Capitol Corridor Schedule: Auburn / Sacramento - and - San Francisco Bay Area - and - San Jose
Capitol Corridor Schedule: Auburn / Sacramento - and - San Francisco Bay Area - and - San Jose
Capitol Corridor Schedule: Auburn / Sacramento - and - San Francisco Bay Area - and - San Jose
Enjoy the journey.
– and –
– and –
Call 1 - 8 7 7 - 9 - R I D E C C
And intermediate stations
Capitol Corridor is a registered service mark of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
NRPC Form W34–225M–1/14/13 Stock #02-3348
Schedules subject to change without notice. Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad
Passenger Corp. National Railroad Passenger Corporation Washington Union Station, 60 Massachusetts
Ave. N.E., Washington, DC 20002.
page 2 CAPITOL CORRIDOR-Weekday Westbound
Train Number 521 523 525 527 529 531 533 Service on the
Capitol Corridor®
Will Not Operate 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 Coaches: Unreserved.
y Café: Sandwiches, snacks
yQ yQ yQ
On Board Service yå yå yå yå and beverages.
å å å Q Amtrak Quiet car.
å Wi-Fi available.
Mile Symbol @™ Transfer point to/from the
Sparks, NV–The Nugget 0 >w p
Coast Starlight—please refer
Reno, NV 3 ∑w-
to our corresponding wallet
Truckee, CA 38 >v
timetable product (P11).
Colfax, CA 102 >v
@∞ BART rapid transit connection
Auburn, CA (Grass Valley) 0 >w- 6 35A available for San Francisco
Rocklin, CA 14 >v- 6 58A and East Bay points. Transfer
Roseville, CA 18 >w- 4 35A 5 25A 7 08A to BART at Richmond or
SACRAMENTO, CA 35 ∑w-< Ar 5 20A 6 05A 7 37A Oakland Coliseum stations.
p 4 30A 5 30A 6 20A 7 00A 7 40A 8 20A 9 20A *¡ Bus departs two minutes after
Davis, CA 49 ∑w-< 4 45A 5 45A 6 35A 7 15A 7 55A 8 35A 9 35A actual arrival of train.
Suisun-Fairfield, CA 75 >w- 5 09A 6 09A 6 59A 7 39A 8 19A 8 59A 9 59A *™ Connect from Train 549 to bus
Martinez, CA 93 ∑w-< 5 30A 6 30A 7 20A 8 00A 8 40A 9 20A 10 20A at Emeryville.
Richmond, CA 112 >v-@∞ 5 55A 6 55A 7 45A 8 25A 9 05A 9 45A 10 45A
Smoking is prohibited.
Berkeley, CA 118 >w- Dp 6 02A 7 02A 7 52A 8 32A 9 12A 9 52A 10 52A
Emeryville, CA 120 ∑w-< Ar 6 08A 7 08A 7 58A 8 38A 9 18A 9 58A 10 58A Bicycles: All trains on the Capitol
Dp 6 10A 7 10A 8 00A 8 40A 9 20A 10 00A 11 00A Corridor are equipped with a
OAKLAND, CA 125 ∑w- Ar 6 21A 7 21A D8 18A 8 51A D9 38A D10 18A D11 18A limited number of bike racks—
–Jack London Square p
Dp 6 23A 7 23A 8 53A passengers may bring bicycles
Oakland Coliseum, CA p 130 >w 6 32A 7 32A 8 25A 9 02A 9 45A 10 25A 11 25A as unboxed carry-on baggage.
Hayward, CA 138 >w- 6 43A 7 43A 9 13A Available first-come, first-served—
Fremont-Centerville, CA 150 >w- 6 59A 7 59A 9 29A no reservations or service charge.
Santa Clara, CA-Great America 161 >v- 7 16A 8 16A 9 46A Unboxed bicycles may be put in
Santa Clara, CA-University Station 165 > 7 24A 8 24A 9 54A the bin under connecting Thruway
∑w-< Ar
buses. Amtrak disclaims liability
SAN JOSE, CA 168 7 38A 8 38A 10 13A
for loss or damage.
b Santa Barbara–see page 5
Train Number 535 537 541 543 545 547 549 551
Will Not Operate 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27
On Board Service yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå
Mile Symbol
Sparks, NV–The Nugget 0 >w p
Dp 7 40A 11 05A 4 40P
Reno, NV 3 ∑w- R8 00A R11 25A R5 00P
Truckee, CA 38 >v R8 40A R12 05P R5 40P
Colfax, CA 102 >v R10 00A R1 25P R7 00P
Auburn, CA (Grass Valley) 0 >w- R10 30A R1 55P 5 10P R7 30P
Rocklin, CA 14 >v- R10 45A R2 10P R7 45P
Roseville, CA 18 >w- R11 00A R2 25P R5 40P R8 00P Symbols Key
SACRAMENTO, CA 35 ∑w-< Ar 11 55A 3 20P 6 15P @™8 55P
p 10 10A 12 10P 2 10P 3 35P 4 40P 5 40P 7 10P 9 10P A Time Symbol for A.M.
