Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology EEE, Textile, Architecture
Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology EEE, Textile, Architecture
Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology EEE, Textile, Architecture
Dhaka University of
Engineering & Technology
Question 2017
�l \tillf�•Jl'l 0 �t'f¢,(-W.�lft��1\'I
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Sol': (;hco Dalo,
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Ois.�olvcd Oxyg�n 1)
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(iv) Which one i$ aoc a SOW'Cle oforpuc :M:id'/ [t� a:o !! = (10)7'°
.,tuv�"fl) , 11 (10)'.. x 10- 12 = 0.6 >< 10-• wm -2
(a) t.act,c acid -Curd (b) Ox:sltc �cid ·Apple C1.'1V� I 11 + /7 - (3.2 X 10-• + 0.6 X 10_.)
(c) T:a.rwic o..:id--(ir.1pc (c) Citric :tcid· Lemon 3.8 x 10-•v11n-2 - 86 dB (Ans.)
Ans: (b) (h,uic .1cid ·Apple
7. While coming from Ibo bottom of ., :akc th
(v) TheOJ1.1d3rion number ofCl in HC(O� � [�lCCO, dinme1er of 1111 nir bubble �comes double 0,1 lhe
� Cl .:'lttr.N ��·} �urf:,ce of,vJtcr. Ifthe preSliwe on the surf:,ce of the
(B) •S (b) .s 13.l<e is �uni to tbe ounosphcric pressure., Md the
(c) •7 (d) 7 tcmpcmtute of lbe lo.kc i.s cons1ant, what is the depth
Ao.s: {c) '-7 oflhc lake? (�� �l'ft"l'I � <1fu �it'! <:!:!Piifl
�� � {'l\t'JIS � � l('IT I CAAil ,t_t lll\t:&'111 ™
'"'���� Jilli·! .a'1\�t-q�� � !W\'?
S. A traJn starts 10 move from r�1 ,..,;1h :,c�elcro1ion l�l�?] (08)
10 ms., . At lhc S3me time 3 elf 010,C":> p3tnllel to the Sot•: \'r-l�•'lll ir�e, = h
tmin wilh 3 consw11 \.C10Cit) 100 n\, 1 \\ lien tntin ���?J�ffl=P1
will proceed 10 lea, c bchUld lhc t''l ? [ � 'Cli-l � �(I \?l(llt"l�Wfll �ii� '71�6rt = P
= 85 = 10108 0 !!.
011g 3/
Soln : Wekno1v, )v>' g - _;;.;..
- D.. -918
= !1_ = (10)8S
lo a11,..,
= = (10) 10-
lo a11 g ½, a''w-_½, J; -48c111, h?
85 X 12
= 3.2 X 10--1 Wrn-2
Again. � = (a" g - I) (i)
'"<:l('l;ll'·"f �.
I. 'i ,,
-1)( I I)-
P2 = 10 10&10 2
� 78 = 10log10 2 ..!_= (111>-g --(ii)
lo /, lj r,
f Admission Tech
f Admission Tech
in g o f is th en n om ct cr for du:
(iv) lhe read
(i) +(ir)::) n·t Rtt, -� �:,!
u" temperature of 3 ro om i.<: 95 op . Whot is the reading
= (p - iq)3
�vT�J \
:. (x - iy)i = p - iq (Showed.)
