Macro Economics
Macro Economics
Macro Economics
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While individual demand equations developed for partial equilibrium use may
quite reasonably involve an array of restrictions appropriate to that use, it is
evident that a system of demand equations built up incrementally from such
partial-equilibrium models may display very undesirable properties. In effect,
the shrewd restrictions which are useful for partial equilibrium purposes,
when concatenated across many categories of demand, yield a bad system of
This point is far from new, having been made, e.g., by Zvi Griliches [9] in his
criticism of the consumption equations of the first version of the Brookings model
and by Brainard and Tobin [3] in relation to financial sector models in general.
And of course this same point motivates the extensive work which has been done
on econometrically usable functional forms for complete systems of demand
equations and factor demand equations.
The reason for re-emphasizing the dangers of one-equation-at-a-time
specification of a large model here is that the extent to which the distinctions
among equations in large macromodels are normalizations, rather than truly
structural distinctions, has not received much emphasis. In the version of the
FRB-MIT model reported in [2], for example, a substantial part of the interesting
behavioral equations of the financial sector are demand equations for particular
assets. Consumption, of course, is represented by demand equations, and the
supply of labor and demand for housing also in principle represent components of
a system of equations describing the public's allocations of their resources. Thus
the strictures against one-equation-at-a-time specification which are ordinarily
applied to the financial or consumption equations of a model as a subgroup, really
apply to this whole set of equations.
If large blocks of equations, running across "sectors" of the model which are
ordinarily treated as separate specification problems, are in fact distinguished
from one another only by normalization, what "economic theory" tells us about
them is mainly that any variable which appears on the right-hand-side of one of
these equations belongs in principle on the right-hand-side of all of them. To the
extent that models end up with very different sets of variables on the right-hand-
sides of these equations, they do so not by invoking economic theory, but (in the
case of demand equations) by invoking an intuitive, econometrician's version of
psychological and sociological theory, since constraining utility functions is what is
involved here. Furthermore, unless these sets of equations are considered as a
system in the process of specification, the behavioral implications of the restric-
tions on all equations taken together may be much less reasonable than the
restrictions on any one equation taken by itself.
The textbook paradigm for identification of a simultaneous equation system is
supply and demand for an agricultural product. There we are apt to speak of the
supply equation as reflecting the behavior of farmers, and the demand equation as
reflecting the behavior of consumers. A similar use of language, in which labor
supply equations are taken to apply to "workers," consumption equations to
''consumers,' asset demand equations to ''savers,'' sometimes obscures the
distinction in macromodels between normalized and structurally identified
B. Dynamics
The fact that large macroeconomic models are dynamic is a rich source of
spurious "a priori" restrictions, as we shall see below, but it also weakens the few
legitimate bases for generating identifying restrictions alluded to in the previous
section. If we accept the modern anti-interventionist school's argument that
dynamic macroeconomic models ought not to violate the principle that markets
clear,4 then dynamics do not raise new problems in this respect; the business
sector singlemindedly pursues profit, according to the directions of the observable
price vector, so that the difference between the business sector of a dynamic model
and that of a static model is only in whether the efficiency frontier traced out has
dynamic elements. If instead we take the view that prices themselves may adjust
sluggishly, we enter the wilderness of "disequilibrium economics." This phrase
must, it seems to me, denote a situation in which we cannot suppose that business
behavior is invariant under changes in the public's tastes. The reason is that
business behavior, when markets don't clear, must depend not only on hypotheti-
cal business demands and supplies given current prices, but also on the nature of
whatever rationing is currently going on-e.g. on the excess demand of Walrasian
theory. If the degree of excess demand or supply in the labor market enters
3In Hurwicz's [12] abstract discussion of structural systems it is apparent that an equation system
identified by normalization is not an identified structure. An identified structural equation is one which
uniquely remains invariant under a certain class of "interventions" in the system. In the supply and
demand paradigm, the natural class of interventions to consider is excise taxes. It is not impossible that
a system of demand equations be structural in Hurwicz's sense-McFadden [19] has provided an
instance of a structural interpretation of a sort of demand equation, in which the identifying
interventions are deletions or additions in the list of available commodities. But nothing like
McFadden's analysis exists or is likely to be developed to justify structural distinction between labor
supply and consumption, for example.
4 This position is set forth persuasively by Lucas [16].
employer behavior, then by that route any variable which we think of as connected
to labor supply decisions enters the dynamic labor demand equation.
J. D. Sargan [25] several years ago considered the problem of simultaneous-
equation identification in models containing both lagged dependent variables and
serially correlated residuals. He came to the reassuring conclusion that, if a few
narrow-looking special cases are ruled out, the usual rules for checking
identification in models with serially uncorrelated residuals apply equally well to
models with serially correlated residuals. In particular, it would ordinarily be
reasonable to lump lagged dependent variables with strictly exogenous variables
in checking the order condition for identification, despite the fact that a consistent
estimation method must take account of the presence of correlation between
lagged dependent variables and the serially correlated residuals. Though consis-
tent estimation of such models poses formidable problems, Sargan's analysis
suggested that identification is not likely to be undermined by the combination of
lagged dependent variables and serial correlation.
