions are
necessary to minimize the danger of using saline irrigation water?
8. Are the texture and the structure of soils related to thE! salinity and alkali
problems'/ If so, explain.

CliAl'TBR 12
1. (a) In equation 48(1 list the quantities R, k, H, L, and h in the order of
ease of measurement, placing first those that are most easily measured.
(b) Which of these five varies most with time? Which least?
2. Refer to Fig. 150 and equation 48a and explain why the flow of gl'Ound
water to the drain is proportional (!tpproximatoly) to the square of the effective
dept.h of drain.
3. A new open drain is not drawing enough water from the soil to lower the
water table sufiicient.ly. To increase the drain discharge would you increase the
bed slope, make the drain wider, deeper, longer, or use a combination of these
remedies? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Prepare a list of advantages and disadvantages of tile drains VB. open drains,
5. Under wlmt conditions, if any, can clay soils be drained efficiently by
pumping? Explain.
6. Determine the flow from the soil into a 10-ft-depth open drain 400 It
long when the drains are spaced 150 it apart. TIle depth of pervious stratUn1 is
15 ft., Ilnd the depth of the waler table midway between drains is 3 it below the
ground surface. The average permel1bility of the pervious stratum is 4.5 X
10-4 fps. Ans. Q = 0.29cfs.
7. For a soil of great depth and uniform permeability, with all other condi-
tions as in problem 6, determine the flow into 'the tile drain by means of equation
49. Ans. 0.66 cfs.
8. In problem 6, what will be the change in flow q, toward the drain, if all
other factors remain unchanged, but: (a) The spacing of the drain lines S is
doubled. (b) The permeabil~ty of soil k is doubled. (c) The depth of the drain
is increased from 10 to 12 ft.
9. Sandy loam soil, to be drained, is 50 ft deep and has a permeability of
1 X 10-4 fps. The water table is 4 ft below the ground surface. Seven-foot-depth
tile drains 500 ft long have a slope of 1/2000. Determine the discharge of each
drain and the spaeing for 6-in.-diameter tile flowing half full. Assume the flow
toward the drnin is through semi cylindrical surfaces. Ans. q = 0.075 cfs.
S = 270 ft.
10. In a field drainage experiment by pumping from an artesian aquifer the
following data were obtained:
(a) Flow of water to well or pump discharge Q= 4.2 cfs
(b) Radius at maximum preSSlll'e head R 1480 ft
(c) Radius at minimum pressure head r 18 ft
(d) Pressure head at maximum radius II 26 ft
(e) Pressure head at minimum radius h 7 ft
(J) Depth of water-bearing aquifer D IG ft
Find the permeability in feet per second.

1. A farmer owning "beneh" land in which the sandy loam soil averages about
4 it deep and is underlain by gravel and r,oarse sand to a depth of 30 it or
more discovered in March by borings with a soil auger that the light winter
precipitation had penetrated the soil only to a depth of 6 in. He at once applied
a 5-cfs stream of flood Wltter to his 20-acre tract and kept the stream well spread
out on the land for II period of four 24-hr days in order to give the soil a good
soaking. Find approximately what percentage of the water applied was lost by
deep percolations. There was no surface runoff. Ans. 65.6 [;0 78.5%.
2. What are the major purposes of irrigating soils during the non-growing or
dormant season"?
3. Is the growth rate of crops seriously retarded as soon as the moisture con-
tent falls below the optimum moistme percentage? Explnin.
4. Explain why clay soils retain larger percentages of unavailable water than
sandy soils do.
5, Under what conditions, if any, is it justifiable to divert water from partly
filled storage reservoirs during the non-growing or dormant season for il'riga,tion
1. If the transpiration ratio of alfalfa is 850, and field-cured alfalfa cont~,ins
S percent water, how many acre-inches of water are transpired in order to jJl'Oduce
a 4.5-ton crop of alfalfa per acre? Ans. 31 aero-inches.
2. Consider it sugar-beet fielcl in which moisture tests in tho upper 5 ft of soil
at the beginning of the season show respectively 5.B, 4.7, 3.8, 2.2, and 0 percentap;es
of moisture greater than at the end of the season. 'rhe crop-season rainfall wa~ 2
in., and ~t depth of 16 in. of irrigation water was applied. The average apparent
specific gravity of the soil is 1.35; the a vcrage yield of sugar beets is 17 tons pel'
acre, of which 18 percent is dry matter. Assume that there was no deep percola-
tion water loss, and compute the evapo-transpiration ratio.
3. Under what conditions, if any, is the magnitude of the evapo-transpiration
!'[Ltio less than the transpiration ratio? Equal to it? Greater than it?
4. Under what conditions, if any, might the making of a soil mulch by cultiya-
tion fail to conserve water?
5. What is the disLinction between the eva po-transpiration ratio and the con-
sumptive use in its basic sense as defined herein?
6. Are studies concerning the consumptive use of water in irrigation likely to
ill crease in importance as time advances? Why?