Davis, CA 49 ∑w-< 10 25A 12 25P 2 25P 3 50P 4 55P 5 55P 7 25P 9 25P P Time Symbol for P.M.
Suisun-Fairfield, CA 75 >w- 10 49A 12 49P 2 49P 4 14P 5 19P 6 19P 7 49P 9 49P D Stops only to discharge
Martinez, CA 93 ∑w-< 11 10A 1 10P 3 10P 4 35P 5 40P 6 40P 8 10P 10 10P passengers; train may
Richmond, CA 112 >v-@∞ 11 35A 1 35P 3 35P 5 00P 6 05P 7 05P 8 35P 10 35P leave before time
Berkeley, CA 118 >w- Dp 11 42A 1 42P 3 42P 5 07P 6 12P 7 12P 8 42P 10 42P shown.
Emeryville, CA 120 ∑w-< Ar 11 48A 1 48P 3 48P 5 13P 6 18P 7 18P 8 48P 10 48P R Stops only to receive
Dp 11 50A 1 50P 3 50P 5 15P 6 20P 7 20P 8 50P 10 50P passengers.
OAKLAND, CA 125 ∑w- Ar 12 01P 2 01P 4 08P 5 26P 6 38P 7 31P 9 08P 11 08P M Meal stop when
–Jack London Square Dp
p 12 03P 2 03P 5 28P 7 33P *™10 00P schedule allows.
Oakland Coliseum, CA p 130 >w 12 12P 2 12P 5 40P 7 44P b Bus stop
Hayward, CA 138 >w- 12 23P 2 23P 5 52P 7 59P - Quik-Trak self-serve
Fremont-Centerville, CA 150 >w- 12 39P 2 39P 6 09P 8 17P ticketing kiosk
Santa Clara, CA-Great America 161 >v- 12 56P 2 56P 6 27P 8 34P > Unstaffed station
Santa Clara, CA-University Station 165 > 1 04P 3 04P 6 35P 8 42P ∑ Staffed ticket office;
may or may not be
SAN JOSE, CA 168 ∑w-< Ar 1 18P 3 18P 6 48P 8 58P 11 55P
open for all train
b Santa Barbara–see page 5
< California Station
Thruway Bus Connections to San Francisco Hosts; see page 7.
w Station wheelchair
Emeryville, CA 0 ∑w-< Dp *¡11 50A *¡1 50P *¡3 50P *¡5 15P *¡6 20P *¡7 20P *¡8 50P *¡10 50P
San Francisco, CA
accessible; no barriers
–Financial Dist., Hyatt Regency 9 >v Ar D12 20P D2 20P D4 15P D5 45P D6 45P D7 45P D9 20P D11 15P between station and
–Ferry Bldg., Amtrak Station 9 ∑w- D12 25P D2 25P D4 20P D5 50P D6 45P D7 50P D9 25P D11 20P train
–Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39 10 >v D12 40P D2 40P D4 35P D6 05P D6 55P D8 00P D9 40P D11 30P v Station wheelchair
–SF Shopping Ctr., 835 Mkt. St. 11 >v D12 55P D2 55P D4 55P D6 20P D6 55P D8 10P D9 55P D11 40P accessible; not all
–Civic Center, 1150 Market St. 10 >v station facilities
–Moscone Ctr., 747 Howard St. 10 >v D1 00P D3 00P accessible
–Caltrain Sta., 4th & King Sts. 11 >v Ar 1 05P 3 05P 5 05P 6 30P 7 05P 8 20P 10 05P 11 50P
NOTE—No reservations are necessary for travel on the Capitol Corridor.
