Professional Development Plan

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Name and School: Mamaran Elementary School Specialization/Subjects Handled: Kindergarten

Required Competencies Type & Specific Professional Significance of the Requirements Potential Barriers and
(1) Intervention (2) activities (3) (4) Solutions (5)

1. Competent and Attend/participate on To enhance teaching Department of No

proficient 21st century trainings/seminars/workshops competence skills and to be Education sponsored seminars/trainings/worksh
teacher. and other related activities. updated of the new trends seminars/trainings/wo ops conducted by DepEd.
and challenges of the subject rkshops.
2. Make a learning log Compilations of strategies and Learning log contributes a Different resources Insufficient time for
on the strategies and teaching techniques are a guide systematic way in the gathered, gain more making compilation due to
techniques in teaching for enhancing mastery of the delivery of the subject acquisition of many activities in school.
the subject critically and subject. matter. knowledge in the Be reminded always for
creatively. subject. multi-tasking system to get
3. Expert In the delivery Enroll in short courses To acquire relevant updates. Personal finances for Barrier:
of quality education to (online/non-online) professional growth. Financial restrictions
the learners of the 21st
century. Solution:
Look for a benefactor
4. Ask the assistance of A good delivery of Instruction Develop learners learning Collaborative efforts Mentoring is not
co-teachers who are Is important to achieve the style with the use of video through reproduction implemented in the school
expert in downloading subject matter. clips and other manipulative of online educational as professional growth.
videos and instructional materials are enhanced. videos and Ask the assistance of the
materials needed in the instructional principal to practice
lesson. materials. mentoring program.
5. Have interviews to Teachers should not limit Gathering various Approach different Inadequate time to handle
seek information about information from reading only information is of great help personality to seek interviews because of
community development rather need to seek various for the mastery of the Information needed overlapping activities.
environmental concerns Information to handle the subject to teach. for the subject. Make a time table to carry
and national issues. subject. out plans.
6. Delivery quality Pursue post-degree course. To become an expert 21st Approval and support Barriers:
education to the learners. century teacher in teaching. of the School Head Time- constraint
and Schools Division
Superintendent. Solution:
Apply for study leave

Prepared by: Reviewed/Approved by:


Guro 21 Learner Principal I


I. Philosophical Statement:
I believe that all students should be treated fairly, and that it's better to teach discipline than to impose it. Classroom
Management is the key to an environment where learning can take place and student can feel safe participating.
I am nothing without my learners. I could never be an effective pivotal agent of learning if I don’t have consistent
classroom management plan. Classroom management is indeed involved commitment on my part, flexibility in dealing different
learning situations and engaging diverse learners and careful planning as the rules and procedures, classroom arrangement,
misbehaviour, intervention, classroom safety and student celebration. These could be crucial but if there is mutual understanding
between me and my pupils I can certainly say that learning will take place.
I believe that there could be an effective and engaging learning environment If I will make my learners equipped with the
necessary knowledge, skills and values so that they will feel comfortable to engage learning activities and make themselves competent
to the skills needed as the 21st century learners. I would also consider different learning styles in order for them to get what they need
to be learned.
The most important part of classroom management is not the behaviour problems but having a good rapport with the
students, encouraging them to succeed and setting high expectation for them. As well as using an engaging curriculum. I believed we
can create this environment and it will minimize the behaviour problems in our classroom from the start.

II. Rules and Procedures:

The rules and procedures that teachers need for his/her classroom will depend on the needs and dispositions of the teachers
and the students rules based on broad social principles. Procedures generally tell student "What to do when" and the best procedures
are not dependent upon direct supervision by teachers. Effective management include getting input, feedback and suggestion from the
students. It is helpful to have a discussion of the purpose of rules and procedures and how they developed out need of the group.
Every learning environment needs to follow rules and procedures. Basically at home, parents set these things. In school,
this directs the learners and teachers to what to follow and consider. With this, I could be consistent especially in discipline. I must
involve my learners in creating rules and procedures so that they will be inclined to follow what is being agreed. There are many
things I should impose in my class. In the essence, I will set myself to be a role model of the rules and live with them for I believed it
will generate positive environment where children will come to learn.

III. Classroom Arrangement

There are many reasons why the arrangement of the classroom can be effective and ineffective. Research shown that the
physical arrangement can affect the behaviour of both students and teachers. Also a well-structured classroom tends to improve
student academic and behavioural outcomes. In addition the classroom environment acts as a symbol to students and others regarding
what teacher's value in behaviour and learning.
The arrangement of my classroom is very important. It is because classroom arrangement has huge effect on my learners.
Considering my teaching style and engagement to different learners learning styles. I must have a unique and multiple classroom
arrangement. The seat plan will set to the kind of learners I have. If they are visual learners, auditory learners. Another setting for
group works and free time activities. All the materials must be in a proper place without distracting the mood of learning. I must see to
it that there is conducive to learning that I can encounter them freely and deals to a more intimate learning venue.

III. Misbehavior Intervention:

One of many challenges of classroom management is dealing with behaviour. Prevention strategies are important, and
there are many things teachers can do to build students motivation to focus and behave will in the classroom. The purpose of
intervening is not to discipline but rather to stop descriptive actions and return students back to academic activities.
Getting to know our learners contributes much on how we can deal with them. It is not an excuse to me to have diverse
learners, to stay with different behaviours of learners because I know that they came from different community and culture.
Misbehaviour learners will be addressed through one-on-one counselling, letting them feel that they belong to a family of my own so
that they will not return of doing unnecessary and distracting behaviours in the class. I should also call parents attention regarding
learners behaviour in class for I believed parents play a great role in shaping the values and character of their children.

IV. Classroom Safety:

Be successfully managing a classroom can increase student success and create a productive and cooperative learning
environment. If a teacher has control of her classroom, it is unlikely that a fight will break out or violence occurs. By establishing clear
and consistent standards of behaviour teachers can ensure that their classes are organized and productive and that students do not have
the opportunity to engage in fights or inflict harm on other student. Teachers can build healthy and mutually respectful relationship
with their students, and allows students to build there positive relationship with their peers.
No one could learn in an unsafely learning environment. As a teacher, I must ensure my learners safety through these
factors to attain to. Provide a clean orderly and inviting place to learn without distracting things that obstruct learners acquisition of
knowledge. Ensure learners welfare through informing about school environments, it is a safety measure to prevent damages and
accidents along the way. Hang posters and disseminate information materials on the DO's and Don’ts in the class. Creating a safe
learning environment enabled my learners to actively participate in all activities thus they feel safe and secure.

VI. Student Celebration:

Provide monthly and Quarterly celebration to showcase student social and behavioural contribution, a creating effective
learning environment. Conduct PTA meeting and ask the principal to present the award of appreciation to the parent or pupils.
It is critically important to recognize ones achievement of the learners. This arouses learner’s interest to do outstanding
works in the classroom. As a teacher, I am particular of giving appreciations and rewards of my learners. I am not just concentrating
on their academics but rather I also recognize learners through their character and behaviour in the class. For these, I believed that it
will foster strong bond among teachers and learners. It is important to properly recognize in order to build their self-esteem and
confidence. Parents also will give support and encouragement to them. Struggling learners need to feel that they can do better of their
own task and to get enthusiasm to achieve in greater way. The use of Bulletin Board is utilized to show social behaviours and
academic performance every quarter to allow learners to work hard and behave well in the class. No matter how big and small it Is,
what matter is they will feel they belong to a family that recognize and encourage even in just little things.
The bottom line is to have fun in constructing an activity that celebrates our student’s good behaviour and all of our
learning that takes place in our classroom.

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