1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1
3. Research Question.......................................................................................................................3
3.2 Hypothesis.............................................................................................................................5
4. Literature Review........................................................................................................................5
5. Research Design..........................................................................................................................8
6.1 Population..............................................................................................................................9
7. Data Analysis.............................................................................................................................10
8. References..................................................................................................................................11
The effect of packaging on consumer buying behavior in the Nepali local snack food industry is
the research topic of this study. This study looks at the value of packaging and how it can be
used as a marketing tool to influence customer purchasing decisions. When it comes to the
packaging of local snack foods in Nepalese markets, the majority of them have transparent
packaging with limited product details, whereas foreign snack brands available in markets have
high-quality packaging with visual and verbal elements on it and are giving local brands a run for
their money. As a result, this study was conducted to emphasize the importance of packaging in
boosting sales and influencing customer purchasing behavior in Nepal's local snack food
industry. This study is built on a conceptual framework that includes three independent variables
and one dependent variable. The wrapper design, the quality of the materials used, and
packaging innovation are all independent variables. The brand name, logo, and color of the
packaging, as well as product specifics, nutritional information, and ingredient lists, are all
essential components of the wrapper design. Packaging consistency, safety of the product from
the packaging, and packaging longevity all come under the second independent variable.
Biodegradable packaging, packaging that is compact and simple to dispose of, use, store, and
keep, packaging that is environmentally friendly, and packaging that can be used for various
purposes are all examples of the third variable – packaging innovation. The dependent variable is
consumer purchasing behavior, and the aim of this study is to see whether the three independent
variables have an effect on the dependent variable.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
The majority of the packaging for Nepali local snacks is transparent wrapper with
minimal branding and product detail. International brands, on the other hand, have attractive
packaging and branding, giving them a competitive advantage over Nepalese local snack brands.
This is because packaging has a greater appeal of customers than advertising and can distinguish
a brand from its rivals. Packaging is also critical in reinforcing a consumer's buying decision at
the point of sale (Parmar and Deliya, 2012). Therefore Nepali packaged snacks industry is in dire
need of a market research to understand weather their products are not doing well in the market
because of their low effort in packaging design. Firstly we have to identify variables of the study
and then set hypothesis and research question with the help of extensive literature review. Then
we will test the hypothesis with the help of correlational and regression analysis.
ii. Will innovative packaging affect the consumer buying behavior on Nepali local
iii. Does the quality of the packaging material have an influence on customer purchasing
behavior for Nepali local snacks?
Some of the local packaged snack foods of Nepal are Lakhamari, Pustakari, Furandana,
Nimkee,Nepali titaura, Gutpak, Khajuri and Selroti,. The majority of snack foods are available
and sold in Nepal. These snacks are very popular among Nepalese people and are frequently
consumed. People have been eating and making various kinds and varieties of local traditional
snacks all over Nepal, and some of the snack foods also have cultural and traditional
Along with the realistic visual elements on the package, verbal packaging features like
nutritional and product details are also critical in assisting consumers in making purchasing
decisions and repeat purchases. In the case of snack food customers, visual packaging features
were more essential than verbal packaging features. As a result, manufacturers must concentrate
on the visual packaging features of snack food products. (Kim-Soon et al., 2018).
Packaging is also being used by businesses to boost revenue and lower advertising costs.
Packaging is used for marketing communication, and it is an important factor that influences
customer purchasing decisions. Innovation, packaging color, printed information, background
image, packaging material, and product wrapper design all played important roles in influencing
consumers' buying behaviour, according to the report. However, considering all of these factors,
there is one more important factor that always comes first: price. Consumers are heavily
influenced by the price of a commodity when making a purchase. Furthermore, the study
discovered that people over the age of 22 are more interested in the written material on the
packaging, rather than the packaging itself. They are more interested in the product's quality
rather than the packaging. (Hana, 2014).
The majority of studied articles in the literature reviews found out that attractive visual elements
on packaging were one of the most important factors in triggering consumers' impulsive buying
behavior and encouraging them to purchase FMCG items, but some studies have found that, in
addition to the visual elements of the packaging, the verbal elements were equally important.
Furthermore, some researchers discovered that people paid more attention to product prices than
packaging, but the majority of research papers demonstrated the significance of packaging in
affecting customer purchasing decisions. So this study will fill a gap in the Nepalese Snack Food
Industry because no previous research has been done in this field, and the population and their
characteristics will be different from previous international studies. This study will fill in the
gaps and serve as a useful guide for Nepal's new local snack brands.
2.4 Conceptual framework
This research is based on three independent variable and one dependent variable which is
selected from extensive literature review. The following figure explains the research conceptual
Design of wrapper
Consumer buying
Packaging quality
i. Design of wrapper: Wrapper design is the first independent variable, and it refers to
the visual and verbal elements of the wrapper, such as color, use of pictures/graphics,
product details such as ingredient lists, nutritional facts, packaging language, and
stated country of origin, brand name, and logo.
ii. Packaging quality: The second independent variable, quality of materials, refers to
the quality of the material used on the packaging, which helps to preserve the
product, attract more buyers, and increase its value.
iii. Packaging innovation: The third independent variable, creative packaging, refers to
modern product packaging technologies such as easy-open, easy-store, easy-use,
recyclable and recycled packaging, easy-to-dispose, compact and easy-to-carry
packaging, and packaging that is environmentally friendly.
Variable sources: (Silayoi & Speece, 2004) (Borishade & Joy, 2015) (Kim-Soon et al.,
2018) (Hana, 2014) (Kapoor and Kumar, 2019).
i. H1: There is a significant relationship between the consumer buying behavior and
the wrapper design.
ii. H2: There is a significant relationship between the consumer buying behavior and
the quality of material.
iii. H3: There is a significant relationship between the consumer buying behavior and
innovative packaging
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
Survey Questionnaire
1. Gender:
a) Male
b) Female
c) Other
2. Age
a) 18-25
b) 26-30
c) 31-40
d) 41-50
e) 51 and above
3. Occupation
a) Student
b) Self-employed
e) Other
4. Education level
a) School
b) High school
c) Bachelors
d) Masters
e) Above Masters
5. Income level
a) I don’t earn
c) 25,000-50,000
d) 51,000-75,000
a) Once a week
b) Once a month
d) Almost everyday
e) Never
a) Local brands
b) International brands
8. When buying the snack foods packaging of the product has an influence in my purchase
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes
9. How do you rate the packaging of the Nepali local snacks compared to international snack
a) Very good
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Poor
e) Very poor
10. Which of the following on a snack food package influences the most while making purchase
decision (You can select multiple options)?
b) Product information
c) Brand name
d) Recyclable material
g) Nutritional facts
h) Other
Rate the following factors from 1 to 5 where 1- strongly disagree, 2- disagree, 3- neutral, 4-
agree and 5- strongly agree
Regarding the wrapper design of the snack foods, please show your level of agreement or
disagreement with the following statements.
Regarding the quality of materials on the packaging of the snack foods, please show your level
of agreement or disagreement with the following statements.
Regarding the innovation on the packaging of the snack foods, please show your level of
agreement or disagreement with the following statements.
Regarding the packaging of the snack food and the buying behavior, please show your level of
agreement or disagreement with the following statements.