Guided Revision On Heat Transfer (Eng)
Guided Revision On Heat Transfer (Eng)
Guided Revision On Heat Transfer (Eng)
JEE (Advanced)
Single Correct Answer Type 6 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. Two different rods A and B are kept as shown in figure. The variation of temperature of different cross
sections is plotted in a graph shown in figure. The ratio of thermal conductivities of A and B is
0 30 100 (cm)
l1 l2 l1
(A) total area under the three graphs A1, A2, A3 are equal
(B) areas are in the ratio : A1 : A2 : A3 = T12 : T22 : T32
(C) areas are is the ratio : A1 : A2 : A3 = T14 : T24 : T34
(D) T3 > T2 > T1
4. In the figure shown, AB is a rod of length 30 cm and area of cross-section 1.0 cm2 and thermal conductivity
336 S.I. units. The ends A & B are maintained at temperatures 20o C and 40o C respectively. A point C
of this rod is connected to a box D, containing ice at 0o C, through a highly conducting wire of negligible
heat capacity. The rate at which ice melts in the box is : [Latent heat of fusion for ice L, = 80 cal/gm]
20°C 40°C
10cm 20cm
highly conducting wire
Ice D
5. Two large black plane surfaces are maintained at constant temperature T1 and T2(T1 > T2). Two thin
black plates are placed between the two surfaces and in parallel to these. After some time, steady conditions
are obtained. What is the ratio of heat transfer rate between plate-1 & plate-3 to the ratio of original
(when plate-3 & plate-4 was not present) heat tranfer rate between plate-1 & plate-2 (h) in steady state?
T1 T2
1 34 2
1 1
(A) h = (B) h = (C) h = 1 (D) h = 0
2 3
6. The figure shows a system of two concentric spheres of radii r1 and r2 and kept at temp. T1 and T2,
respectively. The radial rate of flow of heat in a substance between the two concentric spheres is
proportional to –
r2 T2
r1r2 æ r2 ö
(A) (r - r ) (B) (r2 – r1) (C) (r2 – r1)(r2r2) (D) ln çè r ÷ø
2 1 1
where T is the mean of the temperatures (in K) of the two layers and s = 5.7 ´ 10 -8 Wm–2K–4 is the
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant. If each layer has the same emissivity Î on both sides, then a stack of N
layers placed between two high-emissivity surfaces will have an overall heat transfer coefficient
U = 4sT 3
æ2 ö
N ç - 1÷ + 1
èÎ ø
Clearly, increasing the number of layers and decreasing the emissivity, lower the heat transfer coefficient,
which is equivalent to a higher insulation value. In this equation, it is assumed that the temperature
difference is small compared to the absolute temperature.
14. Main purpose of multilayer insulation is insulation against heat transfer, where heat transfer is mainly
due to :-
(A) Conduction (B) Conduction & radiation
(C) Conduction & convection (D) Radiation
15. In space there is MLI consisting of 50 layers. Each layer has emissivity (Î = 0.2) both sides & outer
most temperature is 550 K and inner most temperature is 100 K less than outer most then find over all
heat transfer coefficient (in Wm–2k–1) :-
(A) 6.33 (B) 6.33 ´ 10 -2 (C) 12.66 × 10–3 (D) 6.33 × 10–3
16. For a particular plate heat transfer due to conduction and radiation are equal. Width of a plate is 2mm,
mean temperature is 1000 K and emissivity of inner and outer surface are 1 & respectively. Then find
conductivity of plate material (in SI) :-
(A) 0.228 (B) 11 (C) 1.11 (D) Data is insufficient
Numerical Answer Type Question 2 Q. [3(0)]
(upto second decimal place)
1. A rod of negligible heat capacity has length 40 cm, area of cross-section 1.0 cm2 and thermal conductivity
100 W/m-ºC. The temperature of one end is maintained at 0ºC and that of the other end is slowly and
linearly varied from 0ºC to 60ºC in 10 minutes. Assuming no loss of heat through the sides, find the total
heat transmitted through the rod in these 10 minutes (in J).
2. A person of surface area 1.75 m2 is lying out in the sunlight to get sun bath. If the intensity of the
incident sunlight is 7 × 102 W/m2, at what rate must heat be lost (in watt) by the person in order to
maintain a constant body temperature ? (Assume the effective area of skin exposed to the Sun is 40% of
the total surface area and that internal metabolic processes contribute another 90W for an inactive person.)
emissivity of the body is 0.6.
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 1 Q. [4 M (0)]
1. A highly conducting solid sphere of radius R density r and specific heat s is placed in an evacuated
chamber. A parallel beam of thermal radiation of uniform intensity I is incident on its surface. Assuming
surface of sphere is perfectly black and its temperature at t = 0 to be equal to T0, the maximum temperature
of sphere is given as 100a K . Fill the value of a in your OMR sheet. Given s = 5.6 ´ 10 -8 in SI unit and
I = 358.4 SI unit.
E-4/6 Physics / GR # Heat Transfer
Matrix Match Type (4 × 5) 1 Q. [8 M (for each entry +2(0)]
1. A & B are two black bodies of radii rA and rB respectively, placed in surrounding of temperature T0. At
steady state the temperature of A & B is TA & TB respectively. (Assume conductivity of black body are
Column I Column II
(A) A B (P) TA = T B