The Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) and Their Impact On Overall Organizational Performance
The Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) and Their Impact On Overall Organizational Performance
The Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) and Their Impact On Overall Organizational Performance
19 41,855
3 authors:
Z. Razaq
Iqra University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Nguyen, C., Bhatti, M. I., Komorníková, M.,and Komorní, J. (2016). Gold price and stock markets nexus under mixed-copulas, Economic Modelling, (2016), pp. 283-292,
DOI information: 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.05.024 View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Z. Razaq on 22 October 2015.
We’re thankful to Mr. Khuram Bukhary for his research assistantship and constructive comments to improve
the quality of the paper.
Z. Razaq was a former student of Institute of Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan,
M. Ishaq Bhatti
CBE, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
H. M. Awan
Director Air University, Multan Campus, Multan, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
Z. Razaq
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
1 Introduction
In order to get and keep competitive advantage over other market players in the same industry
the manufacturing organizations must produce the quality products at lower cost with rapidly
increasing variety. These are the few among many valuable objectives of the organizations. In
order to get confirmations regarding the fulfilling of their objectives and goals organizations
have to keep check over their performance (Ghalayini and Noble 1997). In order to achieve
these purpose organizations must have to use the performance management systems. Simply
the performance management is done by the organizations in order to confirm that either they
are going in right direction or not. For measuring, managing and comparing the performance
the organizations are required to know about the performance indicators.
The performance indicators can be defined as the physical values which are used to mea-
sure, compare and manage the overall organizational performance (Gosselin 2005). The
performance indicators may include the quality (De Toni and Tonchia 2001; Gosselin 2005;
Heckl and Moormann 2010; Badri et al. 1994; Neely and Platts 2005), cost (De Toni and
Tonchia 2001; Neely and Platts 2005; White 1996), financial (Parmenter 2009; White 1996),
flexibility (De Toni and Tonchia 2001; and White 1996), delivery reliability (Heckl and
Moormann 2010; White 1996), employees’ satisfaction (Leong et al. 1990; Mapes and Szwe-
jczewski 1997; Parmenter 2009), customer satisfaction (Ittner 1998 and Neely and Platts
2005; Parmenter 2009), safety (Flin and O’connor 2000; Mearns et al. 2003; Parmenter
2009), environment/community (Neely and Platts 2005; Parmenter 2009; White 1996), and
learning and growth (Parmenter 2009; Sadler-Smith and Chaston 2001; Utterback 1975).
These are the performance indicators which are given in the literature and most of the orga-
nizations use these performance indicators for measuring and managing their performance.
The measures are the factors which are used to determine the organization performance in
terms of performance indicators (Browne et al. 1997; Gosselin 2005; Heckl and Moormann
2010). There could be tradeoffs between the performance indicators, which means that if
one indicator’s value increases the other’s value decreases (i.e) the major tradeoff could be
between the quality, cost, time, delivery reliability and flexibility (Mapes and Szwejczewski
1997). This paper revolves around three questions. First, which are the important indicators
and sub-indicators of performance? Second, do these performance indicators have any rela-
tionship with each other and with overall performance index of the organizations? Third is
there any impact of these performance indicators upon the overall performance of the orga-
nizations? This study is descriptive in nature which has used the survey research method
and some statistical techniques in order to find the answers of questions discussed above.
The results of the study reveal that the manufacturing organizations put more focus on the
customer satisfaction and delivery reliability in terms of performance indicators. Measur-
ing the performance in terms of cost, financial, quality, time, flexibility, delivery reliability,
safety, customer satisfaction, employees’ satisfaction and social performance indicators have
significant positive impact on the overall performance of organizations.
