Tutorial Notes - 2021 RESF 511 Introduction To Educational Research Contact Details of Lecturer

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RESF 511 Research in Education


Lecturer: Dr M Mdakane
Tel: 018-299 4567
Email: [email protected] or ([email protected])


The NWU revised the general academic rules of the university which are applicable to all current
(enrolled) students. Should you have any further enquiries regarding academic rules, we would like to
refer you to the following link to familiarise yourself with the rules that students commit themselves
when they register to study at the NWU:


The link to yearbooks of the NWU is:


According to regulations stipulated by the Department of Education, no qualification may be

completed in a shorter period of time than the minimum period determined for that specific qualification.
The NWU has included this in the rules to be applied for all qualifications. Consequently, the Faculty of
Education, including the UODL, may not award any certificate, diploma or degree unless this stipulated
time has elapsed. We therefore advise students not to attempt to complete studies within a shorter
period than the time specified for that particular qualification. The NWU cannot confer your
qualification before the entire minimum period has elapsed.

Please Note that students may contact lecturers with any queries or uncertainties regarding academic
matters. Lecturers can provide academic support to students via e-mail, telephonically or through
personal appointment. Please remember that it is imperative to make an appointment if you need to
meet with a lecturer in person, as lecturers are often out of office due to meetings or teaching
responsibilities. Valuable time could be lost where students travel to see a lecturer who is not available
at that specific time.

LECTURER: Dr M Mdakane
Tel: 018 2994567 (Tues–Thurs 10:00–15:00 only)

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

NB! Please note that lecturers have to teach classes on campus and attend conferences and meetings,
and I might therefore not be in office. Kindly leave a clear voice message and I will return your call as
soon as possible.

Inquiries via e-mail will be answered within 24 hours, unless I have no Internet access.

NB! Only contact me if you have academic queries concerning the content of the module.

For queries about registration, study material, results and time tables you should contact the call centre
(018 285 5900) as I will NOT be able to assist with these kind of queries.

If you want to visit me, please schedule an appointment, otherwise you could drive all the way and
might not be able to see me.



PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility UODL to assist students with marks; assignments not returned;
admissions; time tables; material not received, etc. I am unfortunately unable to help students in this

Contact details of UODL:

• Website: http://distance.nwu.ac.za/
• For contact details:
E-mail: [email protected]

Call centres

[email protected]

(018) 285 5900

(018) 2852080 or 087 234 4957 Please indicate clearly to whom you are addressing
the fax

To retrieve any of the following information:

• Old examination papers (all programmes)

• PowerPoint presentations (all programmes)
• Recorded IWB sessions (all programmes)

Use the following URL:


Submission of Assignments/Portfolios:
RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021


Submit via EFundi


I trust that your involvement in the module, Research in Education (RESF 511) will be an
enriching and pleasant learning experience. The purpose of this tutorial letter is to provide
you with information for 2021 as a supplement to the module’s study guide. The following
information is accordingly for your attention:

 The point of departure for the successful completion of this specific module is the
RESF 511 STUDY GUIDE. Take thoroughly note of, and follow ALL the guidelines
and instructions in your study guide to achieve all the related outcomes. View your
study guide as your lecturer to complete this course successfully. You will find the
necessary guidance and module-specific instructions in your study guide. Use your
study guide daily to guide you through the content of the module, guiding you through
the text book as well as the reader. Please do not study from the text book or manual
without the help of your study guide.

 Students must initially take note of the MODULE INFORMATION as described in the
first section of the study guide. Aspects to pay particular attention to are: The
instructional approach; prescribed text book and recommended additional study
material; outcomes of the module; evaluation and pass requirements and the module
outline of the different study units.
Outline of the module

Study units MODULE PLAN

Introduction to research methods
Study unit 1 Education research
Study unit 2 Finding literature and using it
Study unit 3 Title, research question and research problem
Study unit 4 An introduction to the qualitative research method
Study unit 5 An introduction to the quantitative research method
Study unit 6 Research ethics
Study unit 7 The research proposal

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

 The MODULE CONTENT and study themes progress in accordance with the study
units (study unit 1 – 7) and should be thoroughly completed. The various tasks as part
of each study unit are for the purpose of self-evaluation and monitoring of study
progress. The self-evaluation tasks are not part of the assessment process. It is very
important that students should work through the theory of the module in the prescribed
book and readers, using the study guide before starting with assignments.

