3 Transcripts Brain Degeneration
3 Transcripts Brain Degeneration
3 Transcripts Brain Degeneration
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Brain Degeneration Summit! video interviews of these
talks below:
Liver, Leaky Gut and Brain
Degeneration from Ameet
Aggarwal, ND
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Integrative Approach to
Neurodegenerative Diseases
from Shelena Lalji, MD, FAGOC
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Dr. Eckel: Welcome, everyone. I have my leading cause for asthma, eczema, arthritis, a lot
esteemed colleague and guest Dr. Ameet coming of chronic conditions. And the oxidative stress
at us from Kenya. Welcome aboard today. from inflammation also damages the brain cells,
number one.
Dr. Ameet: Greetings, everyone, how you doing?
Number two, chronic inflammation actually
Dr. Eckel: I’m really excited to have you on the elevates cortisol levels. And elevated cortisol
summit. We are talking about, this is a mouthful, levels prohibit or inhibit the brain’s ability to
stress, trauma, liver, leaky gut, adrenals, and rewire itself or to heal itself, especially after
brain degeneration. And I love that trail right up trauma. So after trauma, the brain cells make
there to the Brain Degeneration Summit, all of the readjustment. Your brain’s always rewiring
these different facets that you are going to piece itself based on experiences. And after healing
together for us, Dr. Ameet. experiences, it’s important for your brain to
rewire itself again so you go back to your neutral
Dr. Ameet: Yeah, it’s all interconnected. It’s or authentic.
amazing how stress is actually connected to the
liver. And I will go right into it. Now, if you’re inflamed all the time, you won’t
be able to rewire yourself properly. And so
Dr. Eckel: So let’s start around…We are familiar chronic inflammation, therefore, almost inhibits
with this concept of the gut-brain axis, and how processing of therapy in a very subtle level so
the gut and digestive, and the microbiome is meaning if you’re less inflamed, you’ll actually go
affecting the brain. But you’re talking maybe some through therapy much faster and better because
nuances around the leaky gut, and inflammation, your brain can rewire itself again.
and how that does, specifically, relate to brain
degeneration. Dr. Eckel: Because that makes total sense, you’ve
got to just put that fire out first. On trauma, like
Dr. Ameet: Right, okay. So you have your gut, what kind of trauma? Like, when I hear trauma
right. And leaky gut, basically, means when or when the viewers are watching and hearing
the lining of your gut has holes in it because of trauma, there’s multiple different types of trauma.
inflammatory foods, and too much antibodies, Are some worse than others or this could just be
and too many drugs. With leaky gut, we have a mental/emotional trauma, as well, right, not just
toxins going to the bloodstream. And that creates physical trauma?
inflammation everywhere in the body, the
Dr. Ameet: Right. Yeah, so most of the trauma I about yourself, about your parents, about your
deal with is mental/emotional. So anything from… family, about your surroundings. And you never
So I deal with a lot of terrorists attacks, rape, get over these beliefs until you get realizations,
sexual abuse, financial losses, breakups, just “aha moments,” either through a different
seeing thugs beating somebody up kind of thing. experience or through therapy whether it’s Gestalt
Living out here, like you see a lot of things, right. psychotherapy, EMDR, family constellation, which
And so trauma is basically any uncomfortable or we’ll talk about a bit more, as well, all these things
difficult experience where you feel threatened or free the mind, the subconscious from a trapped
helpless. state.
And so after the trauma, even though the And once you free yourself from a trapped state,
trauma’s over, your subconscious still holds you’re out of the fight or flight, so adrenal glands
on to that experience and your conscious, at settle down, then cortisol levels settle down then
some level. And you never feel safe again, or the brain is healthy. The fire is not going on in the
a part of your body always feels helpless or brain so much so healing is more possible.
paralyzed, or in fight or flight mode. And until you
reprocess it, and because I use EMDR or Gestalt Dr. Eckel: Awesome! So I want you to talk about
psychology, different therapies, even tapping, the EMDR and other components of what you’re
until you process that trauma, you are stuck in doing to heal the trauma and stop that oxidative
a subconscious fight, flight, or freeze response, stress because there are components, if you
or even a surrender response like you’re giving never address it, like, I think, a lot of times folks
up. And so you become powerless. And these are like, “Okay, that’s in the past. It’s not affecting
responses actually change your brain chemistry or me anymore, right?
a rewiring of your brain chemistry.
Dr. Ameet: Yeah, yeah.
And so in that state, you’re constantly unsafe,
even though now mentally, you think, “Okay, Dr. Eckel: How do you either assess…Or there’s
I’m safe,” there’s a subconscious part of you this component of the trauma is if you’re not
that is nervous or hasn’t healed fully. And that resolved, it’s like it’s now, right, in the memory
nervousness always drives your adrenal glands bank. So you have discovered some things that
into fight or flight to produce adrenal. And it are very effective at healing trauma. What has
burns your adrenal glands out, number one. your experience been with that?
Number two, your adrenal glands produce Dr. Ameet: Okay. So whether it’s an emotional
cortisol as a response to stress. And so constant or physical condition, I ask the person when did
subconscious stress will keep your cortisol levels this start? Yeah. So I’ve had patients, for example,
at a higher level. And this, as we talked about, the with stomach ulcers or migraines. And I say,
cortisol levels that inhibit brain regeneration, so “Okay, when did this start?” And it’s like, “Twenty
then if there’s degeneration going on, you won’t years ago, Greg.” Twenty years ago. And they’re
heal degeneration fast enough if regeneration like, “Okay.” And I’ll say, “What happened 20 years
cannot happen. ago?” They’re like, “No, it’s the stomach.” I’m like,
“No, no, no, no, no.” Then I say certain, certain
And yes, certain belief systems, as well, after events, “Was there a divorce? Did somebody die?
trauma, you have a belief about the world, Was there an affair?” All these things, yeah, and
then I feel them change. You can see it right there. Dr. Ameet: So family constellation is one of my
They get a realization, they’re like, “Ah, yeah, there favorite therapies. Just to remind people of what
was an affair,” or something like. Yeah. it is, it’s basically that it’s the belief that we actually
carry some of the trauma that belongs to our
Dr. Eckel: Yeah. ancestors. It could be trauma or imbalances in the
family system.
Dr. Ameet: And, boom, okay. Then I say,
“Stay with that feeling now and notice what’s And as a family constellation practitioner, how
happening.” And then I’ll do either some EMDR I find out what’s going on is I’ll have either
where you move your fingers from side to side. representatives or I’ll do it energetically, people
You get their eyes to move from side to side. It’s or objects to represent your family members,
called bilateral processing stimulation. And what either your parents, or your sister, your father,
that does is it helps the frontal cortex of the brain your mother, grandparents, or victims of war, or
process what’s stored in the limbic brain in the a murder in your family, or even a miscarried or
subconscious. And that processing helps you aborted child.
come out of that stuck place.
People often ignore the fact that an aborted or a
Or I’ll say, “Okay, stay with the pain, and the miscarried child still belongs in the family. And I
surprise, and breathe with me, and just make often see the mothers who aborted a child and
contact with me.” And when they make contact they have anxiety later on. And I’m not sure why.
with me, in a very gentle way, that hidden part of And then when we let go off this child with a lot of
that feels seen and it makes contact with me with love and acknowledge it as a part of our heart and
love. So I’m giving them love in that moment. Then system, the anxiety reduces.
they can relax their defenses. The body armor is
[inaudible]. And if your mom gave birth or had an abortion or
a miscarriage before you, Greg, then you would
And once they remove their defenses, their body actually be the second child in the system, not the
armor, breathing changes, the vagus nerve kicks first. And when you recognize that is your correct
in, the whole physiology starts changing, and a position, your whole nervous system calms down.
very deep healing happens. I’ve treated migraines
with this technique, stomach ulcers, some chronic So a lot of physical and emotional conditions
pain issues, a lot of different things happening. are because of unseen traumas, or unseen
I’m not an expert yet on like finding the exact imbalances that are occurring in your family
emotional thing that causes it, but I believe system, and treating those imbalances is really
everything has an emotional root. And I’m working treating the root cause. You can certainly use
on that. supplements and all that stuff. When you heal
the emotional imbalance, boom, you need less
Dr. Eckel: Awesome! Awesome! Oh, that is, it’s so intervention, they’re more in balance with their
important. And as we get into then, maybe the spiritual energy. It’s the most powerful therapy
constellation work—I interviewed Sarah Peyton I’ve seen in my life.
on that—and this is a missing facet for a lot of
patients’ care around ancestral traumas, etcetera. Dr. Eckel: And is it like an ongoing situation or is
So maybe you want to speak to that a bit. it like a one-off? What’s the set up for that type?
