Unlock-B31.3 Process Piping Course - 02 Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2.

Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

ASME B31.3 Process Piping

Charles Becht IV, PhD, PE

Don Frikken, PE

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Piping Development Process

1. Establish applicable system standard(s)
2. Establish design conditions
3. Make overall piping material decisions
ƒ Pressure Class
ƒ Reliability
ƒ Materials of construction
4. Fine tune piping material decisions
ƒ Materials
ƒ Determine wall thicknesses
ƒ Valves
5. Establish preliminary piping system layout & support
6. Perform flexibility analysis
7. Finalize layout and bill of materials
8. Fabricate and install
9. Examine and test
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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

¾ Piping System Failure
¾ Bases for Selection
¾ Listed versus Unlisted Piping Components
¾ Fluid Service Requirements
¾ Pipe
¾ Fittings
¾ Branch Connections
¾ Flanges
¾ Gaskets
¾ Bolting
¾ Flanged Joints
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The Material in This Section is

Addressed by B31.3 in:
Chapter II - Design
Chapter IV - Standards for Piping
Appendix G - Safeguarding

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Piping System Failure

How can you recognize a failure in a
piping system?

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Bases for Selection

¾ Pressure Class
¾ Reliability
ƒ Robustness
ƒ Fire Resistance
ƒ Blow-out Resistance
ƒ Tendencies to leak
¾ Material of Construction
ƒ Corrosion Resistance
ƒ Material Toughness
¾ Cost
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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Pressure Class
Ratings for above ground metallic systems
are generally governed by their joints.
Frequently these are flanged joints
manufactured in accordance with ASME
B16.1 (iron flanges) and ASME B16.5 (other
metallic flanges).
Ratings for flanges (and some other piping
components) are designated by pressure

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Flange P-T Ratings– Gray Iron (psi)

(Class Rated in accordance with ASME B16.1)

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Flange P-T Ratings– Gray Iron (bar)

(Class Rated in accordance with ASME B16.1)
Class 125,
NPS 1-12

30 Class 125,
Pressure (barg)

NPS 14-24
Class 125,
20 NPS 30-48
Class 250,
NPS 1-12
10 Class 250,
NPS 14-24
Class 250,
0 NPS 30-48
0 50 100 150 200
Temperature (C)

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Flange P-T Ratings – Carbon Steel (psi)

(Class Rated in accordance with ASME B16.5)


5000 Class 150

Pressure (psig)

Class 300
Class 600
Class 900
Class 1500
Class 2500


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Temperature (F)

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Flange P-T Ratings – Carbon Steel (bar)

(Class Rated in accordance with ASME B16.5)


Pressure (barg)

300 Class 150

Class 300
Class 600
200 Class 900
150 Class 1500
Class 2500


0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (C)

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Flange P-T Ratings – Carbon Steel (bar)

(PN Rated in accordance with EN 1092-1)


80 PN 2.5
PN 6
Pressure (bar)

PN 10
PN 16
PN 25
PN 40
PN 63
20 PN 100

0 100 200 300 400
Temperature (C)

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Flange P-T Ratings – Carbon Steel (bar)

(K Rated in accordance with JIS B2220)


Pressure (bar)

40 5K
30 16K

0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (C)

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Cl 300 Flange Ratings – Several Materials (psi)

(Class Rated in accordance with ASME B16.5, B16.24 and B31.3)

700 Carbon Steel


Pressure (psig)

500 Steel (B16.5)

Nickel Alloy
400 400 (B16.5)

300 Copper Alloy

B61 (B16.24)
100 Aluminum

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Temperature (F)

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Cl 300 Flange Ratings – Several Materials (bar)

(Class Rated in accordance with ASME B16.5, B16.24 and B31.3)

Carbon Steel

Pressure (barg)

40.0 Stainless
Steel (B16.5)
Nickel Alloy
30.0 400 (B16.5)

Coper Alloy
B61 (B16.24)

10.0 Aluminum
Alloy 6061-
T6 (B31.3)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Temperature (C)

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¾ Robustness
¾ Fire Resistance
¾ Blow-out Resistance
¾ Tendencies to Leak

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Able to withstand exposure to loads such as:
ƒ Being stepped on
ƒ Dropped tool
ƒ Dropped tool box
ƒ Forklift traffic
ƒ Truck traffic
ƒ Crane booms