(iii) If an object is placed bct,veen the focus alld
center of curvature of a concave mirror, the image 11. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is
,vill be: (� l:ll'll.?I IJ'l'fC•l4 cqfffl '<3 7:�Ff �t�� "l!OO at (-1. I) and whose directrix is the line x + y +
l'f�J'fi' �if "iRff � m:} + + =
1 = 0. [(·I, 1)��'5 �x y 1 0. f.illllf?l�l
(a) Real, inverted and larger than the object ��� '11�.;iu•t � "/J"' 1) [N.B. "IJ.'f �fll �
(®'I, ��t�mll�J �� <1111�� �'" , Cll� Parabola� tt11t7t� 1 (08}
(b) Real, inverted and smaJler than the object
(at�.��� -mmll ��] x+y+l=O
f Admissi n Tech
" Admission Tech
Gifea tut. k+! S(•l ,l), f.\1144 � MZ (c) (.6, 6) ( d) (6, -6)
,m -Ni1Cdllwrl' P(x,y) tillM\ -� Ans: (d) (6, -6)
=>SP2 = MP2
2 rr
::, (x + 1)2 + ( y-1) = (;1�)
f Admission Tech
i Admission Tech
Ans: He uses soft $Olp to gee his work done. Gl4T �� �. �\\fJ\i'BI, 11�"!1
(iv) To shed crocodile tears: �-tfl•ti �O)�-�O)'O �
Ans: I am sure he is.shedding crocodile tears fffl,ta � lf•P.onfh. �'CB1 'lltll'i '41!i l;ftlf.\a!fn
because be is no1 so good a min. �111'( IAl'S (ltl:S14"R lffAalft\ � ��Wlil
� Helter skelcci:
�: The childKn man heller skelter 3.11 over the )'ll � �·l'f)
16. Change the voic:e ofthe-following scntences. (10) ,,
(i) Lei the book be read · 4. ,�,-" )�O
. AD.s: Read the book. 'flilfi )'IT'bT Ii
(ii) They pleased us :lll � �9\Ciil olr �
Ans: We were pleased ,vith them. � )'er t � l!!IKt!.
(iii) What do you ,van1? )� CSI', �O)�
Ans: \Vhat is \v:l.Dtcd by you? �,nu ;,>1111-1, � �ol!-1, .� 'd �ell.ti
(iv) Hcruy Ford invented the a.5Sembly line. �(<6J� �� 'llff \ol'I � C"il!T� I�� '(!ti\' �1!111111
Ans: The assembly line ,vas invcoced by Hcruy � ti'r"� � I <2!Cll1Qi!C<11tlf �� C"Wf 1!51� �
Ford. �"l�ll �� 11.!lC"Rill � IN� <:1(4'1� �f)fl( ./Rt<e � I
(v) Onions sell at at price.
Ans: Onions are sold at high price. CHEMISTRY f!�t�,)
17. Tran.slate the following sentences into I. (a) \Vbat happens ,vhcn propylene is treate<i
English/Bengali. ( I 0) \vith the follo\vings: [� JK\t R::">\'{C� &...:.qn
(i) �I <!:4<1'lir'f - �'3� 'l'>C ...,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,,
""'"" ,.... ..tQJ1C>ll1 � l:Sllt41i-l �>11<.�<Rs] (04)
�'I I (i) HCI (ii) Dilute cold K.MnO,
Ans: The studets appealed co the principal in a
(ii) C'IK:S 'fT"f , �WI
(i) CHJ-CH = CH2 + HCl _. CH;-CH2-CH2 Cl
(n-00� @111�) Greed lead to sin and sin leads for death.
(iii) <lt'lfll<-lC<III <rtl'!lt\/ft"R � � � • (ii) CHJ- CH= CH2 kMnO, +H2�
Ans: Bandarboo is called the Darjeeling of CHJ-CH - CH2
BanJadesh. I I
(iv) The anti- socials arc still at large OH OH
' Ans: ���lfuT l.!l'(t.;J� I t!ltMfa,-.; 11�¢di
(v) The world is like a mirror. I. (b) \Vrite the chemical formulae of Formic acid'
Ans: "fr� .affi li"'Wfl1 � I and Acetic acid. Also mention their sources. p,i!��
�� � �.;; �f11N>ll 'R� � .a�t. � ��
�� 1) (04)
Ans: fl�4 �, 'R�I H-COOH
�, i. �M<>t'{,tll �'ll'IT
u@rtt� ffll 'ft.C4\'5: CHJCOOH
�"Jg Vinegar (f\sc.;111il) 1
f Admission Tech