Prepare: Valuing Self Loving Yourself Lesson 1
Prepare: Valuing Self Loving Yourself Lesson 1
Prepare: Valuing Self Loving Yourself Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson you will be able to:
1. realize that people have innate goodness and uniqueness, which serve
as the foundation of a person’s humanness, dignity and value,
2. appreciate own self through acknowledging positive traits, and
3. enumerate or explain the importance of loving thy self.
According to Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D. that Self-love is a state of
appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical,
psychological and spiritual growth.
Self-love means
- having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness.
- taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to
please others.
- not settling for less than you deserve.
In Matthew 22:39, Jesus said: And the second is like this: “ Love
your neighbor as yourself.” This means:
- we have to love and respect ourselves before we can love others or
expect love and respect from others.
- we cannot give or share what we do not have.
TASK 3.1.1
The worksheet lists 15 statements and instructs you to rate your belief in
each one on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 10 (totally or completely). These
statements are:
1.Know yourself.
- It’s impossible to love yourself if you don’t even know who you
- Invest in discovering what you believe, value, and like.
2. Say “no” when you need to.
- Boundaries are an essential form of self-care because they let
others know that you deserve and expect respect.
3.Don’t compare yourself to others.
- Others aren’t better or worse, more or less than you; They’re just
- You have value just as you are and accepting yourself means
there’s no need for comparisons.
4. Be truly present.
- Our lives are full of distractions. Many of these things are fun and
worthwhile, but they can be draining and keep us from truly
knowing and being ourselves.
5. Know and use your strengths.
- We all have tremendous gifts, but many of them go unnoticed.
- When you’re busy and distracted it’s hard to access these great
-Focusing on your strengths will increase your positive feelings for
6. Give yourself a treat.
- A treat is something special that you just give yourself.
- Unlike a reward, it doesn’t have to be earned.
- Be good to yourself by giving yourself treats “just because”.
7. Be honest with yourself.
- This one can be harder than it seems. Some of us as so good at
self-deception that we don’t even know we’re doing it.
- Honesty is key in all relationships and your relationship with
yourself is no different.
- You can’t love your entire messy self if you’re lying, minimizing,
or making excuses.
- True self-love means taking responsibility and accountability.
8. Let yourself off the hook for your mistakes and
- You’re hard on yourself. You’re probably harder on yourself than
anybody else.
- Cut yourself some slack and embrace your humanness.
- Mistakes are normal.
- Imperfections are part of what makes you you.
9. Work on forgiving yourself for the bigger stuff.
- Sometimes we’re holding onto bigger regrets or transgressions. - -
- Self-forgiveness is a process of bit by bit believing you truly did
the best you could.
- Today you could do better, of course. Hindsight really is 20/20,
which is why it’s completely unfair to judge your past self with the
knowledge you have now.
- Remember: “when we know better we do better”.
10. Accept that some people won’t like you.
- That’s right, some people don’t like you and that’s O.K.
- Don’t waste your time trying to please people who are impossible
to please or people who just aren’t that important to you.
- Being yourself means you have to give up your people-pleasing
ways and embrace your authentic self.
11. Make fun a priority.
- Put something fun on your agenda every week.
- Don’t neglect it or cancel because you have too much work to do
or your kiddo needs help with his history report.
- Just like rest, we all need fun in order to feel good.
- Don’t skimp on this important need.
12. Practice gratitude.
- Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to focus on the good in
yourself and in your life.
- Try identifying 3 things you’re grateful for when you wake up
every morning.
13. Write down your successes.
- I love this self-love activity because it creates a record of your
accomplishments (big and small) that you can re-read whenever
you’re feeling low.
- Add to it and read your list on a daily basis for maximum benefit.
14. Feel your feelings.
- Our feelings are an integral part of who we are.
- You can’t be an authentic person without acknowledging and
feeling all of your feelings.
-Don’t shy away from the uncomfortable feelings like anger and
sadness. If you deny them, you deny a part of yourself. Allow
yourself to express them in a healthy, respectful way.
15. Take good care of your body.
- Good health is truly priceless.
- Give yourself the gift of feeling physically well – exercise regularly,
eat healthfully, drink water, get 7-8 hours of sleep most nights,
and limit alcohol or other drugs.
16. Pursue a hobby.
- Hobbies can be fun, relaxing, challenging, creative, athletic,
social, or educational.
- As you can see, different hobbies meet different needs for us.
- Find something that meets your needs.
17. Stand up for yourself.
- Like boundaries, being assertive is a way of showing others that
your opinions and needs matter.
-Loving yourself means you know your value and can communicate
it to others.
18. Write yourself a love letter.
- I know this is a hard assignment, but it really challenges you to
identify the things you like about yourself.
19. Ask for help when you need it.
- Another part of taking care of yourself is recognizing when you
need help.
- Help isn’t weak. It’s human. We all need help at times.
20. Speak kindly to yourself.
- Talk to yourself like you’d talk to a loved one.
- Don’t cut yourself down, call yourself names, or criticize yourself.
21. Surround yourself with people who treat you with kindness
and respect.
- Who you spend time with reflects how you feel about yourself.
- People who feel worthy surround themselves with positive people.
- Sometimes loving yourself means you have to end relationships
with abusive or unkind people.
22. Allow yourself some down time.
- Are you busy, busy, busy? It’s time to slow down and allow your
body and mind to rest.
- You don’t have to do it all.
- Prioritize what matters most and let go of any guilt in saying no.
- Rest is rejuvenating and a basic form of self-care.
You are the one person that you’ll always be with; the person who will
be there through thick and thin; the person who knows you best. Your
relationship with yourself is the most important and longest
relationship you’ll ever have. I hope you’ll spend some time learning to
love yourself more.
Task 3.1.2
Complete the table. Write the challenges that came into your life on the
left column. Write the ways on how you showed your strength in overcoming
these challenges on the right column.
Task 3.1.3
People Who Love Me Actions That Show They Love Me
At this point, it is your turn to write the names of the people you love and
how you showed them that you love them.
1.Why do you need to put into action when you say, “I LOVE YOU?”
2.Which of these actions is the easiest to do? Why?
Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and
happiness. taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-
being to please others. not settling for less than you deserve.
According to Sharon Martin in her article in Live Well, she mentioned
22 simple ways to love yourself.
1.Know yourself.
2. Say “no” when you need to.
3.Don’t compare yourself to others.
4. Be truly present.
5. Know and use your strengths.
6. Give yourself a treat.
7. Be honest with yourself.
8. Let yourself off the hook for your mistakes and
9. Work on forgiving yourself for the bigger stuff.
10. Accept that some people won’t like you.
11. Make fun a priority.
12. Practice gratitude.
13. Write down your successes.
14. Feel your feelings.
15. Take good care of your body.
16. Pursue a hobby.
17. Stand up for yourself.
18. Write yourself a love letter.
19. Ask for help when you need it.
21. Surround yourself with people who treat you with kindness and respect.
22. Allow yourself some down time.
Research on the Johari’s Window and make it in a one (1) whole sheet of bond
1st left window – write all the traits that you know about yourself.
1st right window – let your close family members write traits that they know
about you.
2 left window – let your relatives/neighborhood write traits that they know
about you.
2 right window – write the traits that they know about you but you
do not know.