1) Error Coming While Increasing Filesystems: Avaya Kumar

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1)error coming while increasing filesystems

hi to all 

i have seen one error while attempting to increasing a filesystem 

already Quorum is enabled in the vg , VG which has 3 pv's ...

In that vg the fileststems size is almost full so i add one pv in vg for increasing the filesystems.....but it ll show some striping error... i
identified problem is only depnds upon Quorum ......
if there is any problem to disable the quorum in online server..... 

please give some suggestion.......



Avaya Kumar
no problem. you can disable . You can face issue in case of PV failure............

2)some AIX interw quest, pls anwr me, if u know...

some AIX interw quest, pls anwr me, if u know...

hello friends,

How will you give your own pvid for a pv?

What is c-spoc ? Where the c-spoc log is located?

where is the cronfile located?

What is TCB? How will u check TCB is enabled or not?

who command reads which file?

where will be the failed login entered?


The Trusted Computing Base (TCB) is the part of the system that is responsible
for enforcing the information security policies of the system. By installing a
system with the TCB option, you enable the trusted path, trusted shell, trusted
processes, and system-integrity checking. Because every device is part of the
TCB, every file in the /dev directory is monitored by the TCB. In addition, the TCB
automatically monitors over 600 additional files, storing critical information about
these files in the /etc/security/sysck.cfg file. It is recommended to back up this file
on a removable media, such as tape, CD immediately after installing the BOS.

To check if TCB is enabled on your system, issue the /usr/bin/tcbck command.

If a usage statement is returned, TCB is enabled:

# /usr/bin/tcbck

# /usr/bin/tcbck
3001-101 The Trusted Computing Base is not enabled on this machine.
To enable the Trusted Computing Base, you must reinstall and
set the 'Install Trusted Computing Base' option to YES.
No checking is being performed.
Who command
The who command displays information about all users currently on the local

The /etc/utmp file contains a record of users logged into the system.
The command who -a processes the /etc/utmp file, and if this file is
corrupted or missing, no output is generated from the who command.

Who command some examples

The following shows how to display the run-level of the local system node:
# who -r
. run-level 2 Nov 17 10:19 2 0 S

The following example shows the command to display information about

user name:
# who am i
root pts/2 Dec 01 19:41

Failed logins
#/etc/security/failedlogin Records all failed login attempts.

thanks friend...

The crontab command submits, edits, lists, or removes cron jobs. A cron job is a command run by the cron daemon at regularly scheduled
intervals. To submit a cron job, specify the crontab command with the -e flag. The crontab command invokes an editing session that allows
you to create a crontab file. You create entries for each cron job in this file. Each entry must be in a form acceptable to the cron daemon

var/spool/cron/crontabs Specifies the crontab spool area. 

/var/adm/cron/cron.allow Specifies a list of users allowed access to the crontab command. 
/var/adm/cron/cron.deny Specifies a list of users denied access to the crontab command

Answer 4r neelu
1. The following command changes an available disk device to a physical volume by
assigning a PVID, if it does not already have one:
chdev -l hdisk7 -a pv=yes

This command has no effect if the disk is already a physical volume.

The following commands clears the PVID from the physical volume:
chdev -l hdisk7 -a pv=clear

3.Location of crontab files

The crontab files are kept in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs directory. Each cron
user has a crontab file with their user name as the file name in the
/var/spool/cron/crontabs directory. The content of a sample
/var/spool/cron/crontabs directory is shown in the following example:
# ls -l /var/spool/cron/crontabs
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 adm cron 2020 Jun 17 2004 adm
-rw------- 1 root cron 1726 Nov 22 16:17 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 sys cron 853 Jun 17 2004 sys
-rw-r--r-- 1 root cron 1122 Nov 22 16:08 uucp
A sample of the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root 

4 .To check if TCB is enabled on your system, issue the /usr/bin/tcbck command.
If a usage statement is returned, TCB is enabled:
# /usr/bin/tcbck
Usage: tcbck -a <filename> [ [ <attr> | <attr>=[<value> | ] ] ... ]
-a -f <filename>
-a sysck [ treeck_novfs=<dir> ] [ checksum=<program> ]
-d <filename> | <class> [ <filename> | <class> ] ...
-d -f <filename>
-l /dev/<filename> [ /dev/<filename> ] ...
-(p|y|n|t) [-i] [ [<filename>|<class>] ... | ALL | tree ]
Otherwise, the following message is displayed:
# /usr/bin/tcbck
3001-101 The Trusted Computing Base is not enabled on this machine.
To enable the Trusted Computing Base, you must reinstall and
set the 'Install Trusted Computing Base' option to YES.
No checking is being performed.

5./etc/security/failedlogin Records all failed login attempts

6.The /etc/utmp file, which contains a record of users logged into the system.
The command who -a processes the /etc/utmp file, and if this file is corrupted
or missing, no output is generated from the who command.

Failed login entered in /etc/security/failedlogin but you cann't read this file. Rather use /etc/security/lastlog file and look for
unsuccessful_login_count entry. It will give an numeric value which tell you how many times a user have enter a wrong password.

3) Default gateway issue...

Dear frds,

I have one query....Whenever i reboot my server , i comes up with 2 default gateway..due to that we face problem in remote login and every
time we have to remove wrong gateway manually..

is there any permanent solution for the same?

We having 2 interface configured both having different ip configured...

one is for OS and other is RAC cluster ip.

Please suggest..



Use following command to delete route from ODM

lsattr -El inet0

and change the route entry with "chdev" command


chdev -l inet0 -a delroute="$old_route_info"

chdev -l inet0 -a route="$new_route_info"

where old_route_info is what you"ll see on "lsattr -El inet0" output and
new_route_info is the the entry with new route IP...

chdev -l inet0 -a delroute="net,-hopcount,0,,0,"

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