Jean Watson (Transpersonal Caring Relationship)
Jean Watson (Transpersonal Caring Relationship)
Jean Watson (Transpersonal Caring Relationship)
Watson’s main concepts include the 10 Carative Factors expanded into Caritas and offered a
translation of the original carative factors into clinical caritas processes that suggested open ways
that could be considered.
Ten Carative Factors Caritas Processes
1. Humanistic – Altruistic Values. 1. Practice loving-kindness, compassion and
equanimity toward self and others.
2. Instilling faith and hope. 2. Being authentically present: Enabling faith,
hope, belief system; Honoring subjective
inner life-world of self and others.
3. Cultivation of sensitivity to one’s self and 3. Cultivating of one’s own spiritual practices;
other. deepening self-awareness; going beyond the
4. Development of helping-trusting, human 4. Developing and sustaining a
caring relationship. helping/trusting authentic caring relationship
5. Promotion and acceptance of expression of 5. Being present to, and supportive of, the
positive and negative feelings. expression of positive and negative feelings
6. Systematic use of scientific (creative) 6. Creatively using presence of self and all
problem solving processes. ways of knowing/multiple ways of
being/doing as part of the caring process;
engaging in artistry of caring-healing
7. Promotion of transpersonal teaching- 7. Engaging in genuine teaching-learning
learning. experiences that attend to whole person, their
meaning; attempting to stay within other’s
frame of reference.
8. Provision for supportive, protective, and/or 8. Creative healing environment at all levels;
corrective mental, social, spiritual physical, non-physical, subtle environment of
environment. energy and consciousness whereby
wholeness, beauty, comfort, dignity and peace
are potentiated.
9. Assistance with gratification of human 9. Assisting with basic needs, with
needs. intentional, caring consciousness of touching
and working with embodied spirit of
individual, honoring unity of being; allowing
for spiritual emergence.
10. Allowance for existential- 10. Opening and attending to
phenomenological dimensions. spiritual/mysterious, unknown existential
dimensions of life-death.