Department of Education Schools Division Office P. Urduja ST., Doña Rosario Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City Tel. No. 352-59-43
Department of Education Schools Division Office P. Urduja ST., Doña Rosario Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City Tel. No. 352-59-43
Department of Education Schools Division Office P. Urduja ST., Doña Rosario Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City Tel. No. 352-59-43
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office
P. urduja St., Doña Rosario Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City
Tel. No. 352-59-43
Digital Photography
Another means of generating an original image is to capture it first as a digital file. In the case of today’s
electronic technology, that would mean recording the image using a digital camera or a device with a built-in
camera, like your mobile phone, android device or tablet.
Prior to the development of digital photography, cameras were essentially sealed boxes that would allow a
split-second entry of light to strike a section of light-sensitive film inside it. The result was that whatever was in front
of the camera at the precise instant that the light entered it would be imprinted on that exposed section of film as a
photographic image. The photographer (or a commercial developing service) would then have to process the
exposed film in a special enclosed space known as a “dark room”-and only then would the recorded images be
Digital photography is a photography that uses digital cameras to capture images. A digital camera or
any device with a built-in camera like your mobile phone, android device or tablet is used with an array of
electronic photo detectors to capture the image focused by the lens. The image captured is digitized and stored
as a file ready for digital processing, viewing or printing.
Photography is the art of creating images by recording light or electronically by means of an image
sensor or light sensitive material like photographic film.
Digital Camera
Is a camera that captures photographs in digital memory. It can display images on a screen immediately
after being recorded. It also stores and delete images from memory. Many digital cameras can also record moving
videos with sound.
The different parts of a camera
5. Main Control The main control dial is a multi-purpose dial that allows
Dial you to perform tasks such as adjusting the value for
shooting settings and jumping through playback
6. Shutter Button This is simply the button on the camera that is used to
snap the picture. It opens and closes the shutter,
allowing the necessary light and information to enter
the camera.
7. Power Switch This switch is use to power on or power off the camera.
When the power of the camera is left on for a
prolonged period of time, it switches automatically to
the standby mode to conserve power.
8. Cross Key / Multi-Controller Key The cross key or multi-controller keys are directional
buttons that allow you to move between menu items,
move a magnified display to a different point during
image playback.
9. LCD Display The LCD screen is found on the back of the body and
can vary in size. For digital compact cameras, the LCD
has typically replaced the viewfinder completely. For
digital single lens reflex cameras, the LCD is mainly for
viewing photos after shooting.
10. Focus mode switch This switch is use to set the focusing
mode to automatic
14. Lens release button When you want to detach the lens,
press this button. The lens lock pin
retracts when the button is pressed
enabling you to turn the lens freely.
15. Memory card slot The area/slot where you can insert
the memory card for recording
images. The type of card usable
varies with the camera model.
Basic Tips for Taking Good Photographs
Whether you are using a point-and-shoot camera, Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) or a device with a built-in
camera, like your mobile phone, android device or tablet, there are basic guidelines or tips for capturing a good
quality photographic image:
1. Choose a good location- An interesting location can sometimes make the difference between a good and
great photos.
2. Check that the available background is relatively simple and not too ruckus so that the focus will be on your
chosen subject.
3. Natural light in the outdoors or near a window is usually the most effective for any kind of the subject. Ideally,
the best light for photos is within the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before the sunset.
4. Avoid taking shots facing the light, as this would make your subject back-lit and most of the details would be
lost in a shadow.
5. If you intend to take a posed shot, position your subject where you want in relation to the location, background
and source of light.
6. If you intend to take a candid shot, position yourself where you can capture the most interesting, amusing,
touching or engaging moment or expression.
7. Take a variety of shots- ranging from far shots showing the surroundings, to medium-distance shots
concentrating on the main subject, to tight or close-up shots that focus on details of the subject. You can then
choose from among all of these, the best photos.
4. Wildlife/Animal Photography- These are photos of pets, animals or wildlife.
5. Fashion Photography – is a genre of photography which is devoted to displaying clothing and other
fashion items.
a. production
II. Directions/Instructions
Analyze and finish all the activities and exercises below. Make sure NOT to leave any activities
and exercises unanswered.
2. Briefly describe the basic technology behind the earliest cameras.
3. In place of the previous light-sensitive film, how are today’s digital images captured and stored?
4. What are the two main types of digital photography in use today?
Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos – Learners Material,