Dr. Ameet: So generally speaking, they Dr. Eckel: That’s interesting. Yeah.
recommend doing the constellation, maybe not
doing it too frequently, like not doing it every Dr. Ameet: Yeah, so there’s a biological reason, as
week, but maybe once every three months. You well as a subconscious, I guess, for lack of a better
have to give time for everything to come back word, spiritual connection to all these things.
into line. So usually, you find the root cause in
one session. But sometimes, trauma has multiple Dr. Eckel: And so I want to go through this line. So
layers. And there’s different facets. you’ve got the trauma component that leads into
stress. The stress leads into inflammation. And
Like, for example, my mom abandoned my the inflammation damages the brain.
father when I was very young. And I protected
my father. I became his partner kind of thing. I Dr. Ameet: Yes, stress and trauma stress
have a loyalty towards him. So in my unconscious, the adrenal system, and therefore, throw off
my mind, my child brain, I am the parent to my the cortisol levels. Inflammation is caused
father, which is very dysfunctional. And the way by improper food, diet, too many antibiotics,
I act with my girlfriend or other people is getting etcetera, which damage the gut. And that causes
more dominating or I won’t even have space leaky gut. Toxins go into the bloodstream, cause
for a healthy relationship because I’ll always be inflammation everywhere. And that also causes
preoccupied with my loyalty to my father. the cortisol imbalance, which affects the brain.
And when I can give back my father his power, So we’ve got two things—stress and trauma
his responsibility, his life, I say, “Look, I respect affecting cortisol levels. Leaky gut affecting
your fate. You’re a man and you choose that cortisol levels. And we haven’t even talked about
woman before me. And I’m your son. Please bless the liver yet. So we need to go into the liver.
me as I live my life.” Wow! I get so much energy
for myself. And then I can embrace a woman Dr. Eckel: And that’s right where we’re going
in my life and I can give her, now, my soul for a so perfect because everyone in that discussion
true partnership. And that makes it a healthier is always about healing the gut, getting the
relationship. And if I’m absent, then my own inflammation down in the gut. And you’ve brought
children will suffer and get entangled with my up a great point of what about the liver? So what
preoccupation with my past. That’s the spiritual about the liver, Dr. Ameet?
Dr. Ameet: Right. So my book and online
Biologically speaking, what happens, and they did [inaudible 14:00] focus on the liver. And I’m
this research, so imagine 9/11, pregnant, or any actually really seeing a new book on all the
terrorist attack, pregnant women suddenly see a remedies for your liver.
trauma. Their cortisol levels go up. Their adrenal
glands keep on firing. So obviously, that’s going to Dr. Eckel: Love it.
change the baby’s biochemistry. And so children
born of mothers who are in some stressful event, Dr. Ameet: So very delicately, the liver is the
there are studies that are showing that they’re most beautiful organ, I think. It’s the master
actually more prone to anxiety, OCD, and different organ according to Chinese medicine. It controls
mental disorders. hormonal balances, vitamin storage, immune
cell activation, glucose and glycogen storage, fat/
cholesterol metabolism, all of these things. Yeah. And so it’s like unplugging the blockage in the
And our liver is constantly inundated by toxins. whole system, in the plumbing. So literally, more
Yeah, it’s processing everything that comes into than the gut—while the gut, I don’t even like to
your gut, everything from the environment, all the separate them, yeah—don’t ignore the liver when
pesticides, everything. healing the gut because if you only focus on the
gut, and the liver is stagnant, you’re going to be
So if your liver becomes stagnant, it produces less disappointed.
bile. The less bile, there’s poor digestion so more
gas, bloating, constipation, and the worst being Dr. Eckel: Yeah. And when you look at it, too, all
leaky gut. Yeah, you need healthy bile salts to, of of the blood flow from the gut gets filtered right to
course, improve digestion. The good bacteria in the liver. So it is all going right there.
your gut depend on healthy bile. So if your bile is
not flowing well, you’re going to get a dysbiosis Dr. Ameet: Everything, everything.
and an imbalance of good flora.
Dr. Eckel: So I love that. The big piece of this…So
So in Chinese medicine, stress and frustration folks watching and our viewers might be thinking,
affect the liver. It protracts it. And people will get “Well, how does this affect the brain, right?”
more irritable, more frustrated, and vice versa, if And really this is the big point is there are a lot
you are an irritable person, or a frustrated person, of options that you haven’t accessed yet if you
or you have a little resentment, then your liver will haven’t been addressing these other facets of care
also be affected. And when your liver’s affected, because you go to the neurologist, you get put on
the less it goes in motion. Yeah, it’s a vicious cycle. a drug that there’s no, most of these diagnoses,
there’s no known cure. And it’s placating
Anyway, so your liver stagnation contributing symptoms at best.
with, of course, leaky gut, number one. Number
two, with liver stagnation, remember the liver And what we’re offering here is a whole different
is processing all your cholesterol, yeah, and all approach of treating whole people, not just pieces
your fats, and lipids. And that’s super important and parts and allowing the body to heal itself
for brain function, all your fats and lipids going given the right information. So these facets that
to your brain. So if your liver is stagnant, you’re you’ve brought up around healing the trauma
going to have more free radicals floating around because a lot of those components, and it may
in your body creating damage to all your lipids have not even been their own trauma, it could
and stuff like that in the brain. have been their ancestors, their parents, their
grandparents, their great grandparents, the great-
So the more you clean the liver with, either great grandparents so it’s really covering that. Like
alpha-lipoic acid, glutathione, all these herbs I everyone in a neurodegenerative state, we need
mentioned in the book called the homeopathic to look at that stuff. So what’s your approach
remedies, herbs such as turmeric, and milk thistle with folks when they come in and/or some of the
are fantastic, then you have less oxidative stress online programs that you have, as well?
in your body, less damage to your brain. You have
better bile flow, with better bile flow, you have Dr. Ameet: Okay. So my online program focuses
less gas, bloating, and digestion, constipation and on healing the gut, the liver, and the adrenal
leaky gut syndrome. system with herbs, homeopathics, supplements,
etcetera, because you’ve got to stabilize and put
out the fire that’s causing the degeneration in So I use homeopathic remedies for situations.
the brain and causing all these symptoms. Then, And then I also find the constitutional one over
I have a whole section like four or five different time. So after I understand the character, the
videos, in fact, more, on healing trauma with constitutional character of a person appears more
different exercises, yes, because you’ve got to heal clearly when we remove these layers of shock,
the body, but you’ve got to heal the mind, as well. and trauma, and just the inflammation. And that’s
why I find it’s important to heal the gut, as well
Yeah, and you’ve got to release those as use homeopathy and heal the liver, as well,
subconscious beliefs, the traumas, the pain, that because there is so much toxicity in people that if
you’re carrying, otherwise if you only heal your you don’t remove the toxins, their symptoms are
body, you’ll be perpetually stressing yourself, so affected by thoughts that you don’t know what
you’ll be thinking negative thoughts, and negative their real constitution is.
thoughts, of course, change your personality.
It’s like somebody coming to you on like 10
You won’t be exercising as much. You won’t be medications, 10 psychiatric medications, and
confident enough. You won’t be going for what they’re completely like just stoned out, you don’t
you want in life. Yeah, so you’ll be limiting yourself what their personality’s like, truly, because they’re
based on trauma. So we’ve got to heal that, as dumbed out. So someone with liver toxicity, it’s
well. And then automatically, you start to take super important to just clear all the toxins and
better care of yourself. then get a clear picture, “Okay, what are this
person’s true anxiety about? Is it a physiological
Dr. Eckel: So through the gut and the liver, so thing? Is it a gluten sensitivity? Or is it because
you’ve got the liver herbs, the homeopathics. their father shouted at them when they were five
You’re really big into homeopathics. And it’s one years old and they haven’t recovered and they’ve
of your main modalities that you use. Do you do got this complex?
like a classical homepathics, or acute prescribing,
or some combination of both? What do you do And when you hear that, boom, like the
with that? confidence comes up. Even testosterone levels
change because imagine you’re staying in a
Dr. Ameet: I do both. I do both because what subservient state, always apologetic, always
I find is there are certain homeopathics that fearful, you’re going to convert more of your
are fantastic for the liver. And there are certain testosterone into estrogen kind of thing. You’re
homeopathics, and all linguists does this, going to be very timid, but suddenly you’re
goes through all the different remedies, the three steps up, physiology changes, adrenal
homeopathic remedies for specific types of glands changing, you get charged, you feel more
trauma. confident, your hormones come more into
balance, as well. And that, of course affects the
So you have like homeopathic remedies for shock, brain.
sudden shock. You have homeopathic remedies
for betrayal, right, if your girlfriend cheated on Dr. Eckel: Love it! Are there specific brain
you, or your boyfriend cheated on you, or you remedies or are you, when you’re addressing
lost a loved one. You have homeopathic remedies folks in a brain degenerative state or a
for failure and suicidal thoughts. You have neurodegenerative state, are there other
homeopathic remedies for low confidence. remedies that you think of or herbs or other
prescriptions that you put into the program? herbs like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, whatever is
needed to now nourish the body. It’s like the food
Dr. Ameet: Yeah, yeah, so in the program I now.
discuss about restoring the adrenal gland function
to save the brain because remember a lot of brain So homeopathy is almost like the counseling in
degeneration is inflammation and adrenal fatigue. a peer-review research. You release the trauma
So all your speakers probably talked about like with the homeopathy. And then you bring in the
leaky gut so probiotics, vitamin D, the fish oils, food and the nourishment so the body rebuild
etcetera. And that’s fantastic, of course. But you’ve itself.
got to heal the liver, one, because that’s almost
the primary or second resource of inflammation. Dr. Eckel: That was lovely.