7. What do you consider the most difficult factors to control in determining
the consumptive use U by oxperiment on field plots?
8. Find a graph showing the aye rage mean daily tempemtul'o in your locality
and compute Lhe seasonal heat available to alfalfa in day-degrees. Specify as-
sumptions you cOllsider necessary to this computation.

CHAPTf<m 18

1. State the essential differences between quasi-public and public irrigation

2. What are the essential differences br,t,ween mutual assoeintions and mutual
irrigation corpol'lttions? Can a Illutual irrigation corporation sell the land owned
by its delinquent stockholders in order to collect payments of irrigation assess-
3. Why has the commorcird irrigation corporation been less influential than
the mutual irrigation corpomtion?
4. Does the federal government advance funds with which to build irrigation
works on Carey Act projects'!
5. Can an irrigation district sell the land owned by its delinquent members
in order to colleet. p!t)'ments of irrigation assessments?
6. What form of public irrigation enterprise preceded the creation of the
United States Reclamation projects?
7. In western water law, what are the distinguishing features between the
doctrine of appropriation and the ripal'ian-rigl1t,s doctrine?
8. What; basic clemenls are essential to completeness of legislation eonceming
water rights?
9. Doscribe briefly the important procedure in the adjudication of water rights.
10. What are the seveml elements requisite to the acquirement of new water
Appendix B
ADAMS, FRANK, "Planning the Use of Our Irrigation Resources," Agr. Eng., Vol.
17, p. 325, 1936.
CLYDE, GEORGE D., "Farm Irrigation Investigations and Research in the 17 Western
St[l,tes," Agr. En(j., Vol. 27, pp. 461--464, October 1946.
HUTCHINS, WELLS A., M. R. LI,WIS, and P. A. EWING, Irrigation in the United
States, U. S. D. A. Yearbook of Agriculture, pp. 693-703,1938.
ISRAELSEN, ORSON 'vV., IrrigaUon Science-'l'he Foundation of Permanent; Agricul-
tt~re in Arid Regions, Second Annual Faculty Rescareh Lecture, Utah State
Agr. College, 1943.
KIMBALL, FRANK, "Soil and Water Conservation in Irrigated Areas," Agr. Eng.,
Vol. 25, p. 285, 1944.
MATSON, HOWARD, "More Production £l'om Improved Irrigation Practices," Agr.
Eng., Vol. 24, p. 119, 1943.
PAGE, JOHN 0., "Reclamation Handbook," U.S. Bt~r. Reclamation, Conservation
B1.l. 32, 1942.
POWERS, W. L., "The New Reclamation Era in Venezuela," Agr. Eng., Vol. 24,
p. 345, 1943.
ROBERTSON, G. SCOTT, "FAO and the World Food Problem," J. Am. Soc. Agron.,
Vol. 40, pp. 2-120, 1948.
THOMAS, GEORGE, Early Irrigation in the Western States, University of Utah, 1948.
WOOD, IVAN D., "Irrigation and tho War Effort," Agr. Eng., Vo!' 24, p. 231, 1943.
YEARBOOK COMMITTEE U.SD.A., Climate and lvian, House Document 27, 77th
Congress, 1st Session, Yearbook of Agriculture, 1941.

CLYDE, GEORGE D., "Effect of Soil Absorption on Streamflow Forecasts," 'Prans.
Am. Geophys. Union, pp. 543-0545, 11)36.
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nence, and Continuity of H.eeord," Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, pp. 618-
631, 1937.
CLYDE, GgORGE D., "Methods of Alleviating Water Short!tges on Irrigation
Projects," Aur. Eng., Vol. 13, pp. 37-41, 1937.
Cr,YDm, GEORGE D., and R. A. WORK, "Precipitation-Runoff Relationships as a
Basis for Water-Supply Forecasting" (reprint), 'l'rans. Am. Geophys. Union,
pp. 43-55, 1943.
CULP, M. M., "The Effect of Spillway Storage on the Design of Upstream
Reservoirs," Agr. Eng., Vol. 29, pp. 344-351, AUgnst 1948.
McCLURE, THOMAS M., "PLugging Old Artesian Wells to Stop Underground Water
Loss," Eng. News-Record, Vol. 116, pp. 425-427, 1936.
MITClIELSON, A. T., and DEAN C. MUCKEL, "Spreading Water for Storage Under-
ground," U.S.D. A. Tech. Bur. 578, 1937.
MONSON, O. W., "Conservation of Water by Means of Storage R.esel'voirs Diver-
sion Darns, Contour Dikes, and Ditches," Montana State College A~T. Exp.
Sta. Bul. 301, 1935.
MUCI{EJL, DEAN C., "Wute)" Spl'eading for Ground-Water Replenishment," Ag/".
Eng., Vol. 29, pp. 74-76, li'ebruary 1948.
SMITH, G. E. P., !tnd J. C. IIlLLIm, "Simplified Determination of the Safe Yield
of a Ground-Water Basin," Agl". Eng., Vol. 19, p. 395, 1938.
