(027) DHA 1 Branch, Lahore
Please report any discrepancy/error in the above statement in writing within 45 days from the date of receipt, otherwise it will be understood that staement is correct.
1) As per SBP requirement, please submit an attested copy of your valid CNIC immediately. Please ignore this if already provided.
2) Please advise any change in your particulars available with us in order to update our record.
3) The eCIB contains all relevant information about your loans from the banking sector irrespective of amount. Any defaults or delays in making regular payments against loans can aect your credit
worthiness and you may be unable to avail further nancing from the banking system. Further, in case of consumer loans, default history will be maintained for certain period after adjustment of
default amount. For further information on eCIB, you may visit the website “www.sbp.org.pk/ecibhelpdesk”.
4) All accounts (LCY/FCY) falling under category (CD, PLS, Value Plus, ASDA) shall be marked “Dormant” if no deposit/withdrawal is witnessed in these accounts for a period of one year.
5) If a deposit/instrument remains dormant for a period of ten years then it will become unclaimed deposit & will be surrendered to SBP as per the provision of Banking Companies Ordinance.
6) The bank’s schedule of charges currently enforced is placed on our website for easy reference and convenience. Please visit our website “www.akbl.com.pk” for any related information.
7) For complaints which remain unresolved beyond 45 days, you may write to Banking Mohtasib Pakistan, Shaheen Complex, M.R. Kiyani Road, Karachi or visit “www.bankingmohtasib.gov.pk”.