And the adrenal support is super important Dr. Ameet: And there’s other herbs we could use
because a lot of people are burnt out and their to increase blood flow to the brain like ginkgo,
adrenal glands are just wonky. So when you and rosemary, and things like that. I’ll do that. Of
support the adrenal glands, I find the brain just course, that’s supportive therapy, but I always
recovers so fast because it’s almost like the really focus on first getting the fillers about the
adrenal glands and the brain are one organ. And root cause, which is trauma, ancestral trauma,
they are in a way. The hypothalamus-pituitary and then the gut, the liver, and the adrenal system
adrenal axis is a very strong—how do I call because then when you do that you need less
it?—link. Any time somebody feels stressed or remedies over time then.
threatened, they produce adrenaline right away
from the adrenal system. Dr. Eckel: Yeah. Yeah, that emphasis on the root
cause and you really dialed it in to what exactly
And so when you support the adrenal gland, you’re seeing to get the most benefit for the most
then you feel more stable and resilient, then people is going at those core issues. Coming down
what happens is they calm down, actually. So the end here is there anything else that you would
adrenal herbs are not only stimulating, but like to share with our viewers and listeners out
they’re actually nourishing to the point where there around their brain health, healing, whatever
you feel more stable. And when somebody feels comes to mind?
more stable, they have less anxiety. And with less
anxiety, the brain almost feel safer to heal itself Dr. Ameet: Mmm, hmm. Truly what I’m drawn to
because it’s not in protective mode. say is self-forgiveness and love. So we have a lot
of self-criticisms going on in the body, negative
And then, of course, I use the homeopathic thoughts, “I’m not good enough. I need to be
remedies, as well, for shock, and trauma, and better and more successful, duh, duh, duh.” All
for adrenal fatigue. And one is phosphoric acid. this pressure on the mind is not good based on
I love using that one. But there’s others in the standards that the media’s putting out there,
course where we are really supporting the adrenal personal growth courses, all these things, it’s
system to recover energetically, so coming out exhausting us, it’s exhausting our nervous system.
of that frenzy. And so I use the homeopathic to
change the vibrations of the system. And when So I think self-love and self-forgiveness is such
the frenzy has reduced, the adrenal glands are a healing experience that it takes your body out
still depleted, and that’s when you throw in the of flight or fight because self-criticism, I believe,
Dr. Ameet: Yeah. So I would coach students from Dr. Ameet: Lots of love. Lots of love.
around the world who come and volunteer with
me so they’d get clinical experience and would
learn a bit of the herbs here, but mostly with
books on homeopathic. So I would train them
Integrative Approach
to Neurodegenerative
Shelena Lalji, MD, FAGOC
Dr. Eckel: All right, well, welcome everyone, I’ve and says, “Shel, I think I have ALS.” For someone
got a great talk today with Dr. Shelena Lalji, also to come, and out of the blue, and he’s a very, very
known as Dr. Shel. Our topic today, we’re talking intelligent man, very intuitive, and as soon as he
about an integrative approach to ALS and other said that I said, “There’s no way. I mean, come on,
neurodegenerative diseases. Welcome aboard, there’s no way you have ALS.” And we went right
Dr. Shel. to our good friend, neurologist and said, “You
know, what do you think?”
Dr. Shel: Great to be here, nice to be here Dr.
Eckel. I’m so happy you’re doing this. And fast forward, he did end up getting a
diagnosis of ALS in November of ′17, 2017.
Dr. Eckel: I am so excited to get your message And one of the most prestigious conventional
out. institutions in the country, at that time, gave
him six to nine months to live. And it’s like I
Dr. Shel: Absolutely. say with ALS, a lot of times when you go to get
that diagnosis and you get the diagnosis, along
Dr. Eckel: It’s going to help so many folks. I want with the diagnosis, basically, is given a death
to start out with saying how did you get into this sentence so you’re basically told, “There is no
specialty and focus area for yourself? treatment. There is no cure. An average person
lives anywhere from two to five years. And you’re
Dr. Shel: Absolutely. Well, it’s like I always say, going to lose the ability to walk, to talk, to eat, to
sometimes you don’t choose your mission, but swallow, eventually to breath. And then, that’s
the mission chooses you. And in my case, the going to be that.”
mission definitely choose us because I’m a board-
certified OB-GYN, and I’ve practiced functional So it’s one of those things where it was really
medicine for well over 15 years now, in medicine heart wrenching. And being a functional medicine
for about 25, and it just makes me think that all doctor, myself, who, and as you know, Dr. Eckel,
of those years of functional medicine was really we’re so used to treating patients who are
culminating into ALS. untreatable, we get to the root cause, we usually,
typically, see patients, at least I know I do, who
So September of 2017, my sweet darling husband, have been to 8 to 10 doctors. And then, they end
Ayeez, was starting to become symptomatic. up in our offices and they’re like, “Well, this is my
And he walks into my office. He’s a dentist. He last stop. You know, this is my last hope.”
practices right next to me. He walks into my office
And so this just was presented to me as okay, dementia, any such neurodegenerative disease,
now we have an untreatable, incurable disease. and they all fall under an umbrella, if you will, if
Now, let’s figure this out. So that’s how my journey you are being told by your conventional doctor
started. And we have two teenagers. My son was or anybody else that there is no hope, this is the
13 at the time. My daughter was 16. So our lives path that it’s going to take, you need to pause
just turned upside down. right there, and you need to say that I personally
have hope. And you’ve got to really go in with a
Dr. Eckel: Wow! Yeah, and you’re doing positive mental attitude and the ability to think
tremendous work across the board with this. So things through. Get the right people on the team
having a similar journey, I tell our patients, “You and get to the root cause so you’re able to see
don’t want to be the interesting patient in our what caused this condition in you.
So, for example, in ALS, only 10% of ALS is genetic.
Dr. Shel: No, not at all. So if you don’t have the genes that we know of
like the C9orf72 or the SOD1, then the question
Dr. Eckel: And so with that, so great, this is your is what caused your ALS? And the other question
husband, he’s still with us. is what is your progression going to be like? So I
truly believe, after two and a half years of what’s
Dr. Shel: Yes! Yes! equivalent to, I would say, three 3 PhD degrees, as
much research as we’ve done with ALS, is that it’s
Dr. Eckel: And you are putting together some not just one condition. It is an umbrella of several
amazing programs. You wanted to bring forth the different things that are piled into one because
message today. And why we’re doing the Brain their symptoms are very similar.
Degenerative Summit is to provide some hope
for folks that there are clinicians out here working So, as an example, my husband has what’s called
from their hearts, and looking for cures, and a very rapid progression. And as I mentioned
correcting these “incurable.” So I think we’re both earlier, he was given six to nine months to
in agreement and alignment around that it is a live once his diagnosis was made. We are very
matter of time until we find the cure. blessed. We are at two and a half years. And he
actually continues to improve, which we’re super
Dr. Shel: Yes, absolutely. excited about. And the other thing that is very,
very, very important to mention in ALS is, to
Dr. Eckel: And I feel like we’re very close on a lot date, Dr. Eckel, there has been 43 identified and
of these neurodegenerative states. confirmed ALS reversals. Now, that news needs to
really get out there.
Dr. Shel: Yes, definitely.
Dr. Eckel: It really does, yeah.
Dr. Eckel: So your message out here today, you
wanted to talk about, on our agenda, is being your Dr. Shel: Yes, yes, because that gives you hope.
own advocate. So what have you found around And that was confirmed by Dr. Richard Bedlack
that? at Duke University, a very reputable university,
and he’s done some incredible work. Gone back
Dr. Shel: Absolutely. So anybody with a diagnosis and looked at the charts, looked at the data,
of, whether it’s ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s, looked at the records, and identified that these
patients truly did have diagnosed ALS. It was not a Dr. Shel: Yeah.
misdiagnosis. They had diagnosed ALS. And they
truly had it reversed. Dr. Eckel: So piggybacking that, so how do people
find the right practitioner?