Recent work by Michio Hatanaka [11], however, makes it clear that this
sanguine conclusion rests on the supposition that exact lag lengths and orders of
serial correlation are known a priori. On the evidently more reasonable assump-
tion that lag lengths and shapes of lag distributions are not known a priori,
Hatanaka shows that the order condition takes on an altered form: we must in this
case cease to count repeat occurrences of the same variable, with different lags, in
a single equation. In effect, this rule prevents lagged dependent variables from
playing the same kind of formal role as strictly exogenous variables in
identification; we must expect that to identify an equation we will have to locate
in other equations of the system at least one strictly exogenous variable to serve
as an instrument for each right-hand-side endogenous variable in the given
Application of Hatanaka's criterion to large-scale macromodels would prob-
ably not suggest that they are formally unidentified. The version of the FRB-MIT
model laid out in [10], e.g., has over 90 variables categorized as strictly exogenous,
while most equations contain no more than 6 or 8 variables. However the
Hatanaka criterion, by focusing attention more sharply on the distinction between
endogenous and strictly exogenous variables, might well result in models being
respecified with shorter lists of exogenous variables. Many, perhaps most, of the
exogenous variables in the FRB -MIT model [10] or in Fair's model [6] are treated
as exogenous by default rather than as a result of there being good reason to
believe them strictly exogenous. Some are variables treated as exogenous only
SBy saying that it is evidently more reasonable to assume we do not know lag lengths and shapes a
priori, I do not mean to suggest that one should not impose restrictions of a reasonable form on lag
lengths and shapes in the process of estimation. However, we should recognize that truncating lag
distributions is part of the process of estimaton-lag length is itself estimated one way or another-and
that when our model is not identified without the pretense that we know lag length to begin with, it is
just not identified. A similar point applies to "identifying" simultaneous equations models by
imposing "a priori" constraints that coefficients which prove statistically insignificant are zero. Setting
such coefficients to zero may be a justifiable part of the estimation process, but it does not aid in
C. Expectations
It used to be that when expected future values of a variable were thought to be
important in a behavioral equation, they were replaced by a distributed lag on that
same variable. Whatever else may be said for or against it, this practice had the
advantage of producing uncomplicated effects on identification. As the basis in
economic theory for such simple treatments of expectations has been examined
more critically, however, it has become apparent that they are unsound, and that
sound treatments of expectations complicate identification substantially. Whether
or not one agrees that economic models ought always to assume rational behavior
under uncertainty, i.e. "rational expectations," one must agree that any sensible
treatment of expectations is likely to undermine many of the exclusion restrictions
econometricians had been used to thinking of as most reliable. However certain
we are that the tastes of consumers in the U.S. are unaffected by the temperature
in Brazil, we must admit that it is possible that U.S. consumers, upon reading of a
frost in Brazil in the newspapers, might attempt to stockpile coffee in anticipation
of the frost's effect on price. Thus variables known to affect supply enter the
demand equation, and vice versa, through terms in expected price.
But though analysis of rational expectations raises this problem for us, by
carrying through with that analysis we may achieve identification again by a new
route. The rational expectations hypothesis tells us expectations ought to be
formed optimally; by restricting temperature in Brazil to enter U.S. demand for
coffee only through its effect on the optimal forecast of price, we may again
identify the demand equation. Wallis [33] and Sargent [26] (among others) have
shown how this can be done. Lucas [16] in fact suggested that this be done in some
of the earliest work on the implications of rational expectations for macro-
6In this case of serial correlation of undetermined form and lagged dependent variables with
undetermined lag lengths, the model is identified by the relation between structural parameters and
the distributed lag regressions of endogenous variables on strictly exogenous variables. When the
strictly exogenous variables have low explanatory power, estimates of the endogenous-on-exogenous
regressions are likely to be subject to great sampling error, and the identification may be said to be
7 Robert Solow used essentially the same example in published comments [31] on earlier work of
b-(s) = 0 for s < 0, and c (s) = 0, s < O.8To be explicit about the notation, (1) could
be written as
8 Though it does not matter for our argument, in actual examples c, b-, and b+ may be generalized
u) =E[t(t + S) A(t + u)].
Now under fairly weak restrictions requiring some minimal rate of damping in the
autocorrelation function of p, we will have an inequality of the form
(7) 1R (s, u) I< Rl(s)R2(u -s), for u > s,
where R1(s) - 0 monotonically as s -* oo and R2 is integrable.9
We define the translation operator by Tsf(t) = f(t - s). Then from (7) and the
definition of 11||Rin the second line of (6) we get, for f(t) = 0, t < 0,
(8) - R1(s) J
IITsfII2 f(v)f(u)R2(u -v) du dv.
Therefore IITsfllR- 0 as s -* 00, and we have proved the following proposition.
Obviously this means that the L2 and L1 norms are not continuous with respect
to 11||R.Putting this result in somewhat more concrete terms, we have shown that
when p meets the conditions of the proposition, we can make the effect of
estimation error on the fit of equation (1), given by s2(b+ b+), as small as we like,
while at the same time making the integrated squared or absolute deviations
between b+ and b+ as large as we like. The fit of equation (1) cannot be used to fix
the shape of b+, under these general conditions.
Somehow, then, we must use information on the relation of c and b- to b+ or
other prior information to put substantial restrictions on b+ a priori. Restriction
on the relation of c and b- to b+ are especially promising, since c and b- are in
general identified without strong prior restrictions. For example, a symmetry
restriction, requiring c-1 and b+ to be mirror images, which does emerge from
some optimization problems, would be enough to identify b+. On the other hand,
many behavioral frameworks leave parameters which economists would not
ordinarily fix a priori dependent on the difference in shape between b+ and c,
9The process p has the moving average representation p(t) = a*e(t), with e white noise: Then
R(s, u)=fs a(v)a(v+u-s)dv for s<u. If we then assume, for example, that a(s)s2 is bounded,
which would follow if p were assumed to have a spectral density with integrable fourth derivative, then
it is not hard to verify that R1 can be taken to have the form A(1 + s)f3 and R2 the form B(1 + u - s)-2.
which is precisely what will be hard to estimate. The following example illustrates
the point.
Suppose firms maximize the expected discounted present value of revenue,
given by
(9) e- P(t-s)(Q2(t) -P(t)(8K(t) + K(t)) _ 0(K(t) + 6K(t))2) dt
subject to
(10) Q(t) = aK(t) - AK2(t).
The interpretation is that P(t) is the price of the fixed factor input K, a is the
depreciation rate, p is the interest rate, and 0 determines the output foregone as
the rate of gross investment increases.