WATSON, En. H., "Ground Water in Agriculture (Utah)," AgT. Eng., Vol. 27, p.
518, 1946.
WISLER, C. 0., and E. F. BRATER, Hydrology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1949.

BENSON, J. R., "Asphaltic Concrete Canal Lining Studied on Pasco Lateral Sys-
tem," WCBtern Constn!ction News, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 65-68, 1947.
BENSON, J. It, "Canal Seepage Control at Low Cost," Western Construction
News, Vol. 25, No.9, p. 72, 1949.
BRUHN, H. D., "Water Transmission and Distribution for Irrigation," Agr. Eng.,
Vol. 19, p. 254, 1938.
BYHNE, W. S., "Canal Lined with Stabilized Earth," Eng. News-Record, Vol. 136,
pp. 410--412, March 1946.
CHRISTIANSEN, J. E., "Portable Valve Meter for Measuring Inigation Water,"
Agr. Eng., Vol. 19, p. 428, 1938.
CHRISTIANSEN, J. E., "Measuring Water for Il'l'igation," Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul.
588 (reprinted January 1947).
CODE, W. E., "Linings for Small Irrigation Ditches," Colo. Farm Bul., Vol. 8,
pp. 2, 14-15, March-April 1946. ,
CORBETT, DON M., et al., "Stream Gaging Procedure. A Manual Describing
Methods and Practices of the Geological Survey," U. S. Gaol. Survey
Water Supply Paper 888, 1943.
CRIDDLE, WAYNI~ D., !tud ELDON M. STOCK, "Water Measurement," Utah State
Ena. Exp. Sta. Bul. 2, June 1941.
DIGBLEIl, E. D., "Conveyance Losses in Canals," Civil Eng., Vol. 11, pp. 584-585,
October 1941.
GOLZE, ALFRED It., "Lower-Cost Canal Lining Program," Reclamation Era, Vol.
32, pp. 165-167, August 194.6.
GROVER, NATHAN OLIFFORD, and A. W. HARRINGTON, Stream Flow }rfeasurements
and Their Usos, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1943.
HALE, C. S., "Coachella Canal, Excavating and Lining 141-Mile Canal," Western
Constmotion News, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 73-77, 1946.
ISRAELSEN, O. W., and C. W. LAURITZEN, "Linings for Irrigation Canals," Recla-
mation Era, Vol. 35, p. 167, 1949.
ISRAELSEN, O. W., and R. C. REEVE, "Canal Lining Experiments in the Delta
Area, Utah," Utah Ag1·. Exp. Sta. Tech. Btll. 313, 1944.
JOHNSTON, C. N., "A Float Meter for Concrete Pipe Irrigation System Outlets,"
Agr. Eng., Vol. 27, pp. 228-229, 1946.
JOHNSTON, C. N., uA New Portable Field Water Meter and New Furrow Water
Meter," Agr. Eng., Vol. 27, p. 29, January 1946.
KING, H. W., Handbook of Hydraulic8, Third Edition, McGl'l1w-HiIl Book Co.,
New York, 1939.
LAUIlITZEN, C. W., and O. vV. ISRAELSEN, "West's Cnnal Linings Studied," Wcstel"ll
Construction News, Vol. 22, No.5, pp. 85-87, 1947.
LAUlUTZEN, C. W., and O. W. ISRAELSNN, "Canal Linings Tested in Field," Soil
Cunservation, Vol. XV, No.4, p. 80, 1949.
LEWIS, M. R., "Design of Small Irrigation Pipe Lines," Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta.
Cire. 142. June 1941.
PARSHALL, R. L., "Parshall Flume of Large Size," Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 386,
PARSHALL, R. L., liThe Parshall Measuring Flume," Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul.
423, 1936.
P'\RSH.~LI" R. L., "Measuring Water in Irrigatioll Channels," U. S. D. A. Farmers'
Blll. 1683 (1932). Revised Odober 1941.
PARSHALL, R. L., "Improving the Dis~ribution of Water to Farmers by USP. of
the Parshall Measuring Flume," Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bltl. 448, M:ty 1945.
ROUSI" HUNTER, Elementary Mechanics of Fhtids, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1945.
VBNNARD, JOHN K., Elementary Fluid MIJchanic,q, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1940.
ROHWlm, CAUL, "Discharge of Pipes Flowing Pmtly Full," Civil Eng., Vol. 13,
No. 10, p. 488, October 1943.
ROHWER, CARL, "Canal Lining Manual," U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service,
Fort Collins, Colorado, N ovembel' 1946.
ROHWER, CARL, and OSCAR VAN PELT STOUT, "Seepage Losses from Irrigation
Channels," Colo. Allr. Exp. Bta. 'Pech. Bul. 38, 1948.
ROUNDS, E. C., E. L. FORTE, and W. R. FRY, "Lining Lateral CamLls (with Pre-
cast Concrete Slabs)," Reclamation Em, Vol. 32, pp. 89-90, April 1942.