In fact, one person that I’ve just met and I invited
to our Healing ALS Conference that we just had, Dr. Shel: So I think that is a tough call. And so
in Utah in October of 2019, he reversed from a what we’re doing, as part of our ALS Heroes
trachea, a feeding tube, and being in a wheelchair Foundation, is we’re trying to initiate more of a
all the time to now being able to walk, to breathe functional medicine training program to be able
on his own, to eat on his own, and to talk. to train doctors to be able to take a functional
approach and a root-cause approach. So
Dr. Eckel: That is incredible. hopefully, that will be coming up soon where we
can actually have a list of practitioners who follow
Dr. Shel: It is. the root-cause approach.
Dr. Eckel: And you’re right this just definitely And so certainly, trying to find functional
needs to get out there because folks need to neurologists or functional medicine docs who
have that vision of, “Oh, it’s actually been done.” have treated ALS patients before, and are open
When you look at the four-minute mile, nobody to being very hopeful, and being very innovative,
could do that before it happened. And there were and really being cutting-edge, but yet safety first.
like 50 other runners in that same year. So to get Safety and efficacy have to go hand in hand.
this information out, actually that’s a significant
reversal that we haven’t heard about that before. Dr. Eckel: You know that first tenant, it has come
So that’s incredible. up in multiple of the interviews of the first tenant
of medicine is “do no harm.”
Dr. Shel: It is really incredible. And actually, that’s
a reversal that was brought to my attention Dr. Shel: Correct.
by Mass General. And it’s wonderful because
even though, we’re practicing from a functional, Dr. Eckel: And so that is really a guiding principle
integrative, medicine approach, the lead at the here. It’s not a renegade or wild west, there is a
ALS Clinic at Mass General, Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, systematic approach that we use, but in treating
has been amazing, as far as connecting us to whole, dynamic beings, I think, you said it really
patients so that we can give them that root-cause well there.
Dr. Shel: Yeah, definitely.
And yeah, even with the conference that we had
in Utah, it was all about giving hope. So we had Dr. Eckel: So what have you found or what is
livestreamed in 43 countries and we had 300 ALS your specific approach because I know you’ve got
patients and caregivers attend the Healing ALS a clinical center of excellence and development
Conference, which just was tremendous because here around these practices for treating folks with
everybody left with hope. And hope causes neurodegeneration? What differentiates or what
miracles to happen. have you found as some ways to get in on this?
Dr. Eckel: That’s awesome! Dr. Shel: Sure. Well, I think, what’s really
important is for us to be able to really try to my patients because it can be quite complexed,
find the triggers. So we know that we have but I like to break it down to make it easier for
a tremendous amount of oxidative stress, them, so I like to start with the gut.
neuroinflammation, and glutamate excitotoxicity
that might be leading to the affect that ALS has Like I mentioned, I like to look at the nutritional
on the motor neurons. So we know that ALS is a deficiencies. Very important. If we don’t have the
progressive neurodegenerative disease, which right nutrients, the right antioxidants, the right
essentially affects the upper and lower motor essential fatty acids, the right amino acids, we’re
neurons. And when it does that, that’s when the not going to be able to process anything in our
loss of all the motor functions come into play. body the right way.
So the question is what’s causing the motor I like to look at endocrine abnormalities so we
neuron, either death, or what is making them start looking into your sex hormones, your
not function optimally? And so when you start adrenal hormones, your thyroid hormones. And
looking into that, I usually like to start with gut. again, the issue here is not whether you have
The gut is the center of everything. And I think just a low level of these hormones, it’s all about
when we were all in conventional medicine, optimization. And I tell my patients all the time,
that was something we never looked at. But you need to be optimized with these hormones. It
we know that gut inflammation can be the root is not sufficient to just have bare minimum levels.
cause of so many chronic diseases, even cancers,
neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, So we dig in and we do some very, very in-depth
etcetera. analysis of all of those hormones because that’s
very important. I like to look at neurotransmitters
So we always start with the gut. We look to see because what’s causing the different stressors
what’s happening in the microbiome. Does this and how is it impacting your neurotransmitter
patient have leaky gut? Does this patient have levels, whether it be your epinephrine, your
other infectious agents in their body, whether it serotonin, your norepinephrine, dopamine, GABA,
be parasites, whether it be candida, whether it be all of those neurotransmitters are very important
Lyme disease, whether it be retroviruses? What to make your brain function properly. So we look
is causing this glutamate excitotoxicity in our at all of these conditions.
The other thing that I definitely want to mention
So we start with the gut. We start with going into is we’ve seen a lot of analyses where we’re seeing
what’s causing all this oxidative stress in this microbes to really contribute to some of these
person’s body? So we really are focused on trying conditions. So such as, like I mentioned earlier,
to make way on all the different systems that Lyme disease is a big one. More people have
we look at. So the first thing that I like to try to Lyme disease than we know because a lot of
counsel my patients on is you have a body that is times the traditional testing for Lyme disease
very complexed. You’ve got to look at all aspects are just not sensitive enough to pick up different
of mind, body, and spirit. things like Bartonella, Babesia, also Borrelia. We
just don’t have the sensitive tests, unless we go to
But when you’re looking at the physiologic side, specialty testing.
you want to really divide it up into many different
angles. And the way that I like to break it down for So I do test everybody for Lyme disease. Check
them for candida overgrowth. Check them for patients who have insurance plans, etcetera,
Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegaly virus, as well as to use and to do whatever we can with their
mold. In our entire world right now, we’re seeing insurance plans. But certainly, there are tests that,
an overabundance of mold and mycotoxins, which unfortunately, insurance companies don’t cover.
we know that that’s a big, big neurotoxin. And But it’s what I ask patients is what I ask my own
so a lot of it is about, let’s look and see what’s self with my own husband, “What is our health
going on deep inside your body to see where the worth? You know, what is our health worth when
inflammation is coming from? we end up with one of these diagnoses?”
Do you have gut dysbiosis? Do you have leaky And everything that I’ve mentioned, I’ve
gut? What do we need to do about it? Do you mentioned it because I have done it on my own
have neuroinflammation? Do you have nutritional husband. And we have gone down that tract. And
imbalance, endocrine imbalance? What is we have found things that we were then able to
happening that got you over this hump because correct: imbalances, toxins, heavy metals. He’s a
there is a trigger? We all have the propensity. dentist. He had a ton of mercury. He had a ton of
So if we don’t have the genes, and 90% of ALS mercury. And I’m glad we found it.
patients and neurodegenerative patients, most
of them don’t have a genetically disposition, but Dr. Eckel: Yeah, and that is really, I think, the key
it’s really the epigenetics. And if we don’t address component when you’re talking about getting
the epigenetics, then how are we going to treat to the root cause is by looking and turning over
the patients properly and with the right tools? So all of these stones, you can come up with really
that’s where I start, Dr. Eckel. individualized novel approaches…
Dr. Eckel: Wow! That is comprehensive, Dr. Shel. Dr. Shel: That’s exactly right.
Yeah, that is. And it has to be right…
Dr. Eckel: for the person in front of you. So it’s
Dr. Shel: It has to be. not the same program for everybody because
we don’t have a known mechanism of action for
Dr. Eckel: because there is not really an imaging ALS or really for any of these neurodegenerative
or a blood marker to diagnose this condition. states.
Dr. Shel: Yes. And the other thing is, I want to Dr. Shel: Absolutely, absolutely. And it has to be
make sure I mention heavy metals. There’s no way a customized approach, you’re absolutely right,
to check and see if you have heavy metals unless because if you have a patient who may have
you actually test for it. We’re constantly exposed. X-toxin, but not Y-toxin, well, we’re going to go this
We’re constantly exposed to lead, to mercury, to way. Everybody doesn’t need chelation. Everybody
gadolinium, if we’ve had certain imaging tests and doesn’t need Lyme treatment. Everybody doesn’t
things of that nature. have gut dysbiosis, although, most people do.
