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Interview Questions Lesson Plan

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Name of the Student Teacher : Zeenat Gazi

Teaching Subject : English

Lesson plan : 5 Std : IX

Teaching Method : Constructivism

Teaching Learning aids : PowerPoint presentation.

Aim of the teaching : To enable students to use English, orally and in writing to communicate freely and
effectively in different situations and settings.

Objectives and Specifications: To enable students to :

 Understand how to form interview questions.

 Identify different types of questions.

Content Analysis : Interview Questions.

Core elements : Inculcation of scientific temper

Task analysis :

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Engage Teacher makes pair of students work with a Students demonstrate interest in the
partner asks them to ask questions to get to lesson.
know them.
Explore Teacher pair each student with someone of the Students participate in the given task
opposite opinion and see what conversation and form questions.
Explain Teacher explains how to form general interview Students listen carefully.
Elaborate Teacher encourages students to apply and Students get encouragement to
extend the new concepts or skills through apply or reasonable judgments
forming questions. extend the new concepts and skills.
Evaluate Teacher assesses students knowledge and skills Students demonstrate their
through worksheets based on interview understanding and evaluate his or
questions. her progress based on what they
have learnt.

Reflective thinking (before activity) : Teacher actively engages students in the classroom activities.
Students bring forth some interesting information about their partners that they might otherwise never

Teaching process based on constructivism

Teaching Points Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Engage Teacher makes pair of Students demonstrate interest in
students. the lesson.
Teacher asks them to ask Students work with their
questions to get to know respective partner.
your partner.
“Tell Me About Yourself” Students form questions .

Teacher provides time for Students ask questions to their

students to think and to respective partner.
Use the questions below to help reflect on the given task
you, if you need. Students explain teacher what
Teacher gives 2 minutes to they have learnt about their
Who is ……? get prepare before the partner.
Where do you live? interview.
How old are you?
What is your favourite sport? Teacher asks student what
Do you like playing football? did you learn about your

Explore Would You Rather?

Students participate in the given
Teacher Ask a question task and form questions.
starting with “Would
you rather have a cat or a Students ask their partner
dog?” questions.

Teacher now instructs the 1.Would you rather live a long

existing pair of students to life alone or a short life with
ask their partner some loved ones?
questions starting with
“Would you rather”. 2.Would you rather be without
internet for a week, or without
Teacher asks students to your phone?
write the questions and to
interview their partners. 3.Would you rather be Batman or
Teacher introduces the topic
“Interview” 4.Would you rather have more
“Today we will learn about time or more money?
how to form general
interview questions” 5. Would you rather be the
youngest or the oldest sibling?

6.Would you rather get rich

through hard work or through
winning the lottery?
Explain Teacher explains how to form ents listen carefully.
Interview is the verbal general interview questions.
conversation between two Students continue to develop
people with the objective of Teacher asks students to knowledge of concepts and
collecting relevant information form questions of a given demonstrate their developing
for the purpose of research. task. understanding.

1.Rapport Building Students listen and try to

Interviewer should increase the comprehend explanation that the
receptiveness of the respondent teacher offers.
by making him believe that his
opinions are very useful to the Imagine that you are the
research, and is going to be a Captain of your team. A Questions of the Interviewer:
pleasure rather than an ordeal. famous cricketer is going to Sir, welcome to our school. May I
visit your school. You are ask you a few questions? Thank
2.Introduction assigned the task to conduct you.
An introduction involves the an interview with that (1)Could you tell us something
interviewer identifying himself by famous cricketer. Frame a set about your early life?
giving him his name, purpose and of 10 questions that you will (2)Which field of sports were you
sponsorship if any. An ask the cricketer. Interested in your Early life?
introductory letter goes a long (3) Who was your inspiration?
way in conveying the study's Take the help of the points (4) Who was your coach and your
legitimacy. given below. guide during your early years of
(a) Early life training?
3.Probing (b) Interest in this field (5) Which aspect of cricket do
It is the technique of encouraging (c) Inspiration you prefer – batting, bowling, or
the respondents to answer (d) Coaching and guidance fielding?
completely, freely and relevantly. (e) Achievements/ Records (6) Just for the record, could You
(f) Future plans list your achievements and
4.Depth Interview (g) Advice to youngsters records?
Depth interview is nondirective in (7) Surely you must have some
nature where the respondent is future plans. What are they?
given freedom to answer within Teacher asks students to (8) What difficulties did you face
the boundaries of the topic of read the list of questions. when you started your career?
interest. (9) Who do you think is a model
Cricketer today?
General Interview Questionnaire (10) What is your advice to
1. How did you turn to this field? Teacher corrects the answers youngsters?
2. What challenges did you face and give them explanation
in the early stage?
3. What fascinated you most?
4. What helped you to perform
to such an extent?
5. Will you tell us any memorable
6. What strategies have you
adopted to succeed?
7. How did you feel at the zenith
of success?
8. What message would you like
to share with us?