SeOBl;Y, FRED C., "Problems of Flow of Water of Special Concerll to Agricultural
Engineers," Ag)". Eng., Vol. 19, p. 527, 1938.
SeonEY, FREn C., "Flow of Water in Irrigation and Similnr Canals," U. S. D. A.
Tech. Bul. 652, 1939.
STl:ELE, THOMAS L., "Shotc:rete Canltl Linings," Reclll1nation Em, Vol. 34, No.
10, p. 189, October 1948.
TYLER, C. L., "Concrete Lining on thc Yakima Project," Cuncrete, Vol. 53, No.8,
pp. 12-13, 16, 19, 1945.
WOODFORD, T. V., M. C. LIPP, and H. M. SULT, "Lower-Cost Canal Linings. A
Progress Report on the Development of the Lower-Cost Linings for Irri-
gation Canals," U. S. Bur. of Reclamation, Denver, Colo., June 1948.
YOUNG, WALKER R., "Low Cost Linings for Irrigation Canals," Eng. News-
Record, Vol. 138, pp. 192-1~6, February 1947.

BENNISON, E. W., G1"01l7~d TVate?", Its Uses and Conservation, Edward E. John-
son, Inc., St. Paul, Minn., 1947.
BIRD, JOHN A., "Western Ground Waters and Food Production," U.S.D.A. Misc.
Pub. 504, 1942.
BIXBY, F. ~., "Development of Water Supplies for Irrigation in Nevada by
Pumpmg from Underground Sources," Nev. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 112, 1928.
CODE, W. E., "Construction of Irrigation Wells in Colorado," Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta.
Bul. 415, 1935.
CODE, W. E., "Use of Ground Water for Irrigat,ion in the South Platte Valley of
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CHAP'l'ER 18
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Aberdeen substation, Idaho, 319 Border irl'igation, analysis of, 124
Absorption of water by plants, rate of, Borders, implements for making of, 153
301 Boron content of irrigation waters, 262,
Acala and Pima cotton, 332 263, 264
Acro-foo!;, 20 Breazeale, J. F., 288
Acre-inch, 20 Brigham City, Utah, irrigation of
Adams, Frank, 197, 289, 326 peaches at, 346
Agricultural phases 01 irrigation, 5 Briggs, L. J", 285, 287
Albert, D. W., 347 Briggs-McLane method for determin-
Alfalfa, 197, 286, 289, 292, 293 ing moisture equivalent, 198
factors affecting the growth of, 325 Burns, Oregon, climatology of, 9
irrigation of, 322
frequency, 325 Oache Valley, Utah, 140,322
root distribution of, 323, 324 irrigation pumping in, 101
use of water by, 324 Call, L. E., 300
Alkali, black, 251, 262 Canals, cleaning of, 73, 74
eoncentration of, 70 earth, disadvantages of, 67
Alkali soil, defined, 249 slope of sides of, 67
Allmline, defined, 249 lining of, 70, 72, 270
All American cann! as an example of materials for, 72
canal lining, 70 methods of construction, 72
Allison, L. E., 257, 259 purposes of, 70
Alway, F. J., 300 most economical cross section of, 68
Apparent specific gmvity, 198 Capillary flow, horizontal, 243
Apples, water requirement of, 345 in field soils, 244
Area wetted with a given stream in a in relation to irrigation, 242
ecrtain time, 124 Cll.pilllll'Y phenomena, 169
Areas drained in the west, 268 Oapillary potentiometer, 238
Arid regions, defined, 8 Carey Act, 360, 364
Available cnpaeity of soil moisture, Oentral Valley Project, California, lin-
193, 212, 213 ing operations on, 73
estimate of, 215 Cereals, crops considered, 317
water requirements 01, 320
Baffie boards, 38 Checks, contour, 130
Bark, Don, 125 advantages of, 339
Barley, water requirement of, 322 Chezy, 67
Barstow, Californill, climatology of, 9 Ohina, irrigated area in, 2
Baver, L. D., 222 Christiansen, J. E., 149
Beckett, S. H., 321, 340, 344 Chutes, function of, 78
Beets, water requirement of, 330 Citrus groves, water requirements of,
Bernoulli energy equation, 223, 229 346
Blaney, Harry F., 190, 304, 309, 340, 344 Climate and il'rigation, 6
Bloodgood, Dean W., 321 Clinton, F. M., 140

Coachella Valley, California, 264 Darcy equation, 225

Coefficient of roughness, 67 Darcy law, 109, 232, 237
table of, 79 Davis, Everett H., 354
Collins' flow gage, 55 Davis, California, 199,326
Colman, E. A., 196, 208 Deep percolation losses, 135, 218
Colorado River BaRin, upper, 309 Del Norte, Colorado, analysis of irriga-
Conductivity, electrical, 249 tion water at, 262
Conrad, J. P., 181 Delhi, California, seasonal variation of
Constant-head pel"meameter, 232 soil moisture at, 290
Consumptive use of water, 295 Delta area, Utah, 257
by natural vegetation, 316 Depth, effective, 110, 280
conditions affecting, 296 Desert land act, 364
