Fannie Mae No Action, Interpretive and - or Exemptive Letter of August 20, 2004

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Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - Section 13

No Action, Interpretive and/or Exemptive Letter: Fannie

August 20, 2004

Response of the Office of Chief Counsel

Division of Corporation Finance

Re: Fannie Mae

Incoming Letter Dated August 20, 2004

Based on the facts presented, where Fannie Mae issues a debt security or
an MBS in the manner described in your letter and such issuance creates an
obligation that would require the filing of a Form 8-K under Item 2.03, we
will not recommend enforcement action if, rather than filing the Form 8-K,
Fannie Mae includes the required disclosure in its offering circular and
supplement to the offering circular for the issuance of the security and
those documents are posted on its web site within the timing requirements
of Rule 424 under the Securities Act of 1933. Terms are as defined in your

Because this position is based upon the representations made to the

Division in your letter, it should be noted that any different facts or
conditions might require a different conclusion.


Carol McGee
Deputy Chief Counsel

Incoming Letter:

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - Section 13

August 20, 2004


Office of Chief Counsel

Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re: Fannie Mae and Form 8-K Requirements for Reporting Material

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am Deputy General Counsel to Fannie Mae (formally, Federal National

Mortgage Association), and on behalf of the company I am submitting this
letter to seek relief in the form of a no-action letter from certain

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requirements to file a current report on Form 8-K, as that form will become
effective on August 23, 2004. Specifically, Item 2.03 of Form 8-K will
require issuers to file a current report upon the creation of a material,
direct financial obligation or a material obligation under an off-balance
sheet arrangement. An instruction to Item 2.03 provides that no Form 8-K
is required under that item as a result of the sale of a security in a
registered offering if certain conditions are met. As discussed more fully
below, Fannie Mae respectfully requests that the staff of the Division of
Corporation Finance not recommend enforcement action to the Securities
and Exchange Commission if, rather than filing Forms 8 K with respect to its
issuances of debt securities and mortgage-related securities that are
exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act, Fannie Mae
provides disclosures with respect to these issuances in the manner
described below.

I. Background

Fannie Mae's purpose is to facilitate the flow of low-cost mortgage capital in

order to increase the availability and affordability of homeownership for
low-, moderate-, and middle-income Americans. The company facilitates
this flow of capital through its two primary business segments: the Portfolio
Investment business and the Credit Guaranty business.

In the Portfolio Investment business, the company purchases mortgage

loans and mortgage-related securities from mortgage lenders and others,
which replenishes lenders' funds for making additional mortgage loans or
other investments. The company acquires the funds to purchase these
loans and mortgage-related securities from its equity capital and by selling
debt securities to domestic and international capital markets investors.

In the Credit Guaranty business, the company issues and guarantees

mortgage-related securities ("MBS"), which generally represent beneficial
interests in pools of mortgage loans or other mortgage-related securities.
The company guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on
these securities, for which it receives a fee. The company typically issues
MBS by exchanging mortgage loans from a lender for MBS. The lender may
then hold the MBS as an investment or sell the MBS in the market to
replenish its funds for additional lending. This activity provides liquidity to
the lender because MBS, which carry Fannie Mae's guaranty, are more
readily marketable than mortgage loans without this guaranty.

II. New Form 8-K Disclosure Requirements

Under new requirements that become effective on August 23, 2004, issuers
must file a current report on Form 8-K, under Item 2.03, within four
business days of becoming (1) obligated under a material, direct financial
obligation or (2) directly or contingently liable for a material obligation
under an off-balance sheet arrangement.

For a material, direct financial obligation, the Form 8-K must disclose
information about the date and amount of the obligation, including payment
terms and acceleration or increase provisions, the nature of any recourse
provisions, and any other material terms. For an obligation under an off-
balance sheet arrangement, an issuer is required to disclose information
similar to that required for a direct financial obligation, as well as a brief
description of the nature of the obligation, including the material terms
whereby the obligation may become a direct obligation, and the maximum
potential amount of future payments the issuer may have to make.

Instruction 5 to Item 2.03 of Form 8-K provides that no Form 8-K is

required under that item as a result of the sale of a security in a registered

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offering if certain conditions are met. Specifically, Instruction 5 relieves an

issuer from the Form 8-K filing requirement if:

the prospectus relating to the sale contains the required Form 8-K
disclosure; and

such prospectus is timely filed in accordance with Securities Act Rule

424. Instruction 5 to Form 8-K appears to acknowledge that Form 8-K
disclosure about financial obligations is not necessary when the issuer
is making concurrent public disclosure in the course of its public
offerings about those obligations.