1-877-9-RIDECC (1-877-974-3322) The Capitol Corridor serves 17 stations along the 170-mile rail
corridor connecting the Sacramento area, the San Francisco Bay
TDD: (510) 839-2220 Area, and San Jose. The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Transit Information Center hours of operation partners with Amtrak, the Union Pacific Railroad, Caltrans, and the
6:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. daily communities comprising the CCJPA to continue development of a
cost-effective, viable, and safe intercity passenger rail service.
page 4 CAPITOL CORRIDOR-Weekday Eastbound
Train Number b 520 522 524 526 528 530 532 Service on the
Capitol Corridor®
Will Not Operate 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 Coaches: Unreserved.
y Café: Sandwiches,
yQ yQ
On Board Service yå yå yå yå yå snacks and beverages.
å å Q Amtrak Quiet car.
å Wi-Fi available.
Mile Symbol @™ Transfer point to/from
SAN JOSE, CA 0 ∑w-< Dp 6 40A 9 05A 12 20P
the Coast Starlight—
b Santa Barbara–see page 5
please refer to our
Santa Clara, CA-University Station 3 > 6 46A 9 11A 12 26P
corresponding wallet
Santa Clara, CA-Great America 7 >v- 6 54A 9 19A 12 34P timetable product (P11)
Fremont-Centerville, CA 18 >w- 7 11A 9 38A 12 51P @∞ BART rapid transit
Hayward, CA 30 >w- 7 26A 9 54A 1 06P connection available
Oakland Coliseum, CA p 38 >w- 7 36A 8 55A 10 04A 1 16P for San Francisco
OAKLAND, CA 43 ∑w- Ar 7 43A 9 03A 10 13A 1 23P and East Bay points.
–Jack London Square Dp 5 30A 6 30A 7 45A 9 15A 10 15A 12 15P 1 25P Transfer to BART at
Emeryville, CA 49 ∑w-< Ar 5 38A 6 38A 7 53A 9 23A 10 23A 12 23P 1 33P Richmond or Oakland
Dp 5 40A 6 40A 7 55A 9 25A 10 25A 12 25P 1 35P Coliseum stations.
Berkeley, CA 50 >w- Ar 5 44A 6 44A 7 59A 9 29A 10 29A 12 29P 1 39P ^¡ A ticket for Bus 3802
Richmond, CA 56 >v-@∞ Dp 5 52A 6 52A 8 07A 9 37A 10 37A 12 37P 1 47P must be purchased in
Martinez, CA 76 ∑w-< ^¡b4 45A 6 19A 7 19A 8 34A 10 04A 11 04A 1 04P 2 14P conjunction with a train
Suisun-Fairfield, CA 93 >w- ^¡b5 15A 6 38A 7 38A 8 53A 10 23A 11 23A 1 23P 2 33P ticket. Local bus riders
Davis, CA 119 ∑w-< ^¡b5 55A 7 02A 8 02A 9 17A 10 47A 11 47A 1 47P 2 57P should buy a return
SACRAMENTO, CA 133 ∑w-< Ar ^¡b6 25A 7 28A 8 28A 9 48A 11 13A 12 18P 2 13P 3 28P train ticket in the same
Dp @™10 15A 1 00P 4 00P transaction, a ten-ride or
Roseville, CA 150 >w- D10 45A D1 30P D4 30P monthly ticket to qualify.
Rocklin, CA 155 >v- D11 00A D1 45P D4 45P *¶ Bus departs 15
Auburn, CA (Grass Valley) 168 >w- D11 25A D2 00P D5 10P minutes after actual
Colfax, CA 18 >v D11 40A D2 15P D5 25P arrival of train.
Truckee, CA 82 >v D1 00P D3 35P D6 45P Smoking is prohibited.
Reno, NV 117 ∑w- D1 40P D4 15P D7 25P
Sparks, NV–The Nugget 120 >w Ar 2 00P 4 35P 7 45P Bicycles: All trains on
the Capitol Corridor are
Thruway Bus Connections from San Francisco equipped with a limited
number of bike racks—
San Francisco, CA passengers may bring
–Caltrain Sta., 4th & King Sts. 0 >v Dp
p 5 00A 5 55A 7 00A 8 05A 8 55A 11 05A 12 05P bicycles as unboxed carry-
–Moscone Ctr., 747 Howard St. 1 >v on baggage. Available
–Civic Center, 1150 Market St. 1 >v first-come, first-served—
–SF Shopping Ctr., 835 Mkt. St. 0 >v R5 05A R6 05A R7 10A R8 15A R9 05A R11 15A R12 15P no reservations or service
–Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39 1 >v R6 00A R6 55A R8 30A R9 25A R11 30A R12 35P charge. Unboxed bicycles
–Ferry Bldg., Amtrak Station 2 ∑w- R5 20A R6 10A R7 10A R8 45A R9 45A R11 45A R12 55P
–Financial Dist., Hyatt Regency 2 >v R6 10A R7 20A R9 10A R12 20P
may be put in the bin
Emeryville, CA 11 ∑w-< Ar 5 35A 6 35A 7 45A 9 15A 10 15A 12 15P 1 25P under connecting Thruway
buses. Amtrak disclaims
NOTE—No reservations are necessary for travel on the Capitol Corridor. liability for loss or damage.
