Subject - Verb Agreement
Subject - Verb Agreement
Subject - Verb Agreement
1. Every pale tomato slice, wilted pickle, and brown lettuce leaf--cost--an
extra 25 cents at Bernie's Burger Emporium.
2. Not only the Smiths but also Tonya --has--agreed to try one of the world-
famous chocolate-broccoli muffins.
5. Even though Antonio has many friends who love their Chevrolets and
Buicks, he has always believed that General Motors makes
A. makes B. make C. made D. had made
6. My dog Floyd, together with Buster the cat, likes to play with money; the
cat swats crumpled bills onto the floor where the dog shreds them to pieces.
A. likes B. like C. liked D. had liked
7. Latoya isn't going to Daytona Beach for spring break because fourteen
dollars_is_all that she has in her vacation fund.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
11. Digging holes in the sofa cushions is Peanut, Elizabeth's new puppy.
12. Even though the jury wants to believe that the defendant did not feed
Elvis to the Loch Ness Monster, much of the evidence points to her guilt.
A. is B. are C. was D. be
A. does B. do C. did D.
students who sCored
Tonya and Robert, the two
19. Here _stand
on the subject-verb agreement quiz.
100 percent
standing D. stood
A. stands B. stand C. is
developed a new
maker of Cheerios, _has_
20. General Foods, the
cereal with chocolate puffs
and broccoli-flavored
breaktast cereal.