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
2 Literature review
2.1 Quality
Quality is the key to success of every organization. Now a days the customers are demanding
quality products and the organizations that are able to produce quality products at lower cost
win the game. The quality is checked mainly at three levels input, output and throughput or
process quality. Most of the organizations focus on quality because they have made promises
to their customers about quality of their services and products (Heckl and Moormann 2010;
Badri et al. 1994). White (1996) has discussed eight dimensions of quality which are: fea-
tures, reliability, conformance, durability, serviceability, aesthetics, and perceived quality. In
between these dimensions, conformance has the empirical evidence with quality. Gosselin
(2005) has discussed customer satisfaction, input quality, output quality, cost quality and
number of customer complaints as the measures of quality. De Toni and Tonchia (2001) have
discussed machine reliability, reworks, quality system costs, customer satisfaction, returned
goods, input and output quality, product reliability, and machine reliability as the quality
measures. According to Neely and Platts (2005) performance, features, reliability, confor-
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
mance, technical durability, serviceability, aesthetics, perceived quality, humanity, and value
are the measures of quality.
2.2 Flexibility
Flexibility is defined as the ability of the organizations to perform multiple tasks at given
level of resources like, labour, machine etc (Zhang et al. 2003). Neely and Platts (2005)
has discussed material quality, output quality, new product, modified products, deliverabil-
ity, volume mix and resource mix are the most valid measures of flexibility. De Toni and
Tonchia (2001) have identified volume flexibility, mix flexibility, product modification flexi-
bility, process modification flexibility and expansion flexibility as the measures of flexibility
performance. White (1996) has identified perceived flexibility, flexibility relative to competi-
tors, process flexibility relative to competitors, perceived relative product flexibility, plant
response time to product mix changes, product cycle time, set-up time, time to replace tools,
change tool, assemble or move fixture, percentage increase in average number of set-ups
per day, perceived relative volume flexibility, ability to perform multiple tasks efficiently,
percentage programmable equipment, percentage of slack time for equipment, labour, per-
centage products using pull system, disruption caused by breakdowns and vendor lead time as
the strategy related measures of flexibility performance of the manufacturing organizations.
2.3 Time
2.4 Safety
In recent years there has been a realization that the reliability of complex work systems
in achieving organizational goals safely depends on work structures as well as technical
arrangements (Mearns et al. 2003). Parmenter (2009) has identified in his book that the level
of risk and safety perceived, accident rate, level of employees’ cooperation, safety attitude
of managers and employees, level of employees’ physical risk on work place and the level of
safety information as the key measures of safety. In UK the leading measures of the safety
performance are lost time on accident, and accident rate (Flin and O’connor 2000; Mearns
et al. 2003).
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
Historically financial measures are the best measures to evaluate the company’s performance,
such as the physical values of sales and profits or percentage return on equity and assets.
Because external groups of stockholders are strongly concerned with these sort of perfor-
mance measures and they put pressure on companies to use financial measures for their
internal performance measurement (White 1996). Many researchers and organizations use
different measures for evaluating and measuring their financial performance. Here, we have
adopted the financial measures suggested by Parmenter (2009) in his book “the key perfor-
mance indicators (KPIs)”. He suggested cost of goods sold / sales, scrap cost as %age of
total sales, A/c Receivable turnover, cash flows, days in inventory, days sales in receivables,
net income, sales, number of profitable customers, return on equity, sales by product, sales
growth rate, return on assets and return on capital employed as the measures of the financial
performance of the organizations.
2.6 Cost
The external stakeholders have more concern with the cost based measures of the perfor-
mance, so that is why the organizations use cost accounting system which include measures
of efficiency and effectiveness, represent an effort to relate internal performance measures to
external ones (White 1996). Neely and Platts (2005) has identified the manufacturing cost,
value added cost, selling price, running cost and services cost as the measures of the cost
performance. White (1996) has identified cost relative to competitors, perceived relative cost
performance, manufacturing costs, capital productivity, labour productivity, machine pro-
ductivity, total factor productivity, total product cost as a function of lead time, direct labour
cost, indirect labour cost, percentage improvement in labour, relative labour cost, labour
productivity, labour efficiency, material cost, inventory cost, scrap cost, repairing cost, cost
of quality, design cost, relative R&D cost, distribution cost, overhead and transactions per
product as strategy related measures of cost. De Toni and Tonchia (2001) have identified
the material cost, labour cost, machinery energy cost, machinery material consumption cost,
inventory cost, machine saturation, total productivity, working capital productivity, value
added productivity and value added productivity/employee costs as the measures of cost
performance of the organizations.
