Lube Oil: D 1747-89 Standard Test Method For Refractive Index of Viscous Materials

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Typical end products
crystallization, hydrocracking and hydrogenation.
Lube oil. Vacuum distillation separates raw lube oil into two or
three grades with increasing viscosity. The heavier
Introduction grades are derived by removing asphalt from the
residue in a de-asphalting unit. The lighter feedstocks
Continuous in-line monitoring of the refractive index in are sent directly to solvent extraction. This first stage
lube oil plants allows highly efficient refining process determines the final base oil viscosity grades.
control. Traditionally, the operators perform refractive
index analysis to the waxy raffinates with a laboratory Further processing is usually done in the following
refractometer. This analysis is described in the ASTM order; de-asphalting, solvent extraction, de-waxing
D 1747-89 Standard Test Method for Refractive Index and finishing.
of Viscous Materials.
When manufacturing different types of Viscosity Index
(V.I.) oils, it has been established through laboratory Propane is typically used as the solvent in de-
experimentation that the Refractive Index (R.I.) of asphalting, but it may also be combined with
waxy raffinates should remain within defined limits.The ethane or butane in order to obtain specific solvent
operators need to adjust the process temperatures of properties. Propane has unusual solvent properties
the different catalytic beds to maintain the refractive at temperatures from 40 °C (104 °F) to 60 °C
index of the waxy raffinates within these limits. (140 °F). Paraffines are very soluble in propane but
the solubility decreases as the temperature increases,
Application: Lubricating Base Oil until the critical temperature of propane (96.8 °C or
Processes 206.2 °F), when all hydrocarbons become insoluble.
In the range of 40 °C (104 °F) to 96.8 °C (206.2 °F), the
Vacuum Distillation Unit higher molecular weight asphaltanes and resins are
largely insoluble in propane. Separation by distillation
The first step in the refining process for lubricating oils is generally through molecular component weight and
is separation in the distillation units of the individual solvent extraction through molecule structure type.
fractions according to viscosity and boiling range
specifications. The heavier raw stock for lube oil Solvent Extraction
settles at the bottom of the vacuum fractionating tower
with the asphaltenes, resins and other undesirable There are three solvents used for the extraction
materials. of aromatics from lube oil feedstocks. The solvent
recovery portions of the systems are different for each
The raw lube oil fractions from most crude oils contain one. The solvents are furfural, phenol and N methyl-
components, which have undesirable characteristics 2-pyrrolidione (NMP). The purpose of the solvent
for finished lubricating oil. These must be removed extraction is to improve the Viscosity Index (V.I.),
or reconstituted by processes such as extraction, oxidation resistance, color of the lube oil base stock,

Oil Refining and Petrochemical | Bulk Petrochemicals and Intermediates


and to reduce carbon and lubricants’ sludge-forming De-waxing is one of the most important and most
tendencies by separating the aromatic portion from difficult processes in lubricating oil manufacture.
the naphthenic and paraffinic portion of the feedstock.
Furfural Extraction
Hydrotreating of de-waxed lube oil stocks is needed to
The process flow through the furfural extraction unit remove chemically active compounds that affect the
is similar to that of the propane de-asphalting unit, color and color stability of the lube oils.
except for the solvent recovery section, which is
more complex. The oil feedstock is introduced to a Instrumentation and installation
continuous counter-current extractor at a temperature,
which is the function of the feed’s viscosity; the greater A typical measurement point for the K-Patents
the viscosity, the higher the temperature used. Process Refractometer PR-43-GP is in-line in the
heat exchanger outlet, where off-line lab samples
Phenol Extraction are usually taken from. The K-Patents refractometer
is typically installed in an insulated by-pass line with
The process flow for the phenol extraction unit is temperature control. A flow velocity in the sampling
somewhat similar to that of the furfural extraction unit, loop of 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) or higher is recommended.
but differs markedly in the solvent recovery section
because phenol is easier to recover than furfural. The K-Patents Process Refractometer eliminates
sampling, improves product consistency and helps
NMP Extraction to optimize the process. A uniform product can be
achieved through continuous monitoring.
NMP extraction uses N-methyl-2- pyrrolidone as the
solvent to remove the condensed aromatics and Unlike periodic sampling, continuous monitoring can
polar components from the lubricating oil distillate provide instant feedback on process fluctuations. This
brightstocks. This process was developed as a instant feedback is used to control the process in real-
replacement for phenol extraction because of health, time.
safety and environmental problems associated with
phenol use.


All lube oil stocks, except those from a relatively few

highly naphthenic crude oils, must be de-waxed or
they will not flow properly at ambient temperatures.

Oil Refining and Petrochemical | Bulk Petrochemicals and Intermediates


Instrumentation Description
K-Patents Process Refractometer PR-43-GP is a heavy-duty instrument with non-weld body
construction for diverse oil and gas industry applications. The refractometer is installed in the main
processing line by welding stud and flange connection for 2 inch, 2.5 inch and larger pipe sizes
and vessels, or via flange and FTC Flow through cell connection for 0.5 inch, 1 inch, 1.5 inch and
2 inch pipe sizes.

User Interface Selectable multichannel MI, compact CI or a web-based WI user interface options allow the
user to select the most preferred way to access and use the refractometer measurement and
diagnostics data.
Measurement range Refractive Index (nD) 1.3200 – 1.5300, corresponding to 0-100 % by weight.

Oil Refining and Petrochemical | Bulk Petrochemicals and Intermediates

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