• RESF 511 Reader
• NWU Referencing guide 2020
• Prescribed text book: Maree, K (Ed) 2020. First steps in research. 3rd ed. Van Schaik:
Additional reading: There are other books on educational research at the resource centres in
the different contact venues

This study letter provides information regarding the assignments for RESF 511. Kindly note
 You are all aware that due to COVID 19 NWU has implemented continuous
assessment there will not be formal sitting exam
 You have to complete three assignmnets in this module as they are all important.
 The first two assessment are aimed in buidling your module mark
 The last assessment is final assessment so this is the assignmnet in the place of exam
 The due date for each assessment will be placed in Efundi.
 All assignments must be individual attempts. If you copy from another student it
will be regarded as plagiarism and disciplinary actions will be taken against you
which may result in cancellation of this module!
 This module requires you to read the information in the study guide RESF 511, E-
guide from Efundi, using textbook as well as the reader. Please make sure you read
as well as the references to chapters or pages in the text book

 The terminology/vocabulary of research is new to you, it is limited and unique and

you will have to study them.

 Quoting sources of literature: Please follow the requirements stipulated in the NWU-
Reference guide!


RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021



Copying of text from other students or from other sources (for instance the study guide,
prescribed material or directly from the internet) is not allowed – only brief quotations are
allowed and then only if indicated as such.
You should reformulate existing text and use your own words to explain what you have read.
It is not acceptable to retype existing text and just acknowledge the source in a footnote – you
should be able to relate the idea or concept, without repeating the original author to the letter.
The aim of the assignments is not the reproduction of existing material, but to ascertain
whether you have the ability to integrate existing texts, add your own interpretation and/or
critique of the texts and offer a creative solution to existing problems.
Be warned: students who submit copied text will obtain a mark of zero for the
assignment and disciplinary steps will be taken by the Faculty and/or University. It is
also unacceptable to do somebody else’s work, to lend your work to them or to make
your work available to them to copy – be careful and do not make your work available
to anyone!


 All assignments must be TYPED on a computer.
 Use the following formatting:
Font: either Times New Roman or Arial (Note the difference between the two fonts!)
Font Size: If typed in Arial the font size must be 11. If typed in Times New Roman the
font size must be 12.
All paragraphs must be justified.
Line spacing: 11/2 or double spacing if 11/2 line-spacing is not possible due to technical
Margins: left 2,5 cm and top, bottom and right 2 cm.
Page numbers: either at the top or bottom of the page, and preferably in the middle of
the page.
 All headings must be numbered numerically.
 All assignments must be language edited.
 Proof-read your assignments before you submit them for evaluation

NB: All assignments should be submitted electronically on e-Fundi and must be

converted to PDF documents before submitting and will be marked electronically
with a marking tool.

Please note the following:

-The whole assignment must be ONE pdf-document! That includes the title page the
bibliography and you’re completed, scanned pictures or other addenda.

NB also add 2 empty pages at the back for feedback.

-The file must be saved with your student number and Module code
RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021
NB The NWU views a student as active in a specific module if the student is registered for this
module. The student has 2 consecutive examination sessions to pass the module. If a student
did not pass the module in the 2 consecutive examination sessions (even if no participation
mark was obtained, the student will fail the module and will need to re-register and pay for the
specific module.


For semester 1: The first assignment will be due on 31 March 2021 the second
assignment will be due on 02 May 2021

NO ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted after the due dates.


RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

Assignments 2021

Assignment 1 (Due date: 31 March 2021)

To be able to complete this section of the assignment, make sure you have worked
through study unit 2.

In this section you have to compile a reference list (of the 4 sources) according to the
NWU-Harvard referencing style. You have to use the NWU reference guide to help you.
The following 4 sources should appear in the reference list, with the correct layout and

1:Book: 2:Chapter in Book (Collected work):

Author(s): McMillian, J. H., & S Author(s) of Book: Kobus Maree
Schumacher Author of chapter: Jan Nieuwenhuis
Year of publication: 2001 Year of publication: 2020
Publisher: Longman Publisher: Van Schaik
Place: New York Place: Pretoria
Title of Book: Research in Title of Book: First Steps in Research
education. A conceptual Title of chapter: Introducing qualitative research
introduction. Pages of chapter: 56-77
Edition: 5th

3: Journal Article: 4: Internet article:

Author(s): SAIDE
Author(s):H. Jossberger, S. Date: 2011
Brand-Gruwel, Boshuizen H., & H. Internet address (URL):
van de Wiel www.oerafrica.org/ResourceDownload.aspx?assetid
Journal Volume: 62 Date of access: 03 January 2019
Pages of article: 415-40 Title: An open learning perspectives on the national
Year of publication: 2010 commission on Higher Education framework for
Journal: Journal of Vocational transformation.
Education and Training Place: Johannesburg
Title: The Challenge of Self-
Directed and Self-Regulated
Learning in Vocational Education:
A Theoretical Analysis and
Synthesis of Requirements
Number (issue): 4


Question 1 will be marked negatively. Each source is allocated 6 marks.