The employees’ satisfaction is the key to success for every organization. If the employees
are satisfied then there will be satisfied customers and overall organizational performance
will boost up (Leong et al. 1990; Mapes and Szwejczewski 1997). Parmenter (2009) was of
the view that analysis of absenteeism, %age of staff working flexible hours, turnover rate,
new recruits which are employee’s referrals, employees’ satisfaction per survey, employees’
complaints resolution effectiveness, empowerment index and length of service of staff who
has left are the measures to check the employees satisfaction in any organization.
Leaning and growth provides the organizations with competitive advantage over their com-
petitors. It happened because the learning organizations keep training their employees with the
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
new technological advancements (Sadler-Smith and Chaston 2001). Parmenter (2009) men-
tioned in his book that the %age of managers having IT literacy, %age of employees having
required education, employees terminated for performance this year, employees certified for
skilled job function or position, investment for training, number of internal promotions, man-
agers who have performance management training, number of new staff, times in training
(days/year) and number of research paper generated are measures by which the organizations
can check their performance in terms of learning and growth. The more the leaning organi-
zations involve in innovativeness the more they develop new product development projects
(Utterback 1975; Sadler-Smith and Chaston 2001).
The organizations owe something to the society in which they operate and the realization of
this liability is actually the social responsibility or we call this as corporate social responsibil-
ity. The socially responsible organizations actually take steps for the welfare of the society in
which they operate (White 1996; Neely and Platts 2005). Parmenter (2009) has mentioned in
his book that the discharge from production into the environment, waste and scrap produced,
dollar donated to community, percentage of local residence in total workforce, number of
media coverage events, number of photos in papers, number of sponsorships undertaken by
organizations, number of environment complaints received in a year, %age of current projects
that are environment friendly and the environment safety awards are the true measures of the
environment/social performance of the manufacturing organizations.
The higher customer satisfaction improves financial performance by increasing the loyalty
of existing customers, reducing price elasticity, lowering marketing costs through positive
word-of-mouth advertising, reducing transaction costs, and enhancing organization repu-
tation (Ittner 1998 and Neely and Platts 2005). According to Parmenter (2009) stock outs,
revenue gained from top customers in a week, number of complaints, customer loyalty index,
customer lost, new customers, number of customer referrals, market share in term of cus-
tomers, on time delivery, product quality, number of quality service guarantee issued and
order frequency are the measures of the customer satisfaction.
White (1996) has proposed the perceived relative reliability, reliability relative to competitors,
percentage on-time delivery, due date adherence, percentage increase in portion of delivery
promises met. Percentage of orders with incorrect amount, schedule attainment, average
delay, percentage reduction in lead time per product line, percentage improvements in output,
percentage reduction in purchasing lead time and percentage reduction in average service
turnaround per warranty claim as the measures of the delivery reliability. There is little
discrepancy between researchers about the measures of delivery reliability.
In summary, there are many indicators available in literature that can be applied for mea-
suring the organization’s processes performance. During the late twentieth century, most of
the organizations focus more upon the efficiency, and lesser upon the effectiveness. Perfor-
mance measurement serves to reduce cost rather than to improve the organization’s profit
related issues. In order to avoid misguiding management the organizations should focus on
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
the selection of performance indicators which are mostly related to their strategy. The other
thing which should be in the minds of managers during the selection of indicators is that they
should link these selected indicators to their business vision, mission and objectives. This
will result in strategic performance indicators that support senior management in indicating
toward the desired strategic direction. Hence, the indicators are highly dynamic, and the
selection of advantageously important performance indicators is related to the concept of
“critical success factors”. In order to be successful, each organization has to determine per-
formance indicators and performance measures that are strategically relevant to its particular
situation (Heckl and Moormann 2010).
In this article survey research method is used. For this study a structured questionnaire is
used in order to get primary and qualitative data on the topic. The likert scale was used in the
questionnaire of study and it is filled by the top management of the sampled organizations.