defined, 296 Dethridge meter, 54
effective heat method of estimating, Devices, mechanical measuring and
308 recording for water measure-
examples of methods, 314, 315 ment,53
field experimental plots, for measur- Diebold, C. fl., 220
ing, 305 Division box, 57
by soil moisture studies, 307 Doetrine, of appropriation, 366
inflow and outflow method, 313 of riparian rights, 366
integration method, 312 Donnan, W. W., 279
Mariottc-equipped tank for measure- Downing, C. J., 340
ment of, 303, 304 Drainage, artificial, 272
methods of determining, 303 benefits of, 268
monthly coefficient for estimating, by pumping, 280, 281
311 control of water sources, 270
of various crops, table of, 309 need for, 268
Contra Costa Connty, California, irri- relation of to salt movement, 254
gation of pears in, 342 responsibility of the irrigation com-
Conveyance of irrigation water, 59 pany to, 283
Corrugation method, 317, 322 Drainage districts, power of, 282
Costs, electrical energy, 96 Drainage enterprises, 281
equipment in humid-region irrigation Drains, open, constructed by dynamit-
practices, 351 ing, 273
internal-combustion engines, 94 construction and cost of, 272
irrigation methods and structures, design of, 272
166, 167 tile, Donnan's formula for flow to,
irrigation pumping, 98 279
lining canals, 70 Drawndown-diseharge relations of a
Cotton, irrigation of, 332 well, 112
water requirements of, 333 Drops, 77
Criddle, Wayne D., 128, 129, 238, 309 Dunbar sandy loam, 213
Crops, appearance of, as sign of water Duty of water, 327
clover under irrigation, 326 Edlefsen, N. E., 214
irrigated in humid regions, 352 Efficiencies, irrigation, 18
need of water, 284 water application, 218, 219
tolerance to salinity of, 266, 267 water conveyance and delivery, 68, 69
truck, 354 Egin Bench, Idaho, 139, 140
Current meter, 52, 53, 69 Electricity, costs for irrigation pump-
Curry, Albert S., 258, 321 ing, 97
Electricity, service schedules and costs, Flooding, from field ditches, 117
96 primitive VB. modern, 117
EI Paso, Texas, leaching tests near, 259 wild,117
Energy, grade lines, 65 Flow, frictional resistance in turbulent,
mechanical, 65 65
of flowing water, pel' unit force, 223 Flow pattern, 269
pel' unit mass, 223, 238 Flumes for crossing natural depressions,
per unit volume, 223 74
Engineering phases of irrigation, 5 Forces per unit weight, 59, 60
Enterprises, cooperative, 361 causing water flow, 59
individual and partnership, 360 Fortier, Samuel, 321
Equations, discharge of orifice, 25 Francis formula, 28
discharge of tile drains, 278 Friant-Kern Canal, California, lining
discharge of weirs, 27, 29, 32 of, 73
energy, 223 Fruit, 354
free-fall, 66 irrigation water requirements of, 345
ground-water flow to a well, confined size as affected by soil moisture, 340
flow, 280 Fruit trees, relation of moisture ex-
free 01' unconfined flow, 109, 280 traction to moisture content,
limitai,ions of application to ground- 340
water flow, 245 Fuel consumption of different combus-
Manning, 67 tion engines, table, 95
velocity, 24 Furrows, and corrugation method, 136,
Equipment, supplemental irrigation, 354
353 deep, implements for making of, 155,
Equivalent weight, 249 157
Evaporation, from soils, 298 slopes of, 136
rate of, 301 spacing and depth of, 136
reducing of, 255, 298 uniformity of application of water,
relation of depth of water table to, 137
299 water distribution to, 137

Fallon, Nevada, climatology of, \) Gardner, Willard, 238

Field moisture capacity, 191, 196, 202 Gate, Caleo meter, 34
available, 193 check, 158
depth of il'l'igation water to fill, Glendale, Arizona, field capacity
table, 195 studies at, 196
Colman's studies of, 196 Gooding substation, Idaho, 320
determination of, 194 Goodrich, R. D., 129
indirect measurements of, 208 Grass, Bermuda, 267
influence of soil texture on, 213 under irrigation, 326
maximum, 177 Great Basin, rivers of the, 13
Utah farm soils, 204, 200 Greenville Experiment Farm, Utah, 202
Washington studies, 206 Greenville loam, 244
Fifteen-atmosphere percentage, 213 Ground waters, contours of, 269
Flashboards, 158 as a source of water supply, 102
Flocculation, 263 flow of, 227, 228
Flooding, 317, 354 questionnaire for development of, 103
basin method of, 130, 324 Gypsum, 257
border, 317
check, 129 Harding, S. T., 296