Everybody doesn’t have mold. But when you do,
So it’s really important that we get to the root those are the layers of onion that you have to peel
cause and do these analyses. And I know to then be able to get to the point of regeneration.
the analyses may seem, “Oh, my, gosh, it’s
so complexed. Oh, my, gosh, it must be so So it’s like I say, and this is the best way I
expensive.” We try our very best, if we have can explain it, there is a forest fire, ALS, MS,
Parkinson’s, all of those conditions are what I call Dr. Eckel: Yeah, that’s crucial, actually, for folks
a forest fire. But first, what do you have to do? to understand because you’re tenuously perched
You’ve got to first find the fire. Then you have to with this condition and you can really push your
stop the fire. Find the fire by doing all the testing. head under the water if you do it in the wrong
Stop the fire by really addressing the root causes order or go too quick. And that’s really, I find that
and treating the root causes. And then, you one of the hardest things is to, as a practitioner, to
rebuild the forest. convey, “It’s like, okay, I know you want this gone
like a year ago, but we have to do it in a metered
And that’s when we come in to the regeneration dose and at the rate that’s right for you because
with stem cells with doing procedures such as, you can create more illness or worsening of
if you’re looking into apheresis, plasmapheresis, symptoms.”
exosomes, regenerating with things like PRP,
exosomes, stem cells, and all of these things are, And so not to be fear-based, but in reality, that
trust me, we’ve done it all. could be really dangerous, really, if you rush it,
or you get on some protocol off the Internet, or
Dr. Eckel: Mmm hmm, you really have. whatever. So you really want to get a trained,
licensed professional to help. And that has walked
Dr. Shel: We have. There is not much we have not the walk and have been through it.
done. The great news is we’ve learned a lot along
the ways. And I’m very humble in saying that we So let’s talk about that, the right order. So
didn’t always do it in the right order because we you’re talking about detoxification as one of the
didn’t know. And that’s why it’s very vital for me to things. You do the testing. You find some novel
be able to share what we’ve learned so that other approaches. You address those things.
people don’t make the same mistakes and they’re
able to get to where we are now without making Dr. Shel: Right, you do.
those mistakes and to do it in the right order.
Dr. Eckel: Are there protective mechanisms that
So the right order is always detoxification first, you put in at the beginning or are you really
but very gently and gingerly. Once you find out focused on that piece first?
what your root causes may be, you’ve got to
eliminate them in the right order so that you Dr. Shel: So that’s a great question. The first and
don’t end up having this release of toxins and foremost piece that I try to work on because that
Herxheimer reactions because that, a lot of times, has to carry throughout the journey, throughout
will accelerate your progression. And so that’s the healing journey, is the positive mental
important to really get out there to the audience attitude. To me, that is so vital, Dr. Eckel, because
is you don’t just throw everything at the fire unless the patient has a positive mental attitude,
because if you do, you might end up causing a and the belief, the true belief that they can heal,
little bit more harm than good. that their bodies…And we know this, our bodies
are so miraculous and so magical, that we are
And that’s why you have to be under the care truly equipped with the healing powers, we just
of somebody who knows what they’re doing so have to give it the correct ingredients, if you will.
that they do it in the right order. And you can’t So I always start with lifestyle first and foremost.
rush the process. It’s not a good idea to rush the
process. So I always make sure that I’m getting the patient
on a complete anti-inflammatory eating program. constantly exposed to? Do you have mold in the
That’s very important to me because if I’m trying house? Or do you have constant stressors in your
to work on reducing their inflammation and the relationship? Do you have a lot of EMF exposure?
patient keeps eating things that is going to be
proinflammatory such as your gluten, your sugars, That’s a huge one, EMF. And I’m sure you have
your dairy, and all such things, so I like to look other speakers who are going to talk about this.
at what’s happening in their gut. What are they But EMF is one of the biggest toxins that we
sensitive to? Do they have candida overgrowth are exposed to, even now as we’re having this
because then they’re going to need to be on a discussion. And how are we going to get rid of
yeast-free program, and try to just eliminate the that? Well, we can definitely reduce it. I tell every
inflammatory issues that are coming into them? patient, “Turn off your Wi-Fi when you’re sleeping.”
So the healthy diet is huge. So my Wi-Fi in my house is off from 10 p.m. to 7
a.m. Bong, it’s gone because we don’t need it.
Start to meditate and reduce emotional trauma.
I’ve also really discovered that and we all have But EMF, in general, is going to hinder anything
emotional trauma. Which one of us does not? that we’re trying to do as far as healing
We’ve all had issues that we’ve been through. neurologically because we know that it doesn’t
Maybe it’s childhood. Maybe it’s relationships. heed neurological healing. So that’s one of the
Perhaps it’s other kinds of pain and loss that we’ve things that I lay down very, very early on. So
been through. And I encourage my patients to exercise, lifestyle, stress, diet, positive attitude,
really start going through that emotional healing meditation, yoga, and positive affirmations,
journey using, whether it’s EVOX emotional always listening to positive things. I give them a
healing or meditation, yoga, a combination list of things that I want them to listen to, some
therapy, recall healing, there are so many online courses. And all of that just sets the
modalities. ground. That’s the fertile ground in which healing
can happen.
And it’s not a one size fits all. So I’m very careful.
In my initial assessment, I take a very, very, Dr. Eckel: Lovely. And that is a very crucial step
detailed history about their childhood, their there, right.
emotional state, their relationships. What was
the trigger? And you know what I’ve found a lot of Dr. Shel: A very crucial step.
times, Dr. Eckel? Is when patients are diagnosed
with something really tough, whether it be ALS, Dr. Eckel: Our innate intelligence is meant to heal,
MS, even cancers, there is usually a trigger that but we have to give it the right information.
really puts them in a very depleted state and a
very vulnerable state. Dr. Shel: Yes, yes.
And then comes this disease process because Dr. Eckel: And so that is left out of most medicine,
a lot of diseases, let’s face it, are trying to teach right there.
us something, are trying to change our lives in
some positive manner. And so I like to use that Dr. Shel: Yes, it is. In fact, I was just speaking to
approach where let’s go into your family history, another ALS patient who came to see me last
your childhood history, your physical trauma, week. And, unfortunately, and this is the impact
emotional trauma. What kinds of things are you we’re trying to make through our work, is most
ALS patients or neurodegenerative patients, are positive message, it’s going to actually increase
seen by conventional medicine practitioners and healing tremendously.
they’re given maybe a couple of supplements
now, which is good, and maybe a couple of Look in to CBD oil. There’s been a ton of studies
medications. And that’s it. on CBD, very high quality, of course. There’s a lot
of stuff out there. You’ve got to be careful. But
And they’re not really talked to about the entire there are a lot of studies with CBD. In fact, my
integrative approach of what their lifestyle husband has had a ton of spasticity. And he’s very
needs to be in which the healing can happen. upper neuron dominant. Lots of spasticity. And
And so that’s a very, very big thing that I think is we were able to get rid of all of that with highest
important to change to that. quality CBD.
Dr. Eckel: So coming down the home stretch, Get on the right supplements. Think about IV
that’s a huge message right there. Is there any nutrients. IV nutrients are very important because
other essential items that you’d like to share to most patients with neurodegenerative diseases
get that message out to folks that are watching? do have gut dysbiosis so their absorption is very
limited. And when you look at IV nutrients such as
Dr. Shel: Sure, absolutely. So I think the couple of glutathione, phenylbutyrate, phosphatidylcholine,
things that I think is very important to take away Myers, such IV infusions, you and both know, you
from this is a) have hope and have that belief that get 100% absorption with these IV nutrients.
you, too, can heal because your body’s able to do
that and ALS reversals are documented so never Make sure your endocrine abnormalities are
doubt that. B, rid your entire environment with completely corrected. You look at your adrenals,
toxicity. Just get rid of it. You need to use non- your sex hormones, your thyroid. And when all of
toxic cleaning products, personal care products, this has happened and you’re living the perfectly
eliminate pesticides, check your home for mold. balanced life, as best as you can, that’s when you
So the environment is very, very important. look into the regeneration with the stem cells,
with the exosomes. And don’t just jump around
Find out about biologic dentistry. If you have into different stem cell clinics and things of that
mercury amalgams, they need to come out, but nature.
with a biologic dentist who can do that, as well as
get rid of cavitations. And hopefully, you’ll have I would definitely say that there are some great
somebody speaking about that, as well. When practitioners out there trying very hard to do the
you do detoxifying, do it slowly and gingerly right thing, but you have to do your own research.
under the care of a practitioner using very simple And it has to feel right to you. So for us, it was
things such as infrared sauna, Aqua Detox, other research first, then intuition, then we moved
detoxifying modalities that are safe and that are forward. And you’ve got to trust your intuition.
well-proven, but very gentle and get rid of that.
Dr. Eckel: Lovely! Thank you, Dr. Shel, for that
Treat the gut. Make sure you’re emptying your awesome inspiration and message today. Thank
bowel on a daily basis. Treat the infections. Avoid you for coming out.
proinflammatory foods. Focus on positive mental
attitude. Your emotional and psychological stress Dr. Shel: You bet, it was great to be here. Thank
can only make this worse. But if you have a very you, Dr. Eckel. And if more information is needed
Dr. Eckel: All right, well, welcome, everyone. I’ve basically losing her independence, losing her life.
got Dr. Ryan Wohlfert, our expert on brain health And it was during that time where I thought to
here. And we’re going to talk about leaky brain myself, “I don’t want…It’s just like learn from their
and the neurodegeneration connection. Welcome mistakes.” Obviously, it’s not a mistake that was
aboard, today, Dr. Ryan. their journey and now this is mine is learning
from them how I want to take care of myself so
Dr. Ryan: Greg, thanks for having me. I can have my independence, so I can have my
freedom, so I can have my mobility and my brain,
Dr. Eckel: So I wanted to know, on this particular and everything that goes along with health, and
topic, how did you arrive at it just for your own longevity, and energy, and so, basically, my kids
personal stake in this for brain health? and my family don’t have to take care of me. I
want to be there with them and for them.
