Covid 19 Myths and Facts
Covid 19 Myths and Facts
Covid 19 Myths and Facts
• The virus is spread through droplets released from the mouth and
nose of someone who has COVID-19
Myth: Only elderly people should be worried
about COVID-19
• However, getting the flu shot can help our healthcare system. If there
are less people needing to be treated for the flu, our healthcare
system has more resources and time for COVID-19 patients.
Myth: Antibiotics can kill COVID-19
Fact: Antibiotics do not work against viruses,
only bacteria
• Animals and some household pets have tested positive for COVID-19.
• It appears that the virus can spread from people to animals in some situations,
but at this time the risk of COVID-19 spreading from animals to people seems
• Don’t let your pets interact with other pets outside your household, and if
someone in your home is sick, keep all pets away from the sick person.