The sample size of 84 respondents were randomly selected from four different manufacturing
industries of Pakistan. The respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire on the basis of
their organizations’ practices and their personal experiences. Then the data collected from
these questionnaires was entered into the SPSS 17 database for analysis. To prioritize the
different performance indicators we use analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The indices of
the eleven broad indicators are calculated on the basis of global priority weights. Correlation
analysis is used to check the impact of various performance indicators indices on each other
and the overall performance index to know how they are helping each other and in which
direction. At the end we run the simple regression in order to check the impact of these eleven
indicators indices on the overall performance indicators index.
The 4-stage research model for this study is given in Fig. 1. In this research model the
number of items (sub indicators) in each performance indicators EPI and IPI (as 2nd stage)
are recognized as the qualitative part of the study and the final number of dimensions are
determine by factor analysis (stages 3 and 4). Overall performance index is calculated (as 1st
stage) by using AHP’s given global weights of the performance indicators.
4 The findings
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
Performance indicators
Overall Performance
Fig. 1 The Research model for performance indicators and overall performance index
these performance indicators in manufacturing sector of Pakistan. This study will be helpful
for manufacturing organizations in Pakistan in order to select the KPIs for their performance
In order to achieve the first objective of the study, which are the important performance indi-
cators used by the organizations, we have applied the AHP. AHP is a multi-criteria decision
making (MCDM) method. MCDM is a well known class of decision making that was first
introduce by Wind and Saaty (1980). The AHP actually converts respondents’ preferences
into ratio-scale weights that are pooled into linear additive weights for the alternatives. These
resultant weights are used to rank the alternatives and thus assist the decision maker in mak-
ing a strategic decision (Forman and Gass 2001). The three primary functions of AHP are the
structuring complexity, measurement on a ratio scale and synthesis. By understanding these
functions one can understand that why the AHP should be considered as a general methodol-
ogy that can be applied to a variety of problems. The first function of AHP technique is that it
is used to face problems in the way humans deal with complexity: the hierarchical structuring
of complexity into homogeneous clusters of factors. Wind and Saaty (1980) pointed that the
large range of organizations are mostly hierarchical in structure, which means that they are
divided into functions which are sub-divided into sub-functions. The hierarchical sub division
is not a strange phenomenon for the human organizations. The second function of AHP is that
it uses the ratio scale to rank different factors. The need to have a mathematically approved,
patently obvious methodology caused Saaty to use paired comparisons of the hierarchical
factors to derive ratio-scale measures that can be interpreted as final ranking weights. The
third main function of AHP is that it synthesis or putting together the parts into a whole.
As complex decisions involves many factors which need to synthesize manually. Although
the AHP facilitate the complex decision making by synthesize the multitude factors into a
hierarchy. We don’t know of any other methodology that facilitates synthesis as does the
AHP (Forman and Gass 2001).