Dr. Ryan: It’s been quite a long journey. I’ve been
in practice for 20, geez, almost 20 years now, and So that’s how I, if I put a date on it or a timeframe,
it’s been a journey of finding out how I can best that’s, I think, when it all started. And that led me
help my brain health, my patients’ brain health, down this path of leaky brain, which is a relatively
their longevity, their energy. And I guess it started new concept, but I saw it in an article somewhere,
probably about 12 years ago if I want to put a a research article, and through some other
date on it to when I saw how my grandparents, summits. And I just looked more into that. And it
like how their health diminished, and how like one gives a good description of what can happen and
of them was diagnosed with cancer, and within how the brain works. When I first gave that leaky
three months was gone, and is wasting away. brain or talk to somebody about it, it was like,
“What is it like brain leaking out of your head or
And then, I saw how another of my grandparents something?”
had heart disease, pacemaker, endless doctors’
visits for the last 10 to 15 years of his life. And Dr. Eckel: Yeah, it sounds pretty gross, actually.
then the biggest one, as far as brain health goes,
one of my other grandmas, seeing how dementia Dr. Ryan: But it catches your attention, right?
affected her, how she lost her memory, lost her
sight, just couldn’t remember, obviously, with Dr. Eckel: Yes.
dementia, that neurodegeneration of the brain,
wasting away in a nursing home, my parents Dr. Ryan: It’s not as that dramatic like you can
taking care of her, visiting her non-stop, and just see it. And that is good and bad. With your health,
sometimes we don’t know things are happening probably going to get through. And that’s normal.
until we feel them or see them, even though, and That’s how it should happen.
you know with brain disorders, Parkinson’s, MS,
dementia, Alzheimer’s, those are years in the But with our lifestyle—and then we’ll talk about
making. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty years, they’re what causes leaky brain. It’s very similar to what
developing. And they can start with brain fog, causes leaky gut. But we can talk about that in a
they can start with just losing your memory here minute after I explain what actually that is—but
and there, losing your energy, maybe headaches, now with these lifestyles, these causes that we’ll
even stomach issues, those are all signs that, talk about, it loosens up their shoelaces so now,
“Okay, maybe there’s something not completely bigger pebbles, bigger stones can get through.
functioning with the brain.” Things that shouldn’t be allowed in are in.
Dr. Eckel: So what is the leaky brain? So it’s And when they get through that shoe, so now let’s
now that gross picture of this ooze coming out say that it gets through the gut, it gets into the
your ear, but it is these more subtle, longer- bloodstream, and those same things can go up to
term symptoms. But sometimes, it can be very the brain and attack the brain. So the brain, again
dramatic for folks. Yeah? like I said is very similar to the blood-brain barrier,
they attack. If they attack, they’re bombarded with
Dr. Ryan: Well, exactly. So, I think, the listener these toxins and chemicals.
is, I don’t want to generalize, but, I think, they’ve
probably heard of leaky gut by now, especially And we might, as well, get into that right now, is
if they’ve been watching these summits, and what causes it. So what causes these disruptions,
docuseries, and filmmakers. And leaky gut has causes these interferences, causes the damage
been the vernacular for years now. And it’s very to that blood-brain barrier, and in turn that’s
similar to that. essentially what it’s called is leaky brain, is when
these unwanted chemicals and substances can
Just like the gut has a protective barrier, protective get in, now it attacks the brain cells, you can get
lining, all the way from your mouth, all the way symptoms like brain fog, low energy, fatigue,
down the other end through the intestines, tiredness, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, all the way
through the esophagus, stomach, everywhere in up to, if it’s left unchecked and we don’t get rid
between, it allows certain things through into the of it, and heal and upgrade the brain, well now, it
bloodstream. And it doesn’t allow other things. can lead to dementia, it could lead to Parkinson’s,
Like, by things, I mean substances, chemicals, basically these brain neurodegeneration disorders
undigested proteins, amino acids. So some should and diseases.
be let through and then some shouldn’t.
So what causes it? What causes leaky brain?
The brain has a very similar protective barrier, What causes this like attack on it? Well, there’s a
it’s called the blood-brain barrier. And that’s even few things. One, there’s toxins. In other words,
tighter than what the gut lining is. So think about let’s separate it into a couple of different things,
like the gut lining. The way I like to describe it is, actually three. There’re toxins. And by toxins and
think about a laced-up shoe, and normally, those toxicities that could be biotoxins. So it’s viruses,
laces should be really tight so only the smallest of parasites, mold, bacteria, fungus, and candida.
particles should be let through, or like little grains And so these like living things that we’re exposed
of sand, or water. If you step in a puddle, yeah, it’s to, they attack the gut, they attack the brain.
And now, on the other unliving side, the We had the other toxin component on the
environmental toxins that we’re bombarded and bioaccumulation of other gunk, for lack of a better
exposed to on a daily basis. Eighty to one hundred term. But I use that same technical term in my
thousand new chemicals have been introduced practice, as well, because that’s what it is. Well, so
since World War II, I think, that our bodies haven’t then, what in the world do we do about it?
been completely designed—well, they are and
they aren’t—their designed to get rid of toxins, Dr. Ryan: Well, it’s what I call and what I use is
but not at the level that we are exposing our body called the six pack. I create a six pack of energy
to. Our liver, our brain, our kidneys, they’re just and longevity in these cells. And it’s six things. I’ll
overtasked and overworked so they completely list them out and then I’ll explain them a little bit
attack our system, our brain cells, our body as we go, focus and mindset, your food, nutrition,
cells. And then they accumulate, accumulate, and fuel, fitness, exercise, and movement, refresh
accumulate. and sleep, refreshing sleep, function, spine,
and posture, and then there’s faith, purpose
So environmental toxins, glyphosate, herbicides, contribution, and I also put family in that one,
pesticides. Heavy metals, that’s a huge one, right. as well. And I like to keep it simple. That’s why
Heavy metals, they love the brain. A lot of those I created Fs for all of them. So it’s focus, food,
metals loves the brain. And what I like to equate it fitness, function, refresh, and faith. I couldn’t find
to is they gunk up the system. a F word for sleep. So that’s why it’s refresh, small
R big S.
Dr. Eckel: I like that technical term.
Dr. Eckel: Perfect, that’s great. So the five Fs of
Dr. Ryan: Gunk, I use it all the time because, again your longevity, your six pack, right. So you start
it’s like, it’s just like this sludge. And if those cells, with the focus as the first F. What do you got
which are supposed to be nice, and functioning, there?
and working, and giving you great memories,
and thinking ability, and cognitive abilities, if Dr. Ryan: So focus is your mindset. This is not
they’re loaded with things that aren’t conducive our conscious thoughts, our conscious being, this
to creating that, it’s like filling up a bucket with is the subconscious thoughts, beliefs, actions,
a bunch of trash, there’s no room for the good I’m sorry, our habits, actions, and behaviors on a
stuff, there’s no room for the vitamins, and the conscious level are, for the most part, controlled
minerals, and the micronutrients, the enzymes, by our unconscious thoughts, beliefs, perfections.
the antioxidants to help nourish the brain, nourish
the body so it can thrive and fulfill its purpose. And I don’t want to get too woo-woo in this, but
every thought we have, whether you know it’s
Dr. Eckel: That’s really well put. And we have there or not, and most of the times we’re numb to
different facets of each point of the topics we it because our lives are so busy and creating this
have as part of this summit with some of the business that we wear it like a badge of honor, we
world’s experts on those topics so I’m glad you put don’t identify and recognize, we aren’t aware of
it really well put on putting that together on, well, these thoughts and beliefs that we have. In every
what causes this leaky brain scenario? And we’re thought, every belief we have, it causes a chemical
like swimming in it. So that’s the environmental reaction. And those chemical reactions can boost
component. or lower neurotransmitters that we need that are
helpful to us or hinder us.