Train Number 534 536 538 540 542 544 546 548
Will Not Operate 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27
On Board Service yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå
Mile Symbol
SAN JOSE, CA 0 ∑w-< Dp 3 10P 4 20P 5 50P 7 15P
b Santa Barbara–see below
Santa Clara, CA-University Station 3 > 3 16P 4 26P 5 56P 7 21P
Santa Clara, CA-Great America 7 >v- 3 24P 4 34P 6 04P 7 29P
Fremont-Centerville, CA 18 >w- 3 43P 4 51P 6 21P 7 46P
Hayward, CA 30 >w- 3 59P 5 06P 6 36P 8 01P
Oakland Coliseum, CA p 38 >w- 4 09P 5 16P 6 46P 8 11P Symbols Key
OAKLAND, CA 43 ∑w- Ar 4 18P 5 23P 6 53P 8 18P
–Jack London Square Dp 2 50P 3 30P 4 20P 4 50P 5 30P 6 55P 8 20P 9 25P A Time Symbol for A.M.
Emeryville, CA 49 ∑w-< Ar 2 58P 3 38P 4 28P 4 58P 5 38P 7 03P 8 28P 9 33P P Time Symbol for P.M.
Dp 3 00P 3 40P 4 30P 5 00P 5 45P 7 05P 8 30P 9 45P D Stops only to discharge
Berkeley, CA 50 >w- Ar 3 04P 3 44P 4 34P 5 04P 5 49P 7 09P 8 34P 9 49P passengers; train may
Richmond, CA 56 >v-@∞ Dp 3 12P 3 52P 4 42P 5 12P 5 57P 7 17P 8 42P 9 57P leave before time
Martinez, CA 76 ∑w-< 3 39P 4 19P 5 09P 5 39P 6 24P 7 44P 9 09P 10 24P shown.
Suisun-Fairfield, CA 93 >w- 3 58P 4 38P 5 28P 5 58P 6 43P 8 03P 9 27P 10 43P R Stops only to receive
Davis, CA 119 ∑w-< 4 22P 5 02P 5 52P 6 22P 7 07P 8 27P 9 52P 11 07P passengers.
SACRAMENTO, CA 133 ∑w-< Ar 4 48P 5 22P 6 23P 6 48P 7 38P 8 58P 10 28P 11 33P M Meal stop when
Dp 5 25P *¶7 00P *¶7 50P 9 10P schedule allows.
Roseville, CA 150 >w- 5 48P D7 30P D8 20P D9 40P b Bus stop
Rocklin, CA 155 >v- 5 56P D7 45P D8 35P D9 55P - Quik-Trak self-serve
Auburn, CA (Grass Valley) 168 >w- 6 30P 8 00P 8 50P 10 10P ticketing kiosk
Colfax, CA 18 >v > Unstaffed station
Truckee, CA 82 >v ∑ Staffed ticket office;
Reno, NV 117 ∑w- may or may not be
Sparks, NV–The Nugget 120 >w Ar
open for all train
< California Station
Thruway Bus Connections from San Francisco Hosts; see page 7.
