Contraceptive Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Rural Women
Contraceptive Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Rural Women
Contraceptive Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Rural Women
Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude regarding family planning and the practice of contraceptives among rural
Study Design: A cross-sectional observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: The gynaecological outpatient clinic of Fatima Hospital, Baqai Medical University, Karachi,
from July to December 2005.
Methodology: One-hundred women between the ages 15-45, living with their husbands and coming from rural area
(villages) were interviewed. Women who were pregnant, had a child younger than 2 years, or had any medical disorder
were excluded. Their knowledge, attitude and practice on contraceptives were evaluated with the help of a predesigned
questionnaire. The other variables used were the age of women, parity and educational status. Descriptive analysis was
conducted to obtain percentages.
Results: Out of 100 interviewed women with mean age of 29.7 years, 81(81%) had some knowledge about family planning
methods. The media provided information of contraceptives in 52 out of 81 (64%) women. Regarding the usage of
contraceptive methods, only 53 (53%) of the respondents were using some sort of contraception. Barrier method
(condoms) was in practice by 18 (33.9%) and 12 (22.6%) of women had already undergone tubal ligation. The women
using injectables and intrauterine contraceptive devices were 10 (18.8%) and 7 (13.2%) respectively. Six were using oral
contraceptive pills (11.3%). Positive attitude towards contraception was shown by 76 (76%) of them, while 41(41%) stated
their husbands’ positive attitude towards contraception.
Conclusion: In the present study, there was a low contraceptive use among women of rural origin despite good
knowledge. Motivation of couples through media and health personnel can help to achieve positive attitude of husbands
for effective use of contraceptives.
542 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2008, Vol. 18 (9): 542-545
Contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice among rural women
The study was conducted in the outpatient clinic of Positive attitude for contraception was shown by 76
Gynaecology Unit-1, from July to December 2005. The (76%) females. The patterns of either partner’s attitude
functional definition of rural was women residing in the is described in Table IV.
interior of Sindh (Goths/villages). The selection criterion
was married women between the ages of 15-45 years, Table II: Knowledge and awareness regarding contraception.
n (100) %
living with their husbands at the time of interview. Heard/aware of contraceptives 81 81
Women who were pregnant, had a child younger than Methods n (81) %
2 years or had any medical disorder were excluded from Pills, injectables, IUCD, condoms, norplant, tubal ligation 21 26
the study. After taking an informed consent, women vasectomy and withdrawal method
Pills, injectables, IUCD, condoms, norplant, tubal ligation 17 21
who fulfilled the inclusion criterion were interviewed
and withdrawal method
by the postgraduate trainees. The questionnaire elicited Pills, injectables, IUCD, condoms, tubal ligation and 27 33
information regarding their age, educational status, withdrawal method
number of children, knowledge and source of Pills, injectables, condoms, tubal ligation and 14 17
contraceptive methods, practicing of either male or withdrawal method
Pills, injectables, IUCD, condoms, tubal ligation, 02 2.4
female family planning methods. The attitude of females vasectomy and withdrawal method
towards contraception was asked, while the attitude of Source of knowledge n (81) %
husbands was assessed what their females perceived. Media 52 64.1
To assess the knowledge, the following 8 methods were Health personnel 17 20.9
Social circle 12 14.8
separately asked: pills, injectables, Intra-uterine
Contraceptive Devices (IUCDs), condoms, tubal
ligation, vasectomy, Norplant and withdrawal method. Table III: Practices of contraception.
Contraceptive methods in users n (53) %
The practice defines the usage of contraceptive
Barrier method (condom) 18 33.9
methods by either partner. Descriptive analysis was Tubal ligation 12 22.6
conducted to describe the results in percentages. Injectables 10 18.8
Intrauterine devices 07 13.2
RESULTS Oral pills 06 11.3
Reasons for using contraceptives USERS = 53 %
The socio-demographic characteristics are shown in Completed their families 20 37.7
Table I. The mean age was 29.7 + 7.2 years. Ninety Spacing of birth 16 30.0
Improvement of health 05 09.4
(90%) women were completely illiterate, and only 10%
Economical problems 12 22.6
had primary education. Reasons for not using contraceptives Non-users = 47 %
Table II shows the spectrum of knowledge in the 81 Lack of knowledge 19 40.4
Partner opposition 28 59.5
(81%) women who had heard about family planning
Table IV: Attitude towards contraception.
Out of 81 women, who had knowledge and awareness Attitude for contraception Total =100 Users = 53 Non-users = 47
of family planning methods, about 52 (64.1%) of women n (%) n (%) n (%)
got information from mass media. The importance and Females
Approval 76 (76) 45 (84.9) 31 (65.9)
use of contraception had been explained by a health
Disapproval 24 (24) 8 (15.1) 16 (34.1)
personnel to 17 (20.9%) of respondents and 12 (14.8%) Males
heard it from their social circle. Approval 41 (41) 31 (58.4) 10 (21.2)
Disapproval 59 (59) 22 (41.5) 37 (78.7)
Of 100 interviewed women, 53 (53%) were practicing
different contraceptive methods as shown in Table III.
Table I: Sociodemographic characteristics of the interviewed rural
women. Family planning is defined by WHO as, “a way of
Characteristics n = 100 Percentage thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily, upon the
Age in years basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsible decisions
< 20 8 8%
21 – 30 53 53%
by individuals and couples, in order to promote the
31 – 40 31 31% health and welfare of family groups and thus contribute
41 – 45 8 8% effectively to the social development of a country”.
<3 15 15% The increasing growth of population has become an
3–5 25 25% urgent global problem. Between 1951 and 2004,
>5 60 60% Pakistan’s population grew from 34 million to 167 million,
Educational status a 400% increase in approximately two generations.9
Illiterate 90 90%
Primary 10 10%
Although its total fertility rate (4.8) has begun to decline,2
Pakistan still has the highest rate in South Asia and
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2008, Vol. 18 (9): 542-545 543
Rozina Mustafa, Uzma Afreen and Haleema A. Hashmi
continues to experience rapid population growth. The Women not practicing contraception were 47% and was
widespread adoption of family planning, in a society, is lower as compared to other studies of Pakistan that
an integral component of modern development and is showed a non-users proportions of 72.3% and 91.5%
essential for the integration of women into social and respectively.16,17 Two Indian studies showed 55% and
economic life. In spite of efforts exerted by the 44.6% of non-users, which are close to the results of this
Government of Pakistan, the family planning program is study.11,23 Partner’s opposition and lack of knowledge
not yet as successful as in some neighbouring were the reasons as found in other studies.19,24
countries. According to Pakistan Reproductive Health and Family
Planning Survey 2000-2001 and Eastern Turkey,
The present study aimed to assess the knowledge,
husband’s disapproval was the main factor for not using
attitude and practice of family planning methods to
any family planning method among married women.6,25
enhance the contraceptive practice in the rural
community in future. Results showed that the Approval of family planning was shown by 41% of
knowledge for contraception was 81% as compared to males, as perceived by their wives in contrast to other
97.4% and 99% in studies conducted at Lahore.6,10 studies of Sindh and Punjab, where 78% and 74% of
However, similar awareness rate of 82.2% was found in husbands approved the use of contraceptive methods at
an Indian study.11 Women illiteracy is one of the factor the time of survey.12,20 In the present study, 59% of
respondent’s husband disapproved family planning,
similar to 54% of results in a study conducted by Etuk et
that affects the knowledge regarding contraception.
544 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2008, Vol. 18 (9): 542-545
Contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice among rural women
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