Marks will be subtracted for:
 Incorrect alphabetical order
 Incorrect order of aspects (Date, author title etc.)
 Incorrect punctuation
 Incorrect font
 Other mistakes (spelling, initials, etc.)
RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

To be able to complete this section make sure you have worked through study unit 3;
4,5 and 6.
Read the following research scenario and then answer the questions that follow:

A researcher wants to understand how HIV & AIDS is affecting teachers. She approaches
a gatekeeper and asks her to identify ten teachers who are affected, using the following
•Teachers who have loved ones/ learners/ colleagues that are HIV+
•Teachers who lost (buried) loved ones/ learners/ colleagues that are HIV+
•Teachers who teach OVCs or AIDS orphans
Once identified, the researcher asks the gatekeeper to invite five of these teachers to
participate in individual interviews and the other five to participate in a focus-group
interview. The researcher meets with the participants and explains the purpose of her
research and mentions the ethical principles she will follow. They sign informed consent
forms. Hereafter, she commences the research process, at times, dates and venues that
suit the participants.

2.1 Which research design is used in the above scenario? (2)

2.2 Motivate your answer in 2.1. (2)
2.3 Which strategy of inquiry is used in the scenario? (2)
2.4 Which data collection method(s) is used in the scenario? (2)
2.5 Which two ethical aspects is taken into consideration by the researcher? (2)
2.6 Which method of sampling was used by the researcher? (2
2.7 Motivate your answer in 2.6 (2)
2.8 Using the above scenario formulate the following:
2.8.1 A research title. (4)
2.8.2 A research question. (4)
2.8.3 Purpose of the research. (4)

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

Assignment 2
Due date 02 May 2021

To be able to complete this section make sure you have worked through study units 1,
2, 3, and 7.

NB: This section of the assignment is focused on the INITIAL PHASE of a research
proposal NOT A FULL PROPOSAL. You are the researcher, writing an initial research

Please follow the guidelines

1.1 Think about your school, the learning areas that you teach, the grades you teach, etc. Is
everything going well? or are there some problems that hinder effective teaching and
learning or the performance of the learners?

Think about these problems and choose one (1) that interest you most from your area
of specialisation

Use the problem that you have chosen in 1.1 and complete the following:

 Create a clear and concise title for your research study.

 In this assignment you must demonstrate your ability to recognise the research
problem that you have identified as relevant for researching in this study. Find some
additional sources addressing the topic in the research question you have chosen. Use
the literature you have found to make significant arguments about your study in the
form of a problem statement (The problem statement should be written in an
argumentative manner, focussing on what exactly is the problem that have led to this
research, why it is a problem and how this study would address the problem).
 State the purpose and research aims of the study clearly
 Formulate the research question of the study
 Identify at least four keywords which define your study and use the literature to define
them (Use definitions from at least 3 sources in an argumentative manner and end
each definition with your own synthesis) (Use the title and research question to help
you identify these key words).
 Take time to edit your assignment as marks will also be allocated to good language
 Familiarise yourself with the NWU referencing style as you will be penalised for poor
referencing of sources.
 Electronic sources could be accessed through the library on the NWU website:
o http://www.nwu.ac.za/library.html under “find information” choose A-Z journal
list to search for articles in academic journals. Choose “theses” to find theses
and dissertations.
o You can also use Google scholar at: https://scholar.google.co.za/
o You can also just “Google” to find information at: https://www.google.co.za/
o Use any other web browser.
o Departmental documentation could be found at: http://www.education.gov.za/
o You can also access information at the Thutong website:
o Also see study unit 2

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

Structure for Question 2:

Table of content

Title (4)

Research problem (1/2 page) (10)

(A research problem can be defined as an issue existing in the literature, in theory, or in

practice that leads to a need for the study.

• Clearly identify the research problem leading to the study (For example: Discipline in
the classroom; Motivation in teaching and learning; Reading and writing skills)

• Indicate why the problem is important by citing references that justify the need to study
the problem (For Example: Importance of discipline, motivation or reading and writing
skills in education)

• Indicate how you will focus your study (For example: The views/perspectives of
educators in your school)

• In simple words: What is the problem under investigation? Why is this a problem? How
will the research address this problem?)

Purpose and aims (Stated in 3 sentences) (6)

(The purpose statement establishes the central direction for the study and includes the aim,
intent and the central idea of the study or proposal.
 Use words such as “purpose”, “intent” or “objective” to signal attention to this statement
as the central controlling idea in a study
 Narrow the study and focus on a single concept or idea to be explored or understood
 Use action verbs to describe how learning will take place. Action verbs and phrases,
such as “describe, “understand,” “develop,” “examine the meaning of,” or “discover,”
keep the inquiry open and convey an emerging design.
 Mention the participants in the study, such as whether the participants might be one or
more individuals, a group of people, or an entire organization
 Identify the research site, for example classrooms, schools, or programs. Give a
detailed description of the research site with the intention that the reader will know
precisely where the study will take place.