Hardman, George, 331 Irrigation companies, commercial, 363
Hanis, F. S., 256, 318, 319, 321, 322 mutual,361
Harris, Karl, 332, 347 Irrigation districts, 362
Hawaiian Islands, irrigation in, 9 Irrigation efficiencies, 18
irrigation of sugar cane in, 353 Irrigation enterprises, private and pub-
Hawkins, Ralph S., 332 lic, 360, 361
Hedke, C. R., 308 Irrigation methods, 115, 118, 317, 327,
Hendrieksim, A. H., 287, 289 334, 336, 338
Hilgeman, R. H., 196 cost of, 166, 167
Hill meter, 54 in eastern states, 354
Hook gage, 40 Irrigation plan, humid-farm, 356
Horsepower, brake, 81, 95 Irrigation practices, conditions deter-
defined, 80 mining, 317
theoretical, 81 Irrigation pumping, factors affecting
water, defined, 82 costs, 98
Huberty, M. R., 321 methods, modern VB. primitive, 84, 86
Humid region, 8 need for, 80
Hutchins, Wells A., 358, 362 Irrigation structures, cost of, 166, 167
Hydraulic grade line, 63, 65, 224 Irrigation water, analysis of, 262
Hydraulic head, 224, 225, 239, 240 boron in, 262, 263, 264
Hydraulic radius, 65, 67 needed in humid regions, 356
Hydraulic slope, 67, 224, 227 percent sodium of, 263
in unsaturated soil, 240 relation to plant growth, 263
requirements, 244, 320
Impellers for pumps, 92, 93, 94 standards for, 262
Imperial Valley, California, saline spots sulfates in, 264
in, 248 Irrigation wells, 113
Implements, farm irrigation, 151, 153 Israelsen, Orson W., 181,296,304
India and Pakistan, irrigated area in, 2
Infiltration rates, 122, 123, 125, 257, Johnson, Arthur F., 308
258 Johnston, W. W., 326
Intermolecular forces, 169 Jordan River, Utah, 265
Irrigation, advantages of, in humid
regions, 349
as crop insurance in humid regions, Keen, Bernard A., 179
353 King, F. H., 189
defined, 1 Kinnison, A. F., 347
dormant-season, 343 Kittitas Main Canal, 71
early spring, 294 Knight, C. S., 331
extent of, 2 Kutter formula, 67
fall, 293
gl'owing-season, 339 Land leve1ing, implements for, 153
in humid regions, 348 Leaching of excess salt, 247, 258, 259
future of, 359 . Lewis, M. R., 124
orchard, 334 Logan, Utah, 194, 235
present status of, 4 climatology of, 9
problems of, 7 Logan River, Utah, mean monthly dis-
social aspects of, 360 chnrge of, 12
soils and, 6 Lorree, R. E., 353
time of, 284 Lowry, Robert L., Jr., 308
winter, 294 Lysimeter, 304
Magistad, O. C., 264, 288 Orifice, submerged, adjuRtable, 34
Malad River, Idaho, 264 advantages and disadvantages of,
Mancos shale, 247, 265 37
Manning equation, 67 discharge table of, 35
Manometer, mercury, 239 types of, 34
MalT, James C., 321 Output, 82
McCulloch, A. W., 215 Overholt, Virgil, 350
McDole, G. R.,300
McLaughlin, W. W., 181 Pamdise Irrigation District, California,
Mechanical work, defined, 65 214
Medford, Oregon, irrigation of pears at, Parshall, Ralph L., 43
345 Parshall flume, 43
Mesa Experiment Farm, Arizona, 332 advantages and disadvantages of, 44
Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, 312, 321 cOl'l"ection diagrams for submergence,
Meters for water measurements, by 47
pass, displacement, and ve- discharge table of, 48
locity types, 54, 55 strmdard dimensions of, 51
Milne, W. E., 124 Pastlll"es, irrigation of, 327
Miner's inch, 20, 23 P[l}'ette, Idaho, irrigation of apples at,
Miner's-inch boxes, 34, 36 345
Moisture equivalent pel'(~ent,Hgc, 289 Peaohes, 342
for different soils, 288 Elberta, 339
Marlena, Utah, climatology of, 9 Muir, 342
Modesto Irrigation District, California, studies, 342
drainnge in, 280 water requirements of, 346
Monthly consumptive use factors, 310 Pears, and apple Btudies, 342
Morin, Karl V., 309 optimum moisture range, 345
Mulch, 256, 300 water requirements of, 345
Muskat, M., 222 Peltt soils, 356
Pecos River Basin, New Mexico, 308
Neal, 0, R., 241 Pecos Valley, New Mexico, 264
Norfolk sand, 214 Peele, T. C., 212
Pcikert, F. W., 354
Oakley fine sand, 291 Permeabilities of soils, 225, 226, 270
O[tts, experiments on, 319 fLnd infiltration, 174
Optimum moisture percentage, 285 and water conductivity, 175
seasonal val'iation of, 290 conversion table for different units,
Oruhards, irrigation of, 334 234
basin met,hod, 336 examples of, 235
contour check method, 338 factors affecting, 232
dormant season, 339 importance of, 231
during the growing saason, 339 in canal bed and bank, 69
furrow method, 334 influence on irrigation, 6
