Republic vs. Hernandez
Republic vs. Hernandez
Republic vs. Hernandez
Ad ; E de ce; Fac a f d g f he e c , he
ff c e b e ed b ega a d e de a , a e
acc ded h gh e ec a d a e b d g a d c c e he
S e e C . It has been said all too often enough that the
factual findings of the lo er court, hen sufficientl buttressed b
legal and evidential support, are accorded high respect and are
binding and conclusive upon this Court. Accordingl , e full
uphold the propriet of that portion of the order of the court belo
granting the petition for adoption.
Sa e; Na e ; Wh e he cha ge f he ad ee a e
f ha f he ad e he a a a d ece a c e e ce
fag a f ad , he g e e a e, a a he
f Ch a a e, f he ad ee e a a a
g a eg e ed he c eg e . Clearl , the la allo s
the adoptee, as a matter of right and obligation, to bear the
surname of the adopter, upon issuance of the decree of adoption.
It is the change of the adoptee s a e to follo that of the
adopter hich is the natural and necessar consequence of a
grant of adoption and must specificall be contained in the order
of the court, in fact, even if not pra ed for b petitioner. Ho ever,
the g e or e name, also kno n as the f or Ch a
name, of the adoptee must remain as it as originall registered
in the civil register. The creation of an adoptive relationship does
not confer upon the adopter a license to change the adoptee s
registered Christian or first name. The automatic change thereof,
premised solel upon the adoption thus granted, is be ond the
purvie of a decree of adoption. Neither is it a mere incident in
nor an adjunct of an adoption proceeding, such that a pra er
therefor furtivel inserted in a petition for adoption, as in this
case, cannot properl be granted.
510 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
Republic s. Hernande
512 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
Republic s. Hernande
b e he e e ce f he ceed g a d c e a ea a
ea ab e a e a c a ce h he R e . The situation
presented in this case does not arrant e ception from the Rules
under the polic of liberal construction thereof in general, and for
change of name in particular, as proposed b private respondents
and adopted b respondent judge. Liberal construction of the
Rules ma be invoked in situations herein there ma be some
e cusable formal deficienc or error in a pleading, provided that
the same does not subvert the essence of the proceeding and
connotes at least a reasonable attempt at compliance ith the
Rules. Utter disregard of the Rules cannot justl be rationali ed
b harking on the polic of liberal construction.
Sa e; Sa e; Sa e; Ad ec e a a e g
he effec e e f ce e f b a e gh h gh he de
a d eed ad a f ce ca be e e ha ed
ha ced a e ha e he h e e a ae he
de ad a f ce. Procedural rules are not to be
disdained as mere technicalities that ma be ignored at ill to
suit the convenience of a part . Adjective la is important in
ensuring the effective enforcement of substantive rights through
the orderl and speed administration of justice. These rules are
not intended to hamper litigants or complicate litigation but,
indeed to provide for a s stem under hich a suitor ma be heard
in the correct form and manner and at the prescribed time in a
peaceful confrontation before a judge hose authorit the
ackno ledge. It cannot be overemphasi ed that procedural rules
have their o n holesome rationale in the orderl administration
of justice. Justice has to be administered according to the Rules in
order to obviate arbitrariness, caprice, or himsicalit .
Sa e; Sa e; Sa e; The e a d ced e a d d f
he a c a d he ad d ca f ca e a e a e f b c
c h ch ca e be cha ged eg a ed b ag ee e
be ee a b a e a ac f he g a
c e e ce. The danger rought b non-observance of the
Rules is that the violation of or failure to compl ith the
procedure prescribed b la prevents the proper determination of
the questions raised b the parties ith respect to the merits of
the case and makes it necessar to decide, in the first place, such
questions as relate to the form of the action. The rules and
procedure laid do n for the trial court and the adjudication of
cases are matters of public polic . The are matters of public
order and interest hich can in no ise be changed or
514 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
Republic s. Hernande
516 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
518 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
6 A . 183 A . 185, F C .
A . 188, F C ;A . 32-38, C C ; .
1-5, 99, C .
si months trial c stod period has res lted to a close bond ith Mr. and
Mrs. M nson and ice- ersa.
We highl recommend to the Honorable Co rt that the adoption of
Ke in Earl Moran a.k.a. Aaron Joseph b Mr. and Mrs. Van M nson be
legali ed.
It has been said all too often enough that the factual
findings of the lo er court, hen sufficientl buttressed b
legal and e idential support, are accorded high respect and
are binding and conclusi e upon this Court. Accordingl ,
e full uphold the propriet of that portion of the order of
the court belo granting the petition for adoption.
The onl legal issues that need to be resol ed ma then
be s nthesi ed mainl as follo s: (1) hether or not the
court a erred in granting the pra er for the change of
the registered proper or gi en name of the minor adoptee
embodied in the petition for adoption; and (2) hether or
not there as la ful ground for the change of name.
I. It is the position of petitioner that respondent judge
e ceeded his jurisdiction hen he additionall granted the
pra er for the change of the gi en or proper name of the
adoptee in a petition for adoption.
Petitioner argues that a petition for adoption and a
petition for change of name are t o special proceedings
hich, in substance and purpose, are different from and
are not related to each other, being respecti el go erned
b distinct sets of la and rules. In order to be entitled to
both reliefs, namel , a decree of adoption and an authorit
to change the gi en or proper name of the adoptee, the
respecti e proceedings for each must be instituted
separatel , and the substanti e and procedural
requirements therefor under Articles 183 to 193 of
520 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
10 Rollo, 18-19.
11 Ib d., 20-23.
12 Ib d., 16.
13 Ib d., 63, 65-66.
14 Ib d., 24-27.
15 Ib d., 70-71.
16 Annex A, Petition; Rollo, 39.
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Republic s. Hernande
1 Yu Chi Han vs. Republic, L-22040, November 29, 1965, 15 SCRA 454;
Cruz vs. Republic, a, fn. 17; Republic vs. Ta ada, etc., et al., L-31563,
November 29, 1971, 42 SCRA 419; Secan Kok vs. Republic, L-27621,
August 30, 1973, 52 SCRA 322.