w Station wheelchair
San Francisco, CA
–Caltrain Sta., 4th & King Sts. 0 >v Dp
p 1 35P 2 30P 3 10P 3 50P 4 30P 5 55P 7 30P 8 25P accessible; no barriers
–Moscone Center, 747 Howard St. 1 >v R2 35P R3 15P R3 55P R4 35P R6 00P R7 35P between station and
–Civic Center, 1150 Market St. 1 >v 2 45P 3 25P 4 05P 4 45P train
–SF Shopping Ctr., 835 Mkt. St. 0 >v R1 45P R2 50P R3 30P R4 10P R4 50P R6 05P R7 40P R8 35P v Station wheelchair
–Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39 1 >v R2 00P R2 40P R3 20P R4 00P R4 40P R5 55P R7 40P R8 50P accessible; not all
–Ferry Bldg., Amtrak Station 2 ∑w- R2 20P R3 00P R3 40P R4 20P R5 05P R6 15P R7 55P R9 05P station facilities
–Financial Dist., Hyatt Regency 2 >v R3 00P R3 40P R4 20P R5 05P R6 15P R7 55P accessible
Emeryville, CA 11 ∑w-< Ar 2 50P 3 30P 4 10P 4 50P 5 35P 6 50P 8 20P 9 35P
Train Number 723 727 729 733 737 741 743 745 747 749 751
Will Also Operate 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27
On Board Service yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå
Mile Symbol
Sparks, NV–The Nugget 0 >w p
Dp 7 40A 11 05A 4 40P
Reno, NV 3 ∑w- R8 00A R11 25A R5 00P
Truckee, CA 38 >v R8 40A R12 05P R5 40P
Colfax, CA 102 >v R10 00A R1 25P R7 00P
Auburn, CA (Grass Valley) 0 >w- 8 05A R10 30A R1 55P R7 30P
Rocklin, CA 14 >v- 8 28A R10 45A R2 10P R7 45P
Roseville, CA 18 >w- 5 25A 8 37A R11 00A R2 25P R8 00P
SACRAMENTO, CA 35 ∑w-< Ar 6 05A 9 07A 11 55A 3 20P @™8 55P
p 5 40A 7 40A 9 10A 10 40A 12 10P 2 15P 3 35P 4 40P 5 40P 7 10P 9 10P
Davis, CA 49 ∑w-< 5 55A 7 55A 9 25A 10 55A 12 25P 2 30P 3 50P 4 55P 5 55P 7 25P 9 25P
Suisun-Fairfield, CA 75 >w- 6 19A 8 19A 9 49A 11 19A 12 49P 2 54P 4 14P 5 19P 6 19P 7 49P 9 49P
Martinez, CA 93 ∑w-< 6 40A 8 40A 10 10A 11 40A 1 10P 3 15P 4 35P 5 40P 6 40P 8 10P 10 10P
Richmond, CA 112 >v-@∞ 7 05A 9 05A 10 35A 12 05P 1 35P 3 40P 5 00P 6 05P 7 05P 8 35P 10 35P
Berkeley, CA 118 >w- Dp 7 12A 9 12A 10 42A 12 12P 1 42P 3 47P 5 07P 6 12P 7 12P 8 42P 10 42P
Emeryville, CA 120 ∑w-< Ar 7 18A 9 18A 10 48A 12 18P 1 48P 3 53P 5 13P 6 18P 7 18P 8 48P 10 48P
Dp 7 20A 9 20A 10 50A 12 20P 1 50P 3 55P 5 15P 6 20P 7 20P 8 50P 10 50P
OAKLAND, CA 125 ∑w- Ar 7 31A 9 31A D11 08A 12 31P 2 01P 4 06P 5 26P 6 38P 7 31P 9 08P 11 08P
–Jack London Square Dp
p 7 33A 9 33A 12 33P 2 03P 4 08P 5 28P 7 33P ^º10 00P
Oakland Coliseum, CA p 130 >w 7 42A 9 42A 11 15A 12 42P 2 12P 4 17P 5 40P 7 42P
Hayward, CA 138 >w- 7 53A 9 53A 12 53P 2 23P 4 28P 5 52P 7 53P
Fremont-Centerville, CA 150 >w- 8 09A 10 09A 1 09P 2 39P 4 44P 6 07P 8 09P
Santa Clara, CA-Great America 161 >v- 8 26A 10 26A 1 26P 2 56P 5 01P 6 27P 8 26P
Santa Clara, CA-University Station 165 > 8 34A 10 34A 1 34P 3 04P 5 09P 6 35P 8 34P
SAN JOSE, CA 168 ∑w-< Ar 8 48A 10 48A 1 48P 3 18P 5 23P 6 48P 8 48P 11 55P
b Santa Barbara–see page 5
Service on the
Capitol Corridor ®
Coaches: Unreserved.
y Café: Sandwiches, snacks and
å Wi-Fi available.