The respondent were asked about different performance indicators which are arranged in
the form of eleven broad categories like, cost, quality, delivery reliability, flexibility, time,
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
Cost Labour costs as %age of T. Sales 0.1980 0.1474 0.1779 0.2135 0.2020
Cost relative to competitors 0.2821 0.2704 0.2409 0.2206 0.2651
Cost of quality 0.2815 0.2704 0.2409 0.2206 0.1235
Overhead cost 0.0692 0.1431 0.2262 0.2506 0.2490
%age of total manufacturing cost 0.1152 0.0999 0.0606 0.0255 0.1102
Service cost / warranty 0.0253 0.0291 0.0266 0.0348 0.0250
Scrap cost as %age of T. sales 0.0283 0.0394 0.0266 0.0341 0.0250
Material costs 0.2676 0.3174 0.6344 0.3983 0.3931
Distribution cost 0.1731 0.2085 0.1009 0.2180 0.1233
Value added cost per unit 0.3450 0.1006 0.1009 0.1086 0.1406
Running cost per unit 0.0510 0.1961 0.0680 0.1002 0.1568
Cost of goods sold/sales 0.1630 0.1773 0.0955 0.1747 0.1860
Financial A/c receivable turnover 0.2856 0.4500 0.2948 0.6297 0.721
Cash flows 0.4322 0.3788 0.2948 0.2281 0.2268
Days in inventory 0.2355 0.1297 0.3551 0.0626 0.2606
Days sales in receivables 0.0465 0.0413 0.0551 0.0794 0.0404
Net income 0.2535 0.2170 0.1927 0.2147 0.2392
Sales 0.1934 0.2306 0.2752 0.2403 0.1707
No. of profitable customers 0.0863 0.0673 0.1114 0.0613 0.1035
Return on equity 0.1136 0.1706 0.1114 0.1264 0.1497
Sales by product 0.0660 0.0541 0.0545 0.0503 0.0478
Sales growth rate 0.0713 0.0642 0.0950 0.1398 0.1260
Return on assets 0.1463 0.1420 0.1379 0.1329 0.1308
Return on capital employed 0.0693 0.0540 0.0215 0.0340 0.0319
Quality Products performance 0.3123 0.3480 0.4277 0.3425 0.3632
Products features 0.1126 0.1015 0.1830 0.1062 0.1565
Products reliability 0.1596 0.2286 0.1302 0.1198 0.1218
Machine reliability 0.1070 0.0748 0.0641 0.1198 0.0671
Out put quality 0.1541 0.0999 0.0898 0.1586 0.1455
Input quality 0.1541 0.1470 0.105 0.1528 0.1455
Conformance to customers 0.4444 0.6840 0.5099 0.4010 0.4226
Technical durability / expected life 0.2366 0.0950 0.2118 0.2327 0.1647
Serviceability 0.0855 0.0950 0.0826 0.0887 0.1743
Perceived quality by customer 0.2332 0.1258 0.1955 0.2775 0.2383
Time Cycle time 0.1338 0.3823 0.2206 0.2826 0.1901
Order processing time 0.1569 0.1734 0.1138 0.2055 0.1746
Response time 0.2056 0.0867 0.1526 0.0987 0.2261
Move time 0.0508 0.0486 0.0588 0.0489 0.0474
Wait time 0.0597 0.0610 0.1113 0.0634 0.0529
Order carrying out time 0.0642 0.0709 0.0711 0.1287 0.0525
Time to market 0.1966 0.0610 0.0859 0.0913 0.1538
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
Table 1 continued
Indicators Sub indicators Global weights
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
Table 1 continued
Indicators Sub indicators Global weights
mance management, which indicate the relative importance toward selecting these indicators
as the KPIs for the manufacturing organizations in Pakistan. We learn from the descriptive
statistics in the Table 2. That the means’ value of overall indicators index for overall manufac-
turing sector and the electronics industry is 2.0913 and 2.2448. This difference is significant
(p = 0.15). The differences between the overall manufacturing sector and electronics indus-
try (p = 0.07), sports (p = 0.02) and textile (p = 0.04) are significant. The social performance
and learning and growth are the best performance indicators among all other performance
indicators in all industries, where as the quality and financial performance indicators are the
quite less important performance indicators in all industries.