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Usual Definition: Components able to maintain

piping system integrity if subjected to
approximately 1200ºF (650ºC) for 30 minutes.
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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Fire Resistance
Fire resistant components are used
¾ where there is a sufficient probability of a
fire, and
¾ where there is a significant consequence
as a result of piping system failure such as
ƒ adding fuel to the fire
ƒ exposure of fire fighters to danger due to
leaking fluids
Being able to continue operation after a fire is
usually not a consideration.
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Blow-out Resistance
Gaskets and seals able to withstand high pressure
without failing by extrusion or fracture. A short-term
leak could be resealed by tightening the bolting. The
intent is to avoid large leaks
¾ when a flanged joint is not tightened properly
¾ when the piping system is subjected to pressures
much higher than design
¾ when large bending moments are applied to the
flanged joint

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Blow-out Resistance

Failure by Extrusion Failure by Fracture

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Tendencies to Leak
Some joints are more leak prone than others.
These are usually a strong function of the
construction and maintenance practices at a
particular site. Examples:
ƒ Threaded joints
ƒ Unions
ƒ Elastomeric seals such as o-rings

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Corrosion Resistance
¾ Where corrosion is more or less uniform, extra
pipe wall material can be provided in the form of a
“corrosion allowance”.
¾ Where material degradation is localized, either
preventive measures must be used or a more
resistant material must be provided. Examples of
localized material problems:
- Erosion - Intergranular
- Stress-Corrosion Cracking - Microbiological
- Hydrogen Embrittlement

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Material Toughness
¾ Measured by energy necessary to suddenly
propagate a crack to failure
¾ Mostly of concern for carbon steels
¾ Generally decreases as temperature decreases
¾ Factors affecting fracture toughness include:
ƒ Chemical composition or alloying elements
ƒ Heat treatment
ƒ Grain size

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Example of Brittle Fracture

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Example of Ductile Deformation

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

CPVC, Sch 80
Carbon Steel, Sch 40
Stainless Steel, 304, Sch 10S
Stainless Steel, 316, Sch 10S
Aluminum, 6061 T6, Sch 40
Fiberglass - Vinyl Ester
Polypropylene Lined Steel
Fluoropolymer Lined Steel
Alloy 20, Sch 10S
Alloy 400, Sch 10S
Alloy C276, Sch 10
Zirconium, Sch 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Relative Installed Cost - NPS 4 Complex System

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Piping Component Standards

Provide consistent dimensions and ratings
so that components will fit together and can
be used interchangeably
ƒ Listed Components: Those listed by
standard number in Table 326.1 and
Appendix A
ƒ Unlisted Components: Those not so

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Some Listed Components - ASME

B16.1 – Cast Iron Pipe Flanges
B16.3 – Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings
B16.5 – Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B16.9 – Wrought Steel Buttweld Fittings
B16.11 – Forged Fittings, Socket Welding & Threaded
B16.20 – Metallic Gaskets
B16.22 – Wrought Copper Solder Joint Fittings
B16.34 – Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welded
See page 8 of the supplement.

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Some Listed Components - Other

MSS SP-80 Bronze Valves
MSS SP-97 Branch Outlet Fittings
API 602 Compact Steel Gate Valves
API 608 Metal Ball Valves
ASTM A53 Steel Pipe
ASTM A312 Stainless Steel Pipe
AWWA C110 Ductile & Gray Iron Fittings
AWWA C151 Ductile Iron Pipe
See the pages 9 - 11 in the supplement.

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Listed Components
Can be used within their pressure-
temperature ratings and any additional
limitations described in the Code.

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Some Unlisted Components

ASME B16.33 – Manually Operated Metallic Gas
Valves or Use in Gas Piping Systems
ASME B16.50 – Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy
Braze-Joint Pressure Fittings
MSS SP-68 – High Pressure-Offset Seat Butterfly
MSS SP-108 – Resilient-Seated Cast Iron-Eccentric
Plug Valves
API 6D – Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball, and
AWWA C153 – Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for
Water Service
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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Unlisted Components [302.2.3, 326.2.1]

Can be used within Code limitations if they:
¾ have dimensions that “conform to those of
comparable listed components insofar as
¾ “provide strength and performance equivalent to
standard components”, and
¾ satisfy one of the following:
ƒ “composition, mechanical properties, method of
manufacture, and quality control are comparable to
listed components”; and have pressure-temperature
ratings that conform with para. 304, or
ƒ are “qualified for pressure design as required by
para. 304.7.2.”