The first-order conditions for a solution to this equation give us
(11) (D 2- pD - (A/0) -_p _-82)K = (3 + p - D)P/20 - a/20,
where D is the derivative operator. Firms taking P as exogenous will, at each s,
choose a solution to (1 1) from time s onward, using Ps(t + s) in their computations
in place of P itself. Since the Ps series and the problem's initial conditions change
with s, (11) itself does not apply to observed K and P. If, however, we assume that
firms have enough foresight not to choose solutions to (11) along which K
diverges exponentially from its static optimum value, then we will find the
following equation holding at each s:
where M1 and M2 are the two roots (with signs reversed) of the polynomial in D on
the left of (11). These two roots will always be of opposite sign, and M2 is negative,
so that (D +M2)-1 operates only on the future of the function to which it is
applied. It is not hard to verify that the roots have the form
independent variation between the time path of expected future levels of P and
expected future derivatives of P. With p or 3 nonzero, the operator applied to PS
on the right side of (12) differs from that applied to K on the left by more than a
reflection. Even if we know p a priori (by reading the financial press), first-order
Markov behavior for P implies that a is not identified (assuming still that past P
makes up the information set). In the-first-orderMarkov case with P = -rP + e, we
have (d/dt)PS(t) = -rPs(t) for all t > s. Thus (12) becomes, when we replace Ps by
its observable counterpart,
(14) (D + M1)K(s) = -(8 + p + r)P(s)/20(M2 + r) + (a/20M2).
The separate coefficients on Ps and its derivative in (12) have merged into one,
leaving the structural parameters unidentifiable from the relation of the obser-
vable variables. In particular, one can see by examining (14) and (13) that one
could vary 8, 0, a, and A in such a way as to leave coefficients in (14) unchanged
even for fixed p and r, so that knowing r from the data and p a priori will not suffice
to identify the model.
D. Concrete Implications
Were any one of the categories of criticism of large-model identification
outlined in the preceding three sections the only serious criticism, it would make
sense to consider existing standard methodology as a base from which to make
improvements. There is much good work in progress on estimating and specifying
systems of demand relations. Some builders of large models are moving in the
direction of specifying sectoral behavior equations as systems.10 There is much
good work in progress on estimating dynamic systems of equations without getting
fouled up by treating knowledge of lag lengths and orders of serial correlation as
exact. There is much good work treating expectations as rational and using the
implied constraints in small systems of equations. Rethinking structural
macromodel specification from any one of these points of view would be a
challenging research program. Doing all of these things at once would be a
program which is so challenging as to be impossible in the short run.
On the other hand, there is no immediate prospect that large-scale
macromodels will disappear from the scene, and for good reason: they are useful
tools in forecasting and policy analysis.
How can the assertion that macroeconomic models are identified using false
assumptions be reconciled with the claim that they are useful tools? The answer is
that for forecasting and policy analysis, structural identification is not ordinarily
needed and that false restrictions may not hurt, may even help a model to function
in these capacities.
Textbook discussions sometimes suggest that structural identification is neces-
sary in order for a model to be used to analyze policy. This is true if "structure"
10For example, Fair [6] takes this approach in principle, though his empirical equations are
specified with a single-equation approach to forming lists of variables. Modigliani [20] reports that the
MPS model (like the Fair model) has interest rates turning up in many household behavioral equations.
and "identification" are interpreted in a broad way. A structure is defined (by me,
following Hurwicz [12] and Koopmans [13]) as something which remains fixed
when we undertake a policy change, and the structure is identified if we can
estimate it from the given data. But in this broad sense, when a policy variable is an
exogenous variable in the system, the reduced form is itself a structure and is
identified. In a supply and demand example, if we contemplate introducing an
excise tax into a market where none has before existed, then we need to be able
to estimate supply and demand curves separately. But if there has previously been
an excise tax, and it has varied exogenously, reduced form estimation will allow us
accurately to predict the effects of further changes in the tax. Policy analysis in
macromodels is more often in the latter mode, projecting the effect of a change in
a policy variable, than in the mode of projecting the effect of changing the
parameters of a model equation.
Of course, if macroeconomic policy-makers have a clear idea of what they are
supposed to do and set about it systematically, macroeconomic policy variables
will not be at all exogenous. This is a big if, however, and in fact some policy
variables are close enough to exogenous that reduced forms treating them or their
proximate determinants as exogenous may be close to structural in the required
sense.1" Furthermore, we may sometimes be able to separate endogenous and
exogenous components of variance in policy variables by careful historical
analysis, in effect using a type of instrumental variables procedure for estimating a
structural relation between policy variables and the rest of the economy.
Lucas' [16] critique of macroeconomic policy making goes further and argues
that, since a policy is not really just one change in a policy variable, but rather a
rule for systematically changing that variable in response to conditions, and since
changes in policy in this sense must be expected to change the reduced form of
existing macroeconometric models, the reduced form of existing models is not
structural even when policy variables have historically been exogenous-institu-
tion of a nontrivial policy would end that exogeneity and thereby change expec-
tation formation rules and the reduced form.
There is no doubt that this position is correct, if one accepts this definition of
policy formation. One cannot choose policy rules rationally with an econometric
model in which the structure fails to include realistic expectation formation.
However what practical men mean by policy formation is not entirely, probably
not even mainly, choice of rules of this sort. Policy makers do spend considerable
effort in comparing projected time paths for variables under their control. As
Prescott and Kydland [23] have recently shown, making policy from such pro-
jections, while ignoring the effect of policy on expectation-formation rules, can
lead to a very bad time path for the economy, under some assumptions. Or, as
Sargent and Wallace [29] have shown, it can on other assumptions be merely a
charade, with the economy's real variables following a stochastic process which
cannot be affected by any such exercises in choice of time paths for policy
1l We shall see below, for example, that in Germany and the U.S. money supply, while not entirely
exogenous, has an exogenous component which accounts for much of its variance.
more realistic and complicated scenario would suppose that there are costs to writing contingencies
into contracts, and enforcing contracts with complicated provisions, so that a macropolicy which
stabilizes certain macroeconomic aggregates-prices, wages, unemployment rates, etc.-may simplify
contract-writing and thus save resources. This has been made the basis of an argument against inflation
by Arthur Okun [22].
14 Discussion of such a
policy seems particularly appropriate in the Fisher-Schultz lecture, as Irving
Fisher supported such a policy: "The more the evidence in the case is studied, the deeper will grow the
public conviction that our shifting dollar is responsible for colossal social wrongs and is all the more at
fault because those wrongs are usually attributed to other causes. When these who can apply the
remedy realize that our dollar is the great pickpocket, robbing first one set of people, then another, to
the tune of billions of dollars a year, confounding business calculations and convulsing politics, and, all
the time, keeping out of sight and unsuspected, action will follow and we shall secure a boon for all
future generations, a true standard for contracts, a stabilized dollar" [7].
that the real variables in the economy, including relative prices, ought to form a
vector of jointly exogenous variables relative to the money supply, the price level,
or any other nominal aggregate. This is very far from holding true in the system
estimated here. For the U.S., money supply, and for the F.R.G. the price level
shows strong feedback into the real economy.