So the first step is our brains are designed…And isn’t just this you’re Positive Patty, and everything’s
I want to make it clear with this, mindset is not great, and no matter what bad things happen or
just positive thinking, the first step is actually you’re always just positive, counting your wins
becoming aware. Well, actually, the first step is is more of okay picking out just little things in a
accepting that our lives, the circumstances of situation.
our lives, the situations, how we perceive them,
that’s our story because, Greg, and you know, you Or let’s say you are an overeater. I don’t know,
could see an event happen and I could see an let’s say you eat until the point to where you
event happen, and we have two totally different just can’t eat anymore and you feel bad about
takeaways from it, the exact same thing. So your yourself, you self-medicate with food, and then
world is different than my world because of how you feel about yourself. So maybe the win is you
we perceive it. didn’t beat yourself up for that. I know, again, it
sounds different, but every time you beat yourself
Dr. Eckel: Yeah. up for that moment of indiscretion, it leads to
more and more of these reactions within your
Dr. Ryan: So that’s the first step is just becoming body. And it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
aware of what your beliefs are. And let’s narrow that you’re going to do it again, “See, I told you,”
it down to what are your beliefs as they center but the next time you do it say, “Yep, I knew I
around your health? Do you believe that you are couldn’t stop doing that. I knew I was going to do
destined to get diseased, to get a brain issue, that.” It’s all these always--
to get degeneration because your mom or dad
did? Do you believe that everybody’s going to get Dr. Eckel: Yeah, pile it on. Yeah.
Dr. Ryan: you pile it on. And then even more,
See these are all like limiting beliefs that you because that, the more you do that, the more it
say, maybe not out loud, but to yourselves when builds up. So now, maybe the next time a week
somebody gets Alzheimer’s, or when somebody goes by, you overeat, overeat, overeat. And then
gets cancer, especially, where they, it’s like, “Well, you stop before that point of overeating. And
it’s going to get everybody eventually. Well, yeah, then you really, you’re like, “Sweet, I didn’t like
I would rather, I guess, it get me when I’m 110 completely bust a gut. I stopped. You know, I
years old, than when I’m 50 years old. That’s a big stopped.”
difference there.
And hopefully, that makes a little bit of sense.
So one is accepting and then two becoming aware I know it sounds just like positive thinking. But
of what you are telling yourself about your health. I’m talking like if you’re in the pit and you just
And I want to give you a quick tip here to reverse try to think positively, you still have all that, like
that. And again, this isn’t again just the positive the physical gunk that we talked about, you still
thinking because there are certain things that have all that mental gunk taking up that bucket to
block us from this positive thinking. And it’s our where you can’t fit any of that positivity in there.
beliefs that lead to our actions and behaviors. So we have to slowly unravel it.
And I want you to just start counting your wins, Dr. Eckel: Yeah, you see now that’s a huge piece,
which I know it sounds like, “Well, that’s positive that mindset on really watching the negative self-
thinking.” Yes and no. I’m talking positive thinking talk and just that those limiting beliefs are huge,
right, because if you’ve got that toxic mind, it function aspect of the six pack.
doesn’t matter what you lay on top of that, it could
be the best nutrient in the world, it’s just there’s Yeah, so food, nutrition, supplements, if you’re
no room for it to go in there. So that’s great that so far down the road where your body is toxic
you start with that. and your brain is toxic with heavy metals, with
biotoxins, we have to bind those safely. Again, I’m
Dr. Ryan: Exactly. And that’s the first part of all not going to dive into that, the detoxification. I’m
the programs that I run, either my Done with You sure you have other experts on here that will go
program or my one-on-one coaching that I do over that, but that is huge. And that’s why it’s on
with clients, that’s because we’ve got to set that here because that’s what’s going to help leaky gut,
foundation. And then we go, because everybody that’s going to help get those shoelaces tied really
wants, “What foods do I eat? What supplements tight again, cut off the immune system so it’s not
do I take? Obviously, that’s huge. That’s why attacking itself, so it’s not attacking the cells that
it’s part of the six pack, but yes, we do these all it’s not supposed to be attacking.
Dr. Eckel: Awesome! Do you recommend any
It’s not like, “Okay, we’re just doing this one. specific testing for folks on food or is it more of a
We’re going to get perfect at this and move on guideline? I’m guessing it depends on what level
to the next.” That’s not how life works, but yes, they interface with you, but--
obviously, food, nutrition, supplements, and even
put essential oils in this realm because it’s a fuel Dr. Ryan: Exactly, right, exactly. Yes, there is
for your body, we need that to seal up. testing. There is urine tests, heavy metal toxicity
tests, the organic acids test from Great Plains
One, get the gunk out, detoxify and then also to Labs, we’ve done that one quite a bit. And
help upgrade what I call the brain and the cellular that gives a great overview of the metabolites
function to make sure it functions at a high level, that come from different biotoxins, different
to make sure it has the nutrients because that’s bacteria, viruses, but then also test certain
another cause is when we have these toxins neurotransmitters, and it tests certain vitamins
that are loaded in our system, there’s no room and minerals, as well.
for those nutrients and micronutrients so then
that leads to deficiencies. And it creates this Dr. Eckel: Interesting. All right, so that’s food.
cycle to where, “Well, now I don’t have enough Now, you’ve got fitness. And we were talking
magnesium. Now I’m deficient in B12 or my B about oxygen as being a big food for the brain.
vitamins.” And now, we’ve got the fitness piece here.
And it’s not just about supplementing with what Dr. Ryan: Well, fitness, it was probably my first
you’re deficient in—I know that sounds weird— love growing up as a kid. Three brothers, but
but we have to find out what is the cause of why an older brother, we would just always play
you’re deficient in that. That deficiency could basketball and just always outside with the ball
also be deficient in oxygen. Deficient because in the backyard, sports. And I was just doing it
you’re not breathing, which comes with the because it was fun, I didn’t realize it was good for
third part of it, which is our fitness, and exercise, brain, but now, I do.
and movement. And that’s also focus and your
breathing is just everything. That’s also about the But no, fitness is huge because it supplies oxygen
to the brain, it boosts serotonin, it boosts brain- Dr. Ryan: the hunched over posture. But we could
derived neurotrophic factor, which is just as it get into like where I’m shifted to the side and bent
sounds. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, it down one way. And that creates irritation on the
stimulates this chemical that helps to promote nerves, as well. So think about it in this way, if we
our brain cell activation, promote new, it’s called put a kink in the hose, so let’s say your brain is the
genesis creation of new brain cells and protects main faucet, you’ve got the hose going right down
the brain. through the spine, and all these little other hoses
going all throughout everywhere to water your
Serotonin helps mood, helps thinking, executive lawn.
function, helps just decrease the inflammation
throughout the body, decrease insulin resistance. Now, if we put the kinks in the hose going to a
Fitness, that’s why it’s got to be a part of repairing, certain area of the lawn, it doesn’t matter, again,
healing, and upgrading your brain. And there are what food that we use, it doesn’t matter a whole
some cultures where that is the most important lot what type of positive mindset we have, it’s
thing. I don’t like saying, okay, this one is most not going to thrive and be optimally functioning
important or this part of the six pack is because I because it doesn’t have that brain signal telling
believe they’re all equally important. But certain it what to do or that water coming up telling it to
people might only be able to do…They might be grow. Okay, does that make sense?
able to put more attention on a couple of the six
pack, rather than all of them. Dr. Eckel: Right. Yeah, totally.
So as we get into function, which we’ll go into that Dr. Ryan: I combined analogies there, but yeah.
next, so function means this, all function comes
from the brain. It does that by sending energy, Dr. Eckel: It’s good. It worked. Dr. Ryan, it worked.
and signals, and communication down to the So that’s on the function and posture. One, I
spinal cord which is inside your spine, through want to go back to fitness. Do you have specific
the nerves to every cell organ and tissue. So your recommendations on fitness for folks? You
posture directly affects your function because mentioned, depending on what the individual has,
if we’re interfering with those signals getting what’s the best lever to push on for them at this
to wherever they need to go, well, now that’s specific moment and time?
an interference as to deficiency in the nervous
system function. And now, your body isn’t going to But, in general, a guideline on the fitness front
live as long. because fitness and exercise is a loaded term and
immediately people, they’re going to say, “Ah, you
Actually, studies have shown that where it can know, I heard that back in gym class in high school
take up to 15 years off your life because it puts so or whatever.” And that’s been 30, 40, 50 years
much stress on your spinal cord. You’re not going ago”. So I’m guessing any movement is better than
to have the energy. You just waste your energy. no movement.
And I’m not going to get into the full like what type
of postures, but when we think of posture and Dr. Ryan: Yes, movement, you said that word
spine, we think, okay-- right there. And that’s why it’s fitness, movement,
and exercise, because you’re right, exercise and
Dr. Eckel: Yeah, the hunched-- fitness. And it doesn’t mean you have to run a
marathon, it doesn’t mean you have to do a bunch
of burpees, or high-intensity intervals, it’s simply So what do I got? I’m in Michigan so it’s winter
going for a walk. And that could be it right there to time or during the winter time, there’s usually
start off and then working your way up. snow. I don’t have a snow blower so I shovel.