III. Discussion

Because Fannie Mae securities are exempt from the registration

requirements of the Securities Act, Fannie Mae does not file registration
statements with the SEC with respect to its debt securities or its MBS. As a
result, the relief afforded by Instruction 5 to Item 2.03 is not available to
Fannie Mae. As more fully discussed below, we believe that where Fannie
Mae provides disclosure to the investing public with respect to its issuances
of debt securities and MBS within the timing requirements of Rule 424, it is
not necessary in the interest of investor protection for Fannie Mae to file
Forms 8-K further reporting these issuances. The purposes of the new Form
8-K requirements in Item 2.03-to make sure that investors are promptly
informed when companies take on material financial obligations-are fully
addressed through Fannie Mae's current and proposed disclosure practices.

In some cases, Fannie Mae may issue a debt security or an MBS that is not
disclosed in the manner described in this letter. In such cases, Fannie Mae
would file a Form 8-K if required to do so under applicable Form 8-K
requirements, and the relief Fannie Mae seeks in this letter is limited to
those instances where Fannie Mae incurs an obligation and provides
disclosure as described in this letter.

A. Debt Securities

As discussed above, Fannie Mae acquires funds for its Portfolio Investment
business by selling debt securities to domestic and international capital
markets investors. The company regularly sells a variety of debt securities
pursuant to a "universal debt facility."

We believe that investors have prompt access to information about Fannie

Mae's sales under its debt facility that is similar to the information they
have about registered sales because:

an offering circular containing the material terms of debt securities

issued under the debt facility is available on Fannie Mae's website;

supplements to the offering circular are posted on Fannie Mae's

website in connection with sales of debt securities under the facility
within the timing requirements of Rule 424.

In order to ensure that investors have access to this information, the

company proposes to disclose in its quarterly and annual reports (1) that
this information is available on its website (2) how investors can find this
information and (3) that Fannie Mae has obtained the relief sought in this
letter enabling it to rely on Instruction 5 to Item 2.03.

Thus, even though Fannie Mae's debt securities sales are not registered,
Fannie Mae makes information about its debt securities sales available to
investors. Accordingly, we believe that Fannie Mae should be afforded relief

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from the obligation to file a Form 8-K for its debt securities sales similar to
the relief provided by Instruction 5 to Item 2.03. Specifically, the company
should not be required to file a Form 8 K for sales of debt securities so long
as it:

includes in its debt offering circular as supplemented the information

required by Form 8-K and

posts the offering circular supplements on its website within the

timing requirements of Rule 424.

B. Mortgage-related securities ("MBS")

As discussed above, Fannie Mae's Credit Guaranty business regularly issues

MBS. These MBS are "off-balance sheet arrangements" as defined in the
new Form 8 K.

Fannie Mae provides substantial information to investors regarding its MBS

obligations. For example, each month the company publishes (and
furnishes with a Form 8-K) a summary that discloses the volume of MBS
Fannie Mae issued in the previous month, and the balance of MBS it
guarantees that are outstanding and held by others at the end of the
month. In addition, the periodic reports Fannie Mae files with the SEC
extensively discuss the company's MBS, various risks they present to the
company, and how the company manages those risks. Thus, the investing
public already has a substantial amount of information regarding Fannie
Mae's MBS guarantees.

Like Fannie Mae's debt sales, the company's guaranteed MBS are generally
the subject of prospectuses and prospectus supplements that are available
on Fannie Mae's website. As with its debt offering documents, the company
proposes to include disclosure in its quarterly and annual SEC reports
regarding the availability and location of its MBS offering documents and its
reliance on Instruction 5 to Item 2.03.

Thus, even though Fannie Mae's MBS obligations are not registered, Fannie
Mae makes information about its MBS obligations available to investors.
Accordingly, we believe that Fannie Mae should be afforded relief from the
obligation to file a Form 8-K for its issuances of MBS obligations similar to
the relief provided by Instruction 5 to Item 2.03. Specifically, the company
should not be required to file a Form 8 K for an MBS issuance so long as:

the relevant prospectus, as supplemented, contains all the

information required by Form 8-K and

the relevant prospectus and prospectus supplements are posted on

Fannie Mae's website within the timing requirements of Rule 424.

IV. Conclusion

Where information about Fannie Mae's sales of debt securities and MBS is
made available to the investing public within the time periods required by
Rule 424, we believe that neither the public interest nor the protection of
investors will be furthered by requiring the company to file current reports
on Form 8 K under Item 2.03 when it sells debt securities or issues MBS
that create a material obligation. We therefore respectfully request that the
staff of the Division of Corporation Finance not recommend enforcement
action to the Commission if Fannie Mae provides disclosure with respect to
its issuances of debt securities and MBS in the manner described in this
letter and does not file Item 2.03 Forms 8-K with respect thereto.

In accordance with Release No. 33-6269 (available December 5, 1980),

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seven additional copies of this letter are enclosed. If for any reason the
staff does not concur with our conclusions, we would appreciate the
opportunity to confer with members of the staff by telephone prior to any
written response to this letter. If you need additional information regarding
this letter, or if we may otherwise be of assistance, please telephone the
undersigned at (202) 752-7801.

Very truly yours,

/s/ G. Scott Lesmes

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