A. Methodological Issues
Since the model being estimated is an autoregression, the distribution theory on
which tests are based is asymptotic. However, for many of the hypotheses tested
the degrees of freedom in the asymptotic x distribution for the likelihood ratio
test statistic is not a different order of magnitude from the degrees of freedom left
in the data after fitting the model. This makes interpretation of the tests difficult,
for a number of reasons. Even if the model were a single equation and not
autoregressive, we know that F statistics with similar numerator and denominator
degrees of freedom are highly sensitive to non-normality, in contrast to the usual
case of numerator degrees of freedom much smaller than denominator degrees of
freedom, where robustness to non-normality follows from asymptotic distribution
theory. This problem is worse in the case where some coefficients being estimated
are not consistently estimated, as will be true when dummy variables for specific
periods are involved. If constraints being tested involve coefficients of such
variables (as do the tests for model stability below), even F statistics with few
numerator degrees of freedom will be sensitive to non-normality. In the case
which seems most likely, where distributions of residuals have fat tails, this creates
a bias toward rejection of the null hypothesis.
There is a further problem that different, reasonable-looking, asymptotically
equivalent formulas for the test statistic may give very different significance levels
for the same data. In the single equation case where k linear restrictions are being
tested, the usual asymptotic distribution theory suggests treating T log (1+
kF/(T - k)) as XK(k), where F is the usual F statistic and T is sample size. Where k
is not much less than T, significance levels of the test drawn from asymptotic
distribution theory may differ substantially from those of the exact F test. Of
course k times the F statistic is also asymptotically X2(k) and a test based on k is
asymptotically equivalent to the likelihood ratio test. Since treating kF as x
ignores the variability of the denominator of F, such a procedure has a bias against
the null hypothesis relative to the F test. The usual likelihood ratio test shares this
bias. Furthermore, over certain ranges of values of F, including the modal value of
1.0, the usual likelihood ratio is larger than kF and thus even further biased
against the null hypothesis.
In the statistical tests reported below, I have computed likelihood ratios as if the
sample size were T - k, where k is the total number of regression coefficients
estimated divided by the number of equations.18 This makes the likelihood ratio
18 That is, the usual test statistic, T(log IDR I- log IDu I)is replaced by (T - k)(log IDR I- log IDu 1),
where DR is the matrix of cross products of residuals when the model is restricted; DU is the same
matrix for the unrestricted model.
the sample at the first quarter of 1971 or 1958 (using dummy variables for the
smaller segment of the sample) shows a significant difference between the two
parts of the sample. For the 1971 split the marginal significance levels of the test
are 0.003 for Germany and less than 10-4 for the U.S. However, as can be seen
from Table I, in both countries the difference between periods is heavily concen-
trated in the equation for price of imports. Testing the five other equations in the
system, treating the import variable as predetermined, yields marginal
significance levels of 0.07 for the U.S. and 0.15 for Germany.20
TESTS FOR MODEL HOMOGENEITY:1953-1971 vs. 1972-1976
(Germany); 1949-1971 vs. 1972-1975 (U.S.)a
The 1971 date was originally chosen to correspond to the beginning of a period
of price controls in the U.S. It appears, however, that in both the U.S. and
Germany the major source of difference between the periods comes out of the
1973-74 commodity price boom, with little evidence of a strong effect of price
controls in the U.S.
For the sample split at 1958, the marginal significance levels are 0.0007 for the
U.S. and 0.003 for Germany (X2(216) = 286 and X2(120) = 178, respectively).
However as can be seen from Table II the shift is again concentrated in the
price-of-imports equation for the U.S. For the U.S., the marginal significance
level of the test for the five other equations is 0.15, though four of the five
equations have considerably lower significance levels when we consider the
20 While the test statistics used in this case have the same form as those for other hypotheses tested
in this paper, they differ in not exactly being likelihood ratio tests. This is because they use conditional
likelihood given the price of imports, even though it is admitted that the price of imports is only
predetermined, not exogenous. The asymptotic distribution theory continues to apply (or not apply) to
these statistics as for the bona fide likelihood ratios, however. It may affect the reader's interpretation
of these results to know that if the import price variable is omitted from the system in the U.S., the
significant change at 1971 appears more evenly spread across the five equations. My initial work with
U.S. data was with such a five-equation system, and the import price variable was added to the system
with the suspicion that it might concentrate the structural shift.
TESTS FOR MODEL HOMOGENEITY: 1953-1957 vs. 1958-1976
(Germany); 1949-1957 vs. 1958-1975 (U.S.)
individual F tests. For the German data, the 1958 sample split was chosen because
Robert J. Gordon, working with similar data in recent research, had foregone
attempting the interpolations and splices necessary to extend the period of fit back
before 1958. Thus it is quite possible that the shift we detect is mainly caused by
noncomparability in the data for the earlier period. At least some of the shift
comes from changed coefficients of the seasonal dummy variables in the wage
equation, which fits the explanation of noncomparable data.
These tests suggest that, though the equations for price of imports show strong
effects of other variables no matter the period to which they are fitted, the
equations are not stable. In computing tests of hypotheses, therefore, I have in
each case avoided relying on a maintained hypothesis that there is a stable import
price equation. On the other hand, in preparing projections of responses of the
system to shocks, I have always included an import price equation fit, one way or
another, to the whole sample, because the responses of import prices to other
variables, though not stable, are strong.
Even when the import price equation is excluded, it is apparent that individual
equations often show suspiciously large F statistics for the sample split hypothesis.
Whether it is better to treat these mainly as due to non-normality-occasional
outlier residuals-while maintaining the hypothesis of a stable linear structure, is
a question which deserves further exploration. With as many parameters as are
estimated in this model, it is probably not possible without longer time series than
are yet available to distinguish clearly between instability in the form of occasional
outlier residuals and instability in the form of parameter shifts.
their implied long run equilibrium behavior is quite misleading in these systems.