@™ Transfer point to/from the Coast
Starlight—please refer to our NEXT STOP: FREE Wi-Fi ®
Train Number 720 724 728 732 734 736 738 742 744 746 748
Will Also Operate 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/27
On Board Service yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå yå
Mile Symbol
SAN JOSE, CA 0 ∑w-< Dp 7 50A 9 50A 12 50P 2 20P 4 25P 5 50P 7 50P
b Santa Barbara–see page 5
Santa Clara, CA-University Station 3 > 7 56A 9 56A 12 56P 2 26P 4 31P 5 56P 7 56P
Santa Clara, CA-Great America 7 >v- 8 04A 10 04A 1 04P 2 34P 4 39P 6 04P 8 04P
Fremont-Centerville, CA 18 >w- 8 21A 10 21A 1 21P 2 51P 4 56P 6 21P 8 21P
Hayward, CA 30 >w- 8 36A 10 36A 1 36P 3 06P 5 11P 6 36P 8 36P
Oakland Coliseum, CA p 38 >w- 8 46A 10 46A 1 46P 3 16P 5 21P 6 46P 8 46P
OAKLAND, CA 43 ∑w- Ar 8 53A 10 53A 1 53P 3 23P 5 28P 6 53P 8 53P
–Jack London Square Dp 7 20A 8 55A 10 55A 12 25P 1 55P 3 25P 4 25P 5 30P 6 55P 7 55P 8 55P
Emeryville, CA 49 ∑w-< Ar 7 28A 9 03A 11 03A 12 33P 2 03P 3 33P 4 33P 5 38P 7 03P 8 03P 9 03P
Dp 7 30A 9 05A 11 05A 12 35P 2 05P 3 35P 4 35P 5 40P 7 05P 8 05P 9 05P
Berkeley, CA 50 >w- Ar 7 34A 9 09A 11 09A 12 39P 2 09P 3 39P 4 39P 5 44P 7 09P 8 09P 9 09P
Richmond, CA 56 >v-@∞ Dp 7 42A 9 17A 11 17A 12 47P 2 17P 3 47P 4 47P 5 52P 7 17P 8 17P 9 17P
Martinez, CA 76 ∑w-< 8 09A 9 44A 11 44A 1 14P 2 44P 4 14P 5 14P 6 19P 7 44P 8 44P 9 44P
Suisun-Fairfield, CA 93 >w- 8 28A 10 03A 12 03P 1 33P 3 03P 4 33P 5 33P 6 38P 8 03P 9 03P 10 03P
Davis, CA 119 ∑w-< 8 52A 10 27A 12 27P 1 57P 3 27P 4 57P 5 57P 7 02P 8 27P 9 27P 10 27P
SACRAMENTO, CA 133 ∑w-< Ar 9 18A 10 58A 12 58P 2 23P 3 58P 5 26P 6 23P 7 22P 8 58P 9 53P 10 58P
p @™10 15A 1 10P 4 10P 7 25P
Roseville, CA 150 >w- D10 45A D1 40P D4 40P 7 48P
Rocklin, CA 155 >v- D11 00A D1 55P D4 55P 7 56P
Auburn, CA (Grass Valley) 168 >w- D11 25A D2 10P D5 20P 8 33P
Colfax, CA 18 >v D11 40A D2 25P D5 35P
Truckee, CA 82 >v D1 00P D3 45P D6 55P
Reno, NV 117 ∑w- D1 40P D4 25P D7 35P
Sparks, NV–The Nugget 120 >w Ar 2 00P 4 45P 7 55P
On duty in staffed stations!
The California Station Host
Association is a volunteer
organization that assists rail
passengers, meeting and
greeting them at eleven
California stations, and
Shading Key helping them with schedules,
Unreserved service
1-877-9-RIDECC (1-877-974-3322) TDD: (510) 839-2220 boarding, and general
Thruway and connecting services Transit Information Center hours of operation 6:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. daily inquiries. For more
The Capitol Corridor serves 17 stations along the 170-mile rail corridor connecting the Sacramento area, information, visit
the San Francisco Bay Area, and San Jose. The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority partners with or call
Amtrak, the Union Pacific Railroad, Caltrans, and the communities comprising the CCJPA to continue (925) 457-9018.
development of a cost-effective, viable, and safe intercity passenger rail service.
The Capitol Corridor
serves 16 stations
along the 170-mile rail
corridor connecting
the Sacramento area,
the San Francisco Bay
RIO VISTA Area and San Jose.
An extensive, dedicated network of bus
connections provides transportation to
destinations beyond the train stations.
Together, this system serves the second-
largest urban area in the western United
Travel Tips
¼Buy tickets in advance and arrive
Stay Informed!
sign up for Capitol Corridor early at stations as parking is often
E-Updates to get email or text
message service alerts. limited.
Visit our website—