Elaborate Teacher encourages students Students get encouragement to

to apply and extend the new apply or reasonable judgments
concepts or skills through extend the new concepts and
forming questions. skills.

Students apply new knowledge of

Imagine you are interviewing concepts and form questions.
a famous Writer for a
newspaper or a T.V. Channel. 1.When did you first realize to be
Prepare a list of questions a writer?
you can ask. You can include 2. How long does it take you to
questions about his work and write a page or chapter?
the difficulties he faced, his 3. What is your work schedule for
inspiration for writing etc. writing?
4. What would you do to get
Teacher asks students to 5. When did you write your first
read the list of questions. book and how old were you?
6. How was your experience
Teacher corrects the answers when your first book was
and give them explanation published?
7. What does your family think of
your writing?
8. What was the most interesting
thing you learned in creating
your books?
9. How many books have you
written? Which is your favourite?
Evaluate Teacher assesses students
knowledge and skills through
Fill in the correct question word: worksheets based on Students demonstrate their
1.____ is your hobby? interview questions. understanding and evaluate his
(Drawing) - What or her progress based on what
Teacher allots 5 minutes to they have learnt.
2._____did you live last year? (In complete the worksheet.
London) - Where Student answers the questions
Teacher corrects the answers given.
3._____are you late? (I’ve missed and give them explanation
my bus) - Why 1.What
4.______many chocolates do you 3.Why
have? (Chocolates ) - How 4.How
5._____ is that man at the door?
(My Uncle) - Who
Closure : Today, we have learnt an important aspect of communication skills which is asking interview
questions. Once you master these skills, It will be useful in your professional life. For example, It will
help you when you apply for jobs; or you can even pursue a career in Mass media and Communication.

Reflective thinking (during the activity) : Teacher helps students in forming questions , clear their
doubts and encourage them to use these questions in conversations.

Reflective thinking ( after the activity ) : Teacher asks student whether they have understood the topic.
What are the points they would like to repeat. Teacher tries to make it simpler in understanding the

References used for the lesson planning :



Imagine you are the monitor of the class. You are asked to conduct an Interview of a famous singer.
Frame a set of 8 questions with the help of the following points :

• Early life and education

• Interest tot-thin particular field

• Guru or mentor

• Awards/achievements

• Future plans and advice to the youngsters.

Good morning Sir! It's a big day for me as I have got this chance to interview you today which I had
always dreamed about and know more about you.

Q.1) What inspired you to become a singer?

Q.2) Who is your teacher and your role model?

Q.3) When you received filmfare award last year, how did you feel?

Q.4) What was your family's reaction when you received an award?

Q.5) What's your opinion about the modern musical age?

Q.6) What preparations you have to do before any recording or a concert?

Q.7) It's been how many years you are into singing?

Q.8) What hardships do you face in this field ?

Q.9) Have you had any memorable experience that you would like to share with us?

Q.10) According to you, what qualities a good singer posses?

Q.11) What’s your success mantra?

Q.12) Would you like to give any message to your fans or upcoming artists?

Thank you for being with a us on the show. Wish you luck and success!

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