method of delivering water in, 336 measmed in the laboratory, 258
relation of growth rate to, 340 units of, 233
time, 339 Permeameter, constant-head, 232
Orifice, accuracy of measurement, 36 variable-head, 235
dimensions of, 32 Peterson, D. F., Jr., 257, 259
properties of, 36 Phases of irrigation, 5
standard submerged, discharge equa- Piezometers, 229, 269
tion of, 33 Pima and Acala cotton, 332
Pipe, aluminum lock-seam gated, 165 Richards, Lorenzo A., 209, 238, 241, 244
concrete, under ground, 164 Rigby, Idaho, time rate of application
gated, for furrow irrigation, 138 studies 8,t, 125
tongue and groove, for drainage, 276 Rio Grande Valley, Texas, leaching
Pittman, D. W., 319, 321, 322 tests in, 258
Plant food compounds, 176 Riparian rights, 358
Potatoes, irrigation of, 331 Rogue River Valley, Oregon, irrigation
Potentials, 222 of apples in, 345
Power requirement, actual, 81 Rohwer, Carl, 92, 104
Powers, W. L., 289, 307, 349, 359 Rouse, Hunter, 222
Precipitation and temperature, 8 Rubey, H!trry, 349, 354
mountain and valley, 10
relation of, to plant growth in lITI- Sacramento-San J o[l.quin Delta, Cali-
gated areas, 8 fornia, sub-irrigation, 139
Pressure, development of, in sprinkler Salinas Valley, California, 308,311
irrigation, 147 S[l.linity, effect of climate on, 246
differences and flow in pipe, 60 sources of, in water, 264
head differences, 61 Salt River Valley, Arizona, 321, 347
Prune and walnut studies, 343 Salt Hiver Valley Water Users Associ-
Pumping cost, examples of, 100 ation, drainage ac:tivity of, 280
Pumping lift, defined, 83 Salts in soil, movement of, 254
Pumping-plant effieieney, 81, 82 tCl1Ijlomry control of, 256
Pumps, centrifugal, 87 San Antonio Creek debris fan, 16
horizontal-shaft, 89 San Fernando Valloy, California, 311
volute vs. turbine, 87 San Joaquin Valley, California, 342
characteristic curve of, 86 San Luis Valley, Colorado, 140
deep well turbine, 89 Santa Clara Valley, California, 337
efficiency of, 81 Scofield, C. S., 264
plunger, 94 Scraper, use of, 38
priming, 89 water-propelled, 73
types of, 86 Seasonal use of water by different crops,
Quantity reference table, symbols and Seepage measured, inflow-outflow
units, 21-23 method,69
Quasi-public projects, 360 pool or pond method, 69
Sevier River, Utah, 261, 265
Rainfall, deficiencies of, 348 Sewell, M. C., 300
Rates of stream advance in furrowR, 128 Shacluf, primiHve pum)Jing device, 85
Rating curve of stage and discharge, 53 Shantz, H. L., 285, 287
Reclamation of saline and alkali soils, Shaw, Charles F., 300
256, 260 Shull, Charles Albert, 287
Real specific gravity, 171, 198 Silting in tile drains, 276
Reeve, Ronald C., 257, 259 Siphons, inverted, 78
Reliance meter, 54 Sleight, R. n., 298
Reservoirs, filling the available soil Slick spots, 251, 254
water, 215 Snake River Valley, Idaho, 125, 345
ground water, 15, 17 Snelson, W. H., 307
soil root zone, 18 Snowville, Utah, climatology of, 9
surface, 14, 293 Sodium, exchangeable, 176,246,257
RetUl'n flow, effect of, on irrigation percentage, defined, 249
water, 264 Soil, alkali, dispersion. of. ~t~7
Soil, non-saline-alkali, defined, 249 Sprinkler irrigation, experiments of
permeability of, defined, 174 University of California, 149
measurement of, 231 purposes of, 142
pore space in, 198 uniformity of water application, 150
porosity of, 174 Sprinkler systems, portable, 145, 150
saline, 250 rules of operation, 149
properties of, 250, 251 types of, 145
texture of, 169, 170 Sprinklers, classified, 145
Soil and water relation studies, 181, 182, pressure of, 145
183, 184, 185 types of, 142
Soil auger, 188, 346 Stacbner, F. E., 350, 353
Soil influence on irrigation, 6, 7 Stanislaus County, California, intervals
Soil moisture, in a given volume of between irrigations, 342
soil, 172 Static head, 83
in relation to plant growth, 286 Stewart, George, 322
limiting conditions of, to crops, 284 Stilling basin, 78
Soil moisture capacity, availllble, 193 Stilling wells, 41
Soil moisture content, defined, 190 Straw mulch, 194
measurement of, 190, 191 Strawberries, 352
Soi1l'eaction, pH, 250 Strawberry clover, 267
Soil sampling tube, King, 189 Stmctures, distribution, 164
Soil water, classification of, 177 diversion, comparison of, 160
Soils, and irrigation, 6 permanent, 158