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Fluid Service Requirements

¾ Specific requirements for components and
joints are described in paras. 305-318.
¾ Some components are permitted for certain
fluid services only when safeguarded.
¾ “Safeguarding is the provision of protective
measures to minimize the risk of accidental
damage to the piping or to minimize the
harmful consequences of possible piping
failure.” Para. G300

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Fluid Service Requirements

Safeguarding examples:
¾ Brazed or soldered copper water tube is
not inherently fire resistant, but may be
protected against fire exposure by
insulation or by water sprays.
¾ Thermoplastic piping is not inherently blow-
out resistant and is sensitive to abuse, but
may be protected from both hazards by
routing the piping in a secondary
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Piping Components
¾ Pipe
¾ Fittings
¾ Branch Connections
¾ Flanges
¾ Gaskets
¾ Bolting
¾ Flanged Joints

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

“Pipe includes components designated as
‘tube’ or ‘tubing’ in the material specification,
when intended for pressure service.” Para. 305

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Pipe - seamless

Strand Caster Billet Heating Rotary Piercing Mill

Elongator Reheat Pug Rolling Mill

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Pipe - seamless

Reheat Sizing Mill Finishing

NDT Facing & Beveling Hydrotesting

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Pipe – ERW

Coil Feed First Forming Fin Pass

Welding NDT Seam Normalizer

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Pipe - ERW

Sizing Mill Flying Cut-Off Hydrotesting

Straightening NDT Facing & Beveling

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Weld Joint Quality Factor Ej

Type of Weld Factor (Table 302.2.4)
None (seamless) 1.00
Electric Resistance Weld 0.85
Furnace Butt Weld 0.60
Single Fusion Weld 0.80 to 1.00*
Double Fusion Weld 0.85 to 1.00*

*Depending on level of examination

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Pipe Fluid Service Requirements

¾ Some specifications, including all furnace
butt welded, are limited to Category D
Fluid Service
¾ Some specifications may be used only in
Category D Fluid Service unless
¾ Only pipe listed in para. 305.2.3 may be
used for Severe Cyclic Conditions

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Fittings are selected primarily by the way
they are joined to the pipe.
¾ Threading
¾ Socket Welding
¾ Buttwelding
¾ OD Tubing (Compression fitting, Flare)
¾ Water Tubing (Solder, Braze)
¾ Others

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Fittings: Threaded
¾ Common materials
ƒGray iron
(ASME B16.4)
ƒMalleable iron
(ASME B16.3)
ƒSteel (ASME B16.11)

¾ Size usually limited to ~NPS 2

ƒPotential injury for installers
ƒAbility to get a good seal
¾ Generally not used where leaks
cannot be tolerated
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Threaded Joint Fluid Service

¾ Straight threaded coupling mating to taper
thread permitted only for Category D

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Threaded Joint Fluid Service

¾ NPS 1-1/2 and smaller tapered joints must be
Sch 80 for notch sensitive material in Normal
¾ May be used for Severe Cyclic Conditions
only if:
ƒ For taper threads must be, non-moment
bearing such as for a thermowell
ƒ For straight threads with seating surface,
must be safeguarded
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Fittings: Socket Welding

¾Common materials
(ASME B16.11)
ƒ Carbon Steel
ƒ Stainless Steel
¾Size usually limited to ~NPS 1-1/2
¾Not used in services where
ƒ Corrosion is accelerated in crevices
ƒ Severe erosion may occur

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Fittings: Buttwelding
¾ Common materials
(ASME B16.9)
ƒ Carbon Steel
ƒ Stainless Steel
ƒ Nickel alloys
¾ Used in most piping systems
~NPS 2 and larger
¾ Use generally not restricted
¾ Welding is difficult in small sizes,
especially for thin wall
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Fittings: OD Tubing
¾ Common materials
ƒ Copper
ƒ Steel
ƒ Nickel alloys
¾ Compression Fittings
¾ Flared Fittings (ASME B16.26)
¾ Generally not used in most severe
services because of leak potential
ƒ Must be safeguarded for Severe Cyclic Service