The estimated U.S. system, for example, is a very slowly damped oscillatory
system. For the first 40 quarters or so of a projection, nominal variables move in
phase, as one would expect. But after this period (which is about half a cycle for
the system's long oscillations) the cycles in the various nominal variables move out
of phase. Clearly the infinitely long run behavior of this system is nonsensical,
though over any reasonable economic forecasting horizon the system is quite
The best descriptive device appears to be analysis of the system's response to
typical random shocks. Except for scaling, this is equivalent to tracing out the
system's moving average representation by matrix polynomial long division. As
will be seen below, the resulting system responses are fairly smooth, in contrast to
the autoregressive lag structures, and tend to be subject to reasonable economic
interpretation. 21
The "typical shocks" whose effects we are about to discuss are positive residuals
of one standard deviation unit in each equation of the system. The residual in the
money equation, for example, is sometimes referred to as the "money innova-
tion," since it is that component of money which is "new" in the sense of not being
predicted from past values of variables in the system. The residuals are correlated
across equations. In order to be able to see the distinct patterns of movement the
system may display it is therefore useful to transform them to orthogonal form.
There is no unique best way to do this. What I have done is to triangularize the
system, with variables ordered as M, Y, U, W, P, PM. Thus the residuals whose
effects are being tracked are the residuals from a system in which contemporaneous
values of other variables enter the right-hand-sides of the regressions with a
triangular array of coefficients. The M equation is left unaltered, while the PM
equation includes contemporaneous values of all other variables on the right. An
equivalent way to think of what is being done is to note that what we call the M
innovation is assumed to disturb all other variables of the system instantly,
according to the strength of the contemporaneous correlation of other residuals
with the M residual, while the PM residual is only allowed to affect the PM
variable in the initial period.
The charts at the end of the paper display, for each shock in the triangularized
system, the reponse of all variables in the system.
The biggest differences between countries which emerge from perusal of the
Charts are as follows.
(i) In the U.S. money innovations have very persistent effects on both money
and other nominal variables. In Germany, money innovations, though larger, are
much less persistent. The peak effect of the money innovation on real GNP is
much bigger for the U.S. than for Germany.
The moving average representation having smooth weights, in the sense of having weights whose
Fourier transform is relatively small in absolute value at high frequencies, is equivalent to the spectral
density being relatively small at high frequencies, and thus to the stochastic process itself being smooth.
An autoregressive representation having smooth weights yields almost exactly the opposite condition
on the spectral density. Thus we ought to expect non-smooth "lag distributions" in these vector
autoregressions. The idea that the moving-average weights should be smooth in this sense suggests a
possible Bayesian approach to estimating these systems which deserves further investi2ation.
would, if there were no sampiing error in estimates of the system, have entries of
1.00 in its diagonal cell in these tables, with zeroes in all other cells in its row of the
tables. Exogeneity is equivalent to this condition that a variable's own innovations
account for all of its variance. The price variable in Germany and the money
supply variable in the U.S. both have more than half their variance accounted for
by own-innovations at all time horizons shown, and the German money supply
INNOVATION: U.S. 1949-1975a
M 1 1.00 0 0 0 0 0
3 .96 0 .03 0 0 0
9 .73 0 .24 .02 0 0
33 .54 0 .27 .09 0 .09
Y/P 1 .15 .85 0 0 0 0
3 .35 .59 .04 .01 .01 0
9 .30 .18 .37 .13 .00 .02
33 .28 .15 .33 .16 .02 .06
U 1 .02 .35 .63 0 0 0
3 .14 .49 .32 0 .03 0
9 .26 .20 .41 .09 .02 .02
33 .34 .14 .34 .13 .03 .03
W 1 .08 .05 .04 .84 0 0
3 .17 .06 .07 .55 .09 .06
9 .45 .02 .05 .25 .08 .16
33 .64 .02 .19 .07 .02 .07
P 1 0 .04 .15 .24 .56 0
3 .04 .01 .14 .36 .33 .12
9 .14 .02 .12 .25 .11 .36
33 .60 .02 .20 .07 .02 .09
PM 1 0 0 .06 .05 .08 .81
3 .01 A.1 .02 .13 .10 .75
9 .06 .02 .13 .08 .03 .68
33 .54 .03 .20 .04 .01 .18
aThe moving average representation on which this table was based was computed from a system estimate in which
the PM equation was estimated by generalized least squares in two steps. An initial estimate by ordinary least squares
was used to construct an estimate of the ratio of residual variance in PM during 1949-71 to the residual variance in
1971-75, and this ratio was used (as if error-free) to re-estimate the equation by generalized least squares. This
procedure is not in fact efficient, since once the break in residual variance in the PM equation is admitted, the usual
asymptotic equivalence of single-equation and multiple-equation autoregression estimates breaks down.
variable has more than 40 per cent of its variance accounted for by own-
innovations at all time horizons shown. No other variables have so much variance
accounted for by own-innovations, indicating that interactions among variables
are strong. The main source of feedback into money supply in the U.S. is
unemployment innovations, while in Germany it is price innovations. Feedback
into prices in Germany is diffused across all variables in the system. The responses
of price to innovations in other variables are reasonable in form, tending to keep
M 1 1.00 0 0 0 0 0
3 .84 .04 .05 .01 .04 .02
9 .53 .04 .14 .08 .20 .01
33 .39 .05 .13 .07 .27 .09
Y/P 1 .07 .93 0 0 0 0
3 .14 .79 .01 .05 0 0
9 .15 .47 .03 .06 .03 .25
33 .13 .22 .05 .04 .42 .14
U 1 0 .03 .97 0 0 0
3 .19 .09 .67 .03 .02 0
9 .15 .10 .37 .02 .08 .29
33 .09 .11 .15 .02 .50 .14
W 1 0 .03 .01 .96 0 0
3 .11 .18 .01 .59 .03 .09
9 .23 .23 .02 .23 .24 .05
33 .21 .13 .08 .15 .31 .12
P 1 .02 .02 0 .10 .86 0
3 .03 .06 .05 .09 .76 0
9 .05 .13 .03 .05 .68 .06
33 .08 .10 .04 .05 .67 .06
PM 1 .06 0 .02 0 .02 .89
3 .04 0 .02 .01 .08 .85
9 .10 .04 .09 0 .16 .61
33 .06 .08 .04 .02 .57 .23
a Here the moving average representation was computed from a system estimate which made no allowance for
non-stationarity over the period. Since stability over the sample period is sharply rejected by a test, the results here
have to be taken as a kind of average of the different regimes which prevailed in the sample. The numbers reported
here, like the plotted MAR's, apply to data with the two-sided interpolation referred to in the data appendix for price.