apparent specific gravity of, 171 temporary, 161
capacity of, to retain water, 171 farm irrigation, 14, 151
capillary rise in, 179 water conveyance, 162
classified according to texture, 170 Sub-irrigation, and drainage, 140
clay loam, 199 artificial, 141
depi;hs of, in uriel regions, 175 natural, 139
forms of water stored in, 187 Sugar beets, irrigation of, 328, 330
infiltration rate of, 174 Sligar cane, 363
units of, 22, 174 Sul'face runoff from the farm, 218
loam, 202 Surface tension, 118
pore space of, 172 Sutter County, CoJifornia, intervals be-
measurement of, 173 tween irrigations, 342
puddled, 171 Sweet clover, 267
real specific gravity of, defined, 171
sandy loam, 206 Take-out gate, 158
silt loam, 99 Taylor, C. A., 190,340,344
structure of, 171 Tensiometer, 180, 219, 238
water eonductivity ai, defined, 175 Tension head, 178, 179, 238, 240
water storage, measurements of. 197 and soil moisture percentages, 241
Soluble salts, accumulation of, 247 Thomas, M. D., 288
excess, 176 Tile drains, installation of, 274
sources of, 247 maintenanee of, 276
Sources of excess water, 269 systems of, 274
Specific electric conductivity, 264 Time of irrigation, 284, 339
Specific gravity, apparent, 171, 198 Time rate of water application, 121, 125
real, 171, 198 Transpiration, defined, 301
Sprinkler irrigation, 139, 141 measurement. of, by soil moisture
advantages of, 142 method,302
Tl'llnspiration ratio, defined, 302 Water supply, available, 292
determination of, 303 for irrigation pumping, 99
Truck crops, 267 future use of, in west, 15
Tule Jand, 326 in irrigated areas, 11
Tunnels, 76 predicted by snow survey, 11
studies of, 11
Uintah Basin, Utah, 264 underground, replenishing of, 16, 17
United States, irrigated area in, 2, 3 Water table, influence of, on salt m'ove-
BlIl'eau of Reclamation projeds, 365 ment, 255
Regional Salinity Laboratory, 246 lowering of, 256, 271
status of irrigation in, 4 relation of, to upward capillary flow,
Upper Colorado Basin, 309 255
Upper Rio Grande Basin, Colorado, 304 required depths, 271
Water yield of wells, 109
Waterlogging, 70, 98
Yeihmeyer, F. J., 181, 189, 287, 289, 300 Weir box, 38
Velocity, critical, 65 dimension table for, 40
in flumes, 76 Weir crests, depth of water over, 39
in inverted siphons, 78 effective length of, 21)
of approach to a weir, 38 Weirs, accuracy in measUl'ement, 39
Vennard, John R., 222 advantages and disadvantages of, 36
Venturi meter, 54 aeration of, 42
Venturi tube, 55 Cipolletti, discharge table of, 30, 31
discharge equation of, 29
Walnut and prune studies, 343 comparison curve of, 37
Wasco, California, 120 percentage errol' in mensurenwnLs, 40,
Wash-ins, 276 41
Water, available in soils, 286 portable, 41
distribution of, 368 properties of, 36
in irrigation, 131 rectangular, equation of, 27
duty of, 327 sharp-crested, discharge table of, 28
excess, sources of, 269 without end contrlwtions, 42
relation to plant growth, 168 rules for setting and opnrating, 42
saline, for irrigation, 261 tmpezoidal, 57 '
sources of, for irrigation in humid triangular, equat.ion of, 32
regions, 353 Welch, J. S., 321, 322
units of measurement, 58 Wells, area of perforfttion of, 105
Water application efficiemlY, 218 battery of, 113
Water conveyance efficiency, 68, 69 casing, 104
factors affeeting, 219, 220 classified by methods of eOllsLruction,
Water disposal, estimation of, 131 104
tables for, 132, 133, 134 developing of, 105
'Vater flow in unsaturated soils, 237 drawdown-discharge relntions of, 112
Water laws, 366 factors affecting capacity of, 109
"Vater-level recorder, 40 Wheftt, stages of growth, 318
Water measurements, units of, 20 Widtsoe, John A., 305, 322
"Vater rights, acquisition of, 368 Wilcox, L. V., 264
adjudication of, 367 Willamette Valley, Oregon, 349, 359
legislation concerning, 367 Williams, J. A., 220, 3.56
Water storage capacity of unsaturated Wilting, permanent, 285
soil, 18, 187, 193 temporary, 325
Wilting moisture percentage, 287 Work, defined, 222
estimate of, by moisLme equivalent, World, area irrigated in, 2
Wilting point, 177, 285 Yakima Pro.iect, Washington, lined
permanent, 211, 291, 342, 343 (mnal of, 71
methods of measuring, 211 Yakinll~ Valley, Washington, 206
plant and water relation near, 288 Young, Arthur A., 321

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