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Fittings: Water Tube

¾ Common material: copper
¾ Solder joint (ASME B16.18 &
¾ Braze joint (ASME B16.50)
¾ Not fire resistant

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Solder & Brazed Joint Fluid Service

¾ Solder joints are permitted only for Category
D Fluid Service
¾ Brazed joints are :
ƒ permitted for Normal Fluid Service
ƒ permitted for fluids that are flammable, toxic or
damaging to human tissue if safeguarded
ƒ prohibited for Severe Cyclic Conditions

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Fittings: Grooved
Fittings that use grooves in pipe –
elastomeric seal required

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Fittings: Compression for Pipe

Pressfit by Victaullic
(B16.51 draft for copper)

(metal-to-metal seal)

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Miter Bend Fluid Service

¾ A bend with α greater
than 45º may be used
only in Category D
Fluid Service
¾ For Severe Cyclic
Conditions, α must be
less than or equal to

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¾Generally many choices NPS 3
and larger
¾Choices include:
ƒ Tee
ƒ Unreinforced Fabricated Tee
ƒ Reinforced Fabricated Tee
ƒ Branch Connection Fitting

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection



Unreinforced Fabricated Tee

(Capable of less than full pressure)

Reinforced Fabricated Tee

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Fabricated Branches
Unreinforced Reinforced

Stub in

Stub on

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Branches - Branch Connection Fittings

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Basis for selection:
¾ Cost: depends on material, sizes &
¾ Resistance to external moment
¾ Ability to examine fabrication
See table on page 19 in the supplement.

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Flanges (ASME B16.5)

Flange types designated by joining method

Threaded Socket welding Welding Neck

These flanges have the same advantages and
restrictions as fittings with the same joining
method. (Note that welding neck flanges are required
for Severe Cyclic Conditions.)

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Flanges (ASME B16.5)

Other types of flanges - Slip-on
¾Has no crevice if installed with two welds
¾Easier to get good alignment
¾Unable to seat metal gaskets as well as WN
& LJ

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Slip-on Flange Fluid Service

¾ Required to be double welded for:
ƒ Severe erosion, crevice corrosion or cyclic
ƒ Flammable, toxic, or damaging to human
ƒ Under Severe Cyclic Conditions
ƒ At temperatures below -101ºC (-150ºF)
¾ Should be avoided where many large
temperature cycles are expected

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Flanges (ASME B16.5)

Other types of flanges - Lapped joint
¾ Flange can be made from cheaper material
¾ Easier to fabricate and install than WN

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Flanges Facings (ASME B16.5)

Raised – normal choice

• Standard for gray iron flanges
• More gasket has to be compressed, so only
“softer” gaskets can be used
• Less likely to break flange when bolting
(applicable to brittle materials like gray iron)

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Important Gasket Characteristics
¾ Resists deterioration in normal service
ƒ Chemical resistance
ƒ Temperature resistance
¾ Low enough leak rate
¾ Blowout resistance
¾ Fire resistance

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Gaskets – Rubber
Chemical OK for
Resistant most
Approximate 200ºF
Max. Temp. (95ºC)
Leak Best
Blowout No
Fire No (Thermoseal)
Bolt Strength Low

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Gaskets – Reinforced Rubber

Chemical OK for
Resistant most
Approximate 325ºF
Max. Temp. (160ºC)
Leak Fair
Blowout No
Fire No (Garlock)
Bolt Strength Low

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Gaskets – Fluoropolymer
Chemical OK for
Resistant almost all
Approximate 350ºF
Max. Temp. (180ºC)
Leak Good (Gore) (Teadit)
Blowout No
Fire No
Bolt Strength Low
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Gaskets – Flexible Graphite

Chemical OK for almost Natural
Resistant all Graphite
Approximate 900 or 625ºF Flake

Max. Temp. (480 or 330ºC)

Leak Good Thermally
Blowout Not without
Resistant heavier insert
Fire Yes Worms
Resistant Compressed
Into Foils
Bolt Strength Medium
(SGL Carbon Group)
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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Gaskets – Flexible Graphite

Foil Inserted
• Insert is usually 0.002”
(0.05 mm) type 316
stainless steel
• Adhesive bonded
Tang Inserted
• Insert is usually 0.004”
(0.10 mm) type 316
stainless steel
• Mechanically bonded
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Gaskets – Flexible Graphite

Corrugated Insert
• Insert is usually 0.018”
(0.46 mm) type 316
stainless steel
• Adhesive bonded
• Blowout resistant
• Lower hand cutting
• Lower sealing stress
(Garlock) • Cannot be cut from
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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Gaskets – Flexible Graphite

graphite tends
to stick to
flanges, but
special coatings
can help.