Correction of the interpolation method to make it one-sided would make small but noticeable changes in the T table.
The largest change would be increases of between .05 and .07 at the 33-quarter horizon in the proportion of variance
in all variables but money and price itself accounted for by price innovations. For the U and PM rows these increases
in the P column come almost entirely from the PM column, so that there are corresponding decreases in the
proportion of variance accounted for by PM.
price roughly in line with the wage variable, so that it seems unreasonable to
impose price exogeneity as a constraint on the system.23
In the U.S., over long horizons, money innovations are the main source of
variation in all three price variables-wages, prices, and import prices. This is not
true in Germany, reflecting the fact that money innovations do not persist long
enough in Germany to induce the kind of smooth, neutral response in the price
variables which eventually dominates in the U.S. data.
Table V displays the forecast standard errors over various forecasting horizons
implied by the model when sampling error in the estimated coefficients is ignored.
Actual forecast errors will of course be substantially bigger, even if the model's
parameters do not change, because the statistical estimates are imperfect. Yet
23 In fact, a test of the hypothesis that price is exogenous in West Germany yields an F(20, 47) =
2.28 and thus a marginal significance level of .01.
M 1 .004 .011
3 .010 .020
9 .022 .029
33 .055 .036
Y/P 1 .008 .009
3 .016 .013
9 .032 .018
33 .036 .032
U 1 .002 .003
3 .005 .003
9 .010 .006
33 .012 .011
W 1 .004 .008
3 .008 .013
9 .016 .023
33 .037 .033
P 1 .004 .007
3 .009 .011
9 .018 .023
33 .043 .035
PM 1 .014 .015
3 .038 .029
9 .075 .043
33 .158 .077
even pretending, as this table does, that the estimated trend coefficients are known
exactly, we see that forecast error rises steadily as the forecasting horizon
lengthens, for nearly every variable. For a stationary process, forecast standard
error tends to some upper bound as the horizon increases. Only real GNP and
unemployment in the U.S. show much sign of this sort of behavior in this table,
indicating that the estimated system is very slowly damped.
24 The ideas expressed in this section are in part due to Thomas J. Sargent.
= Et1[ui(s)] and
where tid is a vector of functionsof time with ith element tiu1i(s)
=t(s)=Et1[y(s)]. As with G in (17), we assume that H, depends on time only
through shift of time origin, so that
Ht(u, y(s), s < t) = Ht+, (Lu, Ly(s), s < t + 1).
The economic substance of (18) can be summarized as an assertion that the only
route available by which monetary policy can influence the levels of real variables
in the system is by its possible effects on expected future levels of real shocks to the
economy (the u's). Such effects are possible, according to this type of model,
because some agents may observe some prices in terms of money more quickly
than they observe relative prices. Thus if the monetary authority has a richer
information set than some agents, it may be able to improve private-sector
forecasts by making the money supply (and hence the aggregate price level) move
in appropriate ways. Also, by introducing fluctuations in the aggregate price level
which are not related to movements in u, the monetary authority can reduce the
quality of private forecasts.25 The versions of these models which imply that
monetary policy is impotent assume that every private information set in the
economy includes all the information available to the monetary authority.
Suppose we assume in particular that monetary policy is based on information
contained in the history of the monetary aggregate, m, and the history of y alone.
That is, m(t)=F(y(t-s), m(t-s), s>0)+f(t). Though we allow a random
component f (t) in m (t), the assumption that the policy-makers' information set is
restricted to the history of y and m is taken to mean that f(t) is independent of
y(t+s)-Et_F(y(t+s)) for all s, where "Et-," means "conditional expectation
given y(s), mr(s)for s ' -1."
If equation (18) is linear and if q9y(t- s) = y(t - s) for s > 0 (as is implied by our
assumption that all private agents know the past history of y), we obtain from (18):
(19) Et 1[y(t)] = HtI(Et- (u(s)), all s; y(t - s) for s > 0).
Under our assumptions about policy, knowledge of past values of m can be of no
help in forecasting u once past u is known (u is causally prior as a vector, in
Granger's sense, relative to m). Now equation (15) is part of the joint moving
average representation of the process (y, m), and we therefore have by con-
00 00
25 It is not obvious to me, however, that when different agents have different information sets the
economy must be worse off with lower quality private forecasts.
assumptions about policy, f(t) must be unrelated to the real disturbance process u.
We assume further that from the past history of y and m, agents can calculate
actual past values of u.26 Then it is not hard to show that e(t) must in fact be a
linear transformation of the innovation vector for u. Thus the component of the
right-hand-side of (21) which depends on the E,_J(u(s)) series is a fixed linear
combination of past values of e(t). The weights in that linear combination depend
on the structure of the u process only. Using these conclusions (and the linearity of
H) to rewrite (21) we get
(22) b *y(t) = b *e(t) + a (O)e(t)+ Ac(O)f(t).
Assuming b1 is invertible, we arrive finally at an interpretation of (20):
bl1 *b2(s)= a(s) for s > 0, b (s)c(O) = c(s) for s > 0. Since b1 and b2 do not
depend on the form of the monetary policy rule, the main conclusion announced
at the beginning of this section follows. That a (0) is invariant to changes in
deterministic policy rules follows from (18) and our information assumptions,
since when all private information sets include the information on which policy is
based and f(t) = 0, all t, (18) determines y(t) without regard to the form of the
policy rule.
