Hallucinations: Common Features and Causes
Hallucinations: Common Features and Causes
Hallucinations: Common Features and Causes
and causes
Awareness of manifestations,
nonpsychiatric etiologies can
help pinpoint a diagnosis
ot all patients who experience hallucinations
have a psychotic disorder. Many physical and
psychiatric disorders can manifest with hal-
lucinations, and some patients have >1 disorder that
could cause different types of hallucinations. To avoid
providing unnecessary or ineffective treatments—and
to ensure that patients receive proper care for nonpsy-
chiatric conditions—it is important to accurately diag-
nose the disorder causing a patient’s hallucinations.
In this article we describe common features and psy-
chiatric and nonpsychiatric causes of auditory, visual,
Bottom Line
Auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and somatic hallucinations can
be caused by a wide range of physical and psychiatric conditions. Awareness of
common presentations of hallucinations associated with specific disorders can
Current Psychiatry
help narrow the diagnosis and lead to more efficacious treatment. Vol. 10, No. 11 29