524 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
20 Rollo, 21-22.
21 43 Phil. 763 (1922).
22 88 Phil. 72 (1951).
23 1 C.J.S., Actions, Sec. 61, 1181.
24 1 Am Jur 2d, Actions, Sec. 81, 776.
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Republic s. Hernande
33 , 18-19.
528 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
34 Ibid., 86-88.
35 G. . N . 91670, F 7, 1991, 193 C A 732; B . , 36 .
550 (1917). Cf. H . H , ., 40 . 576 (1919) I
C N A . L C ., ., L-21839, A 30,
1968, 23 C A 438.
and bring them at one and the same time. Under the present
rules, the provision is still that he a ff a , a d ha he
, e e e a ca e f ac although the ma be included
in one of the classes specified. This, therefore, leaves it to the
plaintiff s option hether the causes of action shall be joined in
the same action, and fa ab e fe e ce a be d a f
h fa e ef a d . He ma al a s file another action
based on the remaining cause or causes of action ithin the
prescriptive period therefor. (Emphasis supplied.)
36 Young vs. Ombudsman, G.R. No. 110736, December 27, 1993, 228
SCRA 718.
3 Villanueva vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 99357, January 27,
1992, 205 SCRA 537.
530 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
3 Santos vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 92862, July 4, 1991, 198
SCRA 806; Philippine National Construction Corporation vs. Court of
Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 104437, December 17, 1993, 228 SCRA 565.
3 Vasco vs. Court of Appeals, et al., L-46763, February 28, 1978, 81
SCRA 762.
40 L-44642, February 20, 1989, 170 SCRA 367. See also Edra vs.
Intermediate Appellate Court, et al., G.R. No. 75041, November 13, 1989,
179 SCRA 344.
532 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
The given name of the minor as Kevin Earl, a name given for
no other purpose than for identification purposes in a birth
certificate b a oman ho had all intentions of giving him a a .
The naming of the minor as Aaron Joseph b petitioners upon the
grant of their petition for adoption is s mbolic of naming the
minor at birth.
46 Ib d., 67-68.
4 Ib d., 39.
534 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
child, but
the surname to hich the child is entitled is fi ed
b la .
B Article 408 of the Ci il Code, a person s birth must be
entered in the ci il register. The official name of a person is
that gi en him 4in the ci il register. That is his name in the
e es of the la . And once the name of a person is officiall
entered in the ci il register, Article 376 of the same Code
seals that identit ith its precise mandate: no person can
change his name or surname ithout judicial authorit .
This statutor restriction is premised on the interest of the
State in names borne b 50
indi iduals and entities for
purposes of identification.
B reason thereof, the onl a that the name of person
can be changed legall is through a petition51 for change of
name under Rule 103 of the Rules of Court. For purposes
of an application for change of name under Article 376 of
the Ci il Code and correlati el implemented b Rule 103,
the onl name that ma be changed is the true or official
name recorded in the ci il register. As earlier mentioned, a
petition for change of name being a proceeding i e ,
impressed as it is ith public interest, strict compliance
ith all the requisites therefor in order to est the court
ith jurisdiction is essential,
and failure therein renders
the proceedings a nullit .
It must like ise be stressed once again that a change of
name is a pri ilege, not a matter of right, addressed to the
53 Ong Pen Oan vs. Republic, 102 Phil. 460 (1957); Nacionale vs.
Republic, L-18067, April 29, 1966, 16 SCRA 636; Yu vs. Republic, L-20874,
May 25, 1966, 17 SCRA 253; Calderon vs. Republic, L-18127, April 5,
1967, 19 SCRA 721.
54 Republic vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 97906, May 21, 1992,
209 SCRA 189, 199 and cases therein cited. See also Republic vs. Avila,
etc., et al., L-33131, May 30, 1983, 122 SCRA 483.
55 Chomi vs. Local Civil Registrar of Manila, a, fn. 49.
56 Ong Te vs. Republic, L-15549, June 30, 1962, 5 SCRA 484.
536 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
proper and
reasonable cause to legall authori e a change
of name. A name gi en to a person in the church records
or else here or b hich he is kno n in the communit
hen at ariance ith that entered in the ci il register
unofficial and cannot be recogni ed as his real name.
The instant petition does not sufficientl persuade us to
depart from such rulings of long accepted isdom and
applicabilit . The onl grounds offered to justif the change
of name pra ed for as that the adopted child had been
bapti ed as Aaron Joseph in keeping ith the religious
faith of pri ate respondents and that it as the name b
hich he had been called and kno n b his famil ,
relati es and friends5 from the time he came to li e ith
pri ate respondents. Apart from suffusing their pleadings
ith sanctimonious entreaties for compassion, none of the
justified grounds for a change of name has been alleged or
established b pri ate respondents. The legal bases chosen
b them to bolster their cause ha e long been struck do n
as una ailing for their present purposes. For, to allo the
adoptee herein to use his baptismal name, instead of his
name registered in the ci il register, ould be to
or permit that hich has al a s been fro ned
The earlier quoted posturing of respondent judge, as
e pressed in his assailed order that
538 C A A
Republic s. Hernande
61 Rollo, 31-32.
62 Republic vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 92326, January 24,
1992, 205 SCRA 356.
O de affi ed ih difica i .
C g 2021 Ce a B S , I c. A g e e ed.