Up to this point, the theory which has been invoked has generated no explicit
restrictions on the joint autoregressive representation of m and y, despite the fact
that the theory clearly has strong implications for policy. The theory does,
however, allow us to interpret the estimated MAR. Note that b1 in (22) is
determined by the coefficients on lagged y in H, in (21), and that H, in turn has
been determined by the coefficients of the G1 functions in (16). Thus b, is
determined by the parameters of the utility functions and production functions of
economic agents. The lag distribution b2, on the other hand, arises from the
forecasts of u which enter H, in (21). While b2 is affected by the form of H, and
hence by utility and production functions, it is zero if u (t) is serially uncorrelated,
regardless of the form of H,
Since c, the time path of y's response to m innovations, is just b c (O),it follows
that c can change only in limited ways (via changes in the vector c (0)) in response
to changes in the money supply rule.
Obviously if b2 is zero and b1 is a scalar, (22) implies that y(t) is serially
uncorrelated. In words, if there are no dynamics in utility functions or production
functions (b1 scalar) and if the shocks to utility functions, production functions,
and endowments are serially uncorrelated (b2 = 0), then this model implies that
real variables are serially uncorrelated. The notion that market-clearing rational
expectations models imply that real variables are serially uncorrelated has
received a good deal of attention in the literature. Hall [10], e.g., explored it
treating unemployment as the leading example of a real variable. Hall's simple
model is a special case of the one considered here, in which b1 is assumed to be
scalar. Because of the scalar-b1 assumption, Hall concludes that if real variables
26 This is probably not restrictive. If u could not be deduced from past y and m (e.g., if it was of too
high dimension) it could probably be redefined to satisfy our assumption without altering the
are in fact strongly serially correlated, then the market-clearing rational expec-
tations model has to "explain" serially correlated real variables via nonzero b2.
As he points out, this amounts to "explaining" the business cycle as serial
correlation of unexplained origin in unmeasurable influences on the economy;
such a theory does not really explain anything. Furthermore, it does in particular
rule out the possibility that nearly all observed cyclical variation in real variables is
attributable to monetary policy aberrations (i.e., to f) and therefore limits the
potential gain to be expected from monetarist policy prescriptions.
The latter part of Hall's argument does make sense. However, Hall's
conclusions depend on the notion that strong serial correlation in y is evidence of
strongly nonzero b2. In fact, it is easy to see from (22), as has been pointed out by
Sargent, that large serially correlated movements in y can be explained without
resort to powerful, serially correlated movements in u, simply by admitting the
existence of dynamic elements in technology or tastes-i.e., nonscalar b1. If serial
correlation in y is explained by nonscalar b1 without resort to nonzero b2,
however, a testable implication of the theory for the joint (y, m) autoregression
still emerges: y should be causally prior relative to m. Formally, this is because
with b2 = 0, (22) expresses the innovation in y as a linear combination of current
and past y's alone, without using past m's. Another way to put the same thing is to
observe that, with b2 = 0, the best linear one-step ahead forecast of y(t) is
X 1 bi(s)y(t-s). That this formula not involve lagged m is precisely Granger's
definition of m not causing y.
A test for block-exogeneity of the real sector thus has special interest in the
context of this model. If the test were passed, the implication would be either that
variance in u is small relative to that in f or that u does not have large serial
correlation. In either case, serially correlated cyclical movements would be
accounted for largely by the parameters of the objective functions G1.If the test
were not passed, the implication would be that b2 is nonzero and the parameters of
G1do not account for the observed pattern of serial correlation. Note that this test
does not bear on whether the rational expectations, market-clearing, neutral
money theory is true-it only examines how well it accounts for the observed
cyclical variability of the economy. It could be that b2 is strongly nonzero and that
u has large variance, yet still be true also that the model considered here is correct.
In this case it could not be expected that changing monetary policy to reduce the
variance in f, as most monetarists would suggest, would change the cyclical
variability of the economy very much. But it would remain true that activist
monetary policy could have only very limited effect in increasing the stability of
the economy.
Note that there is a certain paradoxical quality to a test for block-exogeneity of
y as a test of the power of rational expectations market-clearing theory. That
The model does not imply that policy has no real effects. By changing the variance of f, policy can
in general affect a (0) and A, and with a given arbitrarily chosen objective function for policy it is
unlikely that f = 0 will be the optimum choice. On the other hand, if the objective function of policy
makers is related to those of economic agents in a reasonable way and important externalities are not
present, it is likely to turn out that f = 0, making the private economy's forecasts as accurate as
possible, is the optimal policy.
theory, in the form presented here, does suggest that setting f = 0, i.e. setting the
level of the money supply according to a non-discretionary rule, would be good
policy. In this sense the theory justifies monetarist conclusions. Yet we test the
theory by looking for Granger causation of y by m-if we find "causation" of y by
m, we reject the monetarist theory.28 An old-fashioned monetarist, used to
interpreting regressions of GNP on money as structural equations, would rightly
find this conclusion ridiculous. To the extent that money does have important real
effects which are not compensated by the operation of frictionless price adjust-
ment and rational expectations, one would expect to find Granger-causality
running from m to y. If, however, this is the source of a substantial component of
the m-to-y covariance, then monetary stabilization policy has important effects
and simple mechanical rules for setting m may be far from optimal.
To summarize, one can interpret block exogeneity tests within at least three
frameworks of maintained hypotheses. Under rational expectations and inertia-
less prices, rejection of exogeneity of y implies that much cyclical variation is not
reaction to monetary shock. Active stabilization policy can never be very helpful
in this framework, but with y not exogenous, the implication is that it has not
historically been the main source of cyclical variability. A "standard monetarist"
who believed that money was very important but did not accept inertialess prices
and rational expectations would find y-exogeneity hard to explain. In fact, the
income on money regressions associated with this framework are insupportable as
structural relations, unless m, not y, is Granger-causally prior. However this
approach implies that mechanical monetary rules are unlikely to be optimal.
Finally an unregenerate Keynesian, rejecting not only inertialess prices and
market clearing but also the idea that money is a policy instrument of dominant
importance, could interpret y exogeneity as indicative of a completely passive
monetary policy, accounting for m-to-y time series correlations without resort to
causal effects of autonomous policy-induced change in m on y. Rejection of y
exogeneity thus weakens the "unregenerate Keynesian" position as well as the
"rational expectations market-clearing" position.
In this case, as I think ought to be the case in most macroeconometric work, the
data will obviously not determine directly the outcome of debate between various
schools of thought; it does, however, influence the conflict by defining what
battlefield positions must be.