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Gaskets – Spiral Wound

Chemical Both metal winding
Resistant & filler must be OK

Approximate 1500ºF (820ºC)

Max. Temp.
Leak Good
Blowout Yes
Fire Resistant Depends on
Bolt Strength High
Needed (Flexitallic)

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Gaskets – Spiral Wound (NE Seal)

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Gaskets – Spiral Wound

Winding Material Ring Edge Color Code
304 SS Yellow
316L SS Green
Nickel 200 Red
Alloy C276 Beige
Alloy 400 Orange

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Gaskets – Spiral Wound

Filler Material Ring Stripe Fire Maximum
Color Code Resistant Temp ºF/ ºC
Asbestos None Yes 1500 / 820
Flexible Gray Yes 900 / 480
Mica Graphite Pink No 325 / 160
PTFE White No 350 / 180
Vermiculite No standard Yes 1500 / 820

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Gaskets – Spiral Wound

Internal buckling is a concern to some, especially

in higher pressure classes and larger sizes.

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Gaskets - Kammprofile
Chemical Both metal &
Resistant sealing material
must be OK
Approximate 1500ºF (820ºC)
Max. Temp.
Leak Good
Blowout Yes
Fire Resistant Depends on
sealing material
Bolt Strength Medium
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Gaskets – Ring Joint

Chemical Metal must
Resistant be OK
Approximate 1500ºF
Max. Temp. (820ºC) Oval
Leak Very Good
Blowout Yes
Fire Resistant Yes
Bolt Strength High
Needed (NE Seal)

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

¾ Has to be strong
enough to seat the
¾ Consider need to be
corrosion resistant to
process fluid
¾ Studs versus bolts

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1st and 2nd degree burns…

after being sprayed with hot water. The bonnet of

the valve had separated from the valve body due
to corroded bonnet bolts.

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Bolting Fluid Service Requirements

¾ Low strength bolting [SMYS not greater than
207 MPa (30 ksi)] may not be used with
ƒ Pressure classes higher than 300
ƒ Metal gaskets
¾ Carbon steel bolting may not be used with
ƒ Pressure classes higher than 300
ƒ Temperatures outside -29ºC to 204ºC (-20ºF to
400ºF) range
¾ Galvanized carbon steel bolting must be to
heavy hex dimensions
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More Bolting Fluid Service

¾ Low strength bolting shall be used for
weaker and more brittle flanged joints
ƒ Both flanges are flat faced and a full face
gasket is used, or
ƒ A careful bolt-up procedure is used
¾ Low strength bolting may not be used for
Severe Cyclic Conditions

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Flanged Joints
“A flanged joint is composed of three
separate and independent, although
interrelated components: the flanges, the
gasket, and the bolting, which are
assembled by yet another influence, the
assembler. Proper controls must be
exercised in the selection and application for
all these elements to attain a joint which has
acceptable leak tightness.” [B16.5]

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Flanged Joints
Flange A Flange B Fire Blow-out Facing Gaskets Bolting
Resist? Resist? Strength
Class 125 Class 125 No No
gray iron gray iron

Class 125 Class 150 No No

gray iron carbon stl

Class 150 Class 150 Yes Yes

carbon stl carbon stl

Class 150 Class 150 No Yes

stainless stainless

Class 150 Class 125 Yes No

carbon stl gray iron

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping Course 2. Metallic Pipe & Fitting Selection

Pipe & Fitting Selection

Workshop: What basic piping system
characteristics would you provide for the following
Steam condensate 650 psig (45 bar) Steam
Chlorine Heat transfer oil
Sulfuric acid Styrene monomer
Gasoline Lime-water slurry

See Supplement page 7 for details.

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