Induction Motor Vibration Detection
Induction Motor Vibration Detection
Induction Motor Vibration Detection
Induction Motor Vibration Detection circuit is presented here is based on the readily available
vibration sensor also called piezoelectric sensor and comparator IC LM393. The Vibration
sensor is used as the vibration detector while IC LM393 used as comparator. In the absence of
vibration, no vibrations detect on the piezoelectric sensor. As a result piezoelectric sensor stop
conducting and LED stays off. However, when vibrations detect on the piezoelectric sensor,
piezoelectric sensor starts conducting and LED glows.
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How to build:
First of all read the given manual thoroughly and study the circuit given in the figure. Also have
look at PCB and components supplied along with the kit. Each component has to be soldered in
its position on PCB.
Identification of resistors is done by color coding. The color band on each resistor corresponds to
its exact value.
There are different methods in which values are defined on capacitors. But usually values are
specified numerically on them.
Can you make out the whole working of circuit and are you able to identify each component
separately as to where each of them has to be placed?
If yes only then proceed further to actually mounting and soldering the parts.
Not ICs but their sockets are to be soldered on PCB. This is to make mounting and dismounting
of ICs easy while troubleshooting.
Start from left most corner of PCB and solder the components one by one on their correct
position on PCB.
Before soldering any component see that you have placed it at its right position and with correct
polarity. Give due attention to diodes and electrolytic capacitors as they are polarity dependent.
Do the soldering of other components in the same way while keeping in mind that components
with long and sensitive leads like capacitors and transistors are soldered last.
For testing purpose vibration applied to vibration sensor. LED glows in this case.
Now set the desired intensity at which you want detection of vibration. This can be done by
changing the resistive value of R2 variable resistor.
Part List:
U1 - LM393
Base - 8 pin
R2 - 10k Ohm(variable)
R3 - 1k Ohm
R4 - 1k Ohm
R5 - 10k Ohm
R6 - 10k Ohm
Capacitor C1 - 1uF
5 V USB Cable