The rational expectations market-clearing model involves numerous dubious
assumptions. In manipulating it we implicitly or explicitly invoked existence and
uniqueness results as well as the obviously false linearity and certainty-
equivalence assumptions. By excluding real balances from the G1,we assumed a
strong neutrality property. We also relied on continuous market clearing and a
very restrictive (and in my view unrealistic) definition of what policy can accom-
Of course, as pointed out above, we don't actually reject the theory as false. As described above,
causation of y by m only implies that the rational-expectations monetarist theory must allocate
important business cycle variance to serial correlation in an unexplained residual. What is important,
then, is not whether y-exogeneity is rejected, but by how big a likelihood ratio it is rejected.
E. Conclusions
The foregoing small-scale example should have made clear that one can obtain
macroeconomic models with useful descriptive characteristics, within which tests
That is, the response of real variables to a money innovation in the U.S. appears to be naturally
explained as a systematic tendency of money to increase after a positive unemployment innovation,
followed by a private-sector reaction to the money increase which parallels the private-sector reaction
to a monetary "surprise." In classical rational expectations models of the sort discussed above, the
private sector should not react to predictable movements in the money supply.
31 See Wachter [32] and Gordon [8].
University of Minnesota
Money: In the U.S., this is Ml, seasonally adjusted, as prepared by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System and published in Business Statistics and the Survey of CurrentBusiness by the
Department of Commerce. In West Germany, this is defined as Money= Reserve Money in Federal
Bank + Demand Deposits in Deposit Money Banks - Currency in Deposit Money Banks - Bankers'
Deposits, and is taken from the International Monetary Fund Publication International Financial
Real GNP: In the U.S., this is the series'published in the same sources listed above for Ml and
prepared by the Department of Commerce. It is seasonally adjusted. In West Germany, this is based
on a series prepared by the Statistisches Bundesampt/Wiesbaden and published in Wirtschaft und
Statistik. Besides involving splicing of series based on different index weights, preparation of this series
required interpolation to obtain quarterly from published semi-annual data over much of the sample
period. The interpolation was carried out by a regression of observed semi-annual data on monthly
values of industrial production for the current and three preceding months. Industrial production was
the Index der Industriellen Nettoproduktion, from the same source cited above for real GNP. The
quarterly data have the form of quarterly estimates of two-quarter moving averages of real GNP.
Unemployment rate: In the U.S., this is the rate for all civilian workers, seasonally adjusted,
prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and published in the sources already cited for the U.S. For
West Germany, this is a ratio of published numbers of unemployed, the series "Arbeitlose" in the
source cited above, divided by the sum of the number unemployed and the number employed. The
series for number employed was spliced together from data in Statistischer Wochendienst,published by
the same organization cited above. For 1964-76 it was Erwerbstatigkeit (abhangige) (i.e., number
employed excluding self-employed and family workers) and for 1952-62 it was Beschaftige Arbeit-
nehmer (i.e. a similar concept but double-counting some multiple job holders). For the intermediate
years, and for splicing the series, the series "Ewerbstatigkeit," which includes self-employed and
family workers, was used.
Wages: For the U.S., this is a seasonally adjusted index of average hourly compensation of all
private nonfarm employees, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and published in Business
Conditions Digest by the Department of Commerce. For West Germany, this is Hourly Earnings in
Industry as published in International Financial Statistics by the International Monetary Fund, using
the Monthly Report of the Deutsche Bundesbank as source. Splicing of segments using different
norming years was required.
Prices: For the U.S. this is a seasonally adjusted price deflator of Gross National Product of the
non-farm business sector, as prepared by the Department of Commerce and published in the Survey of
CurrentBusiness. For West Germany, these data were constructed as a GNP deflator by taking the
ratio of current dollar GNP to constant dollar GNP as published in the same source cited for German
constant-dollar GNP. As with real GNP, interpolation was required, in this case using monthly data on
retail prices (Index der Einzelhandelsprese, Einzelhandel insgesamt, from Wertshaft und Statistik) in
the same way as data on industrial prouction were used for interpolating real GNP. A notable
difference between the two procedures was that for prices, residuals from the fit of the GNP deflator to
retail trade prices showed substantial serial correlation and were therefore used in interpolation. At an
early stage of the work this interpolation was two-sided-interpolated values were predicted values
from the regression on retail prices plus an average of residuals from the regression one quarter ahead
and one quarter behind. Later, it was decided that this might distort the timing of series, so the
interpolation was redone using only lagged residuals. This had no important effect on the estimated
equations, and hence not all of the restricted regressions used in forming test statistics were repeated
with the data interpolated in the latter way. The plots and tables of moving average representations do,
however, reflect the latter "one-sided" interpolation method.
Import Prices: For the U.S., this is the Unit Value of General Imports as published by the
Department of Commerce in the Survey of Current Business. For West Germany, this is the series Unit
Value of Imports published by the International Monetary Fund in International Financial Statistics.
Splicing of six overlapping segments reflecting small changes in the definition of the series or changes in
base year was required.
Notes to the Charts: Each chart displays the response of one variable in one country's model to six
initial conditions. The model is in each case a vector autoregression, in which each of the six variables in
the system is predicted as a linear combination of past values of all six variables in the system. The
variables are ordered as M, Y, U, W, P, PM. The jth simulation sets the value at time 0 of the fth
variable in this ordering at the estimated residual standard error of a regression of the jth equation
autoregression residual on the autoregression residuals from lower-ordered equations. The initial
value of variables ordered lower than j is set to zero, as are all values of all variables for negative t. The
t = Ovalues of variables higher than j in the ordering are set equal to the predicted values for those
residuals, given the value of the first j residuals, from a regression of the last 6 -j residuals on the first j.
More formally, if 2 is the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the residuals in the autoregression,
the jth simulation sets the time-zero values of the variables to the jth column of the positive,
lower-triangular square root of S. Finally, an intuitive description is that the fth simulation pertains to
a movement in that part of the innovation of the jth variable which is uncorrelated with innovations in
the first j- 1 variables, with correlations between this part of the jth innovations and j + sth innovations
being attributed (for positive s) to causal influence of the jth innovation on the j + sth. The six
numbered horizontal axes on each chart refer to the six simulations, in the order displayed along the
left margin of each chart.
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