And that’s part of my activity. I also fold laundry,
What I like to tell people to do or have people do believe it or not. So what I’ll do sometimes is I’ll
is make a list of your favorite activities, whether put the basket on the floor. I’ll squat down. Pick
it’s like different cardio activities, different up the item of clothing. Fold it. Put it on the couch.
strength training activities. And again, strength And I do that over and over again.
training gets this connotation of lifting heavy
weights. No, it’s not lifting heavy weights, strength Dr. Eckel: Brilliant! Yeah, built right into the
training is important to help keep your muscle schedule and plus your wife probably loves you
mass because that helps to support your body, as for that, too. Yeah, lovely. Well, okay, so thank you
well as support your brain. So make a list of even for that clarity on the fitness because it could be
stretching activities. What are your favorite active as simple as that like folding the laundry and just
activities that you like to do? putting a squat in there, that’s great. So you don’t
have to go out to the gym. There’s none of those
The second thing I love having people do, my self-limiting beliefs of I don’t have time. You’re
clients, my patients, is incorporating it into already moving your body. So just to emphasize
their day, rather than trying to carve out 30 or and maximize that time. Refresh was another of
45 minutes of—from one minute to forty-five the Fs. So what do you got?
minutes—so instead of doing 45 minutes all in a
row, split it up into like three 15-minute sessions. Dr. Ryan: That is sleep. That is for the most
Or let’s say your goal is a half hour. So let’s do part sleep. Sleep is where the brain drains. That
three 10-minute sessions to where every minute sounds like it’s leaky brain, but no, in a good way.
on the minute, you’re doing like five pushups for Your brain, when you sleep, it detoxifies. And
10 minutes. that’s when it helps to get the gunk out, and drain
it in from the glymphatic into the lymphatic into
And then later in the day, maybe every minute the bloodstream to get rid of it, and, yeah, into the
on the minute, and I’ll explain what that means in bloodstream to get it out of your body.
a second, you do 10 squats with no weights, you
just squat up and down to your level of ability for And in our society today, there’s too little sleep
10 minutes. So what that means is every minute going on, not just quantity, but, also, the quality of
on the minute, it’s a great technique to use. sleep because we’re looking at our cellphones up
until we go to bed. It’s sitting by our nightstand.
So you start a timer. You do five pushups. We use it as an alarm clock. It’s got EMFs, which
However long it takes you, you wait until it gets I’m assuming you’ll have some EMF experts
to that first minute. And then you do that five talking about that on this summit, as well, where
pushups again. And then you wait until the next it can interrupt this normal process of the brain
minute and you do that for 10 minutes. So if draining.
you’re doing let’s say five, even if it’s one pushup,
then you’re doing 10 pushups in 10 minutes, you Draining the brain to get it healthy, to get rid
start off with that. So I like people incorporating it of the toxins as much as possible, to get rid
into their day. of, whether it’s biotoxins or whether it’s heavy
metals. And when we talk about heavy metals,
a lot of times we need something a little bit for bed here in about three, four, five hours.
extra to get that out if we’ve gone down the
neurodegeneration route. But yeah, that’s why Dr. Eckel: Is there an optimum amount of sleep?
sleep is so important. Or like when you’re talking about the quality of
the sleep are you talking about deep sleep to REM
And sometimes people feel they don’t have seven sleep, along those lines?
or eight hours continuously for them to sleep.
They might have young children, babies and Dr. Ryan: Yes, there is. And typically, seven to
toddlers, where they get up. I get it. So that’s why eight hours of quantity will get you through the
we want to maximize the quality of sleep during cycles of sleep. So each cycle, where it’s going
those times when you can’t get seven or eight from light sleep to REM, to light to non-REM, to
hours. So we want to make sure we’re in a dark deep sleep is at 90 minutes long. And there is a
room. We want to make sure we don’t have blue great book and study done by Dr. Michael Breus,
light emitting LEDs in our room. I believe, and he talks about, for optimal sleep, so
take a week period of time, seven days, you want
So we could get blackout curtains or even just to have 35 sleep cycles so 90-minute sleep cycles.
get a bunch of like towels. I’ve used that before. So that equates to, I think it’s seven. No, let’s do
Get bath towels and put them over the window. the math.
Night lights, you want to not have any night lights
in your room because our body has sensors, our So you want at least 30 of those sleep cycles. So
eyes have sensors to where if it senses this light, that equates to about seven to eight hours of
it’s going to trick your brain into thinking it’s time sleep a night, 30 to 35. And he also says that if you
to be awake. can’t get that full 30 to 35, you can make it up with
naps. So naps are different. He theorizes that it’s
Now, the hormones and the neurotransmitters like 30 to 45 minutes equated to a full 90 minute
are going to get all out of whack. And it’s going sleep cycle that you get at night. It’s not like you
to lead down this cycle of hurting your circadian have to take a 90-minute nap to catch up on those
rhythm of when your brain and body knows it’s sleep cycles.
time to sleep and then when it knows it’s time to
be awake. That’s what the circadian rhythm is. Dr. Eckel: Got it. Naps are more efficient.
So every day when you wake up, your circadian
rhythm starts and says, “All right, whatever it is, 16 Dr. Ryan: Hopefully, that makes sense.
hours from now is when I’m going to be sleeping
again.” It starts it over. Dr. Eckel: Yeah.
And if we are constantly like, “You know, I’ve Dr. Ryan: Yeah, yeah, yep.
got a bunch of light shining on me right now
and after this I’m going to put some blue light Dr. Eckel: But we’d rather you have better sleep
blocking glasses on because I’ve been in front at night.
of the computer all day with these lights. So I
already want to start winding my body down as I Dr. Ryan: Yes, oh, yeah, definitely.
get towards dinner time. So then my body knows,
“Okay, it’s time to start to relax. So I’m preparing Dr. Eckel: Yeah. Excellent. All right so the sixth F,
my body and my brain that it’s going to be time which is the faith, and purpose, and family.
Dr. Ryan: Yes, that’s an important one. And That’s a component of why I’m doing this summit
when I say faith, it’s not necessarily religion, it is is to help people. And I think a lot of times we
for me. That’s part of it for me. But it’s also the feel very isolated and alone out there, especially
contribution that you make in this world, the with some of these diagnoses that go with a
purpose that you have because that leads to more neurodegenerative condition. And this is a big one
energy in your life. That leads to more focus. And when you look at longevity. So I’m really glad you
even focus and faith are very intertwined. Faith is put that like as your sixth in the six pack. And it is
a belief in something that you just haven’t seen one of the biggest punches, so to speak, that you
yet. can pull out. It’s a great one to drive the whole
So yes, focus and faith are very similar. And family
comes with that. Your social interactions, your In closing, any other big components that you
purpose, your contributions, your community, it’s want to share with our listeners?
all lumped into one. And we’re, I think again, we’re
trained to believe that we’re to play small, for lack Dr. Ryan: Oh, geez, that’s simple and consistent
of a better way to do it is who am I? Who am I to with all of these. Too many times we want to wait
be great? Well, one of my favorite quotes is from until…I don’t want to say we want to wait, but we
Marianne Williamson and it’s, “Who am I not to wait and we take care of other things, then our
be great?” That’s the way we were made. That’s health, our energy takes a back seat. And we don’t
why we were brought into this world. We have a realize how important our health is until it’s gone.
purpose. We don’t realize how important our money is until
it’s gone.
Sometimes, hey, I’d be honest with you, I lose
it sometimes, but there are techniques and But a quote that I like is actually, I think there’s
strategies that I use to remind myself of that every a component of it, but, “If your life doesn’t have
day. And when I get out of the habit of doing time for our health now, our health won’t have
that, I notice a difference in my mood, I notice a time for our life later.” And we’re going to be
difference in my interaction with my family. I need just constantly going to doctor appointments.
to make sure that I’m conscious of that because I And my goal is to help people eliminate their
want to show up for them, I want to show up for dependence on drugs, and medications, and even
the listener here, too. insurance. So many times we think that’s going to
save us is insurance, and these drugs, and these
Dr. Eckel: Yeah. And that is so great. I love that medications.
poem by her, as well. I actually read it every day.
It’s on my mirror in my bathroom. So I’m totally in And yes, we want them there to save us. We don’t
align there. And it is that purpose component, it want them there to maintain and sustain us for
really does get us going. And when you look at the our life because it won’t create a nice, long, active
longevity research, and I’m guessing that’s where healthy life, but by incorporating these tips that
you put that in there around purpose, it really you’re bringing to the world now, these strategies,
can get you through some dark periods of life taking little ones, simple, consistently, step-by-
and really get you playing at a much bigger game step.
because who are you not to be great, and big, and
bold, and shine that light bright? That’s why I talked about counting your wins. It
doesn’t have to be these big “aha experiences,”