4.2 Correlation
Correlation analysis is used to check the impact of various performance indicators indices on
each other and the overall performance index to know how they are helping each other in for-
mulating the overall performance index and in which direction, which is also used to answer
our second research question. The Pearson correlation coefficients (R) between performance
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
Cost 2.196 1.035 1.944 .626 2.272 1.018 2.229 1.192 2.178 .9487
Financial 1.660 .4621 1.532 .462 1.695 .3992 1.681 .4839 1.648 .4690
Quality 1.807 1.080 1.406 .399 2.118 1.321 1.897 1.074 1.702 1.090
Time 1.832 .5710 1.615 .432 2.075 .7583 1.886 .5865 1.754 .5234
Flexibility 1.958 .5504 2.073 .765 1.677 .3140 1.963 .5731 2.002 .5476
Del reliability 2.270 1.231 3.183 1.69 2.142 1.269 2.198 1.098 2.265 1.299
Safety 2.563 1.673 2.069 1.95 1.951 1.324 2.961 1.721 2.387 1.647
Customer satisfaction 2.062 .8377 2.343 .742 2.003 .6936 2.122 1.017 1.990 .7049
Employee satisfaction 2.448 1.333 2.419 1.75 2.157 1.221 2.496 1.234 2.469 1.441
Social 3.152 1.635 3.189 2.09 2.425 1.601 3.382 1.620 3.100 1.628
Learning and growth 3.511 1.554 3.481 1.82 2.698 1.616 3.806 1.502 3.428 1.553
OPI 2.091 .4241 2.244 .486 2.015 .4733 2.120 .4245 2.049 .4636
R 1
N 84
R .076 1
Sig. .489
N 84 84
R −.011 .282 1
Sig. .918 .009
N 84 84 84
R .250 .427 .497 1
Sig. .022 .000 .000
N 84 84 84 84
R −.004 .474 .146 .247 1
Sig. .969 .000 .187 .024
N 84 84 84 84 84
R −.351 −.139 .312 .015 −.178 1
M. Ishaq Bhatti et al.
Table 3 continued
Cost Fin Qual Time Flex DR Safety CS ES Social L&G OPI
indicators are listed in Table 3 for overall manufacturing sector. The results for correlation
show that the quality has a significant positive correlation with time, delivery reliability and
safety, which means that the increase in time, delivery reliability and safety will result into
the increase in overall quality performance of the organization. The time has a significant
positive correlation with flexibility and safety. It means that increase in the flexibility and
safety performance will result due to the increase in the time performance. The flexibility has
a significant positive relation with the safety, customers’ satisfaction and employees’ satis-
faction. These correlation values mean that the increase/decrease in the safety, customers and
employees’ satisfaction will result into the increase/decrease in the performance of the organi-
zation in terms of the flexibility. The delivery reliability has a significant negative correlation
with the safety and employees’ satisfaction. The safety has a positive significant relation
with employees’ satisfaction, social performance and learning and growth performance. The
customers’ satisfaction is positively correlated with employee’s satisfaction. The employees’
satisfaction is positively correlated with social and learning and growth performance. At
the end all the indicators other than the cost have a positive significant correlation with the
The key performance indicators (KPIs) and their impact
overall performance index. And if we write the results of Pearson correlation between all
performance indicators and overall performance index the most significant positively corre-
lated performance indicator is quality (p = .000, R = .576) followed by the customers’ satis-
faction (p = .000, R = .570), delivery reliability (p = .000, R = .538), time (p = .000, R = .451),
safety (p = .000, R = .404), financial (p = .000, R = .391), social (p = .001, R = .367), flexibil-
ity (p = .001, R = .360), employees’ satisfaction(p = .001, R = .347) and learning and growth
(p = .003, R = .329). The cost is negatively correlated (R = −0.637) with overall performance
indicator but their relationship is not significant (p = .637).
In order to address third research question which was the impact of these performance indica-
tors upon the overall performance of the organizations? We have used the regression analysis
with the overall performance indicators index as the dependent variable and the eleven per-
formance indicators indices as the independent variables. The results of the simple regression
are given in the Table 4, which show that measuring the performance in terms of cost, finan-
cial, quality, time, flexibility, delivery reliability, safety, customer satisfaction, employees’
satisfaction and social performance indicators have positive significant impact on the over-
all performance of the organizations at 0.01 significance level. But the learning and growth
index has no effect on the overall performance indicators index. On the basis of beta coeffi-
cient the delivery reliability (beta = 0.591) has more impact on the overall performance index
followed by customers’ satisfaction (beta = 0.443), quality (beta = 0.232), cost (beta = 0.150),
employees’ satisfaction (beta = 0.143), financial (beta = 0.119), flexibility (beta = 0.108), time
(beta = 0.103), social (beta = 0.094) and safety (beta = 0.081). The R square (Coefficient of
determination) is 0.965 which is the degree of variation explained by the eleven indicators in
overall performance index. It means that these eleven performance indicators are explaining
the much of the variability in the overall performance of the organizations.
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