The purpose is stated in one sentence. It should clearly relate (same concepts) to the title and
research question. The purpose of any research is to answer the research question!

Research question (Stated in 3 sentences) (5)

A research question specifies what is studied. It serves as a guide to appropriate research

literature and other sources. It provides one with a focus for data collection. There are
three categories of research questions: descriptive, explanatory and exploratory.
Descriptive questions answer to “how” and “what” questions. An explanatory research
answers to “why” questions. Your research questions must be:

 clearly formulated and unambiguous

 concise
 Operationalisable as it can be executed or implemented in practice
 open-ended, posed in a manner that does not suggest an obvious answer
RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021
 theoretically rich raising and generating other research questions
 self-explanatory and does not need further elaboration
 grammatically correct, posed by a researcher with an eye on detail and meticulous on
the use of words

Concept clarification (1-2 pages) (20)

(Guidelines for Writing the Concept clarifications (Review of the Literature)

Apply the following guidelines as far as possible:

 Never copy directly from a source! Always paraphrase or rewrite the information in
your own words and give the reference to the source from which the information is
 When quoting two sources, do the following: According to Scott (1991:10) and
Bandura (1987:15) the .............; OR Motivation is an important variable that influences
…. (Scott, 1991:10; Bandura, 1987:15). Also remember that if a source has two
authors, you must recognise both, e.g. this is the end (Jones & Smith, 1990:10).
Always give the author’s surname followed by a comma, the date of publication
followed by a colon: and the page number. First names are omitted.
 If you use information from a book or article, whether such information is a direct
quotation (e.g. According to Bandura (1990:1): "... ...",) or your own synthesis of what
Bandura says, you must refer to that book or article e.g. Bandura (1992:1) said that
references must always be given in the beginning or at the end of a sentence or
 If reference to an author's work is made, the reference to the source must be given
directly after the name of the author, e.g. According to Schunk (1965:5)....
 It is important to use primary sources as far as possible. It is a sign of weakness (if not
also of laziness!) in a dissertation or research assignment if too many secondary
sources are used. It is your responsibility to make sure that you find and study as
many primary sources as possible. If you use primary sources it will not be necessary
to refer to a source as Hard-Working (1910, quoted by Lazy, 2000:5).
 Never write a single sentence if you do not understand what you are writing! Reread
and study the information until you are sure that you understand it. Only then rephrase
or say it in your own words. Don't take chances or try your luck by writing a sentence
which you do not understand as you'll have to rewrite it at a later stage, i.e. when you
get it back from your supervisor.
 Write in full sentences and make sure that each sentence makes sense.
 If you define a concept, e.g. learning strategies study as many definitions of the
concept as possible. Categorise or classify the definitions according to the different
views from which the concept is defined. Give only one or two definitions of each
category to illustrate each view with the necessary references. After this has been
done, give your (own) definition of the concept (which should be a synthesis of the
definitions), as it is to be used in the dissertation or assignment.
 If the concept is not defined from different viewpoints, give some examples of how it is
defined (always with the necessary references!) and conclude with a single integrated
definition of the concept.

Reference list (5)


RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

Final assessment:
 Some students start too late in preparing for their final assessment.
 Make sure you have covered all the content of the module before you start preparing
for the final assessment.
 Don’t “spot” specific questions for the final assessment.

The final assessment for 2021 cover the whole of the module content must be
prepared as such.

I trust that the module information in this tutorial letter will be of value and assistance to
complete this module successfully. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions
that you may have on the content of this module.

Yours sincerely
Dr. M. Mdakane

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

RESF 511 Marking scheme for: Assignment 1

Max Mark
Question 1 Reference List:
(24) Book 6
Chapter in book 6
Journal Article 6
Internet Source 6
Question 2
1 Research design 2
2 Motivation 2
2 Specific strategy of 2
inquiry/type of method
4 Data collection 2
5 Ethical aspects 2
6 Sampling Method 2
7 Motivation for sampling 2
8.1 Research title 4
8.2 Research Questions 4
8.3 Purpose of the research 4

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

RESF 511 Marking scheme for: Assignment 2


Question 1 Title:
(50) Appropriates/ relevance, related to purpose and 4
research question; not formulated as question; 10-15
Research problem: 10
Clarity of problem; what is the problem; why is it a
problem; intention of the research with regard to the
Purpose and aims: 6
Purpose and aims clear; related to research
questions; related to title; realistic
Research question: 5
Formulated explicitly and clearly; relevance and
importance; relates to the purpose of the research
Concept Relevant literature used; enough references to 20
clarification literature; written argumentatively, synthesized
meaningfully; relevance
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 4
Reference list 5
According to specifications of NWU references guide

RESF 511 Tutorial notes 2021

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