Computer in Accounting
Computer in Accounting
Computer in Accounting
6. Security
The computerized Accounting system is more secured. Data and information can be kept
confidential as compared to the traditional accounting system. In this security system user can
create multiple user security control for the various users.
7. Transparency: Computerized accounting system helps the business organization to keep greater
transparency in the day to day business operations.
Computerized accounting systems are very important to various types of business organizations, firms,
company etc.
1. Automation
All the calculations are automatically done by the accounting software with minimum time as
compared to manual accounting calculations.
3. Accuracy
Computerized accounting software is more accurate as compared to human being. All calculations,
like additions, subtractions and statistical calculations are automatically done by software.
4. Speed
Computerized accounting software work faster than manual accounting process. It generates all
financial statements and reports speedily as per user requirements.
5. Reduction in cost
As the financial records are to be entered only once in the system the accountant will save his time
in maintaining the records. This will enable the business organization to employ few accounting
8. Compact
No matter how voluminous the financial data is the computer can store it in a compact way. The
financial information can be stored on the hard disk and if required back – up can be taken on the
external storage devices which requires very little space.
1. Hardware
Hardware is the electronic equipment that includes computers, disk drives, monitors, printers and
the network that connects with them. Most modern accounting system require a network, the
system of electronic linkages that allow different computers to share the information within
In the network system, many computers can be connected to the main computer, or server, which
stores the program and the data. With the right communication of hardware and software, an
auditor in Maharashtra can access the data of a client located in Kerala. The result is a speedier audit
for the client, often at lower cost than the cost incurred it the auditor had to perform all the work on
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site in India.
2. Software
Software is the set of programs that direct the computer to perform the desired task. Accounting
software accepts, edits (alters), and stores transactions and data, generates the reports.
3. Personnel
Personnel are critical to the success of any endeavour because people operate the system. Modern
accounting system gives non accounting personnel access to parts of the system.
Management of a computerized accounting system requires careful planning of data security and
grooming of the people in the organization who will have access to the data. Security is sought by
using passwords, codes that permit access to computerized records.
2. Recording of transactions: Computerized accounting software are used to record the day to day
business transactions. It reduces paper work.
Ledger Accounts
Credit Debit
Balance sheet
3. Preparation of Trial Balance and Financial Statement: After recording the transactions the data
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is automatically transferred into ledger through the software. Vouchers are prepared on the basis of
data recorded into the computer. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet is
automatically prepared.
Input (Data)
Processing (Accounting)
Output (Reports)
Input represents data form source documents, such as sales receipts, bank deposit slips, Purchase
orders, etc. Computerized accounting systems require that data inputs be arranged in specific
formats. Transactions with missing dates, account numbers or other critical information are not
accepted by the system.
Outputs are the reports generated for decision making. These many be like statements of debtors,
creditors, inventory, Trial Balance, income statement, balance sheet and so on.
Balance Sheet. after each voucher entry in the system. This facility
is not available in the manual accounting system.
Closing the books
After the year end accountants prepare financial In the computerized accounting software financial
statements for the accounting period. The balances reports are auto generated for the accounting
are to be carried forward manually, to next year. period. The balances are automatically carried
forward to next year.
Accounting Packages
Every computerized accounting system is implemented to perform the accounting activity (recording
and storing of accounting data and information) and generated various reports as per the requirements
of the user. From this perspective the accounting packages are classified into the following categories:
a. Ready to use
b. Customized
c. Tailored
d. Free and Open Source
Ready – to – use
This accounting software is suitable to those organizations or firm running small scale business where
the frequency or volume of accounting transactions is very less. This is because the cost of installation is
generally less and number of users is limited. Ready – to – use software is relatively easier to learn. This
also implies that level of secrecy is relatively low and the software is prone to data frauds. The training
needs are simple and sometimes the vendor (supplier or software) offers the training on the software
free. However, this software offers little scope of lining to other information systems.
This Accounting software may be customized to meet the special requirement of the user. Standardized
accounting software available in the market may not suit or fulfil the user requirements, for example,
standardized accounting software may contain the sales voucher and inventory status as separate
options. However, when the user requires that inventory status to be updated immediately upon entry of
sales voucher and report be printed, the software needs to be customized.
Customized software is suitable for large and medium business and can be linked to the other
information systems. The cost of installation and maintenance is relatively high because the high cost is
to be paid to the vendor for customization. The customization includes modification and addition to the
software contents, provision for the specified number of users and their authentication, etc. secrecy of
data and software can be better maintained in customized software. Since the need to train the software
users is important, the training costs are therefore high.
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4. Tailored
The accounting software is generally tailored in large business organizations with multi users and
geographically scattered locations. This software requires specialized training to the users. The
tailored software is designed to meet the specific requirements of the users and form an important
part of the organization MIS. The secrecy and authenticity checks are robust in such software’s and
they offer high flexibility in terms of number of users.
Practical on application of accounting software – Creation of Company, Accounts group,
Accounting Entries and generation of reports (Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Day Book
Step 1: After entering into Accounting Software Tally, double click on the option create company under
company information.
To create company in Tally, follow the following navigation path Gateway of Tally > Company Info >
Create Company
Company Information
Select Company Ambite ous
Step 2: The company creation window, display on the screen as shown below in the image. Fill the detail
information in the company creation form.
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