Interview Questions Lesson Plan
Interview Questions Lesson Plan
Interview Questions Lesson Plan
Aim of the teaching : To enable students to use English, orally and in writing to communicate freely and
effectively in different situations and settings.
Task analysis :
Reflective thinking (before activity) : Teacher actively engages students in the classroom activities.
Students bring forth some interesting information about their partners that they might otherwise never
Reflective thinking (during the activity) : Teacher helps students in forming questions , clear their
doubts and encourage them to use these questions in conversations.
Reflective thinking ( after the activity ) : Teacher asks student whether they have understood the topic.
What are the points they would like to repeat. Teacher tries to make it simpler in understanding the
Imagine you are the monitor of the class. You are asked to conduct an Interview of a famous singer.
Frame a set of 8 questions with the help of the following points :
• Guru or mentor
• Awards/achievements
Good morning Sir! It's a big day for me as I have got this chance to interview you today which I had
always dreamed about and know more about you.
Q.3) When you received filmfare award last year, how did you feel?
Q.4) What was your family's reaction when you received an award?
Q.7) It's been how many years you are into singing?
Q.12) Would you like to give any message to your fans or upcoming artists?
Thank you for being with a us on the show. Wish you luck and success!